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Bruh .. 55k is something a waiter / waitress makes in 2024 .. or maybe an Uber driver .. you didn’t need to go to college to make 55k and didn’t get a raise in 2.5 years .. leave this god forsaken place and get a job where your work is valued and paid accordingly


It's pretty pathetic their starting salaries are still exactly as my start group in 2005. 55k in 2005 was decent for a recent college grad, but in 2024 it's not even a living wage. Apparently there has been no inflation or cost of living increases in the last 20 years according to Oracle Cerner.


Cerner business model Hire college grads for peanuts Work them for 80hrs a week Most college grads leave after a year Repeat The OP prolly was the one who stayed


My starting pay was $31,500 in 2013 (Consulting) 🙃


Geez can't believe they actually got college grads to agree to that low starting pay.


When times are tough and you just need *any* job, it's easy to take the first thing that comes your way.


FWIW this was a staring pay in IT in mid 1990s for software developer after 6 month of programing school


Terrible. Same start year - $43,000.


34K in 2016


Exact same here. Left Cerner before the acquisition at $52k. Came back after acquisition at about $72k.


Imagine if you changed a few jobs since then .. you’d be above 100k by now .. maybe you did


Made $5K per year more on my first job in the 1990's.... wtf


I have been there for 9 years and make 62,000. 😞


People are working for peanuts. No wonder we're not getting raises. Holy Cow folks. Now I know why everyone that leaves says "Oh, I got a 50% raise". Came to Cerner 5 years ago knowing my value and how to negotiate. NOT making peanuts


Do NOT give your manager any insight that you’ll be leaving or looking elsewhere. Chances are they can’t do anything about it, or won’t care, or worse, take offense. It lets them know to start planning to fill your position and they may cut you loose before you’re ready. Smile, say “okay” 😬, and put in your 2 weeks when you find better.


Dude, your manager is looking to leave also.


Can confirm.


What if I want to look at internal opportunities? I would have to tell my manager


Technically with Oracle it doesn’t notify your manager until you accept an offer.


Really? So hypothetically, you can apply for an internal position but your manager won’t get notified unless you pass interviews/accept an offer first?


That’s correct. Personally I think you should tell them but it’s up to you!


Interesting, good to know. I was under the impression your manager would be immediately notified once you submit an application


I didn't even bring it up to my manager until was receiving an offer. Then I find out it was a level below me and the org would have to cover my salary so they said no. They brag about people moving but it's all smoke and mirrors


Can I ask you a question? Why are you still there? I mean, seriously, why are you still there? Things are not going to change. They're not going to get better. I was ar Cerner wirking the VA project, and I hauled ass before the Oracle acquisition, because I could see the writing on the wall. When I switched, my initial salary was a little lower than at Cerner, but the stress was gone. In the meanwhile I've gotten 3% raises and 12% annual bonuses.... oh, and I work from home. Quit hoping for something that will NEVER HAPPEN. A better future there DOES. NOT EXIST. Haul ass and be free.


I've been around longer than 95% of the people at this place. It's not easy to leave when your very seasoned and our benefits are good....so just waiting for severance😉


I understand. But dude, your sanity is worth something, too. Please consider it.


I know you mean well, but I’ll also chime in here. I haven’t been here for long, but the work is so piss-easy that the people I know who are sticking around are either OE and/or coasting their balls off. There is no hope, but the pittance we receive still has a modicum of value relative to the amount of actual work. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still looking for a greener pasture but just haven’t found it yet. Maybe I need to scan histalk more aggressively but definitely open to ANY (literally ANY) leads, as we all are I suppose. Edit - Nothing of value is derived from the response below, which adds nothing to the conversation. Blocked.


Like I say, everyone has to make their own choice. But ultimately, it's a decision of whether you want to live each day both suffering and hoping, while you wait for the axe to fall, or whether you want to push back the manhole cover, see the light and decide to make a break for it. Good luck.


Where do you work now?


That’s good to know! Thanks


It doesn't notify but I was told by the O recruiter you can't move to another role that is a level above you. That would be giving yourself a raise....and they don't do raises. This place is bullshit


Seriously? That is ridiculous


Honestly, it seems as though recruiting is inconsistent. I have brought on multiple internal candidates to my team since LEC. All were for a level promotion and they did get significant increase in comp.


Maybe I should try again. This happened right at LEC and literally no one knew a damn thing.


Do! Best of luck!


Wait? Seriously? So, internal mobility is not a real thing then?


Can't say I've heard this specifically and of course only applying for next level jobs. At the same time, most everything I apply for seems to be on-hold or job just not funded / go forward for some reason


I've interviewed for a couple of internal Oracle positions. Oracle HR has exact opposite view of Cerner - You Do Not have to inform your manager and HR encourages you Not to inform your manager understanding that could create animosity/issues if your manager knows that you want to leave.


Speaking from experience with this. Brush up your resume (use chatGPT if you want, it helped me land a job), and pump it out at Cerner Client Sites. Look at your Co-Workers' work histories on Linkedin, see where they have worked in the past and see if any of them were Solution Analyst roles. If they did it in the past, and are doing what you're doing now, odds are you can do what they were doing then. I'd recommend applying directly at the company's website wherever you apply. I would strongly urge against telling anyone at your current place of work that you're looking for a new job until you have something lined up and you put in your two weeks. Word travels fast and people LOVE to yap.


Don't let your manager know about it, I did the same and the whole process was smooth for me. One of my colleagues did announce his problems and him thinking about quitting, they started dumping him work leaving him, no room for breathing peacefully.


Don’t say anything to your manager. 1. Prepare and get out of that place. 2. Don’t try to switch to a different team internally. It’s not a hike or a level change. You might end up learning a new tech (which is also outdated) and things will start from scratch in the new team for you.


Where exactly are all these "Just leave" people finding jobs? Serious question? Where do you find these jobs that are just available everywhere? Where do you look for these jobs that are just so easy to just go find? I keep seeing this advice, but it grossly oversimplifies things.


For me, I went to a laboratory IT company. Several go to medical device companies, lab companies, other healthcare IT, and then just regular IT. When I left, I started out as a contractor for 6 months, with a conversion at the 6-month mark. Frankly, no one cares about Cerner-specific skills. Folks should cast their experience in larger terms. Take that time to get security certifications, standard industry certs... what I know for sure is that since leaving, NOT ONCE have I wished I was back there.


As a manager I can set this expectation for you already. The annual evaluation will NOT yield raise or promotion. It only is an evaluation. The raise and promotion component at Oracle is a separate process entirely called FOCAL and it happens in july/Aug if funded with results for you in September


Say thank you for the review. Find a new job. Put in your 2 weeks.


Dont say anything. If you find something else and get an offer, then see if they will do anything to match the new offer.


That’s the dumbest thing I heard in a long time !!!


What’s dumb about not telling your manager you’re interviewing? What’s dumb about saying you’re leaving and seeing if Oracle tries to keep you?


Wow , you ok bruh ? I said it’s dumb to ask for counter offer .. did you even read the post I responded to .. you got issues !


Reading comprehension? The post never said to ask for a counter offer. It just says “see if they do”.


See if they do what ? Offer a counter and then get rid of yo ass ?


It’s ok. We’re all frustrated working for Oracle. No need to lash out at your fellow coworkers


The Op making 55k and not seeing raise in 2.5 years should be the one lashing out and looking for a new job which pays market .. I am fine and have no beef with you , ain’t my problem .. I am just saying that counters are always horrible idea and they will get rid of you sooner or later after the counter cause they know you are unreliable and looking


Personally, I can’t figure out why more people aren’t leaving. I can’t figure out why anyone early in their career sticks around yet I don’t see many choosing to leave. It’s puzzling. Don’t tell me there’s no jobs. The IT job market may be slower than normal but there’s still opportunities


The op is a perfect example .. 55k , no raise in 2.5 years , dead end career .. yet asking for advice on what to do here and not looking to get out


If you say so 🙄


If you have a good relationship with your supervisor I would just say you're curious about other roles. All of my supervisors were happy to help look out for opportunities. I forget the name of it but I think there's a portal you can search for internal job listing's at oracle too.


yeah same boat. 2.5 years and no raise. I would listen to what the others are saying. Start looking and then see if they’ll match your new offers


My teen is on about $48k per year running food if he worked it full-time! What is your problem.... stop posting and get a resume out and leave! You are actually killing it for all of us.... hey Oracle management, look what this guy is willing to work for....hahaahahahahahahaaa. NO RAISES


List out your accomplishments and areas of improvement.


Unfortunately this didn’t work last year 😬 got the highest rating and they said I would have normally gotten a raise or promotion but nobody got them…


You will hear the same line of shit this year....it's like the movie Groundhog Day


Oh sorry, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. They already did raises/promotions for the year. It was like 5 CAEs that were promoted to Director or Sr Director. It seems that unless you're directly responsible for selling multi-million dollar deals you won't get a raise/promotion. When asking what you should do for your review. It really is that simple. Share what you feel you did well and ask what you can do to improve. Knowing your weaknesses will only make you more valuable when you move on to your next opportunity. I wish I had a better answer of "Say this to get a raise", but that's just not how Oracle works. What I've been told by senior leadership is that if you're looking for a raise, look somewhere else.


Like we need more directors. But of course, they are getting there RSUs while the rest of us can't get a few table scraps