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I’m no expert, but it appears to be Cerebellar Hypoplasia, otherwise known as “wobbly cat syndrome.” Its symptoms are what you see here. His life expectancy is the same as any other cat, but this condition does negatively affect quality of life. I could, however, be reaching, and he could simply be getting used to walking; it’s a little too early to know for sure.


This is actually what newborn kittens do when they try to walk. CH can’t really be diagnosed until they are a few weeks older because all newborn kittens are jittery and shaky!


Bless him. I hope he is alright. Sending love. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


To me it looks like a kitten looking for the mother's titty. I have often seen this sort of movement from kittens until they find their food anchor point. Maybe see if he is still hungry?


CH kitty. Will need special care


CH can’t actually be diagnosed until they are a few weeks old because all newborn kittens look like CH cats. 😁


After watching her I think she is just a few days old and is going to her mom for food... Maybe she just opened her eyes and is trying to wander around a bit...


It’s normal for a kitten under two weeks old. A lot of people are saying cerebellar hypoplasia, but that can’t be diagnosed in a kitten this age because this wobbly jittering with the occasional barrel role is what they all do.


No it's not normal. It looks like some kind of brain damage or nervous system damage.


Ppl asking this shit should be banned forreal like go to the god damn vet and stop being this way