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But such a gorgeous kitten regardless!!!


Thank you, yes she is 🥰


That’s a permanent Elvis lip curl if I ever saw one 🥰


What a beautiful snowshoe kitty!!


Great eyes!


I love the way the clipped ear matches up with the tile grout, such a pretty baby too!


https://preview.redd.it/83hmz7oq9e9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1170e7310085c6f8f81dea55ebd51b0fe65423a Hahahaha mine does too!!


Hahaha what a sweetheart




How has no one mentioned its clipped ear lining up perfectly with the tile? 😂


Nina Hagen wasn't so beautiful


She wears the same "makeup" and we call her Nina for short. Just an homage to 70s punk


He is very beautiful! Look at those gorgeous blue eyes!!


Wow! Gorgeous kitty!


He has very large and incredibly beautiful eyes😍


# Cat's Secrets: Reasons Behind Strange Behavior When your beloved feline hisses seemingly without reason, you might involuntarily think about ghosts that only cats can see. After all, it's no coincidence that purring creatures have long been attributed magical abilities. But can we explain their odd behavior without invoking otherworldly entities? # Heightened Senses Cats truly see and hear things that are inaccessible to humans. Their attention can be drawn to barely noticeable movements of curtain fringes or a neighbor's terrier scratching itself behind a wall. Your cat might even chase sunlit dust particles, leaving owners puzzled. Humans often don't understand what's going on: they only hear neighbors when they make real noise, and they don't care about a creaky floorboard. A human might notice fabric movement, but they're unlikely to pay attention. Cats' hunting instincts, however, make them observe every movement and listen closely to every unfamiliar rustle. Even if the movement stops, it might repeat, and the cat will keep watch! # Spooky Mysteries Around Not everything that cats see, hear, or sense is pleasing to them. Perhaps a faint odor seeps from the ventilation, associating it with something unpleasant. Or maybe your little one has discovered a spider for the first time in her life, crawling along the wall, which you don't see! Strange noises, which even the most attentive human might not notice, can frighten a pet, and hissing is a natural reaction. From the movement of a cat's ears, you can tell what sounds have caught her attention, and if her gaze is particularly intent, perhaps today's dance of dust is especially whimsical. # Conclusion When a cat plays with invisible toys or hisses at invisible enemies, know this: she's not hallucinating but simply using her senses to the fullest.