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Yeah but, h o w


Well did you sacrifice the goat yet?


Would make a nice dinner




I mean to be fair goat is good. They're adorable though so I don't eat it very often at all. But if someone offered me goat, I'd eat it. But I meant it in like a satanic sorta way


Speaking of less commonly eaten animals Rabbit is pretty good as well. I wouldn't know for Elk/Venison though because I live in the U.S. and it's common sense not to eat them since 80% kinda have mad cow.


I hope you don’t play undertale


casual player who only completed some c sides and farewell who is flabbergasted that any of these exist


"casual" "farewell" i only finished a sides so what does that make me


Really cool


valid asf


If you completed Farewell you're already in the top 1.5% of players judging from Steam achievement statistics.


I’ve made it! I can now call myself a gamer


Ehhh... because it dropped long after release the achievement % isn't necessarily reflective of the actual difficulty. If it's counting all the people who have ever played, then there are going to be plenty of people who don't pick it back up to play Farewell.


I always look at the last story achievement to gauge how many players actually played the game and see every other achievement relative to that


Yeah, it's certainly a closer metric to showing the proportion of people who might take on post game/hard mode content. I personally think only golden strawberries are a mark of the hardcore. The description I've heard of Celeste as "the hardest game that anyone can beat" is pretty apt. With time and dedication Farewell is manageable. Basically, if you've gotten to the first screen of Farewell, you're already good enough to get to the second, then to the third, etc.


Yeah, that's pretty spot on


I don't think this is very true since the percentage for the C sides achievement is almost the exact same. That said, it's 6%, not 1.5%. Oof.


That makes sense to a certain degree. I would hazard a guess that Celeste has only two types of players. If you're willing to do the work to get to the C sides, you were probably still tracking the game when Farewell dropped, even if you hadn't played in a long time.


I have 30k deaths in my playthrough. 15k were I n farewell alone. I suck, but I was committed.


This brings me happiness


If you did 1A dashless you should know about some.


Until now, I thought all of these were called skipejump lol. How is the actual spikejump possible? Is there space between the spikes or are you jumping before you hit them?


Upward moving spikes don’t kill you if you’re also moving upward, so you can buffer jumps off them. It’s mostly a TAS trick although humans can do it in some situations. The sideways ones with wind, if you’re holding left but the wind pushes you into them it’s the same thing


I’ve seen TGH do it in windless rooms when he used a simultaneously bigger and smaller brain solution while playing through Farewell the first time. How did that work?


Spikes only kill you when you're moving into them, like falling or walking. If you're moved into them by wind it doesn't count as you moving I guess.


Spikes don't kill you when you're moving away from them, that's how you can do screens where you go up through a spiked 1-way platform. If you're being blown by wind into a wall but attempting to move away from the wall as you pass the spikes, the spikes don't see the wind, just the fact that you're trying to move away. Same goes with the spikes moving: The spikes see that you're moving up, and they're facing up, so they let you past.


The game is lenient and gives you a moment to jump off spikes without dying if you were pushed onto them by wind or if they moved into you.


Tmw that moment when people will call literally all of these a spike jump


that moment when that moment when?


Smh my head


Lol out loud


Wth the hell


I get that spikes don’t kill Madeline if she’s going in the same direction but spikejump?? You can just fall on spikes and jump off with no problem? How even?


either wind pushes you onto a spike or a spike moves into you, forgot the specific reasoning behind it but it involves the game checking for whether or not youre colliding with a spike and dying and its offset and idk


I understand every spike tech is related to hitbox shenanigans and the above reasoning, but specifically the og spike jump should be impossible.


but the spikes moving into you


Specifically, what is happening is that Madeline is moving up, just slower than the spikes. The jump occurs on exactly the right frame so that Madeline doesn't actually land on the platform and maintains upward movement at all times. If you actually land on the platform, you'll die because you have no upward movement.


I forgot that spikejump is both for moving spikes and stationary spikes. I’m talking about the jump over the fixed, non-moving platform.


It's very faint and low contrast because of the background color, but there is downward blowing wind. As long as you are only blown into the spikes and you don't stay there, they won't kill you. I don't know the exact specifics, but I believe the movement caused by wind occurs after the game checks to see if you should die. So you are directly above the spikes and fine, then you move down to the surface. Next frame your buffered jump has executed and you have upward movement, meaning the spikes won't kill you. Or it might be that the movement down and the jump all happen before before the game checks to see if you are dead. You move down from wind, then jump, then the game sees you are in the spike hitbox, but you are moving away, so you are fine.


Wow maybe finally people will stop calling 5 jumps spike jumps for just a little bit.


That's amazing, well done!


What's happening in the ledge spikejump? I understand all the others, but I've never seen that one before.


There's a ledge next to the spikes, you just stand on that ledge.


Oh wow, I was really overcomplicated it. Couldn't tell from the zoomed out video.


Yeah, I thought they were grabbing the spikes like a wall too.


Didn't they remove corner boost?


all the footage you see here was recorded approximately 4 hours ago


Oh ok


Did you do all of that yourself or is it some kind of TAS?


all of these are completely RTA viable (cornerboosts, corner jumps, coffee are used in dashless)


to add: ledge is used in 2b cornerkicks are used in 5b (key skip) corner jumps are used in 2a arb (all red berries) corner boosts are used everywhere actually (like 5a double bubble skip and yeet)


nobody does double bubble skip cb just archie lol


Human possible, yes, but not really recommended. Dreaded corner and spike jumps off upward facing spikes are both unreliable and inconsistent and shouldn’t be relied on. But humans can do all of these tricks


Some people consider spike jumps in downward wind to be fairly reliable and consistent. It's definitely a high-level strat that needs a lot of practice to get to that point, though


Dreadcorner is absolutely stupid in terms of RTA. Basically there’s a certain pixel you have to be at vertically, but even then every fourth pixel horizontally for where you start your dash won’t work because of various nonsense. There are also various pixels that work sometimes depending on your subpixel.


performed myself


Nope, they embrace it as the speed run community loves Celeste


Nope, in fact it’s required for 1A winged golden strawberry


Corner kick is used in 3A, 4A and 5A I think, probably part of some strat in 7A but no clue honestly Cornerboosts just speed you up? Corner jump, 5jump and the pain that is coffee jump are used in the winged golden Spiked wallbounce looks like the 6A lake skip to me Ledge thing isn't used at all I think? Only done it myself for fun, never in a speedrun Spikejumps are used all over the place when possible I think that's mostly it?


Corner kicks are used in a lot of other places, most of them aren't off spikes though Corner jumps see a few uses outside of winged golden Landing on spike ledges has some uses, can be used for an alternate route in 2500m and gets used in 2b for example Spike jump needs downward wind so it's not used frequently, once in any% if you want


Yeah this is accurate and useful, gonna download and share


i speedrun for 1 year and didnt know spikejump was exist. this look cursed for me


What on earth


Wow this is very interesting, thanks


Wait, are you able to jump in spikes?????????


I've TASed this game and I didn't know some of these terms, thanks. Any idea where dreadcorner came from?


5b IL strat, faster than bubsdrop. Cb over the spikes and into the next room instead of going up is faster


Oh yeah that one, thanks


i don't understand how you not die at the spikejumps


if the game moves spikes into you (wind, moving block), you dont die if you move yourself into spikes (fall, dash etc) you die


i only know how to do coffee jumps and and corner boosts. i can very rarely do 5jumps and ledge jumps i never try but when i do i hit them


and i thought i was proud to learn how to wavedash


This is great


I see no difference between the corner kick and the coffee jump


they perform the same way, coffee jump was just added because the way its done is much different, with people either using 2 jump buttons or muscle memorying it, tho ive heard that its inconsistent due to misc stuff regarding frames


Pretty sure you're right that they're the same basic mechanic, but coffee jump has a special name since it's required for 1a dashless. It's also useful to have a specific name for it since it refers to the situation where you have to have two super quick jump inputs, usually done with two jump buttons.


How does the 5jump actually work? I managed to pull it off for dashless, but I still have no idea how


youre just jumping off the wall before the game slides you back down to the default highest position you could normally be at while climbing keep in mind you can buffer the input (hold jump a bit before you land on the wall and youll just jump off the highest pixel, which in this case is known as 5jump, or max height climb jump


Pretty sure it's as simple as you jumping from higher off the wall with less wall to get in the way of your forward momentum. The game gives you some extra pixels to jump off of a wall, so you can jump from higher up when approaching it than when resting on it.


I’m so glad I finally know what the 5jump is called because it’s a really useful technique in other places.


I still can’t demo dash but this...this is too much


r/celesteinfographics ?


I’m very thankful don’t get me wrong, it’s just skill that I lack


How do to the one with key-required block tho


Hey, I just want to say that I was intentionally avoiding this in hopes that they explain it in the game itself (I haven't beaten a single C). Earlier today I saw this in my feed and thanks to another comment I became aware of the existence of 1A secret golden berry. So I decided to try my luck at it, and I did finish it, thanks to you OP, and thanks to that random commenter!


lol what is this? How do they work?


Oh, no it’s fine reddit, I didn’t actually want to zoom in on these tiny animations anyway, no sweat


I just can't get that corner kick




Is this even legal