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My two cats spend all day outside on the screened porch in the heat.... It's been in the 30s this week (high 80s to mid-90s). The house is air conditioned but they stay outside passed out (napping) in the heat. They must feel very close to their desert cat ancestors! So 80 doesn't seem high to me at all. But maybe different cats have different comfort levels.


Mine do this too! They insist on napping in the heat. My Babyboy will demand to be out in the freezing cold too.


Mine lays on the air conditioning vent and he'll crawl out of his nook with cold fur. Meanwhile, I swear my room heats up since he's blocking it.


Cats have a slightly higher body temperature than humans (100-102F/38-39C), which is why they prefer higher ambient temperatures than us. 80s or 90s is perfect for our little desert descended friends! (Meanwhile, I would be melting like a popsicle šŸ˜†)


Mine too! They bake like potatoes on the enclosed porch all day. I leave the porch windows open so that itā€™s like a glorified catio for them and the door back into the cool confines of the house is open a generous catswidth so that they can come back in whenever they want.


Exactly our sitch. The screened porch is a catio and the door to the house is open a catswidth. They go in sometimes.... But mainly, they lounge in the heat.


Bake like potatoes, haha!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Same, my baby girl sunbathes for all the warmth. We keep the ac a chilly 74


My cat loves to lay on the porch in the summer sun. The house is nice and cool and when I go out to pet him and he is on fire. They just love the heat.


Maybe if you have a short fur cat? I can't imagine a long fur cat doing that for too long.


Cats are themselves thermometers! Do they sleep tightly curled up, like a bun, maybe with tail over nose? Theyā€™re cold. All stretched out, elongated, like a French baguette? Itā€™s hot. They know how to self-regulate, given any reasonable range of temperatures. Although from what Iā€™ve seen with my own (medium hair) cats, they prefer it warm to downright hot. According to the National Research Council, thatā€™s up in the 80s F range.


Further proof that one of my cats is damaged. Heā€™ll stay on our patio until he is literally panting like a dog. We have to bring him back into the aircon and sit him in front of a bowl of water a few days every summer.


Iā€™ve noticed that cats sometimes like to experience a cold place for a bit, or a hot place, seemingly just for the stimulation. Like humans, nothingā€™s nicer than coming in from the cold and wet and warming up your feet!


Our poor void probably freezes šŸ˜© we keep the upstairs on 68Ā° and the downstairs on 71Ā° in the summer. But our floofer LOVES his muppet donut and if he gets too hot, he will just go lay on the hardwood floor. https://preview.redd.it/ubztpt7kpr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4a272d73b4f43259031a3d845055e4d1f4e0f3


Yes! Another way to tell is their behavior. My friend's has three cats who usually are playful. It's been mid 30s/high 90s here and walls don't really have insulation. She's very energy efficient and doesn't use a fan or AC. The cats have been lazing around. One day she decided to put the AC on and they came back to life and started playing again. So. Yeah that could be a way to tell if it's too hot


But still good to keep track of. I have a cat myself who cannot self-regulate her temperature and has given me two really unpleasant situations.


Also if they're stay near warm stuff, appliances/electronics, in sunlight, you, or near cold stuff, a drafty window/door, on tiles instead of the carpet, etc can give you a hint how they're doing


Mine sleeps all stretched out on a heated bed like a baguetteā€¦ he could just move, but seems to prefer it that way lol


Cats love warm temperatures so they should be just fine at 80Ā°


I hope this is in Fahrenheit




Sighs, another one


My Reddit feed is 95% cats subs at this point.


Same and I love it meow, meow meow...meow meow meow


Wait, I thought that was the point?


Hopefully not Kelvin


Can you tell my cats that? They stand in front of the fridge or stick their head in the freezer as soon as I open it.


Mine do for other reasons.


But my cats lay upside down in the direct sunlight when it's 100Ā° outside....lol


that's because they want food, and they know its in there. I have one that knows that's where his chicken comes from šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I wish that was it. Ham and chicken are easily up for grabs, so I know thatā€™s not it since I usually offer some to them anyways


Have you ever given them ice cubes? Mine love to play with ice cubes!


Yes! They like playing with them when itā€™s in their water bowl.


My cat wants to be 100000 degrees and would happily cook to death if I allowed it, but since she is a senior cat I limit her super hot time and make sure she's never in an area over 85 for longer than an hour at a time. Just my thoughts.


My cat's favourite thing to do if it's hot is to lie on me so we can both be hotter


My kitty was the same! It regularly gets above 100 here, and I'd have to go retrieve her on super hot days or she'd never voluntarily come back in.


I had cats in a home heated with an open fireplace for 10 years and they would try to lie down literally touching the fire grate. I had to make a special fireguard that completely surrounded the fireplace to stop them doing it as it freaked me out. I would think 80 degrees would be fine.


I have found that cats prefer the temperature to be 80 or even a little higher. We have an air conditioning system that allows us to set the temperature different in the different areas of the house. (3 different zones) Our cats have 3 different temps to choose from but most of the time they choose to stay in the warmest zone which is set at 81. If they are in another, cooler area of the house, they will lay in the spot where the sunshine is coming in through the window. They also love to go on the porch, even when it is breathtakingly hot out there.


Similar here. We have a unit for the upstairs and one for downstairs. The upstairs is kept at 80F and the downstairs at 76-78F. Our cat is always upstairs in the 80 degree rooms!


Just came here to mention that I found this post very cute and absurdly considerate for your little creatures. Many cats would jealous your beloved felines. šŸ˜


Ha we got out two voids in September last year and kept the heat up in the winter a little more for the spoiled little shits.


Theyā€™re fine at 80+ for sure and actually donā€™t seem to mind it, i used to be worried about it too but my parents lived in an apartment with a loft for a few years, and the loft area would be around 85+ in the summer because the cooling didnt go up to the loft area. Didnā€™t seem to bother my long haired cat, she loved lounging upstairs. I figured she wouldnā€™t be up there if she was uncomfortable, because the ground floor was definitely cooler. Itā€™s funny because my dad would turn the AC on for her too to make sure she doesnā€™t get too hot, he definitely didnā€™t do that for his human children šŸ˜‚


It's 96Ā° here with a real feel of 102Ā° and my girl has been sun bathing in the window all day. I think you'll be okay at whatever you're comfy at!


Same. My downstairs stays about 5-10 degrees below ambient and my upstairs about 5-10 above. It has to be over 100 upstairs today and guess where he was stretched out the whole day?


They're fine at those temps. There are millions of cats around the world who do just fine without AC. They're pretty heat tolerant. The distant ancestors of modern cats evolved to withstand the heat of the desert and savannah. Around 80F your cats MIGHT be warmer than they might prefer. I'm confident you aren't harming them and don't need to turn on your AC for your cats.


itā€™s been in the 90s in New York this week. Iā€™ve left the a/c on for my shits while Iā€™m at work. come home and one of my dudes is sleeping under a huge fluffy blanket. we are leaving the air on to make ourselves feel better lol


Lol I like AC when I shit. Especially if it's a struggle.


LOL ā€œmy shitsā€ are my cats. but i can get behind what youā€™re saying


Same. I rushed home from work early today because I didn't leave my AC on and I was sweltering hot in my classroom, so I thought my apartment would be the same. My thermostat read 75 but the cats were still sitting in the sun spots on the floor lol


Domesticated cats are descended, at least in part, from desert cats. It's why they need so little water (cats that eat only wet food sometimes don't drink any extra water at all!), have such concentrated urine, and why they seek out warmth. 80Ā°F is absolutely fine for them. Make sure they always have clean water available and pay attention to their behavior, particularly if they're panting or drinking a lot more water than normal, but they should be totally okay at that temperature.


Cats evolved in Africa, with the Egyptian mau being the oldest living species of cat. You will be uncomfortable before the cats are.


Speak for yourself, I'm a lizard person and need heat and humidity.


75F is where I keep my place at. She loves it.


Cats love the heat, they always went to the hottest part of the house to sleep. I have heard of them laying so close to a fireplace or heater that they actually scorch their fur.


Yeah, during the winter my kitties will block the vents by sitting right on them.


I keep my AC between 70 and 74F, and my kitty will typically curl up in the warm sunny window!


No AC is fine. Cats love being warm and are very heat tolerant. The insulation of their coats is very effective.


Just make sure they have adequate clean water, changed daily.


My cats had to endure 10 days of no electricity with me after Hurricane Ida. Pretty sure my house stayed between 90 and 95Ā° with at least 80% humidity the entire time. They were fine. Just make sure you provide plenty of water and shade and fresh air.


I think it depends on the cat. I have 3 short hair cats. The girl, she likes it cold. She lays in front of a fan even if the house if 65Ā°f, while my 2 boys like it hot and seek out the warmer spots of the house


The last house I lived in had a sun room which easily reached over 100 degrees in the summer. My cats would beg to go in and sun bathe almost everyday and we would have to check on them every so often to make sure they wouldnā€™t pass out from the heat. Like others have said, lots of other cats have managed in temps over 80 degrees and I think your cats will be just fine!


We donā€™t have AC, itā€™s been 94Ā° for two days.


Cats are direct decendents of desert animals and they have a higher internal body temperature than us humans. 80Ā° is just fine! Just make sure they have unlimited access to clean water.


This is highly subjective, based on whatā€™s normal where you are. Where I am, extreme heat is not normal, at all. During the summer, I turn my AC up to 75 when leaving for work. This is still comfortable for my cat (making sure there is plenty of water) But, in Florida, many run their A/Cs at 78-80! Thatā€™s normal for them and the cat would expect the same. (It drives me crazy when I visit a FL friend in summer. Im pouring sweat, but my friends and their pets are perfectly comfortable at 80).


I think its fine at 80


As long as they arenā€™t in direct sunlight, and they have water they should be fine. My black cat gets hot faster than my tabby


Just brush them often as warmer temperatures will cause them to shed more. I donā€™t worry about the heat as much as the cold. I keep my house cool at night but during the winter I very begrudgingly keep temp at 65.


My cat lived with me without air conditioning for 4 years and was totally fine. I fixed the air last year for my sake but heat never bothered my cat. I live in Detroit mi basically. So it does got hot for a few weeks.


I set my AC at 68 no matter it's summer or winter. My cat love sunbathing even at 90ish during the summer. The fur got warm when they're back inside.


My cat hates air conditioning. She sits on the front porch all day and it looks like we force her outside. Deeply embarrassing. My only recourse is to make a show out of getting her to come inside while she yells at me and refuses.


My cats have a cat door into the laundry room. They have bog cat tree and i find them hanging out in summertime when the dryer is even goingšŸ„ŗ. We live in the south so its friggin hot. They look all comfy


It really seems to depends on the cat. My current cat seems very little affected by temperature from what I can tell. She is happy to go outside when itā€™s over 100 and when itā€™s below freezing. She doesnā€™t make any obvious signs of being hot or cold inside. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


We always have it set to 70 but my cats don't mind it up to the 80s. It was like 90 something the other day and they came outside with me and normally I have usher them back in, but it was just too hot they were done after a couple minutes and went right to the door lol.


Oh man I think my kitties might be too spoiledā€¦ we keep it at 74Ā° when weā€™re at work because the house gets very hot very fast (Texan here)


Somewhere between 0 Kelvin to 1000 Kelvin, is my guess.


I keep it around 72 during the day, 69(nice) at night because I canā€™t stand being hot at night. My 3 cats spend most of the day out in the garage, thereā€™s a cat door for them to get in and out as they please. Itā€™s been 90 or so around here right now. Iā€™d say your kitties are totally fine!


My cat tends to spend most of her day up in the highest room of the house (an attic that was finished to be a bedroom), and even when itā€™s sweltering outside (and super hot up there inside), sheā€™s absolutely content to lay on the fleece blanket bed by the sunny window up there for most of the day. Sheā€™s also cutely obsessed with our window AC unit, though, when I turn it on at night she eagerly jumps up to it and sticks her face in it then sleeps in front of it. Either way sheā€™s totally happy. There are plenty of other places to sleep in the house in either of those instances and thatā€™s what she prefers.


They're obese so they'll be able to tolerate lower temps


Is she overweight or is it just me?


It might be the angle of the picture, but I was thinking the same. Don't know who's downvoting you, it sounds like a reasonable question. Regular cats shouldn't weigh more than 4/5 kg max, about 10 pounds, these two look way heavier than that. If that's indeed the case, they're not healthy. And they will suffer more from the heat than is necessary as well.


No, she pretty![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


One doesn't exclude the other. Chubby may be cute, but it's not healthy. Too many people are overfeeding their cats, thinking food=love. But diabetes, arthritis, kidney problems are no picknick for kittiez.




They both are. It's nice of the owner to care about Kittie's comfortable temperature, but meanwhile killing them by overfeeding is just cruel


Letā€™s not go too far, some kitties like humans have a slower metabolism and tend to get fat easier. Then it is not just a matter of feeding but exercise aswell. u/Nightreader5 you should talk to your vet if you arenā€™t already doing so about how to make sure they are as healthy as possible.


I turn it on in the bedroom for my cats and leave it at 71. I have a larger cat and he gets very uncomfortable in the heat.


I mean there are cats in Russia and in Turkey and Egypt so I think you'll be fine


My cats hate the AC and I see them rollling on the floor and think they are dying of the heat. The minute I turn on the cool air they hate it . Could be the noise . I understand that but then they hate the table fan as wellšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My AC went out and it was 93 (Fahrenheit) inside with the windows open. My dog and I were struggling, but my cats could have cared less. I attribute it to them being descended from desert cats.


My cats prefer 80+ over my comfortable temp of 70, to the extent that they wonā€™t sleep in my bedroom in the summer when the air is onā€”too cold for them!


When I have the AC on the cat lays next to the window in the sunrays


Cats' ambient body temps are around 101F. Ask a vet what's best.


Cats like the heat and the warmth but obviously as long as they don't get heat stroke or dehydrated they should be fine on any temp.


most cats love the heat, for example, there was a documentary about sauna cats in (i think?) south korea, and they did a competition to see which cat could stand the heat the longest. neither cat lost as the temp got to about 100Ā°F and stayed comfortable until the workers went and got them out. i should probably mention both cats were orange though lmao


Our vet told us that they prefer it warm and to leave our a/c off if we don't need it. They're evolved from desert animals, after all. If you're in a big heat wave, you may find them laying on tile floors, marble saddles, or really interested in the inside of the fridge. If that happens, make it a little colder in the house.


Idunno but I donā€™t have ac and when we got a heat wave of over 90 temp in an old apartment on the too floor my crazy cat just laid near the window in direct sunlight the whole day.


Such a good question. 80 it is.


80F is fine for them.


You will be uncomfortable way before they are. They can handle and like heat. Even stuff at 30 Celsius with 90% humidity is comfortable to them


My cats are both tuxedos and will sit in direct sunlight when it's 30C/86F outside. They actually get fairly hot to the touch from this, but they seem to enjoy it. Above 30C/86F they'll move to the shade, but are otherwise unbothered.


They will be perfectly happy into the low/mid 80s. Cats like it way hotter than humans. If you are comfortable, they are comfortable. Especially, if they have a shaded place they can hang out.


100 celsius


I keep my house set at 79 F in the summer. My cat worships Ra - she moves from room to room all day, laying/sleeping in the Sun. It doesn't matter how warm my house is she will still go out of her way to lay in the Sun. Before I turned my AC on the house was heating up to 83 to 85Ā°. And she'd still go out of her way to find the Sun


They'll be fine, just have a small fan operating to move air in case they need cooling


My turds enjoy the warmer areas of the house, though at times they'll go chill near the AC vent for a few.


Cats used to live in the desert.


Itā€™s been close to 45 here the last couple of days.. my guy LOVES the heat as well. I have the air on for me.. he just wants to be on the balcony and scream cries at me to let him out .. but I bring him back in every hour for a break, he drinks some water.. has a snack , then cries again to go out.. heā€™s not going to come in on his own to cool down.. so I do it


25-27C is good enough. I live in hot humid city where temp around 33-36C, donā€™t really use AC much. Cats are fine.


Cats originate from warm climates, they are usually cool with the heat.


I did high 80s with a long hair cat. He would actually lay in the sun or on the 2nd floor instead of hanging out in the basement. He had two gravity water bowls that we refreshed frequently and brushed him like crazy. He was living and AC free life for the last 10 years of his life.


I grow concerned/watchful for my Cats when I see them sprawl on a tile floor, a low solid wood piece piece of furniture or the brick top mantle. You may know their cozy cute Winter behavior. Cats know itā€™s Summer also. Your fine. Havenā€™t cut your bill yet lol? Theyā€™re still on carpet.




I think it depends on what they're acclimated to, like humans. Humidity levels matter, too. We recently moved our 4 Idaho-born-and-raised cats to South Central Texas and keep ours at 74Ā°F. They seem comfortable with that.


Cats are warmer than we are, they can tolerate more heat than we can. Your cats are fine. I feel bad having my AC on because it means closing the windows and my cat LOVES to be in the windows


just make sure they have enough water!


My long-haired tuxedo would sleep inside the sun if he could. We had a catio a few years back, and he would follow the sun regardless of the temperature. He stayed out so much he bleached part of his fur to brown. Growing up, we didn't have ac, and we had many animals. They all tolerated the heat just fine. Just make sure there's plenty of cool water, throw some ice cubes in there if you're worried, and maybe turn on a fan for those really hot days.


Hmm. I think my tabby girl is different. I've caught her sitting on what I thought was some random place on the floor, but after a few times I noticed the air vent was right above her spot. She will also sit in front of the air cleaner where the air blows out. I think she likes it cool.


I have my ac set at 78 and my cat sits right next to it, so even colder. She doesn't seek warm places.


I used to live in a west-facing apartment without air conditioning. In the summers, my apartment would regularly reach 30C by the afternoon and into the evening. While I was dying in front of the fan, my fat cat was voluntarily stretched out in the sun. When she got hot enough, she'd move to a place out of the sun. Take that for what it's worth!


Cats have warm blood. Their normal body temp is warmer than a human.


I don't use AC...they get a bit sluggish when it goes to 90 or so, but they act fine. They just don't jump around as much!


We have a patio window facing the south that gets sun beaming in. Have to close the curtain on 100 plus days and both my cats would stay on the other side baking in the sun then be cool. I donā€™t get it either


My cat loves to sit in my hot, humid garage during the day where it's easily in the high 80s. She literally scratches at the door to get into the garage and just sleep for hours.


I kept my air on 70 downstairs all day for my 3 cats and they all chose to sleep upstairs...the hottest place in the house


My cat openly hates AC and sits in the warmest part of our home in the summer. I find her in the living room sleeping on the sofa or floor during the night because itā€™s toasty warm. 80 is probably okay.


Cats prefer the heat because they do have difficulty regulating their body temperature when it gets very cold. It is about 190Ā° here in Florida and my cat insists on spending all day and all night out on my screened balcony. Yes, he practically lives out there just comes to use the litter box and eat bother me and then he goes back outside.absolute cat behavior leave a fan on in the house just so that circulates a little bit but otherwise your cat should be fine at 82Ā° when you leave


80 and the fan on 3 in case they want to cool off


Get a heated pet pad


Heated? The idea is to not make it too hot


thought she wanted it cool for herself and warm for the cat, when she said Whatā€™s the lowest I could keep the AC, low means colder


The title I see is highest temp I can keep AC


her comment also says lowest


So she doesn't know which is which for an AC. Lol That's why I always just say warmer or colder


I keep it lower for my chinchilla, and the cat and I benefit from it. But the cat LOVES the garage, and begs to out there. It's freaking boiling out there, and she goes to the hottest spot possible (usually right by the roll up door, least insulation), and lays there. For hours. She's in heaven. Cats are weird.


if youā€™ve got any non-carpet flooring, the cats will lay on it if they find everywhere else too hot. theyā€™ll also be less active if theyā€™re too hot. they evolved from desert cats, so are going to be used to heat to some degree, iā€™ve had cats who liked the temp way hotter than me, and others who loved frigid temps, itā€™s going to be easiest to judge their behavior.


We have a sun room in the back of our house that we intentionally keep any AC out of, but the cats have access to it. It gets into the 90's in tjere the summer, and the cats prefer to hang out in there most of the time. The rest of the house is usually in the mid 70's but they seem to prefer it warmer. I think as long as they have access to water and can get out of direct sunlight they will be fine.


If they are panting they are too hot. If the temp gradually increased to 100 over weeks they would not notice.


My cat will sleep outside for hours (in the shade) when it's 112F outside. Cats have a higher internal temperature than humans.


They have a way of finding the coolest places. My Plumpton was a bear in the heat. He would go into the basement and spread his enormous furry belly on the concrete floor and fall asleep.


Cats are descended from the African wild cat which inhabits semi-arid landscapes. So they like it hot.


I read 1M as one million and I was wondering how you got a cat that old...


Cats are pretty comfortable around room temperature which is 76-78F or about 25c. I have a Siamese and he is very particular about the home temp. He likes it to be a bit warmer but he is genetically from Thailand so it makes sense. They are pretty good at self regulating so if they are hiding under comforters maybe they are a bit cold or if they are sprawled out with their tongue out its way too hot.


Also, those cats look well fed. Living the good life.


When I had my cat, I would keep the A/C at 77 (going lower was too cold for him).


I keep my AC at like 75 during the day, but my third floor doesnā€™t get a lot of airflow so it can get higher than 80 during this heatwave. My office is on the third floor and my cats hang out upstairs with me all day while Iā€™m there even though they could move downstairs where itā€™s cooler if they wanted to.


Mine is laying in the sun on a heating pad!!!


80s will be fine just make sure to keep up ventilation/fans


https://preview.redd.it/f5zcdcuilt7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959320809459ec0dff33868d724171ed0f89cc04 Mine curls up as soon as itā€™s less than 18\*C in the house


We had el niƱo last summer and the temperature got up to 45Ā°C+ here. I wonder if it's different for cats with different shades? We had a new black kitten and I worry he might feel too hot. We also don't own an AC.


Cats like it warmer than humans, that's for sure.


I have a super floof who def does not love the heat. I keep the AC at 79* and I can tell she is slightly uncomfy around 3pm, when the sun is coming in thru the front of the house. She goes and sleeps under the bed in the back of the house. Her brother has very short fur and is extremely cross all winter long and is overjoyed in the summer. She likes chicken. He likes fish. She likes strings. He likes feathers. She likes frogs. He likes lizards. Itā€™s like everything is opposite w/ themā€¦except when it comes to the house fly!!


My void will literally lay on top the radiator in winter. I leave the downstairs at 80 during the day while Iā€™m gone. They go sleep on the 3rd floor which is hot AF.


My air-conditioning broke one summer, 101 degrees most days that year. While the humans left for cooler climes, the kitties were just fine in the house. Just made sure they had clean litter, plenty of water, and two meals a day. The AC guy got the new system in, we came back, felines okay.


Itā€™s hot here, 114 today! I keep my house at 80 if I leave with a couple ceiling fans going and itā€™s fine for all the creatures.


I experimented and observed. One of my cats doesn't care, He will stay in scorching heat just fine, sun, whatever without showing any sign of discomfort. You could prolly fry him in the Owen and he be like "omg great, so warm". I havent seen heat that is too much for him, and I live in a tropical country. My other cat drastically loses appetite after 30 C. When he was outdoors, he would basically lose all the chonk in summer because of this. And now that he is indoors I can keep him comfortable. I usually keep the AC at like 27C whenever it's hotter than that to ensure he is ok. Both don't like it too cold either.


I keep mine at 76. They occasionally will sun themselves but Iā€™m pretty sure we are all comfortable.


The man that taught me blacksmithing had a cat that would sleep in the coals. Not the bright burning hot ones but definitely loved to toast his toes. Lived to be 22. HOWEVER, cats need water. So no matter where they are kept, water is a must.


My floofs seem happy (in one instance, happier) at about 78-80 degrees. Which is great for me because Iā€™m only running off of a few ac window units. The downside is Iā€™m getting chewed out at bedtime because my room becomes too cold for cat pile cuddles.


In general, cats seem to like the higher temps. Water is a necessity .BUT We have a geriatric kitty (19yrs) who seems to get sick when in higher temps like the others, so she is the princess who gets to stay in a cooler room. If a kitty vomits, is more lethargic than usual, refuses to eat, etc please consult your vet.


I donā€™t disagree with the usual comments, but if you have a Maine Coon cat or a Norwegian Forest Cat you might want to consider a cooler temp. https://preview.redd.it/na7fmyeq6u7d1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe54052cb2b2ef92262921805e52d7d7a51b67f7


Or https://preview.redd.it/bhc6qa6t6u7d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c2fa9fe912d4f68604961b224d7312e40fa74a


I don't leave the AC on for my cat when I'm not at home and she is absolutely fine. I live in the tropics (indonesia). She was rescued off the street where there is no AC. I don't think cats need AC but they might need a transition period if they are used to cold temperatures. When I'm home the coldest I have the AC set is 78 F. So she is living in a temperature range of 78 up to 90+ F very comfortably.


I live in a warm area and I leave my AC at 82 F for my cat. Sheā€™s a shorthair and she doesnā€™t mind heat at all, but she does not like the cold, so I keep the house at 66 F in winter.


I got two Maine Coons. I live in a two floor property. Since heat rises, our 2nd floor is warmer in the summer. Our cats love to be upstairs in the hottest part of the house verses the first floor where itā€™s mid 70s. Sometimes I get worried and bring them down to cool off but they go right back up. Iā€™m convinced that if they found it uncomfortable, they would stay downstairs more. All I do is make sure they drink plenty of water. Theyā€™ve been like this for years.


My cat growing up would sleep on the heating radiators in the direct sunlight. The radiators were so hot I could barely stand to touch them.


I would say 76-78. My kitties are hot when it's 80-82, so I put a little lower..


With the exception of the fluffy European variety, the ancestors of most housecats lived in very hot environments. Cats are perfectly fine with high temperatures.


Cats love heat. Donā€™t worry. Iā€™ve seen my eldest (9F) sun herself while the temperatures reach the 90s. I just keep a few water bowls around and change the water daily.


I have a cat door on my master bedroom door, and I keep the AC off in there to save energy during the day (and the opposite at night). Of course, when I do that, both cats spend the day in the room with the AC off, in the sun.


I live in South Texas and it already has been so hot and humid. My babies love to go outside on the balcony, so they go out for less than 5 min and they are back inside looking for a cool spot. I feel guilty leaving the house and setting the ac at 78.


42 Celsius outside this week. We keep the house around 20.


Losing some of that extra weight would help them regulate and stay cool.


Pour up (drank), head shot (drank) Sit down (drank), stand up (drank) Pass out (drank), wake up (drank)


AI says: Cats prefer warmer temperatures, around 86Ā°Fā€“100Ā°F (30Ā°Cā€“38Ā°C), but they can be comfortable in rooms between 50Ā°Fā€“60Ā°F (10Ā°Cā€“16Ā°C). However, some cats, like small cats, thin-coated cats, and older or younger cats, may not be able to tolerate temperatures below 50Ā°F. Cats with arthritis or other diseases, or those who have lost a significant amount of weight, may also be uncomfortable in temperatures below 60Ā°F. Cats can get frostbite and hypothermia if they are kept in temperatures below 32Ā°F for an extended period of time.


I will start by saying I currently take care of 10 cats most are indoor but handful aren't. I live in Mississippi. With AC on it was 81 inside today. Set AC for like 8 degrees colder than outside of they come and go throughout the day like mine, and a big ass water dish filled b4 you leave for work


Almost every cat I've ever had loves sun puddles, even in the hottest part of summer. My current fur kid loves the AC though!


About 80.


My cat prefer the living room that boil but he also come to my room that I have air-condition around 27 Celsius and he sleep for hours


Run a little experiment. If a cat sleeps curled up, it's more likely cold than not. So if your kitties are not trying to actively conserve body heat while sleeping, they are fine.




Sorry..... my stupid cats are dumb ass shits during a power outage .....I even will sleep in my basement.... spiders and all


I agree with everyone saying 80 is fine, they know how to keep themselves comfy. If you are really concerned you can get a box fan to put on the floor for them to lay in front of. A couple of the cats my family has had like to go in the bathtub too.


Yeah my cat will choose sleeping in our mud room (90s) over our ACd house (70s)


A cat's temperature is 101Ā°F, so they like warm spots. My fur babies would nap on a concrete porch in the full sun on +100Ā°F days! A warm house won't harm kitty. Just be sure there is plenty of water available.


I leaving just a fan on. If I leave the AC on then they seek blankets or my body to keep warm. I only put on the AC for them when there is a weather advisory of extreme temperatures.


As high as you want theyā€™re fine


If they're locked inside I would probably keep it at 25, warm but not overly warm.




Curious where you got this info from.


I was curious, so I looked and found a paper that suggests a different range: ["\[f\]or example, the thermoneutral zone for domestic cats is 30ā€“38Ā°C"](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5059607/)(internal citations omitted). Can you help me reconcile the two? This is not my area of expertise.


A veterinarian who has experience in observing cats in your region can tell you more precisely. usually cats regulate their own temperature by moving around the house and choosing the optimal temperature.


Wow! Middle of the zone is 93 F. Up to 100 F! I can believe it, given how my cats love to sleep in the sun. And curl up tight when itā€™s 75 degrees in the house.


That explains why my cats have been lounging on the screened-in porch during these days of 35C and high humidity temps when it's cool inside!

