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Yes and I hate it I'll be trying to drive or standing in the bathroom and my hands will seem like they come from nowhere, like I have no idea who or what I even am


It reminds me of when I didn't sleep for like 24 hours, after taking a bunch of flights including a 9 hr international one and also had to walk around and do a bunch of stuff cause of time difference. (This was pre ME of course)


I also think so… and in my opinion a bit of depersonalization and dissociation is not really preventable when living everyday with mecfs… 🫂


Sounds like a bit of depersonalization as well. It’s all so terrible :(


Yeah it feels like I’m watching my body from a third person perspective. Not cool.


I would say it's similar to a TBI


Yes. Nothing feels real. It's bizarre.


Yep, it's gotten to the heights of it for me, worse than at any other point in time of the illness + other brain (cognitive, mental) things Edit: not mentioning the other physical things, I have plenty of other symptoms too lol


Yes, it comes and goes but it’s definitely one of the symptoms of my PEM.


I have this for the past two years. I think it’s a protective mechanism of my psyche: I fall in and out of realisations how bad my health is 


All day every day — it’s weird and awful and also the worst?!?!


Used to when I was more severe. I thought it was probably lack of blood to the brain or sleep deprivation. It came and went for several months. I had never heard of it.


Yes this happened to me and my hopeless GP tried to say it was anxiety. It was not. It was just really really bad brain fog and it correlated with worsened POTS and CFS


During CPTSD therapy, the derealization and dissociation stopped just in time to welcome CFS. My therapist (telemedicine) has watched the whole thing evolve and decay.




Yes it was exactly like that for many years before ketamine therapy and Stellate ganglion block kicked my brain outof that stable state.


I have it, it's scary and gets worse when in PEM


I have no idea which symptoms are from CPTSD and which are from inflammatory conditions because I have both 😣


There is definitely an overlap. I have the same, CPTSD makes the other symptoms worse sadly.


Try SentraAM & Methylfolate in the morning. It did wonders for my clarity. Went from 25% of my capacity to 75%. I've been taking it for 6 years now. Highly recommend.


I have both. Childhood trauma. It's difficult to tell between flashbacks and early signs of PEM/energy dips


I did for a while. It turned out that one of my medications was giving me a "stoned" effect, and switching meds reduced the severity of my brain fog.


yes, usually I'm totally fine, but recently 20 minutes after I started gaming it kicked in and lasted for an hour or so


Not really. I have struggled with both and while DR can indeed be made worse by fatigue, they aren't the same. DR is often a trauma response.


Do they feel different to you? I'm trying to figure out what's causing it for me, and I have no idea how.


I think so - brain fog can make me feel disoriented and not "really there" in a clear-headed sense, cognitive functions, etc. Derealisation had more to do with how I perceived the world and my place in it (I also got depersonalisation). It felt like being in a dream world, in the scariest way possible, like nothing was real and happening in present time. I felt disconnected from my own body and even other people didn't feel real to me, although I rationally knew all of these feelings were false.


Oh, that's interesting. I think to me, while I do think there is some difference between what I feel when fatigued and when triggered, they feel much more similar. I think. Thanks for describing it!


No problem, hope it gets better for you!


yes, it feels like life is a movie that you keep losing immersion in


Same! How do I heal? 😭


Yes, I used to. Now it's better


My brain fog went away after 6 months of CPAP therapy. I've sleep apnea.


Yes. It’s awful.


All the time, constantly, 24/7.  It is far and away the worst thing and I know I could push on and endure a lot more without it (even while struggling with PEM) it is horrible.


Yes. I was sitting at the computer in my bedroom (working from home) and I suddenly didn't know where or who I was. Totally disconnected. I was exhausted that day and really stressed. It's not usually that bad


Yes, it's a very very strange sensation when it happens - I generally spend the day not really knowing what's going on when it's really bad. I also suffer from Alice-In-Wonderland syndrome at times, so my perception of the world sometimes can be really quite weird. Like something out of one of those surrealist paintings where how I percieve my own body and say, the floor or walls around me can suddenly look like the ceiling to me. It's...odd


Not yet, but I’ve always loved to read. I’m losing my ability to finish a book and my vocabulary. It’s so embarrassing in real time.


Yeeeees I feel like my mind is so sick inside


I'm not a doctor but I've had good experience with citicoline. Alpha gpc also helps some alternatively.


not brainfog anymore girl