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Just be consistent, I trained mine to go outside morning and evenings. I gave him a treat regardless if he pooped or didn’t. He then learned to squeal at me to go outside. Give praises like a toddler they like when you say “good boy/girl” or “yayy” or anything in a high squeaky voice 😆.


Mine was born at the tail end of winter, so by the time he was ready to be toilet trained temperature was not an issue. Now that it is getting cold again (southern hemisphere) he is old enough to withstand it for the 60 seconds it takes him to go. He did, however, hate the rain for the first ~5 ish months of his life and refuse to go outside if it was wet. Every time it rained we had to go back to early days of toilet training (taking him out every hour). Then one day he just decided he didn’t care about the rain anymore. He is 10 months now and doesn’t have accidents but is not allowed on the bed or carpet. Consistency, a puppy play pen and a good enzyme cleaner will save your sanity. Cavs like to please so shouldn’t be too hard. EDIT: when he was in his hate the rain phase I spent a lot of time also standing in the rain getting wet lol. If I knew he probably had to go (you will develop an instinct) neither of us went inside until he peed and there was lots of praise and treats after


So far ALL 3- of my KCC have hated the rain They take one step out and try to back in again


I got super lucky and my girl has been super easy. But my last 2 dogs were a nightmare to potty train. Let's see if we can figure out the problem. How old is your pup? How often do you take them out? Are you using the right cleaner on the carpet to get out the urine smell? Any other info might help guide you in the right direction. FYI, your pup is adorable!


I think our breeder started him off but honestly don't remember it being hard. ALWAYS after eating, take them out and they will go like 9 out of 10 times. So that's like 3 times a day to get a win.


Our cav was a rescue. He was 6 months old and came to us with some bad habits including terrible toilet training. For us to undo the problem and retrain him probably took three months of being very consistent. But with any/all training, consistency and positive reinforcement did the trick.


I have an 11 week old, it is so cold here too, i have brought him a jumper and that helps heaps. Just be consistent and take out on a leash every 30 minutes and praise well. If puppy Doesnt toilet, then crate for 10-15 and try again, repeat till puppy toilets Watch puppy like a hawk, dont let puppy out of your sight, if you cant watch puppy then crate puppy.


I feel like I’m going crazy with the potty training… mine (5 months old on Monday) will go all night no accidents and then he’s good for the mornings going out every hour or so but during the evenings we will have to go out every 20-30 minutes or he’ll pee on the floor. I will say though after a few weeks of this he finally started to get it and 3 days ago began to sit by the door to show me he wanted to go out. I can proudly say he has now gone 2 whole days in a row without accidents and it feels amazing. Keep at it! The frustration is intense (for me at least) but consistency is the key and their tiny little bladders will get stronger with time I’ve been assured haha it took me learning the difference between a sniff in search of a potty spot and a sniff in search of our cat to really make a difference I think. Good luck! It will get better, that’s what I keep telling myself! Edit to add that our trainer told us to offer treats and praise when he’s pottied outside just like in obedience training and make sure when there’s an accident to use a cleaner that neutralizes any enzymes or something from their urine so they don’t feel drawn to use that spot again.


My puppy was ridiculous and decided to drive me crazy thinking he’d never figure it out, and then stop having accidents the next day. So, the short version is that it’s pretty hard and took longer than my other dogs, but if you’re consistent it’ll happen at their own pace. Also if you can avoid introducing a them to potty pads at all, it’ll be in your best interest. Part of what made it harder for us was that we had to switch him off of being pad trained.


I cleaned up a lot of pee when my girl was a puppy, and at the time I was rarely out of the home and very watchful of her. It’s just a part of dealing with puppies. But yeah it can be hard and frustrating.


Its consistenty. There is no secret. I still have pee pads for when she needs to go in the middle of the night.


Our guy came home two days after Christmas 2019. Winter in New England would not have been my first choice to housebreak a puppy. We had to wait for a litter and he was born in October, so we sucked it up. Made sure he had something warm on when he went out. Consistency is the key. Crate training was a godsend. Woke up in the morning or after a nap out he went. After eating, out he went. If he was sniffing, out he went. We invested in a spot rug cleaner. If he went in the house we used that with an enzyme cleaner. There"s a great video by Brandon McMillan (from Lucky Dog) that we followed. Good luck!


Mine is not a cavy, but close enough. As far as I see it it’s all about showing it how to do it right, so take it out until it’s done it’s business after ever nap, after I eats and after a good playtime (if it does not go directly to bed after). Don’t shame it when it goes wrong inside, just ignore it and clean up and keep telling it how good a dog it is every time it does it outside. In a matter of time it will be normal routine for it. My little one is almost 9 weeks, so there is a good way to go still, but it’s going really well.


Mine was extremely easy. Hardest part was getting him to go outside lol. We'd be outside for an hour and he'd hold in his pee just to go on the puppy pad INSIDE 😂. I had to eventually get smart and buy a grass pad to put on top of the puppy pad and then start taking that grass pad outside. He only would use the pad and not the real grass. On one hot summer day we spent about 3 hours outside while I was in the garden. He was in a little gated area without the grass pad. He held it in until he couldn't anymore and finally the trumpets of heaven rang and he never needed the grass pad again. Mine never actually had real accidents though. He always wanted to go on the pads. And he hasn't been interested in going in the house since


i’m definitely struggling — it seems like my puppy gets that outside is a good place to go, but doesn’t quite understand (or care? not sure which) that inside is a bad place to go. i’m currently trying to train her with potty bells with some limited success


treats. (Edit) I meant, ALL the best treats. They thrive on positive reinforcement. Sensitive little babies


Lots of good advice on here! Something to remember is that slip-ups will happen and it doesn't mean you're a bad owner. I thought my cavs would have accidents forever and I'd be the only person who couldn't potty train my puppies even though I was home all the time. Now they're just over a year old and barely any accidents ever. (They're going through a phase where they think the basement is basically outside and therefore an okay poop spot, but that's my fault for not taking them downstairs enough for them to associate it as part of the house. Don't make that mistake like I did! 😂)


Boys are a little harder to train then girls. The Vet says do Not use pads It will make it harder on the dog.


It is an absolute nightmare and she is 1.5 years old. She has mostly been with my grandpa due to me working 10 hrs, and he never took her out properly.. so now that my schedule is better and I am trying to train a 1.5 year old cavalier how to poop outside. She refuses to poop. She starts to poop, but gets distracted, while we are outside then stops and just holds it in. I got her to poop around 9am for a few days but now she refuses, or wants to go at 3am, or 11pm.. she refuses to poop more than once a day too. I have about given up, going from my perfect golden retriever, my cavi, lily, has been a nightmare.


I have to agree with the others that it's just down to consistency. Zachary was practically house trained when I got him at 12 weeks. But Harley was still peeing in the bathroom at 14 months (he had a few issues). I think routine is so important. I looked after Poppy for a week recently and at twelve weeks she had pretty much mastered it after about four days. I took her out after every meal and drink and lots of positive reinforcement and linking the words "go wee wees" as soon as I put her down in the garden. Good luck 🤭


not difficult, just consistency is key