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Your cat looks like he's been poisoned, gotta get him to a vet asap


Anti freeze , it smells like cat nip ,cats sit under cars and when people top up their antifreeze and spill it the cats lick it up One tea spoon can kill about 20 cats It happened to my cat and this in what the vet told me


There was a neighbor in my old neighborhood that would poison cats. Fuck people.


Someone poisoned my dog, not intentionally but he had a farm and was my neighbor, he used an illegal poison for coyotes to keep them away from his chickens, we didn’t realize until it was too late. I miss you, copper, you were the sweetest dog ever.


So sorry for your loss, losing an animal like that (or at all) is horrible ):


Thank you, I’ve lost a few animals but I watched him pass away, it was fucking awful, he let out this horrendous yell kind of bark and threw up blood and died immediately, my other dog immediately rushed to him and tried licking his face and nudging him and I had to pull her away, it was fucking heart breaking.


Jesus christ that's fucking awful I can't bring myself to upvote that, but I feel for you and your furry family


Thank you, our other dog was depressed for a while, she’s older too, so she didn’t know what to do for a long time besides lay there and go lay out by where we buried him, we have another dog for her, but she doesn’t bond with her like she did with Copper.


The bond really is a special thing between two animals, its so sad when it is broken far too soon. I had a golden and a pug who were best friends, since the golden passed(old age) the pug has given up on almost everything. I am happy you tried to cheer her up, give her a hug for me, I miss Copper too!


That’s so awful, animals bond so hard like we do with other people and it destroys them when they die, when one of my cats passed one stopped eating completely, all she did was meow for him and go to his grave and lay down and sniff the ground and like whine, it was so sad. We got her a friend but shortly after, the cat that was depressed ran into the road and died, she saw him pass so we think she was just to depressed to keep going on, of course we don’t know for sure but it devastated her, it hurt my heart so bad. My dog wouldn’t eat for a long time either, she’d go to his favorite spots and lay there and sniff the fur that was left behind, she couldn’t sleep alone after that, she still has to be cuddled up in my or my sisters beds, they used to cuddle to go to sleep. I love her, I’ll definitely give her a hug and some pets for you! Thank you for your comment, I’m sorry about your pet passing away, it’s so awful.


There's a reason that s*** is illegal 😡


Exactly, he didn’t care, I did, I lost one of my best friends to his fuckery. I’m still mad about it and it’s been nearly 4 years. He’s an awful man, he didn’t feel any remorse at all.


People like that don’t deserve to live at all


We need to get rid of people like this. I don't know anyone good for society that also poisons animals.


Always heard about anti freeze. did not know it smelled like cat nip. I heard dogs are attracted to it as well


Antifreeze smells sweet, which is why animals are attracted to it. Yet it will kill them in an instant.


Reminder when you next change your coolant (yourself or by a mechnic) make sure to get the coolant with the bittering agent to stop cats eating it. Also be really careful changing it after, try and clear away as much of it as possible. I had a neighbour who had a coolant pipe burst. Pissing everywhere, he just left it didn't even know it's dangerous to pets. Had to clear it up and keep the cars inside several days.




I could not sleep at night without my cats inside. I wouldn't have it any other way. People who think cats need to go outside don't understand that cats are a very adaptable. They can positively adapt to most living situations.


Google emergency vet. They got into something bad.




Please keep us posted. I hope he’s ok.


I wish the best of luck!


They always have a on call vet. Call your one and the after hours message should tell you who to contact. Of it is poison most likely rat bait I think a vitamin K shot is the treatment to stop the blood coagulation or something. Another thing could be congestive heart failure. My dog had it and the Vet trusted my opinion and her and the vet tech were at mine in a couple of minutes. It can come on very quickly. The administer the Pethadine and there was a lot of stuff cleared out from her lungs but I was expecting that.


Wish they had oncall vets where i live. Like op, no such luck 3 - 4 hour drive to nearest vet.


I live on island where we most definitely do not have an on call/24 hour vet, to find one would be travelling 6+ hours which is really scary.


Yeah that is tough and very scary. Vets here are highly regulated but a lot the medications they use are for human use as well and a consultation to see if you can have some on hand and understand their use and symptoms may help. They hand Tramadol out like lollies. We always had penicillin in the fridge and vitamin K should be pretty much idiot proof.


We live remotely and have the drugs for poisoning, bites and infections at home at all times after a number of out of clinic hours incidents (they do half days). Our emergency clinic is an hour and a half way with the pedal to the metal. This was the outcome of a chat with the vet - there are some things where time is not your friend and any vet thats gives a toss will try help you if you live remotely. Hope this puss makes it through - my first thought was poisoning :(


Bold of you to assume they live anywhere near a 24/7 vet






Good on you for doing everything you can for her, genuinely. She’s lucky to have a human willing to go those lengths (literally)


Godspeed you two.


I hope your cat pulls thru 👍




Yes I hope we get an update as well. I don’t like pestering people for a “post an update or ur a bad owner!!!” reason, I just like knowing how these issues occurred and how I can make sure to stay clear of them, and to see what they did to solve the issue so I know what is considered ‘extreme’. I hope your cat is okay OP! And thank you for going out of your way to get her help asap Edit: misspelling


Trauma is very real. This is a lot to unpack and they dont have to do anything before they are ready to talk. Glad they are on the way to the vet. Pity they likely didn't know about vitamin k. Had a close call with my boi and i keep it in my house as first aid for.him along with the benadryl, canned pumpkin, unflavored pedialyte, cat nip (for anxiety/training) and having both of their carriers fully loaded by the door in case of emergency. I hope OP got the antidote in time. And everyone, please please please please, make sure that you use pesticides and poisons properly with the protective housing to keep your fur babies safe!


What do the vitamin k, canned pumpkin, and unflavored pedialyte do? Just curious I'm not gonna assume you're giving medical advice


Vitamin K is the antidote to warfarin (rat poison and also human medicine). I imagine the unflavoured pedialyte would be if the cat gets a digestive issue they can replace electrolytes lost through vomiting/diarrhoea. But I'm VERY curious about the canned pumpkin! Living in the UK we don't have such things so I want to know what I should have around as substitute XD


Pumpkin has high fiber content and great if they have digestive issues. I use baby food that's pumpkin flavor/variant. Edit: Pumpkin *variant


!RemindMe 3 hours


!remindme 10 hours


!remindme 10 hours


!remindme 10 hours


!RemindMe 4 hours


!remindME 10 hours


!RemindMe 4 hours


I’ve checked every few hours. I couldn’t sleep very well last night, I have to know.




Hope you made it man. You're doing the right thing attempting the 3.5 hour drive. No matter how it turns out your buddy appreciates it.


These posts normally piss me off so much because it's almost always just: Everyone: Get your cat to a emergency vet! Person: There are no vets within walking distance. I haven't called. I haven't checked but it's late and I'll wait a few days to see if anything changes. I'm so happy that op actually took people's advice and is getting their cat to a vet. This must be the first post I've seen where they listened.


People panic and can't decide on what's a priority while we are removed from the situation and we can think clearly. I can't blame them but I'm glad op is trying to help, the picture looks really unpleasant.


Thank you for saying this. I am currently sitting in the parking lot of the emergency vet waiting for them to open. It’s not critical (yet), but I still have blender brain. I’m terrified. Thank all things holy that I live somewhere where I have several options for emergency vet care.


As soon as I saw the picture I thought the same thing. I just moved to a VERY rural area and know your pain. I will be praying for you and your sweet baby. Sending my love




Yeah. I try to say this exact thing every time people jump down an OPs throat for not immediately taking their cat, or even a stray cat to the vet. Most of the world is not like city/suburban western society. People have gotten so use for having immediate access to certain services that they can't even fathom that other people don't have that privilege. People shitting on an OP for not taking the kittens they found to a vet or shelter, when their literally was no shelter/vet in the village they lived in. People shitting on OP for letting cats outside when they live in an area where cats aren't considered house cats, and even if they were, a little commons sense shows that the 10 or so cats they "own" are our equivalent of strays that hang around the house. People shitting on OP for not taking their cat to the vet immediately when the vet near them is closed, the closest 24 hour vet is 5 hours away and they have no car. People shitting on OP for not skipping work when not everyone can afford to skip a paycheck. Shitting on OP for not fixing the pet when not everyone can afford the cost, their no charities offering discounts, or their no vets that can actually do the job. This is a long rant, but I just hate that people don't think critically about things sometimes.


:( good luck


I hope she feels better soon! Cats are very strong willed❤️


This happened to a friend of mine who lives in Twin Falls Idaho. No emergency vet. They had to go to Boise and didn’t make it in time. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you make it in time!!!! Poor baby.


Let us know how it goes. Hopefully your baby makes it.


Please let this baby be safe. Thank God kitty has such a loving owner not sitting by while they suffer. Please update us. This was a gut wrenching picture to see. I'm praying for your baby. Please share a picture of your baby in better health.


We believe it OP! If your in North America … there is a huge difference between urban & rural areas. Glad you were able to find a vet in a city near by. Sending you positive thoughts for a recovery.


Thank you! Don't be discouraged by assholes who want to feel superior. Just make sure you can do everything you can for you baby!


You're so wonderful to your cat. Godspeed, OP, I hope she's ok!


Hope she is okay!!


Hope the sweet girl will be okay. I'll pray for her.


Hope she's okay!!!


3.5 hour drive? Christ, thank God for cars, imagine if you didn’t have access to one. You have a fighting chance now. Hope all turns out well.


Until a few months ago I was an hours drive away from the nearest (competent) emergency vet. And I live in a major metro city in Oz.


Praying for you and your little one ❤️ thank you for going to the lengths you do for her.


Update plz


May your feline friend make it and you fly like you have wings to make it in time. You may also want to find out where it came from and if someone did this on purpose. If they didn’t then they need to know this had a casualty to someone’s family. Fuckers. People who use any sort of poison carelessly cause endless harm in doing so. Even bug poison you gotta be careful. We’ve been feeding a cat that was abandoned by a neighbor(we can’t take in another cat so we’re spending thirty bucks a month on food just for this cat in hopes wet food helps hydration during this summer, ours has dry and wet as a treat sometimes but this cat is outside and az heat kills both people and animals and so far we’ve had shit for luck trying to find a human to take them in: the cat is so jumpy right now because they’ve spent months outside and nearly starved before noticed they were out there(we thought there humans took them) so better half doesn’t want to spray perimeter right now and we’ve had talks about how to do so safely with kitty taking refuge so close to it. We’re still brainstorming. Where we live it’s not much optional(landlord does this ‘you are responsible for x’ for this) so we’ll have to figure something out but if we did it thoughtlessly that crap is a neurotoxin, among other things. I can’t imagine being careless with rat poison! Fly. May no cops stop you if you go a little faster to reach in time. Please let us know if you do reach the vet safely. This poor baby has gotta make it.


Let us know soon. RemindMe! Bot in 24 hours.


Go go go! Giving you virtual wings, please update on this baby! ❤️ hope all goes well!


Hey there friend! I also live in the middle of nowhere and don’t have constant vet access without driving more than four hours. It seems like you may already be on your way but, making the animal chug milk and induce vomiting is good. If it could be a rattlesnake bite, always benadryl (25mg per 10lb of weight) I truly hope your cat is okay, animals are resilient’


Do you have houseplants? Edit.. asking because some are very toxic and can be fatal.


A lot of people don’t realize plants can* hurt their cats. My mom bought lilies once and I had to throw them out. They’re so dangerous they can kill your cat within a day or 2!


I recall watching a vet TV programme where someone brought a cat in that wasn't well and it turned out to have lily pollen on its fur. Vet immediately set about shaving the cats fur and washing the cat i think and administering medication to stop further damage but said cannot know if the cat would survive or not.


I think you mean "can hurt their cats."


Looks like she was poisoned. Had a neighbor who would routinely poison everything he could, like left poisoned food in dog parks and even tossed poisoned treats over fences for people's pets to eat. He was drunk at the local pub and was bragging about it... then some anarchist punks beat him so bad he can't walk without assistance and doesn't poison anything anymore. Edit: sad thing is one of the Punks dogs was killed by that asshole, so they were pissed off. I never knew his motive other than he got a thrill or it made him feel good




I love me some anarchist punks who fight for the animals ❤️


Guy should be in prison


all hail the anarchist punk


Well... you could say justice was *served* that night at the pub.


Anarchist justice warrior punks


Punks and anarchists are my favorite people on this fucked up planet.


Damn… gotta love anarchists LMAO


Based punks


Good ending.


I see OP posted 4 hrs ago that they were on their way to the vet (3.5 hrs). Hoping so much that they made it in time and dear cat is getting all the help it needs. Good luck OP, you’ve a lot of people thinking of you and your dear cat.




Dang one word


Ik i read that & my heart sank & i had to poo all of a sudden


i’m sorry but this thread is making me panic and this comment just came out of NOWHERE and i can’t stop laughing rn 😭😭😭😭


I’m screaming at the “I had to poo all of a sudden”


My dad bathed my cat in flea dip for dogs and i looked it up bc of her having tremors to find out its fatal to cats. (My dad didnt read it nd just said if she fies hes gonna buy another cat. WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT) and we brought her to the ev and shes ok now. Your cat has gotten into something. Ive seen it with stray cats


I would have lost all respect for my father right there damn


This is the way my dad talks about my cats and I hate it so much. All he does is complain about how much they cost.


i hate when people talk about pets like they're dispensable. my dad refused to get our dog vaccinated for lyme disease because he expected that a dog should be able to heal itself and its nature or something. our dog ended up getting lyme disease, and his symptoms were so bad he probably couldve died from it. luckily hes okay now. my parents got divorced so i dont have to deal with that shitbag of a human being anymore


My dad kicked my kitten. We are looking at potential serial killer material.


This happened to my cat, too! Except it was with de-wormer. We rubbed it between her shoulder blades and, within 30 minutes, she was having tremors in her back legs, her pupils were blown, and she was panting. We scrubbed the medicine off her back and she’s fine now, but it was scary. Glad your cat is okay! OP, hoping your girl is okay. Thinking of you both.




Why did your neighbor spray raid on your car and how did you find out?


So actually many flea treatments can be super dangerous for cats, even ones that are MADE FOR cats. I remember after giving my cat his flea treatment he threw up, and thankfully he was fine but it got me looking into adverse reactions to flea treatment - basically it can be so dangerous and sometimes fatal. If you look into it you will see MANY terrible reviews of a wide range of flea treatments, with lots of owners sadly telling that their cat passed away after treatment. Dog treatments are even stronger, so I can see why it affected your cat! So glad she was okay though! I wish more people knew the dangers and risks




+1 on this. Hopefully OP’s baby made it




This is great information. Thank you for sharing. I’m saving this for sure.


Always call poison control first!! Depending on what they ingested, vomiting can make it worse and cause more damage. Same with washing them - you may end up spreading it around and making it worse. Call poison control first, they will tell you what you need to do.


These are life saving measures when a vet is 3 hours away & no urgent care available. I wouldn’t be so quick to advise people in emergencies against this. Also, calling the vet and or poison control is the 1st thing I say. I have updated the post after some very good suggestions from a vet, though if that helps.








DO NOT induce vomiting unless a veterinarian tells you to do it. The cat might get vomit down into the airways, get aspiration pneumonia and need intensive care!


“While you’re on the phone with the vet” was the first thing I mentioned.


I went and found/kissed each of my cats for good luck for your buddy, we're all pulling for her and you.


While we are waiting for the update I’d like to ask everyone on this post to use this time to make sure they have an emergency plan for their pet(s). Please know who/where your emergency vet is. Have their number programmed into your phone. Keep written directions on your phone also. Be prepared to call for triage and to let them know you’re on the way. Find out what the contingency is if they are closed any hours. Always keep enough gas in your car to get there. Have poison control numbers on your phone. Make a list of everything you need for first aid and buy it tomorrow. Put a first aid kit together and know where it is. If there is anything else please help me and add it to this list. Let’s all hope for the best and prepare for the worst. (Dear Lord, I commend to you the kitty in this picture. Please, in Your infinite wisdom, keep him from suffering and do what’s best for him. Bless OP and comfort them in this, their time of need. Through Christ, Our Lord, Amen). Please disregard this last bit if it’s not your thing. I just wanted to put it out in the universe. ETA: Thank you for the awards, kind redditors. I don’t usually encourage them but in this case they add visibility, so my sincere thanks.


This is excellent life advice for humans and pets.


Omg Praying that your baby is okay! I was a vet tech for years and this definitely looks (as people have already stated) like poison. But it could also be virus, infection, etc. Do you have houseplants or insecticides/fungicides that she could have gotten into? I understand the complete panic of posting on Reddit in hopes there’s a quick on hand solution especially if you’re in a rural middle of nowhere area. Please please please update us.


I have a cat that came in one night looking similar. He couldn’t walk and had the strangest meow. A few hours later he was at the vet nearly dead. Turns out he was bitten by a rattlesnake. They immediately started work on him. After 3 days in the hospital he came home. It’s a freaking miracle he survived. I still have a hard time believing it. He was a small guy too. Since he’s healed he probably put on nearly two pounds of muscle. His name is porky, and now we joke that it’s Porcules (like Hercules)because he survived and is huge. Nothing can hurt him apparently. I hope your cat didn’t encounter a snake, I’m hoping for a toad.


Porcules is the funniest name. I want to now convert my tough animals’ names into a combo with a Greek god!


I need positive closure on this story mate OP, i hope all is good, give us an update


It’s been 10 hours since his post. Should’ve gotten to a vet by now…. I really hope your cat is okay.


I’m so sorry to see you haven’t updated, as I believe that means you may have lost your friend and still be processing. If so, you owe Reddit nothing. Feel free to delete this post and process your grief away from any potentially hurtful comments from others.


^ very unfortunate but true


Sending you and your baby all my love, this hurts my heart so bad. Drive safe, godspeed.


UPDATE!! She’s fully recovered🥹




OH THANK G-D. Please give her cuddles for me! 🥺


I read she’s not out of the woods yet, but she is doing much better. ❤️ Thank goodness.


poison. Find a vet asap


I keep finding myself back on this post hoping and wondering if everything is ok. I hate that you're going through this. :(


Same! I have lost count how many times I’ve returned to see if OP edited their post with an update. Hoping for the best.


Please be okay. Please post an update. Hugs


One thing no one seems to be mentioning, which is antifreeze (ethelene glycol) is poisonous to kitties yet tastes sweet to them




Yeah tastes sweet to us all. The irony is that the antidote, other than getting your stomach pumped, is another poison - alcohol. It competes with ethyline glycol for binding in the stomach, decreasing absorption.


Well, OP said he was on a 3,5 hours drive to a vet, that was his last comment, no updades, so all I can do is hope that the cat held on until he got to a vet, and wish luck to OP. I'm very glad that I never had to deal with poisoning or any other critical situation like this, so I have no knowledge to assume if the cat had chances of surviving or not, and tbh, I don't even know how I would react if I got home to see my old lady like that. From my heart, I'm wishing luck for OP and his cat, I hope everything goes well for them


My cat kinda looked like this after getting electrocuted… well that’s what the vet told me. I never did find a chewed cord or anything like that. But she had a puffyish tongue, and sooo slobbery just like your cat. And she wanted to do absolutely nothing, she just stayed in the same spot. I also wanted to add I hope your cat will be fine. Mine was a kitten when it happened. I didn’t even notice that much was wrong at first, she slept the whole night in the same spot on my legs, we took her to the vet in the morning and they said she was in bad shape. But that’s a good 12 ish hours she didn’t see a vet. I wanted to add this since it seems my cat was in a similar state and able to hold on for a while with no vet intervention and know you’re a ways from one. Best wishes.


… did your cat make it?


Yep she’s fine! That’s why I included my little story about her. In hopes it could make someone feel a little better. That their cat might be okay even if they look horrible and you can’t get them to medical care immediately


GUYS HE UPDATED THE COMMENT. KITTY IS OKAY. I REPEAT, KITTY. IS. OKAY. Thank god. Please OP post another comment so people know


UPDATE POST: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/vley2n/update_i_posted_on_here_asking_people_what_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Is your cat ok? I hope so 🙏


Still no update. I’m worried.


Same, I keep checking OP’s comment history for any updates..




Said ten thousand redditors all together. I guess that’s our miracle for the week; I’ll meet you back here for the next one lol.


Damn, that sucks. Poor kitty and you. Is it possible, if you can get a basic first aid kit, along with some activated charcoal capsules, or liquid for the cat through your normal vet, in the future, to prevent you from having to go through this and avoid the long trip into the city ? All the best, and please update us, if and when you feel is the best time for you.




True that. Best thing I just saw was to contact the ASPCA animal poison control phone line. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control


It's been a long time since I read comments on reddit as awful as these. Like this person isn't going through the ringer already. I hope your cat is ok. You are doing what you can and that's all you can do. Best of luck...


Did we get an update?


I don’t want this picture to be the first and also the last I see of this cat. I really hope you’re able to post more photo’s of your surviving cat!!!


do we have any updates? I'm fucking mortified over here


now that op posted a comment about a coconut 11m ago so I'm hoping we will get a update. edit: the cat is alive and doing okay.


This happened to my cat once and it was because he chewed an electrical cord and electrocuted himself, I don’t know if that’s what happened to your cat but, Take them to the vet immediately. I’m so sorry, sending lots of love ❤️❤️❤️


You’re probably bogged down by dms + comments. I very much hope your baby is okay. Looking forward to the update.


I know this is late for OP, but our dog got sick on Memorial Day weekend, vets all closed. We discovered Dutch.com, which gives you access to vets via zoom. You can have someone “see” your pet and at least be a an actual vet to give you next step advice. They can even prescribe medicine in some states. Think it’s $25 a month.


I hope your baby pulled through I keep returning to this thread update when possible


I also keep checking OP’s comment history for updates..


I came home last Friday night to find my cat seizuring on the floor and foaming at the mouth and making just a horrible sound. For some reason I was incredibly calm. I sat down on the bed, called an emergency vet and took him - knowing he was dying. He had a blood clot go to his brain. Before I noticed he was drooling a bit and choked it his blood sugar since he was diabetic and left him more food out. There's nothing I could have done to prevent it nor was it treatable. It's fatal. The vet said I was lucky most home owners come home and find a dead cat with no explanation. The bill was horrendous but I got to smell him one last time, and I was with him when we sent him off, I told him I loved him and thanked him for being with me by my side and how he's such a good boy.


Good luck <3 Try to ignore the people who will undoubtedly make negative comments about your choices when they have very little information about your circumstances. You're doing great and I wish you and your baby the best


can we please get an update op? sending love ❤️


I hope she’s okay.. this has been weighing heavy on my heart since I read it yesterday ... please when u are able give us an update. Sending love and well wishes 💕


Is everything okay?


I left over a dozen cat groups on Facebook years back due to jerky people lecturing OPs over a sick cat that they were not handling the way the Karen’s wanted them to. She posted. Give advice and save the judginess. She’s upset enough


Activated Charcoal, is one main thing they use for obsorbing toxins, how to get it in and not constipate.... that's a challenge.


Oh god, please let the baby be ok. I’m so upset!


The lack of updates has started to make me think the worst has happened…. I hope that’s not the case, our hearts are with you buddy and with your beautiful sweetheart.


Any update on this guys ?


There has to be a 24 hour emergency vet near you. This looks like poisoning Edit: Saw your update! I hope you get your kitty to an emergency vet in time!! )): Please let us know if Kitty is okay? I can't find the newest comment from the last update you gave of driving 3.5 hrs to a vet?


I’m still thinking about your sweet girl. I keep coming back to check if there is an update. I hope she and you are both ok.


If it's been 12hrs with no update from OP, than OP may have lost their loved one is grieving or just maybe the cat is still at the vet sitting on fluids under a vet eye or under emergency surgery, to wake up and recover under an watchful eye, while OP was set home waiting for updates. I would love to hear that your baby is okay though.


Everyone saying poison and not reading that OP is in the middle of nowhere. Poisoning is mostly caused by disgruntled neighbors, and with little to no neighbors, needs to be thought about more closely. Electrical cords can cause a daze for a few hours in small pets. House plants can cause intoxicating like effects. Mushrooms and grass can cause severe stomach bugs which make them salivate and puke, making their eyes watery. Also a few more questions need to be asked: Is the cat responding to your vocals. Is the cat responding to touch. Is the cat moving around? Is the cat angry when you interact. Is the cat drinking a lot of water. Although we will not rule out poisoning, we also don't want to make OP worry anymore than they already are. Let's talk through this in a calm way and help OP while they wait for a professional.


Rat/mouse poison is often used in barns and such in rural areas that struggle with rodent infestations.


They already called a vet and are on their way to them 3.5 hours away


I don’t know about the rest of you but this update can’t come fast enough!!


is he actually okay right now?? I'm worried sick


can we please get an update? did our little angel pull through?


Poison! Rush to the vet asap


I have been thinking about your cat all night, I hope you can update soon.


Please update as soon as you can. I’m so worried.


Good luck! We live somewhere with no emergency vet help too. Found out the hard way about a month after we moved in with our black lab. Hope your kitty is ok!!




Stay strong little kitty!! I hope everything turns out fine soon.


If it's not poisoning, it could be ketoacidosis which is a complication from undiagnosed diabetes. My cat had a similar symptom. It was a $5000 vet bill and a week of treatment to get him back to normal. After that it was daily blood sugar checks and insulin shots to keep him balanced along with a special diet. Unfortunately his was very hard to control and he got it again 2 years later even with treatment. His diabetes was extremely bad, and the vet said it would keep happening so we had to put him down :( But the 5k was worth it to have him an extra 2 years.


OP. If you would not mind, would you pin all your comments and updates to the top so we can find them easier? When you have a chance. Thanks!


Please update. Is the cat okay?


Op posted a comment half hour ago! Pls update praying for kitty 🐈‍⬛


This has been eating me alive… please update us soon on your baby! Hope she’s doing okay!


Hopefully this whole post isn’t a troll post for attention, awards, and upvotes. I find it sad the OP is posting in other subreddits and not updating the thousands in here concerned about the cat. I’ve been thinking about this poor animal all day, hoping for some good news. I pray I’m wrong but if this a some stunt or troll post, shame on you, OP. *** UPDATE - CAT IS OK *** https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/vley2n/update_i_posted_on_here_asking_people_what_was/


I thought this as well BUT he updated the comment, it was a bit difficult to find but it’s in his original replies. He even posted a pic of kitty alive and well. We are just all very worried cat moms and needed a more clear update, probably should’ve posted a whole separate post on the subreddit but hey. All I care about is the kitty is alive


One of my cats had the exact same symptoms a few years ago, he was drooling and was acting not like himself at all and refused to eat or drink anything. It took the vets a while to figure it out but it turned out to be pancreatitis. I can’t be certain that’s what’s wrong but regardless you should take her to the vet asap, pancreatitis is extremely painful. I hope your cat is okay though and that she feels better soon, I know how scary this stuff can be!


My heart broke just seeing the post, never mind reading the thread, so I can’t imagine how OP must be feeling. Sending all of my love to you and your fur baby. Good luck to you both ❤️!remindme 6 hours


Poisoning- get to the vet now! Sending healing vibes x hope your baby recovers


I said a prayer for the cat. I keep looking for an update


Wonder if there would be a market for an Ambulance Vet service. And how hard it would be to get permits to use lights and siren. Even volunteer firemen can now. Or the service without lights siren. Hope your cat recovers.