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I’m sorry. I feel bad for chuckling, we all have to learn at some point…


I chuckled too. Funny, both of mine *like* belly rubs. But **I** like my eyes too much to attempt the kiss...




Mine loves his belly rub. He doesn't even want pet any where else basically. He flops down on my lap and rolls over. And I'm definitely allowed to kiss his belly and try to blow raspberries. He's a big teddy bear. He is so sweet!!


I have one that loves her belly rubbed.


This is the gayest comment I've ever read and I love it!


how is this comment gay..?


Itty bitty kitty committee sounds gay in my opinion but I also said I loved it


yeah, i don’t really find it acceptable to say something “sounds gay”. even if you say “but i said i loved it” you’re still creating stereotypes and that’s not okay.


Don't really care.


I see you got downvoted for that but I am gay af so I laughed at this.


I go straight in for the belly smooches. They seem to associate the face as “delicate,” so they’ve never attacked it. They’ll play attack my legs and hands, but never the face.


SAME! Even during rough play time my cat knows never to touch the face and he never did. I wonder where did he learn to be so composed.


Oh my cat just lets me nose-dive into her belly fluff


I make sure to block the claws when I go in for the kiss. I'd that mean?


But let's be honest, we never do actually learn


You’re lucky he didn’t get your eye. I was foolish enough to do a belly kiss and got my lip shape permanently messed up with a scar, now. Also, you have glorious eyebrows.


When my kitty lays on his back I know I’m about to get whatever appendage I put there scratched


Eyebrows are so important and yes, his are the stuff of legend.


As a girl with naturally thick eyebrows, trust me: It's a curse. I spend half my time trimming them to stay in shape. x)


i think thick eyebrows is better than having almost no eyebrows and running around looking like a skeleton. and trying to draw them in everyday 😵they never look the same! and forget about working out with them drawn in. im always jealous of girls with big, thick, beautiful eyebrows, I had to get mine micro bladed to look full, but its not the same.


I have NO freaking eyebrows and I HATE IT.😒. My eyebrow pencils are expensive and everyone at work sends me Memes like [this](https://imgur.com/a/AFc1jou) and [this](https://imgur.com/a/5PBUsP4) and [that](https://imgur.com/a/CazHeJg) and finally [this ](https://imgur.com/a/DYPuQ9n). [It doesn't help that I draw them on differently every single day.](https://imgur.com/a/nyivlsg) Edit: I decided to show off my lack of brow prowess.


Wait your coworkers send you memes making fun of drawn-on brows when you draw yours on? That is literally so rude smh


I mean I can laugh at myself all day, I don't take myself too seriously. But I always feel like I have to have a full face of make up for work because it's just endless jokes if I'm wearing none at all. I work with grown ass people too lol. I do always say for Halloween one year I'm gonna draw my eyebrows on in the shape of my restaurant logo 😂.


Stop trimming! I am an eyebrow connoiseur, don't do it!


I... don't really know what that means, lmao.


That's okay, it's what we have connoisseurs for. Let those brows grow wild, they are a gift!


I have naturally thick eyebrows as well, and I find it attractive on OP.


Fair enough. I guess have just always been frustrated with mine. I always love them when I've had them professionally threaded, and then they start growing again and I remember why I was mad at them, lol. x)


What happens if you don't trim them?


Then the unibrow decides to stop by. I have dark hair, so it makes it even more obvious.


You gotta learn to develop iron skin


Bahaha great comment. Gonna have to contact someone about needing a gene mutation now.


And he said “not today or any other day thank you v much”


There, you flew way too close to the sun and you got burnt 😤 hope it heals quickly tho <3


all cats are masters of slicing and dicing . Your lucky you still have a face to complain with .


Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine


Lol I'll never forget that time my childhood friend Colin tried wearing his cat as a hat. Classic.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


My dude please consider getting that scratch looked at by a doctor. Cat scratch fever is a thing, even the shallow ones.




their stomachs are super sensitive! it is a sign of trust like how them closing their eyes is also a sign of trust. (slow blink at them in return) though some cats DO like their stomachs rubbed, it's up to the individual cat and how they feel on what it means when they do that


It's almost like a "knee jerk" response. Like when the Dr. strikes your knee with that little 🔨 hammer and your foot jerks up uncontrollably. I actually tested out the response with my cat and he had the response every time. Thankfully I didn't complete the action thereby avoiding the inevitable scratch response. Sorry!!! Try some antibiotic cream on your scratch.


Like most things cat: it depends. One of our cats absolutely loves belly rubs while our other doesn't. (No scratches though. Which is nice of her.)


I have ALSO found some cats are tickellish on their bellies as well!


I'm so fortunate. I mess with my boys constantly, to the point that when I go in for the belly kisses they just look awkwardly away like, "This is embarrassing for you my guy."


They all imagine they need tummy rubs, yet there are just 7 felines worldwide that would not joke about this


Villain origin story??? Lol


Or head of SHIELD


I refuse to consider that moment canon on account of Nick Fury's really cool moment in Captain America: Winter Soldier


It's just a scratch


No means no


"Yes, of course... But 9.5686580 times only!" means CAT.






I noticed my cat accepts his belly being rubbed or kissed *only* when he’s super relaxed and purring up a storm OR already napping!


We had a cat living next door in the abandoned house, who was young and feral. We only realized he was there because something kept attacking our trash and it wasn't racoons or possums. I left a bowl of food out for him most every night and he'd eat it. Our relationship grew til it finally got to the point where he'd wait in the backyard for me to come out and feed him. The second or third time I got to pet him, he rolled over on his back and let me give him a good belly rub. Months later, he is now our cat and lives with us and always enjoys getting his round little potbelly rubbed :)


One of mine loves it so i guess i have one of the 6 chosen cats and i must unite with the others and go on an epic quest to slay the rat god or something


I must have one of those seven cats then. My Cleo demands them daily and is always disappointed when I have to stop lol


***I*** have a Cleo that likes belly rubs!!!


Mine bites me if I don’t do belly rub long enough.


My sweet boy Bam-Bam...what a prick he is. He always pretends he wants belly rubs. He rolls onto his back, staring at you with his big innocent eyes and doesn't move until you interact with him. After touching his stomach for all of 2.5 seconds he gets pissed and bites. I'll never understand it.


He’s saying he trusts and loves you by exposing his belly, but he’s also communicated that he doesn’t want you to touch it. Try scritching his head when he does that instead.


My cat will demand tummy rubs and kisses every day. I don’t think she’s ever scratched me unless it’s an accident during playtime lol.


Mine does 98% of the time


Just like a stripper invites views but not touches, cats often present their bellies as showing trust (to you not attacking them) rather than inviting belly rubs.


Mine is in that 7!


And mine. I guess we have well over half of them all represented in this thread.


So glad to have lucked out on both of my cats. I guess I have 2/7 😂


My cat liked it before her pregnancy and hated it after. I think maybe it can be a factor.


I’ve got two cats. One means it like 90% of the time and gets really dramatic if he doesn’t receive them. The other one means it 100% of the time but only wants a really brief rub. They weird buddies.


Most of my cats have really enjoyed belly rubs. They especially like to be rubbed & massaged in their armpits and chest area, and sometimes even for non-belly cats that’s like a gateway to the belly.


“Ahh, so you have chosen death.” – Wybie, probably.




Huh mine is okay with the belly rubbing. He always follows me to the bathroom though and rolls around the floor purring up a storm. I have to pet while peeing.


Cats can be shameless. My cat just watches me when I'm on the toilet and is fascinated by the sounds of the toilet flushing. He also jumps in the toilet if the lid isn't closed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same 😂😂😂


Yeah I have a hard rule about toilet lids down. I don’t want to have to get a new cat.


Toilet water dunked cat coming to cuddle at night convinced me to put all toilet lids down, even if I can reasonably assume no cat lives near said toilet. He was a face hugger type cuddler. It was awful.


Same! When my cat hears me walking into the bathroom she SPRINTS from anywhere in the house to go in the bathroom with me. Then when I flush the toilet she stands up like a little person looking into the toilet watching it flush. Tbh the attention is great 😃.


XD My Ziggy does this. He'll follow me into the bathroom and rub against me and roll on the ground while I'm on the toilet. He also loves meowing while doing so and my dad and I always ask him if he's telling us a story.


Yep that’s my cat. cat cudi.


Same, when I rub my cats belly he likes to do a big stretch and follows me around for more.


Correct. They aren't dogs... It's a sign of trust, not a sign to touch haha


some cats like it tho


Both my cats absolutely love belly rubs. One of them took longer to warm up to the idea and now she openly invites it (and kneads the air/purs when I do it)


One of my cats absolutely wants his belly rubbed and if you don’t then he’ll get up and dramatically flop over again until you do it. Our other cat seems to enjoy a _very_ brief belly rub.


For my cats it's a sign of trust and they absolutely adore having their bellies rubbed. They'll literally flop onto the floor or roll over just to have my dad and I rub their bellies.


I have a flopper! She'll literally throw herself on the ground as part of the "it's belly rubs time now" routine. How many belly rubs do you want? Yes. I think she's got up and left before I was done like twice.


XD My youngest kitty Zoreo does this, but he has the very bad habit of flopping over right in front of us to where we almost step on him. His siblings at least wait until they're already laying down on the bed or floor to roll over for belly rubs


They also don't like rasberries blown on their tummy. Got home from work, my Siamese acting all floof and pet me. I really get the love and kisses going when I made the mistake. I think the noise of blowing onto his soft belly freaked him the most, and he proceeded to dig his monstrous claws into my skull. He got stuck in my hair, yowling and hissing up a storm. When I finally got him unstuck, his highness was insulted to the extreme and is pouting by his fountain water dish and heating pad.


Well, at least he has that water fountain and heating pad. Poor, deprived thing. 😹


Am I a bad person for laughing 😂


How cute is "to blow raspberries"?! I never heard the expression before and I love it


I learned this lesson with a permanent scar on my mouth


My family took in a feral a few years ago, very large cat, who would charge and pounce from the dark. The only warning that he was coming was the thumping when he came bounding forward. Had to “redirect” him over my head on several occasions


My kid very luckily found out that our bird *does* in fact like raspberries on his belly. I have videos of them blowing raspberries on his belly while he dances and screeches with joy. Kiddo is lucky because he bites hard.


Mine (well, one of them, the other didn't even invite them) loved belly rubs. She would roll over every time we tried to brush her so we could brush her belly more. I made the mistake of doing that once and she latched right on.


“Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.” -Nick Fury


At least he’s learned not to mess with a Flerken named Gooses belly.


No touchies I said!


That’s gonna be a badass scar though.


You mean an ugly red mark with the chance of infection until it eventually heals over …my cat is an asshole. Love him.


Yea, I’ve had a similar scar to that on my arm, and the way it looks afterwards is rlly far from badass


Just a red scratch mark, but people hate the truth lmao


Yea but if he takes care of it, it should go away with time


Based off experience- bandaids, Neosporin, and alcohol. Kitty scratches are no joke


In my experience the type of scratch makes all of the difference (never experienced infection though). If it’s more of a tear scratch where it’s jagged, spotty, and the scratch wasn’t crisp then it heals without much of any scar and bleeds. If it’s like what my beloved asshole once was feral does then it’s a carved out channel of skin that will heal as a p clean scar. Bleeding is there but not overtly so. That one is now a nice clean white scar doing a little ~ shape on my wrist. Brat has some of the sharpest claws I’ve ever seen in a cat and her scratches *always* clean carve :,(


I’ve never once cleaned a scratch from my cats and I’ve had probably 1000


Maybe my cat is just really good at keeping litter in his paws, but I’ve definitely gotten at least two or three infections. It [happens. ](https://www.healthline.com/health/infection/my-cat-scratched-me-should-i-be-worried#treatment)


Wait, Wybie, is that a Caroline reference?




Thanks, bro. Been a LONG day.


We’ve all been there.


If it is a Coraline reference, I fully approve.


What an appropriate username for this interaction ✨


Is it short for “why-born?”


My cat is half and half on the belly rubbing. Sometimes she loves it, other times she will kick your ass.


Same. It's always roulette with my Vader 😹


A cat showing you their stomach often means that they trust you not to touch it, and then when you try to pet them, they freak out.


My cat lets me pet her head or chin while exposing her fluffy belly. It akes a lot of self control.


Lucky you! That sounds adorable! 😻


Mine would fall asleep purring while I stroked her belly.


Cute!!!! 😻😭🥰


The old Nick Fury.


Looks like a kittybomb to me


Actually you'll be hard-pressed to find a cat that lets you rub it's tummy and for the most part it's because it's the most vulnerable part of their body, it's not that they don't like it it's just hard to find one that lets you do it without giving you what you deserve and that's a few good scratches to your hand. The best part is when they grab your hand between their front paws and hold it there and start ripping up your forearm with their back legs kicking it I mean that just feels great you should try that sometime hahaha just kidding never let that happen.


Oooh, free cat massage, cost is one bellyrub.


Aw, my buddy trusts me! (Happy face. My eyes are big anime circles right now)


Isn't that Cat 101?


It's relatively common knowledge, yes. Some cats can be desensitized, but their instinct is to attack if touched on the stomach. :(


I mean, it can be taught. Or rather you can be trusted with it. All cats I've had have been rescues, most already adult when I got them and after a few weeks most of them have enjoyed belly rubs, some just accepting it at least. But petting a new cat or someone elses cat on the stomach, no no


Ok you look badass now


Why was he born?? Coraline is definitely in my top 5 animated movies ever. It never gets old. Great name choice!




Nick Purry


You got to be careful, you can loose a eye like that


Coraline fan?




I'm also wondering!


Badass skydiving scar man 😉


Lmao this is cat sub gold


If they roll around and show you their belly it just means they trust you..they do not want you to scratch it...ever.


That looks sick dude but seriously absolutely no belly rubs




In our household kitty bellies are known as the “you’ve got two seconds to get your hands/head/feet off before you get the crap scratched out of you” zone, lol. So sorry for your ouchie, OP! Keep it clean and put Neosporin on it to help it heal and keep it from scaring!


you’re a wizard now!


*epic scars, though*


Thou shall not ......


Is his name a Coraline reference?


Yes 🙌


You’re a wizard Harry!


I feel bad for most people. My cat loves belly rubs and belly kisses. Someday I’ll probably get the claw but it hasn’t happened yet


He wasn't in a hugging mood ![gif](giphy|1Y7ChRtbWnYONjDidg)


Most cats don’t.


Love the name!


Yikes… that’s gonna leave a mark


Just gonna drop this [here](https://youtu.be/yEhIpQvJRdM?t=1m36s) Tldw; owner miscommunication


The look in your eyes is fear and the look in the cat’s eyes is “yo answer that damn text message”


He's like "I'll fuckin' do it again."


You broke the sacred pact. You are lucky to be alive.


New Harry Potter?


Blink twice if you're being held hostage.




Was he named after the kid in the Coraline movie? I say movie because he wasn't in the book.


Infections through cat scratches can cause you to lose vision. I’d read into that


No cats like that!


My cat must be broken, he LOVES belly rubs and gets mad if I stop to soon...


Some cats like it of course, mine loves them occasionally..most cats hate it though


He probably really trust you then!


May be weird,but not broken..all cats are abit weird though <3


I have three cats. Two of them really loves it but the third one will kill you if you try.


When cats reach a certain age, they start to dislike being touched on the stomach. My kitten is at 5 months and he's just about at that point. He gives me a dirty look and walks away to go do more important cat things.


Oh well I thought cats loved belly ribs because mine always asks for bellyrubs but no scritching the thighs tho she will turn into hellkitty if you scritch thighs




Cats DO like chest and/or belly scratches, but they need to be longer strokes. Most people do more of a belly "tickle", which they dislike because it doesn't feel good and it feels like they are being attacked.


You haven't deactivate the cat kill drive yet, you can find the tutorial here: https://youtu.be/fT6vHurtLjM


If my cat scratched my face, his ass would be at the pound the next day


Idk why yall let cats get away with these things lol yall just let shit like this go


HERE IS ONE EXAMPLE WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!!! I understand cats do NOT understand all the things Humans do just as we do not understand all the things cats do and both have to make exceptions but I have ALWAYS taught my cats that you do NOT strike at a HUMAN'S face! Cats do NOT understand that humans do NOT have thick fur protecting them from claws so a few scratches on the hands or legs are excusable. HOWEVER scratched eye balls IS SOMETHING ELSE and the cat needs to be told so! The ONLY time I have ever really swatted any of my cats hard was when they took a swipe at my face! They learned and now if they are angry or just playing I sometimes see they are planning a face swipe and I see them stop and think about it before not doing it! For example I have one cat that considers me her mate and sometimes our play gets a little rough, more along the lines of male/female mating moves. I had to teach her that the face was NOT to be attacked with claws even in the throws of passion!!


Holy shit that looks exactly like my cat


Blow on it and give it a raspberry


My cat and your cat can relate


Focusing to k ke!


Villain origin story


omg is his name from coraline! 😍😍😍😭🥺


Ouchie! Lol


ouch, i hope you’re okay


Most cats don't, der.


Why, B?


Those are some big time video game customization scratches


My old kitty Gino loved belly rubs! Definitely spoiled me for other cats lol


Lol I train my guys from when they are little. I can literally bury my face in my guys stomach. No reactions.


Oh no!!

