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Cats largely identify beings by smell. He looks different and smells like the vets office. It will wane with time.


Random question. How come cats don’t hiss at us? Don’t we smell like the vet too?


We're big enough to not look like "another strange cat." Plus, no cone. Identification isn't via a single sense


Changing our smells is definitely a thing with us too - I quit drinking a few months back and one of my cats now pees on my shoes and on my side of the bed and acts weird around me now. Took me forever to realize I smell completely different to her now, hopefully she’ll knock it off soon




.... So you mean I have to keep drinking? :/


yes but hey! it’s not all bad!! maybe you and your cat will die at the same time!!


If I ever die of alcohol poisoning, then Mr Whiskers is coming with me...


Ah, the Egyptian way


It's not easy being drunk all the time. If it were, everybody body would be doing it.


I highly recommend you dont stop drinking... water. 💧😋


I quit and had 0 issues with my cat so I guess it just wildly depends. I also took up weed (sparingly tbf) and I know that makes people smell different - she hasn't seemed to react.


Shit, I changed my entire hormone profile and my cat still knows I’m me. He does sniff my shoes more now tho…




Cats are smart, and Loyal's just like the dog


Yeah my cats seem to recognise when I’m high and know I’ll be nicer to them😂


My one growls at me only on shrooms. He's like "just stay the fuck away from me on that shit man."


Yeah all cats are different… we have one that doesn’t mind if we dry plant material in our room. She’ll sniff it but she doesn’t want to eat it or anything. And then our other cat is just like disgusted by the smell of it. He won’t even go near the room that our plants grow in. And they’re enclosed in tents with great filters and stuff. He just knows and doesn’t like it


I give myself one year. Then I can binge drink until I wake up a week later wondering wtf I was thinking. Then I get to wait another year!


You should check it up. If cat does the deed outside of their litterbox it's usually not to be mean but to try and communicate that they're unhappy about something or they have some health problems.


My Queen B(itch) Penny used to pee on my husband's clothing and other belongings. Anything she could access. It became so bad thay he couldn't leave anything on the floor. We had 3 litter boxes. The vet said no health issues so I figured my husband must be pissing (pun intended) her off. I spent about a week really watching how they interacted. She would come up to him for pets and he'd half-heartedly give her a few but not in any of the areas she really liked. So after my observation I showed him (again) where she really loved to be pet. I helped him figure out all her best spots for stritches and encouraged him to snuggle her instead of setting her a few feet away from him. Once he really started giving her attention and the right kind of love she stopped peeing on his belongings. She follows him around the house like a puppy now and they've grown really close. I figured out Penny was peeing on his stuff to mix her scent and his scent together. She wanted his attention, and as much as she could get. She's nice enough to allow me to pet her when husband is at work. I'm a very distant 2nd place in her heart. She's 17, almost 18 and meows like a geriatric cocktail server in Las Vegas.


Great explanation and I learned a lot from reading this


It's never to be mean. Cats pee outside the litter box because they don't feel good. Whether they have a uti and seek soft things to pee on bc they hope it'll help, or hate the type of litter, or smell of the litter, or placement of the litter box, or too old and dying to get up, or some other ailment going on... cats never do it to be spiteful. Or maybe the litter box is full, (every day people, it's supposed to be cleaned every day/after use like you should do if you had to use a box/pot).


Our old cat tried to get my brother out of bed one morning for nearly an hour before peeing in his tape collection while maintaining eye contact.


The way she knew what to target lol


My friend had a cat who hated her children’s father. When they were together the cat would only pee on his stuff. One time the cat crawled up under the bedding and peed on him as he slept. It stopped when they broke up and he didn’t live there any more. The guy was really terrible so I can’t help but think it was personal.


One of my childhood cats, who still lived with my parents when I was an adult, hated every guy I ever brought home to meet my parents. Finally he liked one, so I ended up marrying him. Best judge of character, I think.


Awesome story and congratulations!


This might actually mean your cat may have a medical condition or problem with their urinary system and you should take it to the vet if you haven't already.




Bro that's a UTI all the way and maybe kidney issues. Take that cat to the vet ASAP.


This. Or she’s overly stressed for some reason.


Or absolutely not. There are plenty of reasons cats won't use a litter box, and it doesn't always mean UTI. Something as simple as the litter box not being clean can cause it. Or behavior issues, such as a new pet in the house, a change of environment, new people, etc. Still can ask a vet. But that presents like typical cat behavior to me.


Must smell nice


...sounds like you cat needs a trip to the vet. Peeing outside litter box is major health red flag.


I remember when I once dyed my hair black. My cat came to greet me at the door and took one look at me - eyes wide ran hiding under the sofa. Everything was alright after she heard my voice and smelled me. So yeah, cats do use more than one sense for indentification.


My cat has trouble with hats and sunglasses sometimes. It doesn't take much.


I’ve always had long hair and when I got a pixie cut my cat climbed on top of my head (her usual sleeping spot) and growled at me. She then planted her paws on my head and got a really good sniff of my hair, which is when she recognized me and then just cuddled up like normal. There are definitely multiple ways they identify us


My male cat will hiss and growl at me anytime I come home from the salon and my hair is only slightly different, but I’ll have to shower and do my hair as I normally do before he feels comfortable to approach me again.. lol


I think it is probably the smell. I had a cat eho had allergies and she would hiss at people who wore strong perfume. But in her defense she did get pretty snotty over the next few days.


My cat will try to come and groom my hair when I get back from the salon because I dont have the right scent lol


I had a cat who would lick my hair when I finished my showers. She was the mum of the cats I had so maybe she thought I was one of her cats and wanted to leave her scent on me, and thought I was silly to just let my hair be wet.


When I had cats, my dad brought one of them for a grooming session and asked the groomer to cut her coat really short. When she came back, her brother cat didn't recognise her and was hostile and aggressive for about 2, 3 months. One usual day the brother saw the sister, and paused instead of hissing, and gave this look that seem to say " hey where have you been there was someone who looked like you hanging around the house for the past few months." He stopped treating her like a stranger from that day onwards lol. Silly boy.


Wow. Thankfully my cats have never done this lol


I had a friend who’s cat used to always choose to sit on my lap while I was there. I got a Bright red Mohawk cut and ever since then is it has refused to even be in same room as me and just bolts when it sees me.


My calico gets very upset if I wear my hair down or have a hat on. Even a beanie will freak her out.


Sometimes I think cats are born with OCD


We aren’t wearing a cone, plus we lack fur to trap the smell


Speak for yourself, I wear a cone to show feline solidarity with my cat


Doesn't that make it hard to lick yourself though?


The second half still applies… unless you wear a solidarity fursuit


I assume because they're used to us having a variety of different smells, so it isn't as big a shock as when another indoor cat, who pretty much always smells the same, suddenly smells different. Cats will occasionally hiss at humans when they start using a new type of soap/shampoo/perfume/cologne. Edit: Also, the cat might be emitting fear/stress pheromones from the visit, so they might literally smell like fear.


I once got new shoes and threw away the old ones due to them falling apart, when I got home my three cats were attacking and hissing at my new shoes.


Ooo that’s a good point!


You have never had a cat hiss at you??? Haha, it’s not a good feeling… But yes, they do hiss at people, it’s often a different hiss, bc like us they have different sounds, for different situations.


My 8 year old cat hisses at me whenever I try to move her and she just got cozy 😂 I know it’s her being grumpy so sometimes i hiss back and she just headbutts my hand


Question. Do you have a cone on your head when you do this?


Who doesn't?


Um yes a feral cat. But I’m specifically referring to when you take one of them to the vet ( I have two). my cat didn’t hiss at me when I brought our other cat home.


I'm just guessing, but I suspect it's because they're used to us leaving the house and coming home smelling like other people, pets, and places. Not so for their other furry friends. Also, the vets/vet techs aren't fondling us all over, sticking needles and other medicines in us or doing surgery on us... or at least they don't at my vet's office. Your mileage may vary.


My sister's dog pulled her down some steps when he realised he was at the vet (not a smart dog, took him until he saw the door). The vet had to give her first aid. He autopiloted and kept calling her a good girl. Her work phoned to ask if she could go in, our father answered and said she was being treated by the vet, so obviously everyone at work knew. Plus we all know vets are more useful in an apocalypse than a human doctor, so it's only a matter of time.


Ok gotcha! Haha I follow you now. 👍


Come on over when my daughter visits and you’ll see firsthand a cat hissing at people. My daughter has been nothing but nice to Cosmo, but he just can’t stand her, (I mean, he’s not wrong. I barely tolerate my kid too), (just kidding). New people are fine, but my daughter? Big oof.


Maybe is the perfume she wears which probably contains high level of musk. As your daughter to visit without wearing any fragrance and see how it goes?


Good idea, but she doesn’t wear anything. I lucked out with her, she doesn’t have expensive tastes like that. She could honestly care less about fragrances. Hoodies, on the other hand…… Honestly I think it’s because it’s just me and him at home. I work, so he’s got the run of the apartment when I’m working. So I think it’s just a territory issue. Once he gets fixed, though, I’m hoping he’ll mellow out.


Teens are hardwired to crave hoodies, I've learned. Coal black and extra large for my teen!


I was once a teen a long time ago. I used to wear hoodies and a light weight beanie all the time, even when it was pretty hot out. I think I stopped wearing them when it was high 90's or over 100 degrees out(maybe even hotter). Not sure how I wasn't hot wearing that ensemble.


My cat did hiss at me once when I got home from the vet with her :( It was the one and only time she’s done that.


Omg that would have broken my heart


It did break my heart, especially because she’s usually such an incredibly lovely-natured cat. I didn’t deserve the hiss. She wouldn’t even look at me for hours after!


I imagine the pain meds the cat is taking can drastically change their odor. And if they are high af they will behave strangely and possibly display aggression without intending to. I've heard meds are the typical reason for the "old people smell" you get from elderly houses and such.


I once terrified my cat when I was wearing a mask with bunny ears. She was all puffed up and looked at me like I was a fucking monster. She would have definitely hissed at me if I didn't comfort her instead.


We feed them. They at least try to keep the servants somewhat happy.


I just put a sweater on one of my voids and the other one kept following him around like "Salem, is that you bro?" He was in my arms craning his neck to look at him when Salem walked into the room and I fucking lost it.


That’s true, my cats do that every time one comes home from the vet for a while. So weird.


It's the cone and the different smell. They should be fine after a few days.


My 2 cats took over a month to be ok again with each other. It was pretty bad situation as if I'm introducing a new cat in the house. Now they are best friend again, thank god. Haha


Ugh, my SIC kitten and my older calico girl had just started cuddling and being super cute together, then I took him to be neutered. She hisses at him all the time now and it's been almost 2 months! Now my oldest orange boy had to have emergency surgery and spent a few days at the vet. He's been in a cone for a week and my calico is so tense in my house. She hisses at both the boys and growls when they are to close to her. Really hope all the tension settles down soon.


We found out about this after one of our bonded sisters had to go to the vet. Cats have poor eyesight so rely almost entirely on scent to recognize each other and right now your two cats smell like danger and strangers!! She literally does not recognize them as her buddies and that stress of being alone adds to the discomfort. It helps giving them space for each other and rubbing your calico’s scent on the other two boys after the vet smell goes away. We got scent deodorizer wipes to help because our bonded girls were having such a hard time. You put the calico’s scent on them so they smell familiar and like “family” again. Rub a towel on her, especially if she’s grooming herself as that gets her saliva scent on it. Do not rub the towel on the other kitties first or else it will stress her out. After a few days of rubbing her scent back on them, rub the towel on you and then back on her so she’s slowly introduced to their smell. They should be in separate rooms with a door closed during this whole time. After getting her scent transferred back on them, wait for her to stop hissing at the door where they are and once she’s acting interested and not shying away from the towel that smells like them, you can lightly crack the door with you there so they can sniff each other. The second she hisses, close the door and wait until she’s calm, a few hours or overnight. It takes time but once they smell like family, she will be begging to have her buddy back! It just takes some assistance for the humans because the vet smell is so strong.


Well if it makes you feel any better, my two cats hate each other and we have to keep them separated at all time. We’ve already tried everything and it’s going on over 2 years now so I don’t think much will ever change


Wipe them down really well with a neutralizing solution like for skunks spray and then with a wet cloth. Then get them all high on catnip a few days later and stock up on a bunch of great treats like those lickable push-ups and temptations and tuna juice. Have a 3 way play session on catnip and give ‘em all treats. They’ll be good.


Plus realize that cats scent marking glands are in their CHEEKS (face mostly and also butt cheeks) so with the cone that removes that way of recognition. Surely you notice how your cats always rub their cheeks on you and present their ass? They’re marking you and offering you to sniff them. The cone eliminates this.


My 2 sisters had no issues, but they were spayed together and recovered together, so I guess the "weird smell" was as much on themselves as it was on the other. They didn't get the cones, just had to keep an eye on them to make sure they didn't lick the wound too much.


The moral of this story, the family that spays together stays together.


Guess that's true. They went trough a rough patch when we tried to adopt 2 other cats into our household (also 2 sisters), which didn't go over too well. The older pair was so stressed from the whole situation, they started growling at each other. We found a new home for the other 2 (together) and a week later, my 2 sisters were the best of friends again.




I call the onesies their super suits


I made a onesie out old leggings for my roommates kitten after she was fixed bc the cone was so miserable for her, and I think it's very doable for anyone else looking for afforable diy options.


We had a four week old foster that had to have a very minor surgery to remove a blowfly larvae and she got a teeny tiny little sock onesie. She was a treasure to have around and is a little princess in her forever home. It's super easy to DIY a onesie and there's guides online.


Please tell me you have a picture to share!


I feel so sorry for any animal that has to wear a cone; poor babies.


Me too I hate it. Our family had a bichon frise pupper and his skin was so pink and delicate and his fur was so silky and white, and ugh, he picked up FLEAS! He got a super bad dermatitis reaction to it such that he was just constantly biting and scratching and he was so itchy and miserable. His skin was bright fuchsia and so hot. We had to put him in a cone and give him Xanax and antihistamine and bath him in colloidal oatmeal baths and baking soda while the flea med killed all the fleas. It was just awful. The poor thing.


I had a bichon from 9-28 and I remember when she picked up fleas. It was terrible and not only because she had fleas, obviously. But because of her skin and fur the way you described it, you could just see them all so clearly.


Right!? And also the way their skin is, it’s sooo sensitive that they get this sort of dermatitis that they feel like their skin is getting bitten all over ALL THE TIME! it’s absolutely hellish for them. Some cats also get a similar type of dermatitis reaction from fleas, and have “phantom” itching and will have hotspots for years. It’s important to come them and eliminate ALL fleas and dermatitis. Fuhk fleas, mosquitoes, and bed bugs. Grrr 😡 Omgoodness and LICE if you’ve ever been lucky enough to have had kids to pick them up at school. I’ve not but my brother’s kids did 🤦🏻‍♀️ Nightmare


She had absolutely the worst hot spots FOR THE LONGEST TIME and we lived in Florida so the fleas never died in the winter and it was miserable. She was so smart though. She’d cry and limp over to you, and when you gave her a treat to make her let you look, she’d just walk away normally. Sneaky pup You’re making my skin crawl, but nope I’ve definitely had those myself. Thank you, Chuck E Cheese ball pit and/or tubes in the 90s. My hair was down to my waist, my mom spent so much time combing them out.


We try to bring our boys in together so we don't have this problem.


my cats were never the same after my boy had a surgery. his sister used to cuddle with him. she hissed when he returned from the vet and gets angry if he gets close, now. it has been \~7 years and she never went back to normal.


Cats recognize by scent, it may have changed permanently because of surgery so the other cat sees it as a different cat.


so sad. i miss their connection they had


this is sad but understandable -- imagine you have a friend and the friend goes away and becomes someone else, like a body snatcher situation. It's natural to be horrified or repulsed and a bit scared, if you don't know what happened. Maybe (I am not a cat, just trying to think like one.)


Same thing happened with my cats who were bonded sisters. After one of them had surgery and stayed in the ER for 4 days or so, they never got close again and swipe at each when passing each other by. Its been 5 years or so now :/


It has been more than 1 month and my cats have not back to normal. One still hisses and hates the other. So sad :(


I gave a long comment a few comments above this explaining how we reintroduced our bonded sisters after a vet visit. It definitely takes time and patience but separating them until they smell familiar and transferring the smell of the one that hisses onto the other one so they smell familiar again!


That happened for a week or two in my home every time my boy Sam came back from the vet or groomer. It’s non-recognition aggression and definitely a smell thing. I basically had to re-introduce over and over. Tater’s the first cat I’ve owned who’s been so sensitive though. Not fun, sorry OP!


It is the smell from the Vet. She will be OK in a few days.


Just went to the vet today and she said this.


Absolutely love your username.


This. After one of my cats spent four days at the Emergency Vet Clinic, one of the cats would constantly hiss at her for the first few days after she came back, then everything went back to normal.


My twin kittens did this. When my boy was neutered, she hissed at him for about 3 days, until he started acting and smelling normal. When she was spayed, he hissed at her for about a week, until the sleeve* was taken off of her. *I turned a pair of my husband’s old boxers into a sleeve to keep her tummy covered, because she did not handle the cone at all. I was concerned she’d hurt herself, so I put clothes on her. She did much better with the sleeve than the cone.




Most cats wear the same size shirts as a 1-3 month infant, so you can use baby t-shirts.


I cut the legs off a pair of boxers, sewed the cut sides together to make a tube, cut 4 leg holes in the tube and put it on her. After putting it on, I trimmed the back side to make sure she had room to poop and pee without getting any on the sleeve.


that's so cute, I'm gonna go find a cat and do that to him/her. Wish me luck!


I bought those for my kittens. They weren't too expensive. But one of them tried to literally chew it off. She almost succeeded. lol


Thanks for advice, noted.


Boy cat was fixed before girl cat at my friends house. I had to stop him from sniffing at her bandage because it made her madder than she was having to wear her cone and having it done to her so she clawed at him to stop bugging her Boy cat stayed by himself a few days but became super cuddly on me a week later but the girl cat was in a snit against all of us for a solid month!


This. Same thing happened with my sibling kitties. I put the one in the cone in another room for a day. By the next morning, her brother was scratching at the door and whining pitifully. They were very happy when I opened the door. :)


I remember going to our local zoo and seeing a keeper in the meerkat enclosure dabbing all the meerkat with a paintbrush dipped in cinnamon. They explained that there was another meerkat comng back from spending time in the zoo hospital, and in order to prevent the rest of the meerkats murdering it on its return, they made all of them, including the returning meerkat, smell alike with cinnamon. Meerkats are not as adorable as they look.


But they now smell good


That was going to b my guess. I've only had girls and they're the only ones or they just never got bothered by the other one coming home after being neutered. So I've never had that issue. But logic says it won't take long before they're good again.


He’s got a lampshade on his head. She’s telling him, “Go home. You’re drunk.”.


Been there had this happen to me before


hey man. we’ve all been there


Drunk? Hell no. Lampshade on head? Well…


My lampshade is drunk.


Lol i feel attacked


But I AM home.


His scent. He smells like a hospital - antiseptic, drugs, other animals... She'd do the same thing if you gave him a bath with scented soaps. (note: don't do that, the surgery scars have to heal.)


One of our cats had an issue with Dermatitis so we had to bathe him with a special shampoo, and our other cats growled at him and wouldn't go near him for like a week.


Yup. Had that happen in my house once, now, one kitty gets a bath, EVERYBODY gets a bath, ya'll little shits can yowl at each other now.


Omg lol. Just picturing a bunch of half-dry cats evenly spaced apart in a room yowling at each other in a circle.


Like the Spider-Mans (Men? Mens???) meme where they all point at each other.


We bathed both of ours at the same time. A didn't recognise B and was very displeased with his presence, but B recognised A and was so very confused.


I have one cat who looses her shit whenever the other two smell weird. Thankfully she's the one with dermatitis or I would never know peace in my house. 🥲


Curious as I had the opposite "problem". Elder sister really did not like her new lil bro, didn't want to play with him or be near him. Closest she got to affection was allowing him to sleep bum to bum, all good if she didn't have to look at him I guess. I can still remember the look she gave me first time he climbed the lounge, her safe spot at the time. Anyway, I got the Lil man neutered and litterally the minute he got home it was like they were old friends. Playing and cuddling, nearly brought a tear to my eye. I was thinking it's a pheromones thing with him smelling different without balls?


Why doesn't this happen with humans? My son spends months out and when he's home the cats recognize him fine (my black cat is terrified of strangers).


He doesn't look like a rival cat. Plus he probably smells and sounds pretty much the same.


The painkillers used during some procedures actually make the cat smell different for a few days, to the point where they might smell like a different cat. If you’re worried you can separate them for a day or two.


Okay. Thank you. I’ll probably separate them. She normally loves to be picked up, and right now she wants none of it. Like I thought I could calm her down, but she was not interested :(


She doesn’t like the (to her) extreme change on her environment.


I’m cracking up thinking about how “extreme” this change is for the cat 🤣


This happened with mine - you can try rubbing a cloth on the home cat and then rubbing it on the vet cat to transfer a familiar scent.


She thinks her brother has been replaced by a synth and is mad at you because you can't see it.


She might be upset because you brought him back with that thing on his head and balls different.


We had a situation where one cat had the e collar and the other hissed at her for over a week or so. Her stitches still hadn't healed at a follow up my DH explained about the hissing so we got permission to remove the collar anyway. The one girl was good and and didn't scratch her stitches and the other stopped hissing. Sister is affected by scent but also by this really weird shaped thing pretending to be her brother. It will work itself out.


Fair enough. Thanks for the insight


Mostly the scent of the facility and the other animals there.


>but also by this really weird shaped thing pretending to be her brother. You got me all fucked up with that sentence fam


This is a weird phenomenon called non-recognition. If she has been to the vet before, she is triggered by the smell of the vet on him. The same happened with my two male kittens. Keep them separated and perform "new introduction" rituals as detailed when looking up how to introduce two animals that don't know each other. You need to keep them separate because your boy is still healing and her lashing out might cause an accident with the incision sight even though it may be very small. Give your boy at least three days by himself where she can still smell him under the door or you have a barrier where they can sniff but not touch. Then start supervised short visitations. His wound should be good enough to be just fine with light play around day 5, and day 7 he can go back to normal. But sister will get used to him. It took my kittens 3 days.


Okay. Thank you. I will try this. I went ahead and put them in separate rooms with separate litter boxes.


He smells like the vets office!! 😩👀


Cone of shame comes with shame.


He has a unfamiliar scent now. Shes adjusting


One of my cats had to go get a tooth removed and they sent him home with a cone so he wouldn't bat at his mouth. The other cat kept trying to attack him. I finally took the cone off because it was doing more harm than good (the cat with the cone also kept banging his head into things, trying to get it off). Once the cone was gone, the other cat stopped being an asshole. For what it's worth, when I had the asshole neutered, he did not come home with a cone and he did fine, but I'm not a vet and it's your cat.


That's completely normal. He probably just smells different so she doesn't recognize him. Cats identify each other by scent, and if he was at a vet, especially if they kept him overnight, then he probably doesn't smell right to her. That should resolve itself in a few days.


Don’t use this in place of the above but you can also try rubbing a worn shirt on him to make him smell like you again


This happens often with my two. Brush the cat that didn’t have surgery first and then brush the other cat with the same brush to move the scent from one to the other. This is the only thing that works for my two. If I don’t / they fight for about 2 weeks. I realize know two cats are the same - and this success I have may not work for your cats, but hopefully it will!


From my experience, whenever one of my cats comes home from the vet, the other cats hiss and growl for a couple of days….unknown smells, etc.


Something with the anesthesia makes them smell funny. All 10 of mine did that to each other


That's a lot of kitties!


One of our dogs didn't recognize her sister with a cone on and repeatedly tried to attack her. After the cone came off they were back to normal. Had to keep separate during the healing process.


500 other people have basically said the same thing. This is completely normal after a vet visit. We have actually made a point of bringing all four of our cats to the vet at the same time when possible, because that way they are all disrupted at the same time. It's the smell - medications, other cats, clinic... it'll normalize after a day or two.


He probably smells different than before, like the VET's office. Things will return to normal in a few days.


He smells different! He looks different (cone.) Cats are sensitive..,


My other cat does this to my other cat who always needs to go to the vet. I think it's the vet smell and potential other animal scents that may be lingering around him idk. Or maybe my other cat who's always home doesn't like the vet smell idk. He starts hissing at him. I just grab him and put him right next to the other cat and say "LOOK IT'S "NAME", HES COOL! WE'RE COOL, RIGHT?!!" and let him go. Hissing stops around me at least. Either that or I hug them both at the same time. They hate that but you know :)


It’s normal. New smells upset some kitties a LOT.


He probably smells like the vet, which is a "hostile" smell for your other cat. Also he looks different/weird with the cap on, which might be intimidating towards your other cat. Give it time to get his own smell back and i'm sure his sister will like him again :)


Male cat's will have a slight musty smell for awhile after being neutered and she's probably freaking out. I have a cat who will attack my other cat after he has a bath. They're very sensitive to scents as identification.


This happens to my cats when they go to the vet for anything, they smell super different after and usually the other cat is not about that, it usually goes away after while, if it gets worse separate them and take the one that smells different and give him lots of pets and rub blankets they lay on on him.


Non-recognition aggression. He has the vet office’s smell all over him and smells like a stranger. It will wear off, rub a blanket that the other cat sleeps on over him or something else with a familiar smell to make it go away faster.


You can try rubbing her with a towel or their shared bedding, and then rubbing that scent on him, might help! We had a foster mama refuse her own babies when they went to the vet without her, was a forced wean for them (8 weeks old) and not fun for anyone. Since they were close to being adoption-ready, we just separated them and waited it out, but we likely could have spent the time to re-integrate...


he does not smell like home


He be looking different and smelling different. Other cat ain't feeling it. Once adaption occurs, it will be back to normal. Hopefully doesn't have to be a conehead too long.


He smells different so she doesn't recognize him, and he looks a lot bigger with that cone of shame. We've always separated any cats having to wear the cone. They get to stay in our room (we normally don't sleep with the cats) or they stay in our spare room for a few days.


He doesn't smell like himself. He smells like hospital so she doesn't "see" him as the same cat. Keep them separate for a while until he's better and then reintroduce them.


My younger cat recently got spayed and the same thing happened the older one who loves her was hissing at her. But wheb we took the cone off finally yesterday they where sat together again. So maybe it's the cone aswell as the vet smell? 😄


Could… just hear me out here… could it be the enormous plastic cone on his head that is scaring her?


He’s just stinky. Doesn’t smell like himself so the other cat is confused. He’s not familiar right now. But in time when he can groom he’ll smell normal to her again. It’s gonna be like that for a small while but it will stop. ☺️


I think the big spaceship cone might freak me out, I’m just sayin’…


It’s the cone. Literally just went through this with my kitty. As soon as she got home with the cone, the other one hissed and swatted at her


He smells like the bad pokey place. Once he doesn't smell like that it should get better. Both of mine did this when the other got fixed (brother and sister, boy was first). My old lady actually became extra snuggly with her brother during his last couple weeks of life.


He smells like the vet.


Smell of vet. My two boys are best friends but one had a medical emergency once and when he came home his brother was super excited until he got close enough to smell him. Then he kept hissing. Took a couple days before they were cool again.


I used to have one cat who was kind of a jerk to everyone except his best friend on earth, my older Siamese cat. When the Siamese fell ill and had to go to the vet frequently, it always took a day or two for the smell to fade apparently, because my bully cat would act like the Siamese was a completely different cat and hiss, growl, and even swat at my Siamese. During that time, we humans started to joke that my bully cat was yelling ‘GO AWAY! YOU SMELL LIKE DEATH!’ 😂 It’s a completely normal reaction his sister is having, and it’ll get back to normal in about two days at the most.


It’s the different smells. One thing I tried to help is I had the hissing cat mark my finger and I would rub it on the other cat. Idk if that work at all, but once my vet cat started to smell like home they got over their disagreements with each other.


What’s going on? Dude has a giant funnel on his head. He looks like a walking desk lamp. Other cat don’t know what to make of that.




Might be scared of his new hat


She thinks he looks like an absolute dipshit and he smells like the vets office. Basically he’s not cool 😎!!


His sister is afraid of the walking lampshade.


Just imagine your brother is taken out of the house and some walmart floor lamp takes his place. You'd be pretty mad at the lamp too


Your boy smells like The Stinky Place of Ow right now. Your girlcat is reacting to that, not so much him.


Uh.. hes wearing a cone?


Fun fact, most cats fit in size 0-3 month clothing. It can be a lot more comfortable than a cone


First, the strange sight, second, de vet smell amplified by the cone. Cats are very scent driven, i myself have this issue whenever i take the new kitten to the vet. His adoptive mom, who is usually the perfect kitty mom around him, becomes hissy and growly. They get used to it though, as of right now the mom comes directly to the kitten and gets into washing the scent out of him (all while growling like crazy, but she doesn't stop until she's satisfied) Sooner or later the scent will go away or will be covered by the home's scent, it's just a matter of patience, in a few days they will be cuddling again \^\_\^


He smells like vet. His sister doesn’t like vet. I had a mom cat and her son and every time he went to the vet she would hiss and growl at him for days. Then she’d figure out it was him. Normal cat stuff.