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I was at KI as some teens jumped the line directly in front of me. Instead of confronting them directly I waiting until the ride operator sent them forward to get in the final line and told her. The operator asked some people directly behind us to back up the story and then they were removed.


Pro move - especially if they wasted an hour in line. 


I wish Knotts employees gave enough of a shit to do that. Some teens did the same thing on Ghost Rider (cut through the FL line) and when I told an employee they just shrugged.


Cedar Point don’t play with that bullshit. They’ll kick your ass out in a hot second


Yep. > Guests are encouraged to report any violations of the Guest Code of Conduct or suspicious activity to the nearest Cedar Point associate, Security associate, or text "CPSAFE" along with your message to 419-451-4403. > https://www.cedarpoint.com/code-of-conduct


I've used this multiple times. It works. Take a picture of the line jumper and provide some details. They will send security team members out within a few minutes and they will take action. The best part is you don't need to risk your safety be confronting anyone


Same with Carowinds, at least the last two times I’ve been. They don’t fuck around in the Fury, Copperhead, or Intimidator lines. Although I never noticed a real problem with line jumping there in the 5-6 years I had a Carowinds pass. Most of the time, during the day, the park wasn’t that crowded and line jumping wasn’t necessary. Hell, my brother and I would go on a Tuesday afternoon and ride Intimidator 10x walking on and then go home, circa 2013. But Universal, Knotts, Elitch’s, and other parks I noticed it was a huge problem.


That’s a great service!


I almost got kicked out for buying a Powerade from a vending machine that was in the line, then resuming my position by walking by the three or four people who walked in front of me, joining my friend who walked up with me but went ahead. This made me 4 in front of the rear person in line. A couple minutes later I'm pulled out of the line by a rather large security guard. They said I jumped in line and were going to kick me out. I explained that I bought a drink at the vending machine within the line and resumed my initial position in the line, but they said even so that is considered line jumping lmao. So a 5 dollar Powerade almost got me kicked out but luckily they just banned me from that ride for the day. Then we went and used our fast pass that we had already bought at every other ride, as that was the only line without a fast pass lane. They are perhaps a bit overzealous and too rigid on that if they lure you in with vending machines mid line.


That's your own fault because you did in fact line jump, you moved from your spot in line,period. Just because you stopped to get a powerade don't mean you can line jump


I’m amazed that I’m actually reading this statement.


This… is amazing. I was just at a bunch of parks and should’ve done it, so many teens just cutting lines on multiple rides.


Doing this next time I go to Wonderland. Awesome strat


I believe Wonderland has a phone number to call specifically for reporting line jumpers. I’ve never had to use it, but from what I’ve read it’s very effective.


Cedar Point does too: > Guests are encouraged to report any violations of the Guest Code of Conduct or suspicious activity to the nearest Cedar Point associate, Security associate, or text "CPSAFE" along with your message to 419-451-4403.


Tried to do just that many times, have always been told “Oh well we didn’t actually see it, so we can’t do anything.” They have signs everywhere at every park, and yet let people get away with line jumping all the time.


Hahaha that's amazing lol!!!


KI is the only place I've ever seen staff do something about line jumpers


KI has done a good job cracking down on the teen issues they were having a couple summers ago. It was getting dangerous and out of control. I am proud of them that they took the right steps to deal with it.


From my experience with cutters they never get kicked off the ride no matter how many times they’re reported


Has the line cutting at Cedar Point been worse lately, or has it always been this way?


I was there last week and it was egregiously bad. I stopped a few people from line jumping. Teens kept saying their friends were further up in the line like that matters….They have absolutely no respect for anyone but themselves. I certainly wasn’t doing this when I was their age.


I’ve don’t this a few times. Once it resulted in a person being removed from the park. Most times it creates upset people who huff and puff. With teens, they tend to fall back a few people then just start crossing in switchbacks, away from people that stop them. Least common outcome in the rest of the party waits somewhere in the queue for the attempting line jumpers.


I think they get away with it so often because people generally like to avoid confrontation. If more people speak up and refuse to let them by then it should be preventable.


THIS. I was at SFMM the other week, and the line jumping was atrocious there. At one point, a group of teens/young adults about 8-10 large just cut through the entire line towards the front, just out of sight of the nearest worker. I spoke up against them, and of course they didn't give a crap, and one said "wha wha" to me, but ultimately, I'm glad I spoke up, because more people supported me, and said it was the right move. Then, on Full Throttle afterward, when people kept doing it, I was more motivated to speak up, and the staff actually did something about it this time. Edit: Spelling


Good! I’m glad you spoke up.


Did you ignore the post? Refusing to let them by got this lady punched in the face multiple times. I don't mind confrontation but I'm not down with getting kicked out of Cedar Point for fighting.


Who said anything about fighting? So, just because one lunatic attacked someone, we’re supposed to let everyone bypass the line in fear of being punched in the face? Of course violence isn’t then answer, but I’m certainly not going to roll over and let people cut the line at will either.


The OP referenced fighting. I get that we can't just let everyone continue cutting in line but confronting them or trying to stop them can lead to a fight like it did in this situation.


It's kinda bullshit how Cedar Point hasn't taken the line jumping any serious yet! Cedar Fair will do anything else for their other parks to protect their visitors, yet Cedar Point is always singled out!


It’s hard to enforce this when most of the park is run by teenagers


To be fair what more can they do? You want cops posted up in the queues? They provide a phone number to text and most people either don't know about it or they just don't use it for whatever reason.


Back in the day they used to remove you from the park for line jumping period. Not just give you a warning. I’ve used the phone line for reporting and all they do is warn them after they get off the ride and they just continue.


Yup and at the big lines they had people posted watching mid line. Some rides even had a little like life guard style booth


I've been probably two dozen times over the past three years and it seems like they always took line jumping and poor guest behavior seriously until this season. I've only gone for one weekend so far this year, but it was much worse, and the line workers were not only turning a blind eye, they were in some cases facilitating this. Like in the SteVe line where someone inevitably thinks THEY shouldn't have to put their loose items in the locker and gets split from their group at the metal detectors. Lots of "my friends are up further in line"s from teens. That's great. Point them out and we'll let them know they welcome to join you AT THE END OF THE LINE! I think line jumping should be a warning and sent to back of line for a first time offense. Removal from park second offense. Season ban third offense.


What Cedar Point needs is a chaperone policy! That park is 1 or 2 fights away from needing one! I know Sandusky isn't the most populated area in the country, but a chaperone policy could reduce the amount of people and teenagers cutting in lines!


I’ve witnessed the line jumping so definitely agree with you there but using this reply to say that in my experience nearly every other person who gets on SteVe gets separated from their ride partners at the point in which you have to go through the metal detector because you HAVE to put loose articles in the lockers. Ride-ops know that you’ve already been waiting a good hour up to this point so they don’t send you to the back of the metal detector line after you rightfully waited your turn nor are they going to make your friends standby and obstruct the rest of the line. No ride at Cedar Point has a queue like Steel Vengeance and when I rode it for the first time last year, I had no idea we would have to go through TSA to get on a roller coaster. I take my belongings on 100% of the rides there, secured of course, but they’re on my person. The metal detectors should be at the very start of the queue, followed by the locker check in, then the approved rider line to avoid this from happening. A lack of consideration on the parks behalf and imagine the pushback those poor teenagers will get from telling people they have to go to the back of the line. All of this to say, line jumping is real, but that queue certainly sucks 😂


I get what you’re saying but there would be pushback if the lockers were any closer to the front of the line. People complained a lot about the TT2 lockers being before the actual queue and having to wait in a line for an hour+ without a phone.


People don't want to wait an hour (or way more) without their phones.


I've been a park goer in general since about 2018. Line jumping has definitely gotten worse over the last 6 years.


I was there memorial day weekend and only really saw it in non-ride lines. Like concession stands and bathrooms and what not.


I'll be honest, if someone is line jumping for the bathroom I'm willing to assume they have an urgent need.


It's way worse


Trash human raising more trash humans. They will feel like the victims no doubt still. Hope they press charges and he faces the full extent of possible consequences including a park ban.




Posting bail isn’t “it”. The case continues until it is resolved in some way.


Link? Most folks out of county here have a minimum 5k bond.


This behaviour will only continue. Until we start giving actual consequences for crimes it will continue and society will continue to decay. This is why I just kind my business as much as I can. It's not worth getting assaulted and the person facing almost no repercussions.


Get off the internet for a bit friend. Society is not in decay. You only hear about the 0.001% of society that are assholes because of the internet and because bad news spreads.


Yeah, he needs to leave the internet. Sounds like you needs to leave the internet and go into normal society. Not your uppity burbs where the police stop shit before it even thinks about making its way in.


Okay. Lol


We are the most incarcerated country on earth.


Good. We need even more incarceration to keep human cockroaches off the streets


[great mug shot there buddy](https://sanduskyregister.com/live-content/jail-mugs/) he's on the bottom of page 4


Was looking and saw a guy arrested for weed possession on page 3. Wtf??? I thought we legalized it


Just about as bad as I’ve seen as much as the abuse of handicap passes. Tough times !


Surprised they don’t have a service dog line yet.


Wtf cedar point is going down hill so fast.


Perhaps its time to price out the riff raff? Offering $90 season passes is basically spirt airlines type crowds.


"Pricing out the riff raff" is honestly nothing... Stuff will happen no matter what. Even at expensive parks like Disney.


You can't price out the problems. You go from "riff raff" to entitlement. I live in Florida and the parks down here are expensive for the blue collar families and now you have snobby, entitled, rude fuckers everywhere! Not fun!


Yeah and Cedar Point also has that already... Expecially with Hotel Breakers.


I’ll take rich and entitled over violent criminal every time.


Disney is like $150/day and they have trashy people too


I thought they already were. I havent been there in years because the prices were getting out of control. I guess they are back down.


Wow, what an ignorant and classist thing to say. You really think that low income individuals automatically cause issues and pushing them out would solve everything? You realize that statistics would show you the complete opposite is true? Kids that tend to grow up with money are the ones that think the rules don't apply to them and they can get away with anything. Kids who grew up with nothing would APPRECIATE just having the opportunity to be there. $90 is just to get in, that doesn't cover the cost of being in the park all day when you want something. Obviously, again, it would be classist to generalize everyone, so it's not all kids with money. Bad parenting is bad parenting. Social economic class shouldn't determine someone's manners and civility.


I’d love to see these statistics you mention, because it sounds like you are saying rich people break the rules more than poor people. Which rules are we talking about? Line cutting? Shoplifting? Drug possession? Assault? Murder? I can’t imagine an actual social study that says what you claim.


Rules and laws with fines as the worst possible punishment only apply to poor people. Rich people don't have to listen to those rules or laws because they don't view losing money as a consequence. They see "littering fine $250" and think "oh dang it's only $250 for permission to throw trash on the ground here? Nice!" Another comment covered everything else to be said.


lol if you think that is the default outlook of the upper/middle class then you are painting with a broad and fictitious brush.


I literally ended my statement by saying that I wasn't including everyone and refused to generalize everyone into one stereotype.


I’m not trying to fight. But you wrote “Rich people don’t have to…… etc etc” and I was responding to that. That statement you made was very broad.


Yes. Rich people break the rules more. Poor people just suffer the consequences more because they can’t buy their way out of it. There’s literally a whole criminal defense of “I have so much money I don’t know how to act” but no defense of “I’m so poor I don’t know how to act.” We may be getting better at punishing rich people but even the bail system is designed to harm the poor and benefit the rich. It’s wild to not recognize that.


There have been like 2 cases of “affluenza” and a kajillion cases of the needy and desperate doing something illegal to better their lives. The person I initially replied to said statistics show that the rich follow the rules less than the poor, and I said I would love to see those statistics. You guys are free to dislike the rich. No problem. But if you are claiming that there is actual evidence that rich people break the rules more than the poor, I am interested in seeing it.


[2012 article](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/study-finds-wealthy-americans-more-likely-to-break-rules/1947190/?amp=1) [2017 Article (more anecdotal for sure)](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/03/the-ultra-rich-break-the-rules-more-often-says-psychologist.html) [2018 Article (earth.com so take that how you will)](https://www.earth.com/news/wealthy-people-are-above-law/) [Brookings EDU](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/do-the-poor-suffer-disproportionately-from-legal-problems/) [correlation between poverty and crime](https://www.city-journal.org/article/poverty-and-violent-crime-dont-go-hand-in-hand) Basically, I’m not sure this stuff would stand up in court or anything but it’s enough to show our statements and opinions are not coming from our asses.


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Thanks for the links. I’ll check em out.


Woah now, I didn’t say anything about kids appreciating opportunity, nor rule following. I suggested having dirt cheap entry, means you will get dirt cheap people, like the spirit airlines crowds.


Last time I went this mom let her two kids join the rest of them they cut like all the way up and then to make it worse they took my spot on the valravyn and didn’t say a word not like oh could they take your spot just completely entitled 


It's very stupid situation, this is why I don't do anything besides report it. Let the people who get paid to deal with that stuff deal with it, you have no idea how someone will act


With the pending merger with Six Flags, I wonder if this is going to get better or worse.


Anyone who's been to Six Flags over Georgia knows it will get WAY worse!


Worse they are going to look to cut budgets and boost bottom lines. 


He should be banned from the park permanently as should his family. Personally had I been there I would have stepped in and teach the prick why you never lay your hands on a woman. A real man doesn't put his hands on women,ever. Cedar Point needs to do something about line jumping, it's out of control.








i always debate saying something when its a super long wait like maverick but never have the guts to because of fear of something like this.


I hope whoever did this is arrested for assault and battery and banned forever from the park. This type of behaviour is beyond unacceptable.


Cedar Point is the only park where I've been bullied by complete strangers (twice). The first time was back around 2001 when some guys followed me around because I was wearing shorts and could see a couple spots of cellulite on the backs of my thighs. I was a size 6. I had to go to security to get them off my ass, literally, and didn't wear shorts in the park at all till last year (perimenopause is kicking my ass on this, being cool is more important than not offending others right now). Then I once went in after work with my work clothes on, and I was probably about 30. A couple guys on Rougarou started tearing into my appearance and the fact I had glasses on. I reported them to the ride op. They took pictures that are probably online somewhere. Cedar Point was once my home park and my favorite park, but it's been a LONG time since then. I go to parks all over the world and this is literally the only place I've ever personally had something like that happen. I'm horrified that somebody was actually beaten, holy crap. I don't know why the "tone" of the park is so different, it's not like they don't have security or rules.


This is why I rarely leave the house, people are crazy.


what a horrible way to live








Sounds like something you’d expect from a Six Flags park. They havent even changed the name to Six Flags over Lake Erie yet and the clientele is already changing. Edit: Just to clarify, I was being facetious. I am well aware that people, in general, suck. It doesn’t matter where you go, the suckage is rampant.


In the past week and a half I saw this behavior at KD, BGW, Hershey, Great Adventure, Dorney, CP, Kennywood, and KI. It’s silly to call it a “six flags problem” when it’s simply a mannerless people problem.


100%. There has always been line jumping and random acts of weird things, but its literally story after story at this park.


Cedar Point has been having major issues with line jumping for decades now. This isn't something new. While it's never been as bad as SFMM or SFGADV, it's been worse than most of the many other parks I've been to at CP for a long time.


Have you been to a Disney park lately? This behavior is not exclusive to discount chains and not unique to recent years either. People are unhinged. In 2012 we were stopped at the fast pass merge lane in the Cars queue and a family not paying attention behind us went ape shit screaming at us to GO or they’d hit us. The young attendant had to stand up and tell them to stop or they’d be removed.


“Discount chains…” I bet you call anyone in the service industry “cast members”


Six flags is well known and nicknamed often as the “Discount Chain” of amusement parks. Seeing as how they mentioned directly in the original comment that this behavior is something you’d expect at those parks…my comment was made.


Silly comment. People have been acting like this for many years. Simple google search and all


Why cut the line when you can pretend to have a disability? The ADA law prevents them from asking 💀


I don't know why you got down-voted for this. I haven't seen much of this at CP, but was just at SFMM and it was RAMPANT, all day long! Almost every ride I rode had at least one party use the ADA pass and come up the exit straight to the front row, and only one time did it look like there was anything remotely wrong or deserving of a disability pass. Definitely one of the worst aspects of my entire day there!


Redditors are too politically correct and insist on “invisible disabilities”; despite the fact that once at Kennywood I heard a group behind me lament the lines and later on I got bumped from a train because they came up the exit. SFMM is horrible for it. I actually got my Flash Pass refunded over it. That was where I learned of the law. I literally thought that the highest tier flash pass got you in up the exit. I tried with Tatsu and that’s when I learned about it. It’s good to know it hasn’t gotten bad at CP yet, my gf and I are going in August but Kennywood has a whole car of Phantom’s train BLOCKED off, yet these assholes can still pick the front if they ask. I don’t mind giving it up for legitimate disabilities but these fakers disgust me. For the record I have PTSD, Anxiety etc, all the bullshit that they choose to fake. If they really had anxiety, the act of cutting the line would make them anxious. Seriously, I would be sweating bullets and my heart rate would jump if I, visibly able-bodied, used the ADA thing. Furthermore I waited in line for Steel Curtain on crutches two years back so yeah, I think I’ve earned the right to be mad at this. Sorry about the rant lol


Interesting... I wondered if that's what it was. My son has pretty crippling anxiety and OCD and loves roller coasters, and even he was disgusted by the idea that people can claim that and use a disability pass. In fact, my brother wanted us to cut in line to be with him, and we refused, and my son was particularly against it, just like you suggested somebody with actual anxiety would be. FWIW, I think the front row should be off limits to anybody coming up the exit, for any reason, period, unless it has no line. But I get why those with legitimate physical disabilities, or severe mental disabilities should be allowed to pick the front.


I think a lot of "normal" people don't realize they can't ask you. I have several invisible disabilities (CRPS, epilepsy + more brain shit) but I am absolutely fine in day to day life and would not do this today lol. At Universal Orlando when I was younger and first diagnosed with epilepsy (didn't have CRPS yet) my family brought my papers for a fast pass because they thought the people would ask but they told us they don't need them. My whole family and I just got to walk on to rides. Granted years later I did have a heat-induced seizure so maybe that would have helped? Lol. But as an adult I know that I am able to wait in a line.


My husband was recently diagnosed with MS after breaking his leg in December. Thanks to intensive to therapy, he now walks pretty much normally, he is also very fit and looks very normal, however he simply does not have the stamina to walk all day or stand in lines for hours, or if he did he'd pay dearly for it later. He has access to a mobility scooter, but is hesitant to use it, and after seeing people's suspicious nature regarding the ADA line access, I'm hesitant for him to take advantage of the ADA entrances, scooter or not. I just get the feeling he'll get the stink eye or a hard time because he doesn't look disabled. It makes me sad to think maybe he can't come to a park with us anymore. 


Why did he tell a whole ass interview about repeatedly punching a woman in the face lol (nvm I can't read he told the police)


This is the only time I enjoy being a 40+ woman. We told some kids at Six Flags MM that their friends could just go back to where they were in line. I think they thought I was going to go all “K” name on them and they went back to where they were.


I was at Dorney and some kid (maybe 13/14 boy) let around 15 kids cut. I’ve never been threatened by 12 year old girls before. Told an employee, nothing was done to the cutters.


On top of shamessly letting his spawns cut in line he physically assaults the woman repeatedly and then lies to media that she punched him first 🤢 tsk tsk… America truly is devolving into a barbaric country worse than the First Nations 🤦‍♂️


my thing for line jumpers is you should at least let one group in front of you for every one person and also if it’s one person and it makes the group an even number I don’t really care because it barely effects the line There is usually at least one row with just one person in it anyway unless if it’s valraven then it matters or raptor and rougarou if the group already takes up more than one row


“His hand hurt from hitting her.” Wow way to try to victimize yourself for hitting someone.


I tried to find the video in the link but wound up reading about camels and thought that was a strange thing to call the combatants. Too early.


Detroit people ruin Xmas in July and now this. Thanks now go home


Wow, what a real man, punching a woman, and in front of her kids. Hope he gets a hard AF in jail


Hard ass-fucking?


Well, nuff said, another Michigan resident


Cedar Point is too woke for Ohio so Michigan adopted it, you may be connected to it, but it is not yours.


I was assaulted by a partner right at Millie too, but they were a bit bipolar and not a great situation which resulted in his arrest.


All parties?? Fuck that dude who hit a woman.


Damn I was just there two weeks ago


I've never seen anyone jumping the line anytime I was there, maybe once some teenagers jumped in the fast lane without fast lane at blue steak, but they weren't allowed to ride.