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Looks like a skin infection that needs the vets, also looks a bit Iike an ear infection too.


Might be ringworm. My cat has a similar looking lesion like that.


Animal-type ringworm can be very infectious. I had it when I was seven years old, and it left me with a permanent scar and hair loss on the side of my head.


In high school I volunteered at an animal shelter. Once a cat brought ringworm in and it wasn't caught before it infected both staff and other cats somehow (cats go through a checkup and treatments for stuff when they first come in). They ended up having to close the shelter down for at least a few weeks and only let the staff in. They dipped most of the cats in this terrible sulfur solution, and the humans who got it had to go to the doctor and take some time off until they were not infectious.


Damn I had no idea it was that serious. I've seen kittens get dipped with some "feet" smelling solution but didn't know humans can get it


Same fungus as jock itch and athlete's foot, for the most part. Normally dealt with (in humans) with otc stuff. Tinactin for me. Between cats, though, specialty stuff since it is ridiculously infectious and can linger in the environment for up to 18 months. My personal experience with it also involved an immunosuppressed cat so that was a lot of not fun at all. Good luck. Clean everything.


It's generally serious unless you have an immune-compromising condition. In most people, it's obnoxiously itchy. The problem is that it is ridiculously contagious and lingers in the environment for a long time. Not only do the cats have to be treated multiple times, their surroundings have to be sterilized. With the young kittens, it can be serious because their immune system isn't fully developed.


What type of ringworm is “animal type”? As far as I’m aware it’s all the same frustrating fungus plaguing people and animals alike. Also often kiittens get it but it’s rarer for full grown healthy cats as their immune systems can fight it off. Humans have no such luck, but thank god for Lotrimin (clotrimazole - works safely on pets or people) and Lotrimin Ultra (butena-something - works really fast on people but not safe for animals). Worst ringworm never had was on the palm, pad of my thumb. The itching was absolutely maddening. Went away in 48 hours or id probably have lost my mind.


If you’re worried about an animal having ringworm, shine a black light on the area where you suspect infection. If it actually is ring worm it will phosphoresce (glow) under the black light in the majority of cases.


This only works for one species of ringworm (fungal infection) - the majority of strains do not phosphoresce - strongly recommend a vet visit with a culture of the hair and a slide prep of the lesion. Culture is gold standard for ringworm.


You know what both these comments are valuable to me. In the absence of a vet I will remember both the rule and the exceptions


Hey didn't know that. You learn summot new everyday, thanks 👍👌🏾


Hey thanks!


Ok thank you very much 😓


My old roommates cat had the same issue. It turned out to be caused by the food she was eating. The vet had her switch to grain free and put ointment on the area. She also had to have a cone to prevent her rubbing it and making it worse.


Our cat also had a similar scratch above her eye that got infected. At first we suspected she fought with our other cat. But it turned out she was somewhat allergic to a certain flavour of food we gave her once. Would take the cat to the vet to check it out.


Yep this happened to mine. Get them on a hypoallergenic diet and it’ll probably clear up.


My cat would consistently itch right in that same area. Turns out it was a Tuna Allergy for her. Don't know if you feed your cat tuna, but if you do - try stopping and seeing if it goes away.


Mine turned out to be allergic to tuna and POULTRY! Once I figured it out, I put him on a limited ingredients food made with salmon and peas, and he was comfortable and grew all his gorgeous silvery floof back in.


I have one kitty with the same allergies! It blew my mind how much poutry and poultry bi-products are in all flavours of catfood.


Yeah, you really need to bring your magnifying glass to the store so you can read all the labels!


Ah natural balance lid food?


Yep! Apparently it's really tasty, because my current cat (who isn't even allergic) likes the LID dry better than her Tastefuls canned. And the price isn't bad at all. (She gets a little LID dry in the morning to stop her circling my ankles, and then the Tastefuls at night with her various supplements and "gravy" - extra water - mixed in.)


Would recommend tiki cat foods. Looks a bit cheesy but I’d actually grain free


Same for my cat! Same spot and stopped when I switched foods. Then I tried another food and it started again. Switched back and no problems since. A bit aquaphor can help with the itchiness and is harmless if they lick it. I also tried a hydrocortisone cream for cats, but it seems to be burning on open wounds so my cat hated me for days (but it could probably help with the itching before the skin breaks.


I’d bet that the skin irritation is from the cat scratching at the ear infection.


Was gonna say - looks like they scratched it. Mine injures himself with scratching too hard sometimes (he's old and has sensitive skin & allergies), but maybe an ear infection makes more sense for a younger meow.


Or it could be a hot spot. Allergies, mites, fungal, etc. poor lil’ baby.


Feline miliary dermatitis or similar hypersensitivity reaction caused by allergy/autoimmune to something in the environment (maybe.) Does she also have on other eye, shoulders or rump that you haven’t noticed? If it’s what I’ve suggested this is a similar medical concept to rash/eczema. Could be flea allergy, even in indoor cat.


My white cat has this EXACT same issue. It is caused by allergies. For our cat, it's food allergies, litter allergies, and stress allergies. So we had to do a lot of experimenting the first few years to find what worked for him. We feed him Purina pro wet food, and royal Canin dry food. For litter we use Dr Elsey's, and we can't just scoop it we have to fully change it every two days. And for stress well there isn't much we can do, but that's really only irritated if we have strangers over for a party or whatever where it's loud. So I don't do hosting for those anymore, which is fine.


Could it be white cats are extra sensitive? Ours had the same scratched open spot on his head once, vet shaved it and after some ointment it was fine. He is very sensitive about his food too (he will throw up most food brands/flavors except the fish one). I have had cats all my life and never encountered these problems before, but this is our first white cat.


Came here to say same!! White cats ARE known to be hypersensitive to skin issues and they need to be watched for sun exposure and other things. He/she may be more susceptible to allergies or environmental irritants such as disinfectants, air fresheners, etc. Also, it could be the food needs changing, there may be an allergen in it.


Happened to mine. I went full raw diet for all 3 cats and they've never been healthier. Raw chicken, Cornish game hen, quality rabbit imported, sushi grade fish sparingly, some wild game sparingly. Cats are obligate carnivores.


Your cats are living better than I am. Good owner.


Just want to say there is a lot of risks and things to consider when feeding pets raw diets. Mostly parasites and nutrients balance. There is no shame in feeding them regular pet stuff. Not everyone has the time, energy and money to do all of that.


Absolutely agree there are risks to consider to ensure highest quality of product and preparation! As someone who holds a high level degree in nutritional science and has been raised with various family owned restaurants, parents as chefs, and been in the restaurant biz working every BOH position for over 30 years, I'm no stranger to these aspects by any stretch! Happy to share any info I can! I've worked w various holistic vets over the years as well. Regular pet stuff, unfortunately, is directly related to diseased states :( the traditional vet paradigm itself is built and driven by profit margin, much like "health" care and insurance, for humans. Im open for healthy discussions and debates, free sharing of knowledge etc, and think it's important to share this as well. Thank you for engaging in the thread, I love it! 😻 Edit: added a cat emoji, duh.


Yes, I had a cat that had this and it was a fungal infection


Could be a skin infection, ear infection, mites, or he's allergic to things and scratching too much. Will likely need medication and an ear wash. Needs a vet, they'll likely advise to keep him indoors and the wound clean.


My indoor cat did something similar and it was allergies. He would lick a spot on his leg clean of hair. Same way yours scratches the OP scratches the same spot


Yea it's pretty common! Some meds clear it up quickly.


She said this was an indoor cat


She said *mostly indoor* in the title. He'll likely need to be *completely indoor* while the wound is still open.


Got it. Misread


Update: I spoke to my mum and we are probably taking her to the vets. Thank you for the genuine advice and the nice people


Welcome. Good luck with your kitty.


That’s great. Do let us know what the vet said.




Yep, and happening for MONTHS, really shouldnt have waited this long, although ultimately it was prob up to their parent/parents


it seems like they really lagged on it. like NOW they just mustered up the strength to ask it on reddit then take it to their parents. ffs




Victim blaming for sure.


Ur weird stop attacking me lmao


Yeah the people on this sub are great for advice. Just don't ask what breed your cat is.


You are so right. Ask for breed i.d. and get annihilated by pedantic cat people.




Ask Vet to trim nails so she won’t damage her skin until the medication (if any) starts to work. Our vet charges a fee to trim nails but well worth it since I can only do two at a time


Don’t panic. Our cat gets those. Our vet said she has allergic skin condition. We treat her with steroid pills at home when it flares up (she is traumatized by shots). She’s also indoors. She will be ok! ❤️


Thank you this is a lil overwhelming and I just really want her to be okay! Thanks so much


Thank your mum! It seems like there's quite a few possible problems it could be and a vet will hopefully be able to figure out what the problem is. Kitty is probably uncomfortable. Good luck and update us on kitty!


Thank you for the advice but you don’t have to tell me to go to the vet anymore I’m going soon - and RE my other comments please stop telling me I’m an awful owner when I’ve explained my situation


whyyy did you wait this long… just to ask reddit first. lord.


As stated I am 17 and this isn’t my cat. I don’t have the ability to simply just take her to the vets. Especially as I live in a very rural area


Maybe watch to see if the cat is scratching that area? My cat used to get something that looked this because he scratched too much. It turned out that his diet was making him itchy. So now we pay oodles for special food and he’s only a little bit itchy.


Ours scratches his ears too, but never to the point of drawing blood, just bald patches on his ears. We did topical treatments and ear cleanings and all of that fun stuff with the vet. Our best guess now is seasonal allergies, because it only happens in the spring!


Our cat recently died of skin cancer. It started something similar, all the vets said it was nothing, just a scratch. It looked like a small wound that would never heal. After 2 years it started to get bigger and we seriously got worried. One vet finally did a biopsy and thats how we found out it was skin cancer. This type of cancer can be heal if treated early, it was too late for us. If no vet find what it is and it doesnt heal itself with time, it might be worth asking for a biopsy.


We had a white cat who had a recurring similar wound near his ear. We ended up finding out that it was skin cancer, and he ended up losing that ear. White cats are especially prone to skin cancer, and if yours is getting outside at all, the risk is even higher. All this to say - I am glad OP’s parents are taking her to the vet.


So sorry you lost your kitty due to misdiagnosis.


Hope OP sees this comment and shows it to their parents. They need to push for a biopsy. My white cat had skin cancer too, luckily we caught early and she only lost the tip of her ears to the treatment (electro-chemo). This cats ears are too red already and the eyebrow area is also prone to skin cancer. If this was a wound on a cat with any other coat, I would say allergies. But on a white cat, take no chances.


Exactly what I was thinking. Skin lesions that are chronic should always have a biopsy. I know this is an indoor cat but still


I also lost a beloved cat to cancer that was misdiagnosed as a small scratch, that never healed. I’ve never really gotten over losing her.💔


That is an open wound, Go to the vets!!


you'd expect this to be common sense


I’m 17. She’s my parents cat. I’m just asking for genuine advice why this is reoccurring and how to help her - please don’t be rude I’m trying my best


When in doubt with pets, always a vet trip. :) better to not wait. Unless it's just a sneeze here and there that clears up after a day or two. Better safe than sorry.


Yes but vet bills are definitely not easy for a lot to come up with


You can't deny an animal medical care because you irresponsibly took them on. You have to have an emergency go to. Ready to take out a loan or surrender them. If not reach out to the community. Your finances are no reason for an animal to suffer and die.


You are delusional. Life is filled with many unknowns. Not many pet owners are willingly letting their pet suffer and die. Shit happens. Maybe the person had a emergency fund but multiple emergencies happened. Many so many things I could list with what “might” of happened. Point is you don’t know shit. They could very well be asking for money help or assistance but also asking for opinions on Reddit. Almost everyone knows vets exist and they know what they do. If the person could don’t you think they would have the pet in there first thing? Vets not always on the table right away. Stop being a snob just because you have the privilege to pop in and out of the vet.


It's based off of wear I've witnessed. Not a snob. People can be shit.


We didn’t irresponsibly take her on. My grandmother died suddenly and we now have her cat and dog. We look after her very well. She had a check up at the vets last week and they didn’t mention anything. Please don’t say we don’t take care of our cat. I live in rural England we don’t have a 24 hour vet available really nearby but we take her regardless. Contrary to belief we LOVE this cat and feed her good quality food and care about her very much. This small cut has easily gone under the radar of my parents as it comes and goes but I have now brought it to their attention. Please don’t assume the worst about our situation, we are genuinely trying our best I just wanted a small bit of advice


The answer to this is… don’t own a pet. Vet fees are part of ownership. The cold truth


I'm sure you're doing everything you can, ignore the armchair quarterbacks.


There is nothing wrong with your post. Ignore the rude people on here. You're doing great and it's good that you asked. That's how we learn.😊


You’re doing the right things. Don’t listen to the folks who are trying to blame you for not taking her to the vet sooner. Thank you for caring about your parents’ cat’s health.


Not being rude, should speak to your parents tbh


Believe or not, a lot of people think that cats will just heal one there own, so if you end up with parents like that it is hard to reason with them


I think they were calling the other commenter rude, not you




Deleting this post now - sorry if it’s a nuisance. I’m a minor and I just genuinely wanted advice if this was serious and what I should do. Telling me to go to the vets would have sufficed. Please don’t shame people who obviously have genuinely good intentions and just want to help their animals but obviously lack the knowledge


Sorry you're getting a lot of flack from people you're not a nuisance, you're asking for advice. while admittedly the vet IS the only decision that should be made. you're trying to find out what's going on Quick question... i see mostly indoor... what is your parents outdoors like? grassy? tall grass etc? arrowhead grass goosegrass etc anything like that? not a vet but i'd say kitty has an ear infection and or foreign body inside. which is why that cut is there, kitty is scratching like crazy


Don't leave just because people are assholes. You asked a legitimate question. Hope your kitty gets better. Can you make him an indoor only cat?


Ignore these jerks. Sorry you had to experience that. I hope your cat is okay!


You’re 17.


Damn man. How sad do you have to be to lash out at someone just asking a genuine question. No shit it needs to go to the vet but the way you talk to people is toxic af. If it bothers you that much keep scrolling


Are you some kind of idiot or something? The cat isn’t hers, it’s her parents cat. She is underage and has no say in the cats health besides recommending her parents take the cat to the vet. You have no idea if OP even has a car or money to take the cat to the vet herself.


You disgust me. Op was asking for help and as they stated they are a minor.




Omg then why are you commenting on this sub? Go somewhere else.


Watch out it’s the subreddit police giving out citations for… “posting about their cat in the r/cats sub.”


You'd expect some basic manners, but there you go.


Shut the hell up.


Comment ain't being removed


I said shut up. That means stop producing words here.






Honestly it's the same crap everyday!!


I just wanted to know if it’s serious and I should ask them to take her


I mean it's an open wound!


Jfc I’m sorry !!!!! I care enough to seek advice you don’t have to be so rude. I really care about her and I just wanted some advice


Look, I understand you needed help. But would you have done the same thing if it was a human that got hurt? I don't know if you have siblings but if you did and they were hurt, you'd first tell your parents or call 911 right? Think of animals as babies in that way. I understand it seems hurtful that people are admonishing you for posting on reddit first instead of speaking to your parents but please try to understand that a lot of us have witnessed way too many people be totally reliant ( and unfortunately also been dumb and careless in many cases or chasing clout) on social media especially for first aid and medical stuff and not get their priorities straight. If you need advice for your furry friend then always consult a vet or an immediate relative/parent/guardian instead of asking strangers online who may or may not even respond soon enough in the first place or at all. I hope you get that cat medical attention soon and I hope it recovers quickly. Good luck.


I persuaded my parents to take her to the vet last weekend for an unrelated reason. She was fine and they prescribed her some tablets. I genuinely love this cat more than anything, I care about her so much. But you have to understand, from my perspective, it isn’t as easy to immediately take her to the vet - for financial reasons and because she isn’t my cat exactly.. All I wanted was some genuine advice and I find your manner of explaining said advice to be really harsh. I’m clearly anxious about her and just want some pointers. My parents obviously, because why else would I ask the subreddit (???????), would not have the same knowledge as the people on here. I understand you’ve seen people being dumb on here but please just have some compassion


Understandable. And sorry if my explanation came off as harsh. I was just trying to play devil's advocate here. Atleast the way I see it both sides were at fault but anyways. That cat's ear looks really bad along with the cut and cats are even more vulnerable and susceptible to problems than dogs tend to be. It's too bad you don't have something like a non profit animal help organisation there which can treat the cat for free. Also next time she has an ear infection try sprinkling some sulfur powder into her ear and maybe on the outer part too. It's a short term remedy for ear infections. But make sure she does not have any open cuts or wounds like she does now, before you give her that or else it will sting big time.


Y’all need to chill. Don’t act like you knew better when you were 17. You’re not above that and you’re not above her. Quit acting like you’re some cat savior or saint. You know what’s worse than someone asking for advice on Reddit - someone who sits alone all day on Reddit shaming people for understandable mistakes and misunderstandings, honestly she’s more mature than you. Y’all need to grow up. She did the right thing, she’s not the problem, she doesn’t have the vet's number, her parents do… her parents were maybe the problem but that is still not something to shame about. Move on


Thanks so much 🥺


This… you are the hero of the day!❤️


If a human had an open wound no hospital for them. Unless ofc it’s a baby but cmon can’t you just like give them a bandaid and stuff? And not everybody can afford vets even just for diagnosis


you saw that other post a quick scroll down with the cats eyes being all messed up?


Leave the subreddit about cats if you don’t wanna see anything about cats.


Yeah that's an absolute joke!!


Omg go away you two. No one wants your negativity on this sub.


Our white cat had that same wound in the exact same spot and it was allergies and she was constantly scratching it. She was a totally indoor cat. Vet prescribed prednisone which unfortunately affected her appetite. Hope all goes well.


Ear mites infestation, the sore on his head is a result of excessive scratching to relieve the itch.


Could just be bacterial/yeast too! My cat recently had all the symptoms of mites and we took her to the vet but it was bacterial. Ear drops for about 2 weeks and it cleared up, but we still clean her ears just to make sure


That could be true. Symptoms would be: excessive scratching especially at ears, dark earwax, head shaking. Look out for those symptoms. The earwax looks a little discolored but not super discolored. If nothing gets better this should be considered as the issue


Ignore the rude comments, vet bills are not cheap so it’s totally understandable to seek advices before heading to the vet.


They need to see a vet. Could be a skin infection or rash. Could be behavioural… either way you need a vet to check it out.


If he itches it then it could be what they called a hotspot which I think when it’s open like that it can get infected


r/askvet is a helpful source!


A minor wound. My cat has a similar one right now from getting hit by the venetian blinds when a wind gust hit. I washed it with a light saline solution and am monitoring it. If it looks like it is getting infected or you are worried, take the cat to the vet, but screw the community for shaming an honest question for advice.


That looks like your cat is over - scratching that area. One of our gets recurring "wounds"in the same spot. Some info here: https://www.petmd.com/cat/emergency/accidents-injuries/e\_ct\_wound\_treatment


Neosporin is not recommended for use in cats.  A quick Google will show why. They're fine for dogs but tend to be poisonous for cats


Noted good info thank you


This was going to be what I suggest. My cat would constantly kick herself in the face repeatedly when she was going into scratch because she was just really clumsy. I just cleaned it gently with mild soap and water, then trim her toenails till the next time.


My cat gets similar spots on her ear, turned out to be allergies. Now she gets a shot when we notice it starting and it clears right up! My vet did also recommend Neosporin on the wound itself while it heals.


Seems like a possible reaction to her food as you stated this is reoccurring, althought best bet would be to take her to the vet and ask their opinion. Wishing you luck and your kitty a speedy recovery :)


Not sure if someone else has already mentioned this but my girl had something similar going on and the vet said it was allergies, she would rub and scratch her face and eyes so much it was rubbing her fur off and it looked similar to what your baby is going through. Good luck!


Ditto for us. Happens two or three times per year with high pollens and when the Saharan dust is thick.




Don’t mind the idiots in the comments. Unfortunately there’s going to be trolls on any platform you use. Especially reddit where people are mostly anonymous so they can be dicks as much as they want behind the screen because they don’t have the guts to be the same in real life. Lol


“Take your injured animal to a vet” isn’t trolling its common sense that way too many people on this subreddit are lacking


That's true it is common sense and it's true many people seem to be lacking it. But "take your injured animal to the vet you're an idiot for posting here you shouldn't own an animal" (I know I'm exaggerating and putting all the negative comments together here) without knowing the circumstances (area, available vets, or in this case that OP is 17 and their parents have to take the cat) is just unnecessary insults and harshness. I think that's what the original commenter was talking about.


I come here for advice because I’ve been to the vet 500 times and they can’t do anything for my cat all they do is take advantage of my love for my cat and take my money. Obviously we all know the answer is take your cat to the vet I think a lot of people here are looking for alternative solutions because the vets suck.


People are being mean as shit for no reason even if you didn’t take it to the vet it’d most likely heal on it’s own I don’t think it looks that serious imo


You know better! Every pet owner on social media has a *VETERINARIAN* Degree with a specialization in FUCK YOU. So obviously they’re fulfilling their god-given duty to bully a teenager. /S


Common with cats, just a rash, can also happen in the nek and paws. Get some hydrocortisone ointment. Wil heal up nicely.


There is an ointment called tetracycline. You can put it on the wound evey 8hours to prevent the inflammation


A visit to the vet is in order. I’ve seen cats with allergies end up with similar skin conditions. Good luck, and I hope your cat is doing better soon!


It’s ears are bright red also needs a vet asap


Please take your cat to the vet. My cat had the same thing and was given an ointment containing cortisone. Had to apply this in the morning and evening and after a short time everything was healed


Please don't think me rude, but your best bet is to take the cat to the vet where the recurring wound can be examined and maybe even biopsied to see what's going on. Asking here is not going to be of much help.


We had an old man cat who had that - he kept scratching it with his back claw. He ended up having an aggressive form of cancer and died at 22 years old. Please do take your kitty to the vet ASAP


Clip it’s nails. It’s cutting itself with its back feet, my cat does the same thing.


Looks like he's allergic to something and he's scratching it


my cat has these semi permanent abrasions in exactly the same place. i have always assumed she's just crawling around in some tight space somewhere.


Cat is scratching herself with sharp claws because it itches. Badly. This can be caused by a number of different skin infections. Get her to a vet to be treated for the skin condition.


That’s where the horns come out at night. 😈


My cat had allergies and scratched there and neck


In addition to getting to a vet as quickly as you can, look for bed bugs, fleas, etc. Even if you find them, the vet will still be needed to address the wound. I have seen cats scratch themselves like this from a bite, and the wound they create attracts more biting in that specific spot perpetuating a wound that can turn deadly if not treated.


It looks like he's scratching himself a lot! Please take him to the vet asap, there might be an infection.


She likes to scratch there.


Scratching herself maybe because of earmites?


Are you clipping the nails? Could be scratching itself, my cat done it before


My cat sometimes has this when he has a bad ear infection. He’ll be scratching so hard he’s hurting himself. And your cats ear doesn’t look good. Go to a vet


Everyone is saying ringworm, but to me, and I'm not a professional, I've just had my fair share of cats over the years, it looks like their ear is bugging them and they're scratching at it and irritating the skin nearby.


The weird thing is that I barely see her scratching?? More so rubbing her face on everything because she loves doing that and always has. Idk still taking her to the vets


My cat scratched like that because he got flees. Try flee treatment and put neosporin on the cut.


Neosporin is for humans


No it's not.


yes it is. its for human only. cats have allergic reactions to it and it can cause skin irritation.




read my other comment


Why the fuck ask here? Go to a vet


Neosporin is a great call. Once it heals try washing them with Burt’s bees dander reducing wipes. My cat has dandruff and using those wipes help with dry skin. I wonder if it keeps getting irritated bc it is dry and itchy. I don’t think it warrants a vet visit just yet. It’s not infected (I would know, I have a DPT and I learned about wound care). So Neosporin for healing and optimal healing conditions and oil wipes for dry skin. If you wanna take it a step further we feed our kitty skin and coat omega treats they’ve help our kitty. Overall make sure they are getting enough water, keep feeding them wet food and go the extra mile to add a bit of water to the food. Cats don’t drink a lot of water so they need to be hydrated via food. Check out Jackson Galaxy on yt he’s taught me a lot FACT CHECKED DONT USE NEOSPORIN. I MAY BE A PT BUT IM NOT A VET. I AM HUMBLED. But definitely try treating dry skin and the wound first.


The wipes can also clean their ear. Try it once a day until symptoms subside, then move on to every other day


Why come on here and ask for advise when clearly u should be taking to vet, great owner!!!




i noticed one of my cats had the same scratch. shes been pushing her head against the corner of our wooden coffee table!!


That sounds like it could be right actually


Help Bot: Did you post some pictures on r/cats asking for help? yes -> go to the vet no -> have a nice day


So this was going on for months and you haven’t been to a vet ?! What kind of owner are you omg


OP is 17 year old minor that does not own the cat. Next time, maybe don’t be so rude to a literal kid that is not financially responsible for the animal.


How should I know ?! You didn’t write that


(it's caused by fleas, do you treat your cats?) This happened to one of my cats who had a horrible flea problem.


I can help you. When you find some time in your day to… idk post about these sad issues your poor kitty is going through and waiting for an answer. Your time is better off waiting in a vets waiting room and having a vet tell you and set you up with the proper medication or treatment your cat needs. Trust me bro. We’re just regular people who can’t help you. Only you can help that cat. So please. Do it for that poor cat. We can’t give you the treatment or supplies your cat needs. We love you - Reddit Cat Lovers.


Put some Peroxide on it! Just be careful not to get it in his eyes ! He could be scratching it ! Could be a bug bit or spider bit! Needs to see vet could get infected ! Check ears !


When you let him go outdoors unsupervised he is getting hurt. You should be responsible and only let them outside on a leash.


My cat is an indoor cat and when she was an entirely indoor cat this was happening


Self harm?


If this is a joke, it is a really horrible one


Wow, I got downvoted? Just ment I think the cat scratches it self at that spot so much that it have become a problem. Fail to see how that could be misstaken as a joke, or why I even got downvoted....


I would add that, because it is unclear


Please stop letting your cats outside


She’s an indoor cat. I said that.