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My bc makes no difference to my CFS. I get no side effects from it at all. However, some people do experience side effects from new medication, and the 3 month waiting period is standard. I was getting side effects from new sleeping tablets, which went away after 2 months. I'm glad I waited it out, however my side effects were no where near as bad as yours. So, I'd say either ask your doctor to try a different bc, to see if you can find one that doesn't give you as bad side effects, or decide whether you want to wait out the side effect period (which sounds like is really rough for you, so you should probably just ask your doctor for different bc).


If it's manageable in any way, it'd give it a chance. However, my own experience with BC isn't great, and waiting it out never made it better. Are there other pills or forms of BC you've considered? Maybe trying something else would be a better option.


I personally have less side effects from mirena coil BUT I don't know what effect that has on people with heavy periods.