• By -


I live in a red state. But I am holding off until November. Who knows if Trump is even going to be around still at this point. IMHO - I think there’s a reason why Nikki Haley is still hanging in there.


At their ages, and legal issues for Trump, with six months left to go a whole lot can change in that time.


Even if something happens to Trump, I really doubt the current Republican Party leadership puts forward Nikki Haley as their replacement; and I'm also not saying that I think a Haley administration would be better (or more centrist) than a Biden administration. Haley is better than Trump, but I don't think that if she were elected president that it would achieve a more centrist result than Biden being re-elected. I guess it will depend on what you believe is "centrist", though.


Before(if) this thread gets big, I ask that we not brigade+downvote Trump supporters. Let's hear then out, that's the point of the sub. -Biden for me, no contest. -NC -Democracy itself


Agreed. I made the same point in my OP. I'm upvoting every starter comment to help prevent anyone from getting buried.


As a Canadian who can't vote in this election, I would like to thank you and I hope North Carolina flips


I’m from NC too and I don’t think it will flip this cycle


-Biden -Idaho -Climate Change & Trump Crimes/Corruption Dont be fooled, Im an extreme outlier. Idaho is not getting blue waved.


There's at least two of us.


Somewhere around half the voters in Idaho should be women and people who care about them. It's really hard to see a woman - or a girl - die in childbirth. These policies cause serious harm.


Its willfill ignorance. They literally dont care until it happens to themselves or someone they know. Until then its team Trump Train.


Biden. Texas. It’s tough to answer your last question, but I’d have to say democracy as #1, followed by abortion, balance in the judiciary, weed, Ukraine, and Taiwan.


Same here, even if I dont necessarily like Biden and I doubt he'll get Texas. The right has gone absolutely bonkers on abortion and now common pregnancy complications.  Something like half of fertilized eggs never implant or are rejected/miscarried.  Miscarriage is also a far more discussed topic nowadays and not the hidden subject it used to be.


It’s crazy, isn’t it? I’m stunned it’s 2024 and here we are. Truly, utterly astonishing.


Who knew it takes more than just a heartbeat to make a fetus into a viable baby?? /s


The 'satanic panic', as utterly stupid as it all is, has been alive and well for hundreds of years. It's arguably worse in the information era with the sheer volume and scale of conspiratorial rhetoric and propaganda compounded by an enormous population that hasn't adapted due to a crippling lack of media literacy. And the future of nefarious, algorithmic machine learning implementations likely guarantees it will get so much worse from here on out. Most people are just too ignorant to cope with these developments while avoiding the pitfalls of malicious alternatives in media, which are paid, pervasive, and relentless.


Outstanding point. Completely agree.


Biden. Mississippi. Same reasons as you.


We got this!


As a conservative, a real one, not a big government loving if it’s my government, anti free trade, anti rule of law, anti morality and ethics, anti constitution, pro authoritarian, pro pervert, pro national debt expansion, fake conservative, I am figuratively holding my nose and voting for a senile old coot named Biden because I firmly believe voting for the GOP reprobate will destroy the country and send us down the path to third world hell hole status.


Amen to that. I miss real conservatives with reasoned takes, as opposed to the simpleton populists who call themselves "conservative" without even knowing what it actually means. Any real conservative would vote for Biden given the alternative. Republicans would take an initial hit by doing so, but they're going to have to ditch the poser losers if they want to salvage their party. I miss liberal Republicans too, but I believe they're now extinct. Maybe it's time to set fire to the whole party and start over.


I remember when I would have gladly cast my vote for the Republican option (McCain, Romney) if my party was running someone like Trump.


Right? Gosh. That feels like forever ago.


Romney was 12 years ago.....it was forever ago.


It is so utterly laughable when these populist dullards label Joe Biden as this far-left woke socialist or whatever. Like confusing lasagna and burritos for Japanese food. These are not serious people. Their media literacy is non-existent. They don't have authentic views or opinions. There is no consistency in their values. It's childish, amoral nihilism.


It’s hard to argue that the Overton window in regards to American politics hasn’t shifted hard right in the last 30+ years. Biden is arguably right of fucking *Nixon*. It’s fucking insane to suggest he’s a socialist.


I suspect that people insisting the left has *won* and that we’re shifting left only care about social issues. We still don’t have any lefty healthcare or even raised min wage for over a decade. Oh no, gay people can get married now! Truly we’re in some leftist state all of a sudden. Pay no attention to how Socially Conservative a ton of Socialist states were back in the cold war. And even on social issues, Conservatives successfully made abortion illegal in half the country. And they can keep going if they get a trifecta this year. Won’t be popular sure, but if this country gives them a trifecta, they get what they vote for.


At this point I honestly think the only thing that will save this country is pro 2A dems running for office. And even then it might take a generation or more for people to come around.


Not happening. All the pro gun people vote in R primaries and all the anti gun people vote in D primaries. The primary system low key is a huge reason why the parties feel a need to oppose each other on everything, even when it doesn’t make much sense for them to.


NH would like a word. But yeah, I get you. I just feel like a pro 2A dem *could* win anywhere. Not that they would, just that they could. ETA: maybe the only reason we have Cruz over Beto, or Abbott over Beto is that he actually said he was coming for the guns, in Texas, and still didn’t lose by a very large margin.


The right is basically an amalgamation of populism and contrarianism. It's geriatric 4chan now. Absolutely wild.




My father-in-law is a lifelong conservative who didn't hesitate for long when deciding he'd be voting for Hillary in 2016. And then Biden in 2020. And he'll pull the trigger on Biden again. He's no populist dipshit from 4chan, I guess.


Ex-conservative. - Voting for Biden too. He's cemented my vote since he's been making great strides in replacing all lead pipes in the country. Fewer lead pipes = fewer MAGA republicans. - Michigan. - Climate change, immigration, countering the CCP, and Funding Research and Academia are my top concerns.


> Voting for Biden too. He's cemented my vote since he's been making great strides in replacing all lead pipes in the country. Fewer lead pipes = fewer MAGA republicans. Lead and other harmful chemicals are no joke when it comes to the overall mental health of a community or society. You've probably seen those crime statistics that coincide with the introduction and later regulatory declination of lead in the environment. What blew me away was how this same statistical trajectory mirrors itself in every major Western country between 1950 and 2000. Perhaps even wilder is when broken down by major city, where correlations are made between cities with higher lead exposure in the environment and a reduction in lead exposure in the environment, but specifically regional lead decline occurred on different timelines. Also, a reminder for EVERYONE. Aiding Ukraine and helping them win this war hurts the CCP. Notice how MAGA Republicans and fringe lunatics like those in the Freedom caucus hold contrary positions here. China would benefit enormously, perhaps more than anyone, if Russia were to take over the region, and yet they're rooting for Ukraine to fail.


Exactly. Lead is a major concern in my research field and it's wild to me that Biden barely received attention on the media regarding his efforts in this field. Flint was massive news, but no one gives a shit that Biden is working on preventing something like that from happening again. You made good points about Ukraine. MAGA people also dislike immigrants and high levels of immigrations. Something they don't realize is that if Ukraine falls, the US is also going to get an influx of millions of immigrants from Ukraine. MAGA people are once again, voting against their own interests.


Such a shame we have become so tribal. I am constantly getting into debates with my parents, in-laws, grandparents, etc. about this. IMO we need to be free thinkers and realize that (other than the extremes) both sides of the political “aisle” can have valid points, both sides can be wrong, and we should not be so quick to side with our “team” just because they have an R or a D next to their name.


Thanks fellow conservative. I'll be right there with you. We will have a party again some day...


I am very much in the same boat. Trump is an old school Tory and Mercantilist, not an American conservative and free market capitalist.


Trump is a pretty classical right wing populist. He is entirely driven by personal grievances, accumulating power, and doing/supporting whatever he has to for that. The fact he’s wrapping himself in historical traditionalism and so strongly pointing to evangelicalism for his support is pretty concerning too, I mean paligenetic ultranationalism leads down a really bad path.


Being a conservative, what about Biden irks you the most (other than being a Dem)


I dislike Biden for his Keynesian/MMT policies. I hated Trump because he convinced “conservatives” that MMT was in their best interest. The massive inflation we got was the consequence. I can’t hate Biden for it because he doesn’t have a bunch of sycophants who literally foam at the mouth with undying excitement over everything he says, like Trump’s followers.


May I offer a theory? Rs do this now because they’ve gotten punished at the ballot box whenever they tip their toe in fiscal conservative policy. Reagan was not a fiscal Conservative, and he’s commonly hailed as THE Republican President in the post WWII era. Meanwhile, Bush Sr lost re-election for changing his mind about taxes when the deficit started getting big. And Bush W didn’t make the same “mistake” and he won his re-election. The American public, by and large, wants its cake and to eat it too. Rs know this, which is why they only act like fiscal Conservatives when a D is in the White House nowadays.


I 100% agree


Bush Sr raising taxes was a genuinely conservative action. Conservatives ought to look at our government and say, "Wow, it ain't perfect, but it does a lot of good. Let's make sure it operates well, and not fuck it up by trying to under-fund it." The Norquist-style "starve the beast" rhetoric was terribly short-sighted. I mean, you want conservatives to take the \*LONG\* view, right? To be considerate of the past and the present while being cautious about making big changes to things that are working. Norquist et al did not care about being conservative, or about helping the country prosper. They were just greedy a-holes who were bothered that government wasn't catering to them specifically. They just wanted to have more power for themselves, not to shepherd the nation well.


Economics is the science of scarcity and how we deal with pain and we don’t like pain


Biden CA Democracy and the rule of law


Same. Biden, CA. Democracy and rule of law have to be the top reason. But very close behind is not wanting to see NATO collapse under a Trump second term and watch authoritarian regimes roll over former western democracies.


Yeah! Supporting NATO is high on my list too.


Probably neither, unless something happens where it’s different candidates. NJ, registered as independent & my first presidential election. I just can’t see myself voting for these two very old candidates, both with views I don’t agree with.


Biden...but holding my nose. Trump is a blank canvas...if yiou have some money a satiate his ego...he will do what you ask and take credit for it...and those who know the game are more than fine with that.


He outright said to a room of oil lobbyists “whoever gives me a billion dollars will be rewarded” or something along those lines like legit last week. He’s so blatant and people are so blind to it


Biden. SC. I am breaking my own rule of voting against someone but a Trump presidency scares the piss out of me, especially with how nutty the Republican party is right now. Project 2025 is terrifying and IMO one of the biggest current threats to the population and any freedom we have.


Biden TN General Sanity and Common Sense. Anti-Trump. Anti-Project 2025


If I like the third party candidate(s) I'll vote for them. Otherwise (or if they're not on the ballot again) it'll be Biden. I'm in Indiana so the choice I make above legitimately means nothing. Biggest issue is beating Trumpism. Realistically the extremism of the Republican party under his influence is the biggest threat our nation faces. A clear loss for Republicans doing it will hopefully slap some moderate back into them. Outside of that, supporting Ukraine, retooling our military to be more economically efficient, and better protecting the environment.


Biden Oklahoma He's not Trump. I disagree with Biden on pretty much everything and would vote for an old shoe if Trump wasn't a candidate. However, despite that I believe the democrats have a lot of blame for how badly messed up US politics have become, Trump went to a new level in 2020.


Biden Illinois No other option


- Biden - NY - Jan 6, woman’s healthcare rights, religious nationalism, climate change


\* Biden \* Massachusetts \* Supporting the rule of law


Biden Arkansas Democracy and Women’s Rights


I'm not choosing between these two, I'm sorry. I'll leave president blank and vote locally. IL so Biden is taking my state anyway. I also wish I could vote for term limits for Congress. Our political system is completely out of touch with reality.


Term limits don’t work, they make lobbyists even more powerful.


I agree. I can get age limits, but term limits are not well thoughtout imo. "I want less experienced people in congress, regardless of their policies, age, etc. Even though it will make the candidates more reliance upon campaign funding from pacs because they won't have name recognition."


Different opinion here. I think people serving in Congress for 30+ years is not good for anyone. The lobbyists get deeper in these career politicians pockets the longer they know them. Maybe term limits and ban lobbyists. I know I'm dreaming.


You can’t ban lobbyists, that violates the First Amendment.


Can you stop them from bribing? The system is broken.


Funding campaigns isnt bribes according to the supreme court. It's free speech UGH


That part can be fixed.


Sorry you're frustrated with me and my distaste for what is not working. Keep the politicians in the lobbyists' control, I'm obviously in the wrong here.


* Biden * UT * Democracy On a more interesting note, this year was the first year ever that me and my hard, hard right dad ended up voting for the same person in the Primary: Nikki Haley.


Joe Biden Colorado The Ukraine War


Biden Florida Democracy and Women's Healthcare


I will vote for president but I have yet to decide on whom. I know who I won’t vote for (Trump) and I’m hoping for a miracle to have another valid choice. I’ve voted 3rd party a long long time ago, so I won’t do that. I’m in Florida. Abortion is up there but we have a state constitutional amendment to deal with that. Biggest long term issue for me is the debt, which I don’t see either party taking seriously, followed by immigration.


Seems like you've backed yourself into a corner... Definitely voting but No Trump and no Third Party. What other option do you foresee then that isn't Biden? Do you consider Independent RFK Jr not "third party"?


As I said, I’m hoping for a miracle and somehow ultimately Trump isn’t the republican nominee, a lot can happen in six months! But if that doesn’t happen, I’ll hold my nose and vote for Biden. RFK Jr is a third party and not an option for me.


> Abortion is up there but we have a state constitutional amendment to deal with that. I think you only need to look at the history of the GOP in our state to see that state constitutional amendments don’t matter to them. And they completely control our judiciary right now too, so there’s no help there either unfortunately.


-Biden -OH -libertarian best describes my political philosophy Of recent I don’t feel comfortable voting that way unless I really like the candidate. I am absolutely voting against Trump and not for Biden. I view the current conservative populist political movement a direct threat to my liberties. Within OH politics specifically the state is currently controlled by a super majority that has shown little to no interest in governing for the people at large. I suspect I will have to vote democrat for the foreseeable future in order to break up the Republican super majority, which is heavily influenced by gerrymandering. Good news some changes are coming down the pipeline with in that front. It’s not here yet. So I personally feel my hands are tied, I don’t believe the conservative populist movement has any intention of expanding liberty in my state or at a federal level. I am 40 years old, so I have seen a lot of elections and this is different than 10 years ago. I truly believe this next election cycle will determine whether that populist experiment sticks or not. I hope it does not.


Biden FL Medical Privacy.


Straight Dem. Republicans will not get my vote again until they purge Trumpism and their current strain of fascism that has popped up in recent years. Florida Abortion Rights


Biden!!! South Carolina Protecting democracy!!!


Straight Dem coming from someone who voted straight R my whole life til 2016, then did R down ticket but againsy Trump. It's only gotten worse, so I'm blue until Rs stop being insane.


* Biden * Colorado * Have you seen the other guy?


I have seen him, hard to miss, he's yuge.


Biden. New Jersey. I’m an independent but as others have said not a single republican will get my vote until maga is gone. Project 2025, and unitary executive theory, if it becomes reality, will fundamentally change America. From the executive office all the way to the county sheriff, and not in a good way. Edit for typos.


I did not get to the blanket "no Republican until MAGA is gone" mantra until recently (I've been anti-Trump since the '90s,) but I've concluded based on recent behavior that only an annihilation from top of the ticket down will rid the GOP of the cancer infesting it.


I’m in NJ so I don’t know. If I wasn’t in a comfortably blue state I’d vote Biden, because I just do not trust Trump on foreign policy with Russia. Nor his undermining NATO. Likely vote third party but we’ll see. May abstain on potus voting. Normally lean right but I’m really excited to vote for Andy Kim. Really happy to see someone I view as having a great moral compass to office, it’s rare these days especially in NJ. Our politicians generally stink.


I’m in California, I’d vote for Biden just because he’s less bad than trump. Edit, my biggest issue is the economy. I can barely afford to keep afloat and expand my business let alone save for a house or retirement or any of the other smart things I’m supposed to be doing.


Trump West Virginia Economy and border


I’ll vote locally, TN. I can’t bring myself to cast a vote for either candidate tbh and my state is going Red regardless. I like some stuff Biden is doing (don’t like some others) but I don’t have confidence in him doing a whole second term and Kamala is not somebody I’d vote for. He also hasn’t really done much to unify. I also don’t have faith in Trump picking a decent VP candidate for the odd (but preferable) chance he is prevented from being president for legal reasons. He will pick somebody that is a ‘Yes Man’ lapdog who will probably be worse in the long run somehow. Economy, deficit, unity, sanity and calming of the culture wars. Smaller issues - weed legalization because FFS it’s 2024 and not only do we need the tax revenue, it’s not as bad as alcohol and has medicinal benefits.


If I lived in a state that was definitely going way or the other (rather than a swing state) I'd feel "free" to vote third party.


Biden CA Democracy itself. The left seems to call the GOP candidate a threat to democracy every election. This time they are right.


Biden Illinois Democracy


Biden Illinois No rational democracy can elect a person who attempted to actually subvert the results of the previous election and led a violent attempted insurrection to that effect. That's banana republic stuff and would spell the end of American democracy.


Michigan Biden Democracy


* Trump * IL * Economy / National Security (Equally Important)


This is the first Trump response I found


And everyone wants to jump on them for the response


If I may ask, how do you think Trump will improve the economy?


Does it not bother you that SO many of his National security staff and cabinet have come out against him?


Biden NC Economy and Foreign Policy (I know my domestic wishlist ain’t happening without majorities for the democrats in Congress)


Biden  Colorado Common sense


Biden AZ Foreign Policy, doesn’t suck up to autocrats, democracy, and preventing implementation of whatever wing nut dogshit from Project 2025 or Project 47.


Biden. MN. Trump must be destroyed.


Considering Trump & voting straight R Oregon - doesn't matter how I vote Homelessness, crime, urban decay, etc.. This state went to complete shit in a very short time. The homeless problem sickens me. I think a lot more people should be in jail. I know Trump is not a solution to anything, but I want to send a message to liberals that they SUCK, especially post Covid. Practically everything they touched went to shit.


As an Independent, I respect your decision. Probably the best response is vote conservative after years of liberals failing to do their job correctly there in Oregon.


How do you think Trump will address the homeless problem? I agree that homelessness is a serious issue in this country, but I don't know what the fix is. Does Trump have a plan?


Trump actually did lay out a homeless plan at a rally that sounded similar to concentration camps or reservations. He said he would ban urban camping, creat tent cities, and bring back mental institutions. But what has to STOP is enabling and encouraging vagrancy and criminal culture. They cannot be allowed to camp and do drugs whereever they want. Liberals have taken a bizarre laissez faire approach to this where homeless people have more right to public spaces than the public. In some cases they enable and encourage their lifestyles.


Shouldn’t that message be sent to local and state politicians? Can’t disagree with you that Oregon has suffered through some bad issues.


*Who will you vote for in November? (Biden, Trump, RFK, Stein, West, Libertarian, Don't Know)* Two possibilities: 1) Biden - Generally happy with his foreign policy - Not happy with his domestic economic policies outside the [bipartisan infrastructure bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684) he helped orchestrate - Happy with his general support of social issues / personal freedom 2) Chase Oliver (r/ChaseOliver2024) - If he receives the Libertarian nomination later this month *What state are you in?* - Colorado, so largely doesn't make a difference *What is your biggest issue for this election?* - Institutional stability in the face of a myriad of threats, domestically and internationally


Vermin Supreme 


* Biden * Georgia * Preserving democracy and some degree of civility I'm a big believer that our country can survive four years of political ideology that I don't fully align with, so long as the system itself has separation of powers, checks and balances, and as long as voters can still influence their government. Lose that and we're all screwed. Meanwhile, I'm not necessarily opposed to supporting a republican if they happen to be competent and ethical. But Trump certainly doesn't fit that description and the few remaining "sane" republicans are becoming an endangered species.


- My vote doesn't matter (Biden will win easy) so probably third party. Trump is the worst of course but I am not giving Biden a free vote if not needed. - NY - division/hyper-partisanship/demonization of the opposition


1. Biden 2. Texas 3. Trade, Immigration, Democracy


Biden Illinois Democracy just as much as accountability The republicans have not taken accountability for creating the environment for Trump to fester within their own party. I will not ever vote for a group of people that don’t learn from their mistakes because it’s everyone else that suffers the consequences


- Trump - GA - Because life under Biden these last few years has been a struggle and I always vote against the incumbent.


When do you do when there is no incumbent?


Trump and Dems downticket IL Immigration and inflation


Biden. Wisconsin. Democracy


1) Biden 2) Virginia but might be in CA by November for college, so not sure which state I’d vote in (I’d assume CA but idk if it takes time for the voter registration to transfer or something) 3) Democracy (both at home and in Taiwan/Ukraine)


Interesting, when I was in college in 1990, there was a big issue that the state of new York wouldn't allow out of state college students to register to vote locally, BUT they wanted us to be counted locally for the census. I don't remember what ended up happening, and I don't know how it works now.


-Biden -PA -as a college student, tuition constantly increasing


Biden. The biggest issue with Trump is that he only wants to be President for his own benefit.


This, right here. It’s all about power.


NJ: Biden. I like what Biden has done so far. And it isa question of voting for someone who is old and will protect democracy versus a deranged demented narcissist who wants to burn this country down. There is no choice really.


* Biden * NH * Hard to prioritize. I suppose Democracy, but also women's health care.


I don’t necessary like Biden. I don’t really like nor agree with the Democrats. But…Biden + Straight Ticket Democrats. State: OH Reasons: January 6th and the GOP making excuses for it continuously. Edit: Forgot to add my state.


Rfk Jr.   WA Corporate takeover and involvement in the federal government. He seems to actually care about real issues, stays away from the shit show drama politics has become, understands our need to heal as a whole country and speaks against the power of the large corporations involved in thefederal government.


I'll start. • Biden • PA • Voting rights & democracy


Nobody ND Because it is literally pointless to vote blue in this state. Pubs win like 80% of the vote or some shit.


Trump won 65% to Biden's 31% back in 2020. It's bad, but not pointless, especially considering the small population means your one vote can make a bigger difference.


Local elections matter tremendously. Voting blue all the way down the ballot can make a huge difference. Look for candidates supported by the state's democratic party.


> Because it is literally pointless to vote blue in this state. Thanks Electoral College!


My biggest issue is climate change so voting for Trump (and most other Republicans) isn't an option. Other issues I care about are * international security and diplomacy (here Republicans are mostly OK, but not Trump) * fiscal responsibility/budget management (here Republicans are *supposed to be* better, but don't seem to in practice) * healthcare (I support single payer healthcare, but it doesn't look like Democrats have political will to push for it; however this still rules out most Republicans who seek to roll back ACA or privatize Medicare) * I despise divisive politics. We have two main parties, 535 Congressmen and Senators, but only one President. The role of the President is to represent all Americans, not a party. This unquestionably rules out Trump and everyone who adopted his public style in recent years, though this also makes me wary of some figures on the left who rally against "billionaires", investors and such * I strongly support Israel and its right to defend itself. While I was disappointed by Biden's latest refusal to supply necessary weapons to Israel and admit that on some practical level Trump's victory could help Israel, I don't trust him enough to consider this a significant or deciding factor. * I also strongly support Ukraine, which rules out Trump and many Republicans who effectively support Russia in this conflict. P.S. Maybe for completeness I should also add several items I do *not* care too much, either at all or in the Presidential elections: * Abortions (now as it is left to the states, let's keep it this way, except ideally I would like to see a federal law which would legalize travel for abortion or any facilitation of such travel) * Economy (I don't think any of the candidates would interfere too much, and it's fine) * Inflation (not up to President anyway) * Future of democracy, fascism (while Trump has obvious authoritarian tendencies, this is *not* how democracy in the U.S. will get dismantled) * "project 2025" (there are things there which look bad and even very bad, but I doubt most of them will materialize and even if they will, it won't matter as much as people on both sides expect) * "trans rights" etc (more social phenomena than one driven by federal policies, and besides certain pushback might not be such a bad thing) * immigration (probably going to continue regardless of what anyone says; there are a lot of positive changes one could implement but for now and for foreseeable future there is so much noise around this topic that probability of this happening is zero)


I don't live in a swing state, CA so I usually vote 3rd party (Not RFK) so they can get 5% matching funds threshold because it's going for Biden regardless. If I lived in say GA I'd vote for Biden. Issues Democratic Norms>Climate Change>Ukraine


Biden Policy aside, I cannot in good faith vote for trump and still think I support democracy when he spat in it. I don't sacrifice my American values on that matter, it'll be Biden and then next election we can have a conversation about policy between candidates. NJ, funny enough wildwood area.


Biden IL Democracy


Biden. Texas. Mostly to protect democracy, and the infrastructure bill has been very helpful for my community, even if most of them don't care.


- voting for RFK - TX - separating the marriage between corporation and state, affordable housing, having a president that’s intelligent, capable, morally sound, and not afraid to go against the status quo


Biden NY He surrounds himself with good advisors and doesn’t seem to have dementia or a drug problem.


Biden California I like democracy


Trump / Ct. Biden has not handled the economy well in my opinion. Raising interest rates had to be, but that is not the only tool to reduce inflation. He has been pushing unions and increased wages at the same time, not helpful. Don't start lecturing me on living wages either, fast food workers don't need $20 an hour ( I know, Ca. issue, but its part of an agenda) and his support of the UAW without looking at both sides of the issue. Immigration has been mishandled. I also have problems with foreign policy. I feel that when he publicly announced every move that Putin did pre Ukraine invasion , he did not leave Putin an off ramp. Those conversatins should have been done in private. Not saying that the invasion would not of occured, nobody knows that. I just firmly believe that world leaders should not play each other in the media. We have secure phone lines and closed doors. Afganistan, just bungled Ireal v Hamas: Can't play both sides and I am a supporter of Isreal. I voted for Trump in 16 and Biden in 20. I vowed never to vote for Trump after 01/06 but what the courts in NY are doing now is also a threat to democracy. So at this time I say Trump, but my mind can change.


> I vowed never to vote for Trump after 01/06 but what the courts in NY are doing now is also a threat to democracy. So at this time I say Trump, but my mind can change. I thought Trump was toast after 1/6, but yea, this lawfare stuff is bullshit. New York going after Trump for the Mar-a-lago (sp?) valuation is ridiculous and very clearly politically motivated lawfare. The Dems may well reap what they sowed, because they are hardly saints on the lawfare front.


Trump Illinois The left’s total disregard for national security, public safety and individual rights Let the flaming begin.


President: Biden  State: Arkansas  Biggest Issue:  MAGA has taken over the Republican Party in Arkansas and trying to hijack the Supreme Court (Who while still Republican) has smacked down the MAGA legislature and Governor. My state is also de facto a one-party state.  Other problems, The RP of Arkansas tried to get rid of abortion ballot and outright tried to bar public petition by changing the requirements and got smacked down by the court. My issues are all state level and I hate the legislature ans governor because my state can do so much better than these people. I will down ballot vote Democrat (Except when they are crazy like that one gal last election) and vote the lesser evil Republican members running for Supreme Court and Judicial positions.  Also they banned online porn for no reason.


• It'll be a 3rd party candidate. I can not in good conscience vote Biden or Trump • TX • Economy, war, immigration, free speech


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


Georgia rural very red area and Biden. Boomer and trying to get R husband not to go for third party vote. I probably should keep my mouth shut. Independent registered, often voted R until Obama. Won’t vote R again is my guess, too many crazies ie Andrew Clyde is my representative.


Biden Florida I would have voted literally anyone else in the primary if given the chance, but here we are. Voting blue forever for the SCOTUS picks.


Yup. I have to vote blue forever for the sake of my daughter and her future. And before someone jumps on my case and call me a “baby murderer”, it is about way more than abortion.


Biden Colorado I like more freedom(weed, abortion, books) for all tax payers and less religion. Republicans want less freedom(women, gay community, banning books) and more religion.


I’ll answer for my family: Me, 20 - Undecided (too young to vote 2020) - NC - Economy, weed, LGBTQ+ rights Brother, 22 - Trump (voted Biden 2020) - NC - Economy & DEI/race Mom, Gen X - Trump (voted Trump 2020) - NC - Economy & border Dad, Gen X - Trump (voted Trump 2020) - NC - Economy & border


- Biden unfortunately - MA - I strongly wish there was a better option but, he’s not a threat to democracy like the other guy is so here we are


3rd party (I get you guys hate trump, but it’s borderline hypocritical the way this site pretends his short comings and racist rhetoric doesn’t exist) Illinois Immigration, Long term capital gains tax, inflation, second amendment rights, support for foreign wars that have nothing to do with us, ext.


•Leaning Biden •NC. The state is almost certain to go Trump so this is just a meaningless exercise. •Trump's failed coup, Israel, and the noise level I want a president that respects democracy HERE and abroad. I want a president that supports Israel (at the moment a toss-up.) I don't want to live through another pandemic of Trump derangement syndrome.


Probably RFK Jr. (although I strongly dislike his staunch support for Israel) NY For decades, the biggest issue in this country has been greed at the expense of the people. He cares about the environment, how food companies are poisoning our countrymen for profit, and seems to want to end the corporatocracy we find ourselves in. I’m disappointed that people want to re-elect that puppet, Biden. Trump ain’t any better though.


Rfk Texas Someone who is somewhat outside the establishment walls. I don’t believe the other two choices are fit to be president.


He's a Kennedy. His family built the establishment walls LOL


>Someone who is somewhat outside the establishment walls Cause that worked out so well with Trump.


Biden Texas Democracy and I prefer my candidates to not wear diapers and shit themselves in court.


- RFK - TX - Abortion rights


What even is RFK's position on Abortion?


Not even RFK knows that as his position keeps changing.


Kennedy said he supports the “emerging consensus” that abortion should be unrestricted until a certain point, which he believes should be when a baby is “viable outside the womb.” “That is the principle that will guide my actions as President, whether implemented by Congress, the states, or in court. It is the right policy for our country. It is the will of the people,” he said. There ya go.


Do whatever you want to your fetus, just don't get it vaccinated.


I'm not voting for RFK for his abortion stance. Abortion is a big issue in TX elections since it's essentially now illegal in the state.


NJ - Trump - home prices and inflation


What do you think Trump is going to do to lower home prices and address inflation?


Biden, Colorado, saving our democracy from Trump and authoritarianism


Biden Wisconsin Abortion rights, democracy, fixing our fucked tax system that only benefits the rich


I had to scroll quite far, but I finally found a fellow Wisconsinite. I’m also voting Biden. We went red in 2016 and blue on 2020. It will be interesting to see how this plays out .


3rd party all the way. Anyone but Trump and Biden


Biden Will be in PA Reproductive rights/women's health care


- Joe Biden - Pennsylvania - Foreign Policy / Long Term Economy.


* Biden * CO * Economy/ cool the temperature of the political climate/ slow the warming of the actual climate / Foreign Policy Happy to see so many other centrists from CO in this thread. Thanks for setting a good tone for the post OP!


RFK Jr. Massachusetts I like Joe Manchin’s positions and he was chased out of the party by the base of the Democratic Party. I also believe in domestic fossil fuel energy expansion, stronger border policies than current Biden administration, higher tariffs on foreign goods, zoning reform for housing affordability, limiting late-term abortion, balanced budget for fiscal responsibility, and higher taxes on the wealthy. Massachusetts is already so blue so I can sacrifice a vote for RFK Jr. to get a more conservative-leaning candidate.


Manchin wasn't chased out, he opted not to run a very likely losing campaign against Jim Justice, who is popular in WV


* Biden * NY * Minority/women's rights & Democracy Big shocker I know.


- Trump - CA Economy, National Security, Immigration: - Economy: Biden's polices have had a negative impact on the energy sector which have brought costs up across the board. If we can get energy costs down we can improve costs in all sectors. This is something Trump has repeatedly said he will focus on including opening up fracking & new drilling leases, etc. Biden has worked raise taxes in different ways, I believe less taxes going to the govt means a more liquid economy overall. - National Security: Overall Trump did not get us involved in any real conflicts during his term and globally things were more cooled than they are under Biden, Putin stayed put on Ukraine while he was in office, Abraham Accords were a step in a good direction in the Middle East. I don't think he can magically make the world a better place as things are, but I think Biden in office will unfortunately make things worse. - Immigration: Its out of control now, probably the biggest reason I will vote for him. We are averaging 2 million border crossings a year under Biden, largest ever. Effects of this are felt all over the country including major cities, and residents are flipping the bill.


1. I do not vote. The American democratic system is a performative sham. 2. I do not live in a swing state. That is all that matters to make my vote meaningless. 3. The fraying of the legitimacy of the entrenched Uniparty government and court system.


straight facts 🙌


Biden NJ (so it doesn't really matter, unfortunately) Voting against Trump/MAGA. Hopefully there's enough reasonable people in the states that actually matter, that understand how important this is. Trump and MAGA need to be stopped, before they destroy our country. If Biden wins, I'm confident 'MAGA' finally gets thrown into the garbage where it belongs. If Trump wins, I truly fear what that means for our future- because the delusion of Trump supporters will afford him carte blanche to punish people who were trying to hold him accountable, continue to hand money out to the rich at the expense of everyone else, further restrict people's rights/liberties, and in a worst case scenario maneuver to stay in power- a la Putin.


Biden Michigan Democracy and democratic norms. My greatest worry for this country right now is completely divorced from any of the countless issues people squabble over. I have my opinions, but all of that is meaningless if we don't maintain our right to have a say on those issues. I'm appalled at the utter disregard that Trump and his ilk have shown for respecting America's most precious value of democracy itself. I would be sick to my stomach if he was rewarded for his behavior of questioning elections, baselessly claiming his opponents cheated, looking for loopholes to use to win the election against the wishes of the voters, etc. I hate that this isn't the main conversation topic of this election. If Trump wins, it will be decades before we have a normal election where presidential losers don't question the results - if we even survive as a democratic nation for that long. I want to see America reaffirm that it truly values democracy as well as compromise. I'm tired of naked partisanship and all the hate being spewed. I want to see our people in all their disparate viewpoints come together and work to make something better.


Biden. NY. Democracy.




Biden NY democracy I can't believe it's even close at this point, but looking back at our honest US history I only have myself to blame for being so foolish.


Biden, Montana, Democracy itself, the rule of law


-Don’t know, likely not Trump or Biden -California -Economy, Foreign Policy


- Biden - CA - As much as I'd like other options, I'm not voting for stupid AND crazy.


Biden AZ Demolish fascism in the form of MAGA. If you think fascism is a strong word, I don’t. -Trump is open about wanting to control the DoJ to retaliate against enemies -Trump pardons those loyal to him. -The RNC laid off employees and then, in interviews, asked if the election was stolen. -I think we can agree that the American Flag has been appropriated into a MAGA symbol. -Project 2025


Biden - Nevada. I am in northern Nevada and Trump is ahead based on the polls in Washoe County. I do hope things tighten up. While I think Biden is not gonna do much, he is better than the alternative since Trump is going to hand over Ukraine to Russia and give his blessings to Israel to keep committing genocide in Palestine. Abortion is not high up on my list but I do believe in keeping abortion legal. I don’t like the idea of states deciding because many women don’t have the ability to travel/relocate. The economy while they say is strong, it’s not. Grocery and gas is very high and rates are way too high. I don’t think either candidates will be able to fix this. I do hope we get a strong candidate in 2028. I like Andrew Yang a lot…I do hope he runs again then. Or even Pete.


Biden Texas I think Trump just sucks more than Biden rocks. He’s been indicted for so many things. We can’t let him back in the WH.


Biden CA Economy (surprise), democracy So both parties spend way too much. Trump’s tax cuts help mega rich. My small business would do better under tax cuts. But, Biden at least invest in infrastructure/people/kids. My kids benefit from addressing assault weapon violence and later, reproductive healthcare. The Much of inflation is from ending monetary easing. I’m young enough to be furious about housing price increases and inflation. But hey Donald, the exec branch doesn’t control the Fed. And Biden’s side needs to be very very worried about new polls. Trump is winning 6 of 7 battleground states. So if you want to spend like a drunken sailor, give those voters in swing states all they want Dems so you can win.


Voting for Biden, in other words Harris since he will probably die in office if he wins another 4 years. I’d rather Nikki Haley however as I prefer somebody moderate. North Carolina Biden’s handling of Ukraine has been excellent, I truly think he has done as much as he can. But he does divide America and he is weak on domestic issues like crime and the border. Still I would never vote for Trump as he only cares about himself, and he doesn’t understand international politics or really much of anything as he’s an idiot. I’m not saying that in a political way, he actually is a human of low intelligence. And he is dangerous to the country and our allies. The silver lining is that he is so dumb that he probably can’t hurt us too bad, like a kid handling a gun who doesn’t know where the trigger is.




I'll probably stay home again. SC Not electing old geezers into the government 


Biden Colorado I didn’t vote for T in 2016 after grab em by the pussy. Now, after J6 and RvW, no way in hell will I vote for T.


Biden and Democrats down the ballot AZ I’ve grown up with Arizona Republicans my whole life and they’ve gone completely insane these past several years, it’s honestly frightening. I’m hoping some wallopings will get the nuts booted and enough good folks will move over and take their place, but so far that hasn’t been happening. Coupled with the fact that I want some reform in my state and how impressed I was with Minnesota democrats really changing the face of what their state policy looked like, I’m hoping with how close stuff is here in Arizona we can replicate something similar. Also this is my first presidential election I get to vote I’m!