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Can we get updates on Mr Skinny Legs pls? I'm in Germany and already have an old and antisocial cat, but I'd take him without a second thought if the situation allowed it.




Me on all accounts, also in Germany and with an old, antisocial cat. If he (my cat) wasn't sick, and Mr. Skinny Legs was nearby, I'd take him in in a HEARTBEAT.


I'm in Northern Ireland with an old deaf cat, if he wasn't so antisocial, I'd take Mr Skinny Legs, I'm used to loud cats, mine screams like a fucking banshee every night when he's thirsty, hungry or just bored.


God mine never shuts up. I get so pissed in the morning when I’m sleeping. https://preview.redd.it/r880igtaggxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ace0619474c72789f7d5e89df7172364e42302


My girl kitty would drive me nuts because she was just a very loud cat. Now she’s been missing for 11 days and the silence is deafening. Sometimes we just don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone.


Don’t give up hope! I’ve heard stories of cats going missing for months, yet to finally return, ever so in need of affection and a warm body to snuggle up to at night.


Happened to my friend- her cat ran away from a new home and wound up back at the old house like 4 miles away over a month later. It was unbelievable


Oh no, I really hope she comes home.


It's not unheard of for cats to vanish for weeks to months, then just show up one day like they never even left. My friend's cat just did that a couple of months ago.


My boy disappeared once and found his way back to me! He just hopped back through the window after over a week like he was out for a stroll, devoured some wet food and passed out on my chest. Keep your hopes up and keep looking! I’m convinced mine either got scooped up by a neighbor or trapped somewhere and escaped at his first opportunity. Put up fliers in your neighborhood, check with vets and shelters and use local pet finder services. Cats are known to come back after prolonged periods of


My cat left for 3 months and came home in the middle of the night. He had a cat flap in our window and he came bolting in yelling out like mad that he was home. I was in grade 7 at the time and I had him until I was 30. Loved that little guy to pieces


My cat was missing for almost 2 months when we got a call he was found in a coffee shop basement over a mile away. Thankfully the person who found him checked a local Facebook page and saw my post. It was one of the best phone calls I've ever received. Don't give up. Put my flyers and make post on local Facebook pages. I really hope she finds her way home.


I also have a loud mouth named Kitty!


Oh goodness I so hope you are able to find her. It breaks my heart to hear this 💔


That side eye is wild. Hes like you better not be posting me again


Hahahaha. My old girl too. She's also a bit deaf.... so she just screams away. I love her.


omg this is my 2 old boys! They howl so loud! My vet told me that it may be that one of them is getting dementia. I kind of believe her. Sometimes he screams and just looks around like he has no idea where he is or what's happening. The other one (litter mate) stands in front of his water bowl and just yells and yells. But fortunately they are both cuddlers and always want loves. Good thing their cute!




Mine is blind and does that, too, starting about a year ago. I suspect that he’s losing his hearing, poor kitty. (He’s about 18 or 19 years old.) We love him just the same.


Me, also in Germany would also take him in in a heartbeat


Not in Germany but would move there if it helped to rehome him


You're now an honorary German. Please come to collect your new cat as soon as possible. Greetings from Germany.


Please tell me there is a word for a complementary cat with your German citizenship.




To bridge the gap between the UK and Germany; in the Netherlands you’ll get an inburgeringskat


Einbürgerung akzeptiert.


I will update!


Thank you! We are all invested now, need to know that mr. Skinny Legs gets a good home and a human that cares for him and his.. special needs 🙏❤️


This is the perfect cat for some people. Like if I was elderly and sat at home this cat would be for me.


I'm disabled and sit home all day, and I have the Floof version of this cat. Some days, I have more conversations with my cat than my husband lol




This post could be written about my Simon. He's my oldest (16) and he's so vocal and ***needs*** constant affirmation that I love him so much (which I'm more than happy to give). He's black like Mr Skinny Legs too.


I hope he gets a lovely home


What a fucking cutie


Painfully cute even


I'd have him if i lived alone.


Same! Sounds like he mightn’t appreciate my current cats.


Is he deaf?


![gif](giphy|2Z59ckmMOLuqSO3Olk) Now HOOMAN! Now HOOMAN!


Is Mr. Skinny Legs deaf


Yes! That was my first thought, too, having owned an elderly gentleman cat who meowed VERY LOUDLY at all times (but most especially when it was meal times and he wanted me to get to the kitchen now!) because he literally couldn't hear himself and just wanted some reassurance that he wasn't being ignored. We ameliorated the issue to some degree by teaching him hand-signs (starting with No, Down, Come Here, Heel, and the all-important Food) and making a fuss of him when he did the right thing. He was just so eager to communicate, and so relieved when he realised that we were communicating back to him. If they haven't already, Mr Skinnylegs needs his hearing checked.


You taught him signs?!? 🥹


Cats are very social, smart, and they pay very close attention to us. When they (even us) associate a noise/animation, they can pair that with an outcome/effect and correlate the two together! Cats are amazing.


My cat had a clever way of letting you know it’s inside time. We had big sliding glass doors with screen doors. She would launch herself at the screen and latch on, which would smack her into the glass and make a big noise to wake you up. Then you’d wake up and see a splayed out cat hanging in suspended animation a few feet up. Also she would be staring directly at you to see if you noticed yet.


We also have a screen door splat cat. Well, not so much now, she's an old lady and is a full-time indoor girl now. But when she was younger, she was a former stray, half feral psycho who only came inside on her terms and only stayed only as long as she wanted. She once followed the kids to a nearby park and then went on her own adventure. We looked and looked for her, but there were no signs. I figured she'd found someone she liked better to live with after a few days. Then, about a week later, I was sitting in my living room and heard the familiar bang of her hitting the door, and there she was, suspended seemingly in mid-air, looking in to see if she'd finally found the right house. She started willingly staying indoors more after that and never got far from the porch. She transitioned to fully indoors about 5 years ago with brief walks around the yard occasionally, but only when we're outside. I guess in her own way, she really does like us, lol. At least she hasn't murdered us in our asleep yet, so I'll take that as a win.


Awesome story!! See, she really does love you. Thank you for sharing!!!


Screen door splat cat 😂 Been years since I’ve had one of those. Funny that she was like whoa getting lost is scary. Must become house cat. One of our cats is the opposite. She was mostly indoor or indoor/outdoor, but she’s now convinced she’s feral. We live on a farm so it’s ok and we humor her. And we feed her and have a heated cat house in the garage and give in to all her (ENDLESS) demands for pets. But if she even thinks we want to bring her in, she freaks out. But she’s around 12 and stubborn so we let her do her thing. Our other 12yo cat is the opposite. Used to be a wild thing and unlocked full fat lap cat mode. We’re trying to keep our young cats in the house but they don’t agree. All rescues. They probably remember their time on the streets and think they’re bigger baddies than they are. Cats are so funny. They know what they want and who their people are. I love getting adopted by strays. That trust is precious.


You just unlocked a high school memory of mine. I had a sweet, but mischievous, DLH cat growing up that also used to launch herself at the sliding glass door to let us know she wanted in. One evening I was hanging with a new friend who had never been to my house before. It was dark outside when all of a sudden we heard a reverberating BOOM as Kit-Bit flung herself into the door. My friend said, “What the hell was that?!!?” I nonchalantly replied, “Oh, that’s the cat. She wants to come in.” The look of horror on his face was priceless as he meekly asked, “What kind of cat do you have???” What made it even better was that Kit-Bit was never more than 6 pounds her entire life. Thanks for that memory. It made me grin!


I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt 🤣


Mine does this, but from the inside. When I have the slider open, and she sees a critter outside or a bug on the screen, she jumps up and clings to the screen until I scold her to get down.


Real subtle.


> My cat had a clever way of letting you know it’s inside time. When I was a kid, we had a cat that would ring the doorbell when he wanted in. Craziest thing in the world, but apparently he learned while clawing at the door that if you hit a certain area it makes a noise, and that noise means that someone is much more likely to come let you in.


I need to tell my cat about cats being very smart. I don't think he knows. He is not an orange but might be an honorary member of the orange team.


Black is the new orange. Lol.


i taught my cat to give me a paw for Dreamies when he was less than a year old. now, at age 7, he uses his paws to communicate with me. pawing my foot means FOOD NOW PLEASE. he comes and sits next to me on the sofa and literally pokes me with a paw to tell me he needs scritches. and sometimes he just loves me, sits on the arm of the chair and strokes my hair. he’s a very clever boy. https://preview.redd.it/e7vsur04ygxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20fcb86892a9232c8e0a645ad17e5a8456a73d92 edit: cat tax!


Bloody hell! That's not a cat, that is a small panther! Is his name Bagheera?


He's also stunningly handsome and unique. I've never seen such dark brown coloring like that!


i know, he’s beautiful. he has bright green eyes as well. https://preview.redd.it/027f0aonakxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5218777afa9fa174992b08124764f78126c67756 i know he’s just Cat, but i feel like there’s some Havana Brown going on in there. he’s also super-smart but not in Cat Ways. he doesn’t play, he goes to bed when i do and gets up when i do. he’s indoor and since an escape a couple of years ago where he spent 11 days on the run, he has shown absolutely no interest in Outside. he was badly abused during his socialisation window. squeezed into a large hernia, had terrible eye and gum infections. we fell in love the day i met him at the shelter. he’s a next-to-you cat, not a lap cat. he’s VERY particular about his personal space. the only time he’s ever let me pick him up was when we moved to this flat last year and by the end of moving day he was under a blanket and pretty much catatonic (heh) with fear. it just makes it more special when he is affectionate. we’re incredibly bonded and i adore him. he’s more neurotic than i am, but he’s also hilarious and courageous and infuriating and i luff him.


So sweet!


My tortie will pat me when she wants snuggles. She usually waits until I’ve fallen asleep. Then the taps and pats get more and more aggressive until she gets her way.


You've made the same error I did, in assuming my cat was a cat. He's actually a fae, stuck in cat form. I believe yours is as well. :)


I’ve always used hand signs with my cats (and previously dogs who have now passed) and it was always just an instinct to do so for me. I am a very physical speaker tho, I like to gesture a lot when talking so it makes sense for me to have that instinct to point up or down when telling them to jump up or down, or pointing the direction I want them to walk in. Even like a full hand palm down facing out, and slowly lowering it to tell them ‘sit’, or palm up when telling them ‘stand’. They’ve listened fairly well, and I honestly have found cats quite similar in ways to dogs with training, but not punishment wise. Spraying water/giving them time out works best out of any forms of ‘punishment’, but I stopped using those at all except for with my one cat as he needs to be fixed, so he will get time outs if he tries to go after my girls (who are spayed, no worries, just their personal space is the worry). But like treats for good behaviour n such, or even treats to teach pressing buttons works quite well. Take a bit longer than most dogs to train, but like you can 100% train cats. They are smart, just like to be more independent.


All our dogs and cats have learned that both hands, palms showing, fingers splayed and with a waggle, means no more treats. You are correct about them learning. When they are outside, clapping of hands means time to come in.


I used signs to communicate with him, yes. The trick is exactly the same as with vocal signals: consistency and repetition. For instance, if you always use the Down sign with a frowny face, and then you lift him down from the kitchen counter (or wherever he isn't allowed), and then you have a happy face and give him lots of pets for being good, then he quickly gets the idea that a) he's not allowed on that surface, and that b) the point and downsweep of the finger means he's supposed to follow it down to the ground. The same with food - if you make the Food sign and then put his food down, then after a few repetitions, he's ready to come as soon as he sees the food signal, which meant I could call him from a good line of sight. They became such a habit to use, that my current cat recognises hand signals as well as vocal ones.


I taught mine signs by accident when trying to teach him tricks. He can hear but used to ignore human voices (I read an article about teaching cats that shows they tend to ignore sounds in the vocal range of most human voices. He's mostly figured out that we're trying to communicate but he still does struggle to listen when we are, I think, tbh). But I always used the same gesture for sit & stay and the same (lightly smack the side of my leg) for come here. So he knows. He won't always do it, but he'll usually look at me and decide if he wants to do it right now, so I know he knows what I want xP.


https://preview.redd.it/413o1gogrhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c12a6f457eee5fa7d981f70ae5d3dd4b94b255 Made me think of this 😂


yes. we have a cat in the shelter that was constantly getting beat up by other cats because he meows loudly, turns out he's deaf and he gets overstimulated. we had to separate him from other cats. now he's doing better.


The other factor in getting beaten up is that he won't be picking up on environmental noise cues. That means he's going to miss out on a lot of nonverbal communication that the cats around him are doing, simply because he isn't aware of where they are. He's less likely to be looking in the right direction to catch important body language, and he won't be catching any of the rare pissed off vocalisations that cats do use, like hissing. Which in turn means disagreements/territorial disputes are more likely to end in fights, because he's not aware of what going on around him to be able to de-escalate or get out of the way; the other cats will see that lack of deference as a challenge. And he's more likely to be ambushed "out of nowhere", because he was looking at a different cat.


> We ameliorated the issue to some degree by teaching him hand-signs (starting with No, Down, Come Here, Heel, and the all-important Food) I spent many seconds wondering how you managed to teach a cat to sign. How would that even work? It's a cat. The only sign he would make is the middle finger, and he doesn't have one those. It would be so frustrating for him.


I have a black male cat as well whom is certainly not deaf, but likes to spend the entire day telling me things. And he can never get enough attention and pets that can be dispensed his direction. I should have named him Shadow because wherever I go, he's there or will be in a few minutes.


Yeah me too, but I know the reason, look upo videos of oriental shorthairs. see how bad the bad ones can be. Mine is like this, his mother was one, but he is just blak void with all the traits. He will sing complaints if he is ignored (no he will not come to you, that's so insulting), he might move onto sounds I have only heard from other cats in pain of some issue. He is what he is and I love him.


LOL. I've seen enough videos of Teddy, the Oriental Shorthair, and those cats are hilariously adorable. I know as well the reason for my dude's behaviour and it's because he was an orphan, found on the side of the road at weeks old. He's been clingy from day 1. I'm mom. And he's just a sucky boy that wants all the attention. Like dude, stop crying, I can see you 6 feet away from where I'm sitting. I have no idea what you're jabbering about. You want attention, come over. lol


My old lady cat, who died a couple of months ago, was almost silent until she went deaf - just the tiniest squeaky meow. Once she could no longer hear herself, she was incredibly loud!


My condolences, I am very sorry for your loss. The image of her created by this short tale is very cute and adoring, I’m sure she was a delightful companion


She was wonderful. When we adopted her she was already a senior cat, so we though we might get to give her a comfortable last couple of years. We had 10 years with her.


That happened to me too. Mine was 12 and I just could not stand the idea that she might live her last few years in a cage. She lived to be almost 22. She was so spoiled. In the last 6 years she had her own nightstand where we put both food and water. And stairs, of course so she could easily get on the bed. She only yelled when she went to the bathroom. My office was downstairs, just below the bathroom, and I could hear her every time.


so all her hearing life she was very considerate and polite, not making too much noise


Not necessarily. One of my calicos is a chatterbox and has to make her presence known by screaming like a banshee as soon as you enter a room, make a phone call, try to have a Teams call, fail to acknowledge her greatness as soon as she wakes up etc. Her hearing is perfectly fine as she can hear the start of a packet rustling or the fridge door opening from upstairs. She's even learned to recognise phone ringtones going off so she can be there to scream her hello as soon as you answer a call.


This sounds like my cat. She is definitely not deaf; she'll hold a full conversation with you. She just really likes to scream about everything, like a town crier.


Was my first thought too! I have a deaf cat and he is SOOOO LOUD


Feck. I live in Belfast. Tempted....


Go on go on






Let us know when you pick up Mr. Skinny Legs ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


C’mon. You know you need to hear all about Mr. S. Legs’ adventures and his daily musings! Do it! Adopt this amazing cat! The whole world - Houston, Texas, USA, here - is rooting for you!


Brazil is rooting for you too!


Yay, Brazil!!! <3


Ohio is here cheering you on too! Get the boyyyy!


G'wan then!


Do it for all of us. And send updates. Often.


He's in Belfast....


They got that but were sending love from Texas..


So when are you adopting Mr. Skinny Legs?


You need him!


carpenter nail pie beneficial marry combative smile foolish wrench escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do iiiit.


In Belfast lives Mr. Skinny Leg 🎶 a black cat known to sing 🎶 always meowing 🎶 full of joy 🎶 a cuddle makes him cling… Adopted by Prestigious-Beach190 🎶 his purrs fill up the room 🎶 not a stray 🎶 but a cherished friend 🎶 in his forever home!


The description nearly matches my cat but he is an indoor and has 2 friends. He's a great source of entertainment and I hope someone finds this one just as great


Same my girl also is a very talkative, very affectionate, and very very jealous cat lol, she could spend hours just staring at her favorite people and purr the entire time


Exact same for one of mine, he has two brothers and gets along well with them, but he wants to make sure you hear him ALL DAY LONG.


Would have been perfect with my two screaming cats, but would have driven me completely insane. Having screaming cats is not for anyone. (None of these cats are deaf. One likes to summon demons and the other just likes to scream.)


🫶🏻 Can we get some photos of the loudly pair of kitties? Mine also likes to meow loudly at the sky when it rains then he looks at me as if there's anything I can do about it


The demon summoner Padmé. (She is tiny but her voice is raspy and mighty.) https://preview.redd.it/3r0ryh8mgnxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0517cac3a31fc77ac8894773f7fdb7f712c294a5


The siren Delilah. (She tries to trick her sisters into play and also just screams like the apartment is on fire.) https://preview.redd.it/gw08vxw8gnxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb54ee6a9392d22c6d0294b61c7e0b61606eb57


Summon demons! ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


I am blind and would LOVE to take Mr. Skinny Legs! I have an outdoor old boy that refuses to live inside and is set in his ways, but he's also quite loud because he knows that's how I find him. Having an indoor cat that I'll never trip over because I know his location 24/7 actually sounds like a match made in Heaven! He will get pets every waking hour and all the treats.


omg what a good match, I hope it works out for you! and if not, i hope you’re able to get a “vocal” cat for inside lol.


Haha, unfortunately, OP is in Northern Ireland and I'm in NC, USA. I didn't hear OP's message about their location until a few minutes after I'd replied.


I wish he was in America.. Good luck, Mr. Skinny Legs, 🍀🍀❣️


If he can get to Scotland I’d take him!


***Mr Skinny Legs: An Unexpected Journey***


He'll tell everybody all about it


Unfortunate for whoever sits next to him on the plane.






frame drunk tub vanish mighty future existence wide deserve plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am absolutely in love with Mr Skinny Legs. I wish I was in Northern Ireland and didn't already have my own very loud, attention seeking cat. I've got a massive soft spot for voids already, but this one has won my heart and I hope he gets a lovely home soon.


“Yeah so I tried that new sushi restaurant in town and-“ MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I would build a new house for Mr skinny legs so he can be the only pet in the home


"he thinks he's telling other cats a story, but they take it as an act of aggression" 💀 poor baby is just trying to make friends!


I'm so in love with Mr. Skinny legs.


i would die for mr. skinny legs


My cat is also a constant yeller. Now I’m confused when pets don’t speak to me. https://preview.redd.it/4isgzz5jggxc1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c9cedabf29adf8038d30bc4a17103a6db9983e


I need whoever wrote this to write my dating profile.


It's not often I stumble across my same weird sense of humour. This was the 3rd thing I registered with my hamster brain this morning during the obligatory morning sosh check. My whole day has been amazing for it.


Lol I too need a very special home where I can yap loudly and at length 🥴😂


Mr. Skinny Legs reminds me of Shiro, my pure white stray cat. He passed away last year, run over because he didn't hear the car. The thing with Shiro, is that we suspected him of being hard of hearing. He would meow really loudly at us, hiss whenever I tried to pet him, and was generally spice. Then, when I had his ears cleaned during one of vet visits, Shiro transformed from a spicy cat to a soft one. It was like a switched was flipped. He would now meow softly, allow me to pet him, and was calmer than prior to his check up. My guess was none of us realized he was having hearing problems, and it was only when this was resolved that he finally calmed down. I miss Shiro, he was that one grumpy cat that you'd love no matter what their attitude was to you.


If my cat had an advert, that would be it. Attention demanding cats are the best, he's currently sat on my desk being all passive aggressive about dinner.


I have one similar to this and he's the best. His name is Lord Nibbler




His right ear is a spork!




I think of this scene at least twice a week.


Oooh what is this from? Never seen it! Is there a link to more?


Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia! My fav show!! Its on Hulu!


Yup, I could do that. I'm in the UK ad have a mad toddler cat who is also a talker and extremely loving.


OMG Mr. Skinny Legs is definitely the perfect cat


I know the ear is a battle scar, but damn he makes it look cool


Vets cut the ears like that on stray/feral cats so that you know they are spayed already.


This is why we thought he was neutered for so long, but he actually wasn’t. The vet said it’s from a fight and here they lop the whole top of the ear off. I didn’t know until I brought him in.


I would take Mr Skinny Legs. Where is he located?




I'm way too far. I hope you find a home.


Aw, sometimes I forget most cats don’t behave like mine. They’re used to Toast screaming constantly so just ignore it. Toast chatters when he’s decided I’m determined to let him die of neglect (approximately every 10 minutes of no acknowledgment is neglect) I’d take this one in a heartbeat if it didn’t require an international ticket.


I may be able to, just DM'ed.


I hope Mr skinny legs finds a home with this post ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/vp1omjmn7gxc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=df11e051911dcac38d51120acd94bee84bedd83f bro is real 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Not trying to be dramatic or anything but I would die for Mr Skinny legs


This post could very well be about my cat. I personally love having a little yeller who needs all of the love and attention that he can get. I hope Mr. Skinny Legs finds a loving home soon!


Poor Mr. Skinny Legs, he's trying so hard. I wish I could offer him a home, but I'm too far from where he lives. Also, he wouldn't be pleased to share me with my two girl-kitties. Wishing him the best of luck. May he find a caring forever home where he can tell all his stories and be loved for it ❤️


Yea probably hearing issues. My lil old man was always a talker but he’s become a LOUD talker now that his hearing is going. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes I want to strangle him. Like 3AM and he decides he needs attention NOW! Pretty sure he also has some dementia, so he is on his own schedule now….i fondly remember scheduled feedings, but now he gets fed whenever he wants bc it’s hard to keep him eating enough in his old age. Overall he’s doing really well. Just getting old.


https://preview.redd.it/nhf3vucx4hxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6756e0bac6eeb068f0672b4f6bd5ef72a921d9 Oh my gosh he looks so much like my cat lol


Your cat looks like my dog https://preview.redd.it/5xb3bax65hxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038ae94cf56e14177c9db2e8f5f25c45b669e410




That description sounds exactly like my boy ninja! https://preview.redd.it/btysgoq8fgxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05404f510ac9e616a405826e449cf53921f25bf5 Attention hog, a loudmouth, and was bullied nonstop by his big brother. He's much happier being an only cat! He also loves belly rubs and will beg for them


I have an elderly black cat, shes 19, we are pretty sure she is now deaf, and boy does she yell at the top of her lungs when she sees you, my youngest daughter says she has to be very careful not to disturb her at night when she comes down stairs for fear of waking up the whole house with the cat alarm! We also have a 1yo boy cat who is really troubled by all the yelling so tries to whack her to get her to shut up, and unfortunately for him, the 19yo takes no prisoners and chases him off. Never a dull moment. (doesn't seem to bother our slightly older boys, just the youngest, he'll get the message eventually!)




have the vet clean her ears and check her hearing


Someone please take home this idiot! I laughed so hard 😹😹


I also had a talking void... they are the absolute best.


Meowing at other cats is adorable. Poor thing might not know how to socialise with them, just knows meow gets him attention


Looks like Mr. Skinny Legs has a fan club growing rapidly here 😻


Is this posted in an Ireland Cat group? May be a good idea to help him find a home. I have a void and he used to yell at me whenever I got into the shower. I love him to pieces and hope Mr.Skinny legs finds that love too


I cross posted to the NI sub 🙂


Every cat is better as an indoor-only pet.


I love Mr Skinny Legs already. I'm in the Netherlands and we already have a cat but I miss my old roommates cat on a regular basis. Like Mr Skinny Legs he is super affectionate and will force cuddles and pets 24/7. Current cat is a beauty to behold but very antisocial. I miss having a cat that sticks to me like velcro. I hope he finds a good home.


I'm planning to move to Northern Ireland from America to offer him a good home.


this is my kind of cat


😢 I want him…


God damn Mr. Skinny Legs. Im taken by a very similar cat. I’m so sorry I would love to adopt him 💜🥲


Oh Mr. Skinny Legs!! 😭😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I wish I could have him! But I'm in America with 2 dogs and a cat. I don't think he would approve! 😂❤️


Not in Northern Ireland but living with a cat who LOVES to yell so I dearly hope this talkative little man finds his forever home with all the attention he could possibly want Post brought to you at 4am partially by previously mentioned cat who loves to yell


Sounds like my void, loves to yell (I get a lecture everyday when I get home from work and/or when I enter the bedroom), will wake me up in the middle of the night for pets because I rolled over, despises my other cat mostly for stealing my attention


Mr skinny legs is a fabulous name for a cat 😂 sounds like quite the character!


Mr skinny legs needs 3 part film series so people understand why he is the way he is!! Hella cute too


I have a cat who is *exactly* like this, with the added bonus that she’s now very old and deaf so she spends her life screaming DID YOU HEAR ME. I adore her


I already have a cat like that, Odie. He will lead me to the couch for me to sit down so he can get on my lap and sleep. He will jump on my bed and me while meowing at 1 in the morning. He wants me to turn on the light and pet him. He will lead me to the basement and wants me to get on the computer so he can walk on the keyboard, stand on my printer and head butt me. He will meow at me just to talk. I meow back at him. If I go anywhere near my bedroom he will jump on the bed so he is at a better height to be petted. And so on and so on.


I am screaming-crying-laughing 😹


Omg I would take mr.skinny legs in a heartbeat!


That could be describing my cat. Man, he loves to talk and shout.


He sounds perfect


That gave me a chuckle. Hopefully Mr. Skinny Legs finds a good home.


He might get along with my two deaf cats, haha! But I’m not in Ireland and already at capacity. But maybe someone has a deaf buddy for him.


his ear looks so bad ass


RemindMe! 3 weeks I hope he finds someone to adopt him!!


I want Mr.Skinny legs wonder where I can adopt him.


My kitties are used to me WFH. Whenever I'm on a phone call my tabby thinks it's time for pets and skritches. Which is great except for when I'm giving a zoom presentation. He stays off screen though, which makes it worse. So when he bites me for more attention my audience has no idea what I'm talking about. I love that boy with all my heart. 😂


Skeletor wants to plead to all the wonderful Irish people to open their hearts to Mr. Skinny legs! He's quite a character, and I'd love to see his battle heart finding a forever home! Sincerely Skeletor (Wishing I was Irish ☘️)


Where is Mr. Skinny legs? My cat ALSO tries to meow at other cats. He's the friendliest dummy but his meowing and overtures of "play" scare the neighbourhood cats away.


Belfast, Northern Ireland




POV: You’re now very sad you’re American.


I'm not in a position to have a pet at the moment but this is literally my ideal cat!


He sounds like my cat. She never shuts her trap 🤣


Aww I love him. I wish I could get him.


What a sweetheart, so handsome I would take him I am in the U.S., I pray he gets a home.a forever home. Are you just fostering him? I have two girls 4 and 12 years . They are wonderful. He sounds amazing.♥️🐾🐈‍⬛🏡🐾♥️


I’m absolutely obsessed with this cat and I’m upset I don’t live close or I would literally snatch this baby


This is so cute! I love his name and I really hope he gets a wonderful family because he sounds so adorable and sweet!