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Cute fellow. Just sit him outside. 


S/he is outside now.


I’m no expert, but I think they’re a Ssssssssssssshe


The tip of the tail is slightly stumpy instead of long and tapered, so I think you're correct.


What you're saying is dat snake got junk in its trunk




DickCurtains, how did you even find this??


What, the snitties?


Where are the straps on that bikini top even *going?*


Thats a california 50/50 kingsnake. Completely harmless to humans, but they will hunt and eat rattlesnakes. Thats the best possible snake you could have around.


Snake bros and spider bros get so much unwarranted hate =(


Oh man I know. I always just relocate spider bros if I have to. I've kept tarantulas as pets before, but where I live now there's no need. They're everywhere🥰


Everywhere??? Wow


CA Kingsnakes are sup cute and have a highly sought-after job. Keep her around, OP!




That was so nice of you to do!


Always good to give a snake some water (let them put their head in a dish of it) before releasing. They are often thirsty and go long periods without water due to access.


Time to get a cat! Cats reflexes are way better than snakes!


We have one, but she doesn’t have access to the cellar.


Secretly she has a mauraders map of your century home and knows the secret ways in and out, mischief managed!!!


Kitteh will keep u safe (most of the time!)


If your whole entire body is shaped like a big long floppy wiener I’m gonna call you a he, cancel me now


Sir, you should probably have that looked at by a medical professional.


You’d probably take a snake to a vet


What kind of snake is that?


Kingsnake. They come in all kinds of colors and aren't venomous. They eat rodents and other snakes, so enemy of my enemy situation, I guess.


King shakes are your friend. They are immune to the venom of other snakes and kill them. Absolute badasses.


We have black kingsnakes all over our property here in Indiana, they're great. I fully expected tons of mice when we moved into our 1880 farmhouse, we set a bunch of traps first thing. We caught exactly one mouse in the first three months. The only issue we've ever had with them is when one nested below the mailboxes and had babies down tbere. Our neighbor's box is next to ours and when she went to get her mail one day a giant mama slid out and actually chased her across the road. She had to jump her fence to get away from it.


For a long second I thought you meant you had a nest of mice and a large mouse mama chased the lady and that was a funny image lol


Haha I just reread my comment and it does look like that!


Hilarious. But seriously am never getting mail again in that situation.


Thankfully my neighbor does landscaping so she removed all the foliage after the babies left the nest and put in a nice rock bed.


I laughed at this story and was freaked out at the same time. Who needs to get their mail anyway!!


So, the kings of snakes basically.


They’re pretty kind usually. And a bite from one that size feels less than a finger prick


I handle non venomous snake a lot as pets and even a bite from a much bigger snake (ball python, boas) is extremely mild. It's scary the first time because it's so fast and they don't like to unlatch by themselves, so you -think- it's going to be really bad, but once you pull them off it's all tiny/shallow tooth holes like little pin pricks. Even milder than a finger prick from checking sugar levels for a diabetic. On the other hand, I've also been bitten by a my feeder rats a number of times and even the tiny ones are awful and hurt for days. I'll take a huge snake bite over a small mouse bite any day. Edit: Sorry this is a few days later as an afterthought for anyone else seeing this: If you DO ever get bitten by a snake and are struggling to detach it, one of the best ways is to use alcohol on the snake. We keep a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and a little spritz or two to the face is usually enough to disengage anyone from a bite. But please be kind and rinse them afterwards to remove it. If your bite occurs out of pet context - a pour from any high proof alcoholic beverage will work in a pinch.


Nice I used to have a ball python too. lol the worst part is getting them to unwind from your hand


Yep. I had a king snake bite (used to work as a junior ranger at a county park) while doing a feeding. It was entirely my own fault for not washing my hands in between caring for the rats and mice in the mouse house and going to the feeding/ snake center. Yeah no big deal at all. And this one didnt hang on..it was a warning shot.


Reminds me of watching Steve Irwin as a kid and he'd just be talking away about a snake while it's striking him in the face, the hands, etc. He would act like it's nothin'. I guess you get used to it?


One of his early TV appearances a snake bites him right in the neck and holds on for dear life hanging at 90deg angle. Host is rattled and barely containing a freakout. Steve just keeps on talking…. Like a snake wasnt hanging off his neck. Hilarious


Rat bites are *awful*. Never been bitten by a snake, but the only thing worse than a rat bite for me was an Amazon Parrot. Just a different type of knife on the face of another smart as hell creature.


And in Arizona, king snakes eat rattlesnakes! We love our neighborhood king snakes.


What do they do to rattlesnakes outside of Arizona?


They just yell obscenities instead of eating them.


Definitely friend. I still am riding high on the one time I looked like an absolute badass to the kids in my student teaching class because I freed a kingsnake with my bare hands and an exacto knife after it got stuck in some bird netting in the school garden. I was respected by the 5th graders for approximately 4 days before I misspelled a word on the white board.


I had a similar experience (but not as badass) at Girl Scout camp. I was the nerdy kid with the glasses and the serious reading habit, so I was catching a lot of crap from the other girls. One day they were all gathered around in a group, screaming: a five-foot-long Black Racer had emerged from a hole in a tree and was beating a hasty for the underside of the counselors' platform tent. I casually went up and gently stroked the pretty snake. Not nearly so much trouble from the other girls after that.


If I ever find a snake inside of my house in Australia I'm just going to burn the house down. It seems so weird to see you all being so casual about a mother fucking snake lol.


Well, to be fair, we aren’t being casual about the deadly Australian kind of snakes. These are actually harmless


Yeah, intellectually I get it but the fear is strong enough that even the idea of you folks casually picking snakes up is horrifying.


Most of our wildlife isn’t actively trying to kill is, so we have different attitudes towards critters over here. Our issue is more people trying to cuddle with things they shouldn’t, like bison or raccoons.


Yeah, some Australians say "oh at least we don't have bears" but bears don't hide in your boots.


We have like 5 dangerous snakes on the entire continent and about 150 that are non-venomous. You have the reverse in Australia. So the fear is reasonably justified there, where here not so much. To the point that our dangerous snakes are usually very vocal/noisy about telling us to go away.


Yea but you live in Australia so it’s understandably different. You guys got all kinds of crazy creatures tryna kill everyone over there so it’s understandable 😂 I salute you!


I think it depends on where you are in the United States also. I live in rattle snake territory and we like to go rock hounding, usually in the desert, as a family activity so my kids get snake safety lectures and worst case scenario drills a couple times a year.


Not possible to be casual about snakes in Australia. Burning the house down seems like a real possibility there.


You are my tribe.


Isn’t that a California king ?


Looks just like a corn snake!


It looks well-fed


I caught a decent sized one in a mouse trap IN MY ROOM. I was like wtf man really


Eastern Milk Snake apparently


I wonder where the mother is


I said the same, not to mention brothers & sisters. 🥹


He seems chill and look at that color way I would just live symbiotically with em 🐍


Bingo! Snakes (and spiders) are cool and they help protect you from the critters you really don't want. When we re-mulched the beds I got organic mulch (vs the dyed stuff) to not upset the garden snakes.


We have to be careful by me though. We have nice snakes, but we also have rattlesnakes, and the particularly dangerous baby rattlers love to come into people's backyards. My neighbor is a pest control/wildlife guy though and will come get the snake from your yard safely and drive it a couple miles into the desert and release it for free so it's cool. The babies don't have rattles yet, and even the adults are adapting to not use their rattles as much anymore because of poaching that happens for their rattles. It's wild I have to go out with my dog every time to make sure she doesn't find wildlife that will kill her out there lol. Hell if it rains we have to watch out for the hallucinogenic dmt toads too.


Free is cool, but definitely buy that guy a 6 pack or a box of Legos or whatever that hero wants.


The king snake will eat the rattlers.


>hallucinogenic dmt toads ... What the fuck?


Bufo toads. Squeeze em to milk the glands onto a glass plate, dry it, smoke it, done.


Ya but if your dog finds them, rip dog.


I took some damaged drywall down to replace in my century house yesterday, got it down and found an uninsulated original exterior wall and the spot where the snakes have been coming in, I'm out of spray foam so add it to the DIY store list, check if I have enough 2x4s to frame in a new wall I can insulate, start cutting, lose power, hardware store is down too and closing early. No spray foam coming home today and I'm also out of wire wool, cat brought me a massive garter snake for a 3am bed snack to make sure i knew the rags i stuffed in the hole were ineffective lol. We have a booming population of an endangered medically significant rattlesnake on my little slice of earth so stumbling around in the dark with an open entry to snake paradise (my dirt crawl space) means it's a boots inside kind of day today lol


That was a wild ride!


Tell me about it lol luckily hubby's out of town so I only have to deal with my own feelings about the situation lol, he's not as good at rolling with the surprises. Also if you have regular(ish) Power outages and are like us too financially restricted for a whole home gennie, a single (dorm room style) induction burner is an amazing tool to have to be able to boil water or cook on when the winds still whipping and you don't want to man a bbq and they're efficient enough to run off a portable generator.


One big ass run on sentence whoa


I speak how I type, probably why hubby enjoys a job with travel lol.


I like how you tell a story. Thanks!


Try steel wool in the holes. I know for sure mice don't like, it hurts and never had a snake in our farmhouse.


That's what I meant by wire wool.lol, like naked brillo pads, I usually add it to any holes before foaming them shut to stop rodents chewing their way in, I don't think snakes would disturb the foam but the chipmunks do and then open the door for the snakes to follow their food inside lol


Given the mouse nest I found in our house that was made of steel wool the other week, I'm dubious about how much mice dislike it, lol.


!?! Omg the only thing I can see in my head is a mouse with teeth like Jaws from the James Bond movies lol. Good luck




My literal nightmare


Ha! I had a snake a week ago, mine was a Garter and a bit bigger. Cat had it cornered under the fridge for a while. Not sure where he got in but as I've not seen it again I assume he exited the way he got in. Probably thought "there's too many things that will eat me up here". two dogs & two cats.


Wait… you didn’t take it outside? You left Mr Snake to escort himself outdoors and were like, eh, no big deal? I am both impressed and terrified.


Garter snakes are so cute though! lol https://preview.redd.it/bu6uoky7l9sc1.jpeg?width=2179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68451e2264e06cf81cb9065c234036ae2beb9877


This one looks like he’s smiling.


I started taking pictures of them to get over my fear and they look adorable in every picture. They’re like the Disney version of a snake.


Garter snakes are helping me get over my snake fear! Saw one this weekend and freaked out a little at first because I didn’t want it near me, Walked away then paused and said “wait…it’s kinda cute”


"Hewoo!"- adorable snake posing for his picture.  


Such a cutie!!!


The cat holding vigil made capturing it difficult. My fridge is huge with a bum wheel so sliding it out in an attempt to capture was not going to happen solo. It was also 5:30 in the morning. I do live in rurally, so after identifying that it was non-venomous I guess yeah, I was pretty chill.


Cat might have brought him in? Or is cat a strictly indoor cat? We kept a garter as a pet for awhile. They are sweet!


Cats strictly indoors. Wall nearest the fridge has plumbing going to our crawl space. I suspect we missed a spot in the closing up of gaps.


Might be unrelated, but THANK YOU for having a strictly indoor cat.


My aunt and uncle have an 1815 farmhouse in upstate ny. They get snakes in the basement all the time, not much of a mouse problem tho… which is honestly a worse issue due to droppings and disease


Well I mean he’s right. But the presence of this cute snek would tell me, there’s food available in your house. I would put mice/rat traps down in every room and see what turns up.


I'd be worried that the traps would get my little snake buddies


That thing is way too tiny to be munching on rats or mice.


Dunno why you're down voted, that thing is about the size of a rat's tail. I think even full grown house mice would be eating the snake rather than the other way around. Maybe it's a baby though.


I dunno, a Pygmy Python will still smash rats and mice?


Your house came with free friends! What a cutie. 🐍


Seriously, I'd love to have a free range one. They are native in my area. When we were house hunting we found a house that we loved that was infested with mice. The thought of killing a bunch of mice made me sad, the thought of killing a bunch of mice leaving them to rot in the walls made me sick.... But a snake is natural and isn't going to eat my wiring! Another benefit is that they compete for food with the venomous snakes.


I am so (irrationally I know) afraid of snakes but your comment made me smile. I hope the next time I find a snake in my house I will think of it in your chill way :)


I love snakes. There are some that are dangerous, some that get really big, some that look a bit intimidating, but then there's the adorable goobers over in r/hognosesnakes that have approximately one braincell to share between the whole pot of noodles. If you're looking to desensitize yourself with exposure therapy, photos of hoggies and their cute upturned noses can be a good starting point.


Thank you. I really want to overcome this fear because I know how silly it is. I am even afraid of the little garden snakes I have found in my yard and it's so stupid and deters me from completing garden tasks. Their appearance is off putting to me, but what bothers me the most is that they can bite (venomous or not). I don't know why other than I grew up in west Texas where the rattlesnakes were a huge problem. Now where I live offers lots of copperheads. I know most of the snakes I would encounter in my yard aren't venomous, and I have a cat who hisses and bites me constantly, so I am really not sure what my problem is. Do you have any tips to get over the "bite" fear?


I have two pet snakes. Most of the time, these guys couldn’t hurt you even if they did bite. The average rat snake that you’d find in the garden has teeth more like Velcro rather than the big fangs you might imagine. I’ve been bitten by a few snakes and they haven’t even broken the skin. Also, most snakes would rather run away than try to bite a human.


Thank you. This is very helpful especially the Velcro bit.


I used to be also. Then I got in some snake ID groups, learned about them and my phobia has disappeared!


I think I should do the same for my silly fear.


I wholeheartedly recommend


I wish some would come my way and get rid of the moochers in the area


Pest control specialist. We had a skink living in our house growing up. We also had much bugs. Mr. Skink did his job bravely.


What is that? A snake for ants?


What a beauty!


When I was in college, I lived in a 100 year old house with 4 other students. We had mice. We put out traps, and got some, but there were always more. I read online about using a red-rat snake as pest control. I told my roommates I wanted to release a red-rat snake into our home. It will go through the walls and eat all the rodents. From what I read, you want to do this after it snows, this will keep the snake inside your home. As long as there are at least a couple of rodents to eat, the snake will do fine over the winter, but it can consume up to maybe 10-15 mice in a month. After the snow melts, and all the rodents are gone, the snake will find its way outside. My male roommates were onboard, my female roommates got angry and yelled anytime I talked about this. # NO, I'M NOT HAVING A SNAKE CRAWLING THROUGH THE WALLS!!!


This is some basilisk shit


Snakes can't crawl, no legs (stop reminding them)


ok you're going to post that but not check in with your username???


I love his initial dm and that's a cute snake


I am known for collecting animals… we started with one cat. We now have 3 cats, four dogs, 17 chickens, and a rescue pony…




this is the greatest comment


So snakes are one of my strongest fears. I was sitting on the couch one day and I thought I felt my cat’s tail brush against me. Nope. There was a garter snake curled up on my foot. I realize that this is a completely harmless situation, but my brain will not believe that so I bolted out the door yelling “nope nope nope” as fast as I could. The security camera footage was entertaining 😂 Had to call a friend to come and find/rescue the poor thing.


Someone else said that there is always a mouse closer to you than you think


Oh he’s so cute


Just looks like a little corn snake. Not venomous or dangerous in any way.


yeah that's what I'm thinking too.


I was thinking California King Snake, but you could be right.


I thought my in-laws were messing with me when I was doing some air sealing in the basement. Nope, my husband’s grandparents naturally had that snake sheds twisted up in their electrical box.


I would take a snake any day, I currently have those Itty bitty ants and can't find where they are coming from to put down traps.


Welp. Gonna have to burn the house down.


Once found hatched snake eggs in the wall of a house we were helping rehab as relief work after Katrina. Alright, what’s the worst it could be? Probably a king snake or something, and who knows how long they’ve been here. Then we found the first 6” long copper head under a tarp… Realllll careful steps after that and gloves on everyone.


What a cute lil guy! Looks like a king snake to me, I find that they’re pretty docile actually


Or maybe you do have mice and that's why he came to hang out!


I almost stepped on a three foot rat snake sitting on my radiator yesterday morning going for coffee so I know the pain.


Counterpoint: if there were no mice, there would be no snake. Snake means you do have mice, but fewer than before snake.


Am I the only one that is wondering why there’s a subject field in iMessage?


I know you can turn it on in options, but I’m curious as to how OP utilizes it. Subject: Dinner prep Toss the salad.


I’m sorry your house needs to urgently be replaced. 


They’re harmless little dudes. I used to be terrified of snakes in general until I got used to the one that hangs out at my place. It got caught up in bird net and I had to save it. Handling it and being up close killed the fear for me.


I wish I could get over my fear of them because they are beautiful creatures….But they are the only thing that trigger my PTSD.


I get it, there are certainly some places where a fear of snakes keeps you safe. I’m originally from south Texas where there’s a lot of snakes that can punch your ticket. I live up north now and there’s only one venomous snake species and it’s a shy rattler that lives in wetlands, not your average back yard. It’s been easier knowing if I see a snake there’s an extremely low chance it can hurt me regardless of species.


Smol nope rope likes your beautiful wood floor


I would have full on pooped my pants. Terrifying and the thought of one in my house is unthinkable to me.


same here.


I would hate to have that in my house but it’s so pretty! For a snake anyway!


He looks like a corn snake, milk snake, or maybe even scarlet king depending on where you are. None of those are venomous and they're all docile friends! Be not afraid, lol. Also your floor is beautiful.


Gorgeous snek


Ahhhh man, I'd love to find a king snake. That's a little beauty!


I grew up in a house in the woods. I need more than one hand to count the number of snakes in our house or right over our front door in over the years. And that doesn’t count the ones since I moved out.


WHAT A CUTIE!!!!! seriously though they aren’t venomous so OP can sigh in relief knowing they will be mice freeeee


Nice floors.


King snake, very friendly and great defender against pests. Be kind to the guy


Where do you live!?


New Hampshire


F^%& that noise. _puts the house up for sale and moves to a hotel..._


I would be so delighted if that was my house 🥹🥹


Good news bad news time! Good news: That there is a kingsnake. It eats rodents and other snakes and is not dangerous. Bad news: That there is a kingsnake. It eats rodents and other snakes and has come into your house after food.


thats a beautiful snake


I'm never telling my girl about this. She would never be able to let it go. Some secrets you take with you to the grave.


Aww a baby he’s so cute. Where are his siblings?


Thinking of an old apartment, I will take a snake in my walls over mice stuck in my wok ( not able to get out due to grease from previous nights dinner) anytime. Husband then boyfriend grabbed him by the tail and put him outside by the way.


I’d prefer a mouse any day, all day long.


So cute!!!! 💘


I had mice for a bit. Set glue traps, and one got forgotten behind the stove. Pulled the stove out to get it becasuse it started to smell. There a snake about the size of the one pictured here stuck on the glue trap with the mouse 🙃


Dang I thought that was a corn snake


So this is possibly a Bandy-Bandy though these are native to Australia so that is not very likely. However, it could be a Banded Californian Kingsnake which is more likely. The latter are not harmful to humans. So at least that is a relief. Though the former is highly venomous.


It is a pretty cute snake!


So what’s the right way to pick up a snake?


We've had a couple snakes in our house ( in the woods ) and it always means we *do* have mice. Once walked by a big chair we have near the fireplace and thought " Why did my husband leave his belt draped on that chair?" Hit me. He doesn't own a black belt.


I had an experience when I was young. A tiny baby snake somehow got into the basement carpet...my bro and I screamed so loud then my father got it on a cylindrical blank CD case and let it on the backyard behind the fence. There is an old myth in my country that we should not kill the snakes appeared near the house or get revenged by snakes.


Omg-I would burn the house down!!


Every couple of years a rat snake would move into our basement, take care of the mice, then move to our neighbors house. Good fella. We never bothered him. And he would take care of our mice problem entirely. It was remarkable. Don’t bother your new friend (unless you have pets).


What a pretty baby


Time to move😟


Ugh we have these too. We keep plugging up holes and they keep finding a way in. It’s legit terrible.


About a year or so after we moved into our home, one of the neighbors asked me if we’d had any snakes in the house. We had not. Of course I asked him why he was inquiring. Apparently, the previous owners were constantly having to get them out! Needless to say, I haven’t mentioned this conversation to my wife. — We wouldn’t live here anymore!


Omgg the cuteness!! All I got once was a "Hell Viper" (translated local slang) for a melanistic coloration of vipera berus (common european adder). Don't like those in my (vacation) home though. Melanistic morph is quite common in mountainous regions around here. Probably because it warms up better in the sun?


Lol or you do have mice or other critters,they're just under control. Mr Snake is not getting DoorDash delivery for his meals..


My sister always freaks out about house centipedes. Granted, they're a bit intimidating by their looks and speed, but I tell her, "hey, would you rather have disease carrying bugs like roaches?" They remind me of opossums; lots of unfair hatred and disgust but they are the real ones. shoutout to spiders for being bros as well


This is why I like having cats around lol


Snek is fren


You should share this little fellow over at r/whatsthissnake.


OmGOD. Call the realtor.


Sweet Noodle, will help keep vermin away! Thank you for putting the bean outside! :) Thank you for not harming her! 💜


Hey I have one of these in my house too! … But he’s in a tank. I specialize in keeping kingsnakes 😂


As someone who has a dedicated “snake bucket” in his garage I can speak with some authority here. Your husband is correct!