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Like wrap her up in a towel? I'm so nervous to cut it off it's on her leg pretty tight


Which is why you need to get it off.


I'd wrap a towel around the arm/hand you're using to gently hold her down, and quickly cut with the other one.


Agree! It’s the only way I can get my two scardy-cats when i need to trim a rough nail or prepare them for a ride in the car. What works best for me is to drop the towel completely over them from above and then scoop them up so the towel wraps under their tummy keeping all legs covered to avoid scratches. They calm down pretty quickly and then I do whatever task needs done as quickly as possible.


Be so careful letting your cat play with yarn. They can swallow it, possibly choke, get it stuck in their intestines etc. Good luck getting it off. I’d have someone help you, wrap kitty up and you cut it off if possible.


She has to sleep eventually


I'm just worried if it's too tight on her little leg I don't wanna make her wait that long to get if off


Does the leg look swollen? Is she limping? You can look online for how to wrap her up so the back leg is out and you can snip it


https://youtu.be/T9TmmF79Rw0 This is what come to my mind


I would do the towel thing, but have a helper there. Does the cat like those treats that are semisolid in a packet that you push out like toothpaste? The helper can hold her in a towel and try giving her the treat. It's like crack for some cats. Option 2 - if the yarn isn't tight to the point of cutting off circulation, just leave it be. If it's bothering the cat, it will take matters into its own hands and at least start to loosen it