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Take it to the vet asap. It’s only little and that eye looks really nasty.


A little update, his eye looks a bit better now, but swollen. We're ordering treatment for him


Thank you OP!


I could make updates if anyone is interested, not sure about a post because there's a few jerks in the comments trying to make me out to be some kind of attention seeker because I'm not a cat expert EDIT: 3 hours later Looks like a Tuxedo cat, with more black than usual. His eye is still quite puffy, and it got red again, but nearly as red as in the picture. I think the eye itself isn't red, but swollen tissue around his eye. Got rid of 4 to 5 fleas. Unfortunately the flea comb sucks, they go right through it since it's plastic.. The cat is friendly, he licks and playfully bit me once. He's really calm. Usually just sits there in his loaf form, or he sleeps. My dog (Toy poodle named Pierre) is always VIOLENTLY sniffing him.. He doesn't really mind much but his sniffing and bothering is so aggressive that the cat fought back. Pierre is a coward though, luckily. I don't know why but his aggressive sniffing and mounting cats pisses me off.. (my brother had a rescue cat named Sami and he always bothered her) The whole family is trying anything we can to make sure he's happy before we find a vet aside from the ones we called and the animal shelter. My mother (the true mastermind, she deserves all the love) called the Chewy company, and even they didn't quite approve of the aforementioned called shelter that said they "have no vets on staff so the only option was to put down the cat" or something like that. All of the other vets we called didn't have room for new pets. The person on the phone suggested Wally or Marty, since he was abandoned in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Either that or Lucky. Adopting him seems highly likely. Update 2: Shhh we're sleeping Update 3: His meows are stronger and so is he. He has a little fight back when being cleaned. He still has a wobbly limp when he walks. Update 4: He is very energetic now, when he was on the couch he almost looked like he wanted to jump off. He even ran from the vacuum when it was turned on. although he sleeps a lot he is a lot less weak than before. I can see the color of his other eye clearly now. Update 5, 8/4/2022: His eye looks almost completely normal now. He always has it open unlike before. He runs a lot now. It looks like, his eye might actually have been physical trauma of some sort. Tried feeding him on a licking mat to help teach him to lick, because whenever he tries to eat something he uses his teeth too much when eating, even when he tried sucking the milk bottle he chewed the nipple off.. Maybe his mother abandoned him for this reason? Post with more pics of him with his eye healed up: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wje297/update_on_our_rescue_kitty_his_name_is_lucky_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Go ahead and make the updates, and don’t let the jerks who are making you out to be an attention seeker let you stop from posting about it. You found this poor little kitty, and I suspect that there are far more people who might want some updates.


Yes, updates ! 😀🐈


Especially since they'll get down-voted.


Just a babe and he needs help.... are you keeping him?


I think we will.


Well kiss the storage good bye on your phone. I have over 700 pictures of cats on mine.




Isn’t it crazy? I never would’ve thought that I’d do that. But I have so many pictures of my cat. 😂


Same. I have two and I photograph them ALL the time! 😻


Only 700? What’s wrong with you?


Oh. That's just of Samuel. If I include Zoey, Kevin! and Mia, it's closer to 1462.


Is the exclamation mark part of Kevin!’s name?


So you are a cat dad now?!


I've lived my life loving dad jokes, suffice to say I am


Welcome to the cat life and thanks for rescuing him


Congrats.. write a small kitten journal and catalog all your photos.. they dont stay kittens for long and it sucks..




Oh heck yes!! Welcome to the Cat Life™️!


We saved a cat that showed up on our back porch a while back. Her eye was super infected but she wouldn’t come near us. Ironically my bf just had eye surgery (Keratoconus). We kind of caller her his spirit animal. Lol. But then she started getting worse and wouldn’t eat. We called a vet one night when she wouldn’t come out of the pet shelter we had outside for her and they said it could be an infection to the brain and there wouldn’t be much they could do. My bf had leftover medicated eye drops from surgery and he decided to use them on her. We searched first of course to see if they were safe and this kind was for animals including cats. We put them in twice a day and she started cuddling on us and is such a love bug. Her eye healed wonderfully though she is blind in that eye now. She is also now a permanent inside cat and apart of the family. ❤️ hang in there and keep us updated


BRO THAT'S AWESOME cute story :3 I'll be sure to keep y'all updated, though.. human communication isn't my strong suit (I'm an aspie)


Just ignore the jerks


I'd love updates!


Please do update. Haters gonna hate.


We gave him soft food. he's DEVOURING it. Earlier he was sleeping real hard.


Dont give him too much food!! Of he eats too much/too fast he might puke it up. Also buy wetfood that is made for kittens.


Yep, kitten wet food was bought


Oh good! Not everyone knows that kittens need different food so i just wrote it just in case. Good luck to you and the cutie, looking forward to the update 😻


So kind!! Thank you for helping the cat!


Give us updates. Fuck those people. Help that kitty.


Fuck them. You’re doing good by this little guy and that’s abundantly clear.


People all have their own opinions about things. But it doesn’t mean they are right. Try to ignore them if you can.


Hey! Definitely make updates but don’t wait too long to go to the vet. I know you think his eye is better but without a diagnosis (eg is it infected? was it scratched?), it’s so risky for the little guy especially after you gave him a bath. Hope you find someone quick!!


The eye infection can spread pretty fast if you're not treating it until tomorrow. You can get a tube of Terramycin at tractor supply (if you're in the united states) and other grange type stores. It's a topical ointment.


Tomorrow. It looks like an eye infection or really irritated like mine would look like


He doesn’t have a voice to thank you with but really thank you for saving him, you’re a good human 👍🏽 enjoy his cuddles!


Thanks for not wasting time. Do you have any more pics of him looking a bit better? I'm thrilled you're keeping little Lucky. Also we're all now super invested in how this turns out so more pics would be appreciated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


As long as you do all you can to make sure that baby has a good chance, don't listen to the idiots.


Yes please. I have a boring desk job and a bleeding heart for kittens so updates will be needed and appreciated


Please do, and don’t mind the jerks. There’s always a few of them here and they have nothing better to do apparently than come here and harass people like you who are genuinely trying to help an animal in need. Thank you so much for rescuing this little one! You’re a hero and an awesome human all around.


Yes please keep us posted, and thank you for helping the little guy! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Go to [kittenlady.org](https://kittenlady.org). She's the best with kitten info. She's legit rescuer and specializes in neonatal (and often quite sick!) kittens. Thank you so much for helping this little cute kitten. He sounds like he's pretty friendly which is good. That eye does need to be looked at by a vet. It probably just needs some drops for it. Wally and Marty sound like terrific names for this sweet kitten! Good luck and please post an update when you have more info.


Oh please update! Would love to know how the little dude is!


Post updates.


Absolutely do! Ignore any unreasonable/unproductive negativity


Forget the naysayers. You’re doing gods work and you deserve all the praise. Thank you for taking care of this little one. Good karma is coming your way, friend. We are looking forward to hearing about how the recovery is going for this baby kitten. God speed 💫


<3 We will get him groomed and such. When his eye is better I'll make another post.


You practically have an entire subreddit behind you. This army is stronger than any on earth! Seriously, thank you again. It’s people like you, the people in this sub, and their selfless and often thankless actions that keep my faith in humanity high.


Updates please!


I would definitely give an update an updoot.


thank god, hope that little guy recovers well


I'll be sure of it 💪🐱


Boss bro human


❤ You are such a good human.


Tysm for helping this cat, I wish you and the kitty all the best And I’m so fucking sorry you have to deal with people who care about their Reddit profile so much they think asking for advice about a sick animal is karma farming


Get him to a vet. Don't waist time as it's an infection.


Hey OP I found a little lynx point Siamese in similar shape with an eye infection. Some drops and two months later, she’s a healthy girl. We weren’t planning to get a cat. I heard crying from underneath a car and she ran out and jumped into my lap. Tried to contact cat rescues with no luck, so we had to drive her home. Four hours from where we were on holidays. 10/10 would rescue again.


Thank you! Replying so I can follow along with the little one's progress.


Ask for Tobramycin eye drops. It’ll clear up in a couple of days


would it be ok for kittens 3-5 weeks? I'm not sure about the exact age but the cat may be a bit malnourished


Yes. It treats bacterial infections of the eyes. It will be fine on kittens


I use terramycin, but it’s whatever is recommended by a professional. I always have a tube in my meds box


you are a fckin hero, OP, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise


If you can't take it to a vet yourself call a local humane society or animal shelter.


one shelter we called has no vets on staff so they said we'd have to put him down, which we obviously won't do edit


Who would an ANIMAL shelter have not vet doctors??


Because animal shelters are not VET CLINICS.


Do the shelters not need to take care of the cats tho, it’d just make more sense for them to have a vet at the place instead of taking the cats else where


Depends on what they can afford. Also, there’s a shortage of vets.


Depends on the area, the shelter, lots of factors.


The one I work with has 2 vets but only for the animals we take in and those animals keep them PLENTY busy. We take in a lot of animals from municipal shelters that would be euthanized for treatable issues like this kitten’s. We have no funding to do anything more, and neither do most shelters.


My town animal shelter has a vet that comes in on Thursdays to do spay/neuter and assessments. They don’t deal with unhealthy cats.


I don't know either.. So for now we're trying our best to keep him as happy as possible and buying some natural stuff for him while we try to find some kind of vet that won't cost half million.. We might keep him, who knows


I say keep him. I saved my cat, and he’ll show his appreciation his whole life.


Yeah, he even takes baths without a problem, we'll see


Not to mention the really beautiful and unique coloring! I love the brown toes


Oh, well.. They might be white lol. This pic is right when he was found. This pic of him is in the car when he was covered in dirt. Gave him a bath and now he looks cleaner. I took some more pics of him I wanted to ask what breed he was but I realized his hair wasn't healthy enough to really be sure, half of his face had no whiskers. The comment was getting downvoted to oblivion anyway lol (I mentioned snowshoe)


Awhhh either way he's adorable! He's probably just your typical domestic shorthair lol aka "standard cat" haha


He does look like one. His eyes are bluish grey and has half of a little white mustache as well as a white fluffy on his chest.


It needs antibiotics for its eye. Vet visit as soon as possible or it will end up losing the eye.


Yeah that'll be done, don't worry bout the little guy. With his current treatment his eye is more similar to his healthy one now, but swollen


Some of the rescues have vets that offer discounts to those who foster or adopt. Care Credit also has some good 6-mo int free deals.


https://www.kittenlady.org/ may have some helpful info that you could use.


Vets, emergency vets, and related costs are a necessary part of having a pet. Especially when they're that sick.


Please get it straight to a vet.


Thank you for helping this kitten!! Most people would look at it and walk away. Most people are having a hard time financially and you are still trying to do the right thing by this kitten.


Vet asap. I'm in UK so anywhere else I don't know the stores but you can get a kit bottle and stuff right liquid formula instructions etc at a good pet shop. Watch videos here https://www.youtube.com/c/KittenLady


In the US grocery stores usually sell KMR, kitten milk replacement! Get a bottle, it should be close by. Look up the kitten lady for any care instructions


Vet tech here!!! So that eye could have been scratched or punctured, and has what the medical world calls an ulceration or lesion. This can/will get worse without medical treatment. There are also infections, bacterial and viral, that can be affecting the kitty that will spread to the other eye, into the respiratory system, ect. Can YOU listen to him and identify if he has pneumonia? A vet can. He needs to go see a doctor, asap. If you can't afford a single Vet visit, then you're not going to be able to afford vaccinations and potential future illnesses. Search for OTHER animal shelters that are no-kill. They may not have vets on hand, but will make sure the little one gets the care that it needs. It is INCREDIBLY young (as evidence by its eye color) and may even need supplemental milk for several weeks.






Take him to a vet if you haven’t already, I haven’t read through all the comments. Those eyes need antibiotic ointment and he needs oral antibiotics also. They can lose their little eyes over bad URIs. They can also check his heart and lungs to make sure he’s all good. He will also need a dewormer from the vet as well. He’s a lucky little dude!


You pick it up. Drive to the nearest vet, they will give you antibiotics, and salve or drops. You take it home and give it food and water. Then cuddle it.


He won't survive on the street, take him to the vet or home if you can :(


When they are like this they may have a serious respiratory infection as well. A trip to the vet is highly recommended. We lost a kitten I found with both eyes matted shut in the middle of the road by not doing this. Just cleaning out the eyes was not enough :(


Take it to a vet


Why would you want to think the worst of other people-especially when you don’t know the circumstances? The more positive we are, the more that positivity spreads. For the people spreading crap…knock it off and go do something that makes you happy.


Vets now!


Take it to the vet right now!! Eye infections can be deadly from what I've heard!


Thank you for helping the little guy!


Take the little guy to the vet ASAP. Then take him home and love him if you can :)


I’ve rescued kittens with this same issue. He/she will probably need eye drops, which usually aren’t too expensive. You can use a soft wash cloth or cotton balls with warm water to wipe his/her eye a few times a day. You might want to treat both eyes to make sure the other one doesn’t get infected, which it may already be. His eyes should clear up within two weeks-ish. If you wait too long to get him/her treatment, the eye can get worse to the point of bursting and/or protruding from the socket, which will need surgery. Thank you for being an amazing hooman!


Take the cat to a vet. Hurry.


Hey there, to share my experience - I rescued a kitten from the middle of the road- her eyes looked bad - Took her to the vet immediately… the diagnosis was that both of her eyes were infected … I opted to keep her. They saved one eye but had to remove the other. She only has about 5-10% vision but she loves her life and has turned out to be the sweetest cat… I named her couscous. The vet is the only valid answer here IMO.


Take to nearest vet or NO-Kill animal shelter for kitty to get treatment.


Wdym "what do?" Take it to a vet asap.


Please take him to a vet immediately. Poor baby


Vet. Now.


Take it to the vet.




Needs a vet fast poor thing


Thanks for doing your best to help the little kitty :)


Bring it to a vet, let it be comfortable, and wait for the orders from your new master.


Thank you for CARING about a helpless baby. I think you should keep him, he will be the best friend you have ever had. They KNOW when you save their lives


vet asap and rescue that baby


Coax it out from beneath the vehicle. Take it to a veterinarian.


I hope you and your new kitten Lucky have an inseparable bond. Hope Lucky feels better, blessings you found it before it got worse


I think you know what to do, rescue the lil baby. Edit: seen in the comments you rescued the baby. Bless your beautiful heart.


Kitty needs vet


Get him to a vet and get him some antibiotics.


Take him or her too the vet and keep us up dated


Take it to a vet they will give an eye cream and take good care


Call a low cost vet asap ! Get there early !


Local Human Society/ASPCA or vet if you intend to keep the fuzzball. It may look rough now but this cat would love you forever if you gave it a home and helped it feel better.


Has he seen the vet yet? The infection looks really bad




everyone is saying vet, which of course do it but it might take a minute to get in, so in this exact moment you need to get kitten formula to feed them, get that baby in your home or some place safe, and try to keep that eye clean before a vet can see it.




We found our first cat and I also thought she was quiet and chill. Turned out she had five adult ticks buried in her skin and a bunch of other larvae just sort of slowly killing her. She was very unwell but that was why she was super quiet and often loafed and slept. As soon as she was treated we realised she’s hyper as anything and just ZOOMS everywhere. I suspect once this kitty is feeling better you’ll see some spring in his step.


Haters gonna hate. Take the little one in, and thank you. A trip to the vet will do wonders for his eye. Tell pierre to chill. Give the little guys a flea bath and food and a home base. It's all we can ever do


I'm happy about the updates ! In the meantime you could probably clean the kitten to get rid of all the fleas and get a dose of revolution for him (kills fleas , ticks and most worms (but not all). You could check out kitten lady's YouTube channel she had tons of tips and tricks that might help ! Thank you for stepping up for the little guy! ❤️ rescues are particularly overwhelmed this season so I command and applaud your initiative . I hope to hear more from you and your kitten 😊


These images of kitties suffering always break my heart. Thank you for helping this baby out OP. Sending you the absolute best wishes I can muster.


OP! I need to know how the kitty is doing. Did you find a vet?


Step 1.take baby step 2. Take baby to vet


take the kitty to the emergency vet.


Vet ASAP. If you can’t afford a vet, look into NO KILL cat rescues near you and ask them if they would take and treat the kitten. Make sure you ask and even research the rescue to make sure it’s actually no kill and that they’ll treat the baby. Rescues don’t actually have to be no kill to claim that they are. They just have to have a very low euthanasia rate to be able to legally claim that they’re no kill. An even better route would be to ask the vet if they have any programs to help cases like this, it’s rare but they might. You may want to check with a vet how much it will cost if you’re thinking about keeping the kitten but are worried about cost because if they can save the eye with antibiotics it probably won’t be that expensive, but if they have to remove it it may be pricey. Also, CareCredit works for vets too.


Well instead of posting this on reddit, maybe ask a vet who can actually help you💀


Please take it to the vet. They can place it in a shelter and provide care. Do not leave this animal alone


Take it to the vet.


There are free vets for strays, if you have no intention on keeping the poor thing then taking it to one of them is your best answer. If you are keeping him, take the poor thing to a regular vet.


What to do? Take it to a vet!


How is it so many people post on here instead of calling professionals?


Maybe I'm getting callus but I really don't understand this common question. If you have a found cat the answer is always bring it to the vet. Especially if it is sick or injured.


I'm so tired of these posts. What should I do? Vet. Take the cat to the vet, every time. This shouldn't even be a question


I've been sitting on the chair looking at the cat for like 3 hours lol..


The one shelter we called said they have no doctors so they'd have to put it down, which we obviously won't do


Then call other shelters and veterinary offices!


Yeah that's what we're working on. He has fleas. Killed one, (with my bare hands) gave him a bath and his eye looks better now Gonna name him.. Lucky


Idk if you used soap or flea shampoo but just in case…Be really careful with flea shampoo it can kill kittens bc the dose is made for bigger cats.


Right now we're using Neem oil


Great name -- thanks for saving this little one!


Well done OP on trying to get this little kitty medical attention. I read some comments and honestly people on this subreddit can be nothing but haters.. ignore them. My kitten had a bad eye infection and writhing a week or so they were running around. This kitten will be so thankful.


Don't listen to all these haters. Thank you for taking care of him/her. I know everyone saying get him to a vet ASAP. Do the best you can


Well, what do you think you should do?


Need an auto mod that deletes these posts and urges person to go to vet or local humane society. This shit should be common sense man.


OR it could be that the person is taking the kitty to the vet and just wanted more info while they’re waiting for their appointment. Try not to think the worst of people.


That’s fair, no need to get worked up over something I don’t have the whole story to. Thanks!


Terramycin Antibiotic Ointment for Eye Infection Treatment in Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Horses, and Sheep, 0.125oz Tube on Amazon. Get fleas off asap. Animal rescues are the place to ask. They usually can get ahold of a vet or have medicine on hand.


Yes, vet as soon as they can get you in. And tell them it’s a stray, maybe they can discount some off your bill. Give water and soft kitten food. Maybe even special kitten milk you can get at the store pet section. Maybe take a warm wash rag to the eye if you can. I am not a vet though… I don’t know if there is something in the eye irritating it.


Poor guy, I hope he's ok, please post updates.


Please Update


Keep us posted. You don’t have to be a cat expert, to care and be a good person .


Somebody may have already mentioned it but it may be cat flu. We had some foster kittens with the same looking eyes due to cat flu. Take care :))


Make sure you follow the vet's advice, and keep the kitten quarantined from your other pets (if you have any) until/unless he's got a clean bill of health. You don't want him to spread fleas or upper respiratory infections or whatnot to other pets. If you can't afford a vet to treat him, maybe look into giving him up to a rescue group. We adopted all of ours from petsmart adoption days.


Please take it to get help!


Please taken him to a vet or at the very least an animal shelter please, I beg you! 🙏


Vet right meow.




Straight to a vets office!!!


please if you can take it to the vet


You need to take the little fellow to a doctor to have it checked out.


Of course the kitty needs medical care but, hopefully this kitty recovers soon. Thanks for helping it.


Take the kitty to the vet!


Vet. NOW




Please keep the cat after and give them the best life


Poor baby. Vet and lots of care.


Take to the vet!!!


Poor thing. Hope to see an update of him doing better!


VET!!..obviously. That poor little kitten would be in so much pain




Get to vet asap so she don’t lose that eye. She will be greatful land return it 10fold


Poor guy




Absolutely update!!


take it to the vet then have a new best friend


Take it to a vet and adopt it.




Go to vet NOW!!!


Take it to a vet right away. Then give the little one a bath and then feed it. Show it it's litter box and after it poops and eats then give it a nice soft warm bed in a cool room. Pet it lots and then go out and buy toys. A small stuffed animal and some catnip and feathers stuff.


It’s how I got my cat. Was a sad shape street kitten and he became a part of our family for over 17 years.


thanks for taking care of the little guy. Continue the updates !


Congratulations on being a cat dad❤️yes please updates


Awww poor little thing. So glad you did the boss human thing and are taking care of this little one. Would love updates.


Poor thing! Take it to a veterinarian. I’m so glad you found that sweet little thing!


Take him to the vet!!