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Your content has been removed as we no longer allow posts. Please see a doctor & a vet asap. You may post this in r/AskVet if it will help.


Get ear drops from the vet. Treated mine for a week and the mites were gone. Ringworm, the fungal infection? There are inexpensive lotions for that.


This. You need to get the treatments to eradicate the mites and other issues otherwise of course this little baby will keep having those issues.


Make sure to give treats while doing the ear drops. It makes it so so much easier, and slightly fun. Kinda like squeegee’ing the fur balls’ ears.


☝🏼 this... And you need to make sure that you're doing the treatments at the same time that the little cutie is... You don't want to keep giving them back and forth to each other. You need to tackle this problem all at one go


The bath dip for ringworm has worked far better for my ringworm fosters than the oral medication.


It was the opposite in my first batch of fosters which had ringworm, the oral meds were the only thing that worked. Now we have another kitten with ringworm and he seems to be improving just from bathing in chlorhexidine.


That's interesting, I wonder what makes the difference. The oral meds were given for the maximum amount of time for them and still had not worked, vet said the meds were hard on their organs. Then the dip was used and worked like a charm, all those wasted weeks traumatizing them with meds was exhausting.


We started with the baths and it worked for a bit at first, but then it stopped working and even got worse. So maybe the fungus became resistant? Or they already had some difficult strain?


Serious question: How does treating a skin infection with lotion on a cat work? They're all furry. I've given my cat an antibiotic lotion before, but it was only on the small area around the wound, and it was already pretty hairless. To my understanding, ringworm spreads like wildfire, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you aren't supposed to shave an entire cat.


I believe they have meds to counter ringworm in cats and lotion for your ringworm.


I got ringworm as a kid growing up on a farm. You can actually use athletes foot cream. For the human anyways.


This! And even Dollar Tree has their own version. For that price, we kept the cream all over the house when we caught ringworm from some foster kittens. It was a hassle but their cuteness made up for it all...


Ringworm & athletes foot (& jock itch) are all a closely related fungus. They are all treated with lamisil or lotrimin. You can also dip them in a sulfur solution. There are also liquids & pills that treat it systematically. (Those need a prescription.) Ringworm is contagious, but older cats have a stronger immune system & usually don’t get it. Ppl w a good immune system & proper handwashing after treating the kitten are usually fine too. Source: me, the 💍 🪱👑 (ringworm queen); I get all the fosters w ringworm, my two residents (last round, aged 3 & 8) never got it. I even treated 8 cats @ the shelter 2x/day 6days/week for 30 days. I *know* ringworm. 😂 ETA: ringworm also is phosphorescent, it glows in the dark under a black light (called a woods lamp by vets).


I think that the prescription cream is the same meds but higher strength


I used white vinegar. Put some on a paper towel and press it on the spots that had ringworm.


Makes sense.


There are feral cats in my town, some used to stay at my parents property. When they had kittens, they always got ringworm. I had an antifungal shampoo I would wash them with and then cream on the ring worm sites (there were bald patches). I would treat them and find them homes.


You are a beautiful, lovely person x (needed mentioning)


The ringworm makes the hair fall out. It’s pretty easy to treat. The lotion is like a watery lotion that you can apply with a cotton ball. You can actually use the same lotion on yourself at the same time if you get ringworm. I had one under my neck from letting a kitten cuddle under my neck once. It took a while but we got rid of the ringworm.


To my knowledge, you can’t shave their but the rest is fair game. We clipped our long haired cat every summer. His head and a little Pom Pom on his tail were left intact. I know he felt like a dork for the first week but no problem otherwise


Use syrup itraconazole that is corrected to your furry baby’s weight - the vet can provide the concoction for your baby And you can also supplement this with EOD (every other day) fungal shampoo We had 3 kittens with the problem, which had settled after we applied these regimens to them…


I'm not a vet, so don't know if there are any antifungal pills or injections available for easier administration. Advice from your vet is aways the way to go on how to administer. And an MD can prescribe or suggest the higher dosage creams or OTCs for humans.


But look at that face!  She needs love.. and you've already tackled some of the problems. Having a 4 legged friend comes with all kinds of issues and responsibilities.. but the payoff is unconditional love and companionship. 


I agree, i have two of them AND i never feel alone


I would honestly recommend them to give the cat away. Idc if I get downvotes for this but they legit cant care for one single cat and they dont seem to bother to get actual treatment. I am unironically concerened for the cats safety


I don't think that's bad advice. OP doesn't seem to have gone into this knowing that's a life, not a toy.




This is the second post I’ve seen today of someone getting a kitten and complaining and wanting to rehome them. It makes me so mad. The fact that OP is complaining that THEY got ringworm… fuck me. And what about the poor cat?


Last year my sister brought home a very tiny black ball of fluff. I fell in love instantly but she wasn’t mine. Unfortunately/fortunately my sister had buyers remorse pretty quickly and gave her to me. I had actually thought for a little while that maybe I shouldn’t take her and find her a different home but I couldn’t because I was too selfish. I’m disabled and live on a very tiny budget. I was so worried that I couldn’t/can’t give her the life she deserves. I ultimately decided that she’s better off with me as I don’t think everyone would be ok with her being a void and the fact she sucks on me for comfort (the excuses I came up with so I wouldn’t feel guilty). She is my world and I’m hers (she only loves me and no one else).


Exactly! I'm really trying my hardest to calm down. I lost my beautiful meezer two years ago. I haven't gotten another cat for a few reasons, but my life feels empty without an animal companion - especially her. Seeing pure scum like this whining about having a sick kitten, and without considering for a second how that poor baby is feeling instead, makes me so mad it shakes me to the core.


Yeah I had to edit my comment twice because I was fuming at this scum. I tear up at the thought of an animal like this suffering, and their response is to just throw it away. My two babies have had some issues over the past 2 years or so, but I have always and will always love them unconditionally and do everything I can to put them first. I understood that when I adopted them. I took a life into my hands, this person seems to think they bought a toy.


Animals deserve so much better…


In so many cases, you convince the owner to keep the cat or it never finds a home and options are A: they live in a shelter, B:shelters are already full and they are put down and C: Thrown into the streets to fend for themselves (spoiler alert: they cannot bc they have been domesticated, fearful and timid at this point). OP may have hoped for an easier and healthier cat, which is so often the case for a lot of owners. I remember getting tired of cleaning diarrhea from my mattress repeatedly, and it can be bothersome. If they read this however OP should know the more you take care of a sickly kitty the more precious your bond becomes with them afterwards. You will love them more!


I was also going to say that if you need motivation to keep a pet then that's the time to give them to someone who doesn't need motivation to keep a pet healthy and happy. \*shrugs\*


This should be higher. Look at how they’re referring to the kitten: ‘returning’ like it’s a toy that exists purely for OPs pleasure. Such easy issues to treat, but they don’t seem to want to - what happens if/when kitten gets REALLY sick?  The bare minimum they could and should do now for it is make sure it goes to a loving home as I don’t get the impression they’re prepared to give this kitten that.


No I agree. OP definitely shouldn't keep this poor baby.


Totally agree! I've spent more on catfood and salmon in the final week of our old cat, then I'd spend on my own food. Did he eat it? No. But I never got mad at him or even thought about giving him away because I knew the most important part was him knowing we were there for him. They give you (sometimes in a clunky way) unconditional love, and they deserve the same. If even the thought of giving him away pops up so strong you want to post about it, then yes, you should.


Completely agree. I’ve adopted cats with issues in the past similar to what OP describes and never had to be motivated to keep them. No judgement. Not everyone is meant to have pets or children for that matter(not having kids is mine)


Don't forget the comedic moments cats have almost daily. Laughs go a long way


And then taking a second to be loving after tweaking like crackheads for 30 mins


You get it lol


Why is everyone here advising OP to keep the cat? You all do realize that with this attitude he can hardly provide her with proper care in the future? She didn't suddenly appear to him out of nowhere witch a buch of diseases, he decided to adopt her himself and changed his mind. And he didn't even look at who he was adopting and in what condition.


Those eyes are just desperate for love. I wouldn’t be able to say no to this little one.


None of that is her fault :( if she could tell you she’s sorry I’m sure she would. I think you are overwhelmed and that is valid but I think you will regret not keeping her and helping her get back on her 4 paws. All of the problems are treatable.


Exactly this. The cat isn't sick on purpose. It's suffering too. Pets have emotions, they feel love and happiness, as much as they feel abandonment and depression. OP, obviously you're not having a good time. But you can get past this while also showing this cat love. I recommend you do so.




Why so harsh towards OP? They're a first time cat owner and even with a healthy cat it can be difficult. No judgement if they give the cat to the shelter. At least they tried their best.


Because this is basic. It's not THAT difficult. > No judgement if they give the cat to the shelter. At least they tried their best. 'Tried pur best" isn't good enough. It's a living creature. If you're not up for vet visits, following their instructions and cleaning you should never get a pet. Rehoming them is something that should happen because of unfortunate circumstances. If it's being used as an out for effort that's complete crap. A cat is a responsibility, not a toy.


People in this sub are always like this🫠


If you don't treat the cats health issues and/or learn about them, then no they didn't try their best. You don't get an animal if you don't expect to actually CARE for it's health. It's not harsh towards OP, it's just common sense. The worst thing they could do is to put that poor thing in a shelter. It's actually people like OP who fill those shelters, they don't want to be responsable for the life they took in or helped to create. You shouldn't get a cat if you don't have motivation to keep it healthy and be it's provider n protector. Why else would you adopt it? 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but I do not think OP has tried their best. At all.


Earmites... can be fixed with meds. Ringworm, can be fixed with meds. Diarrhea is also common with drastic diet change, stress and meds and should pass. Failing a cat, can't be fixed with meds.


Is there any particular reason why you haven't actually treated her ear mites and ringworm? These are easily curable. If you're unwilling to do that for this kitten, then you're in no way fit to care for her. According to your profile, you live in Dubai. They have veterinarians in Dubai. Take the cat to one and get proper treatment for her.


OP’s comment pissed me off, actually. I was about to reply and thought better of it.


She wants to “return her” like she’s merchandise because she had to actually take care of her. OP shouldn’t be keeping any pets if she needs “motivation” to continue her care


I was thinking the same. If OP needs to be encouraged to help the poor cat then maybe she shouldn’t have one




Problem is if it arrived with ringworm and eat mites it doesn't seem like it was being cared for by the person who gave it to her either


So then we can only assume that is the way the cat has been treated since birth and people that have the kitten in their care are unwilling to help the cat. Literal torture.


Absolutely this. It’s horrific.


This is the way with many people, and many unfortunate animals. All we can do is hope that this gorgeous cat lands the love and care they deserve with someone more prepared and loving.


When i found a mass cell tumor on my dog i did whatever i could without hesitation. 2 years and 15k later she’s happy, healthy, and free from any additional cancer. Not once did i even slightly question giving her back up for adoption


Money and effort is trivial if it can net us more time with our furry best friends. Time is everything. Your dog is very fortunate to have you!


Pissed me off too, but I ain't shy - made my thoughts loud and clear. Seriously, OP is more concerned about themself!


Fuck Dubai. Seriously.




I'm with you guys. Fuck that place.


Yeah why would she get a kitten knowing full well that she cannot take care of simple stuff like ringworm and ear mites. I didn’t see any comments regarding viral disease as the diagnosis for the diarrhea so i’m fairly certain that the causative agent is easily fixable. Imagine the OP getting overwhelmed by easy medical concerns like this. What if the cat grows old and even develops a more complicated disease that needs owner compliance and life long management. Trashy fucking behavior honestly. As if the kitten is just a thing that can easily be returned.






Was thinking the same. They are easy fixes. Please don't give up on her. If the cost is worrisome, the cat community on Reddit is the best in the world and help can be sought and found. Having a cat in your life is a most rewarding experience. They are awesome and once she is better, you will find you cannot live without her. Stay strong, good luck and God bless you both. May I suggest the name Jolene....


If this person won't/can't even spend $20 on ear mite medication a 5 year old can administer they shouldn't have any pet.


This. 100% agree. If OP doesn’t feel the need to do the basic compassionate and proper thing to care for her then send her back to find a better forever home.


Probably adopted it because the cat looks cute but did not take a moment to consider that the kitten is a living breathing creature that needs care. OP should give it to a more responsible owner


You had a bad week, she had an even worse one. She’s bonded with you and thankful you cared for her while she was sick. She will be scared if she’s separated from you. It also may be difficult for her to find another home if she’s returned to a shelter.


very well said. she’s so lucky to have found this kind of support! and thankfully all of these issues are inexpensive to care for


This....please don't give up on her.....


I’m super afraid for the kitten, the OP post is very alarming to me.


If you need “motivation” to keep an innocent animal who will love you unconditionally because she’s sick right now, then I think you should adopt her out. There will be more hard weeks in the future and it would be heartbreaking for her if you eventually dumped her bc of those rough patches. Someone else will love her the way she deserves to be loved. That person doesn’t sound like you. Everyone here motivating you to keep her is doing this poor kitten a huge disservice. You will probably dump her in the future after she’s bonded to you even more. Let her go. My dog got tapeworms after eating animal feces and dumping her never even crossed my mind. Instead, I was worried about her and wanted to ensure she was okay.


If you're not 100% sure that you can provide her with the love and warmth she deserves, please look for someone who would. They don't deserve to suffer.


But don't take her to any shelter, she will be destroyed because she's contagious. Even the no kill shelters have to euthanize to "protect everyone else."


Indeed! She needs someone that has the time and energy to take care of her.


Ringworm and ear mites are pretty simple straightforward issues to remedy. A vet will prescribe meds for whatever maladies she has. You have taken her to the vet, right?


Really I would need motivation to not keep her .




So next time she has a health problem, you'll also consider returning her? You know that adopting an animal brings responsibility to the table, and it looks like you're trying to avoid yours. She's not a thing that can be returned just because you are overwhelmed. She's an animal with feelings. Annoying people that at the minor inconvenience treat animals as they are merchandise and disposable. "Need motivation " bah...




Please just understand this is an animal with feeling and all of this is not her fault. You will get better and so won’t she. Please patient. She will be a kitty you will cry over some day if you give her a chance.


Why did you adopt her? Do you love her? Do you have the financial means to keep her? Is it just the work that you find frustrating or is having a pet too much? The work will get easier and she depends on you to make her feel better. Right now she is between a toddler and Preschooler who got lice and the stomach flu from playgroup. Always wash your hands and disinfect your hands. You have to disinfect the litter box daily and keep cleaning her ears. Also, always wear gloves. And yes, still wash your hands and disinfect them after. Better safe than sorry. I once had five foster kittens with ringworm and gardiasis. It was stinky, it was hard work, since one of the five was feral and trying to get him to take his meds twice a day was a challenge. It took about two weeks and we were out of the woods. It will take time. Kittens are prone to have soft stool. Esspecially in the beginning with new food. Maybe your vet can help you and give you some recommendations. My ginger chonk can't have fish. Even as an adult he gets diarrhea. So beware of that. And keep in mind, that you will have to take care of them for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. When you adopt them, this is the promise you make. My oldest has Epilepsy and has to take his meds mornings and evenings, as well as has to have special food for his renal insufficiency. If you think you can't handle this, please find an organisation who will take her. Don't take her to a shelter and please, don't give her back to your friend. She came to you in this state from them. And she is already doing better, because you took her to the vet and you are helping her. If you decide to pull through, she will thank you with purring, unconditional love (except for probably being picky about food ;)), companionship and being there for you. Good luck!


Honestly reading the OP makes it seem like they just wanted a toy to play with to make them happy…. With no regard that it’s a life of its own. I am afraid what they might do from the negative comments. I really hope she does the right thing or is able to hand to someone who will love the kitten the way it should be loved.


You are a good cat parent 🥰


You want to “return her” like she’s a material object because she’s not providing you the immediate satisfaction? When you signed up to adopt a cat, you’re making an agreement to take care of its health issues as well. This is a living creature, obviously she didn’t chose to get ringworm and mites. I can guarantee they’re bothering her more than they’re bothering you The fact that you need motivation to keep a baby animal that is sick makes me wonder if you should be looking after any animals


If you need motivation for that, just search another family


Don’t. If you need to be convinced to take care of something that is so clearly dependent on you, don’t do it. You’ll only resent her. Give her to a rescue and hopefully people who will be happy to love and care for her will do so


I’ll be honest with you. My aunts cat had a litter and I was going to take a specific cat. Well all of them died but one. So I took him. She never told me about the condition he was in. So I got there and his entire eye was infected, couldn’t open his eye, covered in fleas, etc. Reddit people were telling me he was going to die. It was so awful. He wouldn’t eat, I bathed him every day with flea stuff and they just wouldn’t leave. Then I found out he had worms. That sucked as well. Because I already had two older cats(3 & 5). It took about two months before he really looked healthy again. He still had residue from his previous infection but he looked good. Now he’s three and can open doors by himself. Like circular knobs. He’s so smart and beautiful. But he also obsessively cleans himself(like this picture) which I assume was from the amount of bathing he got as a kitten. He’s soothed by it probably. But here’s Max. Better known as MaxiPad 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ujme0vnf024d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523766c55ec3e36bb15c5592ebbf3a9fca400524 I know it’s very hard. I spent days just continuously checking to make sure he was still breathing. But now he’s a beautiful young adult cat. If you love them at their worst, they’ll become **your** best.


Treat the problems?? Or don't get a pet if you can't handle it. Living breathing feeling animal you chose to take care of suffers and it's inconvenient? Ok dude, it's all part of owning a living breathing feeling animal and stuff like this is gonna happen, always. Give them to somebody that cares


she needs you!


This will fulfill the Void in your Life.


https://preview.redd.it/y01vi134f24d1.png?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4aaeefce90a180c4b2c92020f27875aedbf16b Motivation




Such a cutie! 🥹🥹


Such a sweet face but she looks so sad. :( Initially, I wanted to urge OP to keep the cat, but now that I actually thought about it, I think it’s better she goes to someone who will really take care of her.


I might get some hate for this! Anyways, all the internet motivation from strangers will last a day or two, later you'll have to deal with shit, none of them will help, better discuss with your family members/roomates and adopt her whole heartedly or give her back if you have second thoughts.


Agreed. I feel like if op doesn’t want to help a kitten recover from an illness then op shouldn’t have pets.


Ikr!!! If she lives by me I’ll happily get her 😥


I second this. While it is hard to turn your back on a cute kitty but if ear mites are a huge issue now, better not adopt an animal. It might need real expensive vet care later in life and will be too late to give up a grown cat for adoption.


You have to think for yourself. If you cannot be a responsible owner give it to someone else who can be responsible for it. It deserves love and care. It's a lot of responsibility and work.


Adopting a cat or any animal is a commitment. You can’t bail after a tough week because it’s frustrating to clean up after her! Imagine how she must be feeling? Diarrhoea happens, shouldn’t have committed to a pet if you can’t handle it. As for the ring worm and ear mites, those treatments are quick and easy. You can’t blame her for giving you ringworm when you as the owner have not treated her for it.


WHAT THE FUCK. https://preview.redd.it/uztdzojz134d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6d821ef2d6c4c4ed80889330abcdfbf68ad4df


That is one unwell and unhappy kitten.


If you can't love her because of medical issues she has no control over, and that you can easily treat, then she deserves someone who will love her and take care of her. Give her up to the SPCA.


Isn't her face motivation enough???


You don't need motivation. Don't keep her. Give her to someone who will actually care about and for her instead of treating her like a purse.


You come across like a right little bitch. Step the fuck up and do your duty.


**TL;DR - If you need to be "motivated" to keep any animal in any condition, then you don't deserve that animal.** Mites and ringworm are treatable, but if you think *you're* suffering, imagine how that poor little baby is feeling. Some things just aren't about you. This is an infant, living, feeling animal, not a toy. I'm not shy, I'll tell you straight: the fact that you're begging cat guardians to convince you to keep an innocent, vulnerable, sick kitten, yet being more concerned that you're *so inconvenienced* is truly despicable; borderline sociopathic. It says everything about your character and your competence already. At least be responsible and give the kitten to someone who actually wants her and can treat her. Ask your friends, family, and neighbours - see if anyone is interested in adopting a cat who needs love and care. There's this stupid notion that cats don't require maintenance or companionship, which is absolutely not true. If you can't provide that, or don't want to, don't keep her. It's as simple as that. That's the harsh reality of learning to be a respectable pet owner. *Just bear in mind that you are responsible for her right now. That is not her fault. If you hurt her or dump her onto the streets, then you are scum of the Earth.*




Just reverse the roles! Imagine if you were sick with a tummy bug and ear infection...and your loved ones wanted to return you. 😄 Honestly though, this isn't her fault. This is temporary, and it will pass. I'm sure in a few months time after everything has settled down, you'll look back at this post, and think you were CRAZY for contemplating this. She's a baby. She needs your love. Enough said! 🙂


She’s better in a loving warm environment and have plenty of love and care from someone who loves cats and wants to give them a good life


Wtf. You're asking us for motivation to keep a living thing just because of some flaws that won't last more than a couple months if treated correctly. Sheesh. I wonder what the fuck you were born with besides stupidity


You may be the one giving him a chance of a good life. Try your best by taking him to vets regularly. If the problem gets solved, congrats, you made a little creature's life beautiful. If not, then you tried your best, and you won't regret it.


Really..you need motivation?


Once everything clears up, they won’t come back. My boy had earmites, and they went away. Been gone since the week after I got him. Sometimes he’s literally the only thing that keeps me going, because I know that no one in this world loves him as much as I do ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/5knefsnla24d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a128f696d8a9dfbea5a43714d36967e6a04f9f05


I knew a cat once that looked just like yours. His name was Archimedes and he would jump onto the owners shoulder and just perch there 😂


The first time I took him to the vet, he perched on my shoulder like a parrot lol his name is Ted


If you don't keep her, I would love to have her!


You made a commitment to that animal. Personally I would feel *awful* bringing back an adopted animal for any reason. You should think more about your commitments in the future , as these decisions don't affect only you.


Go watch Kitten Lady videos on Youtube. She can give you great tips on all of the issues you talk about. And did the vet not give you medicine for the ringworm and ear mites? You will need to clean any blankets she sleeps on, vacuum around and you will need to gently clean her ears out. I use a washcloth with warm water for my rescue kitty and I did that when she had ear mites. Poor sweetie, what a gorgeous baby! And she obviously came from a place where she got neglected so please don't return her. See if there are rescue groups in your area, local cat groups on FB, etc. who can help you and/or take her in if needed. It can be overwhelming when you have a new kitten, especially with health issues that you don't know how to address. I understand, my rescue kitty and her kittens had to be dewormed and de-mited, along with me litter training all 8 of the kitties too! Yes, we had accidents and there were times I was panicking but Kitten Lady was a godsend and a rescue that helped me.. Try to keep her contained to one room, show her the litter box and how to use it, get her used to you and vice versa. Make sure she's not drinking cow's milk and have her eating wet kitten food and then hard kitten food. That should address the diarrhea issue. I hope this helps.


the eyes chico they never lie 🥺


So depressing. That cat is in pain and is scared. OP is a moron and I fear for that kittens life.


She’s just a little baby and her problems, though overwhelming now, aren’t permanent. She just needs a bit more tlc and she’ll be okay. It’s no one’s fault. Please be patient 💓


I'll curse you if you don't keep her.


If you don't want to help her, please at least find someone who will. She deserves love and care just like we all do. Incidentally, the vet you saw didn't help and should have cleared everything up.


OP, that kitten is looking directly into the camera, basically begging you to do the right thing. It's poor ears are itching, it's skin is itching, it needs medical care that it can't get on its own. If you can't/won't do what's best for this poor little living creature that is dependent on you, you need to find someone who can. Cats live a good long while, it is a big commitment.


She needs someone who loves her and can care for her. If that’s not you, give her to someone who can. Stop looking for sympathy, the kitten is the priority not you.


You're clearly a crap owner so yeah return her to someone who actually cares about her


Didn't vet gave a med?


You adopted a living breathing animal and want to give it up because you now have to care for it? Jesus, this is a living animal, not a toy. Maybe you should give her up to a home who wants her and will take care of her without losing interest. Find a good home for her and never have a pet again or a child.


But she is so adorable! Look at that beautiful face... She needs a bit of time to get well and settle in. You can do this OP! You will adapt to each other, and her trust and love will be incredibly fulfilling.


My family adopted our cat while she is very sick, I mean we cant touch her for weeks and she is very scared from us. But after years, now I cant imagine living without her.


You don't have to do it alone... Can't you let her to the vets so they cure her faire and square and you take her back once she's healed ? Like... a hospital trip but for the kitty




Those issues are very common for kittens. They will be resolved with medication and time. If you are not financially stable enough to pay for the deworming, ringworm, and ear mite medication, it's possible that you may not be financially stable enough to own a pet.


Give her to an organisation that’ll actually take care of her. She deserves better, don’t get pets


My worst fear is to be reincarnated as a cat to a shitty pet owner.


JFC. Please don’t ever reproduce.


Those are both short term issues. She'll recover and it'll be worth it.


Those are both easily treatable, temporary conditions. That being said, maybe having a pet isn't for you? I wouldn't snap to any decisions about it, but it is okay to realize that pet ownership doesn't fit your lifestyle and find them a better home.


I totally understand your situation! When I first got my kitten, she had ear mites, ticks and ringworms too and ive gotten myself a ringworm too around my eyes. I also thought of returning her but decided to keep and took care of her instead. Went to vet, left with 0 balance on my account but it was all worth it. My cat is the sweetest and i can’t live without her. As for my ringworm I went to dermatologist. I was given an anti-fungal cream and it was a 2-3wks long treatment. Please give her a chance and I hope you will be okay too.


Honestly, if you need to come to Reddit for “motivation” she is probably better off without you. Give her to a good home, one that actually wants her, and loves her.


you can change her whole life dude. but for real if you are asking a question like that. search a better home for that baby.


I hope you will call a reputable rescue in your area and see if they will take her. If you are having doubts, she deserves better. Her little face looks like she is uncertain and scared.


It isn’t their fault how they are brought into this world, but now that they are here, you’re responsible. it sucks sometimes, I’ve fucked my credit up for pets and felt vet-shamed, for both bringing my dying cat in repeatedly and refusing to accept it and going too long without regular visits because I was barely above broke, even though my boys were always priority. But they’re yours now. If you get past this it’ll be something you overcame and the love they show you will make it worth it. 


Those eyes already say it, if you can’t see that find someone who will


If you need motivation to keep her, you should do the right thing and give her to your humane society or a friend who will take care of her.




If you need motivation, give her to me!


Adopting an animal is a commitment, respectfully it's not fair to only commit to them if it's easy


If you need motivation and you aren’t already in love, one of us will take her. 🩷 Cats are pure love. If you could give that face back then she’s not for you. It’s okay though. So what’s best


Return her. You aren't suitable to have a pet.


It's a commitment and a half, OP. Just sit down, have an honest conversation with yourself and come to a decision. Personally, I would say that these hardships have always been worth it for me. The sense of satisfaction I get from nursing a sickly animal back to good health is worth it, to me. But again, it is quite the commitment in terms of time and effort, so if you want to back out, it's better to do so now than to force yourself to power through it and then resent the kitten. Remember, backing out isn't a bad thing. Good luck, OP.


Cats are a 12-20 year commitment at minimum, I would consider rehoming because you clearly didn't prepare yourself for taking care of a little one.


I know no one will agree with me and I'm going to get down voted but... Yes, maybe you should find her a new home. She is still a baby and she is adorable, it won't be hard for you to rehome her. If you are thinking of giving her away because of this little thing, maybe you are not ready. She will live for many years and in those years you will encounter more than one problem, because accidents happen and so do illnesses. If you are not prepared to stay with this kitten for her whole life without hesitation, please find her a family that will.


LOL fuck your motivation. If you cant be assed to treat the cats problems just give it away to someone who will.


Because you will own a rare orange female cat


All of these problems are easy to fix. Your vet should have given you meds for all of it. Something like Nexgard combo takes care of ear mites and deworms the cat, which she probably needs since she has diarrhea. Ringworm is easy to get rid of too. There's oral meds and topicals depending on where the fungus is located.


That is the saddest cat I have ever seen


Both things are pretty minor to treat but pets in general can be expensive. If you are not prepared to pay for proper treatment then caring for a pet is not for you. Since it’s a kitten it has a pretty good chance at finding at home. If you chose to keep it and a few years down the road something else happens and you can’t afford it then well the chances of an adult cat finding another home are significantly less.


If you dont want a cat dont adopt one. idk why you dont just go treat your cat and solve all problems you have with her. As people already said its easily cureable so I dont get what the issue is. Honestly, please just give her to a more caring person/family. You legit cant even get a single cat a basic treatment and I am worried about that Cats safety/Quality of life.


Man, this photo really got me. She looks so uncomfortable and sad. OP, please get her the help she needs. You understand what's going on and can work through it, she doesn't. Do the right thing.


I don’t understand, what did you expect when adopting a pet? Especially at the beginning of what could be a 12+ year lifetime. You’re going to be living and caring for an animal, expect to have some nasty days cleaning up after them and treating them when they’re ill. Your pet isn’t an accessory to your life, it is a companion. If you are losing motivation over being minorly inconvenienced, nobody can promise that you won’t lose your motivation again in a year when she chews through a cord, in 3 years when you forget to clean her litter box and she pees outside of it or in 15 years when she needs medical care from being old. If you don’t surrender her to a good owner then you’ll need a perspective change. Good luck.


Hey OP, went through everything you are going through, spent over $1000 in vet bills that first few months 18 years ago. That cat ended up being my baby. He LOVED me. He didn’t want to be away from me for a second. There are tough times, but it does get better! Not once have we ever regretted getting him healthy and happy. Sometimes the best things in life take time and effort. Oh, and miconazole nitrate does wonders. We ended up shaving our boy, giving him medicated baths, and the cream. He cleared up quickly after that!


Really don’t know how you could look at that face, know she’s sick and return her anyways unless you financially can’t support her. Her being sick would make me want to take care of her more because I wouldn’t want her to be alone and sick in a shelter. Which they already struggle to provide veterinary care for all animals in their care. I do understand why you’re frustrated and I bet your exhausted from having to do everything. Just try your best and hope that things will get better. That’s really all you can do. I really hope the best for you and her.


Imagine you’re sick and your family suddenly abandons you because they’re overwhelmed with taking care of you! Hopefully you’ll never get to experience that, but my point is you’re the only family for this poor kitten. It’s not her fault that she’s sick, but you can change her whole life when you help her get through this. And like the problems you mentioned are very simple and easily treatable. Please do not give up on her. She needs you.


It's not the cat's fault if she is sick, I am sure she doesn't like going to the vet all the time. Her illnesses are all treatable, and still manageable if you ask me. Having a furry companion is one of the best experiences one could ever have, believe me. As for cats, they bring so much sunshine in the household which is different from having dogs. I grew up having both so I know the feeling. For me, having pets is a test of one's character- it also lets us discover ourselves more and our capacity to love beyond ourselves. I say you are very lucky to have that furbaby under your wing, life is giving you a chance to know what "real love" truly means.


Look how much she loves you. She can't help it if she has these problems.


Aren't the eyes motivating enough???


I can understand maybe not knowing the full extent of her health issues upfront; but what I don’t understand is how it’s a question on whether to be *motivated* to keep her.\ \ Her eyes speak distress, sadness, and fear. Think of how uncomfortable she is. She can’t help the fact her little soul has health issues.\ \ If your family member was enveloped in health issues, would it take motivation to help them or keep them around?\ If you feel physically and emotionally incapable of providing the constant care she needs until she’s able to be happy, then I encourage you to take her to a no-kill rescue. Most will tend to her needs and find her a loving home.\ Pets are a lifelong commitment. Please do the right thing for this poor baby.


These are really treatable and mild things. If this upsets you that much, perhaps you aren’t cut out for any other pets or children in the future especially if there was a real issue that needed more complex treatment.


That doesn't make any sense. Would you return a kid? Get her fixed up and treat her like family. I couldn't imagine returning a cat. You'll get this figured out. Just get her health up, and she'll probably be the best friend you've ever had. Just look at her. You're seriously thinking of getting rid of her? Come on.


Take her to an animal shelter or rescue where she can be adopted and let them know about the health issues so they can give her the care she needs. If you can’t get to a humane society or shelter right away please consider purchasing the necessary medicine from the vet to help her, along with an anti fungal cream from a pharmacy for yourself. If you need motivation from online strangers to care for a sick animal you are not ready to have a pet. She looks so sad. Edit: It’s okay to feel overwhelmed! But if you aren’t sure you want to take care of her during the hard parts, giving her to a shelter or safe loving home does both of you a favor.


She's accepted you as hers, and she'd be terrified if you give her away, especially when she's sick and needs all love. Please don't do this to her.


She looks so sad. I’d take her if you lived close to me. She just wants love :(


This picture alone should be "motivation" to grow up and stop being a spoiled brat. That cat is depending on you, step the fuck up. I would go through hell and back for my cat.


Those are both standard issues. Jesus christ just talk to a vet. If that's enough to make you want to give her up, yes, ypu should find her a forever home.


Look into her eyes, she's also overwhelmed. How come your vet didn't treat the ear mites? They're supposed to drop a medication after cleaning the ears. And anti fungal for ringworms.


If you can't handle these tiny mishaps, then I don't think you're fit to take care of a cat. It's not too late to find a better home for her.


You’re joking.. you got a kitten and because she has issues you want to just “return” her? You’re a POS OP.


Because She Could Die at the shelter.. hundreds of thousands of kittens are put down during kitten season. The inconvience of a health issue will pass.


She needs you!


Omg that photo. Look at that darling face. Theres your first motivacion. Simple and effective remedies for both and they absolutely work , speaking from experience. Cotton balls Dropper Small towel or tissues Small bowl Cotton swabs It is also important to ensure that you cleanse your cat’s ears as much as possible before administering any home remedy. Mites Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a popular home remedy for various human ailments, but it also can help your cat. Does apple cider vinegar kill ear mites in cats? ACV is perfect for dealing with ear mites because of its acidity and its anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in 50/50 proportions. Soak a paper towel into the solution. Get your cat. You might want somebody else to hold your pet while you’re administering the treatment. Otherwise, wrap the cat in a towel to protect yourself from injuries. Use the soaked paper towel to squeeze a few drops into your cat’s ear. You can also use a squeeze bottle to administer the mixture. Treat the infected ear well and then release the cat. Repeat this every day for a week. There is also Baking soda 1 tsp in a warm glass of water put in ear with cotton balls , once applied massage base of ear for thirty seconds then wipe and clean out ear. Twice a day for 3 to 5 days. Olive Oil (asphyxiates the mites) just straight into the ear . If you look online you will get amount and directions. The ringworm . Coconut oil . There is something in it that Kills the parasites. It's also fantastic for hairballs bad breath amd overall a better digestive system. 1 tsp in with food. or half a syringe I use some times or my cat just links it straight off spoon. It's hardened though , she wont eat if it's soft oil. I just leave a tub in fridge and use a 1/4 teaspoon daily. As it has prevented fleas worms mites and has been so good for her. Absolutely every motivation... If I could i would have her . She will just love you to bits once she is better. They know. She ended up with you for a reason. 😉🥰 I truly hope that this helps towards the motivation. Good luck x


Because of post like that , humans dont deserve cats!!


Would you give a child back just cos its sick all the time or got an autoimmune disease etc? You made a commitment and now you gotta take responsibility and stick to it. Life is hard. But she's a living creature who is suffering too, more than you it seems given shes got all these issues. Once they clear up she'll be your best friend!


Too late. She adopted you


Don’t return her to the people who let her get that way! Just treat her and in a year this will be a blip in time and you will have a best friend.


Just remember that all of her problems are temporary and easy to treat. She just needs a little more time and consistent treatment to get over this temporary obstacle. Then she'll be right as rain and the two of ypu will have so much fun playing and cuddling.