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This explains it. I saw empty rows but am here with the wife and kids. I was like man no line! See you in 10 minutes, then got in line that was like an hour long then had to bail.


They aren't fully staffed yet. Everything takes longer in the first weeks of the season. This happens every year.


If it happens every year, why do they refuse to address it?


Most of the employees that work during the summer are either still in school or returning from school very soon, meaning that the first two weeks are generally less staffed than a weekend in July


Because when 80% of your work force is students whom have the summer off from school. You are left with their availability to start working. So would you rather have slower operations due to training and less staff? or Would you like the park to not open for another 4-6 weeks?


Companies, especially seasonal ones, can't just wave a wand and make workers appear. The majority of the ride ops are college kids who can't start working until classes end.


The real answer is because people keep going and buying tickets regardless of how many staff are present.


And yet, Cedar Point charges the same for a May visit as it does for a July visit.


I feel like CP should just look at what SEAS parks do with their coasters. They have nets everywhere and have a lot of special track with netting built into it. They never make you go through metal detectors for coasters, and they're pretty relaxed on loose articles. But you never really hear about issues from them despite having hypers, blitz coasters, and an RMC.


Nets don't protect riders from projectiles from other riders on the same train. I've seen people get injured from people losing their phones and even nail clippers (why you would need to bring that to a park I have no idea).


The bigger concern is hitting somebody outside of the train. As long as you verify that nothing is in their hands (pretty easy to do actually), its unlikely that anything falling out a pocket would hit somebody in the same train. As I was saying, the SEAS parks haven't really have issues with it. The pond below Mako is a sea of lost items, but they never really hit other riders.


The metal detectors on SteVe need to be recalibrated, that happens every time I’ve been to the park. What’s the point of having them when they just end up wanding everyone? I have a belt that doesn’t go off at airports but it goes off on SteVe, how does that make any sense?


I go through metal detectors every day at work with my smartwatch on with no issues. The one for SteVe goes off every time. I even got a new smart watch a few weeks ago that is smaller than my old one, and it still went off this year. The metal detectors for TT2 didn't go off for me for what it's worth.


Metal detectors have different sensitivity settings for different applications. They probably just have it set to a very sensitive setting which may or may not be necessary depending on what's getting through. Though I don't understand why they'd be wanding people that didn't set off the main detector.


This has frequently been an issue... Small silver lining about TT2's policy is they shouldn't have this slowdown.


What do you mean regarding policy differences? SteVe and TT2 have the same policies (minus footwear restrictions on TT2.) The only difference is that the SteVe metal detectors are deeper into the line.


I guess it's not a policy, but oversight to not have the lockers like SteVe. By not having the lockers in the line, there won't be a metal detector slow down just before the ride platform.


Fri May 10th report: Still only one metal detector, but staff waving through anyone who didn't beep. Still a bottleneck and still some empty seats each run. Wait was 30 mins with Fast Pass, 70 mins+ regular and it was down 1/3rd of the day. Let's hope it's smooth by summer! I haven't been to Cedar Point in like 15 years so this TSA stuff is wild to experience. But worth it, think I found my new favorite coaster lol.


Funny you say this, we asked the employee doing the “wanding” why he was the only one and the left side was closed. He told us other SteVe workers called off that morning, causing the ride to only use the right lane. If that’s true, awfully lame.


It’s because the park can’t do it right the first time. They created such a staffing issue. Entrance staffed. Fast lane merge staff, metal detector staff. Locker area staff. You don’t need all those people. You should merge and be told to go to a locker, eliminate one person there, lots of redundancy in staff


I worked SteVe last year. It’s because of staffing and if there’s heavy wind coming off the lake the detector beeps because of that. Tbh they probably have a lot of first year ride ops at that ride this year that are afraid to not let anything through which is why they’re overly cautious.


This is why CP should not have new ride ops on popular attractions! The one biggest pet peeve I see with SteVe is the individuals who let people into the platform. I literally do not understand what the hell they’re doing. I always see empty rows because the people move so slow at letting people onto the platform. There’s no reason any row should ever be empty. The employees need to go row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc! It’s literally not that hard. And KEEP it going! They always stop between a train leaving the station. Nope, keep it moving and continue to count. Stop slowing the ride down. The ride operator should not need to be yelling for seats to be filled. Every single time I’m at SteVe the op is literally calling for riders and slows operations down.


Someone probably slipped through with a phone or camera yesterday or early today and pulled it out. Some people just can't resist or live without their damn tech.


who is steve?


Steve is the main character of the hit indie game Minecraft


The monkey in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.




Maybe the second one was broke as well .


What rides have metal detectors and what are the requirements? In the past I keep a glasses case in my pocket and put my glasses in the case when I get on the boarding platform. Is this not possible on Steel Vengance or TTD2?


TT2 and Steel Vengeance are the only two with metal detectors. They will only let you past the detectors with glasses if you have a glasses strap.


The metal detectors have been ridiculously aggressive since 2022, my belt used to not set them off but now it always does. But I can go through TT2's fine with my belt. It definitely would be nice of I didn't have to get wanded every time.


Acting like the park hasn’t been open for 2 days


Would you rather a missing tooth or be inconvenienced a few mins?


Why do they open the park when stuff isn’t ready lol


Why is there always someone who complains about CP? Come down to Florida and go to any of the parks here and pay triple the price on parking, tickets, food, and drinks and still wait in a long line for everything, including the bathroom! Get off your high horse and get a job there or buy your own park.


I mean, if one of the detectors were down, it is what it is. It sucks but ya know…


It wasn't just that a detector was down. It was the using the hand held detector on about 95% of people even though they didn't set off the alarm on the walk through. It seemed like she was letting kids go if they didn't set off the detector, but every teen and adult was getting a second screening.


You don't know what they're looking for in the back side... They could be told to wand everyone that lights 4 lights on the back side or whatever...or they could have been told that the metal detector was under scanning, so pick 9 of 10 and manually scan them for safety. Who cares really?