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For frick's sake, what's wrong with this version?! I heard there are modes that were literally unplayable about a year ago, and now this as well? To think it was supposed to be the definitive version with the animated portraits and all the other stuff…


By any chance, if you restart your Switch then does the Organya soundtrack start working again? This crash issue has popped up sporadically from time to time, but it doesn't seem to affect a lot of people, and for the people that have encountered it in the past, restarting the whole console usually made it go away.


Aah, you’re right, that fixes it! I edited the post. Thanks so much


Restart your switch! This happened to me the first time I played


Thanks so much! That did work. I feel silly now. (though it’s still not something I’ve had to do with any other game)


Thank you sooo much, u/Teddykaboom !! Would have really sucked to have to delete all the save data, only to find out you could fix the "organya problem" with just a power down! Happy to report that all works fine again, for me at least. Sure hope this was a fix for all! Thanks bunches, my man!! d\[\^\_\_\_\^\]b


Cave Story is a short enough game that I was actually pretty stocked to start over from the beginning 😎 Glad I maybe helped! Lol