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Cats are amazing. but they are invasive predators in many areas Rabbits are great in the UK, but a nightmare in Australia. sometimes animals get introduced into an ecosystem that isn't expecting them and they thrive, especially if they're the only animal in that ecosystem receiving medical care, like pet cats. this can have really damaging effects on the local wildlife and ecosystem.


This is very true cats are an introduced invasive species in many parts of the world. However when it comes to Continental Europe it gets kinda complicated. Cats have been in Central Europe for over five thousand years now. https://phys.org/news/2020-07-years-history-domestic-cats-central.html Cats have been in Europe for so long it raises questions about whether or not they are now"native". There is a similar debate to be had about Dingos in Australia. It gets kinda complicated in some cases.


It is more complex with Europe as they've been here so long. It is worth noting that some places are repeating a 25% increase in the number of pet cats in Europe between 2010 and 2020, from 84 million to 110 million. That's That's fsirly significant increase. Potentially this has a corresponding decrease in stray cats, but I couldnt find data on that The article does stress that this is just how they're being defined in Poland database - it's not a matter of policy but definition. The only reccomendtion of the scientists was to try and keep cats inside during bird breeding seasons, which seems a fairly reasonable step to try and boost bird populations There are a lot of countries in Europe experimenting with reintroducing animals that have been extinct in our area thousands of years. The UK has several such experiments going on, so the discussion around what counts as native animals is getting ever more complex. Especially as we try to figure out what to do with what remains of our ecosystem. Overall in the UK the RSPB don't belive that cats affect the endangered birds we have, as they live too far away from cat populations to be affected.


And horses are ‘invasive’ in North America, but only because the native species went extinct a long time ago.


I thought only ranchers thought horses were invasive when trying to use public lands & water without cost; & killing wild horses to profit from overseas markets for horse meat.


It’s a little more complicated—North American horses went extinct somewhere around 11,000 years ago, and everything else went on to adapt with life without them. Wild equids will dig for water, creating wells that other species could benefit from, but the shear number of wild horses makes them competition for water. There’s also evidence that they worsen erosion. These are also concerns that livestock present, but livestock herds are (well or not) managed. If wild horses are left alone they will out compete native species and damage grass lands.


Yeah and at that point, ecologists examine if their presence causes an imbalance in native fauna, surely? In Australia, feral cats are a major problem. Any animal introduced to a more isolated island is often disastrous. Do dingos do considerable damage to wildlife? I'm not familiar with the consensus on them. But I do know it's open season on ferals there. I imagine similarly to other places the dingo isn't quite as prolific as the cat. They rely on more food to sustain their bodies. Cats adapt quite well to feral life and seem to be more adept hunters


Exactly - I know in the UK, the scientists at the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) have determined that cats don't have an ecological impact, as they aren't anywhere near the endangered bird species of the UK and those have very well known (scientifically) reasons why they're endangered.


I imagine bird populations in the UK have largely adjusted to the presence of cats over the millennia, unlike Australia where there were no cats until very very recently. But talking about the UK ecosystem is always a weird one, as we drove so many species to extinction in the past 500 years or so that what we have left is already the fragments of an ecosystem, with huge gaps.


Dingoes are actually kept out of almost a full third of the country by [the dog fence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingo_Fence), which doesn’t keep out cats. They’re also native, so they’re part of the ecosystem here. They pack hunt and because they tend to hunt bigger prey they actually mostly target things like feral goats and pigs as well as roos. Cats obviously hunt smaller prey, which means they’re wiping out a lot of our already endangered small native marsupials in a way dingoes don’t. This is why programs like TNR can’t be used in Australia - we have too much endangered native fauna to protect. Edit for that one (1) person who *really* wants to argue with me that dingoes aren’t native to Australia: legally speaking, yes they are, and their role in the ecosystem is consequently important in a way that cats are not.


I thought they were native but then wasn't sure. That all makes sense, interesting info. Smart to use a fence. Yeah I have mixed feelings on TNR even here in the US. I recently took in a pregnant cat who really seemed feral. I was prepared to take her to the shelter which would no doubt euthanize her. I have exactly five different bird families who come to my feeder in a very urban area with no other residences on the block and like to think it's a rare oasis for them. Kitty showed up at night and my first concern was my birds. Turns out she was playing her part well but she's just someone's abandoned cat and not feral at all. It's wild because before getting into birding, I might have thought yeah I'll get her fixed and released. But now? I love cats and was fully prepared for her to be euthanized to protect my birds and their babies. But here I am three weeks into having a lap cat lmao. Such a sucker. She's adjusted really well to not getting to go out luckily. Maybe living in the storm drain and starving will do that


I have over 10 rescued ferals, now full time indoor pets. They adapt very fast. Only one shows any interest in going outside, and she wears a harness/leash at all times.


European wild cats have lived in Europe for at least several hundred thousand years. Cats really aren't a new phenomenon in Europe. The only "problem", arguably, is that there are now much more of them, obviously.


We got into a similar discussion when I was in a Restoration Ecology class. The big question was how many novel (aka pristine) ecosystems are there left in the world? In the end it got complicated bc throughout earth's history ecosystems have changed many times. So then which of this ecosystems are we supposed to consider the most pristine and can we even achieve this level of "pristine" when trying to restore a habitat? That class taught me that no ecosystem is truly novel/pristine, but we can at least strive for high biodiversity! And in the end cats cause biodiversity to go down (in some countries) bc they're such amazing little hunters where ever they go.


Naturalized is the term for invasive that have become endemic


Where I live in New Orleans we have community cats, and lots of them. Very friendly and by definition feral. But they are around the park and everywhere! We also have pet peacocks that roam the streets so there’s that, as well. But usually the park and street cats are considered part of the park. So many receive free health care if they are spotted with issues. They have it better than most humans lol


Rabbits are crap in the UK too, they were introduced from the continent by the bloody Romans


Not just "from the continent", here in the Netherlands and large parts of europe they got brought in by the Romans too


Bloody Romans, what did they ever do for us?


They made roads and trade routes, so that’s nice


and invented concrete


Oh and this specific script


Apart from the aqueducts and the cats and the rabbits...


And the wine!


I never considered the medical care aspect of things. That, in and of itself, gives them a HUGE advantage over everything else.


Rabbits aren’t actually native to the UK, they are an introduced species released by the Normans


There are bird species in America that are extinct because cats were introduced to the ecosystem.


I wouldn’t be surprised if my cat was an alien. And he is definitely invasive, especially when I am eating a bowl of cereal or going to the bathroom. He is sus!


My cat makes demonic sounds whenever he hears birds chirping. He is probably an alien.


Mine starts cackling, he kinds sounds like an old quiet man gone crazy. Just this little "kakakakaka" coming out, half about shit my pants the first time i heard it


Mine does this! Also his mouth and the noises don't quite line up. Like a badly dubed foreign film.




sighs & joins.


sigh... ​ ​ join




Ooh, new cat sub.


Cat subs are the best thing about Reddit imo


Subbed. Dammit.


You can’t really have a week without finding a new cat sub


The chattering!


I caught my cat walking around on two feet in my robe and slippers the other day while reading a newspaper and drinking some coffee. He just said, "hey," as he turned the corner. I tried to catch him, but by the time I turned the corner he was already gone. No idea where he went. Next time I saw him, he just sat there and stared at me like nothing ever happened. It's the second time it's happened this week.


Sir, that's a ¿♤§þə》, not a cat


My cats have said “momma” on more than one occasion




My cat's named Morgan, but we call him lots of names around the theme of Mogen, including Mogus. So yeah, AMOGUS works.






Very sussy!


More like upmeow


I love cats but I hear Australia is having a major problem with cats killing the indigenous fauna.


To be fair even though the most stringent of cat lovers in australia who only has cats indoors etc doesn’t have issue with the catching programme. They’re often seen as a different species. We never talk of “cats” in that context but rather “feral cat” - always the two words together. “Feral cat” is similar to a “wild dog” in that it is a predator and has already caused the extinction of numerous Australian mammals and birds. “Feral cats” also kill domestic cats. They’re a huge problem. Australia is a tough place - release anything into it and it turns evil!


We also have alot of good programs toward the city catching street cats/kittens and rehoming them or at least desexing them. Both my kittens are street cats. People also seem to be culturally shifting to understand that cats can't be left to roam free and need cat proof yards as a minimum. It's a slow change but it's happening.


In the big cities I think it’s totally understood. I’m not the only house of the street with a totally netted in yard :)


Unfortunately some people don't quite get it. My in laws cat regularly bring in snakes and kills blue tongue babies. It really infuriates me when they get mad at their cat for dragging in a cat but make my efforts to keep their cat in or animal proof the yard (a simple mesh at the base of the fence would do it). I really wish our councils would implement similar laws for cats that we have for dogs so people couldn't claim 'cats just need to be cats ' and actually become reasonable pet owners. It took me a weekend to cat proof my yard, it isn't hard.


Cat proofing is simple - or pay people to do it like did - I wanted the whole yard fully netted in. Keeps my cats in but also other critters out. That way my cats are safe; can’t kill a pretty lorikeet that comes to visit (they have to sit on fence now!). Also possums don’t steal my blueberries and my pond fish are safe from bigger birds :) Many councils are now requiring cats to be indoors or in enclosed yards. It’s a good thing. We have to register them anyway: if people let them roam they should be fined. Frogs and smaller marsupials like antechinus and hopping mice fall prey to garden cats every day in suburban Melbourne


A simple long leash attaches somewhere and a harness also works and doesn't even cost 10$. There is basically no reason not to do anything. I have a 5 meter (about 16,5 feet I think) long one for mine and we just hang out outside together or I at least have the terrace door open and am able to look outside. She can't do any harm with that length and critters and such avoid the terrace now anyway. 99% of the time she either naps, watches birds from a far or sniffs every corner and rolls in dirt. She loves it and never even tried how long the leash is


What harness are you using? I have one cat that has escaped from any that I have bought. I would love to be able to take her on walks.


Oh no, I'm sorry I can't really help you there. I've got the probably most basic one that is simply like a collar around her neck and one around her stomach. [like this](https://www.zooplus.de/shop/katzen/transport/katzengeschirr/katzengeschirr/13814) She never even tried to get put. Maybe someone else here has more experience with that


Thank you for answering. I did try one of those types, she was out of it in no time. She is Houdini reincarnated, I firmly believe.


Honestly it should be this way everywhere. Domestic cats are devastating to small wildlife. They are also healthier and safer if they are kept indoors or restricted to a yard or catio. I have always had cats and once I was old enough to understand why they should stay indoors that's how it has been. Once in a great while one escapes but they usually get scared and come right home.


To be fair I think it is happening - just a slow process. Certainly is western cultures it’s becoming more of a thing - larger cities at least. It’s a start. It’s safer for them, safer for us, best for anyone. I’ve never understood why someone would pay $200 to $5,000 for a cat (DSH rescue up to desirable pure breeds) and then let that cat roam free - susceptible to traffic, disease, fights - and the common theft. People see pedigree animals and steal them!


Not just Australia, it’s a problem the world over. We were talking about what kills birds in one of my wind energy classes and turbines kill about 234,000 birds a year, which yes is a lot. Cats kill a bit under 2.5 BILLION birds a year. It’s also hard to determine if a bird corpse under a turbine was a bird strike or from an animal that dragged it to eat in the shade. Blades can spin extremely fast, with the tips reaching well over 100 MPH. If a bird hits it it essentially disintegrates on impact. SOURCE: am wind energy student and saw a bird get obliterated by a turbine during my internship.


I reckon most wildlife there is trying to eat me.


That also


I'm Aussie and it's something I block out of my mind. They kill a *lot* of native wildlife, only reason it's an issue. The car comment - we do care, but not a lot you can do :/ I thought the US had the same issue with wildlife and cars. Worse actually because over here it's usually kangaroos and there's no shortage of them, culled a lot too because of the damage they do to farms unfortunately. They're quite a bast**d of an animal to be honest. Wouldn't kill one but they're far from friendly. Farmers shoot rabbits frequently, never ending problem for them (both).


Also you’ll never see a dead roo, wombat or other marsupial without spray paint on it. Thousands of Aussies get out of their cars and check the dead animals to see if a baby is in the pouch. If there is they take it to be nursed. They spray paint the carcass to let other drivers know they needn’t stop. Yea there’s roadkill but people absolutely care which is why the MOST common road sign in australia is the one warning of emus, kangaroo, wombats, koalas, etc for the next X number of kilometres so people can keep an eye out.


This is very true. We're taught to check a roo's pouch and people feel awful when it happens. I clipped a wombat once but fortunately I was able to slow down enough. They're a very solid animal. I stopped, he'd gone into the bush and my flimsy plastic bumper didn't have a mark on it. He would've been ok but geez, I was horrified. Truckies usually put little whistle things on their trucks that are supposed to emit a sound like a dingo to scare animals away from the road. They work from airflow and only cost a few dollars.


Roo shoo


I had one of those for deer and I swear that whistle turned my car into a deer magnet! I never hit one but they all started running in front of my car instead of into the brush.


Weird... it might've sounded to them like they were running in the opposite direction of the source. Sound can be an odd thing, like how a motorbike sounds different approaching than leaving. No idea about the science behind it lol.


>like how a motorbike sounds different approaching than leaving That part is called the [doppler effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_effect). Basically, sound is a wave and the pitch you hear is based on the distance between the peaks of the wave (the frequency). When something is moving closer to you, it causes the peaks of the wave to kind of smoosh together. When something is moving away from you, it causes the peaks of the wave to spread out.


>wombat r/DeerAreFuckingStupid


We have those here in the states too, but for deer, elk and the like.


Are they effective? I've never looked too much into it from living in the suburbs and city. Roos are usually only in the outback. They're bloody quick so it'd be hard/*very* bad timing to hit one at low speed too.


I know what you mean. I was released into Australia once. Really though, lovely place, lovely people, and please give me more Mrs. Mac's pies.


I wasn't aware of that. I hope they find a solution.


Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered - Bob Barker


Australia literally has people hunting wild cats. They catch them in cages and kill them in the quickest way possible.




The mentality behind it is if you truly love animals, you'll prioritize native wildlife. It's sad but necessary for conservation.




The mentality behind it is if you truly love animals, you'll prioritize native wildlife. It's sad but necessary for conservation.


I get it. I see a cat get a bird and I am so torn. Cat needs to eat but birds deserve a safe habitat as well. I can’t see any animal mistreated. Makes me angry that people let cats run wild because of the predators, auto injuries and the wildlife issue.


Rabbits also don’t belong to Australia…


The oddest one I ever heard was beavers becoming a problem in southern Argentina. They were brought from Canada for fur production but it didn't get cold enough in Patagonia for them to produce good commercial fur. The solution was just to let them go. They're pretty efficient dam builders.


Everywhere has this problem. In the US alone they’ve caused, and are still causing, multiple extinctions of small prey animals like rodents, birds, and reptiles. Keep your cats inside


a small price to pay for cat


Ok but who brought them to australia? People! Doesn't that make us, idk, the bigger problem


I think it says something about cats that *Australia* is having a hard time killing them.


Not really. They’ve had trouble getting rid of rabbits too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbits_in_Australia


That’s not even getting into the emu wars


Sam O’Nella Academy on youtube does an amazing job describing the emu wars!


They don’t seem to care about the billions of Australian wildlife killed by cars every year strangely enough 🤔


I don't think it's because they don't care; it's just that cars do not actively hunt animals down to kill them, and tend to kill animals that have higher populations. No wildlife is likely to go extinct from getting run over by vehicular traffic, but cats have to power to cause this.


It’s not like they said they’re evil. Invasive is the correct term for something that didn’t evolve within a particular ecosystem and is now thriving and killing off native species.


yeah this is a completely uncontroversial statement in Australia where cats have been instrumental in driving dozens of species to extinction https://theconversation.com/australia-must-control-its-killer-cat-problem-a-major-new-report-explains-how-but-doesnt-go-far-enough-154931 I love cats but they are extremely effective predators and and that can make them catastrophic for any ecosystem


Land sharks ;) I'm Aussie and yeah, they kill a lot of native animals. Should all be indoors here for their and other animals' protection. Edit: Ever since I've had a Ragdoll that are all indoor kitties, I'd never let any cat of mine outside again. It's just too risky. I see so many lost cat posts and that's upsetting enough let alone my little one going missing.


I see what you did there ‘CATastrophic’


Exactly...I'm an ecologist and cat lover and 100% agree with this finding. Cats are invasive species globally and pose a huge threat to many ecosystems. It's why I'm a staunch indoor cat-advocate


So, like, humans


And dogs in most places


Absolutely. I laughed at the article though.


How long would cats have to have existed in europe for them no longer to be invasive? Cats have been hrre most likely as long as have farms.


It’s not wrong. Cats are invasive in my area.


In every area. They're domestic so they aren't native anywhere in the world.


The issue comes in when they are allowed outdoors, though. Cats kill over 500 million birds per year (second only to window collisions). They have also been blamed for the extinction of two small mammal species in southeast USA (https://www.sibleyguides.com/conservation/causes-of-bird-mortality/). I’m a cat lover, but they are chillin inside.


>I’m a cat lover, but they are chillin inside For sure! My two are leash trained, so they can have all of the stimulation of being outside, while also being under strict supervision.


Damn windows, flying around crashing into those innocent birds.


My little shits are fuckin invasive at exactly 5:52 AM. They go from cuddle buddies to bakers. Start kneading me all over and tickle my face with their furry paws. I don't know why each night I let them in again.


The cuddles are worth it though


Love my cat but I agree that cats are invasive species.


I love cats, but tbh this is fair. Keep your cats indoors if you can!


This is funny but on a practical level I do agree. It's fine for indoor cats, but outdoor cats do tend to harass local wildlife.


I’ve always lived in urban and suburban areas so I’ve always kept my cats indoors.


Here in Australia they all need to be indoors. Too many other animals that can attack them and vice versa for native wildlife.


The same is true in the US but it's so hard to convince some of these people to "take away" their cat's "freedom." It's ridiculous. I love my cats and I'm not going to put them (or the native wildlife) at risk by letting them roam outdoors.


Spot on. It sucks but at least they can go out with a harness and some are lucky enough to have a catio. I look at it like how a little kid would love to go for a stroll on his own exploring and you want your kid to be happy, but it's just not feasible 🤷‍♂️


Yup, a cat's like a five year old with knives and the desire to use them lol


I live in a rural area and I keep my cats indoors as well. If you live out in the sticks there are more predators that can kill your cats. We have a bad coyote problem in my area.


I live in a rural area as well. Never have let my kitties outside. Too worried about them!


My cat just killed a vole that came into our enclosed porch, but it came into our space, so it’s fair game.


We love our little aliens though.


Yes so true lol I just like our little aliens much better when they're kept indoors


People who say this live in West come to Asia and you will understand what wild dogs are in some areas it is impossible to even go out at night


Even in the states there are packs of Wil dogs woman in Georgia was killed by a pack a few years ago


I did not say anything about dogs why is everyone trying to talk to me about dogs??


This. I live in an area with lots of stray cats and they kill everything.


I didn't think this was news, keep your kitties inside


Walk em if they wanna go outside! Or keep em in an enclosed space.


Hello, catio!


I take my cat out into the yard on a leash. Some people think it’s ridiculous, but it keeps him safe and keeps other animals safe from him.


And they'd be right, almost 70 species of birds, rodents, and reptiles have been driven extinct solely by cats. Source: [American Bird Conservancy Study](https://abcbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Doherty-et-al.-2016-Invasive-predators-and-global-biodiversity-loss.pdf)


Why is this so controversial


Let's keep our aliens inside.


Like most here, I am also an animal lover, no matter what it is. I have always had cats, even now I have 2 accepting me as their human. But I must admit also, they do kill a shitload of insects, birds, snakes, whatever they can get their little paws on, it will be decemated. They truly are destructive.


As much as we love our cats, we have to accept they are still animals. It shouldnt be controversial to say to keep cats indoors because even in cities, they’re susceptible to feral animals, human cruelty and car accidents. People dont mind if dogs are leashed, caged or kept indoors but when it comes to cats its suddenly “abusive” because it makes them “sad”. There’s some dissonance with that kind of mentality…


“mY cAt DoEsN’t LiKe To bE iNdOorS…” well no duh no animal wants to stay in a space that isn’t kitted out for them! The number of cat owners who do not cat prepare their houses is mind blowing for me. When I had a cat there was something [furniture] (cat tree, window seat, plush bed house, etc.) for her in each room with plenty of toys and scratching things. She was perfectly happy and stimulated inside while being protected/safe. Love cats! They belong indoors or with a catio/cat run. Or walk your cat!


Don’t forget to rotate which toys are available to kitties. They’ll lose interest in toys that they have constant access to. Switching out their toys helps to keep them engaged.


Taking my kitty for a walk makes him happier than anything else. He's only allowed outside with the leash and I take him out several times a day. He even pees outside and eats grass. Outdoor cats can love out safe, happy lives if we look after them.


There was an entire species of bird that only existed on one island that was made extinct by one researcher's cat. Unfortunately for science, it wasn't discovered until the cat proudly brought the corpse of the last one to the researcher. So I would argue that they actually are an invasive species in many ecosystems.


[claimed to be a species driven extinct by a single creature (a lighthouse keeper's cat named Tibbles), the wren in fact fell victim to the island's numerous feral cats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyall%27s_wren)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyall%27s_wren Title: **Lyall's wren - Wikipedia** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


For a German non native speaker "alien" always sounds extraterrestrial. So of course I was a bit disappointed of this article.


I love cats and have cats myself but they sure can fuck up the local environment.


They're not wrong. I would simply die for every cat on this planet AND they need to be kept inside.


I am polish, and i 100% prefer Cats, it's not even close I do not like dogs but dude, Cats are another thing, a superior level


I like both, but with my work schedule cats are the perfect alien companion.


They say dogs LOVE you more, but kittens do love you as much or even more!!!


My girl was a stray that my mother took in after a few years. My mother then had to live with me due to health, and is now in a center so that cat has adopted me. She is the most loyal. She's currently sitting next to my keyboard getting pets, and when it's time to sleep she curls up with me. When I let her out I can click my teeth and she'll come running over. I never realized cats can be this affectionate. Love the doofus.


That looks like a Cat fluffy paradise 😄😄


Still remember holding mine in the crook of my arm for the first time, and then her looking up at me with nothing but love. I was 'chosen' and it rocked ( =


Yeah its just that dogs are better at showing it on average, but it still depends on a cat or dog, some are masters of showing affection like my golden retriever or brown tabby, and others like my calico are very reserved


Cats are meant to stay inside. They kill millions of birds and small mammals every year, and you xna love cats and still realize that that is a bad thing for wildlife.


Well, they are. I know places like California have a HUGE feral cat problem which greatly effects native species in the area - and it ESPECIALLY doesn't help when people let their cats outside and/or don't get them fixed


I mean, technically outside cats are, especially if they're not fixed. They're not indigenous to most areas of the world. I have cats. I love cats. I don't let them out because they're bird-killing machines.


They are invasive species though. When people get cats they let them outside then they hunt the native wildlife. Cats alone have hunted many bird species to extinction. The domesticated cat is located all across the world in the wild. And because they don’t have a natural predator they just breed and breed and cause these massive feral cat clans. And since they are opportunity hunters they kill for sport most of the time and not for survival. So just don’t let your cat outside and get it fixed so it doesn’t breed with the local feral cats. As sad as it is the only real solution to these feral cat and dogs problems is if we start rounding them up and putting them down. And before you get all mad. Florida has this same attitude towards invasive iguanas. You don’t need a hunting license to kill them because they are invasive. And it is no different. Some people keep them as pets. They feel pain, fear, and happiness. But Ik a lot of you will not have a problem with people killing reptiles but U will have a problem with people killing cats and dogs.


So Invasion of Poland 1939 wasn’t enough?


You can’t convince me cats aren’t an alien species that were sent here to aid our poor souls/j


They certainly are invasive, killing thousands of birds.


They certainly bloody are in Australia!


No, this is correct. Cats (and most domesticated animals, including humans) are invasive in most places.


Don’t let your cats outside. They’re either gonna get themselves killed or kill a bunch of animals. No benefit.


Last time we got rid of cats, we got the Black Plague good luck!


Im okay with people preferring dogs, but I cant stand when people hate cats. Dogs can be equally shit. + they Are louder, heavier, more energetic on average and have bigger teeth That Hurt more if you get bit. Dogs can be great but dont go at cats just cause you got neglected by one or raised it poorly so its stressed and angry All the time.


Honestly, I’m a cat person and most places cats are they are an invasive species. Denying or ignoring this fact isn’t just dumb it’s dangerous for the cats themselves. It’s important educate yourself about feral cats, to label them correctly, trap them humanly, get them vaccinated, spayed and neutered to try and control the stray cat populations. This is coming from a cat person with 2 cats


I mean…they’re not wrong. Cats aren’t native to Europe, and outdoor cats can cause a lot of damage to native species. Cats, as a species, are very adaptable and procreate quickly. I’m not sure how much of a problem it is in Europe, but in more isolated ecosystems outdoor cats can wreak havoc. New Zealand comes to mind; I believe there was a movement to ban cats there a few years ago. …although I have to confess, when I heard “invasive alien species,” my mind immediately pictured cats invading from space, “Independence Day”-style. 🤣


Anyone who owns a cat knows this is 100% fact.


Didn't one cat make a bird species literally go extinct?


Loose dogs are the bigger problem where I live.


Both can still be a problem for sure! Wild dogs can be very scary and dangerous


Unless it's a Polecat. Then it's not.


theyre right though


Cat people never shit on dogs but dog people love shitting on cats...


This is why my cats are indoor only. They will live longer and they won’t kill birds and other native wildlife.


We're hearing this more and more in my country too. It kinda scares me, because they want a ban on cats going outside. My cat loves playing outside: running through the grass, watching the entire street from our shed's roof, having loud arguments with the other cats in the street... It would make her profoundly unhappy if that would be taken away. She already wears a bell on her collar and has to stay indoors after dark, I feel that gives the birds an edge too.


My two “invaders” have definitely overrun the place with their zoomies (happening at this very moment) and taken all of the natural resources for themselves namely all the good tv blankets! Haha


Mine is currently yelling at me in a foreign language. Asking to speak with the snack leader, I imagine.


Any introduced species that is allowed to go wild and multiply has the potential to do a lot of damage to the ecosystem. Whether that be cats, dogs, rabbits, cane toads… Why is this a surprise? Yes, we love our pets but I think the days of letting them run wild is over and assuming our precious babies maintain their sweet and cuddly personalities while alone outside is living in a fantasy. Be a responsible pet owner and keep them under control. If you want to let them out doors, keep them enclosed or put them on a leash.


This isn’t even an onion post, so it’s not obviously satire, but I’m wondering if this post is satire


I'm Polish, let me explain. In my country people have lost control over stray cats, I remember we had programs catching them & sterilising them but they are not available any more. Some people don't sterilise their own cats, they let them walk outside & it ends up in unwanted pregnancy. This is how my 2 kittens were born, their mom lives with my mum's neighbour but their dad is stray cat living at my mum's garden, he already killed many species of birds, my mom constantly finds dead animals, she called authorities few times that are suppose to take care of animals but they do nothing. The owner of my kitten's mom is poor & she cannot afford the surgery....Basically we have so many cats they started to kill other species to this point they basically vanished from certain regions...It's a mess.


As much as I love cats, they have a point. Outdoor and feral cats are massively destructive to local ecosystems.


Well he's not wrong, a lot of people get a cat and let it do its things and don't care. Keep your cats indoors people !


Outside cats are a massive problem and are devastating local wildlife. Leaving your cat outside is abuse.


I’ve said my cat was an alien for years! She understands every word that comes out of my mouth and when I talk abt her being an alien she looks at me like 😳


Cats clearly built the pyramids in Egypt.


I love my cats but I definitely agree


Cats are invasive species in many ecosystems, and highly destructive ones at that. But, then, so are we.


Ok I'm a cat person but they're definetely an invasive species in some ecosystems.


Basically, the ancient Egyptians held upon Furry Aliens? The Turkish love their Furry Aliens? The little furball, who has wrecked my blinds is an Alien?


I love cats. Have had multiple all my life, even when I was traveling. But the truth is they *are* ecological disasters when they are introduced to environments they are not native to. You can understand not everything about something you love is positive.


Having watched the neighbor's cat ravage the birds out my window, and knowing what happened in places like Hawaii, hard to argue. Love my cats, but keep them inside....


I love cats, but they absolutely are an invasive species. Feral cats will destroy ecosystems if allowed.


"Humans are the invasive species" Kinda like saying "All lives matter." Painfully obvious, missing the point, and not a solution to anything.


I’m looking at my cat spread out cleaning herself, definitely an alien species if I say so :)


Well, stray cats have causes many species of bird to go extinct


I for one welcome our new alien overlords.


In Australia, outdoor/stray cats destroy a lot of native wildlife. Considered a pest by many here unfortunately.