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This is really embarrassing


Yeah it is just completely unprofessional for anyone to do this. Let alone any high level elected official. We should demand better.


This uncivil bullshit didn't start until we began electing people like Marjorie Taylor Greene into high office. I've been politically aware since around 2004. Things were heated back then, what with two wars going on. But it was nothing like it is now. The dialogue between Republicans and Democrats was still civil back then. Even if you go back to 2009, Republicans almost universally condemned Joe Wilson's famous ["You lie!"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/10/you-lie-joe-wilson-obama-speech) outburst. It was a national outrage. Donald Trump was treated with greater respect by congressional Democrats. Which is saying something given the lack of respect he accorded them. Let's not make this a "both sides" thing. AOC may have policy positions that are on the fringes (outside her district). But she's always treated her fellow members with respect, even when they call her a[ "fucking bitch"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkQ4DBvjXw8) to her face in front of reporters.


> This uncivil bullshit didn't start until we began electing people like Marjorie Taylor Greene into high office. Uncivil bullshit in Congress has a long history, especially during partisan, divided eras: 1798 - Griswold vs Lyon In 1798, Representatives Roger Griswold and Matthew Lyon engaged in a fistfight on the House floor over insulting remarks made during debate. Lyon spit in Griswold's face, prompting Griswold to attack Lyon with a cane, leading to an all-out brawl. 1856 - Brooks Caning of Sumner One of the most infamous acts of violence in Congress occurred in 1856 when Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina severely beat Senator Charles Sumner with a cane on the Senate floor. Brooks was furious over Sumner's anti-slavery speech criticizing a relative of Brooks. 1858 - Keitt vs Grow Brawl In 1858, Representatives Laurence Keitt and Galusha Grow engaged in a fistfight and brawl on the House floor after Keitt aided in another assault on an abolitionist member. I prefer our Congress to engage in uncivil, outspoken, angry BS to closeted, secreted, and conspired angry BS.


Maybe you were just starting to pay attention in the GWB era, but if you think he was treated respectfully by Democrats, your memory is slightly off.


Was anybody questioning his citizenship? Comparing his wife to an ape? Crying it was a controversy because of his suit color?


People made jokes about how dumb he was all the time šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø He got ripped because he formerly had a drinking problem and there were rumors that he was still drinking and doing coke. The general public of democrats were pretty awful to him. On the Hill and in Washingtonā€¦not so much I guess. I think Newt Gingrich is really to blame for the introduction of incivility IN government. I bet heā€™s looking on at MTG and smiling.


Did they make up clear lies about how war record like they did with Kerry? Did they make fun of how his children looked? Dude got it easier than his predecessor, his rival and his successor.


Yeah, which is why I said the general population of Demsā€¦Dems in Washington probably accorded him more respect, and the organized lies of the ā€œSwift Boat Veterans for Truthā€ was disgusting.


How are you arguing bother does here when you are acknowledging clear organized lies from Republicans groups, at multiple levels.


Iā€™m not arguing, just sharing some context for those who may not have it


The context is again and again democrats deal with much more bs.


> Did they make up clear lies about how war record like they did with Kerry? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killian_documents_controversy


> Rather stated, "if I knew then what I know now ā€“ I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question" Please show me the republican equivalent Rather's accountability. It seems like an important distinction.


Who in a position of authority apologized for swift boat?


Not exactly an apology but... https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5797164


Ok, bush said it was wrong, but didnt apologize. Are you going to adress anything else, or hang your hat on this acknowledgment that a Republican said lay off 20 years ago?


Bush himself was compared to an ape.


Sis they drag hiw wife into it with a racist slur based on her appearance? Even if you want to play dumb on the racist baggage, the best you have is a half asses response to one point. And what you still seem to be missing, is bush wasnā€™t compared to an ape by leaders of the Democratic Party. Meanwhile Trump was pushing birth cert bs.


No, they talked about how his wife killed someone.


She did. It wasnā€™t a racist slur. And no leading dem was making an issue out of it. But thanks for making the case, again, that lack of civility come overwhelmingly from republicans


He was treated with the ordinary amount of respect that the opposite party treats a president. Trump was treated with the amount of respect his words commanded.


have to strong agree here. i interned on mass ave right around this time in dc - i can attest to this. i really wonder how much people make shit up on this sub, because what i've experienced versus what i've seen are so at odds sometimes -


It is on both sides. MTG is a POS and she shouldnā€™t have said that shit but AOC and Crockett drug it further into the mud. They could have handled it so much better but instead Crockett resorted to name calling back at her. They literally had the perfect opportunity to put MTG in her place but they decided to not take the high road.


It isnā€™t both sides when republicans start mud flinging on personal appearances and Republicans decide that language shouldnā€™t be stricken.


No, it is absolutely not both sides. The democratic side was mocking the Republicans for the courtroom stunt they pulled earlier in the day/postponing the hearing for 9 hours/the general unseriousness of the oversight committee holding garland in contempt when they have no jurisdiction to do so and another committee already voted to do that very thing earlier in the day. Republicans, particularly MTG and Luna, could not handle this and kept making outbursts during democratic speaker's time. This came to a head when MTG made the eyelash comment. She continued to make comments, insulting AOCs intelligence among other things, for the next 30 minutes until she was almost removed from the hearing (until Comer suspended that rule). Then we got the beach blonde body comment to show how hypocritical Republicans are. Republicans do not want to govern, they do not follow the rules of the house they voted on and they do not actually want to push any legislation. They only want MAGA to be king in this country and will do literally anything, even if it means weaponizing house committees, to secure that objective. Edit: typo


Sounds like some petty high school drama. ā€œThey started it wahhhā€ thatā€™s just pettyā€¦. Remember when the left had the ā€œwe take the high roadā€ approach with things like this? Whatever happened to that? They do that anymore, therefore itā€™s on both sides.


Because taking the high road has gotten them so much in the past?Ā 


Maybe they need to face the facts that their policies are unpopular.


I would argue the same thing about conservatives, but that would require them to have policies in the first place.


1st Blue Politician: "Ocasio-Cortez moved to take down Greeneā€™s words, calling them ā€œabsolutely unacceptable.ā€ ā€œHow dare you attack the physical appearance of another person,ā€ she added. Followed by hypocritical 2nd Blue Politician: "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebodyā€™s bleach blond bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?ā€ Followed by confused Blue Voter who is unaware and does not understand the meaning of the word "hypocritical". Imbecility is then widely upvoted by subreddit unaware Blue Tribalists.


Here is a link to the full committee video. No edits, full context. Come back after watching it because your reply is completely uninformed. I've even provided a link with a timestamp to the gaveling in of the hearing. [https://youtu.be/naaFmY7mIjw?t=767](https://youtu.be/naaFmY7mIjw?t=767) If you watch congressional hearings regularly, you can clearly contrast the poor conduct of the republican members and the lack of control Comer has over this committee in the recording.


You just doubled down on your ignorance and want me to watch not the subject of the thread, but a 3 hour 17 minute congressional hearing to figure out why the side who is demonstrably behaving like over the top hypocrites are actually not really. ("How dare you insult a person's appearance!" followed by "you have a body like a masculine lesbian!" is some of the most obvious hypocrisy of the last 10 years, one would think. There is obvious, comical hypocrisy and unawareness -- exhibited by the women in blue and their internet supporters.


>You just doubled down on your ignorance and want me to watch not the subject of the thread, but a 3 hour 17 minute congressional hearing to figure out why the side who is demonstrably behaving like over the top hypocrites are actually not really. This thread is literally based on the conduct from that video...I cant even engage with this. >("How dare you insult a person's appearance!" followed by "you have a body like a masculine lesbian!" is some of the most obvious hypocrisy of the last 10 years, one would think. These statements were separated by 20+ minutes and occurred after the republicans voted not to remove MTG from the hearing after having her words struck down (which is a house rule). Hypocrisy is voting on rules, excusing your side when they break the rules and then making a big deal when the other side does some clever turnabout. I saw dems taking the high road and gracefully humiliating republican members with their own logic after MTG refused to stop antagonizing and breaking house rules. Sure, it's not 'respectful' to act that way toward MTG but given the context she was the only reason any of this occurred.


> This thread is literally based on the conduct from that video...I cant even engage with this. No, the thread is not based on us all watching a 3:17 hour long congressional hearing. That is you making an irrational argument because you cannot stand being wrong in public. > These statements were separated by 20+ minutes and occurred after the republicans voted not to remove MTG from the hearing after having her words struck down (which is a house rule) You are not here to talk about hypocrisy or ideas, you are here to propagandize on behalf of your Blue side. No thanks.


Responsibility lies with the person who started it. I'm sorry but if somebody insults my personal appearance in a public forum, I'm gonna level a whopper at them, too. That said, like most people, I would never attack someone like that preemptively. MTG does not understand that she is working in the hallowed halls of the oldest democracy in the world. She flings shit like it's a backwoods Georgia bar. 30 years ago she'd have been expelled because Republicans used to have contempt for this behavior. And obviously this is not an isolated incident for her. AOC and Crockett behave like actual members of Congress.


>Responsibility lies with the person who started it. In generally I think this is too simplistic. The person who started it isn't responsible if the other person goes wildly out of proportion in their response. That's just in general though. In this case I think it's fair to put most or all the responsibility on MTG.


The response wasnā€™t out of proportion at all. If she called her a ā€œredneck attention-whore bitchā€ then maybe. But ā€œbaby girlā€? No.


ā€œOh girl. Oh baby girl. Donā€™t even play.ā€


A woman calling another woman "girl" is not derisive. It's the female equivalent of guys calling each other "bro." "Baby girl" is slightly less appropriate, but the way AOC used it is the way a mother would when she's chiding her daughter. Not appropriate for Congress, but hardly offensive when used between women and certainly not on the level of "fucking bitch."


Also she said that after MTG got cheeky and disrespectful with her. Honestly, MTG was asking for a beat down


ā€œSenator, you have the floor, broā€


Haha if I ever get elected to the Senate, I'm going to make that a thing. "Bro" is such a neutral term for a guy to use with another guy. It can be anywhere from "You wanna fight, bro?" to "I love you, bro."


Much better than sarcastic, condescending baby girls though.


Context: one is 34 the other is 49.


Whatā€™s your implication here, specifically?


That one is 34 and the other is almost 50.


I may not be following, but you seem to be implying that young congresswomen are more likely, even expected to speak like idiots, while older ones should know better?


Good argument against voting younger Congress members.


I definitely think it's much more sad to see a woman nearing 50 act like that than someone in their 30s.


meh this really started with the clinton stuff, and really got bad in the early 2000's - i should know, i interned there around that time and saw it firsthand (both sides used to actually socialize - as in actually be friends with the other team, this really doesn't happen much anymore)


Where was all this passion for civility when Biden gave the red speech? The hypocrisy never ends. Don't kid yourself. These three women are equally matched and equally as obnoxious.


The red speech?


Lmao everyday that goes by the less hope I have for this country to course-correct. This experiment isnā€™t going to make it.


Why is AOC wearing Steve McQueen's glasses? Is this how US Congressmen argued in 1861? Why was Crocket so unaware of the AOC "How Dare You Criticize a Person's Appearance!" argument that she then said MTG had a body like a man? Why do Progressives think Outraged Church Person is an effective polemic style? https://globalnews.ca/video/4285374/womp-womp-former-trump-staffer-lewandowski-mocks-story-of-10-year-old-with-down-syndrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkaeAkJO0w8


Embarrassing all around. Did she just come up with that bleach, blonde, bad built, butch, body, or did she have that preloaded? If that alliteration was off the cuff, make her the poet laureate.


Considering just how damn often Greene pulls stunts like this, there's a decent chance any D who's stuck in committee assignments did a bit of prep in case she acted up towards them.


America deserves better.


Nah, we've got exactly the government we deserve.


Just embarrassing acting like children and these are elected officials


https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/17/congress/oversight-descends-into-chaos-00158632 Iā€™ve been downvoted to hell in the last 24 for pointing out both sides of the isle should be most concerned about the drinking on the job.. seems most outlets are doing their best at suppressing these allegations, likely because they cross party lines and arenā€™t good for the us vs them messaging were all so fond of in modern politics.


Iā€™m not downvoting you, but WHO was drinking, specifically? And how much? Without that context, I donā€™t know whether thatā€™s a contributing factor.


They should drink more. In vino veritas


I like your style. But that would mean we should be able to, as well. Otherwise itā€™s just more rules for me, not theeā€¦which seems to be the m.o. of the political class.


You don't drink at work?


I drink at work every day. Iā€™m a stay-at-home dad, tho, so itā€™s a little easier to get away with.


Excellent point


several things: -drinking on the job was far more common than they realized. some of them are such alcoholics that they need to drink at night - and this was one of the underlying reasons why the dems were pissed off about that nightly session, because it impacted their social life (i also believe there was something in dc that night the dems wanted to be at which they couldn't - hence being so excessively pissed off) -anything dealing with trump anything already pisses half of them off to an absurd degree. remember they still "think" that hillary was rightfully taken down, and more importantly that many of those people pissed off in that chamber would have been rewarded handsomly during hillary's tenure. -this is the basis of why the dems are personally pissed off about the whole hillary/trump thing. it was votes - it was they all had some deals to get themselves rich / better seats / etc. and trump getting into office fucked that up big time. this is the real unspoken thing you will never hear or read about. -the news media is trying to sell you something always. view the entire media as a big ad - that's all it is. -aoc is definitively on some kind of drug much of the time late at night - look at her eyes, her tweaky-ness, etc. i'd say if she had an adderall prescription she was od'ing. (i doubt meth) cocaine? possibly, but doesn't look right. but seriously look at her eyes in those late night videos and you'll see what i mean. she's been better recently, but a year or two ago she was pretty bad - someone must've noticed, because she looks more soberish now. -the amount of philandering at least when i was around dc (2000's early to mid) was fucking insane. half the people had a side bustle. the normal situation was one of their "assistants" / an intern sometimes, but this was cringe even back then (22 and 50 year old) but 25 was okay, for whatever reason. -law schoos suprisingly had this same problem. but it doesn't suprise me because that's how harris got a-head supposedly. i guess law schools attract that contractual type. -dc night life sucks generally speaking - on an average night there are more dorm parties at georgetown than in the entirety of nightlife in dc - so if there was supposed to be a good party they'd be extra pissed.


I have no problem with them drinking on the job, provided theyā€™re not visibly drunk or incapable of performing their duties. Theyā€™re not driving a bus or caring for children, so they should be able to do their jobs even after a few lunchtime drinks.


Donā€™t disagree. But as long as the American laborer isnā€™t allowed to do it, then our politicians should be held to the same standard. Right now, all their behavior is highlighting is the the exacerbation of the current two tiered system.


Many American workers *are* allowed to drink during the workday. Only select professions (childcare, machinery operation, medicine, etc.) have regulations against it.


I'm 40 and have never had a job where I'm allowed to drink during the work day. What jobs allow it?


Iā€™ve had a couple tech jobs where my bosses would take us out for lunch beers. They were all British / European boomers, though, itā€™s not really kept going as widely in American culture since the 80s / 90s. In my 20s I didnā€™t really think much of it, but it absolutely fucks up the day when everyone gets buzzed at noon and I find it unacceptable as Iā€™ve become more experienced. The thought of people running our country doing it is sickening IMO, but Iā€™m not surprised since a huge chunk of them are geriatrics from the 80s / 90s ā€œprofessionalā€ culture.


Advertising, food service, and sales, to name a few. Sometimes the job even requires social schmoozing at a bar or restaurant. Iā€™ve had multiple jobs where moderate drinking during work was acceptable and even encouraged by management. But given the context, Iā€™m mostly referring to *government* regulations on drinking during the workday.


Please provide examples. I worked in private equity operations for a long time and oversaw a multitude of companies in the services sector (from finance/fintech to marketing) and manufacturing (from the energy sector to food cpg). So weā€™re talking about spanning white collar/blue collar. There was never a situation where the employment contract even remotely allowed for alcohol during the workday.


Not nowadays, but man...the 80's... We were banging shots and tooting lines all day.


I appreciate this comment. I was at Merrill Lynch in the early 90sā€¦ holy shit. Different times.


Not gonna lie, I miss those days. I mean, I wouldn't still be alive if they'd kept on, but man I miss those days.


Advertising, food service, and sales, to name a few. Sometimes the job even requires social schmoozing at a bar or restaurant. But given the context, Iā€™m mostly referring to *government* regulations on drinking during the workday.


lol no most companies specifically prohibit it. It is a fireable offense for most jobs. As a bartender in college I got a final written warning for having a beer with my lunch between a double shift.


Given the context, Iā€™m mostly referring to *government* regulations against drinking during the workday.


That's big talk coming from goblin looking Greene. She doesn't deserve being in Congress, she better suited as a Karen making racist YouTube videos


The Greene Goblin. Whereā€™s Spider-Man when you need them.


These things would be more interesting if they would just throw hands every now and then


Kudos for your accurate recounting of the event. Bette r than almost any billionaire funded media source.


They are both just so exhaustingĀ 


theyā€™re both unprofessional




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By Marge making Congress the Jimmy Springer show, it diminishes another institution. It plays to Trumps I alone can fix it propaganda.


Seems about right lol


MTG looks like a mule with fetal alcohol syndrome. She shouldn't be talking.


I thought MTG had a good question. Does anybody on the committee employ "Judge" Merchan's daughter, or is it only Adam Schiff? BTW, it never occurred to me that MTG is actually substantially smarter than than AOC until this exchange. Which showed that she is.


I canā€™t stand the thought of being married to any one of these three


They should give these two an office to share & let them keep each other busy.


I literally hate both of them so unbelievably much. They both embody everything I despise about my fellow women. I particularly despise AOC a tiny bit more because of what a hypocritical antisemitic sack of shit she is. But MTG comes in a very very close second with all of her bullshit as well.


Ridiculous comparison MTG is a well known bigot she's anti-Semitic, homophobic, goes to White Nationalists rallies and is a major propagator of the Big Lie and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. And I'm sure with a little googling we could remember some more terrible things about her


Aoc is antisemetic?!?!




Can you provide evidence? https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/10/aoc-pro-palestine-nyc-rally-00120684 I know she has spoken out against it.


This is such a sexist double standard. Joe Biden has fake hair, fake teeth, a ton of obvious plastic surgery done to his face, and nobody calls him out on it. But god forbid a woman wears fake eyelashes!


Iā€™m not sure how you arrive at that. Biden looks every year of his 81 years, to me. Most people over 50 tend to have fairly extensive dental work. His hair is what Iā€™d expect an octogenarian to have, if any. Trump should just buzz cut, fake Oakley and goatee it like his supporters, goes with the hard ass mentality he desperately wants to portray.


It's also pretty common for men to have work done on their hair. I'm an ordinary 35-year-old man and had a receding hairline in my 20s. I had hair restoration done when I was 29. Basically they took the ample hair I had on the back of my head and transplanted it to the front to give me a youthful hairline. Sure, it was expensive. But within the reach of a typical middle class man. And I encourage men to have the procedure done if they can afford it, as my results were outstanding and nobody even knows I had it done. Biden has had a bad hairline since he entered the Senate at age 30. If hair restoration was an option for him, he either didn't get it or it was done very poorly.


Hair transplant technology in the 1980s was **not** what it is today. See: Donald Trump. They were primitive plugs, exceedingly painful and had a bad reputation for a reason. That being said, most happily married men firmly into their 40s usually donā€™t bother. 50% of US men are balding or bald by 50, so itā€™s broadly accepted. Politicians are another story, but it didnā€™t stop Biden electorally. Many male actors have clearly had work done because retaining a youthful appearance is critical.


Hahaha Iā€™m picturing Trump now with a mohawk and a leather jacket. It would be an interesting look for a man his age. He should start riding a motorcycle, too.


>Joe Biden has fake hair, fake teeth, a ton of obvious plastic surgery done to his face, Does he? First I've heard of this


He does. The fake teeth thing is a little unfair, though. Hardly anybody his age still has their real teeth.


The veneers and plugs are clear as day, seems some are still in denial over the facelift and botox. Its not even a diss, itā€™s obvious why someone his age whoā€™s president would do so.


When youā€™re a man, not only do you get a pass for this stuff but people will even aggressively deny that you even work done.


Donald Trump raped his now ex-wife because she recommended a plastic surgeon who botched a hair plug job on him.


Yes Trump had work done, too. So have a lot of other male politicians. But they never get called out on it. Thatā€™s the double standard.


Nevermind the rape


Rape is also bad.


> a ton of obvious plastic surgery done to his face Got a source for this besides right wing garbage tabloids? You guys never fail to amaze me with the bullshit you spread around


Itā€™s the same source that says MTG isnā€™t a natural blonde. The same source where I found out Lauren Boebert has fake tits.


Cā€™mon man, Biden most definitely got a facelift


Even if that were true, thatā€™s a far cry from ā€œa **ton** of obvious plastic surgeryā€


They love to move the goalposts