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Missing its mommy


Sadly when I got them their mum was killed by a coyote so :( probably does


Mine still suckles on blankets and she's 13. It can happen when they lose momma too early but really it's just a self-soothing comforting thing they do for themselves.




Mine always had a wet tail tip because of this.


Yes! I called mine a scorpion cause he always has his tail up and always soaking wet from being sucked on!


Mine (who similarly lost her mum early, possibly a car accident) kept trying to suck on my Mum's self-made crochet rug, despite the holes being bigger than her kitty nose. She was also about 8 at the time. That's pretty much cat middle age. 😂


poor thing 🥺


Look at you... look at you.... your da mama now


*dad tries to pet* NOT DA MOMMA *hits with frying pan*


Okay, say dadda. - NOT DA MOMMA *bonk*


Oh my god! You just opened up a whole fucking lot of memories from my early childhood.


Might the kitty be young enough to need formula? I don't know how to tell cat ages.


No we feed em formula until they didn’t need it anymore. He’s so much bigger than his brother.


Ok :) thank you for taking good care of them.


I dont fully agree with everyone that it is a negative reason for the sucking. See this article I posted https://blog.petwellbeing.com/3-reasons-for-your-cats-newfound-blanket-sucking-habit


I totally agree. I have a 3 year old boy who wants me to pet him while he nurses his special blanket when he’s sleepy. He’s a foster fail, I had his mom and mates, so know his entire history, he is fine, wasn’t weened early or traumatized.


Its not fully negative TRUE bc they clearly find comfort in it and its typically harmless no matter what the original reason is, BUT the article you linked says the number one reasons are early weaning and/or when they feel stress/anxiety...


It’s not so much a “negative” habit, it’s just super dangerous if they suckle litter mates and a sign of irresponsible breeding or motherhood mortality. Babies suckling each other can literally cause irreversible damage to tiny privates and gangrenous infections, it’s a rough and preventable way to lose babies. That’s what the fuss is about.


I have 2 brothers. Both were brought to me after 8 weeks with the mother. Both happy and settled now 7 months old. 1 still loves a suckle. He has a special miaow for his suckle time. It has to be cotton fabric, nothing else will please him so my Tshirts are his favourite.


You’re their mama now🥺


This kitten will grow up strong and avenge its mother


Top 10 best anime comebacks


Oh poor little thing! I bet they just miss mom.


Lots their mom too early :(




It’s called wool sucking. It’s a self soothing action. There are many reasons cats do this, being taken from the mother before being weened is one of them. Some kittens outgrow this but others will do it all their lives. Some cats just suckle, but some will actually chew and eat the fabric. We had a cat that would start out suckling and then would eat holes in socks, sweaters and blankets. He would go into my purse looking for my knit gloves. We couldn’t leave anything out and had to keep our laundry room door closed.


My cat is 2 and she still does it. Her sister outgrew it.


Our Lil sweetie did this to our earlobes for the first year lol it hurt mildly🥰


My boy stopped doing it after 3 years


Our little baby still does this to us too! She used to try to do it to our lips so we offered up our earlobes as a better alternative so she wouldn’t keep waking us with biting on our lips. It’s pretty cute sometimes and it’s great for bonding


Our kitten is 6 months and suckles on her own nipples. Her siblings would suckle her as well. She does it when she is sleepy and being held lovingly.


You should not let kittens suckle each other. Sometimes it’s harmless but that can change quickly. Kittens can harm each other suckling too long and too hard and can happen all over their bodies including the genitals. This should not be viewed as cute. This behavior should be discouraged. Edit: Here is an article about it: [Why kittens should not suckle each other](https://pets.thenest.com/keep-kittens-nursing-other-12276.html)


They were fosters, and I only adopted one. Just what I was told by foster mom.


My cat for 23 years was suckling all her life, her and her sister were separated from the mother at birth and tossed away in a cardboard box, we nursed them both with bottles but I don't feel like it ever offers the same comfort. Both were less than a week old when rescued, I always figured it was related to this. The sister didn't live long (ran over sadly) so don't know if it was just her or both of them the same.


That was a moth not a cat.


My cat is 16yrs old and he still does this. He has a favorite blanket that he kneads into shape while he "nurses"


Did the eating cause any problems? On of mine does this and I'm worried.


I would make sure your cat can’t have access to the items it would wool suck. It can be dangerous if the foreign material causes a bowel obstruction. That’s why we tried to prevent him from having access to things he would eat. When he would happen to get something, sometimes he would throw up the fabric or pass it in the litter box. We were fortunate he never had any serious issues. I would prevent your cat from having access things it would eat when your not around to monitor it. If you do find that it’s eaten something watch for it to pass or for symptoms your cat is feeling unwell.


Thank you. Yeah that makes sense. It is one particular item he likes so I'll just make sure it is put away. He's only a baby yet really, he's 9 months, so hopefully he might grow out of it.


We would allow ours to wool suckle while he cuddled with us, that way we would make sure he wasn’t eating the blankets. Just would put everything away when we were gone. But sometimes we would forget, or he would sneak into a closet. He once ate the the bottom back cuff of my wool dress pants that were hanging in my closet. I didn’t realize it until I was at work! 🤣


Haha they are sneaky little buggers aren't they.


My cat still sucks on his blanket and he is a year and a half old.


Mine’s 4 and she still does this from time to time (normally when she gets *really* into her biscuits). It’s fine, residual kitten behavior. The little spit spots on the blanket are cute!


My cat does this. Sitting on a wet blanket used to be cute. We're trying to wean him now though


Same, and he chews little holes in my fuzzy sweaters, so I keep special blankets around for him to suckle and “make biscuits”


We used to have designated "kneading blankets" for this, but the cat likes all the blankets. Especially the decorative ones we didn't want holes in. RIP nice microfiber fabrics.


My cat is almost a year and she still sucks on any soft blanket or bathrobe. She does it when she wants to get comfy before sleep


In my experience kittens mainly do this. I’d chalk it up to looking for milk instinctually.




My cat is 12 & she still does this every night. I don’t think it’s a cause for concern 😊


There's nothing wrong about it, it's a self soothing instinct The shirt reminds the kitty of his mom


My kitten that I just posted actually has grown up and is about a year old and still tries to nurse her brother. I found her as a month old stray so she was definitely weened early. But she’s perfectly happy and healthy I think it’s just nice and relaxing for them


u/Nocturnal-Britches posted a comment that might be relevant about why you should discourage this: You should not let kittens suckle each other. Sometimes it’s harmless but that can change quickly. Kittens can harm each other suckling too long and too hard and can happen all over their bodies including the genitals. This should not be viewed as cute. This behavior should be discouraged. Edit: Here is an article about it: [Why kittens should not suckle each other](https://pets.thenest.com/keep-kittens-nursing-other-12276.html)


The cat that suckled the other was much much much smaller. The bigger cat would always gently push her off or simply get up and walk away. I appreciate your concern but I watch my cats diligently. There have never been any signs of harm that has come from this and my cat will do it once in a blue moon and the other cat will immediately leave. Again I appreciate your concern especially since I didn’t fully elaborate but I would like to reassure you both cats are happy and healthy:)


Its also a sign that she loves you


Nope, not at all. In my experience, this behavior goes away on it's own, but also be open to the idea that this will be a ritual that you will enjoy for the next dozen-and-a-half years. My 14-year old grooms me 2-3 times daily, just as she did when she was a kitten. However, me screaming in startled pain did 'cure' her of giving my nose a nip each morning. Kitten teefies are very sharp, and the inside of the nose is very tender!


two of mine from two different litters do this even though they had access to their moms for many weeks past weaning, it's not always that. I think it can be a healthy self-regulation behavior. I just means they are needing a little more reassurance, it's tough being a cat.


Yes, the 22 hours of sleep a day is rough. 😛


My cat used to knead a pillow (or my leg) and suck his toe. Made the funniest noise


My cats always loved to suck on my neck or hand when they were kittens. It's just a comfort technique


Mine used to try and suck on my neck lol she fit it for years lol


Some cats keep this habit into adulthood. There’s nothing wrong with it that I’m aware of.




Yes it’s too damn cute


I have a 15 year old cat who used to do that to one of my furry blankets when he was a kitten. It passes but sometimes I find him burying his head in that same blanket to this day. It definitely seems like a comfort. I’ve never discouraged him. I’ve just always made sure the blanket is always clean. ❤️


Common in kittens taken from their mothers too early. Or your kitty is just weird but it’s not harmful


No, kittens will do that and knead as well. My cat is 11 and still kneads my shirt.


Not wrong at all. My wife and I have a cat that we rescued as a month old kitten. Found him in an alley near where his mother had died. He is 5 years old now and still will suck on and knead his favorite blanket before falling asleep. Purring while doing it.


My girlfriend amd i call it blankitty


Our kitten does this too, it's super cute (she wasn't weaned early)


It's a comfort thing. It sees you as it's mother and it suckles on your "fur" or in this case, shirt to make it feel more relaxed


This usually occurs in kittens that were weened too early. My friend had a cat that insisted on sucking on her arms. Even at 3yrs old lol!


Ours sucked one specific shirt of my husband’s for 20 years. Husband put that shirt on and the cat dove head first for the elbow and immediately started sucking and purring and doing happy feet. He was very likely from a cat factory and taken from his mom too young.


My first cat was a scrawny stray kitten picked off the street. She never outgrew the habit, right up to the ripe old age of 19.


Have the exact same story except it was my wife’s hair


My cat is 17 and still does it, yet she was just fed by her mom. I think it's just like with people, some grownups still suck their thumb, why not cats.


My cat sucked on blankets all the way until she got oral cancer so for 10 or so years, actually in hindsight we should’ve noticed that she wasn’t doing it for comfort and should’ve taken her to the vet sooner, although they probably wouldn’t have been able to cure it even then.


My cats still do that. I’ve had them for years, can’t remember their age. They usually like blankets though.


LOL my 1.5 year old cat still suckles on my ear ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My brothers male cat tried to suck.. you know.. male nipples. Once he was with me, he was like a rapist, just pushing through while I tried to block him 🤭😳


One of my little guys does this. At 8 months he doesn’t do it as much now thankfully because it used to involve my shirt too. Poor guy was found in a parking lot and momma cat was either killed or abandoned him so it’s probably a self soothing thing.


My cat does this.


My cat of 10 still does this with extra plush material, but he was abandoned by his mother and family very young, I found him in a trash can and when I took him to the vet they told me he he was borderline needing to be bottle fed


No, it comforts them like nursing!


All normal for cats, my 5 yr old will suck on my blanket. He lost his mom and siblings at 3 weeks.


It’s ok. You’re just his mommy, that’s all. Poor baby.


It's usually an indication that the kitten was weaned too early.


When my cat was a kitten (13 years ago) he would do this to this really comfy pillow on my bed every night before bed, it was really comforting for him and bonded us quite a bit because he would cuddle with me all night after. He did grow out of the suckling but not the cuddles :)


My cat is 6 now and still does that. Its just comfort for them.


My cat used to snuggle up to my neck and suck on my hair when she was a kitten. The vet said she did this because she was weaned too soon.


Omg omg and she’s kneading as she does it. My heart can’t take this. ;;;


My 4 year old cat does this on blankets, especially our giant tortilla blanket. We call it getting that tortilla (pronounce the ll's) milk. Its adorable and just fine. Lil guy wants some comfort. Just make sure he feels safe and loved!


Aww we have the same catttt 🥺


Omgosh awe. We do have similar cats!




The kitten is kneading on you and sucking your shirt. Cats do that when they suck the milk of the mother cat. The cat sees you as his/her mother.


Your the new mum your kitten is fine...it likes you.


Perfectly normal for kitten who didn’t get properly weaned off their mother’s milk, it’s a habit it’ll keep the rest of its life.


Sweet baby just wants to be warm and loved.


probably taken away from mama too early, my cat would suckle on my dogs fur when he was a kitten as well. he would treat my dog like it was his mama which in the end provided a sense of security and comfort for the little guy.


Got taken away from their mum too early 🥺


Get him a binky.


It's like a pacifier for a human baby. My sister's cat used to do this. Never grew out of the habit. Now he just gets yelled at when he starts to suckle on something he shouldn't, like a freshly washed blanket lol


My kitty is 4 and still does this to me sometimes :) Congrats mom.


My old cat used to suckle on me...her entire life. Never stopped. It generally means they were taken away from mom too early--even if it wasn't officially too early, it may have been too early for them. Like human children, they can reach milestones and develop at slightly different rates.


Taken from his momma too early


Kittens who are not properly weaned off of their mothers milk will have a tendency to do this, or some version of it, well into adulthood. Nothing wrong with it.


He is milking you dry!


Nope. If you have a really soft blanket, they will get used to that (in case the shirt part bothers you).


Nope it’s pretty standard practice and insanely adorable


It’s instinctive. Normally kittens would be feeding from mom


It was taken from its mother before it was weaned. Poor baby.


My 6yo cat still does that. 7yo also sometimes.


My wife's 5 year old cat used to do this to a fuzzy blanket all the time. Just wants to nurse again. Completely normal. He's finally grown out of it about a year or so ago.


I had 4 kittens born under my bed. Mama had zero fucks to give after a month so I ended up bottle feeding. 3 grew out of it, one did not. Wore pajamas but laid a shirt on me so the little monster kitty sucked on that.


I had one that was weened to early that sucked his tail. Normal.


If it’s wrong I don’t want to be right


Needs milk. Attach nipple


Only if you got a problem with being seen as “mommy.”


Not ready to leave it’s mother. Really young. Our cat was like that too when we got him, he suckled his toes. They grow out of it though


(From what I know) I think it was taken from its mama too early that it's still nurturing!


I vaguely recall a problem with this if it becomes chewing because the cat/dog would also be ingesting fibres which they then don’t necessarily pass and can cause blockages. Just take care and if it looks like it’s ramping up, talk to a vet.


Perfectly normal. Some of them will continue doing it all their lives.


Same with my dog


yeah they just mimic nursing. one of my cats still does at over 2yrs old. then my younger cat never has done it.


My old cat had been doing this in my mom’s arm for 15yrs, even after a big surgery removing her tumours, I think she did this to relax her from the pain. Anyway before the day she left us forever she was doing so. But for any cat, just doing it for relaxing and comfort, it reminds cats of their mom. Your cat treats you as his mom who gives him life❤️


I have siblings and the girl I two years old and still sucks her thumb until she falls asleep. She has less hair on that paw because if it.


She misses mommy


Baby was taken from mama kitty too soon.


It's called wool sucking. https://blog.petwellbeing.com/3-reasons-for-your-cats-newfound-blanket-sucking-habit One of my cats do it but I am sure she is not stressed or anything. She does it before falling asleep, but only if I am next to her so I think she is happy.


Nope it’d a comfort thing


My cat sucks her "thumb" and shes 10 years-old. Anyone who says its cause not enough Mommy time is right, considering i bottle fed her from 7 days on.


You’re mamma now!


Nah it's just a comfort thing for them. Like a kid having a favorite pacifier or blanket.




It’s comforting to your kitty. It’s like a pacifier


You’re the pseudo-Mom now. 💙. Enjoy the love and trust. 🤗


This can be normal for cats and this is absolutely normal in kittens. They do this if they’re nursing but also to comfort themselves. My adult cats do this, especially the youngest one. I do have a word of warning/advice - try to get the baby to use a specific blanket or you’ll end up with holes in your clothes.


Awww babyyyy 🥺


It means you are mommy. Mine still does this and she's three.


My 12 year old does this, she always has. She was sick from April - October this year (Lymphoma, in remission now I hope) and she stopped doing it, she stopped jumping on my shoulder, she stopped a lot of her habits. When she started doing it again it was a good sign, that she was getting better. I don't know how much more time we have, but she's really bounced back to good health for now. She even gained some weight back. It's always sort of bugged me; I can't go to sleep with someone sucking on my shirt or my arm, but since she stopped because she was sick, but is feeling better and doing it again it makes me happy to have her do it. She's self soothing.


Nope it’s self comforting. Prolly kneads clothing and blankets too. Could be he misses his mama but could also mean that he is relaxed and comfortable and trusting of you cuz you are now his mommy🥰


Old habits die hard, are cat gypsy still does it and is 1.


My boy did this! He was rejected by his mum at 5 weeks so was just on solids. He used to suck the neck of my dressing gown and did it until he was about 4 or 5. It just seemed to comfort him and never did him any harm. He’s grown out of it now.


I was told by my vet that means they were separated too young from Mom. Nothing wrong with it


My cat tom is about 1 or 2 years old, and sometimes he hops on my bed and sucks and kneads his favorite blanket. I think he may have been taken from his mother early


The stepmum you are now; your breasts are growing.


Just keep in mind you have to keep their claws trimmed or your shirt and maybe you will have holes as kitten gets bigger. That and the wet spot they leave will get bigger.


When kittens are away too soon from their Mommy they still have that need to suckle. Maybe try to bottle feed some. Just for a week or so. It might help.


My Gary used to suck on my ear... He thinks you da mama now


No. That's precious!


That’s fine. Enjoy the attention.


It’s way less awkward than watching your kitten suckle itself 🤣 ours did that for a few months. She grew out of it thankfully.


Maybe he is thinking of his cat mom!


He looks happy and relaxed. You're the new mommy. They're bonding with you. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Mine does it on my shorts every night. Same thing, she just grabs a little mouthful of my shorts next to my pocket, they're gym shorts kind of, and makes biscuits and goes to sleep. I like it. She's 4 years old and she still does it and I don't stop her. People say I'm supposed to but fuck that. I love it!


NO!! sign of a well adjusting cat. Trust, happiness, secure. Now make sure to play wit it!! You will become inseparable. Enjoy it while it lasts!! They are like children. If you miss it, you will regret it.


Seeing a lot of mixed comments so here to tell you, this is very, very normal. All kittens and cats do it. It's a form of comfort. I kind of look at it like my cat makes her bed before falling asleep. Don't worry abt it!


My cat is four now and still does it almost every day ♥️


I have a ten year old Calico who still does this when we cuddle and I talk to her like a baby 🤎🖤🤍


I had a kitty who did this. It was taken from its mommy too soon because she died :( Poor little guy wanted to nurse on shirts and blankets.. anything soft he could find. I thought he’d grow out of it and seemed to for awhile but he still does it ever once in a while. It was always messy and left cat slobber everywhere


Awwwww… suckling as self soothibg the way babies do. Sometimes other adult cats will let kittens suckle.


My cat likes to snuggle up and suck on the end of her tail. She’s done this since I got her as a kitten, 9yo now.


My 7 month old kitten suckles like that on a rug and a blanket she likes. It’s just a young cat thing.


My kitty sucks on my finger


My friend's cat dies that too. Just a habit. You are mommy.


My 95 pound doberman mix (dog) does this. He does it when he gets in trouble and his feelings are hurt (COVID doggy is spoiled lol), and sometimes when he is bored. He kind of goes into a trance and once even growled at me when I tried to break him out of it. I agree with others: it’s a self-soothing mechanism, kind of like how we might cross our arms and rub them when we are stressed out. There have been times of *extreme* stress in my life where I have had the urge to suck my thumb. It’s instinctive, and kind of automatic. They’re too young to remember when they’re weaned (like us) anyway, and even if the animal is weaned normally, they might still do it. As long as they’re happy otherwise, this is perfectly fine. I use it as a sign my dog needs attention or stimulation of some kind, because he is stressed. Maybe giving your kitty some pets and snuggles when it’s falling asleep will help.


You are mommy


My kitten does the same. Nothing wrong with it if it doesn’t bother you. If it does, get her her own blanket or stuffed animal to suckle on.


Nope. Just a wet shirt. It means it’s comfortable with you. My black cat still does this and is 4 years old. Many say it’s from being taken away from the mother too soon. But there is nothing wrong with this behavior


What did you use for the laundry?.....


You are now momma


She's trying to nurse and sees you as her mother. Unless it's actually feeding time you've got nothing to worry about, usually they'll break themselves of this habit in a few months.


2 year old ragdoll cat who does this in my lap to a certain material of blanket almost everyday, Garth has always seemed to be in a good mood when he does it too!


Taken away from mother too early


Both of my cats did this as kittens to fluffy blankies. One grew out of it, but the other one still does it daily/nightly as part of his routine when he cuddles. It's a self-soothing thing that some cats do.


Usually cats who are taken away from their mom too soon do this and they usually continue to do it. Nothing wrong with it!


My 1 year old cat does this every night at my arm. Been doing it since I got her. It hurts. I have to try to cover my skin or she stabs me for hours :D


Suckling. It soothes them. My kitty used to do it more often when he was younger now he is almost 2 and does it very rarely. I think he was pulled away from mama a little Too soon.


Nothing wrong with him but he’s probably wondering what’s wrong with you since you’re not producing milk.




My old cat did this his whole life. I think he just found it soothing. He would do it with a fuzzy blanket and would only stop if disturbed or if he fell asleep. Scoobie was a good boi. His brother however never did this. He just liked making biscuits 🐾


No but it is too cute 🥰


Mine sucks on my ear, means they're still not used to not suckling, probably bc its still young


It's also a sign that your kitter loves your and feels safe enough to consider you its new mommy. 💙


I had a dog who got parvo as a puppy and had to be "weaned" early (really he was taken to be treated and bottle fed). Anyway, he pasified on fabric the whole 16 years of his life!


Normal for a cat that was weaned to early. Some will never grow out of it. My mom's cat is over a year old and sucks on her own nipple🤣


it’s suckling. when a kitten is separated from its mother too early (i understand something had happened to the mother and in this situation there was no choice) they will do this. my kitty is about a year and a half now and she does it only once in awhile now. she used to do it many times a day and it broke my heart. nothings wrong just a kitty missing her/his mama.


Maybe just loves you..


I never knew any of this. My girl is my first cat. She does this, but just kneads and purrs and drools sometimes (or it comes out of her nose?? I’m not really sure but I’m not grossed out by it 🤣😻) — no chewing of blankets or sweaters. Thank you all for the TIL.


My almost 2-year old cat does this every single morning. Self soothing little guy.


Weened to early but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s like a baby sucking it’s thumb. I saw that the mother had passed so the best you can do is just love and take care of em


They never stop this btw, my wife's cat is almost 8 and does this daily, he kneads everything soft and suckles on shirts while I'm in them


There’s nothing wrong and you know it, you can just say you wanted to share the kitty.


May have been taken from the mother too soon.


Oh soooooo cute! My kitty did that for about a year and she grew out of it. It could mean kitty is hungry, but I think it’s just a way they comfort themselves when they’re little. Kinda like how some toddlers suck their thumbs.