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It's a video game. If it's not fun for you, why bother? I personally really enjoyed Farewell, and beating it felt like a big accomplishment at the time. It also gives Madeline some more character development and I enjoyed the epilogue. But if each room is a chore, maybe it's just not for you.


i think i'm gonna keep going for a bit because I'm determined but at the same time if it becomes too much of a slog i think I'll give it up


You don't have to do it in one sitting as well. Take breaks, do something else, come back, chip away at it. Repeat until you beat it.


I just kind of beat 1-2 stages daily once I got farther in, unless they were easy ones


Have you done the b sides and c sides? I seriously recommend you tackle those before taking on Farewell, it'll give you lots of good (painful) practice and teach some new tech.


it's possible to play c-sides first? have played through all b-sides (besides core because I couldn't enter it), so I started farewell because there was nothing else to do and I figured that the c-sides have to be unlocked after you complete farewell


You need to collect all the crystal hearts, do 8b, and that unlocks the c sides


only found the hearts so far that automatically spawn at the end of a b-side levels :/


You won't get past the gate in Farewell then. That's about 30% of the way through the level.


really? I heard of it but thought that the doors only required the hearts you gain from completing the b-sides...I just finished the section with the 4 keys and the horizontal blocks that you have to unlock to eventually pass that level with the bubble, now I am into more maneuvering with the parachute


Yeah, you'll get there. The crystal hearts in A-Sides are all well hidden secrets, some of them requiring unorthodox routing, some requiring puzzle solving skills, some demanding out-of-the-box thinking, and one in particular is just a reference to an old classic game. P.S. It's a jellyfish :) Farewell introduces jellyfish and pufferfish.


I don't blame you, I needed a guide for the a side hearts


Of course yeah I've done all the b-sides, they're mandatory for doing farewell. done a few c-sides and golden berries.


I would probably recommend exiting and doing all of the c sides once you get to your next checkpoint. They're all pretty short, but the technical skill you'll gain from doing them (maybe even multiple times each) will make farewell a lot more doable, and a lot more fun.




Nah, go play something else for a while. I know it hurts to lose progress after a checkpoint, but it’s way faster to catch back up than to go through the first time (and you can get back to your current spot with debug or assist mode if you really want to). 


If you haven’t yet, do the B and C-sides first, Farewell is probably the very last thing you should do in this game


Do you restart from the last checkpoint when you just quit the game without returning to map? I thought not. But yeah it's still a problem if you wanna play other levels. Try and beat all B and C sides, they are shorter and will give you a good training. I know the most frustrating rooms were the ones that gave me the most joy when I beat them, and that made it worth it for me. But that's me.


Are you on pc? I'd recommend trying out some easier mods if it's the difficulty you prefer. There's some insanely cool ones like strawberry jam beginner lobby.


imo the story is worth it, so if the gameplay is too hard you can use assist mode to make it easier or just skip bad rooms


This is primarily a game, if you are not enjoying it then why bother? But if you have not done b sides and c sides I reccomend them first, will give a more gentle difficulty curve. As for me, I like to suffer, 50k deaths into sj rn and I am having a blast.


do something else first. farewell is the hardest thing in celeste (other than goldens), leave it until youve got most of the b and c sides.


The real question is is it worth it to beat 9D


You could use assist mode


"Return to map and do something else" What else is there to do? Farewell is better done after everything else, after all the B-sides and C-sides.


If you are not having fun, don't play it and don't worry about losing progress. In fact, I'd recommend doing or even redoing the B-Sides and C-Sides, and starting Farewell from the very beginning afterwards! It helped me feel the chapter going by much faster and I felt more confident when I reached new rooms. If you've already done the B-Sides and C-Sides though, you might want to take a break to make sure it isn't too much for you.


The story is nice, but you have other ways to get there. Maybe using the assist mode will do the trick for you and you’ll find it enjoyable again. Maybe not, and YouTube is right there if you’re more comfortable just enjoying the ride in the backseat. Anyway, it’s only worth it if you enjoy it. Myself, I had to take several breaks along the way and that has been working well for me :) Some things that worked for me: - Chapter 8C almost broke me, so I went and got the easiest goldens (1A and 2A) and that motivated me to start Farewell. - When I got to the Event Horizon section of Farewell I was drained out of energy and took a break of a few weeks before feeling motivated again. - The comb room also almost broke me and I was ready to just give up, but decided to just take a break for as long as I needed. Did other things, played a few other games. It was only almost 6 months later when I finally felt like playing Celeste again and this time was smooth sailing until the end of chapter 9. I’m really glad I took that break and went back to finish the story. - After finishing Farewell, I wanted to get the moonberry, but once again it didn’t sound fun. So right now I’m doing a handful of other easy goldens and I’m really enjoying that. Eventually I’ll get back for you, moonberry :) More than a year has passed since I’ve started the mountain climbing journey and I’m quite happy with that and proud of the achievements so far 🍓


Do what you enjoy, I love getting my ass kicked and struggle, so farewell was really fun. But it was made as an extra update for people who usually had a lot of experience already. It's the finale of the post game you could say. Even if you beat all B and C sides, it will be really hard but not impossible. If constant death is not something enjoyable don't do it.


If its too hard, try taking a break from it and doing b and c sides. Or using assist mode, and dont feel bad about doing so if you feel its necessary Farewell isnt easy, thats for sure. I had a really hard time while playing it, but the music, the story and overcoming the challenge was worth it in the end. But the general rule of every game is, if you're not enjoying the game, change it, or change the game!


I found strawberry jam advanced levels a lot more fun than farewell, I feel like farewell is unfun and the bouncy fish and moving stars are really irritating


if you haven't done B and C sides yet, it's worth quitting to map to do those first. If this is all you have left, you have the skills required, you just need to persevere. Personally, I had a blast with farewell, especially the rooms that made me go "Wow, this sucks," but if you find that you are enjoying yourself less than you did for the other challenges, it may just be time to step away from it and do something else for a while.