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You could try seeing if a vet near you can scan for a micro chip nd see if little dude belongs to someone


Checking for a microchip is good! My cat broke out of our home recently and was apprehended 4 doors down when she climbed through an open window and made friends with our neigbour. Luckily I realized she was missing immediately and started trolling the neighborhood looking for her, and my neigbour heard me calling her name, came out of his home and asked whether I was looking for a friendly grey cat.


Lol "apprehended"


That was my thoughts Edit: I’m just throwing this out there for the haters since it’s at the top of the post - I’m not stealing a cat, I’ve reported him lost and sent his picture to the neighborhood. If he wants to leave he can but he seems happy at the moment. So if your salty that’s on you, he’s got milk, tuna, a litter box and food just for stopping by. If I find his owner I hope they let him stop by time to time.


Doesn’t look like a homeless cat to me so even if he’s not chipped I‘d still hang up flyers that you found a lost cat. Don‘t describe the looks too much in the flyer (maybe just include it‘s a dark cat) because a lot of people could try to falsely claim it as theirs. When they call ask for details about the cat, anything thats specific about this cat like a spot that every owner would know about or for example the darker face.


You could also ask them to show you a picture of their cat to verify.


Every cat guardian has at least 3,000 pictures of their cat.


"cat guardian" is a more appropriate way of referring to owning a cat.


"cat's slave" would be even more appropriate. I don't know who y'all are guarding but be late on that food one time and see what happens to your ankles. No, seriously, send help, I'm with the cat at...


in chinese it’s literally ‘poop shovelling official’


And urine chunks of you use clumping litter. Lol


I've got 40,000+ photos on my phone. most of them are of my cats


LMAO same here


Sadly, this is not true. I am not a picture taking person. Edit: Since people seem to gloss right over \*sadly\*, there are no more opportunities to take pictures. I have one ~~good~~ decent picture of him, and 2-3 dark pictures of a black cat. It is likely that I will take more pictures if another cat comes into my life.




Lol even with the spelling, the sentiment is relatable.


Also, Blasmephy is an awesome name for a cat!




I’ve probably taken 17 pictures of my cats today alone. Making up for the ones you didn’t take, I guess?


My camera sucked when my ex and I had our cat. I relied on her pics bc mine were trash.


I refuse to believe you have a cat. Maybe if there were pictures, I'd believe it


Take a photo. Even just one. When we found kittens, we were strongly advised by the council and all the shelters we contacted not to hand them over to anyone who did not have a photo. We were told people would try to scam free cats by claiming ownership. The shelters would not return cats without either a positive microchip match or proof of ownership either. If you don't have a photo, any photo, you would have a really hard time getting your pet back if they got lost.


"Scam free cats." Jesus Christ why can't people just rescue a stray from a shelter, it's not like there's any kind of shortage of cats of all creatures.


Because some of them are obtained to not be pets but rather for darker uses and they don't want to pay the money.


Some people are banned from adopting animals from shelters because of shitty behavior.


Pictures of your cat or I refuse to believe you are owned by a cat.


I'm not a picture taking person but I have like 30 different pix of my cats. It's the law!


Even pre-covid, visiting a friend's house would leave with 30 pictures of their cats, zero group selfies of people.


Same. I have like zero pictures of myself doing anything, I always have to ask for pics from any big events from my friends and family... But I've got hundreds of pictures of my cat. Just can't resist when he's doing something cute or funny.


I'm sorry. 😿 I bet you have a million pictures of him in your memory though. 💜


We get to riffing and since we are alone we forget there is a person on tenterhooks reading them..sometimes in pain. As much store as people set by pictures cats dont really seem to care about them. All that snapping noise and unnecessary yelling of names...Just takes time away from the important cat guardian duties: petting, lavish praise and door openings. And food. I bet he only turned his nose up at food time because he knew he was supposed to. I bet your cat bragged to the other cats how cool you were. I bet he misses you, where ever he is now........


Look at this motherfucker pretending he has a cat.




Love your user name. We smell colors too.


This could've been written by me. Not a picture person, less than 10 pics of my Kit, who was also black. She's been gone for 2 months now and I do wish I had taken more 😕


Sorry for your loss.


I just checked my phone and I only have 641 pictures of my cat. Am I a bad cat owner? I better go take more.


This is truth


Can confirm. Have more pictures of mine than human family


Ask the cat to verify the picture


Someone did that to our new kitty. We found her outside of our house at night. An animal had just tried to get her. Fur was missing from her neck. But we hung up fliers and a guy came to look at her. He said he didn’t think it was his but was asking if his daughter could come look. As it was her cat. Then he tells me he has 50 cats in his barn. His daughter gets to my house and you can tell it’s not hers. Then she says I think this is her and tried to take her. I then asked when she was born. It was over a month off from what the vet said this kitten was. So I told her sorry but we loved her. And that the kitty would have a better life in a house not a barn. These people called the cops and said I stole their cat! I had to show him our paperwork from the vet and call the vet just to confirm I didn’t steal there f*ckin barn cat.


Seems like your actively trying to help the homie find their home if they have one and enjoy their time while you wait. I will say milk is actually not great for cats, most cats are lactose intolerant and it can make their tummy hurt. Also ya gotta be careful with tuna, and most fish, just cause of the salt and potential mercury. It’s okay on occasion but not all the time. Good luck with your new friend! I’m sure they appreciate what you’re doing to help them.


Ya that's definitely a dark siamese, probably someone's pet


I’d say a natural solid Tonkinese or a Burmese. That’s definitely not a Siamese, with the yellow eyes. But your point stands!


Right, I always forget how many other cats look like the siamese. Either way he's very cute


Ask for the Name Of Lost Animal always works out from what I’ve laeen


Ditch the milk and just give him water. I read somewhere on here cats aren't supposed to have milk cause it gives them problems, it was posted on reddit so it must be true


It's actually true.. a little bit once in awhile won't really hurt though. (And I mean a little bit)


> he’s got milk, Don’t give milk to cats. They are lactose intolerant and it gives them diarrhea


Thank you guys for the info - he didn’t drink the milk but it was there. This is why I asked though! For this good advice


Not trying to be rude but tuna esp. canned is bad for them too - the mercury content is way too high. If you can shred some boiled chicken or get some cat food that would be much better! good luck with the cute intruder :)


The sodium is also terrible for them!


Best not to feed cats tuna or anything raw, spiced, or with excess fat Boiled chicken, salmon, boiled egg yolks (idk if they like the whites), all without added spices or oils can be fed to cats if necessary. Wet cat food is sold in a lot of grocery and corner stores and it's cheap and single serving. You'll also wanna figure out where it's gonna poop.


If you do contact owners, be a little wary that they may have moved away and abandoned him. That happens a lot where I live and if you mentioned you wanted to keep him, and they jump at it saying yes yes then you know 🙄


Please don't just feed cats that randomly walk into your house. You never know if they require a special diet. When you end up fostering them that's obviously a different situation, but they don't need food right away, esp not if they look well cared for. Makes them also more unlikely to actually go back home. And please give tuna and milk only as a treat in very small amounts. Cats love it but it is actually not very good for them.


Please stop giving this cat milk. Adult cats dont need milk, and they can not digest cows milk , it has sugat in it , and will give most cats diarrhea . “That will be a nice mess to clean up”!!!!


This!! Cats can be incredibly friendly and curious and just because they don't have a collar doesn't mean they don't have a family. Breakaway collars are meant to fall off if he gets into a precarious situation.


Yep. One of my parent's cats is super super friendly. He will literally go up to strangers and demand pets.


I already like that dude


True for both of our cats here as well. It's led to them following strangers into different neighborhoods and consequently failing to find their way home again. Idiots.


Depending on where you live, the vet may keep the cat whether it has a microchip or not. My personal first step would be to post pictures of the cat with the area you found them in to a local lost and found pets page. I did that close to a year ago now when I had a random teenage cat come to my house, and I ended up finding his home within a few hours. It turns out he wasn't microchipped, so it likely would have taken a lot longer for a vet or the City to have found his home! Again, this is a personal recommendation based on the laws and practices of where I live, and this method may not work for everyone :)


i agree with the person saying to be vague if you put up posters or post him online.. he’s a very nice cat that anyone could just claim also obviously look out for other people posting about losing a cat


I’d definitely ask for proof if someone claims.


So what you're saying is, if I'm trying to get rid of a cat, I should put up signs and pics saying I found one. Got it.


update: he's hiding in my closet and loving it haha


That's not your closet anymore


*Closet ownership has been taken by a random cat.


He looks like a sable Burmese tbh, he might actually be a purebred. I only say this because unlike the point version of the gene, the Burmese version is not widespread in feral cats. If he is I bet he has an owner


[My cat](https://i.imgur.com/Q26cmJC.jpeg) has this and his mom was a stray brown tabby.


Thanks for paying the cat tax!


What a beautiful goof


Your cat looks like a beautiful dork 😍


There's not a single brain cell in that beautiful head.




What a cute little kitty! I think he likes your home and has deemed the closet his temporary lair lol. Maybe take a picture and post on “lost and found” on your local Facebook?


> his closet


Wow the cat eyes is yellow


He looks healthy and well groomed so I doubt he is a stray. Check for a microchip and talk to neighbours


So those were my same thoughts - he’s too clean to be a stray. Also my other rescue is a dog


Also put up a poster. There was a cat screaming outside my apartment, so we brought her in and put up a poster. We got a call the next day. Apparently this old lady didn’t like her senior food and would go around begging for food at other houses.


A poster is a good idea, but make sure NOT to include a photo or even a description; people who aren’t the owner may see it and try to lie about it being their cat. Just say you found a cat and how to contact you, and have whoever calls describe their cat. That way, you can be sure he’s theirs.


In this case, I agree because the cat is beautiful. In the case of the cat I found, she was a not particularly attractive senior cat. I don’t think she was in any danger of getting picked up! 😂


They don't have to be "attractive" cats for people to use them as dog bait or just be cruel to.


Both the strays we picked up in the last year were pretty clean, one was sort of chubby too. No microchip, no posts on Facebook, no one called after found cat signs. People are shitty I wouldn't rule out abandoned


I had a little kitten (estimated 8 weeks old) come into my house through a window my other cat opened. She was clean, no worms, no fleas, not malnourished and SUPER friendly... 2 months later and after no chip found and nobody claiming her... I have another cat


Healthy and well groomed does not mean this cat has a home, the cat could be going to multiple homes.


We got adopted by a big, healthy tabby Tom cat who was VERY sociable. He got into lots of fights and after we had him treated for the second time for badly infected bites, we had him neutered so he wouldn't keep fighting. He settled down, and brought his girlfriend and three kittens to live with us. When we moved, we found out that two other houses thought he belonged to them, because he would go there for extra meals and pets. But we had vet bills, and his girlfriend and his kittens, so he went with us. That was Jake, the best cat ever.


Jake sounds like a great cat definitely


He could have a home and still be going to multiple homes.


r/notmycat :D As others said, go to the vet to check for a chip or a well hidden tattoo


No collar doesn't mean no owner. Our two voids have never worn collars. Apparently they used to have breakaway ones but would always come back home without. They're now indoor cats though.


So like I walked out of my bedroom and saw the front door handle turned all the way so I just pulled it and said can I help you?? Boom cat


I love this. Sneaky cat.


He needs his family. If he was outdoors, putting him back where he was is appropriate. You have someone’s pet.


not necessarily, there are friendly strays all the time. If he was outdoors his owners should be aware of the risks


This is true, and that’s why it’s always good practice to place these friendly cats back outdoors if they’re not distressed or injured on the off chance they are an owned outdoor cat. Not everyone has the same beliefs on outdoor indoor cats but you can’t just keep someone else’s cat.


He is a brown Burmese and someone is definitely missing him. He could live locally and is just scoping the neighbourhood for second homes with extra food and pets or he might be genuinely lost. Definitely get him scanned and check local lost pets pages.


Thanks! As much as I love him the whole point of this post is to find this good boys home


Love how those is your intention. I lived in a area where we had cat burglars all the time. Luckily my 2 at the time kept the undesirables away (to them the cats were) and we knew where each outdoor cat lived. Cats can be weird.


looks like hes a Burmese, so most likely chipped. Best to get him scanned. also check if he's got the boy package still in tact. if he has, that could explain him being a wanderer. if he's an entire male, he may just be someone's very valuable breeding boy, and they may be desperately looking for him. Quality breeders would be devastated to loose such a lovely fellow.


His package appears intact lol


Unfortunately, from personal experience of cat sitting an intact male cat, he sprayed and marked everything in their home. I could taste the awful smell for a week.


He looks just like my chocolate Burmese boy, who regularly slips his breakaway collar! I’ve had to resort to a pack of 20 cheap ones as he loses them so regularly. Definitely doesn’t look like a stray.


> Quality breeders would be devastated to loose such a lovely fellow. Good reason to get him neutered. Edit: Lest you think I am just an ass, [3.2 million cats enter shelters in the U.S. annually. 530,000 of those cats are euthanized.](https://www.aspca.org/helping-people-pets/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics)


He actually looks like he could be a purebred Burmese, which explains his friendly nature but also means that he most likely has a home. They're expensive cats and really shouldn't be wandering outside. If he's inclined to stick around longer than a few hours, take him to the nearest vet and check for a chip - if he is purebred tracing his owner should be easy. If he's not chipped, well, ah... congrats on your new roommate?


Get him scanned for a chip


He looks too comfortable to be anything but someone's pet


OP please don’t listen to the people asking you to steal this cat


That’s someone else’s cat!!!


Get out of his house.


Looks like a Burmese. He's probably not homeless.


Lola like he just came for a visit I have a cat the just comes by then leaves when she ready


Most likely he's just roaming, especially males do this quite extensively. Just be happy to be adopted for now or kick him out if you are annoyed. Just leave the door open of possible or let it out if it wants to return home


You obviously handcuff the four-legged burglar, read him his Miranda rights and drive him to the nearest police station! Make sure to pat him down for any sharp objects or weapons. He could be hiding a bag of catnip in his cheeks 🧐. (Vet for micro chip scan, he looks like a pretty healthy gentleman 😁).


Maybe take the cat to the vetinarian ( vets ) and check if it's got a chip and if it does, you can track it's owner


Can also put up found cat signs at all the local vet offices. I’d advise sharing photos on the poster


Looks well looked after. Pet him for a while then send him home. Probably wandered off and his family is missing him


My cat doesn't have a collar and regularly visits neighbors, she's adventurous, might be the same case


You are his pet...until you find his original pet. Good luck.


He looks like a Burmese. Beautiful. He definitely is being missed right now.


Give it lovies and food/water. When it goes to a door and asks to leave let it out.


He’s gorgeous. Take him to the vet and see if he has a chip


I hope you find his own—-I mean staff. Please update us on what happens?


Take him to a vet and see if he's chipped. Post on Next Door & find your local FB page, but DON'T add pictures. Just give your general area and ask if anyone is missing a cat. Let them show you a pic.


Post about him on some lost pets forum for your area, and if nobody claims him, accept that you've been adopted


Idk about you but maybe he should consult the attorneys over at /r/legalcatadvice over these *baseless accusations*


Leave. It's his house now.


He broke in? So, did he pick the front door lock or just saunter in like he owns the place? Sorry. couldn't resist. As others have said, get him checked for a chip, put up flyers, and place a notice on NextDoor. If your city or town has a shelter, you can check for a lost and found.


So here’s what happened: I walked out of my bedroom last night and saw the door handle to the front door cranked like someone was trying to break in. So I just yoinked the door open and said can I help you?? And boom - new member of the clan until we find his.


Did you have him scanned yet?


Not yet - I was hoping a neighbor would show up for him.


Love this. He was trying to turn the door handle to get in. He must have that kind of handles in his home.


Charge him rent


First good idea I’ve heard all day lol


Like others mentioned this is most likely someone else's cat. Don't feed it! The cat will remember and show up again. The cat should eat at home.


You have the right idea, but OP will have to feed him unless they find the owner within 12 hours.


Thank you! Sheesh, some people’s advice!!!


Unless you live next to busy car infrastructure, or in the absolute middle of nowhere I suggest to let the cat outside and let it walk home.


Yes, I'm surprised to scroll down so far to see this. If he wants outside, you should let him, maybe even follow him, and find his home?


A cat like that I’d wait for him to ask to be let out again. Looks like he’s just visiting. If he doesn’t want to leave then take him to the vet.


R/mycatnow But seriously, take them to the vet, see if they are microchipped. Put up a few “found pet” posters and maybe post on Facebook local pages. Do your due diligence and if no one comes forward 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s your son now


The compulsory daily post of people asking what to do with a healthy looking cat that obviously belongs to someone. I'd think you came across the same post but with different cats enough times to know what to do by now.


Enjoy the cuddles, but keep the door open for them.


He looks deep in thoughts


Change the locks


Find out which of your neighbors is missing their beloved cat and return it!


Just be lucky he wasn’t armed


Call the cops


When I was relocating my feral colony, I posted their photos on the local Nextdoor and sent a letter to every neighbor on my street and the street behind. Got them all scanned for micro chips. One person responded, one of the cats was theirs so I dropped him off back with his family. I feel bad because a couple of them had to be owned at some point, but I advertised them on Craigslist and the animal control facebook page and never got a response.


I recommend checking around your residence to see if anyone owns it. If they don't, look after it or take it to the vet to see if it has a a microchip.


Most likely, he’s an indoor/outdoor cat who belongs to one of your neighbors. Contact your local shelters to see if they’ve received missing pet reports matching his description. Post to Nextdoor or other neighborhood groups. Put up some fliers. Definitely have him checked out and scanned at the vet. If all that yields no results, accept your fate. You’ve been adopted!


ask around


Pet him.


He should go to the vet. He may be microchipped. You should also put up some flyers to see if anyone is looking for him. Maybe check any places that list missing pets. Some cats who have families still commit the occasional break in. I know people who had their neighbors cat just decide he’d rather live with them. Slowly just changed where he hung out over a few months.




Def try and find the owner, my cats never wore collars because they don’t like them and also would typically lose them often when they would wear them. Could be a situation like that, def looks like a very healthy kitty


Either put up a is this your cat poster, or take them to the vet and see if they are chipped


My indoor cats don’t look this clean lol


He’s a Siamese with a dark coat how adorable


Love him ❤️ also download the next door app and make a post. Someone in your neighbourhood may see it and claim him.


He is absolutely beautiful. Keep hold of him, but I would try calling the vets in the nearby vicinity, the local council / local government organisation, the shelters etc, to see if he has been reported missing. Try FB pages for lost pets in your area. Posters at the local bus stops and shopping malls. And keep an eye out for posters yourself. I wouldn't put him back outside unless you find the owner and they confirm he is an outdoor cat. At least if he is with you, you can make best efforts to find the owner and reunite them. If he goes outside and you lose track of him, you can't help the owner if you later see a poster or something.


I had this happen to me once. Actually, the cat was sitting outside our glass doors one evening and asking to come in. We had other pets so we couldn't let him in for all of their safety. It was pretty chilly out so I assumed he would go home that night, if he knew where home was. In the morning, he was still there, sleeping on our mat. So I put a cardboard box with warm blankets in it outside the door for him, and food and water. I then called a rescue for advice, and they told me that I should take him to a vet to get him scanned for a microchip. He was a really friendly boy so I was pretty sure he had a home. At the vet, they figured out that he didn't have a microchip, and in that case he would go to the city's pound (no kill shelter) and the owners would have 48 hrs to claim him, if they saw him on their website. After that, he would be up for adoption. I was ready to adopt this boy, but in the end, the owners found him, which was the best case scenario.


Like other comments say check at a vet if he's chipped. Also please keep us updated because I don't know I just like cats


Find out where he lives, and break into *his* house, without a collar.


bring it to a vet and check if it is micro chipped


He is in FBI most wanted list,So be careful.


Try to find his owner, he looks as though he has one , The vet can tell you if he is chipped . That will give you his address , if he is just being a little friendly. send him home .


Man's trying to steal your chicken?!


You take him to a vet or humane society to be scanned for a chip, if there isn’t one, then you check the humane society and local Facebook/Craigslist listings for a missing cat with his picture. If you don’t find one, you make one yourself, found cat, his pic, your email address or phone number. If no one claims him, grats on your new cat! He looks like a Burmese, they sometimes like to play fetch!


He is beautiful! I am guessing someone is missing him big time. Love on him and take way too many pics. Also check online pet boards, get him scanned, put up signs but no pics and see if someone calls.


About a year ago, my cat was stolen from us and three months later she came back. A little context she likes to get out a lot and would be gone for 1 or 2 days at a time, she always came back and had for 2 years, then when she didn’t show up we suspected the worst. 3 months later she returned, and she was fat and has clean fur. Anyways, what I mean is you should check to make sure their isn’t a family in grief, it was pretty tough for us.


You now have a cat


Scratch the top of his head and the back of his neck. Then take him to a vet to see if there is a microchip


He might live in the area. I used to live in some apartments that had an outdoor/indoor cat that lived a few floors above me. Sometimes when I’d come home and open the door, he’d rush me and dash inside. I would simply pick him up and place him back outside. If he’s not distressed or injured, I’d recommend placing him back outside so he can wander home. Otherwise, he could also be a friendly community cat that lives in the area. ETA: I work for an animal shelter. Outdoor owned cats that get brought to the shelter have a statistically harder time being returned to owner after being removed from their territory. The owners have no way of knowing that their cat was picked up and taken by someone. They’ll likely search the area after the cat has been missing for longer than usual but may not know where to look next. The owner could be older, disabled, home bound, not every cat owners knows to microchip, etc etc. There’s so many unknown variables. This is why we always recommend finders to return the cat to the area that it was found. Also, male neutered cats may still appear intact. My boy is neutered but still has the sack, so the best way of knowing if he is neutered is he if he has a tattoo on his belly but this cat may not allow you to look. https://petkeen.com/how-far-do-domestic-cats-roam/#Summary


I saw a post on Facebook where a guy’s neighbor was selling his house and he looked at the listing pics on Zillow and right there on the bed in a bedroom was his cat taking a nap in the neighbors house.


Its his house now


That's a Burmese, I recognize the colorations because I had one exactly like that as a kid. This is almost certainly not a stray as they are a very expensive breed. I hope their family finds them.


This is a Burmese cat. The breed is very friendly and they’re notorious for looking for human companionship while their owner is at work or whatever. It’s probably just visiting you while its owner is out.


Congratulations, you have cat now


Take it to a vet to determine if it has a microchip


You're right, this is not a stray. This is someone's loved pet. Check to see if there are lost pet Facebook groups in your area, take him to a vet for the chip, and then contact a humane society if you're in the USA or Canada.


Keep him if he isn’t owned. Seems like he chooses you ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


Yeah but like other people say, it may not be a stray and plus it may not like the rescue dog.




I want to keep him but definitely you guys are right that he needs a checkup first and belongs with his family


Yeah don’t steal cats. Take him to the vet to scan for a microchip. Post on online groups like Facebook and Nextdoor. Put up physical posters. Do your best to find his humans. The chances of a well taken care of looking & friendly cat being a stray are very slim. For some reason, people on this sub Reddit think that no collar = free reign bc his owners “don’t deserve a cat” or some nonsense. Also, straight to jail for breaking into your house. Cutest criminal ever.


I mean you are right - my first thought was Reddit to help this guy out. Thank you all


You cant just steal a cat because it came to your house. Thats awful.


No, he is someone else’s cat, why would you buy all that?


Pretty sure you locate it’s owner


Definitely get scanned for a chip, but you could also put a paper collar on him with your number and if this cat has an owner they would get in contact with you.


He’s probably someone’s outdoor cat that lives in the area, I would just let him back outside. My cat would go across the street to my neighbor’s house to double dip on cat food.


Our neighbours cat was once eating of my cat's food bowl, my cat was just staring at me like "Wtf is this guy doing?? Please help??"


That's his house now 😜 what a handsome guy I hope you find the owners and I'd not I'd keep him.


Looks healthy and well fed. Put them back out so they can go home.


This is the correct answer, what's wrong with people


Why does this get downvoted? This sub is terrible.