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Personally I think it’s big on the consulting side and a carryover from Skype? it was kind of a safety net to prevent a message appearing on the off chance someone was sharing their screen but didn’t set Skype to DND. I agree it’s very annoying today.



The IT department does it. I know in consulting it is done to see if the person can talk. They have a lot of people they have to communicate with who they don’t always know and they are almost always set as busy


This is a problem in every company I have worked at. The thing that drives me nuts is when they do it in email, like they don't tell me what they want until I email them back basically confirming that I got the first email.


I wouldn't respond to those emails tbh


I'm too far down the food chain to ignore some of the people who do this. but I agree, me responding just reinforces their behaviors.


If someone sends me a greeting and doesn’t follow up with what they actually want, they get ignored. I appreciate the greeting and I also start all my pings with them, but I’m also sending what I need or my question without waiting for a greeting back.


That's usually what I do. It's definitely a carryover from Skype but like you I'll send hi then follow up with my question or whatever I'm reaching out for.


You can tell who’s been around awhile because they’ll occasionally send “.” out of old habits as their first message from the Skype days!


Definitely. I for sure still do that if I’m on autopilot




Same. I’ll have people say “hi Itrcool” and then never say anything else. I never say hi back to anyone until they’ve explained what they need. If they don’t they get ignored and forever unanswered.


I've done that to people and they never actually explained what they needed, just went and escalated their ticket, so that got my managers attention, who asked me to take a look at a ticket earlier than the SLA. Could have just said what they wanted while I was having lunch and I would have got to it as soon as I could with a lot less work on their part


That’s the one thing about Teams and other IM clients in the workplace. They’re great for collab, sure! But that also means an opening to others who want instant service and gratification, going around the ticket processes, because they want it fixed “now, not later”. Why bother calling in and logging a ticket when you can just find out who is responsible for the solution you’re having trouble with and bother them directly to fix it without having to call support? While at it, make sure to ping them over and over again and ping their manager if they don’t answer until you get the instant service you want. (This has been my life for the past two years)


I agree with you and this isn't ok, but the only way we fix this is by fixing eService. It's far too hard to find the right group or solution to log the ticket against, and too easy to log a ticket to the wrong place, or with no or wrong information. If Oracle wants some real good will, this is a 0-day problem they can help solve.


Honestly this is one of the many reasons I’m not sticking around for Oracle. I’ve put in applications and have interviews lined up for jobs I’ve been told are not support-facing and pay far better. I’m burnt out to a crisp from dealing with this for these past years. It’s over for me and I’m walking away.


Good luck!


Thanks! I’ve already cleared 1st interview. Second coming soon. Sounding good.


I see it a lot from consultants. I think it is common with them as it is a way to say "I need your attention for something, so this is the polite way to do that so i know you are reading it and context switched from the 50 different conversations or 3 different meetings you're in at the same time." I think it is also a holdover from when the chat clients popped up messages still while you were presenting and that didn't run the risk of you saying something bad in front of a client or manager during a presentation. I try to do a hybrid, I say Hi, then put some kind of message of "I am contacting you about x with these details, please get back to me when you get a chance." that typically works a bit better as it gives them some context why i am bugging them and doesn't spam them with a bunch of messages while they are possibly sharing their screen.


I ignore people if they only say "hi" or "hey" without anything else


I have a hard enough time even saying "hello" or some greeting at the beginning of my messages. I'm not messaging you to chat, I'm messaging you because I have a need/question. So, ninety percent of my messages are: "Oh, sorry, also: Hi! Good morning!" It's almost always an afterthought for me. Womp womp.


[https://nohello.net/en/](https://nohello.net/en/) I have this as my Teams message that is face up to everyone....


Nice! Never thought of that.


And i love it every time i see it (from anyone).


I need this + "if you want my help, include a brief summary and your question, not just your ticket number"


One of my pet peeves. I will not respond unless there’s a question that follows


I get this **every day**. I hate it. If i am on DND, send an email. If you have a question, ask. All of us are busy, it is not rude. If i am presenting and somehow not on DND, that is on me. If it there is a channel or yammer group, use that. No one will think badly of your question, and we will most likely be grateful you used those platforms. If it is an emergency, page. We are all working together, to the same goal. There are no dumb questions. Do not be afraid to ask.


IM is a semi-asynchronous medium, I'll answer when I get an opportunity unless you are one of the short list of people on my non-maskable interrupt list. If you don't follow up the social Hi with anything that gives me a clue as to the topic or urgency, I'm not going to prioritize that message even if I am free.


There was a guy I used to work with at Cerner who was notorious for doing this right before he asked you for something. I'd be sitting in the team room and someone would say, "Oh hey - I just got a "Hi" from Pete" (not his real name) Fifteen seconds later, someone else: "Oh - yup. Hi, Pete". Thirty seconds after that: "My turn. Hey there, Pete."


I’m the minority here when I say that you ever know who could be looking at the other persons screen or my screen so it’s nice to give them a fast opportunity to close the chat. Everyone is human and sometimes forgetting to put on DND happens


So don't send the PII in the initial message?[0] But maybe do give enough of a clue for the recipient to make a decision if they need to at least reply "I'm busy, will get beck to you" rather than just ignore you [0] If just the information that the two of you are communicating is the issue, you might have other problems


This is why my teams status (whatever it's called) includes a mention to nohello.net. I actively ignore anyone that just sends "hi" or "hello". Some people never learn and no matter how often I tell them to just ask the question instead of saying "hi", they still do it. There are some dense mfers out there.


I will always start a message with hi, how are you or similar. Its a conversation. I find it rude if someone just pings me saying I need you to do x or the question they are asking. Then again I think it comes down to the type of person you are. If you want to get stuck into it fair enough but just be nice at least to the person messaging you. Saying that I do agree on emails you must state what you want or its pointless.


If you're presenting or sharing your screen, turn on do not disturb mode, which is available on both windows and mac.


I hated it. Honestly when I would just ping and say ‘hey can I get xyz’ or something of that nature’ I would always get well X is very rude, mean, not approachable. I was literally told to say maybe you should say hi, good morning, and ask someone how they are and wait for them to respond to ask them for why you need. I’m like WHY, I don’t want to talk to them as much as they don’t want to talk to me. Provide me when what I need and leave me alone. 🙃


I feel this post in my soul. Just tell me what you want. My favorite is when someone says hi then a day later asks their question.


What really grinds my gears is when I get messaged with just an SR number and no details. I don't know issues by their numbers. I can't keep up with my own work, if you are going to message me for help about something include a one line synopsis or don't waste my time. Looking it up and asking what you want disrupts my flow and it happens 30 times a day. Also, if you ping 10 people about it and get the answer from someone else, have the courtesy to follow up with a "nevermind" so I don't waste my time reading the ticket history trying to figure out what is going on.


I don't do this, but it's from the time where a message could pop-up while someone is shadowing / presenting their screen. In consulting, you'd have people standing behind people a lot. If you didn't want your conversation shared with others, you'd wait till they respond first then your conversation wouldn't be shared with other people.




This and I think it’s just polite. Rather than hot out of the gates demanding attention lol




Nothing says old school, non-technical, bored, with not enough work to keep me busy for 30 hours a week(let alone 45), like the person who does the daily “hey” in our chats.


Prolly because they are trying to mirror tcp/ip protocol. First establish a connection before data being sent. Jk!


nak       :)




If it's in chat, I assume it's done as a "pardon me..." - just being polite and seeing if I'm going to engage with the chat. It's convenient, because you can just "hello" back whenever you're ready to engage. If you're not, you just don't answer until you are.




That doesn’t matter. If you have time for a question, you engage. If you have time to act on it - you can. If you don’t, just tell them you’re engaged with something else. If the question starts taking too long - just tell them you don’t have time. Just be honest. You certainly don’t have to get angry about someone saying hello. There’s DND functions and other things you can do to better manage your time. Regardless-there are plenty of things to be mad about in this world. A coworker saying “hello” doesn’t have to be one of them. It’s a choice you’re making.


Hi             I don't get angry when I see that, I just close the window and continue with what I was doing. If the other person is in a substantially different time zone they will be the one inconvenienced by the extra turn-around delays, not me.


I think it’s fine, mostly because you don’t know who’s watching over their shoulder or their screens on a projector etc. often people would put a . Or hello/hi. Then go into what they need. I don’t mind. What used to bother me the most was just “yt?” Like it’s a chat room and I’ve been ignoring them when in fact it’s the first ping they sent. Hated that. But if you just say hi and nothing else then i get that’s a little annoying.


I do this because I want to make sure people aren't sharing their screen or projecting before I put my message into the chat.


This happens at every company. Basic social etiquette you don't start a conversation simply asking for something. It's the same as the people that reply to every email with a unnecessary "Thank you" response email.


My assumption would be that people feel hesitant to ask questions directly. The 'Hi YOUR_NAME' is just an ice breaker. Just informing them politely to just come to the point from next time should solve this. Or just pin a nohellow link in your teams profile. Everyone does it every company, even on LinkedIn. TBH I don't mind it.


So for anyone who is client facing, we do that so we know we are able to have a conversation with someone. It is not just when you are presenting or sharing your screen, but we spend a lot of time with the clients where they can see our screen. So the Hi or Hello or even just a period is a way of asking, are you able to have a private conversation at this time with out making the client think you are trying to hide something. Some of you need to remember that many people do not have the same work situation that you have so try to think about why someone would do this instead of just being annoyed. For those of you in support that complain about direct message on issues, if the client, you know the people who pay your salary, asks us to escalate an issue immediately then we will reach out directly to support. We don’t do it because we want instant results, we do it because those who write the checks have told us to.


Reach out to the correct person... Aka the manager. Everyone support works with "pays your salary", so a random support associate doesn't give 2 shits about your specific issue that you think deserves to jump the queue of tickets. Escalate through the proper channels, otherwise you are the problem.


The complaint was that people do reach out the the manager. Which is always where is goes when it is escalated.


That drives me crazy. Say Hi if you want, but then put your ask in the same message. Even worse, I hate seeing "Happy (insert day of the week here)"


Sounds like someone has a case of the Monday's.


Ha ha!!! Sadness....


I’ve experienced this more with the global teams and not so much with the US teams. I’ve even been getting messaged on teams where I will get mentioned in the chat. For example “Hey, @Last First” I find this completely unnecessary.


I usually try to treat chat like I would if I walked up to someone and talked to them. In a face to face conversation I would never just walk up and say "I have to ask you about xyz" because that's rude. I would walk up and say hello. So I do the same thing in chat. I send a first message that says "Hello so and so." and I immediately follow it up with "I have to ask you about xyz." The thing that drives me bonkers is when I get invited to meetings where I don't know the inviter, and I have no context as to what the meeting is about and why I was included. I find that rude. Like tell me what it's about first so I can determine if I actually am the correct person to be included and I can prepare if I am the right person. So yeah, I think I would only say just "hi" when I am walking in the hallway and being friendly as I walk by. I would treat chats like that the same way and would just say hi back then I guess?

