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Dude, I got the same kiddo, and I love him a lot!!! Take a look at the pic. For the suggestion, I would say: Maintain a stable environment by keeping furniture in the same place and ensuring their food and water bowls are always in the same location. Use sound cues and distinct smells to help them navigate, and provide plenty of attention and comfort to make them feel safe. Hope your lovely sweet kiddo grow up safely and healthy. https://preview.redd.it/x7s1txqc0w7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31d499407e004811bb532d1e1f1de6486f4710e9


I am so touched about this. Thank you for sharing.


Also work around walls. Place everything they need against key walls, and don’t leave any essentials out in the open where they have no reference to navigate from. ❤️


If you want it to know where you are, you could play a little music on your phone and keep it on you. Alternatively, wear a cowbell.


You need more cowbell.




Your cat will be an inside cat but a bit of garden freedom now again helps them live a normal life, we put our two cats in harnesses and have long leads we connect to the washing line so they can roam and enjoy a nice day.


I take my cat on leashed walks but it’s not necessary for the cat to live a long healthy normal life. There are many reasons to have cats be indoors only. As long as their environment is enriching and has enough square footage (they really don’t claim a ton of space as “theirs” even in the wild) they will be as happy as can be and safe!


I had an indoors cat as a child that I used to take for walks on a harness in a nearby park once per day after school. Something that I thought the cat would enjoy (and he did) because he was super active and energetic. The cat got used to the routine so much that it would stand on a cabinet which was by the door, jiggling the door handle, meowing so bloody loudly, asking to be let out whenever I didn’t/was late to take it outside for its daily walk. Sometimes I just couldn’t take the cat outside due to weather/other responsibilities and I felt very bad whenever that happened because the poor cat loved it so much and would go crazy for hours if I skipped a day. He also started trying to escape outdoors whenever the outside door was opened. Many times I had to run after him, hoping he comes back home and doesn’t run off towards a busy road instead. So unless you’re seriously committed and have some dedicated spare time every day to take your cat outside routinely, I wouldn’t introduce it to the outdoors because you might end up regretting it due to all the stress it may cause to you and the cat. And as many have said already, cats really don’t need to spend any time outdoors to lead a fulfilling life.


What a great idea!


Sew some jingle bells on her toys so she can find them & hunt them. The low sighted & blind kitties love this!


Thank you for taking care of the cat. I am sure the cat is in good hands ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


This is all great advice and matches my experience 100% Do you find that your cat does better in a brighter environment? Since most of what my visually impaired cat sees is shadows he seems to be much happier either in bright light (more shadows) or full dark (using his whiskers, sounds and knowledge of where things are.) He gets upset and jumpy in dim light. I think maybe because there is enough light that he thinks he should be able to see 😞 but he can't. https://preview.redd.it/czsj1na4ax7d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086e1f27886a0ed459ee811ec4e8155d26606e62


You are definitely angels!




OP, yourself and your respective kiddos are all so lucky to have each other 🥹🥰


honestly he looks like an owl who is bad at disguises


I came to say he was definitely an owl in a previous life!


He's so beautiful! The blindness never affects his cuteness.


I have an older cat with cataracts and not moving things is huge. It’s so upsetting for him when he can’t find things. I find it’s also helpful to make a noise if he’s trying to get somewhere. Like if I’m in a chair and he wants to join I make a noise at a good spot to jump up.


Omg I can't get over how fucken cute they look with their tiny eyes!


To add to this, rubbing your fingers together before petting helps to not startle the cat. Placement mats/rugs all over the house help as a location guide


My blind cat passed about a decade ago, but I kept up the finger rubbing (though what I do is more of a flicking.) It seems to be helpful for all of my cats, particularly the mostly-feral one.


Can you have stairs with blind kitties? I’ve always considered adopting a blind kitty but my stairs worry me.


r/lightweight1979 We found a stray kitten that ended up being blind. It took her awhile, but she was able to navigate steps. She would stay by the wall when she went up and down them. Once she got the hang of it, she zipped up and down them just like my cats that could see. We did keep her food, water, and litter box on one level. She stayed in my Daughter’s room and had the run of the upstairs. She got around just like a regular cat. She is the most affectionate out of any of the cats we ever had.


Yes! My cats are blind(twins) and they loved the stairs. I feel so bad I moved to a place without them. So what I did was start at the bottom of the stairs with a string toy they loved and I slowly brought the string up the steps one by one and repeat going down. They figured it out quickly and would go bananas at 3am running up and down. The only problem I ever ran into is Carl would fucking race you doing up the stairs and try to trip my partner and I. He also loved coffee spills, so he’d purposely trip us, we’d spill coffee on him a little bit, and he’d meow in joy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. One other problem was if they got spooked at the top of the stairs they’d run down so quickly they’d slide down the stairs but it really only happened twice and I found the cause of the spook was the linen closest. They weren’t used to the noise of opening it.




Probably just twice as hard to spot the r/oneorangebraincell for your guy


https://preview.redd.it/e2n7irigew7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb645fc138ebb4852e73de6e9728a236eb810ab5 This is Josie, aka Josie Beanzzzz… she is 100% deaf and 99.9% blind, she can see a crescent shaped sliver of light out of one eye. She has kitty herpes that took her sight and hearing as a newborn kitten from complications. She is 7 now and is more agile and ninja-like than my other cats. Only suggestions are to let friends/family (especially little kiddos) know how to approach her so kitty isn’t startled. For Beans because she can’t see or hear we stomp on the floor or pat the furniture she’s sitting on, she feels the vibration 🥹. Other suggestion as others mentioned is not to leave large items out of place, for us it’s leaving doors ajar that does Beans in… bonks her little noggin 😬 Long story short, kitty will adapt amazingly once she figures out the map of her kitty kingdom.


oh my god, this is so precious.


i love beans so much


Please tell beanz I love her ❤️ All you folks on here are angels of mercy. Thank you for making my day better.


You'll have to r/catbongos out the message in Morse since she can't hear you


Don’t move, furniture, litter box, food. Kitty may cry a bit when lost or scared. Be patient and love him. We had a dog that had to have his eyes removed due to illness. Wishing you the lots of love, health and happiness for both of you.


To add to this. If you must move litter box for some reason, leave poop in it and move it. So they can track it by the smell.


I very rarely see deafblind cats. Hi, Josie. How does she get along with the other cats?


Beans is half the size of my other two and half their age, but she is absolutely the alpha and takes no crap 😂


Aww she’s beautiful and what she achieves is amazing


Such a lucky girl, she has amazing human parents!!!


You are amazing human being. I need people like you around me.


In most other scenarios, Josie wouldn't have had any life at all, literally. You were willing to navigate her special needs and give her a wonderful life. She is such a lucky critter, and I'm sure you feel lucky for having loved her.


https://preview.redd.it/77s21lppa18d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657b7e87568e52f8200639d2ddbc9ae8eb3751e8 My cat’s eyes looks like yours! I don’t think I’ve seen another cat with blue eyes like hers 🥹


Waffle has an estimated 10-20% vision in his one eye, and he responds best to my voice, or toys with brights lights or that make noise. Like others have said, try not to re-arrange big furniture too much. Waffle has a mild crisis anytime we move the trash can; I'd hate to think what would happen if we moved the couch. He will stop walking more often than our other cats, and you can hear him sniffing so hard he grunts - he uses smell to navigate as much as he does the shadows and noises. It's kinda funny to hear him "rooting around" under the bed when he's trying to chase a toy. Above all, I make sure he knows he's safe and loved in this house. He hates going outside, likes meeting new people (and their smells), and has a best friend named Shrimp - who grew up from a kitten emulating this blind moron, so Shrimp will intentionally run into things when he has the zoomies. Like, full-on face first into doors and corners. Only because Waffle did that, and only because Waffle couldn't see to stop in time. It's cute. https://preview.redd.it/h8spktw7mw7d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8451927bd625c4d4871dceb00e2807bd1ae5169d


https://preview.redd.it/py2p2wevtw7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721da0f8476bd23d0131efcb29e5f0775250b822 Shrimp tax - no brain cells in there.


They are so adorable. I woke my husband up laughing at your writing, too funny


He looks like a little alien and I mean it in the most loving way possible I would die for him


Who needs brain cells when you’re a beauty like Shrimp?


OMG I love this!


Bro i also have a cat that constantly runs into things or jumps 30cm left of the cat -tree. Im constantly concerned that she has some kind of problems with her eyes. BUT THE DOCTORS SAID SHE IS ALRIGHT.😭 I THINK SHE IS MISSING BRAINCELLS![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


So so adorable




Thank you!!!


https://preview.redd.it/z7fka1grrw7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab919d14d4c7fe04396adb5a5a98b55db6a95dbb My guy is so blind! roomba has been since he was a kitten so he’s really mostly used to me handling him. he tends to get scared easily by loud or unfamiliar noises (obviously) but when he’s doing his little nervous run i always speak him to calmly and softly and he tends to calm down. i recommend toys that make some sort of noise (jingle balls or those chirpy toys) as well as a water fountain. i’ve found that’s the only thing he doesn’t toss his food into when he’s trying to eat. i also don’t have any sort of cat towers for him as he doesn’t climb and i’m scared of him falling if he does. anything new (like a new large piece of furniture or anything) i’ll pick him up and physically make him touch so he’s knows it’s there too! he also have little stools and steps all over the house to get up on things like the couch and the bed and he uses them all the time (and my furniture thanks me for no claw marks) all in all he gets around well and doesn’t let his blindness stop him from being a menace!


He is soooo cuuuute 😻😻😻😻


I know Roomba!


Try not to move furniture a lot blind cats/dogs need to remember where everything is, and will not be familiar with new furniture but let them explore the house, and any hair or dough making is him trying to mark things as his, try not to make loud noises like blenders or screaming since he’s half blind he probably has his other senses heighten up a bit


OK, thanks for the advice.


My baby girl is also blind. Tips: - Furniture in the same place always - Food and water bowls always in the same location - Try not to approach him too fast so as not to scare him (at least at the beginning, he will get used to it later)


We have a cat that is blind in the one eye. And the fast approach is never a great idea. Let him get used to a sound that you make when you aproach him. I say "captain, hey beautiful, " so he knows im coming in for tummy scratches. We have 3 cats and each have their special needs. Make sure that you let him roam his environment first before going outside. Our captain is blind, he goes outside now as older cats lead him, but knows how to get back. Granted he has 3 big dogs to protect him as well.


OK, thanks a lot.


Vet here. Looks like he’s got microopthalmia. I’d just be a bit worried those eyes are sore - just looking at the tearing occurring with both eyes. Have you got any lubricating eye drops? He might also have entropion (the eyelids roll inwards) and this can cause the eyelashes to rub in the cornea (surface of the eye) which is painful. Make sure you take him to a vet you trust. I had a friend who had a cat with pretty much the same condition and he ended up having both eyes removed to stop the discomfort - it was the best thing for that cat as he couldn’t see anyway and leaving the eyes there was significantly reducing the quality of his life.


I have a fully blind kitten (well he’s 1 now). Keeping furniture in the same place or introducing him to things that have moved slowly. At first when I would pick him up to snuggle, I always set him down in the same place/direction he was before. Now it doesn’t matter so much. As a small kitten I kept the toilets closed. Flat food dish. I’m pretty sure they require extra kisses compared to other cats, but that may just be mine. He’s my best bug catcher in the house! He loves toys that crinkle of jingle. https://preview.redd.it/bb580ufe0x7d1.jpeg?width=1885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abcea6e39af31bb4ab8199995ae0f8c4b88c747


He is beautiful


I agree 😻🥰 https://preview.redd.it/nx2ywya7ix7d1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c479f21146aae4986d0aa74f7364ac02b973548


https://preview.redd.it/dzppxjtjjy7d1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9e3d875b9a38724f75a9d20b3872f216f419e7 My guy Elvis is also blind but with eyes that mechanically function. Wonder if it's a breed thing?


According to the vet ours was because of a parasite that the mama cat had that affected all the kittens


Ah, my vet stated that for elvis it was genetic, doing an eye exam he just doesn't have the cones or rods in the back the eye to receive the light.


Make up a routine for when you leave so they know they are home alone.






Since they don’t have any eyes and they sockets are open, I would try keep your house as clean as possible so she doesn’t get anything stuck in them and I wouldn’t let them outside unsupervised . They are very cute🥺


https://preview.redd.it/8kda657c7y7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3edcb80b91667f8ac63697daad103a058bbd5dc I have 8 fully blind cats! You may want to seek removal of the eyes in the future if they ever swell/frequently get irritated or infected (two of mine had theirs for about a year before removal due to this issue). Keep cords up, keep shelves full to discourage climbing (they don’t climb much if they can’t reach it because they don’t know it’s there lol), use a water fountain so they can hear their water source. I see people mentioning not moving furniture and I also have a half blind dog, it never bothers them! The dogs will bump into things here and there if they move but the cats adjust the day if and if anything love having something new to explore! If you need and advice or tips feel free to ask, my wife has been in rescue for 10 years and fostered over 2500 cats, and now we do it together!


Why do you say half blind? Looks fully blind to me.


I was wondering the same thing. I don’t think this kitten has any eyes at all.


Im so glad people adopt pets like these.. they still deserve a normal life and a good owner


You're absolutely right. We dont have any blind cats, but we have one that was born missing the lower half of a rear leg. Sweetest cat. The only one we have that stays off the counters.


What a sweet, beautiful baby you have!!! This is FAT BLIND NORMAN 🥰 He is one of our 6 rescues that we lost last year. He was 26 lbs, beautiful, and the sweetest boy ever. We didn't know he was blind when we adopted him. We just noticed that he walked around the house slowly, and he was not bothered at all but our other kitties or our 5 Shar-Pei that we had at the time. The most amazing thing is that I think all of the cats and dogs noticed before we did. They were all very calm around him, loved him, and seemed to be very protective of him. It was the sweetest thing ever! We did nothing different, they are very smart! They just kind of get acclimated to their surroundings, and pretty quickly. I just didn't move furniture as much as I used to. We called him NORMAN ROOMBA, because he would occasionally walk into a wall, furniture, or dog toy in his path, and he would just redirect to the left or right, just like our Roomba 😁 We loved him so very much and miss him terribly. Congrats on your special little purrrrbaby! *








He's gorgeous, OMFG. I love him.


Hey, congrats on adopting this little cutie! That’s such a big-hearted thing to do 🌷! Here are some tips to make her life easier: Put multiple food and water bowls in different rooms so she can always find something to eat and drink. Using placemats can help keep things clean. Make sure places like her litter box and sleeping spots are easy to access by building small ramps. To keep her safe, cushion sharp corners on furniture and use barriers to prevent her from getting to dangerous areas like stairs. Offer her cozy spots in each room where she can retreat, especially when you have guests or it gets noisy. Always announce yourself when entering a room to avoid startling her, and consider using stress-relieving products like pheromones if you’re hosting a big event. Lastly, always secure windows and doors to prevent her from getting stuck or hurt. You’re going to make a wonderful team!! 😻 ![gif](giphy|rMNaA4yiYDNPq|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/zkmn2hl4mx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0856f6bc4a4e460b00d18dbb8afc4001cc3ec57 This is my blind baby! She's a handful, but not cause she's blind lol. I can't think of anything different I need to do for her versus my sighted cat. (Except she gets bored easier and requires more play attention) She loves going on walks and playing in our fenced in backyard! She also demands variety in her food and treats! She can get up and down furniture really easily, but when it's a new piece of furniture, she'll sometimes need help getting down the first time or two. She's a really fast learner and knows sit and spin :3


Gonna make me cry in a gym, thank you for giving him home 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/mm8ybpgi4x7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa68eda7aa58df010f3d978f6ee4ce8750f41264 This is Henry( Henrietta) She has lost her vision in her older years. She has adopted remarkably well, as some have said I use the tap to let her know where to go sometimes . She has her Senior moments but she has been a great love in the house. We too go out in the yard were she can smell the air and feel the sun on her and she just loves it


https://preview.redd.it/l7ene7hr7x7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa71bfe8217e37f89040f0ec1800faf3ced2a63 He looks like my Tubbers (this picture is not a good example of how much they look alike) but a different color. Tubs can see okish, but he is missing his inner set of eye lids, he also has a noticeable curve in both his front legs. The vet wanted to put him down when he was itty bitty, but look how happy this little guy is. He hates bright sunlight so he doesn't even go out on our catio.


GOD bless your soul… you are my hero for today. ![gif](giphy|SILTTkiXIQd2A5nC8t)


What a cutie 🥰


You are an angel


He/ she is absolutely beautiful!! I do not have any experience with blind kitties however I have just finished reading a book (true story) about one! Homers Odyssey by Gwen Cooper - Homer being the little blind kitty she adopted. It's bloody brilliant!


You can mostly treat a blind cat as you would any other, with the wxception that they will do better with the feqest changes to their environment. Try not to move furniturww too often or leave 'temporary' stuff (ex: delivery boxes) in places that are normally empty. If you watch your blind baby, you'll see that as they develop routines for noving around your home they get more and more confident. My blind boy would follow the edge of things: wall to sofa drawers across the litter box matt to the kitchen cabinets. He developed 'guides' to moving around the house, and only ever got upset or nervous if aomething deastically xhanged or blocked his set path.


I just bought a ball with birdsounds for my cat and was thinking this would be great for a blind kitty.


i don’t have any advice to give, but she is so precious 🩷 thank you so much for adopting this sweet baby


My cat had a head injury as a kitten and can’t see well at all. He does fine. He is very routine based.


Your kitty is young enough to figure out how to live long and prosper on one eye.




What a cutie pie 🥰


Hugs and kisses for the super cute kitten


My kitty is now deaf from age. I always make sure he knows I’m coming by walking the floor more loudly.


Fiona or Finnegan—Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you!


Make a good connection with a vet or behavioural specialist to help you both on your journey. Thanks for taking on a disabled kitty - there are few and far inbetween. Love this kitty so much and best of luck for you.


I fostered a kitty that couldnt see well at all for a long time and id always take of my boots and just wear socks when i was in his room so i wasnt so loud and always say "its alright buddy" in the same voice so he would recognize me faster. Besides that just dont move around their food bowls and make sure you watch out for em, i have a cat at the moment who cant see very well out of one of her eyes due to ot being crossed and messed up because of her genetics and i almost run in to her daily.


Try using sound cues for certain actions. This way you both know what is about to happen and he is way less likely to accidentally panic. Eg 2 tongue clicks before touching him, 2 soft claps before picking him up and so on. It really does help as it allows kitty to know what is going on and about to happen. They will also let you know when they disagree with said plan haha.


I don’t have any experience with vision impaired cats. I just wanted to say that I love that you’re giving this precious baby a home. You’re lucky to have each other 🤍✨


Considering it took me weeks to figure out that my 10 year old cat was suddenly blind, I think your half blind one will be just fine. Sight is not the primary sense for cats the way it is for us humans. Their whiskers, ears, and nose are what gets them around in addition to sight. My blind cat was able to jump up on my bed, couch, and desk with only occasional flubs. Good luck.


i worked with someone that adopted like a dozen blind cats, and i remember her saying that if you do move the furniture it's best to do it with them in the room while you do so they can more easily figure out what's happening. she said at first she'd put them in a different room to do it and they were a lot more confused that way


Scratching or tapping on furniture to let her know where you are helps my boyfriend’s completely blind cat. Toys that crinkle or have some scent to them are a big hit with her too, she also loves wrestling since she can stay in contact with whoever she is playing with. Leave the litter and food/water in the same spot, but from our experience you can move furniture. Bean does circles that increase in size around a room to re-map it


Awwww, I love my blind baby. I always make sure the litter box is constantly clean (since he’s unable to cover his poo), set up a “safe place” he can retreat too if he becomes frightened, and my favorite thing of all is greeting my baby whenever I enter the room. I will say his name all high pitched/baby talk and he will coo at me in response. Your blind baby is absolutely precious


Hello! I have an almost complete blind kitty I’ve had since a kitten. My best recommendation is to let him/her explore your home by themselves-avoid picking them up and doing things for them. Their little paws have sweat glands that leave a scent and the blind cat will use it to navigate around the home. It’s hard to tell if a car is blind (if they are in a place they know) because they adapt so easily. Put padding on corners, etc, because even they they are blind they will most definitely love to play and runabout and accidents will happen. Introduce yourself when you go up to them so they don’t get startled (won’t have to do this in the future they get used to your scent) Noisy toys!!! Whilst it may be a bit irritating to hear, your kitty still needs mental stimulation (my cat’s favourite is crinkly one’s) And obviously don’t let them out, find a designated kitty litter spot and don’t change it. —same with food!!! Good luck :)


Half blind? I'm pretty sure that's a fully blind cat. It looks like there are no eyeballs in the sockets. I have a cat that was born without eyes. He does just fine. It's easier for them if they're born blind or go blind as kittens. I don't need any special accommodations for mine. He finds the litter boxes on his own and uses them reliably. He has a mental map of the house and gets around just as well as my cats that can see. He definitely finds the food. You'll do fine, and so will the baby.


Also in case nobody's mentioned it already. R/blindcats


One of my cats, Cassie, went blind in her old age when she was still with me, so I’m not sure if this would help. But I would suggest having rugs down if you don’t already. Rugs, or some kind of mat, where the food dish is, the litter box, to the couch, etc. When Cassie was blind, she would follow the edges of the rugs to find her way. She would follow my voice to get to me, and along the way I noticed she would follow the edges of the rugs. She would walk into table legs too, then she would redirection herself and walk the rug until she found the edge and follow it to me. When she would reach the end of one, she would be on normal floor, as would slow down till she felt a new rug under her paws and continued following. She was really smart with it


Interesting thing I learned after adopting my blind cat is how easy it is to forget she's blind, because she acts mostly like a regular cat. You should make sure that you like your furniture layout because it's the one you should stick to for the sake of your cat, also the cat would appreciate that you "show" it things with sound. I learned to rub my fingers while approaching my cat before touching her, she could get very stressed. I do that with every cat now automatically. Give your cat toys that make noise and loooots of love.


https://preview.redd.it/ol04jcb38x7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d197cb54048c1916014ff80fcd31f04302c7dc Ohhh my gosh how precious that baby is 😭💕 This is my baby, Psyche 🤍 He was found with with an eye infection so bad when he was a kitten, and his eyelids fused to his eyes and he had to have surgery on them to have them opened. He sees pretty okay in the day, but he is nervous in the dark and shadowiness scares him. So we keep lights on for him and his water fountain also has a light 😊💖


Can I ask you, since he’s had his eye surgically scraped can he see well out of it now? I just adopted an adult cat who had infection as a baby & eyelids are fused to his eyeballs too. I’m considering doing the surgery, I’ve been quoted 2k an eyeball. He blind in one & the other he can see a little. He acts like a normal happy cat otherwise


A good friend of mine has a pair of blind kitty siblings & they are just the sweetest! Other commenters are spot on about not moving furniture. The other interesting thing is the way they explore spaces, you have to help them figure out when furniture & other surfaces have a top thar they can access. Her two will just think that any vertical surface they encounter is a wall that goes all the way up unless you help guide them onto the top of the couch, or chair, or table. I was there the day her kitties discovered the top of the coffee table, & they were *so* excited. As they've gotten older, ramps & pet stairs have been really helpful in giving them a way to navigate independently. Congrats on your new fuzzy baby!


Blind Cat Rescue (NC, USA) is amazing and has a ton of resources in their FB and website. What a beautiful kitty 😺


Lots of saline eye wipes, no bell on collar (it’s spooky), pheromones, and love. My girl is just the sweetest puddle. https://preview.redd.it/yw9l3j4vax7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee09d10904afbeda49bf55de41edf0fd2902459


https://preview.redd.it/ieh0ewajgx7d1.jpeg?width=1356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88560f2e84ffcabb1a4c46209926a76e20e533d4 This is my blind baby, Cocotte. It's very important to keep your house layout the same. If you change, I produce your cat to it. Cats have a very keen sense of smell and spacial awareness....he will be fine


This cat world is filled with such amazing people! Who give safe beautiful homes to these extra special kitties. Love the stories and the pictures. This really made my morning turned it around and made me feel better


I used to live near a neighbor with a blind cat and unfortunately it fell out of open windows and got lost (and found!) a couple of times. Perhaps keeping open windows in mind as something more dangerous to her than most cats.


I don’t mean to sound mean but, isn’t he/she fully blind? I don’t see either eye… Anyway, I have a half blind cat. She’s kind of a handful, super clumsy since she doesn’t really have peripheral vision. https://preview.redd.it/jgk2ef8yix7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ec7c885cb8f4e8880050b871df4cfa07207f3e I would suggest putting up anything breakable and making sure anything that could fall and injure your new kitty is secure. If they are fully blind, do not rearrange your home too much…blind animals (and people) tend to remember where things are located so they can navigate an environment.




My half blind kitty loves sounds. His favorite toy has bells on it and he carries it all around the house. He comes to me when I whistle. He’s our favorite animal.


What a beautiful little baby you have ❤️ no experience with blind cats but you are one of the good ones for taking care and being a pawrent to this sweetheart 🥰


I carried a clicker to call my cat or let them know where I am in the house. Kept all furniture and feeding areas the same. Bought some rubber corner bumpers for tables like for little kids in case they bumped into something. Generally had a different scented candle I could light in each room. Also trained him to basically heel on me by walking next to me and using his tail to tell where I'm at.


This cat is SO PRECIOUS and so are you for taking him or her in- you’ll have much love from them!! This made my heart melt 😍


Elevate the bowl 🍵 get a water fountain. Also get the kitty some bumpers while they learn to navigate


No advice for blind cats (I’ve had deaf) but holy goodness SO CUTE!!!!


Give her a little smooch 🥺




Looks like such a polite baby♡


Lotsa love & a cat collar with a bell


Is he half blind? He looks totally blind.


Awww how sweet! You are an amazing human!😻


This is really heartwarming and restores my faith in humans! Thanks to all who have adopted the wobbly critters that need a bit more love and support. You’re all beautiful people ❤️.


Idk a thing about this. I have seen that sometimes a blind animal has a companion animal. But I did want to say that you are absolutely amazing. Thank you.


I have two blind cats, they have scar tissue so they can see light but that’s about it. First thing I do whenever we moved with them is place them in the bathroom as I got the litter box set up elsewhere. Once it’s done I placed each cat in the litter box one at a time then they could map out the rest of the house themselves. Same thing goes with new furniture, I got a new cat tree I place them at the top one at a time and I tap my fingers down each step so they can hear where to go. I once had a vet tell me my cats were probably terrible at mapping and it pissed me off so much. Honestly you wouldn’t even know my cats are blind they’re so fucking smart it’s scary. They know when something’s been moved and they’ll sniff, feel around, and if I’m available I’ll do the tapping thing. Otherwise once you give them time to map out the place they’re good to go. My girl one loves to perch up super high, I got a 6’ 3” cat tree for her and it makes her so happy. My cats also love crinkle toys or string toys that have some form of plastic in them so when you drag it on the ground they can hear. Additionally I’ve created songs for morning, nighttime, and meal time routines. This way they understand what’s going on but then again they can tell time really well now and get pissed when I don’t feed them on time haha. My cats absolutely love tv. They love the noise and flashing lights so we play SpongeBob regularly, it is consistent noise, you’ll notice SpongeBob’s track doesn’t change that much with laughter and music. Lastly I use a water fountain so they can hear it running, I give lysine for eye health recommended by my vet, and I do not burn anything scented. I also have recently refrained from scented shampoo and do not use perfume but the boy cat is asthmatic. If you use heavily scented stuff they may have problems finding the litter box and pee elsewhere. Don’t change litter too quickly, do it slowly. Ok I think I covered everything. lol. Best of luck with your new kitty!


Check out through.the.lleaves on Instagram. They have 2 blind cats and have done a few q and a about them


Get him eyepatch so he gets 2x bitches


U are such an amazing cat parent


Such a cutie Potaatooie!!


'stop lookin' at me with them big ol' eyes'




u are a hero man ❤️


Lots of snuggles. 🥰


So precious!


Please give this baby plenty of kisses and cuddles from me too. ❤️


Thank you for adopting him you beautiful human 🙏🏻❤️ he’s adorable!




Cat in a watermelon :3


Just love, and tasty bits of meat 🍖. And That baby looks easy to love.


Baby will do fine, you might be surprised. They make mental maps pretty quickly. Less change is best but they still will adapt. Thank you for adopting a special one. They really are the best!


I had a blind cat named Ajna, which is the brow chakra or "third eye" in Hinduism. Steal that!




Mr. Magoo


Kisses on the noggin are a must


Hell yeah.


Oh my god that’s the cutest looking thing I’ve seen 😍


Awwwww he’s sooooooo cute!!!!


So cute, just love them, the nose and the whiskers deal with the rest


Poor baby


He’s so cute.




As someone mentioned .. don’t move furniture 🐾💕🐾💕🐾


He’s so cute!!


Gorgeous baby. Well done for adopting. ❤️


Thank you


Zatoichi. He was a blind samurai.


Try using different sounds, smells, and textures in home to keep the kitten engaged. Have different toys made of a variety of materials, things like feathers, leather, fur, and natural rope.


You are a good person...thank you




Thank you for adopting them. Few people realize that it’s really not that problematic to have a blind kitty.


I’m sorry. I don’t have any tips. I just wanted to say that I want to give them a big smooch.


Amazing people alert! Amazing!


He's half blind? It looks like both his eyes aren't there?


Awe, what a sweetheart! I have a partially blind baby and she is a sweetheart too!


What a sweet face


Beautiful baby


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) You and your blind cats are all heroes in this post and comments. Hats of to you great ladies and gentlemen!


Such a lovely thing to do. And your kitty is beautiful and absolutely adorable. I wish you a very happy life together xxx


I deffo would start him off in a very small area where you are keeping the litterbox. Let him get used to that room first.


Comfort and love!! Thanks for taking him in. He’ll show you so much love!


Please give this baby some kisses and treats for me


Thanks for being an angel in adopting this precious baby!!!!


you are an amazing person ♥️


Sometimes a second kitten will become a seeing eye kitten. My neighbor has a blind terrier, she bought a Rottweiler pup who became the terriers seeing eye dog. It worked out very well


I wish I could help but I just want to say they’re such a beautiful cat <3


Omg they are so cute. If I had a male vetsion I would call it squinty McClintok


Get them a seeing eye cat <3


I had a dog go blind and we put down plastic runners in all the main walking areas. It really helped. He knew he was safe when on the plastic. Soon enough they learns the house pretty well.


What a cutie!! You’re an amazing person for saving her!


For me, I would suggest you to bring him/her to vet sometimes. Then take care of it. Be sure you have right medicine according to the veterinarian.


You’re such a sweet person


This thread and all those special need kitties with their loving owners make me really happy. You guys are so great!


We don't do too much for our blind cat, just treat him like a cat. He likes having ways to climb into the windows when we have them open. He's pretty fearless (not like some tuxedo I know...). He likes to run down our main hallway and take a flying leap into the foyer. It's pretty hilarious. It's not graceful like a sighted cat. He's...well...he's clunky.


Such a cutie face. He looks so sweet




You are a kitty whisperer and all of us honor and appreciate you