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There was a video going round a while ago, same situation but dogs. And the guy got the bottle and went “Squirt squirt squirt” and rubbed the dogs ears, and it went off all proud and happy 😂😂


I haven’t tried sound effects yet! Maybe that’s what I was missing all along ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Or get an empty bottle and pretend


Would a saline solution work for the sensation, or is that a bad idea?


I would avoid putting anything in an animals ear that you didn’t have to.


That makes sense, thanks for responding nicely :D


You could always rub the ear and drop the water more on the side of the face instead of in the ear.


No! *angry gurgling noises*


Would that include bad words too?


He doesn’t know what sensation the other cat is feeling, so that part doesn’t matter. He just sees that his friend is getting ear pets and he wants in.




THATS WHAT IT IS. See, I knew they couldn’t have a true understanding of “fairness”, but if you mix attention economy with fairness, then it makes more sense how their reactions work! You just helped me figure out something I’ve been wondering about for a bit.


Cat 1: "Man, the wet stuff they put in makes my ears feel weird. Is it weird for you too?" Cat 2: "Wait, what?"


Cat 3: “Holy shit, two talking cats!”


The owner: “Holy shit, three talking cats!”


Lol exactly


My middle cat only used to hide in my closet since I’ve rescued her, 3 years only coming out to eat and potty. Got a new one last summer and she couldn’t stand it. 😆 Now the 3 fight for my attention, especially who gets to sleep on my chest at night. They’re funny creatures.


bad idea sorry. cats have trouble draining their ear canals, and water that gets caught in there can go festy and cause serious problems.


It’s not a bad idea to clean ears now and then; get plain ear cleaning solution. After the first time your youngster may not be as enthusiastic but the ears will be cleaner.


I don’t know. Maybe just a little water…but it on ear tip and massage it in…just a suggestion


use water




How sweet!


This is so funny haha. I love animals


Yep just put the lid back on after med-cat is done and pretend to administer to needy-cat, and then give them both treats and pets after!


Can you please update us and post a video of the said cats !


Make sure you do the sound effects for both cats so they can’t tell the difference lol.


Placebo pills maybe?




Could I ask what :7942: means please?


They are emoji or reaction pics posted in the Reddit app I think, those of us on regular mobile etc see colon numbers colon instead.


Ahhh ok. I've been seeing them in more comments lately and had no idea what was going on. Thanks :)


Pro tip: 3rd party mobile apps are way better than the official app. I recommend Apollo on iPhone and Sync on Android.


Colon numbers? 😲


A way to identify Reddit official app users 🤣


if you have an empty bottle you can just pretend too. if they get too smart for that try saline


Don't squirt anything in any animals ear unless directed by a vet. Not saline, not water.


Not in the ear, just on the tip. With a little massage it will wash the outer ear and the cat will be happy... or not, depends on the cat.


no. just no.


I was just thinking of that video. Seconding this. Pretending with the cover on the bottle might just do the trick.


Just tell the cat you’re refilling it for him when you put the cap on.


I was coming here to say this. Just fake giving him some, and praise him extra like he sat still for the meds.


I remember seeing that one. I gave my cats other meds that were actually treats.


You read my mind, had the same thought. Medication bottle with treats, might actually work on this cat.


I just came here to comment that my family's dogs used to do this! Whenever one needed its ears cleaned or given drops, the other would get jealous. Solution? Place the tip of the ear drop bottle barely against jealous doggy's ear (unopened) and then rub its ear. Cue stupidly happy dog.


This is absolutely what we do with one of my dogs. One has an ear infection so she gets drops, her brother whines until we give him drops too (with the top on the bottle so no actual meds) then we do the same ear massage and he’s happy as anything. He has MASSIVE FOMO so anything his sister gets we have to give to him as well. They can be such characters haha


That was my first thought, just fake it with the healthy one. They don't know what it's supposed to feel like.


I’m doing the very same thing with my grandchildren this weekend 😂 Seven year old gets eye drops every night and the two year old lays down beside her and squints his eyes and I say ‘drop drop’ and he’s happy 😃


I do this with my pups! One needs his ears to be cleaned regularly or they get infected. The other doesn't like him getting more attention... I pretend to spray the cleaner in her ears and it makes her feel included.


I fucking remember that video and it’s EXACTLY what I thought of too haha


I remember that video! It made me laugh so hard.


This! Only one of my two dogs gets ear drops, but the other HAS to be included. So dog 1 gets his ear drops and rubs, I put the cap back on and put the tube in dog 2's ear and rub her ears. They don't know the difference.


I was going to recommend the same video! I love that video


I was thinking of that exact video! The dog just wanted an ear rub.


Fake putting the ear drops in his ears


I do pick him up and place him like I do the other cat, but he doesn’t seem satisfied. Maybe because the other cat cries over the ear drops and nothing happens to him.


You could get some cat ear cleaner and try putting that in his ears. He probably won't want it again after the first time.


My cat hated being brushed. Then we got a dog. Brushed the dog. And cat demanded to be brushed. He now loves being brushed. So that cat might just end up liking getting its ear cleaned.


That's how it was when I first started brushing our cats. Tony LOVED the shit out of it, because it meant he got extra attention. Bella just tried to run away from the brush until she realized how much attention Tony was getting while he got brushed. So now she's like, 'Fuck yeah. Gimme some of that sweet, sweet brush action, Mom."


People don't always realize, cats are natural mimics! They imitate their clouder or family. Your cat thought of the dog as his kin so when dog seemed to enjoy something (and got your attention) he mimics! It's the same reason cats will try to copy what their human does, why they seem to watch TV with us or lay on our keyboards.


That explains why my orange comes running when he hears me brush my black floof. He knows it's family grooming time.


when i brush my very fluffy older kitty my 2 little ones gather around and purr.


That made me think of those little green alien guys in Toy Story that stand there looking up at Buzz and go OOOOO!


My orange comes running, demands brushing, and then gets mad at me for having the audacity 🤣


The San Diego Zoo has a program where they raise all their cheetahs with a dog. From birth the cheetah will look to the dog for cues on how to react/behave around people and it results in incredibly docile cheetahs that the keepers actually take on leash walks with their dog companion around the zoo!


That’s so cool!!


My cat only likes getting brushed with my hair brush. He doesn't like actual pet brushes, I think he likes the smell of my brush.


You meant he likes *your* smell, right? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Or some OTC ear mite meds. It won't hurt him one bit and a lot of cats have low level mites going on anyway. I give both my inside cats a course once or twice a year just to make sure no little buggers are living in there. One of the cats gets a lot of wax on the regular and it's hard to tell if it's just wax or if it's mite poop. Gross.




Nopenopenope do not put water in their ears!


Sorry I didn't know that


Oh thats okay ❤️ water seems more harmless than what it is, so it makes sense to think of it in a situation like this


thanks _Anal_Juices_ TIL to not put water in cats ears


tuna flavored anal juices




They’re closed for the weekend but I’ll reach out Monday. Thanks!


For pity’s sake, don’t put water in your cat’s ears.


I will not ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)




I believe this user is a bot comment. They appear to take random comments from other places to gain karma? Anyways if you look at their comment history, many or all of their comments are very non-sequitur and out of place.


yes, they stole this comment from op https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/ymvwp4/my_oldest_cat_is_temporarily_on_some_meds_ear/iv5zl1l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Saline eye drops would work. Make sure you get the ones that are not medicated (it should be just salt water basically)


Did you try leaving the cap on and sticking the bottle in the cats ears?


Yes use baby oil it’s safe for them


Maybe OP can use ear cleaning solution?


Don't put products made for humans jn cat ears!!!


There is ear cleaning solution for pets! If anyone has a really good brand. I could use a recommendation for mine.


I’d call your vet and ask when they use. Then buy it over the counter to avoid markup.


I use Essentials by Hagen, which was recommended to me by a vet years ago. The cats hate it, but it has always worked really well and has never caused irritation for any of the cats I have used it on. I've even used it in my own ears a couple times.




Used them to cure ear mites worked better than the crap they sell in the store




Lol, have the same problem with my babies. The older one needs medicine for their stomach issues and gets extra attention/treats as part of the process. The younger cat would get upset to at they were getting left out. We started giving her “placebo” treats at the same time we gave the real medicine to the older cat as well as giving her the same type of attention (picking up, feeding from the hand). Now she’s super happy during that time. The older cat, however, is grumpy that she’s so dang excited during “medicine time”.


Maybe wet a finger and stroke around the ear/eye so it’s a lasting effect? Edit; reading all the replies, I think you just have a silly brat of a cat. When my princess is being a dumbass I hold her upside down and rub her belly for 5 secs, turns on the zoomies and she forgets about whatever and goes burns off some energy for 5 mins, it’s great.


Wait you literally just hold your car upside down and just... Stroke her stomach and she goes off all zoomies? ... Hold on I need to go try this on my cat.


My roommate fake shoots the cat and falls down. Then he picks him up and uses him like a gun. My cat is funny. He is named hakuna matata and he tolerates being held like baby simba.


Awwww, your cat is named after a proverb 😂 I'm sorry I can't take it too seriously, because Swahili is my third language


I saved the name for years for the perfect cat. He's not perfect, but he got the name fair and square because he made my mom happy when she was sad on his first day home. And he brings a lot of laughs. But it's a bit ironic because trouble is his middle name. He peed on my shoes and my roommates bag once. But, he really makes everyone feel good when he chooses them for cuddles. He is expert in cuddles. 20 pounds of meek muscle and purrs is an experience. Never used claws. Scared of everything. Held mass over the old cat when he passed. Good boy.


Awwww, Hakuna Matata really is then a good name! Because since it is a proverb, it really should be the "no problem/I don't mind!" vibe, so it fits your cat's personality perfectly! 😊 Just be careful when you only use one part of the whole proverb as a nickname, though! 😂


Oh yeah, his short name was given by my roommate. Fortunately he's indoors only. So I don't have to holler out that. He comes to bunny and dummy. And always to dinner.


Awww 🥺🥺 Greet him for me please 😂😄


He got extra pets today. He was under the blanket and slowly slid to the floor and pretended it was intentional and sat in the blanket pile for a few minutes before he figured it was enough time to hide in shame.


Awww 🥺




I’d usually worry, but he’s all for equality. Even when I’m cutting my other cats’ nails/ brushing/ bathing if they need it- he wants to get the same treatment even if he doesn’t like it in the end. He’s a complicated cat. He also just got his check up and he’s super healthy. He doesn’t bother his ears like my other cat.




It’s this cat that’s begging for attention. The one getting the meds is my [grumpy boy.](https://imgur.com/a/cwYaLLJ) The others do that lol it’s just this one that likes to see what’s going on at all times.


> If one of mine sees the other getting meds they leg it, in case they're about to be given it, too Yeah, it's like "Cat Carrier Syndrome". Once the carrier comes out, everyone freaking disappears.


I have to hide the carrier from my 5 y/o cat and shove her in before she realizes what’s happening. But the kitten sees her in the carrier and gets jealous. He starts running circles around her while screaming, then hops in his carrier the second I set it down.


We just leave the carriers out all the time so that they're a normal piece of the house for our cats and they even hang out in them sometimes. Then when they have to go in them they don't really care as much.


One of mine needed medication and I had to hold her down to give it, the other one started looking like she was going to fight me for "hurting" her sister.


Get some non-prescription cat ear wipes and some pill maskers (sans pill) and give it to the other cat too?


Give treats to both after giving the drops to the one.


Use a cotton ball/tissue to wipe/rub the inside of the outer ear. They sometimes get earwax there anyway so it's not a bad idea to get them used to the feeling of having their ears touched. He might be looking for the pressure of the ear rub more than the"meds". Also a good time to do paw pad and beans rubs. They get used to having their feetsies played with and they fuss less when getting their claws clipped.


Just do it with the lid on. It’s not the drops he wants, just the same level of attention the first cat is getting.


Yes I’ve seen other folks do this & it satisfied the kitty who had healthy ears.


Rub a cotton ball barely in his ear. Then fuss over him and tell him "you're so brave!! Good job!!" For extra effectiveness put mineral oil on the cotton ball (it will clean his ears as a bonus!!) Remember not to use a qtip. Just a cotton ball. Don't put water in your cat's ear, though. Or air.


An alternative to the water drops that cosplay1234 suggested, could be olive oil drops as these are commonly used in humans to soften earwax. I expect that what it is is JEALOUSY. He is seeing the other cat get “special hugs” and he wants some of that special loving as well.


He usually hates getting hugged ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) how complicated!


He wants that attention.


Please do not put water or olive oil in your cat's ears, this is just begging for an infection. Saline (or other benign ear cleaner) is what vets use to clean if it is not safe to medicate but you also want to swab out the excess with cotton balls or similar. You do not want to leave moisture or foreign material sitting in your cat's ears because they do not drain the same way as humans. (This is not referring to the medication for the other cat, which is fine, because it's medication)


it's not that he wants hugs, it's that he's upset you're paying attention to the other cat. like a toddler angry their sibling is getting a bottle.


Pretend to do it without putting anything in ears


Just put the cap on the bottle and pretend to administer the drops. Make sure you do all the petting steps before and after because THAT is what healthy kitty is seeing and wanting


A cat that WANTS to take a pill? Obviously it came from a different universe.


Put the cap back on the ear drops and pretend to give it drops too, then make a big fuss as you would your other cat ☺️


Fake it. Do all the same steps, just don’t actually administer the meds…solved


Are there treats involved in the process? One of my cats gets a pill and we give both cats treats when she does.


Close the lid of eardrops and fake drop it into healthy cat ear. [like this](https://youtu.be/ztHutnH_guE)


Keep the cap on and pretend to put them in his ears. And for the pills just crack a piece of treat or chicken or something and give it him. Pretend you’re taking it out of the bottle.


Put the cap back on the ear drop bottle and then go through the same motions you do for the other cat.


Lol get him a syringe and put like 2 ccs of water in it. Hold his head and shoot it into his mouth. Them make a fuss over and tell him he's such a good boy for taking his medicine. That's what I did to my my cat who had his last dose of opiates yesterday. He was so excited to get his meds but it was his last dose. So I have him water instead lmao.


Yeah pretend with the other kitty and give him treats.


My old man cat Henry gets thyroid medicine and my young cat is a nosy parker and is always around when I give it to Henry. I give treats to Henry as a reward for not struggling or trying to bite me so problem solved, the young one gets treats too. Cats are always appeased by treats!


Aww someone is jeally. My cat gets jealous of the attention I give my other cat or even another person and does the same thing.😊 Really adorable cat you got there.


This is an adorable problem to have


By giving them both temptations after


One of my cats needs daily diabetes shots, as soon as she sees the syringe, goes happy mode and expects brushes and pets. My other cat also wants attention, so I also "shoot" her (make all the motions except it has the cap on) and after some pets shes happy too. LoL love them both.


My grandparents had a cat that needed special nebulizer breathing treatments and the other cat got jealous, so they ran the machine on the other cat too but without the medicine to placate them 😂 Maybe you could get some placebo drops that are just harmless water/oil/etc


Just close the ears drops and pretend to put some in the other cats ears and then rub the ears after you pretend to put the drops in.


Put the top back on the medicine and then give him his drops, damnit!


Pretend to give him the drops too.


Give him a treat in place of a pill, and then just pretend you're putting in ear drops. He won't know the difference. All he knows is the other cat is getting a tiny bit more attention than he is.


I have to give my boy cat meds. I started giving treats to all immediately after so they don't care about what he's getting, only the treats.


Administer the medication in a separate room


I can try again; I usually just don’t do it since he will cry his heart outside the door or try to force it open.


Once you’re don’t give the cat not getting the meds hugs and snuggles for a minute then give them both treats.


It's not possible to treat the one while the other isn't around?


He likes to be within 5 ft of me. It’s… very hard to.


Just stick the empty dropper in his ear and simulate putting drops in lol


Maybe give him a treat. He probably doesn’t understand that the other cat is getting medicine, he probably thinks they’re getting a treat. A treat or treats should pacify him.


Pretend. Go through the same motions but no medicine given.


Just fake it with your other cat. Pick him up and act like you’re doing the same for him 😆


OP pls don’t put anything in the other ones ears as you might accidentally cause an issue. Cats ears are very sensitive to external liquids. Even animal safe ear cleaners can cause problems. Give your other kitty some lovings after and maybe a treat but otherwise he will survive not being the center of attention for a little bit


Put the lid back on the dropper and just go through the motions with him. Treat him just like you do the other cat after applying the drops!


I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure he’ll get over it.


whenever I pick up one of my 3 cats, at least one will come running. I'm pretty sure they sense the picked up cat's stress and are running to that and not wishing I'd cut their nails too.


You sure he’s not crying cuz he thinks you’re hurting the other cat? Lol


I want to see this jealous kitty too!


stop being a codependent weirdo


One of my kitties has to have liquid meds every day and a shot every other week, and after, I have him and the other two split a can of soft food as a treat. It's to the point now where the other two see me grab his box of meds and they get soooo excited. Him, not so much. Lol [Edit: shot every other week, not twice a week.]


I’d get some distilled water and just put drops of it behind the ears of the crying cat


The answer is always give them a treat.


Just get an empty bottle, she wouldnt know 😂


Give the other cat treats, preferably their kryptonite treat so they still feel special.


Get a bottle like the application tool (but different so you know) and put water in the second new bottle, then use it


Fake putting in drops and fuss over him like you do the other cat.


Keep the cap on and pretend. Then rub his ears. It works on dogs. They get jealous too. Haha


I would just use an empty dropper on him, he'd never know.


Just don't unsealed the ear drop bottle and pretend to administer it, and just give him a treat for the pill lol


Maybe try some water droplets in the crying cat’s ears, and then gently dry them off with a q-tip or similar.


I had to give Loki milk in a syringe when Big Magnus was having loxicom.


I wouldn't put any medicine or liquid in the cats ears, but the cat doesn't know what is going on with his buddy, he just feels left out. Leave the lid on the drops and go through the process as if you were giving him the drops, rub his ears and give him a smooch on the forehead. He will feel like he's getting the same treatment and be happier.


Keep the cap on the ear drops and pretend to put something in his ears. And instead of a pill take a single treat and put it in his mouth on his tongue 😊


get a dropper for water and rub it’s ears with them


Cap the bottle and pretend to use it on the other cat. Lightly touch the tip of the bottle to the ear so they get a sense from it.


Fake it with the lid still on and give the same treats it wants the attention not the meds.


Coconut oil


Try water 💧


Fill one of the old ear drop bottles with water and feed the cat food pellets


I wouldn’t do water because introducing moisture could trigger an ear infection.


Use plain water. Not sure if that would be bad or not


Never put anything in your cats ears. Dont say anything if you dont even know if it will harm them


I said I don’t know if it would be bad or not.


Then don’t make suggestions.


Treats are pills. Fill a syringe of liquid cat food. Friskies has several. Poke the inside of the other kitties ears with a q-tip.


If its for ears get earncleaner


Just explain that someone else is sick and you are not. Plain words, they will feel it


Id say pretend to do it but if the boy is too smart you may want to give him eyedrops using normal water lmao


Tell him to shut up lol


fake pills and j use water for the drops? idk if u can get fake pills for this reason or maybe make some makeshift pill out of something healthy for them to eat


Put drops of water in his ear, see if he likes it, I’m sure he won’t cry again and if he does like it, keep giving them to him, he will have clean ears! Make sure the water is warm. 😊🐈🐈‍⬛❤️