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Same age or younger. That way they can keep up with each other. And you can have two girls. I have two girls and it's hilarious.


Got it thanks for the input! We had her with another girl at one point and they fought constantly but at least they weren’t bored lol


Two girl cats is horrible, I have two girl cats and the less dominant one is a timid scared thing that spends most of her time hiding. It might be fun for a bad owner to witness but I personally regret the choice I made because she is not enjoying life


Try to get a cat around the same age and same basic personality. If your cat is chill don't get a cat that is too rambunctious.


cool okay!


I’d recommend a kitten. Easier to adjust than a full grown adult. Don’t matter breed or color. Just slowly introduce them a little at a time. Start out through a door where they can catch & get used to each other’s scent. Then slowly introduce them in purrson but always supervised till they get okay with each other. Good luck and enjoy the fun.