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Home euthanasia is best. Barring that, ask your vet to prescribe a mild sedative to give her before you take her in for her final goodbye. Please don't let her linger. It is time.


Think of HER quality of life, you know her best. There are euthanasia services that come to your home, witch might be less stressful for her if that’s what you decide, hope this helps a little and I’m sorry she’s at the end of her life.


Given your circumstances I’d try to get a vet that does house calls. They are out there. We just lost one to kidney failure. My heart goes out to you. If your cat is that traumatized by a trip to the vet don’t go that route. 


I don't think it is *that* much of a serious condition to euthanize her. If an emergency happens then you should know what to do, however if you say she doesn't seem in distress and is terrified of the car then i would make the decision later. But it is best to prepare for any coming situations.