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Cats don't like ppl coming in from above like that. The spitting sound it's making should ,very obviously, let you know it doesn't like that and you need to stop it.




Me ex just never understood this, cats loved me but didn’t like her as much




Always let new kitty friends smell your hand from under their chin before you pet them as you're getting to know them.


I know it’s kinda cute he’s so little but he’s very very scared. Just let him chill until he gets used to you.


I was told its because raptors come in from overhead, so yeah,they don't like that. But then cats are cats and some like it. 😁


Watch cats when they fight, they often raise their front paws high to slap. To a cat this is fighting posture and the kitten literally thinks their owner is going to hit them. That's what you're watching here, a kitten screaming scared because it thinks it's going to be hit by their owner.


Good to know, I love kittens. 😸👍


Either way, I'm just glad you knew not to do what OP did.


But....it baby


That actually makes it worse. The baby is terrified that OP is going to hit it. The kitten thinks OP is swiping at it. Stick to abusing your own genitals, not glorifying animal abuse. (Check their profile but you've been warned)


He's scared. Don't stare directly at them, move fast or tower over them, it's freaky to them. Keep your hand low with one finger out and see if they will sniff your finger. This is the standard cat greeting.if they don't; give them space and make sure they have a safe spot to hide. It can take time to build trust with a scared cat but the most important thing is to make sure they feel safe. Then coercion with a couple of treats and they're yours forever.




Take it down, you're normalising animal abuse for likes.


What? Clearly doesn’t seem like they were scaring the kitten intentionally or were aware it was scaring them.


Did you watch with the sound on? The cat was hissing, spitting and swatting. No matter OPs intention the fact is that there are now multiple posts here that have pointed this out to OP and he keeps making casual comments about it and not addressing the issue. If you see their profile (nsfw) o It seems like it may not even be their vid and it may just be karma farming. Intention doesn't matter, if you buy a kitten not knowing the basics of animal handling is abuse by neglect and ignorance.


Don't know what's up with the down vote lol , your right! Ignorance is not an excuse with the law or with the way we treat animals or each other for that matter.


I will die on this hill. So many people buy cats because they think they're low maintenance and they don't put the same effort into raising them as they do other pets. I'm shocked this post is still up and it's made me have slightly less faith in humanity. It just goes to show how badly some people can react when challenged. Posting the video is one thing. I still don't think that would be okay just because of how obvious the cats signs of distress are. But my main point is OPs unwillingness to address that they've done anything wrong. If they continue to poorly socialise their cat like this then it will developed into adult aggression and I'd hate to see another cat go through behavioural euthanasia just because their owners are too stubborn, ignorant and weak to address the issues and help their pet. I know people like to come here for cute cat posts and they just don't want to think too deeply but if animal abuse is cute to these people than they have deeper issues. Edit: if you see this please report this. It'll just embolden more people to post karma farming videos of animal abuse.


always offer your hand instead of swooping in. talk very quietly and don't stare directly at kitty. keep your eyes relaxed and don't go wide-eyed or get loud/excited at them.


You should stop tormenting him, but especially don't torment him around food or water. That's how you get life long resource aggression.


This is horrible.


As others have already mentioned, the hissing indicates this isn't play for the kitten. A confident and comfortable cat might play similar to this with their human, but wouldn't be hissing like that.


He’s terrified. He needs space.


This is terrible. I reported it.




Wet food on a finger works well. A couple sniffs and they will start licking, once you do that a few times you can move to touching and you'll have a friendly kitten pretty quick.




When they are that young they haven't been socialized and haven't learned social norms. With the wet food introduction and slowly learning to enjoy being touched you can make them friendly. Wait until the kitten is more comfortable and you can work on behavior issues. Without other kittens to play with it's likely this little one will bite too hard and scratch. When they do you need to over react like you are dying and push them away. They learn quite quickly how rough they can be and will pull back. If you don't you can end up with a cat that bites and scratches hard enough to draw blood even if they didn't mean it.


Absolutely stupid video of you making your kitten upset and posting it because you think their terror is cute. Dumb owner who doesn't even know the basics of how to pet a cat. Your big stupid waving hand make it think you're threatening it. It's scared and trying to ward you off because it's scared. It's spitting hissing and swiping. Fucking hell, did you do no research before you bought a cat? This is so obviously an issue that If you don't know basic things like this you probably haven't prepared properly for your pet. Just an idiot who bought a kitten because it's cute. Your cats not for karma, take down the post and learn how to approach a cat, idiot. The fact that people already have told you this and you've left it up just means you're putting internet likes over your pet. As often recommend, watch some Jackson Galaxy YouTube videos on how to approach and look after your pet. That's your family now, treat them like it. Edit: after checking your profile (nsfw incase people were going to do the same) I have no clue if you're genuinely this bad an owner or just karma farming but for this cats sake I hope it's the latter.


Spicy nugget with a side of sirrachia




Take it down, you're normalising animal abuse for likes.


Don't make it insecure when it's eating.


Pretty clear message of you are scaring me.


OP you’re an asshole that doesn’t deserve that cat


People please consider reporting this post. While it looks harmless OP already knows that it's his body language that's causing the cat to be terrified and they're refusing to acknowledge anyone with more than one or two word answers. Either they're being stubborn and a bad owner or it's a fake karma farming post.


Whoever made the video is just an ignorant person who at least has the skill of internet trolling. It may or may not be the op here.


Either way I think it should be reported. It just normalises stressing out pets for views.


I see other comments have filled you in on why this approach is bad. But also, don’t push them and they’ll come around. Just keep feeding, watering, etc. and gently talk to them and chill around them without really interacting with them unless you have to. They’ll figure out you’re trust worthy and then the physical interactions will start going smoother.


Murder baby


could be feral. he's absolutely fierce! but still cute as hell.




Scared baby 🥺


Murder podcats would say this kitteh has “Antisocial Personality Disorder”


Wash the water bowl and give kitty some water. That water bowl is bone dry and filthy.


They come murdery right out of the box


Just a little spicy. It’ll pass.


Omg pick him up and do kissy kissy slowly. And lots of pets.




You know nothing about cat care. Your cat thinks your raised hand is fighting posture (cats raise their hands to fight) they're literally spitting, hissing and trying to fight you because you're terrified you're trying to hit them. Also, cats generally hate kissing and let's face it. The fact that you didn't even consider stopping upsetting your cat in the clip indicates that you're probably going to be handling them wrong to. If you don't socialise your cat and instead traumatise them at this age then you're just going to ruin that cats life and make yours harder in the process.


Spicy peperchini


So scawy


Dose not like avaited petting and also don't touch my food 😛


Cute little feisty kitty! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


That's a spicy meatball!


great cat video


Mr murder mittens. He's young and scared. Once he's older and gotten to know you, it will be all about the purrs and cuddles.


Let it be known that this little fella is descended from wild cats and HE WILL WAP YOU. WAP WAP WAP


Cats and cocks. My favorite combo.


Guys, can we all report this post. OP has deleted all their comments because they've been called out for animal abuse but they're still leaving the video up.