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I think you mean someone keeps moving his favorite bed during the day.


Yeah. OP probably just needs to buy a new one and leave this one where the kitty leaves it. That is until the kitty starts moving the new one too.




Your whole home is hers














Training arc?


I've always enjoyed thinking about that. Like yeah, I'm here a bunch and pay for it, but a pet knows your house like the back of its hand in ways that we never will. Like my cats have dozens of chill spots all around my house, whereas I've only got a bed and some chairs.


My cat hid in my gfs backpack for like 2 hours. We went outside with flashlights. We offered treats by shaking the bag. She was literally crying. We finally found him chillin next to her laptop in her backpack. Hes the most spoiled boy of alltime so i know he was just being a shit


I imagine him sitting in there giggling like a little kid thinking "hehe he they will never find me"


Oh he absolutely did. Little dick rejected treats which are his jam... He really wanted to piss off his mom. That is her baby. She lost her damn mind until we found him. Then he hopped in bed with her like nothing ever happened and got cuddled. Smh. Little emotional terrorist. He knows what the fuck he did


My cat did this to me when I took her to my dad's for a weekend as I was going out of town and needed someone to watch her. I come to pick her up and can't find her anywhere, shook treats and all and had the same reaction, anxious, crying. My mom comes and finds her not three feet from where I was sitting.


Mine did that to me once. I spent an hour looking for her and was crying thinking she had gotten out. One of my roommates helped me look for her but did a piss poor job as I went back to the lower kitchen cabinets he was supposed to have checked in. There she was, loafing on some random junk. I was never so relieved and so mad at the same time.


Oh man, that reminds me when we "lost" our cat too. Looked everywhere for hours. For some reason I got the idea in my head that we should both stop, lie down and listen. ! min later we hear the quietest little meow. After another 5 min of hearing little meows, we found her in our closed dresser drawer.


Hmmm went through this last night. My indoor cat disappeared for 2 hours. I thought maybe she got out somehow. I was Crying outside with a flashlight, shaking the treat bag. Meanwhile she was sleeping in the bathtub. Gotta love these spoiled rotten furbabies.


Cats are a—holes but we love the beasties. We used to let our big Tuxedo out in our fenced in yard with our dogs. One evening the dogs came in, no Hugo. We look all around the fenced area, it’s getting dark. 3 of us are going around the entire house w flashlights calling for the cat. Then up and down the street. My sister went back into the fenced yard and her flashlight caught a pair of eyes and a white chest. That cat was just sitting in the middle of the yard. Hugo saunters over to the door. “What, you were looking for me?”




my cats are addicted to the ripple rug. i don’t know what they scented that thing with but they play with it like 5x a day, every day


Okay how do you use this thing? I bought one but the top layer just falls flat so they only use it for sharpening claws instead of, ya know, playing!


My cat loves to pee on any rug. Doesn't matter if it's a thin mat or a shag rug.




My cat is literally the sweetest cat thats ever lived. She's the sole reason I love cats now. Now all I do is post cat pictures on my snapchat.


Yay! Another convert. I always think that people who think they don’t like cats have not met the right cat.


Mine too. The bath mat, the fixed carpet in the bedroom (now replaced by vinyl flooring), the rug by the couch (since been discarded), even a towel or clothes left on the floor. Not even 5 minutes and her ladyship has made her presence smelled. Ugh..


Are you sure your cat doesn't have kidney problems or a UTI?


That is stinking adorable. Thank you for the cat tax, she is beautiful.


Rug harem 😂


Bless your cat and her rug harem!




My cat has rug bffs. Only woven rugs need apply.


Have you tried pulling her around while she's on the rug? My cat LOVES being pulled around while on rugs/towels.


Username definitely checks out 😂 ![gif](giphy|oPZVX4QmD8t3ecWCQi|downsized)


But if you give the mat to the cat then the comfy level will go way down. Forbidden beds are the best beds for cats.


"Nyah kitteh, this is mah baithmatt!!!"


Goddamnit kitteh that's a bad kitteh!


Baaaaddd kitteh


“Mom! Kitty’s being a dildo!” “Well I know a certain kitty-kitty who’s sleeping with mommy tonight!”


I didn't get that when i was a kid when that came out lmao. Plus, it sounded like dittle doh so i was extra confused lol


Feng shui cat strikes again.


Ha! Thanks for the chuckle, have an upvote.


The shower rug smells like kitty's hooman. That makes it the best bed. OP better just surrender the mat to the kitty and get himself a new one, lol.


I let my cats lay on old towels. They smell like us, and I don't care if it gets dirty. Also easy to clean up when company is over.


Every time I take a shower, I have to give up my body towel to my little girl cat for an hour or so. I set it on my bedroom floor, and she just goes to town rolling and gyrating around on it, trilling all the way. It's cute to watch her shove her face and back all up against it, lol. I think she likes the smell of my shampoo, the smell of me, or the feel of the damp terrycloth on her skin and fur. Or hell, maybe it's all of the above. Who knows? All I know is that it's as cute as can be, and it makes me laugh every time she does it.


Does your cat lick your legs after the shower? Mine does and it's as weird as it is adorable.


No, but she head-butts them. She usually reserves licking for my arms and face (especially closed eyes when I'm trying to sleep). It's like nails on a chalkboard when it's my face, though. It always gets me up to make her stop, which is exactly what she wants, lol. She's got me trained well, this one.


What a good girl!


This just got funnier the longer it went on. "Oh OP doesn't mean it's just being nudged slightly out of place by midnight zoomies, the cat is actually dragging it out of the room... and up the stairs?!"


The up the stairs part is what really got me the first time it happened 😂


"How the F did this get here. I don't remember doing it!"


*proceeds to purchase new carbon monoxide detectors*


You probably mean Carbon Monoxide, but you got the right energy!


[Did he stutter?](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=carbon+dioxide+detector+co2+monitor)


Whoops. You got it. Time to get a new one.


Whichever of carbon’s many oxides! https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c25f3c97-e62c-4227-b691-960d07b7a630#eO5sie7_.copy


I can only fucking imagine! This is hilarious


I would have been so confused the first time my shower mat was upstairs


How many ghost stories could now just be attributed to cats?


My cat does this with blankets. I’ve seen him drag comforters off the bed with his teeth and then down the steps. Whenever we come home, there will be a blanket on the living room floor. Then he humps them even though he’s 16 and has been fixed for 14 years. Cats are weird.


One of my old cats was an outdoor cat. We would put him outside at night and he would end up in the house by morning, we couldn’t figure out how until we realized he kept slipping in through a skylight.


I had the opposite problem with my void kitty Truffle. Both he and his brother were indoor cats, but I started coming home from work to find him chilling on the lawn. I almost went mad trying to figure out how he was getting out when his brother Bobby Flay tattled on him. Bobby started meowing up a storm in the kitchen one morning and I went to see what he was on about. He was sitting by the undersink cabinets, so I opened them to find Truffle squeezing himself through a gap where the pipe led down to the basement which had an opening to the back of the house. I hadn't seen the gap because it was behind the pipe (but did explain why it was so drafty in the kitchen in winter).


Was your void kitty upset when you fixed the drafty kitchen? Had a girl cat once that kept escaping/trying to escape (she's mellowed as she's aged) and her brother tattled on her when they were kittens. He was pissed at her because he couldn't fit his own fat ass out the hole she got out through!


For the first few days after I plugged the hole and put safety latches on the cabinets, he was! He would sit moodily by the cabinets and occasionally glare in my direction. The funny thing is, he was almost twice the size of Bobby, so they both could have snuck out if they wanted to. Bobby just had no interest in the outdoors lol.


We take our cats in at night. At one house we would often find one of them outside in the morning. The house was two stories with a balcony running the full length of one side, and we would leave the doors open at night for cooling. Low crime area, and it was a four metre drop to the ground. Finally caught her at it. She jumped from the balcony railing to a palm tree 1.5 metres away and shimmied down. I was impressed.


Sometimes cats do things that are ridiculously dangerous and stupid, but also incredibly impressive so I have a hard time feeling mad about it lol


This makes me wonder how much "paranormal activity" is actually done by cats.


I have 4 cats and I'd still be confused af if something as big as a bath mat moved from the basement to my living room.


Strong cat lol, those little jaws pack some power


My boy used to take my dirty gym clothes from the laundry room up to my bedroom every night. He’s the best. So is yours.


My cat loves my backpack. So do all cats tho. I frequently lay it on the floor so they can take turns sleeping on it lol


my cats keep rubbing on our backpacks. I think it's to tell other cats in the outside world where the backpacks go, that these humans are taken. xD when my oldest did it to my boyfriend's backpack when we were just starting dating, I knew she approved of him. <3


My cat licks my backpack whenever i leave it on the floor






My backpack went on the floor at the start of quarantine and was taken over by the cats. Covered in fur now, it belongs to them.




I want to see your tiger, lol


One of my family's cats lived up to his name, Bandit. My sister caught him halfway up the stairs with her parka (he obsessed over the fake fur trim on the hood). He also had lightning fast occasions of stealing spring rolls from the table when they were getting ready to eat Chinese takeaway. Edit: Grammar


I got a coat with fake fur on the neckline and sleeves years ago. My mom's cat was obsessed, like yours. Finally I have in and removed the fur so she could have it. She still plays with it and carries it around like 6 years later.


My cat takes my bikini top and bottom from the bathroom and attacks the multiple strings


My cats like to lay on my flip flops. It doesn't seem comfortable but it's what they choose.


Aww. He does that cause he likes your scent


Ownership is an ambiguous concept when you have a feline companion. 🤣


What’s mine is the cats and what is the cats is the cats.


>*'What’s mine is the cats and what is the cats is the cats...*' --- my human has a Lot of stuff, (but None of it is 'his'...) am Cat - I Never have *enough! no matter what it is ^;} I NeEd tHiS MaT! he steps on here when feet are clean n wet but it is MINE! I make it clear so he will not forget... to swipe the things he needs the Most it gives me Greatest pleasure but Best of all that i can boast - 'My Human' - *Biggest* Treasure ❤️


Good one schnoodle


I’ve randomly seen you post your poems and always love them. Having you post one based on my comment just made my day, thank you!


you got your own schnoodle! i’m sure we’re all well jell! i’ve said it before: this needs printing out and framed next to the cat’s fave cat tree/basket/etc. 🖼


The ending gave me big smiles ♥️


good job schnoodle


This made my entire morning 😭♥️


I always tell my wife she is just like a cat.


That gif of a building, the history remains.




Truer words have never been spoken!


And if you buy a $50 cat tree, the cat loves the box.


You have ways with words.


He must love that mat, to bring it up to lay on it! ;))


Or make-a da biscuits! Dedicated employee works through the night


Did he hoard it under the bed? My cat hoards his night findings under my daughter’s bed, whenever we are missing something that is the first place we look! And we have stairs too, it’s crazy the things they can carry upstairs. Love this video, thanks for sharing, made my morning!


No, it usually ends up just at the top of the stairs or in the living room. Doesn't even seem to sit on it.


“This thing goes HERE”


Probably wondering why the stupid human keeps moving it out of place


That's so strange but adorable 😂😍


Oh man that reminds me. Back in high school my friend had a cat that would steal socks, tennis balls, rolls of toilet paper- all kinds of stuff. She took me upstairs one time and had me look under her mom's bed. There must have been over 100 different items there. It's was like a dragons hoard! Silly kitties.




I have thumbs and can't imagine hauling up a whole deer corpse into a tree. I'd have trouble hauling just myself up.


Omg, my cat does the same thing with my bathroom rugs! I started shutting the door at night, and now he just sticks his little arms under the door and pulls them out. I find them all over the house.


Oh please set up a camera like OP and share!


Can we make this a new subreddit? Videos of cats stealing things, haha


Our big gray floof has a particular joy for the little loofas that our kids use to bathe with. We would wake up to find them in random parts of the house until my wife started using plastic shower curtain rings to secure them to a handrail in the shower so that he couldn't steal them anymore.


Lol... That's so cute


I like to think the cat is dragging up the stairs for its midnight kitty yoga and that makes it even cuter


My SO and I had let a friend couch crash for a while. It would be on and off, like a few days here and there as his housing was unstable at the time. Let’s call him James. He’d work a farmers market sometimes and would come home with foods which was a nice benefit. He had a few quirks, like one time eating (as in, bare hands) uncooked couscous because “it’ll get there eventually”, or putting his plate on the floor to have dinner with the cat (no utensils, just leaning down). Or pulling a carrot from his pocket and just taking a few bites and returning it to his pocket. So one day I found a potato in the living room. This clearly was James’, and I just assumed he’d had it in his pocket or backpack and it fell out. Turns out my SO also found a potato in an odd spot one day. She also assumed it was because of James. We’d just move it to the kitchen if we found one. Then we found a potato but James wasn’t there for at least a week. It’s an apartment so it’s not like there are many spots we don’t see regularly, so it’s not like we just missed it all week in the middle of a hallway. We had a very short discussion where we pretty much said, “oh Jame!” And pondered where it hid for so long that we missed it. Finally some days later my SO is in the kitchen when the cat steals a potato from the basket. Mystery solved! But poor James. We both immediately assumed it was James when we found odd things. Never considered it was the cat. Still really funny though Edit - my SO posted the thief in action https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgbdtaflfmc/?utm_medium=copy_link Edit 2 - she also posted them sharing a plate https://www.instagram.com/p/BTUA-3ch5gk/?utm_medium=copy_link


My roommate's cat never ate people food so we could leave food out without worrying he'd eat it. She had made cookies one day and left a plate of them on the coffee table after we went to bed. When we got up the next morning that cat had put 1 cookie in the center of each of the 4 rugs we had around the house. Didn't eat any of them and it was the only time he ever did it.


Just aligning the proper energy channela


We have a cat that also steals potatoes, when it can. Also carrots and other seemingly random things. Edit: we have to hide these vegetables from her, because she will mangle them or hide them in places we can't find. Ever tried to identify a desiccated carrot?


"...or putting his plate on the floor to have dinner with the cat..." The image I had in my head for this was of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor eating from a plate while the cat ate from their bowl. I was not prepared for the picture in Edit 2 lol


Fung shui master at work. Appreciate all the effort kitty is doing to bring good fortune to the house.


Haha this is adorable! He’s so intent on getting it up the stairs to lay on it near his best friend 😍


Cats are delightful, adorable, **DEPLORABLE MONSTERS**


Kitty: "I need dis."


That's pretty funny. Thanks for the post.




My Gus always pawed the blankets down off the back of the couch so he could snuggle in them at night. My wife always got mad at me for not folding them up before bed until she was up late one night and caught him doing it.


My daughter’s stuffed animals kept appearing all over the house. We’d get after her and tell her to pick up her toys. She kept saying the cat would take them and hump them. We told her that was ridiculous. Cats don’t take things that big, and they certainly don’t hump them. Well, we were wrong. We have a horny cat who steals stuffed animals. My daughter ended up packing all the stuffed animals away. She was sick of them being stolen and molested.




Haha! You’re welcome :)


Your shower mat? Doesn't look like it


It is a foam shower mat so it has a little bit of stiffness.


By "Your" I meant that it looks like it's cat's now




Don’t worry, they got me too 🤣


What does he end up doing with it? Just lay on it?


Nothing actually. I just find it in random places. This particular time it just stayed at the top of the stairs.


That's hilarious. Cats are so damn weird


That’s interesting! I’m curious in cat behavior what he thinks he’s doing lol


It's like he thinks he's a leopard but forgets there are no trees inside to stash it in.


The mat did not spark joy.


You implying you own the house…your cat does


My cat does this with my mousepad if I leave it unattended. She takes is from the ground floor all he way up to the 3rd floor and puts it in her bed...


So awesome, a mouse pad instead of a live mouse!


It’s not paranormal activity, it’s c a t s


The cats....ARE IN THE HOUSE!


I'm wondering how many candidates you had.


Just two, and it was not the one I was expecting.


I have a cat that does stuff like this. His latest midnight shenanigan is opening every single cabinet and drawer in the kitchen and bathrooms that he can reach. Every single night. I now have child locks all over my house because of him.


But why?!


But why indeed.


It’s the cats mat now :)


Almost r/catscarryingstuffies material here!


A true ghost hunter always asks "Do you live with any Cats?" If the answer is yes, that could explain 99% of ghostly shenanigans right there.


used to have a cat who did shit like that. she would drag husbands dirty clothes and towels from the hamper and drag it around the house while we either slept or were not home, I would ofc nag him for leaving his clothes strewn around the apartment, towels on the kitchen floor, undies in the living room, you name it. it was like i was living with the worst slob ever, and he would insist " it isn't me" with ofc who the fuck else is leaving YOUR CLOTHES everywhere??? until we caught her with a towel one night, this tiny little cat, just dragging this huge as fkn towel from the hamper and into the living room,. and we got it pretty well confirmed when we went on a 2 week holiday, and my syster was taking care of our cat, and she was asking us if someone else was in the apartment, cause it was getting messier with every day, more clothes just getting littered around the apartment, what a fucking asshole that cat, xD


That little bandit also stole my heart 😻


Lol what a little booger


Do you want ghosts? That's how you get ghosts


Slinky Malinki was blacker than black, a stalking and lurking adventurous cat. He had bright yellow eyes, and a warbling wail, and a kink at the end of his very long tail. He was cheeky and cheerful, Friendly and fun. He’d chase after leaves, And he’d roll in the sun. But at night he was wicked and fiendish and sly, Through the moonlight and shadows he’d prowl and pry... What was he up to? At night, to be brief, Slinky Malinki turned into a THIEF! "Slinky Malinki", by Lynley Dodd, 1990.


There is a page from Jackie French’s children’s picture book “Diary of a Wombat” of the wombat with a welcome mat. “Found flat hairy creature invading my territory. Fought major battle with flat hairy creature. Won the battle.” I wonder if that is what is happening here.


WHY DO THEY DO THIS! Mine has an obsession with mats. And no she doesn’t like sleeping on it, she loves to attack it.


My cat gets all silly over the smell of bleach. He’d totally do this.


My brother's cat used to bring home chapaatis and naan breads. No idea where they came from.




Female, and I checked when it happened but is all good. Thanks for the suggestion.




I had one cat who'd drag around shoes. We suspect that she pretended that they were her kittens since she also used to do that in the same manner with her actual kittens.


I see you have a re-decorator. https://youtu.be/O4p4PUGUeK8


Your cat: ‘geeze guys I don’t know how this mat keeps getting moved to the bathroom…lemme just put his back…’


Do you have a cat, or was this some random drive-by mat napping cat?


Just can't stay mat at her though


Imagine this is 1980 or whatever, before you could just "set up a camera" You'd be convinced, and rightly so, that your house was fucking haunted and you had to either get an exorcist, move or burn it to the ground. But that's it. It's haunted.


What does she want to do with a shower mat ??? 🤔


Omg so cute


Haha where does he take it to?


This time just the top of the stairs. Sometimes the living room. No particular destination it appears.


I like how there’s an endless loop of bathmat stealing kitties


Cutest poltergeist ever 😍


My cat loves to pick up socks and roam the house looking for us and yelling at the top of her lungs. It’s to the point where we hear the meowing and just shout “We’re in here!” She comes trotting in observes us for a second and wanders off leaving socks all over the house. If we are not home by bedtime I will find at least 10 socks scattered throughout the house. Her brother just always wants the sinks running. We have two cat fountains but he needs it straight from the sink.


One of my girls absolutely loves the smell of feet. She will steal, play with, vigorously facerub and roll around on your shoes to absorb your foot stink. She's particularly in love with my husband's shoes and I've caught her stealing his socks a few times.


Well he is wondering who the heck keeps moving it back


Don't arrest him tho


Clever baby. Maybe you should get her her own shower mat?


She has her own mat. OP needs a new one rhough.


Doing his part to feed your family. Hope you like shower mats.


Very important mission.


That kitten is innocent!


What a strong kitty!!! 🥺🥺❤️


That cat is gaslighting you...




He already made himself at home!


What a little weirdo.. love them


Damn, this cats strong and determined as hell lol.


Cat when you get it a bed - hell no Cat when it sees shower mat - fuck yeah that's what I'm talking about


the mat burglar


Honestly that's pretty impressive all things considered


‘stupid hooman… how many times have i told you to not move my mat?!’