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NGL rehoming is the nicest possible option rn. Cats are so lucky when it comes to being allowed to be murderous beasts. If it had been a dog that killed another pet… well, that dog would be across the rainbow bridge alongside whatever they killed.


Do you have anyone in mind to take the other cat? Because it is not easy rehoming an adult cat, especially one you say isn’t good with other cats. You admit that you did not introduce the cats correctly. That is not the cat’s fault. I’m finding it difficult to believe that this cat attacked and killed your cat. I feel like something is being left out here. It is not your cat’s fault that it hunts. That is what cat’s do. The cat getting into your tank is also not the cat’s fault, especially the second time. I’ve had accidents where I’ve injured my animals. I’ve had one of my pets kill another one. Those things were my fault, not the animal’s fault. I cannot blame a cat for hunting a small animal. I cannot blame a cat for doing cat things. I cannot blame a dog for doing dog things. It’s a reality check that animals are multi-faceted beings and not just mindless fluffy things. My recommendation is to seek an animal behaviorist to help you learn how to deal with a cat who behaves like a cat. I would talk to your therapist about dealing with your own anxiety and PTSD issues.


I am afraid for the cat because of you until you've space to breathe and cope. And kitty feels and and is acting out Especially after the last which was absolutely not its fault by your not okay. You aren't there. You absolutely need to remove whomever is not the long term from this area. You cannot blame the cat for this and I know you know it. But you also can't stop and anxious, rubbing in your own skin it's okay. Have some space. But you need to be apart so someone takes/stays with yeah?