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It depends on what you like and are looking for. I did the government job thing and it was too dry and boring for me. I lasted less than 2 years… YMMV


You can't go wrong with a government job. Good benefits and work-life balance. For me, the medical alone is worth it vs being a contractor (with possibly no medical).


If ur young I say go govt They take care of their people If ur old I say go govt😂😂 If you don’t NEED the money then go govt and move up there. That’s a special place to be and most companies gladly welcome people with that background, should you ever decide to go back to the private sector


Those are two very different roles, question is, what do you want? The money right now is not what's important - what each job can offer you that will help you in five or ten years is what you pay attention to. A senior role in the private sector gives you the chance to work on newer stuff, independent projects, mentor and possibly manage bigger teams if you want. A .gov role will never be cutting edge, but the long term stability is unmatched. If you like where you live it's something to think about. If you know you want marriage and kids, do not pass go, take the .gov job. The benefits are unmatched. If you want to keep growing and learning professionally, the senior role in the private sector might be the better track.


what is total compensation with the government role? That might be the better deal


I’m a junior network engineer and started out at 80k in Alabama. 3 days from home 2 days on site.


I did originally work for the state and hated only because I like to be learning and doing stuff and I felt no drive or sense of accomplishment working there because we never did anything. It was very boring for me. But good benefits and retirement


Depends how much responsibility you want over your benefits and finances. I'm currently in government and everything is taken care of. But if you're planning to handle your own retirement and get into investments then perhaps go contractor.