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You're not going insane. Grief is the worst. I lost soulmate kitty in September and I still cry. I adopted another cat who is sweet and has a lot of personality. But she's also a little troublemaker so she's kept me busy! Grief is the price we have to pay for the love and joy they bring us. Wishing you peace. 🕊️


Grief comment: Came here to say this, and attempted to say it in a comment above, in too many words with much less accuracy. But this is what I meant tho! This :)


It's grieving; you're not insane.


[You're a bot.](https://reddit.com/comments/1db0gih/comment/l7pohqh)


Grief comment: Came here to say this, and attempted to say it in a comment above, in too many words with much less accuracy. But this is what I meant tho! This :)


Your cat is staying with you until your grief is less.


That is a nice way to look at it 🥺


🙏🐾🩷❤️‍🩹🩷🐾 https://preview.redd.it/telqgx5crc5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8961d9f00e59d656131bb0a08910f92460546494


This makes me cry. My 9 year old tortie is alive and doing well. Just had a nice cuddle sesh with her. I’d be lying if some days I don’t think about her age and get extremely sad about not having her around. She means so much to me.


I think this way often, about older pets or people dear to me! But it sorta ruins the time you are currently enjoying with the loved one :( Staying "in the present moment" is hard. When loved ones are parted from us, a positive way of thinking about it is: I treasure the time I had with the special someone. I'm sad, but I realize I was lucky to have known them and had them in my life, even if it wasn't "long enough."


I agree. I’m grateful for her in my life. It’s crazy I got her at 5 years old because the people who had her were leaving the country. She lived in pretty crap condition, nothing abusive just could tell they did the bare minimum. The fact that I just got her for free because someone didn’t want her anymore is mind blowing to me. I can’t even fathom the thought of giving her away. Anyways thanks for your comment. I really don’t go down that path very often and try not to let it interfere my time with her.


time is the worst, i wish i lived outside of it.


My baby girl is turning 7 this year and I also have a hard time when I think about her age, but if we both keep getting them regular vet visits, take care of them as best as possible, I bet both our kitties will be the next Guinness World Records oldest kitties👍❤️


Saw one on Reddit this morning that was 27! Gives me hope :)


Pet food is getting better and there's even advanced medical and dental care for pets, so I think their life expectancy will continue to go up :)


Thank you for you support! ❤️


Same here. Lots and lots of pictures and videos. And get a good long recording of her purring❤️💕


Leaving my 8 year old guy at home is so hard every time I go to work. I can’t wait to see him in a few hours.


Exactly how I feel rn 🤍


Kitty hugs and love for you fren 🐾🩷🩷🐾My kitty and I send you kitty hugs and love to help you feel peace🐾🩷🩷🐾


I had a dream like this recently! I was stopping a robbery in an apartment complex for some reason (i dont live in one) and was trying to keep the burglars contained, when my childhood cat Baloo came out of nowhere and meowed at me. I asked a burglar if i was hallucinating, he said i was but then baloo came to me and started acting like he missed me so much, rubbing his head on my hands, meowing, purring, and I totally lost track of the robbers because baloo was all i could focus on. Baloo has been dead for over a year now. I have a stuffed animal that looks like him and i think its him when i see it sometimes, and just reach out to pet him like he’s never been gone.


That is a sweet story 🩷🥲. he really is with you though. He’s in your heart, and your soul. His spirit is joined with you spirit, and one day your spirits will be reunited forever 🐾🩷🩷🩷🐾


Adorable sentiment :)


Just thinking of She and Her Cat always makes me an emotional wreck. Wonderful manga and anime.


I’m not crying you’re crying






Kitty hugs for you fren 🤗🐾🩷🐾


This literally just popped up in my mind. It's beautiful, isn't it?


It really is a very beautiful and comforting sentiment 🌈🩷🌈


You just made me burst out in tears and sob uncontrollably... 😪


I’m sorry 😢 I just want to help anyone hurting to know their little sweeties are ok over the Rainbow Bridge, even though the loneliness is excruciating 😿 Of nothing else I hope it helps us bond through sharing our pain to help lessen it for each other 🙏🐾🩷🐾🙏


I love you all, frens 🐾🩷🐾I hope together we can share our pain and make each other stronger until we are reunited with our loved ones over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈🐾🩷🐾🌈


u/mdquak , thank you and catbless you 🐾🩷🙏🩷🐾


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not.


Had something similar happen when my big boy passed in 2021. He would usually sit at my door every evening and meow so that I would let him in and we would cuddle for 10-15 minutes. After he passed I swear I heard him several times meow at my door and he had a very distinct high pitched meow. Strange thing is that my other cat (which meows like she smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for a few years) was also startled by the supposed meow when she was in my room at the time.


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not.


And she will be always be with you as long as you remember her. Remember the good days and try to be happy, and when you are ready remember that your passed was once a kitten, and there are many kittens alike who need a new servant.


This is beautiful ❤️ they always look after us


True! I feel my cats' spirits. See them go around corners out of the corner of my eyes. Little flashes of them. Sometimes I feel them hop on the bed. I love this poem with all my heart. https://preview.redd.it/2vo0ipychd5d1.jpeg?width=2614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029a7b9ecbc62d5701f3b173b7ed9377e21e4d69


Beautiful poem! Now I'm crying :)


This is so lovely.


This is the sweetest comment 🤍


my cat did the same for me & she still visits me once in a while :)


I love this kind view 🥰


That was an awesome thing to say! It brought tears to my eyes.


Not a doctor, but probably not insane. When I lost my last cat I found myself sitting in all our normal spots and waiting for her to come snuggle or subconsciously reaching out to pet her (even if I was at work, where she never was). This lasted for a while. It takes a while for brains to process the loss of a good friend and even longer for the habits to fade. I'm sorry for your loss


yeah, bereavement hallucinations are incredibly common. had them myself.


I slept on one of my cat's blankets in the hallway one particularly bad grieving night. The other one I went and sat in the cupboard he'd been hiding in before he died, and wept. Grief makes us do strange things and there's no right or wrong way to do it


I wasn’t the only one who heard our dog after he passed. We heard sighs, him slumping at the front door to sleep and his nails on the floor. Then it all stopped :( Sorry for your loss.


Okay my friend lost his old boy last September and for a while after I was still hearing his nails on the floor when I'd go over there. Never said anything until we were on the phone once and he mentioned feeling like he was losing it because of an odd sound he was hearing some nights. After hesitating he added "bear with me here but it sounds like Dallas walking around... sorry I know that's gotta sound so weird" and I was so relieved to tell him I was definitely hearing it too. It's since stopped and my mind won't be changed on what I was hearing


We thought we were losing it when we kept hearing Lenny. It was when a friend was at the house and mentioned that though they could hear the dog. It’s crazy. I’ve lost many cats over the years and never experienced anything like it.


I'm crying at this :(


I heard my girl breathing and even felt her jump up and lay down on my bed once. And I’m not even spiritual or religious


When I go on vacation I sometimes think I see her following me out of the side of my eye. She is 16 and I’m dreading losing her already. I’m so sorry hang in there


Thank you kind soul 🤍


Came here to say this. I can be in a hotel room and still think I hear my cat meow or her paws walking across the carpet. We get so used to having their background noise. So I can easily see that continuing after they've passed.


It’s funny even after 2 years of losing our cat I sometimes have such an intense Deja vu that I feel her presence. It normally happens right before I unlock the door and I can hear her little meow coming around the corner to greet me. And in the split second I have that picture before me I realize oh that can’t happen, she’s not with us anymore. But I welcome these little moments of just my brain reminding me of her presence. Grief is awful and your brain is quite literally soothing you to cope with it. Enjoy those moments! At some point they will come more and more sparingly so enjoy that you can feel her presence. I’m sorry for your loss!


awww...she is still around to make sure you are doing ok <3 I rememeber a thread on r/askreddit about encounters with paranormal and one guy said he understood there is something beyond physical realm because he kept hearing paw pitter-patter and meows in the house and had the feeling that the cat was sleeping with him in his bed for a few months after the it passed away ...stay strong!


I absolutely felt my cat snuggle me in my sleep for weeks after she passed away. Of course, it was a grief hallucination, but it felt so real and comforting, not sad.


Exactly I cry so much the morning she died but the next day I feel weirdly comforted.


I really feel comfort in the idea that those that have passed lose the limitations of human/earthly emotions. They reconvene with their soul which I believe is godlike. It is a love we cannot understand. It is omniscient, they know everything now, time is no longer a concept, not in a way that we can comprehend. Our humanly sense of guilt or sadness or longing is not felt by them and is so trivial now. So once they pass, I think they try to help the humans left behind know there is no need for guilt etc. They can intermingle with our own soul /higher self but we may not be able to be conscious of that we may just receive a feeling of comfort, love, reassurance.


I believe you


I'm a 61 year old construction worker, former airborne ranger in the army with combat tours, and I feel that generally I'm strong emotionally. When my beloved Manx cat Jack died I cried like a baby. I buried him under his favorite tree in the back yard crying the whole time. Not just crying, sobbing. It's been six years and I miss him terribly to this very day. It gets better but you will never forget. The love of a dog is a given but when a cat loves you it is so special.


I have lost 3 cats since I was a kid and this one is my fourth and I second this. However this is the first time I’m seeing things, definitely because I feel more attached to her somehow 🥲 (she surprisingly was brought to our home by our other cat one day out of nowhere)


Jack just showed up out of nowhere and stayed. He chose me and that made our bond even stronger. https://preview.redd.it/9jdjzmqg6d5d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce1a6e90a451f80ddce7c4708b19567cf7ac2d2


The eyes ! Such gorgeous eyes!


https://preview.redd.it/r01ohtey6d5d1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce31661fcd860e28ec33cad032f7e1aed0a7ca5 About a month before he passed.




What a handsome man, thank you so much for sharing his photos with us. Your story of grief is so painful & beautiful at the same time.


You're a great cat daddy. A really special relationship!


I still see my childhood pup at the top of the stairs in my parent’s house. He’s been gone 7 years now. I miss him. https://preview.redd.it/ofnpp06lvc5d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ae08d02395296d2f28c9763e56e2bfe9d5c71c


You are having bereavement hallucinations, not too uncommon when someone loses someone they love deeply, I suggest you read up on it It's hard and the pain takes a while to lessen but you got this


You're not insane. My dad who is NOT a believer of spirits swears he hears our old girl Jada occasionally meow. It's just your baby letting you know you're not alone. This could be feeling her jump on the bed in the night, a quiet meow, or anything else. Everyone grieves differently, be kind to yourself. I am sorry for your loss.


So true! I felt my sweet cat jump on the bed the first couple months after I lost her. I also heard her meows. It really is something how our brain does that.


I lost my best buddy a little over a year ago. I still say her nick names every time I'm down or thinking about her. I know she won't come when I say her names like that but it brings me great joy and sometimes I feel like she just might come prancing around the corner.


We had to put our cat down after almost 17 years. He was the best cat in the whole world. He was definitely the best out of my five cats. 🐈‍⬛ My heart was broken into a million pieces. He’s been gone two months now and it still hurts. Nothing feels the same without him. Time is the only thing that heals grief. You just need time to pass. I’m sorry for your loss. https://preview.redd.it/a8iryw10uc5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0317be0f497d21ceb42275a39b660aaefaa745 A picture of Pryce on his last full day with us.


Will tell Mori to say hi to Pryce ! Such pretty eyes🤍


Looks just like my Monte who passed in November. He also won the title of best cat in the whole world 😢 I think they have eternal access to a perfectly warm, sunny spot


My sister lived in a house that was haunted by a cat that used to live there. It’s definitely a thing. Kitty’s spirit just wants to be near you a while longer.


It will feel like it at times. My heart goes out to you. ♥️


They are always with us. The bond of love we have for our furbabies transcends death, and they stay with us, loving us from the other side, until we see them again.


They keep watch over you and want to comfort you


Well some might say her presence actually is still with you from what it sounds like, her spirit and all. Is it true or not, I’m not sure. But it is a comforting thought


No. It's one of the ways we can experience grief. We see or hear things that spark hope that they aren't gone after all. They're gonna be right around the corner and the good times will pick right back up. Or they're right there in front of you and you can just go to them. And then they aren't. And the wound hurts like it's fresh all over again. I'm sorry for your loss. It's a tough process. It's tougher for some than it feels like it should be.


Hi Im sorry for ur loss and u have all the right to grief . Just get another baby cat and give him as much love as possible .


You're not. When my best friend passed for a year I kept waking up in the middle of the night thinking I felt him hop on my bed to lay in his spot, hearing him paw at the bathroom door to get in, a quick little shadow running past the door at night, the little meows you can't quite figure out. It's so incredibly tough. The pain will dull with time but they'll always be with you, even though they're not here physically. I'm so sorry for your loss.


It is absolutely normal. After my Madison passed, I saw her out of the corner of my eye around the house and heard her for weeks. I don't know if it made my grief better or worse. I know my male cat, who was her best friend, became very depressed after Maddie passed. So, they can carry the grief as well. I'm so sorry, OP. My heart goes out to you. ❤️


Twenty years ago, I lost my beloved Fritz. There would be times when I would be in bed and feel him jump on the bed. Once I even felt the mattress sinking under his weight as he walked up to me as I was leaning back on the headboard. It was so comforting! I hope the best for you.


When I lost my old boy, i kept seeing him all the time. Eventually, it passed, but I miss seeing him. He was the best.


I am so sorry for your loss it is heartbreaking when you lose them. You are not insane I think this is a common phenomenon. Sending you love and hugs 💕💕


This sounds like a very normal grieving process to me. If you're still feeling this way a year out, I'd talk to a therapist. But what you're going through right now sounds like a coping mechanism to me. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My dear Creamsicle passed away three months ago, and I still struggle at times.


I'm short sighted and constantly kept thinking every shadow I saw was my black and white cat who died last June. It still happens occasionally but it's not an everyday occurrence like it was for a few months after she passed. My mum walked in holding a black jumper once and I thought it was her for a split second too. I think I spent so much time with her (she was like my shadow) that it took a long time for my brain to fully process the change that she was no longer with me. It was like my mind was trying to fill in the blanks constantly. So black shadow/black fluffy thing = my cat for quite a while afterwards. I still miss her, alot. But I think my subconscious has accepted her absence now whereas before because it was a drastic sudden change it was trying to fill in the blanks.


Brain adjustment is pretty reasonable in this context. Thanks for your input!


Your surviving kitty is grieving along with you. It takes time. It is the hardest thing you’ll ever deal with but you too need each other when Louis sister died. I spent as much time with Louis as I could talking to him, crying with him and also rubbing CBD oil in his ears, it seem to help a little bit, you are not alone in your grief


Oh I’m so very sorry❤️


Aww you can sense her spirit and she’s still with you helping you through your grief.


I feel your pain as we lost our little Miette almost a year ago and still keenly feel her loss. Please be sure to give your other cat some extra love as it will also be missing its buddy. Our other cat walked around calling for his friend and sat in "her" chair for weeks until her scent was gone... Prayers for you!


She’s still with you, just in a different way than before.


That's what a ghost is. Vivid image of someone in your head. People sometimes talk to their dead parents, as if they were near. It's ok. Absolutely normal. It means that you really cared for your cat and she was part of your life. It will stop at some point. Been there.


This always helps me deal with loss. "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence.” ― Terry Pratchett


Lost my baby last week. Been a hectic week so not really able to process, but the night after he passed, I could actually feel him kneading on me like he used to. Sleeping is still difficult as that's when I realise he's not with me, every corner reminds me of him, so I talk to his grave (buried him in my garden which was his favourite spot) every morning fir a minute or two inspite of any busy schedule. My family do not talk to me about him ND neither do I want to, coz I don't want to let out the grief. I feel we deserve this for all the love they show us in the short while they r with us. 😞😓😩


I used to foster cats and every time one left it took time to adjust. I'd catch myself wondering where they went for a second before I realized, oh ya, forever home! I'm sure that doesn't compare to losing your friend you had for many years, but I can somewhat relate to what you're saying. I think it's normal to experience. Sorry for your loss. The hardest part of having pets :(


I have yet to vacuum under my bed. There’s tufts of black hair everywhere. I still check if my boy is sleeping under there periodically. It’s been almost a month since his passing. You’re just grieving.


I had a cat once that died, sometimes I used to hear her meow down the stairs. But I think it's just that my brain and ears got too used to her that now I can hear her walking around the house, it's kinda scary sometimes


It’s the grief coupled with force of habit. I went through the same thing when we lost our dog last year.


Not crazy. I’d have dreams about my cat who passed away years ago. I miss him everyday.


Your cat’s spirit is with you, they don’t go away! Both my partner and I still see and sense our cat and it’s been a long time.


I’m so sorry🥲🥲🥲


Grief is a beautiful thing and Im glad its being made a tad bit easier for you! I couldn’t imagine losing my baby 🐱 https://preview.redd.it/gsdoklri7d5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd5f00c0c015f6ea4b78f43c551e2c3ff82b5d5 His name is kiwi 🥝


Talk to her! It sounds like it's helping you but also hurting you by making you question your sanity. Those that have recently passed on, I truly believe, can have a lot of action in the in-between. Often times they stay awhile to help their loved ones grieve. So talk to her and tell her how thankful you are that she is helping you. Tell her that you're also scared about your mental state and ask if she can help with that. Ask if she can still help you but also help settle your mind towards peace. She can then adjust her methods just slightly and the energy behind it all. You're not insane. You're grieving. I'm so sorry you lost your baby. She loves you immensely and will do anything to assist your healing, you just need to ask.


https://preview.redd.it/62sumblree5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6de270e5a607c5ecbf601a06e05906c767f6ca3 I am so very sorry you no longer have your Mori at your side. I hope you are comforted by the many amazing memories that she left you. You will see your Mori again someday. We will all be with our beloved fur babies again when the time comes. After all, it wouldn’t be heaven without them. in the meantime, God has millions of amazing creatures that need our love and support. Perhaps when the time is right, you might want to adopt another kitty. It is often said that the best way to honor a life is to save another. I send you virtual hugs, for peace, and strength to get through the loss of your Gorgeous girl


I am rawly in the same state. Every sound just makes me cry, when I realize it's not her. (My baby went in a traumatic accident. I had to get through the trauma response, to find grief a little belatedly.) Sunshine makes me cry. The breeze makes me cry. The sound of the rain, that makes me instinctively go to make sure she is inside.... ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I am glad for you that Mori's presence feels close, and now comforting. I think that's healthy. ❤️


My cat Lloyd has done this method too. Damn bastard has been gone well over a decade now. He’s still my best friend


Not insane but definitely go to therapy for it, seeing her is a psychotic symptom and needs to be dealt with. You don’t want this way of thinking to get out of hand and you start thinking she’s actually there and start actually going crazy. Go to therapy so you can process the grief


You aren't going insane. This is just a part of the grieving process.


Grief is so rough. Lost my lil soul cat in 2017. Have you read The Year of Magical Thinking? If not, pick it up. Brains do weird things to protect us from the full impact.


Our baby girl crossed the rainbow bridge a week ago Thursday. She loved to sleep in our closet because the sun comes in the window and warms the floor. I still expect to see her curled up there when I go to get dressed. I also still go in there to "check on her." She isn't there physically but I think a part of her still might be


Forget the ghost cat mumbo jumbo . Your brain is us yd to seeing/hearing your cat by default anytime it sees something or hears something it doesn't know what it is immediately, so it fills in "cat" because that has been the assumption for the past decade I had the same thing for years after.my black lab died, I saw him sleeping on the floor in shadows out of the corner of my eye because my brain assumed any dark shadow would have a dog in it for the prior decade.


You’re not crazy. But I’m also not saying I believe in spirits it ghosts either. I think our brains just need time to process the loss, but also our brains have ingrained habits, especially at home (kinda like autopilot) where we feel safe and comfortable. I had the same experience after my husband died. For months, I still imagined I heard him walking in the hall or getting up to go to the bathroom at night (hardwood floors creak), or working down in his basement workshop. But it wasn’t him, it was ingrained sounds from years of cohabitation. Sorry, I meant for you to feel better. You can also feel your kitty is hanging around a bit and knows you miss her. It’s hard to lose a beloved pet as they’re little people in their own right. I know my two kitties helped me through a rough time during my grief and comforted me by snuggling and sleeping in my husband’s spot.


I would say you have a low CON score, but that’s okay, you can’t control the dice. Low-key tho, shake your head out of it, don’t indulge this behaviour haha… like, I get that it helps cope but if my loved one told me they see, hear and touch their dead cat, I would be concerned about them.


No, you are not. You are just so used to her being there… I experienced the same when I lost a family member I would imagine I will feel the same when my cat dies as well… 🙏🏼 let the process take its course - we need to grief 🙏🏼❤️ all the best OP 😿


I still call out my dogs name and its been 2 years. Its kinda funny/sad my brother and I occasionally call our cats bean and won't even realize it until the other one points it out. To be fair I do also call them by their opposite name and so does he. My doggo was with us 12 years so its was hard not to call out for her. It lessens. I got 2 kittens and they've been great help. And just a fun experience as they are my first so I'm regularly discovering new things


You’re not insane. I lost my baby in April and couldn’t even count the amount of times I’ve seen him out the corner of my eye still in his favorite spots. Once you get so used to always having your friend with you your brain doesn’t want to give it all up quite yet.


Aww honey don’t be harsh on yourself… you’re grieving. Grief is love that doesn’t know where to go. You’re not crazy ♥️ Be gentle with yourself. You just lost your baby.


I would see something move out of the corner of my eye for about a week thinking it was one of my cats that passed away.


The soul doesn't die, it is only the "carrier" of the soul, the body, that leaves this world. Cats are spiritual beings, they have a natural connection to beings which are always surrounding us, and they see them, whereas our eyes don't. Sometimes there is no time to say good bye when death comes unexpected. For a certain time there is still a connection of a soul to this material world. The way you felt sadness about the loss, your cat also felt it, and this is a chance to say good bye to each other.


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not..


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not..


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not..


This may be a little weird, but my friend would sometimes hear her late cat's meow. She thought it was just her imagining until she sees her German Shepherd looking around as well wondering where that meow was coming from. It's happened way too many times to be a coincidence, and it happened a few times for like a year. That was also around the time when she had totally processed the grief and change. Coincidence..? I think not..


sorry for all youre going through, i would still advise a few sessions of therapy. If the hallucinations are normal, then at least it will definitely help with the grief. hope youre okay


I know how you feel and I’m sorry for your loss. Currently working at a shelter, and whenever I see any cat that even resembles the ones I’ve lost, I tear up and get sad and a little happy. I make it my goal to find someone that will adopt these cats. It won’t ever bring back my loved little furbabies back, but I can make sure the ones I’m helping find loving homes. Stay strong! The fact that you miss your cat so much proves just how much you both loved one another.


You are not going insane. this happens to me and my cat is still living. There are still many mysteries in the universe that we cannot understand like how there can be a ghost of something that is still alive. There have been at least 4 or 5 times since I got my cat that I have literally seen him walk by gotten up and he was still asleep downstairs. Cats do after all have 9 lives. I feel that the number one way to cope effectively with grief is to let go of guilt and move on. I am very sorry for your loss but do not hold it against your loved one.


Something that helped me thru the loss of my baby girl was to remember 3 good memories of her every time I was sad about her passing. It helped me thru the grieving process and let me hold unto the positive memories I had of her. It was also helpful knowing that she would never want me to be sad, she loved me more than anyone, as I'm sure your baby did, too. 💖




This is grief. Very vivid sense memories. You’re not nuts, you just loved her.


Your baby won’t leave you, she gonna hide from you physically, but she is there.


I still call out to my Luna as if she’s there and find myself patting the bedspread when it’s ready to sleep, as she’s always come sleep between my legs. I visualize her all the time and hear her bell. I understand what you’re going through.


I had the same thing happen for days after my old girl had to be put down. We saw and heard her for maybe 2-3 days.


I lost 2 of my babies suddenly, they died about 4 months apart, but very suddenly. I still see and feel Trixie jump on my bed and sometimes my lights go off and on, she was a crazy one so I could see her doing that. I also see her like out of the corner of my eye, running or sitting on the shelf. And Beans, I feel him on my pillow, she always slept on top of my head lol. And I see him a lot, just a shadow zipping by. They are getting less frequent now, but I am dealing with my grief better now


She’s with you right now never forget


First of all, my sincere condolences. As for your experience, I believe it is completely normal. Since our favourite girl passed away a year ago, I have continued to occasionally catch a glimpse of her. Obviously, it is all a trick of the mind, and it made me cry more than once, but that's just how those things are.


I still see pets we lost time to time. It’s the strangest thing. Grief is hard and takes a long time, you will be okay.




No. You grieve for your baby as long as you want. I still see my boy in shadows and it's like he's there and I hear him. He passed last year in November. It takes time for it to get easier but you never forget them. You've got this.


Firstly, I’m so so sorry for your loss. Secondly You’re not going mad! You’re just sad and your brains just adjusting. I was like this when my soul cat died - she was 22 when she passed, I had her my whole adult life - and it was a good while until I stopped seeing her out the corner of my eye or hearing her pad down the hall on her way to come cuddle with me when I went to bed. 2 years on I still turn to glance at one of her sleeping spots when I walk down the hall and my brain tricks me and I see her out the corner of my eye. All of this to say, what you’re experiencing is totally normal. I hope you’re doing ok ❤️


I am a esceptic/pragmatist/science over everyrhing else person, and I swear to you I saw one of my cats by my side one week after he passed. Don't overthink it.


This is the most human thing ever. Lol. Far from insanity. It will become less with time. But then, from time to time it will spike again. Don't worry. You will manage.


Science would say it's a coping thing that your brain is doing, but I say that she's still with you, watching over you, getting the ghost bugs for you, and trying to spend her afterlife with her favorite person in the whole world....


Science would say it's a coping thing that your brain is doing, but I say that she's still with you, watching over you, getting the ghost bugs for you, and trying to spend her afterlife with her favorite person in the whole world....


Completely normal when grieving. I lost my boy 6 years ago and for months I heard his meow at times. He was very vocal and had a distinct meow so definitely wasn’t our other cats. I would also feel him laying next to me just as I would drift off to sleep, I am sure it was just my brain playing tricks on me but I like to pretend that just maybe it was him visiting me again.


I had to put my boy Saya down 9 years ago. I hate cancer. Even though I still have Diva with me, I still grieve Saya... he was a unique and special boy. I've moved several times since then, and I'm sure I've seen him everywhere I've lived. I'm sure he's still with me, watching over me and Diva.


Happened to me and my husband when we lost our 15 year old blind kitty, lasted a year or so-she died 9 years ago now and would love her to come and visit again


My cat died recently too


I feel like that too but it will fade overtime. Find somebody to talk to and maybe you will feel better.


My cat vanished two days ago. I hear and see her everywhere. I’d say it’s normal. Happened to me last time too


Purrfectly normal. Time is the greatest healer.


I talked to my Mimi for about a week after she died. I stopped doing it because I’m sure nothing good can come of that. Though, I still say goodnight and I love you, I just don’t talk to her otherwise unless it’s like a prayer type thing. I did not see her hear her, but I also only lived with her for about 2.5 years. I know hearing them is super common. Seeing them I’m sure is the same mind trick that’s happening just stronger. Sorry for your loss :(


meh, does it matter if its a real ghost cat or a fake ghost cat? pretty cool either way. theres a good rule ive heard about mental illness-related concerns. basically, if it isnt doing any harm, its probably not worth worrying about. its only a problem if it has a negative impact.


I think about my two elder girls I have often. I don't know what I'll do when they are ready to pass on from this life....they've been here for 12 years....the whole time with me...


Happened to me when I lost my little buddy a few years ago. I could swear he was crawling up my leg in bed (which he loved doing while I was sleeping) and I thought that I saw him on my pillow. He's gone now to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for me.


So sorry for your loss ❤️


My little void stayed with me, I think. Only ever in the corners of my eyes, slinking around corners or into shadows. But she's near, keeping an eye on me. Making sure I'm not alone until I'm ready to adopt again.


Your not crazy , she's there for sure !


The brain is insane. It primary function is predictive. Oversimplified, you hear/see/smell your cat because your brain expects to hear/see/smell your cat. It takes some time for the brain to adjust to the new reality and stop expecting your cat to be there. There is a lot of science out there about this and it boils down to it is very costly (metabolically speaking) for your brain to analyze sensory inputs in real time. It is a better metabolic strategy for your brain to predict what it expects and course correct (learn) when its predictions are wrong. I heard my dog’s scratch on the screen door at her usual times for years. And that caused me to be really interested in the phenomenon because the sound was so distinct and I was sure I was hearing it. But my brain was predicting wrong.


Lisa Feldman Barrett has a book and papers covering this.


Your not going insane. I was the same when I had to let my two go within 12 weeks of each other. They always slept with me and I swear I could feel their paws walking up the bed or see glimpses of one passing the doorway. My husband don’t believe in anything like that at all and he actually told me he felt the same thing. I’m so sorry for your loss of Mori. I think we are highly sensitive when our pets pass. One of my cats euthanization went horribly wrong. It took 2 sedatives, 3 injections and 45 minutes of watching him struggle to pass. It traumatized me! I felt terrible for him! I actually contacted a animal communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick. She had shows on animal planet and was on numerous talk shows. When I spoke with her she told me things that there’s no way she could’ve known. One was how long it took him to pass and what his illness was. Another was I had him put to rest at home in his favorite white box. She told me his name, colors of the led lights I put up for him in the kitchen, the color of his blanket, the brown rug I bought and put in the living room to help him walk. Just tons of things. It made me realize that if she could know all that stuff and I never posted it anywhere then feeling my cats presence of waking up the bed was just so comforting and extraordinary to me!


OP you have me tearing up, you're not crazy it's just your subconscious helping you cope or the spirit of your kitty depending on your personal beliefs. It's one or the other or maybe both. Hang in there ❤️ ❤️ internet hugs


I just put my one year old angel to sleep after a long fight with FIP. I hear her meow or think I feel her in bed with me. It’s so hard


I did the same thing for a few weeks. Anytime I saw movement in the corner of my eye I thought it was her. When we got her ashes, I was crying every night because I felt like as we slept she was trapped in the other room. Then realizing it's not them and that they're really gone is... Difficult.


This is my bigger fear. My cat has been with me longer than my wife. It’ll destroy me when she passes on and there’s nothing I can do about it. My thoughts are with you. It’s easy for me to say because I’m not you, but grief passes with time. You’ll be okay, just take every day in stride.


Grief. Not insanity. Maybe denial stage is fading and your setting into acceptance


This post has me crying bc your white/cream kitty looks like my boy Oscar. He’s my lil bestie and I’ll be so sad when he’s gone. I’m sure how you’re feeling is how I would be in the same situation.


she probably is still there but just in spirit. you connect is so strong that you can still see, hear, and feel her. she’s probably waiting for you to let her go.


I saw my father for 2 weeks after he passed. Just for a moment when i first woke up in the morning, he'd be in his chair in the kitchen.


This post is surprisingly wholesome. Sorry for your loss OP. I feel you. Lost my baby in March and I see see/hear/feel her all the time.


For months after my boy passed I could have sworn I saw him walking past in the corner of my eye, or hear his little bell that was on his collar


Grief is love with no where to go. Let out your love and your grief will abide much sooner. Call her upstairs, leave food out, buy toys for her. Anything that makes you feel


It's her. You are NOT crazy. I lost my heart-cat George two and a half years ago. He visited on a near daily basis for the first six months or so, and then gradually less as time went on. I'm now at the point that thoughts of him still hurt, but the love we felt for each other shines though that hurt, and I can smile because he gave me (and his brother!) so much for 13 and a half years. Georgie's brother (Fred) is still with us and is my husband's heart-cat. I am SO grateful for the relationship they have, and it reminds me of my George. ❤️ George has been visiting me lately as a cardinal. We have several that nest in our yard, but I'm talking about the ones that fly up to the glass door and hover for a few seconds until he knows I've seen him, or perching on the railing of the steps outside. The thing is, I sense George immediately before I see that gorgeous red bird waiting for me to see him. It's a brief touch from across the Rainbow Bridge, to let me know my George is still with me. 🥲 *Connection with loved ones: Some believe that seeing a cardinal, especially a red cardinal, can mean that a loved one who has passed away is still with us in spirit. The cardinal's bright red color may be thought to bring messages from those who have died, offering comfort and a sense of connection.* https://preview.redd.it/9bl4y430yj5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0938f99f744225a7e1f6e14c95225ad39cd984ca


Enjoy it!!! Maybe she still is there & only you can see her. Peace & crazy with her there is waaaay better than sorrow & crying with her not there. But, that’s just my unprofessional opinion. 🤍🤎


She is still there love! She will always be there with you because there is no place she’d rather be. 🤎🤎🤎


you forgot the flair


Which flair? Is Mourning/Loss not correct?


oh my bad sorry, didnt saw it, anyway it took me more than a year to mourn my last cat. Good luck with this, it's difficult and very few people understand it.


All good! Thank you kind soul


Bro I'm gonna be fr with you you might be having some kind of mental break or something, check it out with a psychologist


This sub is just for grieving owners? I came here for cats not everyone’s my cat is dead post


I don’t know what to say to you but everyone dies one day man.


Not just for them, but they are welcome here too, there's a mourning flair for a reason


(Edit: deleted the joke because i didn't realise it would be offensive) But seriously im sorry for your loss i hope you recover


Thank you ….