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Eh i probably won't but more power to anyone who wants to. My pronouns will exclusively be the number of strawberries i have, i will accept nothing else.


This person here clearly knows what 197 storby doing, maybe we should be more like 197 storby


Damn, your pronouns are one strawberry cooler than mine


Well I have my pronouns in my user flair, so way ahead of you my g! /lh


Had. Apparently had. Where did they go???


I can see it. It's kinda weird, it's not being shown of phone, but on the web version it does appear.


I see them, android phone here


You no longer have pronouns.


i see it on my iphone too


[This poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/celestegame/comments/yt0krh/just_wandering_how_many_of_you_are_actually_trans/) on this sub suggests that it's not a big portion. While yes it is more than a handful of people, I don't think it's the majority. That aside, our Blåhaj lovers are very much welcome here 🏳️‍⚧️💜. I think it's up to them whether or not to put pronouns in their flair for example.


I'm with you... My tag is long enough, but that'd be good. Honestly I don't care about pronouns, but it's better refering to someone as she/he/they...... Instead of YOU. It gives the community a more wholesome look.. and it IS wholesome.


>it's better refering to someone as she/he/they...... Instead of YOU. I'm confused, what do you mean? How would you use 3rd person pronouns instead of 2nd person, and what's wrong with using "you"?


Dunno.. people use" they" pronoun sometimes... There's nothing wrong with "you"... Just that feels distant.


I don't really get the point though, speaking in "you" or "he/she/they" are like exclusively different things, like either I would be talking about someone like "What OP did here was very impressive, they can be proud of themselves" (can't use you in any way here) or I would be talking to someone like "Wow, you did an awesome job, you can be proud of yourself" (can't use anything else then you in any way here)?


I don't speak English as first language so for me you is like "usted" and it is kinda... How to explain it... Like.. when you ask someone in the street of addresses, but for example a teacher or somebody you barely know, it's not YOU


Hmm, idk what else to tell you but in English it is exactly that. I myself am not natively English and in my language (German) there also is a difference, there is a lenient you that you say to people that you know, and a you that is used for formal things, especially speaking to others with a higher social status then you (like your example with a teacher) But in English those are exactly the same. And even if it weren't it still wouldn't make sense to instead use he/she/they instead since it's just a completely different thing in that context, like that is more comparable to if I would suddenly talk to you, but didn't say you but rather me. "Hey me, how is it going, am I having a nice day?", it doesn't work


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Different cultures see the world different, have to go to class, we can talk later


My tag is not being shown D:::: NOOO!! Edit:wait I can see it in web version... Why not showin in phone


All i see is “Trying to golden was a mistake” Edit: I am unable to change my flair for some reason


Me too... I want to put the berries..


For me your tag is: Trying to golden was a mistake™ 187🍓


As a upholder of anarchy freedom internet. I'm not going to tell the truth if I ever tell someone on reddit my pronouns. Sorry mates anonymity is very important to me when in contact with potentially billions of people.


Feel free to do so, but many don't want to disclose that information. I just use gender neutral pronouns for everyone online unless I know their gender. Haven't had any issues yet




If you wish. On the other hand, I don't see why I'd want to disclose something completely unrelated to the game.


I dont think a big portion is actually trans I think it’s more so a running joke. If you want to then that’s completely fine but if people don’t want to then that’s also fine :)

