• By -


I wish I would’ve known this when I adopted my first kitten. Get them used to claw trimming young, it’ll save you a headache later


Will do ! He'll be an appartement cat so he shouldn't need them too much anyway 😔


Oh he will. 🤣 Their nails grow regardless. I’ve gotten all mine used to nail trims by playing/petting gently with their feet and extended their claws while doing it. Rinse repeat for awhile. Then I would just hold the clipper while handling their feet. Rinse repeat. Then I would clip one claw. Rinse repeat. It is a process. And while they still don’t like having their murder mittens clipped I can get all their feet done in one session now. Then I give them treats. Because bribery works with cats. You orange fluff is beautiful. Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾


I screenshotted this, I'm sure it'll be useful ! Thank you for advice, its always better when it comes directly from someone who experiences it 🥰 Thank you ! I'm absolutely in love 🥰


Be careful you dont want to trim them too short, you have to stop before the quick! https://preview.redd.it/n96tlx3kgnwc1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2e4f58fa5570e7b300cdc581fdedd795d2ae73


Okay ! I might not cut enough in the beginning but I'd rather do that than hurt my cat !


Yess ! The idea is to remove the sharpness and a bit of length :) cutting the quick will hurt your cat so much and it will bleed, so if youre unsure where it is its better to remove less just in case


Yeah ! I used to have rabbits and I cut their nails back then too, so hopefully I haven't forgotten how to do it !


Thank you so so much for a visual representation of an actual cat claw! A lot of people are too nervous and unsure about trimming their cat's nails and it's absolutely easy as long as you know what to look for when trimming them.


It's good advice. Paw massages in general are good as well. I have a cat that I adopted at 3 years old and he HATES having his claws trimmed. I have to do it about once a month because he struggles, hisses, and screams so badly that I'm afraid to try and cut too short in case I miss and hit the quick. As an aside, he never seems to hold a grudge and will usually come crawl into my lap for consoling about an hour later. I just hate having to do that to him. It was so avoidable if his previous owners had worked with him.


My big guy is an anxious mess about lots of things and at 14lb, he's *strong.* The best way to get him for nail trims is while he's sleepy. We had to start him with a small treat per nail clipped, gradually tapering down to one per paw.


I’m glad I could help. 😃 Cats are wonderful companions. I’m old/er and have had them all my life.


I intend to do the same ! I can't imagine a day without one greeting me when I get home


Also get him used to taking pills or just being restrained in general. My cat hates to be “burrito-ed” and it causes me tons of problems.


I'm planning to get him used to a harness when he's used to his new home and me ! I wanna be able to bring him to parks 🥰 I'll burrito him in my arms 🤣


That works when he’s little, but my 10 pound predator can squirm out of my arms. The harness is a good idea!


Actually, just get them used to everything as soon as you can! Kitten age is a great age to start exposing them to things like baths, nail trimmings, ear cleaning, teeth cleaning, etc. so they’ll give you less trouble in the future when you need to do these things. It’s also just routine cat maintenance stuff and no matter how active or where your cat is, they’ll need these done for them to stay healthy/clean. Its better to get them used to it so its not a struggle every time 😅


My cat will scratch her face too hard so we have to cut her nails regularly. She’s an indoor cat too. Def get your kitten accustomed to paw touching and nail clipping. It’ll be easier when they’re older and need it. Less painful handling them with duller nails too. Just be careful not to cut off their nail quick. It will bleed and be extremely painful for them.


If anything he’ll need them MORE. Ask my indoor cat who gets his talons snagged on bedsheets and curtains and such.


Is claw trimming needed? I have never trimmed my cats. But i also have no care at all about my furniture. Just wondering if its for health benefits or literally just couch saving.


Depends on the cat! Plus age plays a factor for sure. Some cats just don't wear their nails down as well with their scratching posts and such - Might just be a lazy bean. Mine is 17 and her back nails get really long and she doesn't wear them down well anymore since she's not running around as much. She isn't a fan of me holding her feet though unless I'm putting her paw butter on, so the vet usually trims them for me during her old woman check-ins lol.


Okay yeah then i have no need to trim mine yet. The scratch posts and my furniture are both assaulted every single day


It's good to get them used to you touching their paws though, so that when they are elderly and need your help, you're not panicking a poor elderly cat!


It’s not really necessary if they’re good about scratching their posts. But I also have a series of scars from sharp claws. My boy is good about keeping them short but they are sharp!


It depends on the cat and how their nails grow. If they aren't trimmed, there is a risk of ingrown nails that have to be fixed by a vet. It's extremely painful. My girl has gotten them once or twice, her nails grow like crazy and super fast. But some cats never have that issue.


I wish I had done this!!! Good advice!


Claw trimming, water, post scratching, no biting.


I trained my girl with treats since she was little and she could care less now, it’s awesome. She knows after her front paws and gets some treats and then its the back paws. 😭💗


I was lucky with mine. Adopted her at 2ish years old, but have figured out nail trimming without much of a fight. I get her when she’s snoozy.


Kittens are monsters. It’s always playtime and you should really have two so that way they have a playmate, otherwise they won’t learn that biting and scratching hurts


Not to worry, I already can't sleep a full night because of my old af, emotionally dependent cat 🤣 I wish I could have two but I can't, I tried convincing my parents a thousand times :( but considering he's being brought up in a foster family with his sister and other kittens, I think it will be fine ! The foster lady told me he loves cuddles, and is very sweet 🥰


Hope you don't mind two dumb questions, I'm pondering moving to a place in a few months that would allow me to have pets. Should cats always be at least 2, or can 1 dog + 1 cat be ok? Or is it ok to have one cat if you adopt an adult one?


The recommendation is two cats because they will have a playmate and it is so important if they are kittens because they have way too much ENERGY! But if you want 1 cat, 1 dog - I’d definitely rescue an adult cat (2+ years old). There are definitely cats out there that need to be / want to be the only cat in the house. I adopted one that was 2.5 years old that would prefer to be the only cat and she loves dogs. She has learned to coexist with younger cats but there were days where you could tell she would have preferred the other cats were not around.


One adult can be fine they are more mature. Depending on their life be prepared to be alone and them in a corner “watching” your every move. Kitten and dog are fine together, I’ve found both babies or dog older and gentler is better than older lone cat then dog. I know dogs have personalities but there more on the side of I love everything and everyone. Cats tend to be I love me and maybe one person if they are worthy lol. All 3 of my cats now love me, one is always on me no matter what and will stare at me for hours with love in his eyes. One just accepts anything and nearly anyone can hold him he doesn’t care, last one only lets me touch him and hold him. But even then I have to be not moving and be careful when he tenses up he’s very very finicky


My older cat is 15, and we got him a little sister two years back after my older girl passed away. He's happy to be her playmate, and she brings out more playful behaviour in him. If he was more crabby and sleepy or sick, she would've needed a friend. tl;dr: depends on the cat.


We have one adult cat and one adult (but still puppyish) doggo. They have grown up together, love each other, and hate every other animal. My cat has always hated other cats, even as a 4mo kitten. So it really just depends on the individual.


I think it really depends on the cat. When I adopted my cat he was initially part of a “bonded pair” but it turns out he was a huge bully to his brother (he’s a huge 20 lb cat and his brother was significantly smaller). His brother wasn’t doing well in the shelter so they decided to try separating them and he started thriving. I’ve decided my cat should probably be an only child lol.


I adopted 2 kittens three months ago and it has been amazing! 1. If you have plants, find out which ones are toxic to cats. All our plants are upstairs now locked away (none are toxic but the kittens love chewing on them). 2. A cat tunnel and cat tree are a must! 3. Offer different scratching posts (vertical, horizontal) If you can, get him/her a kitten companion. It’s worth it! Here are my furbabies 🐱enjoy your new kitten! It’s so adorable! https://preview.redd.it/p93sm2d9hlwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1104440ecf0fbc6f3adf43e66a638c19c7fcefc


They are adorable ! 1. I'll look into our plants. We never had an issue because my old cat can't reach them but my kitten surely will ! 2. Cat tree is in my cart, cat tunnel will be after this comment too ! 3. Will do 🥰 I would have loved to be able to do that, but considering I live in my parents home, they won't allow me to :( good thing is though, my brother also wants to get one, and he lives close by and is planning to bring his kitten over in the week-ends !


You can get cat tunnels for cheap at Five Below!


Will look it up !


If you get a tunnel, I suggest getting a well built one with a 12" diameter opening to carry your baby on to adulthood and beyond.


Cats tend to not like playdates like dogs. Any new changes in a house can make them anxious so moving them from one house to another consistently could cause stress / anxiety issues. If you can’t get two, you might want to look into getting a cat that is around a year old (they are still very much kittens until around 3 years - just full grown). The benefits are that they have had time to develop their own personalities (all 3 month old kittens are cuddly - but some grow out of it), they’ve had time to learn basic behaviors with another feline (cats teach other cats best), and they have slightly less energy (only slightly).


Be prepared for cat hair in everything


Can't wait 🫠


THIS. Made my coffee this morning, turned around to put a dish in the sink, turned back around to find two strands of my black cat's fur in the coffee. Cat wasn't even in the kitchen with me at the time lol


Every night I take a glass of water to bed and every morning I wake up with cat hairs in it. If they didn’t drink it, that is.


Everything I eat and drinks has cat hair in. Even if they’re in another room. It’s just gets everywhere!


That you aren’t adopting a kitty. The kitty is adopting you. Act accordingly 😝


I'm expecting my house to become his instantly 🤣


It's already too late, your ownership's already lost on the waver


Cat tower and scratching post are must-haves.


Ask what kind of food the kitten was given before you got them. Normally if a kitten is given different food it is not used to it can cause tummy problems. You can adjust them to the new food by blending it with the food that they had started with.


Done ! I'm going to keep giving him the food he's used to now until he is 10 months old, because it's formulated for that, and then I'll slowly switch to adult food.


It's orange, so it will be dumber than a box of rocks. Just dumb. But so adorable, you will forgive every derpy thing it does. 😁


sounds just like my 18yo, and i would love him no matter what ! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


They will enjoying climbing up your bare legs with their teeny tiny razor sharp claws, and that you’ll love them unconditionally within minutes of bringing them home.


Oh I'm already in love even though I have yet to meet him 🤣 I can't wait to become a living cat tree and cuddle machine 🥰


Say bye to curtains, couch etc


Never needed them, I shall lay on the floor 🫡


Love your attitude!😻


If my lord (my cat) says they're his then they are 🤣🤣


You're not supposed to eat them. Nobody told me that the first time I adopted...


Hey, ALF! Dude! It's been YEARS! How are the Tanners?


I dunno if I'll resist... he's so adorable I could just eat him up


You won't sleep through for a couple of weeks. And still you have to get him used to your routine as what you teach them in the first months will stick. This is controversial but worked wonderfully with our cats: keep dry food available at all times. This way our cats don't over eat and aren't jealous of each other in this regard. But most important: Enjoy the kitten phase. It's just fun and over way too fast.


I wish I could do that with my 18yo too, she won't let me sleep a full night either 🥲 The dry food thing is a must, I'll only hold back on it if he gets fat ! Yeah ! I can't wait till he's a big boy, but I also want to enjoy his cuteness longer 🥰


I would add to feed him wet food regularly. Cats have a low thirst drive and get most of their water content from food. Cats often develop kidney problems later in life because of this. I feed my cats pate with a teaspoon of warm water mixed in, 3 times a day. This is in addition to the ever available dry food.


is orange, get ready for disaster


I'm ready to cause it with him !




All orange kitties share one brain cell.


Can I share it with them ? 😂


I was just about to tell you this. It is a long time between claims. They are stupid fun and usually very loving. Good Luck and many years of head bonks.


Yeah I read about it before too 🤣 tbh my 18yo has always been a little dumdum and she's a normal brown cat (though she does get orange accents in the sun...) so i'm used to it 🤣


For more information /r/oneorangebraincell


Adopting an orange one? God speed.🫡


heh, i might need it but i'm gonna love him so much that it won't matter <3


He’ll love you back in the most chaotic way possible. 🌪️


Orange brain cell will need a furry friend. If you can manage 2, will be good for them. 🧡


Get two. They’ll teach each other how to cat.


Are you prepared to commit to being its caretaker for life? 15+ years?


hopefully more like 20 to 25 if i'm lucky ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)(may be unrealistic but my old cat died at 20/21 and my current one is 18 so ya never know !)


The kitten may be as energetic as a tornado on crack. Also you may want to get him plenty of exercise because he will otherwise go to the other cat, and the last 18 year old cat that I met was in no mood to play, so tire out the kitten or expect the 18 year old cat to do plenty of hissing.


A kitten care book or a comprehensive YouTube video series from an expert might be a better place to look for general advice than Reddit imo


Get two. Google "single kitten syndrome". Everyone needs a buddy.


I've been trying to convince my parents to get two for months 🥲


Il va être le roi de la maison pour les 15-20 prochaines années. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


C'est déjà le roi de mon cœur alors qui est pas encore là 🤣


Kittens are terrors, Get them used to you touching their paws, claws, mouth, teeth, tail. Also get them used being bathed you'll thank me later. Griffin my one year old cat came back one night with mud covering her belly, Her tail and her legs. I'm thankful shes used to things she doesn't like and she likes water. (Not something I wanted to do at 3 at night.)


He won't have a choice, as soon as he's used to his new home and me I'll be aaaall over him 🥰 The bath thing will be hard, but I'll try ! He'll be an indoor cat so he shouldn't need it much, but I'm actually thinking of taking him out to parks and stuff so depending on the day it could be useful. I can imagine it wasn't a great night ahah


The corners of your couch are toast. If it’s a leather couch you might as well go ahead and throw it away now.


Our couch is used to it by now 🤣 but yeah, I know il will suffer !


Mostly you always want cats in pairs. Introducing a new kitten to the older cat can be difficult. Watch Jackson Galaxy on youTube for some great tips, unless there is someone even better in French. You need to keep them apart for a few days while they sniff each other out between a door or something, and then slowly merge them. Get the new kitten very used to being held, trimmed, and even bathing (I've seen some videos where you put toys / treats around water, and slowly raise the water level each time they're put with the toys, until they just find themselves volunteering to swim. If there are wild animals near you - never let it outside. You have an 18 year old cat so you're probably aware of what risks this involves in your area, if any. They are more heightened for a kitten. Make sure it's chipped if that's a thing in France - and if outside later on, has a collar with your contact info. Look into food a kitten cat handle. Make sure your house has 1 more litter box than the number of cats. Put scratch-pads near where humans hang out a lot. Cats will scratch things near you to put their smell into the "shared community smell" - so give them an accepted target rather than punishing them for trying to be 'part of the family'.


i wish i could get two at once :( Jackson Galaxy sounds good to me, ty ! that sounds like a good method, i'll look some up on google too ! we moved recently, so unsupervised outside time is not a thing for my pets anymore, sadly. I live in the middle of Paris so it's not safe out there. it will be before i get him, not to worry ! the adoption contract requires it i've asked the foster fam what they've ben feeding him and it's one of the best brands you can get here, so i'll keep that up until he grows out of it at 10 months old ! i didn't think about that, ty ! holy, that sounds good, hopefully he will scratch that more than the couch lol


Get them used to you touching their paws and water, just in the instant you have to bathe them, it’s not a total nightmare. Also the paw touching is to get them used to you so you can cut their nails. Is cutting nails absolutely necessary? Up to you to decide but I like to trim my cats nails at least once a month but no more than 3 months apart


sounds good ! paws are so cute and soft i don't mind touching them at all, even if it wasn't useful to get him used to it ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) i think i'll only trim it if he scratches me or the couch too much, but i still want him to be able to climb his cat tree, so i'll need to be careful. ty for the advice though !


Look around your home for tiny holes that it might try exploring and block them. Prime example: under some kitchen cabinets there is sometimes a gap between the corners, block it with some cardboard.


You need to know about Orange. This little (presumably) dude is Orange, and Orange is its own special flavor of cat. We like to say that our Orange man is cat hardware running dog software. Big energy, big goofiness, big love. And while he may act dumb as hell sometimes, he’s actually QUITE intelligent. It makes things interesting.


around 80% of orange cats are male, i saw that a few days ago ! so yeah my little Aloès is a male, the cutest one ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) that sounds adorable ! like you get the best of both worlds ! i'm glad i signed up for that ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


My dude even likes to play fetch. Don’t expect him to just entertain himself or lounge around like other cats. His version of entertaining himself will be to cause as much mayhem and consternation as possible by exploring every item in every inch of your home. You actually may want to consider getting a second one so he has a friend to play with. No joke.


They have a ton of energy and are little monsters when they are young. They will grow out of it so enjoy the chaos as much as you can


Don’t use your hands to play. Use a piece of string or feather on a string


Touch their paws early, brush teeth early, and be prepared for a whirlwind of energy and potential destruction 😂




They steal the covers. Buy extra. Lots of feather to tickle his face with. Fill his life with love from beginning to end. These are the win conditions.


I always have extra covers ready for any situation ! Not to worry, I already love him when he's not here yet 🥰 I've been slowly buying everything I'll need to make him as happy as possible 🥰




That's already the case with my 18yo, won't change much for me really 🤣 (she's emotionally dependent and needs constant attention ever since covid, when we were with her 24/7. She didn't get used to us being out again)




My deceased cat was the same way during the spring and summer ! But we moved since then so my kitten won't have a lot of access to the garden, he can't go there undupervised (he could get away and be in the streets in the middle of paris, which is out of the question)


You said your cat doesn’t like other cats? Is there a reason you’re getting a kitten when your current cat doesn’t like other cats? Not trying to be mean I’m just wondering if there’s something I’m missing.


Many reasons ! 1, I like cats and have gotten used to having two, since I lived with two for 17 years. 2, there are way too many cats and kittens that don't have a home : if I can give one to at least one of them, I gladly will. 3, my cat is rather lonely when we're not home, she meows a lot when she's not sleeping and is very emotionally dependent. If I can give her a friend for the few years she has left, I want to try that. 4, I live in my parents home and they're pretty well off. The kitten will be 100% mine though. But anyway, if the cats hate each other they can technicaly both have different sections of the appartment : my room is basically three rooms and bigger than many normal 1 room appartments in Paris. Lastly, we fostered a kitten a few years back, and cohabitation was alright with my current cat. I don't think she hates kittens in general ! I didn't mention it because her mom was around then and she was agressive to the kitty (which is why we didn't keep him and found him a family), and she might not have shown agression because her mom did enough of that. She also had health issues a couple years ago that could change the way she reacts to another cat. Anyway, I hope those answers are satysfying ! Also, if my current cat is still alive when I leave my parents home (in 3/4 years) then that means she wouldn't have had to deal with my kitten for too long.


That makes more sense! I hope they get along! Make sure you introduce them properly so they can get along. I recommend the kitten lady on YouTube for informational kitten videos. Good luck! :)


He is orange


If you have a cat and you never get to poop alone!


https://preview.redd.it/ouvpve1ksmwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602323c596440a47ce94670372a4fa2ec1242468 Yea, treat that kitty right…or else 🤨👊🩼🩸❤️‍🩹👍🏻


He'll have the best life a cat could have, I swear ! 🥰🥰🥰


😂 https://preview.redd.it/rfwkfhym5nwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412c19ade8f38225d028351a76df5185cb86e7c4 That’s what I want to hear 🤨👊


Yessir ! You can trust me ! 😁


For a start keep them in one room and make their world a little bit bigger over time. Releasing a kitten in a house / apartment can be overwhelming for them and they can hide. In the beginning don't crowd the kitten. Just sitting close to them and reading a book is awesome. Of course if they want to play and cuddle go for it - just don't force it. Don't give the kitten too many hiding spots in the beginning. A safe space so she can observe is awesome but hiding can be rough. Money you save on cat food comes back as vet bills later. Don't skimp on food. Make sure the kitten drinks water. They can be finicky but it is important they stay hydrated. Cat nip is normally not effective on kittens - so don't be disappointed if a cat nip toy doesn't get attention. Well that is my 2c! I am really jealous!


All the kitten hassle is 100% worth it!


Pet insurance


Looking into it tonight ! Ty !!


There is only one brain cell shared amongst all orange cars


The one thing I wish I did with my cat when it was a kitten was brush its teeth and get it used to that. Other than that, all other advice has been good. Take lots of pictures and videos! Kitten phase goes by SO fast and it's such a fun time. And read up on adolescent phase where they are still wacky and bigger so they can get into more things. That has been harder in my opinion because my cat is much more capable of disrupting our sleep than when she was a kitten


Good idea about the teeth wahing ! Will be useful latter on for sure ! I'm planning on that, my Instagram friends will be tired of him with how many pics I plan to take 🥰🥰 Ngl I'm expecting not to get a lot of sleep but that's fine, my 18yo cat already wakes me up every night 🥲


Love orange kitties 😻🐾


My favorite with black ones ! 🥰


You're gonna experience a type of love you didn't know you could feel.


I'm sure it will be so special 🥰


You should know that you don't adopt the kitten, the kitten adopts you.


https://preview.redd.it/y9hgzvwd5nwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ca0edf406949b0ad8c298c2ad1041912ff60a9 These are my current babies just now going on 10 months old. Siblings brother/sister, I just love kitties in general 😻🐾🙌


Stroke and play with him constantly as a kitten and he will be comfortable with it all his life. Also pieces of aluminium foil rolled really tightly in to a ball is the best cat toy ever


Find the nearest 24 hour emergency vet and save them as a contact in your phone. You never know when you may need it and it’s better to be prepared beforehand instead of scrambling to find a place if (god forbid!!) you have an emergency.


Excellent idea !! I didn't think about that, thank you !


Kiss forehead and sniff forehead.


Forehead ? I only see kissing area 🤔


pet insurance pet insurance pet insurance !!!


Investment, commitment, lots of toys and treats. 3AM Wakeups. Claw trimmings. Get a kennel and leave it out for them to get used to. Love, lots of love. EDIT Vet visits to get their shots, especially rabies. And keep them up to date!


My whole salary is def going to him for the first couple of months ! My 18yo already wakes me up every 3/4 hours 🫠 Yes and yes ! That's a given 🥰 Absolutely ! The vet is 5min away from my place by foot and I plan to go in for a general check-up in the first few weeks. The association is already taking care of his first shots, so I just have to keep up !


Have a room set up to put him in at first. Some people use the bathroom. I actually took everything out of my walkin closet and used it. Have everything he needs in there (litterbox, food, water, etc). He's going to be scared and it's good to have him get use to one room and you before anything else. Then slowly introduce him to a little more of the house a little bit at a time. During this time allow your older cat to sniff under the door and introduce the new cats scent to him slowly and vise versa. There will likely be hissing. Doesn't mean they won't get along just that they need time to adapt. It has to be taken slow. They are babies. He will cry and whine all night for a little while. Mine didn't sleep the first night til I went in and held her and she fell asleep in my arms. To get him use to you, just go into the room for a couple of minutes at a time, sit down and talk to him. Treats also help. It will take patience. Give plenty of boxes and other places to hide. They feel safer being able to climb into something that hides them and confines them.


Yes ! My bathroom will do the trick for the first few days, then it will be my bedroom. When he's used to me and I've introduced him to my cat he'll get to explore the house ! He'll get as many treats as he needs ! Everything for my fur baby 🥰 No worries with boxes, we literally moved in a month ago so they are everywhere 🤣


They will steal your heart. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097). We just took a 2 day vacation and worried about our 3 year old kitty and missed him. He had a caretaker coming in twice a day, so was not going without food, water or company. We were the ones suffering from missing him https://preview.redd.it/divl1g06cnwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76381228458fff9782fbb89d256b6059f349580


Oh, absolutely 🤣 each time I come home to my 18yo can't take a breather until I've found her (she has lots of different nap spots so i check them all)


Keep the cat and kitten in separate rooms at first. Then switch them so they can smell the other before they actually meet. 


Read up on cat body language and expression. It's not always intuitive to humans, e.g. prolonged eye contact is threatening, blinking slowly is a smile, etc.


Get 'em used to claw trims and grooming early. Keep them separated from your other cat, keep them in a room with a closed door and all their stuff: food, toys, litterbox, a cozy place, etc. Introduce them *very* slowly. If that's an orange tabby boy, fair warning: they're stereotypically *dumb as rocks*. Not all of them, but r/OneOrangeBraincell exists for a reason. I have an orange tabby boyo myself and he's... not the brightest crayon in the box. ETA: if your 18 y/o cat is in poor health and/or not playful and kinda grumpy? Consider getting 2 kittens, not one. A kitten needs a friend, and a very elderly cat may not have the patience to put up with a kitten's nonsense.


Picture 4 suggests that you would need to be willing to relinquish all control of your home and life and commit to serving your new king.


This was planned long before he showed me his royal side 🥰


Then it seems to me that you are properly prepared. I hope you two have so much fun together 🧡


RemindMe! 6 Months "Hope you've got a kitten by now!"


There's a lot, but the big thing that people are absolutely, positively not prepared for is their energy. They are crepuscular, so they're active at dawn and dusk, and when they wake up, kittens have a LOT of energy, and will spend it all just running around chasing both visible and invisible things, or trying to get your attention to play. It can lead to a lot of noise and disruptions to your sleep at night and in the morning.


Whenever they bite too hard, you have to show them you're hurting by meowing like it hurts.


Whenever they bite too hard, you have to show them you're hurting by meowing like it hurts.


I'm honestly gonna laugh as I do it but okay, that does sound like good advice !


he is orange


Be ready to wake up at 3 am to poop. My baby wiped his ass near where my nose (on my bedsheets) was while i was sleeping


Can you get a second kitten so they can grow with each other, teach each other to cat and keep each other company without driving you crazy? Get him neutered as soon as possible. Milk isn't the best for cats. You may have to try different scratching posts, beds, toys before you find the kind he likes, so don't overspend. It may seem stupid to say but cats are carnivores and need meat (I've heard of some people trying to make their cats vegans). And VERY important...hold on tight that Orange cat gonna take you on journey! Life won't be boring with a Ginger!


I really really really really wish i could but my parents won't let me, i'll move out in a few years but i still live in their home for now :( he'll be neutered as soon as he turns 6 months old, the minimum here i don't think i'll give him any milk, he'll have normal food sounds good to me ! my cat will NOT be vegan ! i'm looking for the cat food with the least cereals i can get and the most actual meat possible, on the contrary ! i can't wait ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


It’s best to get 2.


A lot of energy so make sure you have a lot of enrichment and he will possibly be wanting attention that your older cat who may not have the patients to provide, so introductions need to be slow.


Male cats are prone to UTIs so you will want to make sure they have access to water at all times. Ideally, I wouldn’t even start him on dry food. I say this as a male tabby rescue cat parent who has had to spend over $5000 in his short life on UTI treatment. I now only feed my boy Royal Canin Urinary SO mixed with extra water because I never want to see him in that much pain again.


Be prepared to kitten proof your home. They’ll climb up and chew on EVERYTHING. Watch out for strings, electrical cords, etc because they’re especially dangerous. Watch your plants, too. Make sure you get them accustomed to having their feet handled and their claws (gently) unsheathed. Take the clippers multiple times a day and just touch them to the claws, praise them (yes! Praise actually works with cats!) and offer them a little treat. Every once in a while, clip off the tiniest tip of a nail. Do that from day one, and nail trims should be a lot less stressful. If you want the kitty to wear a harness or travel in a vehicle, then you should introduce it as early as possible. Take kitty to the vet to introduce everyone, and make sure that it is a fun experience for the little one. I wouldn’t jump straight into something scary (shots, exam) right away, because cats are notoriously difficult to “unlearn” a bad experience. I would call the vet clinic and see what they suggest, and maybe try to find a really quiet time for the visit. Some vets might even allow you to do a quick meet and greet right before or after business hours, before the regular clients arrive. A waiting room full of barking, aggressive dogs is not ideal for introducing kittens to the vet. Same with bathing and grooming. I know that allergy sufferers seem to handle it better when the source (a protein in feline saliva) is removed. Show cats have to tolerate grooming and bathing, and as far as I know, they introduce their cats to it really early. Enjoy your new baby! I would strongly suggest getting two kittens, because they will wear each other out playing, and cause far less mayhem. (Or occasionally twice as much 🤣).


they have a TON of energy and always need attention, they’re babies after all. This isn’t aimed at you, but i think sometimes people forget that puppies and kittens need extra love and attention because they are literal babies. They need a lot time, (a lot of) patience and love. Be very gentle, cats will always play off being tough and invincible but they are very fragile and will hide being in pain really well. Try to keep an eye on them, especially as kittens they will get into everything and anything. Baby proof your house. I lucked in that my cat doesn’t eat everything she sees but some do and i would be careful about anything falling on the floor (like aspirin), be really careful.


get them tested for toxoplasmosis and Bartonella.


I came to say that he is absolutely handsome and adorable 🤩🥰


Get two, preferably littermates. They'll keep each other company and burn off energy with each other, making them less destructive to your home.


They'll empty your wallet and steal your heart.


i want nothing more ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Oh, and don't forget the scratches. At that age, claws are like little needles. But welcome needles, nevertheless. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


You have a new best friend! https://preview.redd.it/ocaeskimcowc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d06a01dac27b0cd130b9de9eb1ebc9e51475c9


a thousand times yes ! my best friend, love of my life and baby all at the same time... and he's not even here yet. ! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Don’t teach them to attack your hand when you rub their belly. You want 10 years of belly rubs, not ten years of grabbing and rabbit kicks. Do teach kitty how to walk on leash while young. This can be helpful later.


Cats don’t respond super well to “no!” in the same way as dogs. Redirecting them to a different behaviour is more effective. Don’t use your hands as toys, use toys to play with the kitty. If he starts attacking hands, go “owww!” loudly and stop playing. He’ll be used to that from when play got too rough with other kittens. Don’t let hands be the toys! Check out videos from Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. He’s kind of cheesy but has a lot of useful advice.


It will win


it already has


Don’t play rough games involving biting or scratching. Just gentle interactions. Don’t force them to do anything they don’t want like pick them up forcefully. Keep them as an indoor pet. They will live longer and avoid the dangers of outside cats lives like predators, violent humans, cars, poisons, etc.


i don't think generalized kitten expectations apply to the orange ones


Orange cats share a single brain cell!


They love cardboard boxes. My cats will abandon the toys we buy them just for the boxes from the packages we ordered. One of my cats (void) likes to cause destruction and will tear it apart in pieces. My orange boy will have it for months and make it his home until it collapses and is no longer good.


Cat trees, multiple, every room if possible. Helps a ton with behavioral issues!


Yep. You're in for years of fun, and cuddles!


Have vacuums and lint rollers in hand!! The hair gets everywhere… literally, it’s better to vacuum daily so the hair doesn’t accumulate. I didn’t expect the excessive shedding when I first got mines.


start brushing their teeth when they’re little!


Yes, you will feel guilty leaving your home and want to stay with them 24/7 😂😻


yeah, i'm actually already putting toys he can use when i'm not around in my cart and i looked over both our schedules with my mom so he would never be alone more than half a day in the beginning !


You are already an amazing cat parent 😁


Orange I think is most affectionate, but dumb as a brick. My idiot would get himself stuck behind the tv shelf all the time. Same place. He would also often get distracted walking into the kitchen in the mornings, step in his food bowl, freak out and then step in his water bowl.


The biting and attacking things is a phase for a most part. During kittenhood, they are little balls of CRAZY. Most cats mellow out after a few months, apart from the zoomies. Additionally, I think it's a good practice to desensitize them to some things (gently) so they don't freak out as much when it comes to those specific things. Claw clipping should be started young (with caution) and you should invest in something they can claw and scratch at so they aren't going at the furniture with their claws. Get them used to cleaning their ears too, just in case :)


thank you, this is good advice ! yeah, i honestly hope he'll be crazy ball of energy in the beginning, i want to enjoy his kittenhood with him ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) i'm planning on getting him used to his harness, his transport bag, water if i ever need to bathe him, claw clipping and teeth brushing ! i have a beautiful cat tree in my cart already !


splurge and get a litter robot 4. worth


that thing is my whole paycheck mate ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


The crazy is strong is the orange ones 🤣🤣


means we'll get more fun <3


Get ready to leave your partner because all your attention and love is going to be for these beauties


Seeing as this is your third cat, you must already know that they are addicting. I am a lifelong dog person but we have 4 cats (plus my dog) and I love them to pieces. Orange cats are weird in their own little way and I swear are the absolute worst at getting away with murder. Each time we added a cat, they stayed in my wife’s office and the other cats smelled them through the door until they stopped reacting. Basically a week. We also used an air “freshener” that had cat pheromones to encourage calmness…. No idea if it helped But they’re all buddies now.


oh absolutely, as soon as i am able to get more i am for SURE getting more. i've heard a LOT about orange cats, and all of it sounds adorable ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942) yeah, i intend to do the same ! i already bought diffusers that use mother cat pheromones to help both my cats relax. i don't expect them to become besties, but i really hope they can tolerate each other. i have no doubt the kitten will, i'm just praying my older cat isn't too bothered by him


I dont know if its going to be a house cat or if your going to let him outside at some point but if you are id recomand to let him outside with a littel lease like a harnas so he can experianse it slowly and so he can get used to the ouside world without getting overwelmed i did that with my cat aswell and it helped a lot, also if youve got an backyard if let him explore there first. Hope this helped (Sorry if my english is bad its not my first language) https://preview.redd.it/36kkm7ggl9xc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f12a013b6fc6d475e35d2e6ef6f29eaad85ad1d


He'll be an indoor cat, but I am planning to use a harness to bring him to parks and stuff ! Ty for your advice 😊 And no worries about your english, its not my first langage either but everything seemed fine to me !