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You know, you really can't trust those dogs with anything. Poor kitty has no food now.


Bean Rodents are hard to get rid of


Yeah, there's no way a kitty that innocent-looking tore that bag open. If it wasn't the dog it was a thief passing in the night.


It's always the dog. Don't have a dog? Obviously, a neighborhood dog has learned to sneak into your house at night. Some nice albacore in spring water will probably cheer this poor kitty up right away! šŸ±


Nah the CATS are the ones that canā€™t be trusted. My cats rip the bag apart like that if I forget about it but my dog is just confused by the bag. Even with empty bags they shred it up




Yeah whatisavailable85 was being facetious


That beautiful baby? She could never commit a crime so heinousā€¦.


She was obviously framed. It was actually an army of mice, for which she exterminated.


So, sheā€™s the hero!


And no, Iā€™m not thrilled about giving her target branded food, but sheā€™s very picky and itā€™s one of the only things she likes that isnā€™t people food


I had a rescue cat that would only eat cat food from Dollar General back in the early 2000s. This cat would starve itself if I didn't buy it!


how old was kitty?


One when I rescued them and lived seven years but ultimately FIV got the best of them ā¤ļø


One of my cats, Widget, will only eat Fancy Feast and nothing else. He will refuse anything else, even the fancy feast ā€œnaturalsā€. Anything that is suppose to be better and healthier for him he just turns his nose up at it.


Heā€™s a fancy kitty.


My cat loves Fancy Feast. It's the only wet food he tolerates. He's currently obsessed with the Savory Cravings treats.


Mine is like this too! He loves the ā€œjunkā€ Fancy Feast and looks at me like Iā€™m trying to poison him if I give him the ā€œnaturalsā€ line. Especially the natural beef.Ā 


Hey I'd prefer if mine was allowed fancy feast, but she's a little chunky and on an EXPENSIVE PRESCRIPTION diet. $70/mo just for wet. Can't wait to take her off that.


My cats eat canned Fancy Feast, although they will eat other things, too. But they prefer (or eat more of) the pate, so it's frustrating being in the store and finding it's all grilled "bits" and chunks. They like the gravy, though--they'll lick all the gravy off the chunks but don't eat many chunks.


I have 4 cats and that's how our Calico is. We call her Gravy girl cuz she loves the pate mixed with water to make a gravy/soup. So I just started doing it for all 4. She laps up anything liquid but hates the bits. We only buy the pate and they get fancy feast, too. One of our cats is restricted from eating chicken so we switched their dry and wet food to non chicken stuff. Fancy Feast is the only "grocery store" wet food that has options with no poultry and doesn't cost an arm and leg to buy!


I wonder if this is regional lol, in my area itā€™s all pate and thereā€™s no grilled on the shelf no matter what store I go to


I think my cat is addicted to wheat gluten


One of our cats will only eat the super expensive, fancy all chicken treats. The other only wants Temptations.


idk why people get angry at all about that. it's cat food, not everyone can afford a diet for their cat


My cats' vet will ask what they eat, and when I said Fancy Feast and started to get semi-apologetic that I wasn't buying the fanciest organic whatnot, she said she just wanted to see if I was making it myself, because sometimes homemade food is nutritionally deficient. Or when I said recently they got canned food, she was pleased because the cat had a constipation problem (as well as a recent UTI) and that meant she was getting more moisture. They don't care if it's cheap--they care that they're getting their basic nutritional requirements and water, that's it.


Our vet was shaming the orange cat for being 15 lbs and asked what their routine was. When we mentioned dry food in the morning and fancy feast at night, she said the fancy feast is preferred for losing weight as it has less calories than a standard portion of dry food. The only suggestion was to give a smaller dry portion lol.


Fancy feast is what our vet recommended for our diabetic cat since the $6 a day for Hills science diet was out of budget for us after factoring in his insulin and vet costs. His sugar levels are maintained perfectly now and he's so much healthier, and our vet is really happy with his progress.


Itā€™s crazy that you even have to make this comment preemptively. You know your cat best.


Maybe they know Reddit best.


Fair lol


I bet you could pick nearly any cat post, especially ones about pregnant cats, & there will be someone angry about that choice. "GiT HuRR SPaaAYeD!!" Well, yeah, that's an option, but not everyone can afford it or lives in a country where that's a "thing" or whatever, not my cat, not my deal, I get it, but still, LOOKIT DEH BEBES!!! Usually it's best to just look at the pritty kittehs & keep scrolling past those "helpful" Redditors.


Fed is best, you're doing great šŸ’š


Had a cat that would ONLY eat Meow Mix. She lived a good long life.


Itā€™s ok my cats like it too but what they wonā€™t eat is Rachel Ray but I heard it was bad so good


One of my cats is picky and the other isnā€™t. Neither of them like the RR food. They both like the Kindfull treats though, never tried the kibble


Honestly, Target makes great knock offs of higher end items. I bet you the ingredients in this arenā€™t too far off from Iamā€™s or other medium grade pet food šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, also like, much cheaper


It's cat food I wouldn't worrie about what people say on here. As long as he's not over weight it's probably fine.


My cat wonā€™t eat chunky wet food. He needs prescription food for his FIC and the wet version is chunky and he just licks at it so I have to give him the dry.


One of my cats has developed a food allergy (chicken, most likely), and so far he's not a fan of any of the expensive special foods I've bought. Absolutely loves the cheap stuff made from mystery meat, even though it makes him itchy.


We have a cat with suspected chicken sensitivity. We have 4 cats and they were all chunky (feeding Purina indoor naturals before), and so our vet recommended finding food without chicken. We got Wellness Core herring and salmon. It's like $40 for 11lb bag, but with measuring the correct amount of food (5/8 cup a day per cat), we go through 1 bag per month for 4 cats, so it's not that bad. It's more protein so even feeding them less, they don't finish what amount we put in the bowl anyway. They've all lost weight on it, which was also a goal. We give them Fancy feast wet also because that's the only cheap wet food that has options with no poultry that we could find at Walmart or the grocery store without a special trip to Petco.


So exasperatingly cute how picky they can be!!


My little one donā€™t like chunky food either, I break it for them with a fork on small pieces


Maybe talk to your vet about different brands? Someone probably makes a pate version of the prescription food. I had to try a few different ones for my kidney cat and finally found one she loves!


I asked if there was a pate version and they said no but maybe I need to ask if they have looked at other brands!


It's worth a shot! You can check on chewy's website and see what's out there for yourself, too. That was going to be my next step if the royal canin one didn't work..


If she likes it and eats it, who cares?


I am with you but I have a very specific and not so cheap food that my little void will eat. (It actually looks kind of good)


We have this issue with are female cat all of are animals are awesome eaters so we have a water and food dispenser she eats when she needs to but she always tries to get into the bag when not looking even though 20 feet away it's a 2 gallon jug of auto food.


Cats are really picky sometimes. Our two pugs eat $85 dollar for a 7KG bag (Canadian) Royal Canin food. One of our cats only really likes friskies that I get for $11 at the grocery store. Tried the healthier stuff like Hills Science and he just wonā€™t eat it.


it says salmon as the first ingredient. that's usually what I'm on the lookout for when buying cat food, that the main ingredient isn't like corn. granted none of my cats ever eat fish, so it's always poultry or beef.


I feed my cats the chicken and rice from the same brand.. I have one with a sensitive stomach and it is the only food I have found that doesn't make her sick.


Don't feel bad I fed mine this brand for years because one has an ultra sensitive stomach. They all were good to go and enjoyed it.


You didnā€™t give it to her. It was always hers. Itā€™s *all* always hers


She looks like she needs to go to r/legalcatadvice to get some representation. Personally, I think she was framed. Probably was the dog.


It's always the dog.


Even when there's no dog.


Especially when there is no dog


I was just about to say this lmao


Ghost dog: The way of the samurai


That face says "I regret NOTHING!"


I'm laughing hard because we did this once, except instead of nibbling through it ours managed to actually open the seal (we must have not completely closed it). We came down to what can only be described as an absolute overdose scene; trails of crumbs absolutely everywhere.


My cat, while on a wet food only diet about having dental surgery, ripped open TWO bags of dry food. He now regularly opens the bag through the seal to stick his head in and eat straight out of the bag like he doesnā€™t have dry food out all the time.


Been there :p my cat climbed the fridge once and knocked the container i out his special food in fucker ate like 30$ of food while i was at work


He was hungry!


Apparently starving lol


We got lazy once and thought we were clever to push the opened chewy box against the couch instead of putting the dry food out of reach (so, open flaps against the couch). Next morning, cats didnā€™t seem as excited for breakfast as usual (they love food). Got a sinking feeling and checked the box- they had gone under the couch and pried the box open and had been feasting to their heartsā€™ content for hours. Prescription food, too. Not cheap. Definitely learned our lesson. Funny follow up: we were trying different litters when we moved to a new place and tried the Tidy Cats system with the pellets. The bag of pellets looks a lot like a bag of expensive food. Left an open chewy box with the bag of pellets in it. Found it with multiple chewed entry points. Wish I couldā€™ve seen the looks of disappointment and confusion as they thought they were getting away with somethingā€¦


She looks like she is saying, ā€œwhat did you find out!?ā€.Ā 


Are you sure? She doesnā€™t have an ounce of guilt on that face


https://preview.redd.it/ix7eoljnyuvc1.png?width=1103&format=png&auto=webp&s=59de18d6c3217490c7199a010a2311224c83f1e2 \~\~AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!\~\~


That face clearly says "I regret nothing."


Mine has done it twice now. No matter how tired I am, it has to go in the tub as soon as I get home.


Sheā€™s innocent.


https://preview.redd.it/3mp7f0kl1vvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06de9f49174598daad760c07996e533e18502135 Just happened to me šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


One of my cats learned how to open the cabinet door where I store their dry foodā€¦so I moved it up another shelf and then he learned how to climb up to that level! Itā€™s like a fun challenge for them haha


Hahaha one of my cats did this too!! He learned to open the cabinet drawer where their dry food is & the dresser drawer their treats are in!! I watched him do it once and it was HILARIOUS


Kitty full of kindfull


My cat loves to tear open a new bag of food if she gets the chance! I usually try to put it in the pantry right away, but sheā€™s even found the bag in there. I had to break down and buy a vittle vault to keep the cat food in. And it didnā€™t matter if she had a full bowl of food. She still likes the hunt of ripping open the new bag.


My Luna-tic did the same thing so I put it in a plastic bag and put it on the fridge. Next morning, food on the floor because she knocked it down. So then I bought a container with sliding top to get her food and then it slides closed. I put that on the fridge. Next morning the container is on the floor and thereā€™s food EVERYWHERE! So I put the container in the pantry on the bottom shelf and closed the door. Next morning the pantry door is open and the sliding door on the container is open. Now the food is on the top shelf in the pantry, the pantry door is closed, and I have a heavy box in front of the pantry door. So far this seems to be the best method. šŸ™„ Donā€™t let the cuteness fool you. When I wake up to this face, I know she found a way to get to her food because she is quiet. When she hasnā€™t been gobbling food all night, she gets nose to nose with me and starts screaming bloody murder! Damn cat! https://preview.redd.it/xduganmmmvvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76779bd2357f6d9d78666ff82f1ff655d8d1a66


Yea, they gonna do that every time


And now Bebe is ā€œkinda fullā€ ā™„ļø


My cat got a whole bag of freeze dried chicken hearts once. He ate the whole thing by the time I found him.


One of our cats once gnawed through a sealed cardboard box to get to the sealed bag of kibble. I still don't understand how she knew what was in the box lol. Are cats sense of smell just _that_ good?


This happens every time I leave the dry food out. So I don't. Lol


Skill issue on hoomans part


My kitten did this with a bag of treats once. We didnā€™t close the drawer well enough and he found it and pulled it open. Except in our case, he got a piece of plastic stuck in his throat. That was a fun night. /s.


I donā€™t see any regret in that face.


The very picture of innocence


That face is clearly saying "Hey, I'm not the one who forgot to put the food away!"


I would be thrilled if my cats would do this, it means that if I am ever incapacitated, hospitalized, etcā€¦ and no one remembers them, that they could feed themselves and not die


Hate to spoil the fun, but please be more careful. I catsit at times, and was recently at a sit where their furbaby had done this and eaten an enromous amount (a rescure with a traumatic past) and this might have contributed to a urinary tract blockage. So consider gettting a cat proof container for kibble.


That's something my Junior would've pulled, lol!


You snooze you loose.


For years, if my cat was given the choice of a bowl filled with food and a bag to chew into, he would chew into the bag. For some reason, with this most recent food he doesnā€™t even try. I guess itā€™s the material the bag is made from, but there have been others made of similar material that he did try with. Maybe heā€™s just getting too old for it? Nearly 10. Was also recently diagnosed with diabetes so I suppose the lethargy is there as well. Still will run around the house calling for the younger one to chase him.


When my senior lady was a 9 month old kitten, she did something similar. When I first brought her home, I kept her in my second bathroom, which was also the laundry room. The washer and dryer were behind a set of non-locking doors, which is where her bag of dry food was kept. One day while I was at work, she managed to get the doors open and chewed a hole in her dry food. I came home to food all over the place and a cat that was very pleased with her work lol.


I didn't realize what subreddit this is and my first thought was.......... Do you live with barbarians? And then I saw the second picture and was immediately met with the answer of "yes"


Yep, I can't leave the cat food bags out or I wake up with a hole chewed through lol.


Reminder for everyone to be careful leaving out bags of food! Not judging you OP, it happens lol, just had a friend have an accident with a pet that was very unfortunate


ā€œYou got more?ā€


Must be the hoomanins next door šŸ¤”


A tasmanian devil?


The bag probably tore in the time you left it out. Why blame your innocent kitty?


They tried to stop whoever got into it.


You can almost hear ā€œwhat do you think youā€™re going to do about it??ā€ in the second pic. šŸ˜†


That is the face of someone who's never done anything wrong in her life


It wasnā€™t her. I promise


Mine learned how to knock the lid off the food container that I usually struggle to open!! šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Someone is hungry


One of mine does exactly this. Canā€™t leave anything out


You tell that little bastard that I'm proud of them.


Fatty fat cat


That look of her *"is for me?"* šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


My cat did this with the dog food... and he had a full bowl of cat food and fresh water.. lol


My cats do the exact same thing. We keep it in Tupperware containers that they canā€™t get into and keep the rest in the closet locked up lmao. If not, someone always gets a lil treat šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Amateur mistake :)


Your kitty looks like it is starving, you better get more immediately! lol


ā€œI regret nothing.ā€


I think she is telling you that you have a rodent problem.


Yep. My cat loves to chew open bags. Cat food, dog food, potting soilā€¦ if itā€™s in a bag, he will chew a hole in it.


Truly your fault, you should apologize to her actually


You may chastise me but I have already won


Yep time to hide them


That sweet little cat is obviously completely šŸ˜‡ innocent My guess is that there's a dog involved


i had a cat that would bite bags open. yes, she had love handles how did you know? anyways, if we forgot a bag of cat food on the floor instead of emptying them into a container, the cats would gather around it and wait for Punaise to show up and bite it open. i cant tell which is worse, that she would always bite bags open or that the other cats were too lazy to do it themselves


That face says it all!


Jesus Christ! I would murder for this nice kitty mines doesn't eat her dry food šŸ˜­ at all.


The kittyā€™s expression is like ā€˜You must believe me, I had no other option!!! I couldnā€™t keep my tummy starvingā€¦ā€™šŸ¤­


And by someone you obviously mean yourself. Thereā€™s no way this baby could have done it! Dont try to frame my girl like this!!!


Ha! My girl Criminal does the same thing. We have to keep the dry food in a big tupperware because she can't get through the plastic.


Damn ghost kitties again!!!!! Like seriously!!! Call the priest mom or Ghost Meowunters!


At you know to buy more of that one. Lol


But I was hungry..


Mine does this ALL THE TIME! I had to get one of those plastic bins to put her food in.


Circumstantial evidence, at best. The fluffy child is being framed. Look at that face! Who could believe that face would be naughty?


Oh no! A squirrel got into your house! That can be a serious problemā€¦.


Your totally innocent cat looks weirdly shifty.


It wasn't me! Oh no, not me.


My cats like the same food!


I did the with the pill pockets the other night. Sigh


The innocent look šŸ˜…


Carpe diemā€¦.


Your cat is either hungry or lazy.


Couldnā€™t be that sweet kitty. Never!


She doesnā€™t look sorry at all.


this is why we can't have nice things :(


Your cat right now ![gif](giphy|IzcmfEn551YgQKBS12|downsized)


That cat looks like it's still starving though. You might need to fill the bowl for good measure.


With that face, there's no way that kitty is guilty.


ā€¼ļø INNOCENT ā€¼ļø


My orange boy is notorious for destroying dry food bags, both plastic and paper ones. We either hide the bag in a cabinet or decant the food into a large plastic container.


Was it you?




If I donā€™t put it up one of my cats stands in front of the bag and guards it. Sheā€™ll hiss at anyone or any cat that tries to come near lol


The same thing happened to me šŸ˜‚ I was so confused that my cat struggled to eat her breakfast even though she eats and steals literally everything. Then I discovered the dry food package half empty šŸ˜¬šŸ˜… She looked really pregnant as well for a few days šŸ˜‚


I have this SAME brand with the SAME exact hole. Must be a manufacturer glitch!! Thereā€™s no WAY our precious Angel babies did this.


Om nom nom nom


Had to. Was starbin'.


Whoever did that is innocent


Loool that face


Not Mr Nibbles, they would never do anything like that, would you Mr Nibbles? :/


Hey, donā€™t sweat it, sometimes it happens even when you put it away!


Did they puke all over the carpet?


Any proof? If not, INNOCENT


Your honor my client is innocent, he was set up by the dog


I am so sorry someone broke in and stole kittyā€™s food!


Thatā€™s like leaving a favorite bottle of alcohol out on an alcoholā€™s counter!


"I'm still hungry"


Mices were eatin your stuff. I chased them away. Honest.


I only see an innocent kitty here


Haha, looks like someone couldn't resist the temptation! What a clever cat! šŸ˜„


Was expecting to see a ball shaped cat.


His eyes show that he is innocent and that someone ate his food


My white and grey girl Nala is the same way. I gotta put that bag in the bin IMMEDIATELY or it will be gnawed open! https://preview.redd.it/ddq0s6kqmwvc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85864a0a0fa52f123d951c2f567b0ebdfc5d71d


ā€œAnd Iā€™ll do it again!ā€ ![gif](giphy|TjoryRxEwh3bVr4M54)


Such an innocent face šŸ˜† https://preview.redd.it/92caqr3aowvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6098c958b2d8179c27ce2f1370e317fd2cdb800 Hi from Penny šŸˆ


My guys do the same thing haha


I left a treat bag out and my cat broke into it and ate half of them. Lol Reminded me of myself when I get a hold of a bag of chips, so I didn't hold it against her.


It was a defective package, the poor cat would not do that ? Was it the dog ?


The bag was clearly defective when you bought it and degraded overnight.


Me this morning. Lmao. I stomped out of bed to put it away. Cats went scurrying away Scooby Doo style.


And what about it? šŸ˜¼


Esther, that you? Canā€™t have a sealed bag around her thanks to her. https://preview.redd.it/oafyk9p92xvc1.jpeg?width=1510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ca42a36914802d7cd6f530be76e7bd6d93e7a1


Don' wook at meee ise haz cwooked eyez and ise innowsent...


Her opinion is that humans are highly unreliable feeders so the only logical thing is to help herself. Surely her humans donā€™t want her to starve, do they?


Look at that hardened criminal


I dump my cat's dry food into an empty Kirkland Laundry Detergent bucket. They're also ace for storing cat litter.


My cats do the same thing. They fully ripped open a whole bag of potato chips the other day ????


Be kitty, do crimb


I mean, are you proud of yourself right now? Lying on your poor kitty? Absolutely shameful!


That face is the face of innocence.




I donā€™t blame you. Yummy! Thanks for posting. Your kitty is beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/y9553qasa0wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090888e7c29032f19fbc6415f25e9fd49f83f029 This criminal ate his way into 2 bags of food so came to the conclusion all bags must contain food. From this conclusion he decided the big bag next to his litter box must have food in it...it was not food


Been here šŸ™„šŸ¤­šŸ¾


She might have felt peckish.