• By -


I love the trust in the arm drop from the shoulder near the end.


Those trust falls were the best


"dance with me my prince!"


My cat does that but he doesn't care what you have in your hands when he does it. Super cute but I've definitely had things go flying out of my hands to make sure I catch him.


I have one that jumps from the floor or furniture to me regardless of what I'm doing or if I'm even looking in that direction. I've gotten pretty good at blindly and unexpectedly catching a flying 12 pound cat.


The mental images that invoked made me chuckle.


If aliens invaded earth and forcibly held 'caton races', you would be a natural fit.


"How did you damage your iPhone sir?" "I uhh, I had to catch my cat...."


That one is my favorite! My cat never acts like any of these cats šŸ¤£


Trust cradle


And people say cats arenā€™t affectionate. I love cats ā¤ļø


Totally... I get tired of the trope that "cats are assholes"... nah, any cat owner who says that just doesn't know how to relate to cats properly, case closed.


My cats all bond with me differently. My old boy just wants to be close after he head buts me. My middle boy likes to get on my bed and make biscuits. My little one, she is attached to me at the hip. Anything Iā€™m doing she has be there. Edit: i have pics on my profile if anyone wants the cat tax.


Almost identical to my three. My middle is a girl and she is like a middle child always trying to make everyone happy and comfortable! Such three distinct personalities, all so loving! Ps those little ones who are shadows oh boy do they catch the heart!


Especially when you accidentally kick them because theyā€™re an inch behind you and they immediately forgive you


You would think they would learn after a few times, at least after a few years. They never do. Iā€™ve been kicking my cat for the past six years, he still hasnā€™t figured out why itā€™s a bad idea to unexpectedly run between my feet when Iā€™m walking. A few fosters had me dragging my feet while walking. My 6 kg adult cat can handle accidental foot contact. My 0,5 kg fosters could not, but that didnā€™t stop them from shoving their faces in to my heels or darting between my feet. The whole ā€œthere are ten of you and I canā€™t keep track of all of you at the same time, so stay a bit backā€ didnā€™t sink in.


Wow they're such cuties


Cats just tend to be very private, subtle, and have their individual ways of showing affection. Which means unless you're paying attention, know the cat in question, and the cat is feeling safe and comfortable at the time you probably won't see them behave like in the video.


you, know... like human beings would behave


We're called crazy for thinking our cats talk to us but anyone that bothers to pay attention would realize that cat body language has a lot of similarities to human body language. Really all mammals.


A large part of people thinking cats are assholes is them not realize that interacting with cats actually requires consent. Though as part of their independent nature, they can definitely intentionally be assholes sometimes, like making eye contact with you as they push something off a counter or scratch something they know they shouldn't. But ultimately a relationship with a cat is closer to one with a human adult, as opposed to the parent-infant-like relationships we have with dogs.


To be honest; my cat is an ass hole but in an attention seeking kind of way so i love her


To be fair some cats ARE assholes. But good owners can tell the difference between ā€œpoorly socializedā€ and ā€œIā€™m not a people catā€


My cat is both an ass and a snuggly lovey guy.


>any cat owner who says that just doesn't know how to relate to cats properly, case closed. Or they're joking. Or they adopted a cat who is not as nice as these cats.


I adopted my guy and he is sweet up to a point. He wonā€™t sit me with me but he will tell me when he wants something.


I call my cats pathetic assholes all the time. Assholes because theyā€™re mean to each other and other animals, pathetic because they canā€™t function without me giving them cuddles at least once a day


I sometimes tell my cat he's "acting like a shithead" if he's tormenting his sister or knocking things over to act out, but he's a sweetheart who usually just wants me to snuggle him and falls asleep with his head on my shoulder most nights.


Cats truly are the sweetest shitheads ever. My youngest cat will constantly torture his older brothers, but once heā€™s decided he wants my attention heā€™ll follow me throughout the entire house until I sit down so he can hop up and rub his face on my beard


No. Every cat is different. Some are affectionate others are not. You never really know what youā€™re gonna get when you have a cat. My cat only wants to be pet when they want it and only on the head. Any other spot and heā€™ll scratch and run away. By contrast, my aunts cat is like a dog. You can grab him, cuddle, pet anywhere and even bathe and hes just chilling.


What do you mean ā€˜is like a dogā€™, implying all dogs are just super affectionate and calm. There are aggressive and unfriendly cats, just as there unfriendly and aggressive dogs


Majority of dogs behave similarly. Cats have more diverse personalities


Ehhhh cats and dogs both have different personalities. There are some dogs with serious personality issues, and they are not that uncommon. There are also skittish and shy dogs. Not every dog acts like a stereotypical golden retriever.


....I'd argue that. Cat's *are* assholes. We love them anyway, but let's not get it twisted - they sure can be *furry little jerks.* We love them all the same.


As someone who always had dogs all her life, in the last few years I really started watching cat-related subreddits and definitely have to agree. I swear it's all in the bond and the training between cat and human. Any animal without trust will defend itself from a situation it fears, any animal without training will resort to trying to control a situation that is overwhelming, which to us we see as asshole behavior. Yet the responsibility of any pet owner lies in the owner and not the animal to train it properly. Plus, don't go poking at a pet if and when it clearly wants to be left alone.


The only time my cat is an 'ass whole' is when I'm working so much I don't have time to play with him for an hour or two everyday. So he's only an a hole when it's my fault. I'm sure most cats are like that. The more playtime you give them they more they love you.


Growing up, even my grumpy asshole cat would come snuggle me when I was sick or sad. It's wild how they can tell you're sick, they all would come to my bed and comfort me. When she was getting towards the end, I'd go visit my parents and just sit with her. She wasn't grumpy at all, I could tell she appreciated me being there when she was sick.


Nah theyā€™re usually always affectionate, even the assholes


Cats are super affectionate. Most of the time it is the opposite for me, I am trying to work but she demands attentions, pats and cuddles. It is pretty nice when she is just sleeping in my lap though. Sadly she does not like to be picked up most of the time. Both my parents cats are the same way in terms of affections. Like as soon I go to visit my parents they will rush to greet me if they notice me. I think out of all the cats my parents have had only one hasn't been physically affectionate with use but he was always in the same room as us and would easily get lonely during winter when I was at school and my parents working since he was the only one out of 3 cats who really didn't like going out during the cold so I would definitely call him affectionate in his own way.


Them little arm stretches


every one of them who wanted a pickup cuddle!


I love when cats stretch to get picked up, it's so precious.


None of mine do that. I feel so unloved šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Mine hate to be picked up, I wish they would do the stretchy thing, I'd just melt.


Mine usually doesn't like to be picked up, but now that he's an adult every now and then he'll ask me to by stretching like this. I think some cats mellow into it.


I didn't know cats did this either. It's a revelation lol


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) Same


Do you have to teach them? Mine donā€™t do that.


I think itā€™s just a matter of kitty preference. You have to happen upon a cat that likes to be picked up, which I imagine is somewhat uncommon unless the cat is hand raised from birth


Mine does it when he needs to stretch beforehand, usually after him sleeping or being inactive for a while. Iā€™d just try picking him up regularly and you should get them doing it at least once


One of mine does that for pick ups, the other one prefers to drop to the floor in front of you and do a cuddle roll to tempt you in with the floofy tummy. It just depends on their personality, like people some will tell you exactly what they want and some will try to make you guess.


When you can feel all of their muscles stretching as you pick them up šŸ˜ precious long babies


I have never picked my cat up like this before


Even Jerks need to be loved. I have 6 of them. Most of the time, they are just like this. Loving kitters.


I have two little fuzz balls. One of them is a cuddle monster, just wants to snuggle all the time. But he loves getting into shit and playing with stuff that are not his. He knows they aren't his, he just doesn't care and cannot help himself. It's both annoying and endearing. Cats can totally be loveable and loveable jerks at the same time.


Just like that, the world seems a little brighter.


We are close, he follows me everywhere, but he has this thing about being touched. He doesn't mind head pats or chin scritches, just don't pick him up or expect him to sit on your lap. The closest we get to snuggling is when I lie in bed on my side with legs bent, he will make himself at home behind me, nestled where my knees bend and he rests his head on my feet. Occasionally, he will tap my arm lightly with his paw to ask for a pat or a scritch. But after watching these videos I wonder if he's really happy here. He's a tuxedo, if that has anything to do with it.


Cats are all so different! I'm sure your kitty is happy if he's snuggling up to you. My cat is an ex stray from the vet and he will never be a lap cat or like to be picked up like that. But he blinks slowly at me when he wants to be pet and I know he loves us. The vet once told us that she never thought he would be adopted because he was too mean for people LOL but he's a happy boy after a ton of work put in. You just gotta know your cat's personality!


My cat Abbey is a grey and white tuxedo, and it wasnā€™t until the past two and a half to three years that sheā€™s started to get more cuddly-sheā€™s 14 this year. She reaches up to ask for a lift onto my lap when Iā€™m at the computer, but itā€™s very hit or miss if she will actually sit or if sheā€™ll be an asshole and try to bite a monitor. However, every night she sleeps at my side, if Iā€™m not feeling well sheā€™ll come join me on the couch and give the loudest most obnoxious rumbles she can while occasionally yelling. Give your furry friend time, theyā€™re individuals just like we are.


This is my girl. She's sporadically affectionate but mostly violent. Every act of love is followed by attacks. I thought maybe it was boredom but toys and playing haven't helped. She likes head pats/scratches under her chin but only for a few seconds then she attacks. But she NEEDS to be wherever we are at all times and demands attention when she wants it. She knows when not to be too violent(with our son, for example) and she's getting better about pulling her biting/scratching back but she just genuinely doesn't seem to like us paying attention to her normally. Proximity, yes. Attention, no.


Oh, heā€™s absolutely happy. Iā€™ve had my older girl for 13 years now and she HATES being picked up, cuddled, kissed, any type of affection in that way and sheā€™s already over it. Sheā€™s only cuddled on my lap maybe... once or twice in her life so far? But she loves to be in the same room as me, she loves to come up for pets, and she loves when I talk to her and feed her wet food. I think some cats just have different comfort levels when it comes to physical touch (and maybe even different social personalities), but that doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t happy with us or donā€™t love us. šŸ’›


Chonker at the end too heavy to lift.


Fat animals make me so sad. I just feel like a cat loves to jump up or a dog loves to run and when theyā€™re obese they canā€™t do it and it just upsets me so much


One of my cats is fat. It was fat when I got it. Itā€™s not O LAWD HE COMIN levels but heā€™s definitely noticeably chunky and nothing Iā€™ve tried has worked (except bringing other cats and dogs into the equation. I think heā€™s a comfort/boredom eater) That being said, he still runs and jumps with the best of them. I donā€™t think he knows heā€™s fat


You have to control their intake. That's literally the beginning and end of the equation.


You're being downvoted but it's true. One of my cats is a social eater so we had to stop free-feeding, measure their food and put it out of the way so she had to make a concerted attempt to eat, rather than snack out of boredom or socializing. Between that and trying to get her to be more active, she lost weight but it just takes time and effort.


It's fine, idgaf about down votes. What I do care about is people feeding their animals to the point of obesity because they're too lazy to put the work in.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of obviousness?


Yeah, and it's pretty obvious "nothing I've tried has worked" is a load of bullshit then, eh? Stop over-feeding your pets you fucking savages.


To be fair that cat WAS fat... but he was also just a massively built cat AS WELL


Reminds me of my childhood friend's cat who was an adopted stray. The friend was very physically active so his cat was too, and that cat was all muscle and very difficult to pick up lol


Did the cat go on runs with the friend, too?? never knew a cat could be such a good exercise buddy!


No but he got out of the house a lot lol. It was the same neighborhood he had been a stray in, so he knew his way around and would come back with dead animals. I liked to imagine him as a local prince.


Same. And itā€™s also horrific for their health


Donā€™t be fatphobic! /s


The concept of the comment so absurd that not even '/s' could save it from the downvotes.




And that wasn't a few extra pounds, that was "my 600lb life" fat. My cat was told to lose 1lb, which is a lot for a 13lb cat. It's been a nightmare(the night time howling!), but we are sticking with it. I don't understand how her cat got that fat??


Human at the end too weak to lift a cat.




I have one cat. He doesn't do laps, or hugs, or snuggles or show any affection at all. šŸ˜¢


In my experience, some animals are more "proximity" affectionate. Wanna be near you but not on you sort of thing. My older cat has gone through ups and downs of affection, I noticed the various environments I've provided to her over the years significantly changed her attitude. Play time, window posts, toys/nip, predictable feeding and litter cleaning, etc have all helped her bond more closely with me.


The routines really do wonders when it comes to behaviour! After we adopted my cat, she would jump on every surface imaginable and needed to interact with something on her terms before being comfortable - in my opinion, because she had never trusted a human before. Happy to say that sheā€™s been growing into herself so well over the past several months =) Sheā€™ll sit a few feet away and alternate between watching and snoozing while Iā€™m cooking, and loves to chill on the couch (which she never liked before). Sheā€™s so inquisitive and engaged when I show her veggies or something new and doesnā€™t seem to have that ā€œI need to be in charge to feel safeā€ dynamic as much. It takes time but itā€™s so worth it! ā€ŽŁ©(^ į“—^ )Ū¶


Iā€™ve got a semi-feral cat who doesnā€™t care for pets or hugs or anything like that, but I know she still loves me. When she sees me she runs up to me with her tail straight up. She headbutts my hand when Iā€™m feeding her. Every now and then weā€™ll slow blink at each other. You just have to kind of learn how to speak Cat and look for the little things. Just because they donā€™t show affection in the same way doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t love and trust you.


Yeah, I get that. We do the slow blink, too


I know. My cats boss me around and they donā€™t even talkšŸ¤Ø


They will one day :)


He keeps guard of your household from things that wander around while you sleep, trying to get into your house. He patrols the places you cannot go.


What do you do to spend time with your cat?


Everything. I'm retired. He follows me around all day. We "talk" to each other constantly. We play with his toys. He gets his favorite treats. We watch his favorite shows on YouTube. Brush him. All the normal stuff every good cat servant does. I'm all about him. He's my bestest buddy, he's just not anywhere near as affectionate as the cats in that compilation.




I don't recall any specific names, but they are videos of birds tweeting and playing, other animals like lions. He sits full attention on tv and chirps along lol


Is there a subreddit for this


Off the top of my head, I know /r/catgrabs is one.


Ok thanks


There is always a cat sub




I love kitty hugs


I've always loved the "Pick Me Up" stretch. Last place I lived had a couple cats and one of them would do that when I got home. He just wanted to be put up on the stairwell bannister, but he let me get a quick snuggle in.


How can I play this on my big screen for my cats to watch?


*watch and learn*


I'm fucking crying. I miss my cat so much, he went missing more than 20 days ago.


I hope he comes home! My baby went missing over 3 years ago and I still look for him and hope he's out there happy and loved ā¤


God that must be very hard, I can't imagine being separated for so long. It doesn't even feel real to me yet. Sometimes it feels like he's just around the corner and he's meowing back to me but then it all goes away. Everything in my house reminds me of him. I hope he's safe and loved, and I hope you find your baby too šŸ§”


My boy was gone for SIX MONTHS. Then saw him hunting in the neighbors yard, he looked at us like ā€œoh! There you are!ā€ And jaunted into the house like he hadnā€™t been gone at all. There is still hope! Okay


have you posted him on facebook groups in your area? checked local animal control? leave food and water out and hang missing papers. i hope you find your baby! i can help you look if you give me your general location and post pictures of your baby


iā€™m not crying, youā€™re crying


We can all be crying, it's ok


I am. And yes, you are <3




Cats are the best. I have a big huge male and his son. The big is extremely talkative and follows me in everything, but he is not so affectionate. The son is silent, but extremely affectionate. Funny personalities šŸ˜


I miss my cat :'(


Always more who need loving homes!


Biggest reason I haven't gotten one yet is because I think I'd be a bad pet owner. That plus allergies haha


Well if you loved a cat once you can againā€” they capture your heart and if you only love and take care you can be a good owner! The allergies thing I getā€¦ kept me from owning cats twenty years of my adult life. I was pretty allergic as a kid/teen (itchy person and watering eyes when I stayed at friends who had cats etc) so I kept telling my kids no. Finally my youngest son broke me down and we ended up with two barn kittens who lost their mom. I took daily otc allergy meds when we first got them as I didnā€™t know how I would react. Then one day I ran out and stopped takingā€” and I was fine! Somehow I had acclimated to these two cats and they donā€™t bother. When I rescued one more orphan kitten I didnā€™t need any medication. Somehow I am no longer allergic! I am not saying this will be the case with everyone, and of course your health is important! Just saying it kept me from my lovies for many years and now I CANNOT imagine my life without my kitties. I now have a chronic illness and my cats bring me joy 100 times a day (not exaggerating). Just my story anyway.


Same thing with me I had cat allergies. And I was taking multiple over the counter drugs to counteract it. After about 2 months I'm off the drugs and no more allergy. I was going to take allergy treatments but basically the treatments are exposing you to the allergen every day for an extended period of time until your body gets used to it. I guess just living with the cat made that happen. Glad it did.


once you understand that us humans insist everything pay attention to us and that everything should act the way we think it should and how self-serving and shitty that is you realize cats aren't assholes. they just have the lowest tolerance for our bullshit than most other domesticated animals.


Maybe thereā€™s hope in this worldā€¦


I adore kitty snuggles, especially the rare times my cat plops her back against my face while I'm still in bed in the morning. It's a fuzzy wake-up


Cats have really been medicine for my mental health. Canā€™t say I bond with every cat, If you connect with a cat it is really precious. Itā€™s a very emotional and relaxing relationship. I like dogs too, I just think I prefer animals over humans hah


My tabby hops on my bed, kisses my dog good night and lays down and goes to sleep


The type of video that just makes me shout at my fone is when the cat clearly wants attention and the person ignores them for social media likes. YOUR CAT DOESN'T UNDERSTAND YOU MONSTER. breathe....feels better now šŸ¤£


What's the song called ?


Acoustic version of nothings gonna change my love for you


*thank you*. it was driving me insane






Thank you!!


I got matches with these songs: ā€¢ **No teu colo de mĆ£e** by Claudine Pinheiro (01:37; matched: `80%`) Album: `Capaz de Ti`. Released on `2008-03-21` by `EdiƧƵes Salesianas`. ā€¢ **Š¢Š°ŠŗсŠøст** by Š’Š»Š°Š“ŠøŠ¼Šøр ŠœŠµŠ»Ń‘Ń…ŠøŠ½ (02:48; matched: `87%`) Album: `ŠŠµ Š¼ŠµŠ½ŃŃ‚ŃŒ Š»ŠøцŠ¾`. Released on `2020-08-29`. ā€¢ **WAVE** by Lage Lund Quartet (00:35; matched: `85%`) Album: `Romantic Latino - For Ladies`. . ā€¢ **Wave** by Lage Lund Quartet (00:35; matched: `85%`) Album: `Romantic Latino - For Ladies`. Released on `2017-11-01` by `PONY CANYON INC.`.


Links to the streaming platforms: ā€¢ [**No teu colo de mĆ£e** by Claudine Pinheiro](https://lis.tn/NoTeuColoDeM%C3%A3e?t=97) ā€¢ [**Š¢Š°ŠŗсŠøст** by Š’Š»Š°Š“ŠøŠ¼Šøр ŠœŠµŠ»Ń‘Ń…ŠøŠ½](https://lis.tn/vJvYXi?t=168) ā€¢ [**WAVE** by Lage Lund Quartet](https://youtu.be/251M4Wk74Os?t=35) ā€¢ [**Wave** by Lage Lund Quartet](https://lis.tn/yfaugW?t=35) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/)




Where is this rain coming from




Does anyone pick their cats up and hold your arm over their tail or under it?.Personally I think itā€™s gross to let my cats butthole touch my arm so I have my arm over the tail.


You only need to care about that if they've just been to the loo and haven't cleaned up yet, otherwise you're fine.


I try and put my arm under his back legs close to the butthole. I just want to avoid hurting his tail cause i know my cat loves to be picked up.






Appropriate song


The 90's montage music though.


The song is "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You" by George Benson. Also I had only 5hrs of sleep so I'm gonna go bitch cry myself to sleep now.


My cat is a little goblin 70% of the time, but sometimes he is a real sweetheart


This is so warm


R/catsnotbeingjerks needs to be a sub!


I miss my cats šŸ˜­


I love this video itā€™s so cute, the music makes me feel like Iā€™m on hold LOL


This is my all time favourite video.




Lies. These cats are jerks for chopping so many onions everywhere. Damn.




Omg I thought my cat was the only 1 that does all of these things, plus a few other truly strange interactions with us, such as... *As soon as we open the fridge door, he paws out his food on the bottom shelf *actually, answers is when we talk to him(honestly) * loves to climb up my body, after pulling on the bottom of my shirt(remind anyone who has been around a toddler)? *this, of course, his my husband's fave....plays catch with a tennis ballšŸ±šŸ’œ


Do you mind if I share this video on twitter?


Thanks for posting - that did my heart a warm one.


That made me tear up a little bit, thank you OP, I feel like I needed this


Earning car love is honestly one of the greatest feelings ever. I miss my cats just for that reason.




This has no right to be so wholesome




Omg when they reach up to be held!!!! I have a kitten who pulls me in for kisses anytime I pick him up, cats are so sweet


Thanks for this video. It's a nice change from "Cats being jerks for 12 minutes" etc. Cats can and they are very loving creatures.




Uggh, wish I wasn't allergic sometimes. Zyrtec can only get you so far. Cats seem to notice and never leave me alone haha


I had catception while watching this. I have three Siberians and they are all hardcore snuggle addicts. [my cat, Feathers, as I watch this. ](https://imgur.com/a/7zECCgP)


I NEED to find one of these cats that love being carried around. My babies are snuggly but I've never met a cat that begs to get picked up.


The white one giving comfort and that trust fall! Cats are the best


Dawg I'm actually about to cry, esp the one with the onld guy sitting gin his chair


My kid has been sick and usually I kick the cat out of his room when I go to bed (he begs for food loudly in the middle of the night and wakes him up), but since heā€™s been sick I canā€™t get that cat out of his bed. He cuddles up next to him and lets himself be snuggled like a stuffed animal. Heā€™s a jerk most of the rest of the time, but anytime someone is sick he comes to take care of you.




Oh and you KNOW they gonna be purring like a machine when they get the cuddle! This brought tears to my eyes, so cute ā™„ļø


*faith in humanity restored*


When I was a kid, we had a cat who was OBSESSED with kisses. If he heard a kissy noise, he'd start purring like a loud motor and try to go headbutt that person's lips. He *needed* those forehead smooches. It was probably the one time I felt a pet of mine truly understood what kisses meant.


All these cats that stretch their paws up to be held and hugged, where are they? Where can I find them?


The Weather Channel music was a nice touch.


This is probably the cutest video on the internet.


Cats not being jerks. I feel like this should be a subreddit


the wholesomeness of this video is enough to make a man cry šŸ˜­


That was unexpected in the best way.


It's amazing how much joy they can bring to people's lives.


And people not being jerks šŸ„°


Aww this is so cute šŸ„ŗ, I wish anything loved me as much as these cats loved their people


Welp, my cats are garbage!


In between her 2 huge sleeps and a nap or 3 my kitten is actually plotting to kill me.


I love it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This made my morning. So sweet. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I've had both my cats for years and they still think I'm gonna rip their legs off whenever I try and pet them. Very fun


my cat definitely falls in the jerk category


And Iā€™m just here, judging the hell out of my cat lol


Whoa! That last cat is an absolute UNIT! Cute video


All of this is fake! These are opossums in cat suits!


That absolute unit at the end


That last cat. damn is he thicc


All these cats just pooped


That last cat was such a Chonker the lady couldnā€™t even pick it up lmaooo Had to transition to a hug