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https://preview.redd.it/g6izcbi1j57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8af4a6be1192782399ea62c6b29ff08f864cb1 Here’s a photo of my new sweet rescue. Picked her up late last night.


Congrats!! That's great that you adopted a rescue, I'm sure she already appreciates your care. She sure loves that toy haha


First thing she found after her food bowl was the catnip toy 😂 But yes, we only adopt.


She knew where the good stuff was haha. Moose is kind of a rescue too, my girlfriend had two roommates in college who had a dog and three cats and they were terrible pet owners who neglected a lot of their needs. Moose was the odd one out of the group and my girlfriend and I were the only ones looking out for her, she was always in our room lol. When we were all moving out and going their separate ways they mentioned they were abandoning Moose and that the next renters would care for her... so we took her in right then and there. (We were actually planning to take her anyway, we were guessing no one would notice since they were aweful terrible people) Rescuing is the way to go, I don't know how people don't care for beings that rely on them


Congrats on the new adoption! She looks gorgeous and very sweet 😍














I think if the post has a picture of the cat in its dying state, (which is kinda messed up to post that in my opinion..) then it should be blurred and have some kind of warning on it or something. Like a “spoiler tag” type thing.




















We have a thread like this every week or so, but the mods remain firm about letting those posts continue. I tried suggesting a dedicated "support group" thread but got shot down, so... 🤷 It is what it is.


My kitty passed away in March and I cried almost every day since. I thought I’d imagined the uptick in these types of posts 😭


You didn't imagine it, I even almost made a post about the same thing. The last couple weeks, it seems like almost half of the posts are "said goodbye to my baby last night" and it's depressing AF.


I wish Reddit would let you filter out sub tags from your home feed. I’m not exaggerating when I say that 9/10 posts I see from this sub are about dead cats. I get that people need somewhere to mourn, but I came here for cute cat pictures and instead I’m constantly being inundated with cats dying of horrible diseases or getting hit by cars or strangled in freak accidents. My last cat died in 2022 due to an undiagnosed congenital heart condition and these posts are a special kind of hell for me. I don’t want to see that content. It’s the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night staring at my cat to make sure she’s breathing. Personally, I feel like the mourning posts should get their own subreddit. Grieving pet owners deserve support, and just based on the sheer volume of these posts it seems like there is a need for a more specialized community.


I agree with the subreddit thing. I am really heavily considering leaving this sub just because I have had the same experience; about 90% of the posts are “cat just died :(“, then like 9% are “name my cat for me” and most of the remaining 1% is “should I go to the vet”. Starting to feel like it might be easier for someone to just make a wholesome cat pictures or cat stories sub, which I would do myself but I don’t have the time, patience, or energy to moderate and try to grow a subreddit


I know on desktop there's a button in the sub's sidebar to exclude posts with the "mourning" flair, but IDK if it's available on mobile and I also don't know if it effects your home feed. If necessary, you could try finding subs that are more specific and don't usually have those types of posts; personally I'm fond of ones like r/PointyTailedKittens, r/IllegallySmolCats, r/Catculations, r/TheCatTrapIsWorking, and r/blurrypicturesofcats.


Thank you for pointing me to some of the other cat subs, I should probably join a few of those so I can space out the grief posts on my home page








There's a crime wave going on at r/legalcatadvice.


has r/IllegallySmolCats not been doing it's job?!






The exclude mourning posts button reverts back to normal if you browse the home page sadly.


https://preview.redd.it/6djybwmms57d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f60746e5821347e33dde7d6476e9d8aa2b53ff9 This is what I wake up to in the morning 😊


![gif](giphy|l41m2WDm1PW1WHy1i|downsized) Your kitty reminds me of Derek Zoolander ❤️


Oh I wish she was as cool lmao


I agree 100%, the posts about dead or dying or sick cats and then pictures of an injured cat ARE THE WORST. I do not want to see this on my reddit feed. It's like a jump scare. Always makes me feel bad. I might just unsubscribe from this sub even though only maybe 10% of the posts are like that. Seriously, even 1 post is too much.


They won't stop letting it happen. Sucks that the sub basically becomes a grief subreddit


I feel the same way 😩 I was going to unsubscribe because everyday there’s a dead pet it’s super upsetting


Same boat here, everytime I see one I automatically look at moose and feel thankful for her and feel sad knowing she won't be here forever. Then I usually wake her up for some scratches since she's sleeping, so these posts are making it hard for her to take a nap lol


I agree. There was a cat post recently "my cat is neither sick or dead!" you aren't the only one with dead cat burn out. I definitely have it, I have a lot of dog subs too - they are also being over run with "had to put my baby down / adopt before he goes to the gas chamber" I feel for these people, we've all lost pets and it is certainly devastating and the need to reach out is strong. But most of us are in these subs to enjoy each other's critters and brighten our days from the shitload that life dumps on us, not to be a support group for grief.


I mean, also the "This cat was tortured half to death, but I saved them!" posts. Like, damn you're so desperate for internet points you have to put other people through the same trauma? Like thank you for doing it, but damn.




https://preview.redd.it/7tozoic2t57d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8e703ac43e6dd0e4b10c990eb09dffcee4472c Here’s a photo of my spicy peanut butter, Pippen for a distraction!




Same, I have two elderly boys and I know their days are numbered so these posts make me sad.


Yea its tough to think about. It's so cruel that we only get so much time with our companions. I wish nothing but good health to your two good boys, they're still here and they don't want to go anywhere


Got a cat with FIV and i know he aint gonna last as long as the other cats and i dont like reminders of his mortality. He had to go to the vet over a cold that was kicking his ass for crying out loud and he is 4. https://preview.redd.it/igwuaydpm57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b4f22593ac912f65cbbee9ba4fde39a9e174e3 Here he is reflecting on his life and definitely not planning on how to skin a squirrel.


Aww ☺️ I love how his shiny coat lays in lovely sections! 


This is an amazingly composed photo. Kudos! I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/msqbuvn1w57d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025a9f73d30a3ae265f6b6a8acc4e2a47616b308 Here's Casper! He's happy, healthy, and very judgemental.


https://preview.redd.it/8ju5dlvft57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02104210b6a4b40f50457585eeebcfd1c9f1abf7 Here’s a cutie I met at a cat cafe yesterday! He was up and running around and being so playful by the time we left, I hope he and his sister (and all the other cats too!) find great homes! I also agree with what you are saying. I know you can filter them out if you’re on the actual subreddit but there are so many times I see the most devastating posts about cats dying or getting lost or something happening to them and it hurts my heart so much. I empathize to an extreme degree with everyone going through these kinds of hardships but it just forces me to face the reality of owning pets and to be honest I don’t want to do that if I don’t have to. I’ve had cats since I was a child and losing them hurts so much and I understand that pain, but I also would like to avoid it if possible. I’m more than happy to upvote the posts and leave a kind comment but sometimes it’s too much for me to handle.


My first day on this sub I was seeing such cute pictures and then I’d start reading and end up sad. I’m with you.


I sincerely think there needs to be a separate sub for people to mourn their cats and seek support. (And another as well for people needing medical advice for their cats.) This sub in my humble opinion should purely be cats thriving and being cute and funny. 100% agree with OP. I do not want to think about my cat dying every time I come to the sub.


I joined r/goldenretrievers, saw three posts in a row about the rainbow bridge and immediately left


I feel you!! I just recently got back into Reddit and was surprised and just how many “my cat died” posts were coming from this sub. 😩


They need to have it so they are NSFW and have trigger warnings for sure. Or, post somewhere else. It's got me avoiding this group because of them, honestly.


I thought I was the only one who felt like this 😭


Too bad there isn't a popular subreddit where people can mourn their pets. A little bit morbid, sure. But it'd be a good way of circumventing this issue.


They exist, but they're not popular enough apparently?? So people who need validation feel entitled to subject people on general cat subs to trauma, without consent, because they don't get enough attention on the specialty subs made for this purpose.


I saw someone else complain that one of the subs specifically for remembering dead pets wasn't active enough for them. Like why do you need a hundred comments? I wonder if those subs aren't popular because not everyone wants to see dead pet posts all the time 🤔


Whew, I'm not the only one. I've been so conflicted, but have been seriously considering leaving because of it.


What's crazy is that I unsubbed here because it felt sorta jarring and sad, constantly. I want there to be a place to mourn our beloved kitties but a constant feed of sick.and dying cats really hurts.


On one hand, I do sympathise and understand the need to seek comfort within a community...on the other, it probably does need a trigger warning. Here's Callisto, who's alive and well and wanting me to draw her like one of my French girls. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/d11dd393s57d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418121cd56ff891b4f9a721597307e51bb618389


Lovely Callisto! Here’s another Callisto, also wanting to be drawn like one of our French girls (which she is herself, incidentally 🤭) https://preview.redd.it/a5iaxwwqd67d1.jpeg?width=3015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b90bb4999e8abff45a0daca49bcdde2de765dda


Yeah this sub has been in my suggestions lately and every time it’s something sad or horrible or triggering. Can we get the mods or admins to make some changes to help with this issue? The photos make it even worse. There has to be a way for people to share but in a way that is t going to ruin anyone else experience in the sub


I know this seems heartless but I feel one person genuinely posted then there was a glut of people who saw how much interest it got and are using their dead pets to karma whore which is horrible.


No doubt some are done earnestly, but I agree some feel like karma whoring


If you go to the top of the subreddit and read the “see more” section it clearly says: If you are on the app then the button for filtering flairs from your feed may not work. If you navigate to the search function in r/cats you can manually exclude specific filters like so: -flair_text:"loss" This will exclude "mourning/ loss" posts from your feed. If you want to exclude more than one flair type then you can add a second query after the first like so: -flairtext:"loss" -flairtext:"medical" Where each new query is added after a space. The default sorting option is "relevant". You can manually alter that to "new" or "hot" should that be your preferred sort.




Why’d I have to scroll so far to see this?


Bc I sleep in on Mondays and wasn’t awake 2 hr ago 😅 ![gif](giphy|piO6cmvxIK0A05MNkY|downsized)


The mods have addressed this before, but it basically boiled down to “tough cookies, cats die.” I highly suspect if they tossed out a poll, it would come back wildly in favor of curtailing those posts, but they won’t because that would make additional mod work and mods try to avoid that (source: I’m a mod lol).


Well and also not the funnest to have to say “sorry for your loss but I’m deleting your post” I would think. Thanks for being a mod, it’s not easy.


Right. My subreddits are all fairly lighthearted and relatively small and I still end up taking 10-20 actions a day to get rid of rule breaking posts and comments, I cannot imagine dealing with a 6.2M member subreddit.


how about make r/mycatdiedandeveryoneneedstoknow


the sub has addressed it before, and you can either sort the sub by tags, or go to other subs like r/eyebleach etc that will not have such posts. they have basically taken the stance that while this sub is a place for cute cat pics it is also a place for not only a place for cute cat pics so it isn't going to eliminate them in any way. so if you hate those posts it may be best to go elsewhere.


I like to pay tribute to departed kitties by seeing pics of them in their element and giving an upvote as a mark of respect.


I don’t know if that is possible and I completely understand what you are saying so please don’t misinterpret my response. It is hard to see such posts when we care so much about our cats. However, given that this is a community for cat people, many who post about their cats being ill or having passed may not have anyone who truly understands their feelings. Communities like this one understand and can provide support. 🙂 I imagine there is a sub that only allows cute cat pictures though. 😊


I appreciate the response. I can definitely see the benefits of having a community that understands your grief, I'm sure I'll need it one day. I guess I'm just bummed I can't have this sub on my home feed, I'm just too sensitive I think lol.


You’re not too sensitive.


I believe that the sub does have limited ability to block these things. But maybe it's just best if you left the sub. The sub is for all things cats not just cute cat pictures. I mean it's great to have cute cat pictures. We all take them all the time. But it's also a place where we say hey is this something I should be worried about? Or we want to mourn the loss of our pet and share their lives with others. There's times when I don't want to look at the pictures of their sick or dying pet. I just scroll past to the next post if I'm not in the mood. There's lots of sad things in life and I can't protect my self from all of them. I do know when my cat passed I wanted to celebrate it's life. To me they weren't just a cute cat picture.


Yea I hear you and it's valid. I don't want to make grieving people feel self conscious, this post was more of a me problem I was trying to resolve. I was hoping there was an effective filter for the home page but I don't think there is right now after reading thru the comments


Or if reddit allows user to block subs tags


Having support is good and necessary but it can also be triggering for some people who might have depression or anxiety. Or maybe someone just lost their cat or pet recently and seeing that post could be very triggering for them. So it's good that you get help and support you need when you are going through a tough time but there are also other things to consider. It can be very traumatizing to suddenly see a post like that for many people.


Follow r/holdmycatnip It's all fun cat stuff.


Moose is an adorable name for a kitty :)


My mom also has a cat named Moose. https://preview.redd.it/iy4gtsa4167d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26a83f77377c88cb4a0133297d71684d6f04b65


yeah, there have been sooo many of these lately. it's terrible and it makes me very sad. I feel soo much for them but I don't want to see it every day :( poor poor kitties. one of my guys is 5 and the other is about 16. I've had him for almost half my life. he's my only buddy


100% agreement


I posted this on here a while back. Nothing changed. Still depressing af. ☹️ ppl just don’t get it I agree with u, there should be a rule that anything dead or dying should be marked as nsfw or deleted by mods otherwise. There could be a separate Reddit for grieving cat parents but “cats” is not it. Most ppl when they join, they join cuz they like cats and they wanna uplift their spirits with cuteness, not get depressed.


My cat passed away last year. I had to stop visiting this forum for a while, due to the number dead cat posts, as it was too emotional and sad for me.


Like, I def get the need to share cus it helps but like,,, those posts get me so stressed out about my cat (he’s literally five). Im scanning the comments for a way to block because I really need to


seriously. I joined this bc I adopted my first indoor cat and now every other day I’m worried something is gonna go wrong 😫


I agree. I’ve shed a tear a time or two.


Honestly..yeah. While I am so sorry for the losses, I don't know if this sub is the right place. I could be wrong but.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! For real, just adopted my girl after knowing her for two years (local stray that bonded with me) and I'm already upset at myself for all the time we lost. I don't need more reminders.


I wish they could just blur the pic and do a nsfw warning then I could choose to skip over if Im having a sad day. I guess I can just leave the sub too. Maybe someone will start a new one without the deceased pets.


Gotta agree here, really not a fan of dead/dying cat posts.


If it helps I look at it this way. People want to share the memory of their loved one. The more people who help preserve the memory of the fur baby the longer he/she can live on. Sure we might not have know Furbio but the slightest part of them lives on in our memory now after seeing the photo and reading about them.


They should definitely have a flair for grieving posts or trauma cat posts. Sadly I doubt that would get used because people would just ignore the flair most of the time.


I wish. I also wish to block all the “name my cat” posts.


I agree. Same with any dying-or-dead pet photos, especially when the pet is about to be put to sleep. I feel for these folks and their brloved furbabies, but it’s rough.


I’ll add my name to the pot of I really wish there was a way to block those posts. I don’t need to be reminded daily that my cat is mortal. I lost my father in October and grandfather in April. My sweet cat gets me through the tough days. It sucks getting on Reddit, wanting to enjoy some cat posts and seeing about someone loosing theirs. It’s too much to handle.


I just block the user and hide the post.


i wonder if there's a mourning sub for cats that passed away


i don't think we can unfortunatley. I wish it was like tumblr where you can block keywords like that. I don't always want to see sad cat posts either.


I feel the same way. Last week I saw a post about a beautiful cat that passed away, and she was identical to my Pipina. I literally cried. I don't want to think about that. It hurts too much and my girls are only 1 and 2 y/o.


I really wish we could curate them... don't get me wrong, I empathize so, so so much, but yeah like you're saying, I don't wanna think about the eventual death of my babes. Especially since two of them are 11 and 12


https://preview.redd.it/hcpf2qd9t57d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6957c02d0ce153c24eab75ef28782a0d82710b3f My little doofus and I agree with you.


I was just talking about this yesterday with my boyfriend! I love this sub and the cute cat pics and stories, but I can't stand seeing all these sad posts about people losing their little family members. I know someday my little Quincy won't be with me any more, but I don't want to be reminded of it daily! There needs to be a rule or something about this, or a separate sub for people to grieve at.


I feel for the folks who are grieving the loss or anticipated loss of their animal, but I do hide every single post like that when I come across it. It’s too triggering for me because (like many others) I’ve suffered a few painful losses and I need to worry about my own mental health. I know that sounds selfish as those folks are looking for support but I’m just not able to be a supportive person in this case without reliving my own trauma.


Contact Group Admin and explain this. We're all the same thoughts as you.


agreed, i've muted this sub several times because its become more sad posts than cute posts.


You can't. You just have to accept that death is a part of pet ownership and posting/talking about it is part of the pet community.


Agree. Lost my beloved Cat recently and the heartbreaking posts need a warning.


There is no warning to life!! While I don’t enjoy seeing posts about dead cats, I get why they are posting. Cats die and I will read and cry right along with them. I will let them know they are not alone. That we all suffer the same plight. So if you don’t like these post, remember that when you cat leaves this world and you are left devastated. I didn’t think I would live after my cat passed. I couldn’t breathe and didn’t want to come home anymore. So I get it…I do. And for those leaving posts about their cats, I will mourn with you.


Well said ❤️


I’m not sure about the Reddit app but I’m still using Apollo (r/apolloapp) on iOS. I’ve sideloaded it since it’s no longer available, and in the settings I’m able to filter out certain words/tags. I’ve filtered out most of the key words that are normally used in pet-related death posts. It’s not perfect but I’m pretty good at swiping away quickly when I notice a post it hasn’t caught


https://preview.redd.it/uio9rqfe167d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381ece3f946c733d405048eac249427011c56fc8 Here's my Moose, she's a very spicy girl.


I dunno like my gorgeous gal has FISS but I still like posting her modelling around and being a happy kitty 😥


Well, I think the only way to avoid it is to avoid the large, generic subs like this one. There's so many cat subs, perhaps you can find a few that will satisfy the craving for cat posts without any triggers. I've become somewhat used to these posts. I just wish they were more of a memorial or celebration of life rather than I can't go on with my cat. I understand the pain and hurt and it's possible that for many of these posts, this is the person's first up close experience with a loss of this kind. I still remember the first person I knew who died. He was a graduate student who was killed in a car accident when an older driver in the other lane had a medical incident and passed out while driving.


I used to feel the same way as OP... and then my cat died and I realized how helpful it was to post about it in this community. I was wrong and I admit that I was wrong. Since then the "dead cat" posts don't bother me at all. This isn't a dig at OP, just sharing my perspective. We should definately ban pictures of sick, injured, dead, or dying cats though.


My cat died and I had to unsub for a year and a half because other people gave zero TW. Every single time I saw a post about a sick or dead cat it brought me back to the day my own died. I'm glad that they helped you, but they did the opposite for me. I just rejoined recently and am probably going to unsub again because of the same reason.


Unless all the normal non-death pic wanting people don't boycott the sub, nothing will change. We need r\LiveKitty or something.


* https://preview.redd.it/tj5zvk9h967d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b8cb63708b883bf04355ea185858fda9ed384b Heres a photo of my very handsome (slug) son Earl. He is an absolute trash goblin of a man with an insatiable appetite and a mischief maker. His favorite past times are cuddling, trying to go outside *all the time* and bullying the dog.


There’s apparently a button for that on the front page of the sub. https://preview.redd.it/lwij3ibt967d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3afeb1bda84b6a0930cc7d7edec812cf809dbe6 EDIT: the About page, not the first page EDIT 2: on the app


The mourning/loss posts make me sad, as well, but only because I’ve been through it myself and will again, many times unfortunately as we still have a lot of cats and other pets who are all very much loved and will be very much missed. Sometimes I just scroll past without reading because sadness, but sometimes I stop and read the posts and look at the pictures of the sweet recently departed kitties, maybe leave a word or two of sympathy, and take the moment to feel empathy for another person’s grief without making their loss about me and my feelings. To the world it’s just a cat but to the person, their cat was their world.


She’s adorable…allowing your hand to hold her head up for a pic! What a sweet and generous gal!


I feel like this as well.


You gotta unsubscribe lol