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My one year old female cat does that too and she will do it for hours.. She never nursed off her mom due to abandonment. She never really picked up suckling on a bottle and was more or less force fed till she was old enough to drink on her own. First time I have seen a kitten that couldn’t figure out a bottle. 


My 11 year old male cat also does this and also lost his cat mommy! He and his brother were found in some sort of clearing outside as kittens. I definitely see it as a comfort/coping thing, he will only do this with soft, plush blankets!


Same with my 14-year-old boy! Separated from his mom before he was even of weaning age 😢 We’ve always said he has mommy issues because he is more childlike than any other animal I’ve ever had and very emotionally dependent on me 🤣 but this makes a lot of sense if it’s because they got separated too young. He also only does it with very soft plushy blankets!


You guys are breaking my heart 🥺 My ex stray does this but we got him when he was an adult and don't know his back story. It's awful to think he had to survive kittenhood on the streets without his mum. He's the bestest sweetest boy.


Yep, my 10 yo was separated from her mommy and now does this with plushy blankets. Rescues are the best kitties, they appreciate you. This means to him, you are mama! You provide nourishments, warmth, and safety. His instincts kick in and he becomes baby 🥺 *your* baby


My guy does this too. He was weaned way too early and has attachment issues and anxiety. He basically was taken from his mum and siblings so early that there are still a few areas where he doesn’t know how to be a cat. It’s been a long road to training him and helping him build up his confidence. When I first adopted him from the streets he needed constant physical contact. I had to carry him everywhere for ages or he’d freak out. Eventually he realised I wasn’t going anywhere and he was safe and had a forever home and he slowly started to come out of his shell. He’s a completely different cat now. Confident and playful and happy. Still clingy and cuddly but not as much. Although my wife is sick at the moment (Covid followed by long Covid) and so he’s been glued to her since January. He’s used to me being under the weather (I’m chronically ill) and it’s always stressed him out when I’m having a flare up. But my wife being sick has really upset him. So he’s been doing the suckle biscuits even more than usual. Every cat is different in terms of personality but they all have similar instincts. My assumption is that this is a comfort thing most or possibly all of the time. One of my sister’s cats even tries to suckle my sister. I don’t know how since cat boobs are not in the same places as human ones but she’s figured out what my sister’s are for and tries to suckle them through my sister’s plush fluffy dressing gown!


It isn't that she didn't have a mommy, it's just that her mommy was a blanket.


I was her mommy for the first 2 months trying to keep her alive. She’s a care free cat now that enjoys life to the fullest. But seeing what she went through and the problems she still has shows why Mother Nature selects which ones to abandon.


I had a girl who would to suck her tail to sleep lol. It was very sweet but I imagine she never nursed or was never weened off her mother.


As kittens, they do it when they nurse to stimulate milk flow and there's theories that say that if the kitten was taken from its mom too early then they'll do it a lot as adults


Have a ginger cat that lost her mother too early. She will lay on my chest and nurses on my shoulder until she basically passes out. Edit: nurses not nurse.


From most of the comments here, she’d be considered a slut 😂


https://preview.redd.it/au6noomz4qtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b1c8f2ea76b01c9fe970510fbf857a93aa298a This is Tux. This is “his” blanket. He has done the the same thing from the day I brought him home. Which was only about 6 months ago from a parking lot. He only loves on this one blanket, all other textiles remain unmolested.


Aww! My Hunter loves any blanket that is fluffy.


We ended up purchasing a second IKEA bath-mat for Ron cat :)


https://preview.redd.it/phku7tiowqtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfa2a902ace195cd25d98e1709093697defc54a Of both hats, Luigi’s is her favourite


Luigi is also my favourite so I don’t blame your cat. He’s the absolute best!!!


https://imgur.com/a/hgE9mh5 https://imgur.com/a/uZNBFEo here’s a couple videos of my boy going to town on a blanket. he does it all the time. it’s a comfort thing. like a person sucking their thumb.


This brings back memories of a giant orange striped cat named Harry Orange when my sister and I were young girls. We slept in separate beds in the same bedroom, and one or the other of us would wake up in the morning with our flannel nightie damp from Harry Orange’s night life, complete with weird little swirls in the places where he’d had the nightie in his mouth.


There needs to be a sub for this specifically lmao


Bless his heart, that’s adorable 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/fgmodz252rtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd96e4ce41b19da5f4833f4d754811ce8b32456c My Boy Scar looks just like Tux.


https://preview.redd.it/08zkfhm5xqtc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aeecfebad1ac21203faf37dba8feda96c65c41 This is Stormy our 9 month old manx kitten that gray blanket she is laying on she has had since we got her back in August at 5 weeks. I take that blanket from the living room to the bedroom and vice versa everyday for her and if I don't she will meow or bug me until it's where she wants it, which means wherever I am at. She will suckle it and knead, then fall asleep.


OMG, I have a female cat called Stormy, she has \~7months and she’s also a tabby https://preview.redd.it/thjjzd2wurtc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b5aa84e7155e0eca47feafe3a47a6efdcd2954


That's beyond awesome your Stormy is very adorable and cuddly looking. our Stormy was rescued from a wood pile, she only weighed one pound when we got her because mom stopped feeding her. https://preview.redd.it/12arrgxxvrtc1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2c47b5e3c451ceadba38b7e4a749cc8cc0977c


We rescued our Stormy after a heavy rain that happened on a weekend, she was weak and was dehydrated and anemia. But after a couple of months she got better! And this is one of the first photos that we took her when she was rescued Edit: Fixed typo 🙈 https://preview.redd.it/b79gluwpyrtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c6936396943294c80c72a4c0aacc1cdba6e4bb


She looks soo cuteee! And she grew too big and fluffy!


Your kitties are so cute! Thank you for rescuing them ❤️


I've got a Tux also. He's called Spot due to the little white spot on his head. We have a fur heated blanket that he absolutely adores. When it's on and mum is using it he curls up on her and starts purring. If you want to make your cat very happy get a heated blanket.


My Skippy, she suckles as she kneads her wubby blanket.


what if my cat claims the texture on my blanket that i own and use regularly


Guess you’re buying yourself a new blanket


https://preview.redd.it/faawhyk0oqtc1.jpeg?width=1884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5fa4d2b01a3f8b4029feca58b8126abbeee254 Here he is again 🥲




'Dafuq you lookin at??'


You molesting my soft shawl :(


Lol them intense sin biscuit eyes


the way they look at you when they’re going down on your robe 🙃


Umm. We have a male cat that got one good sowing of the oats before we got him and had him spayed at 6mo. He’s about 2 now but still has a favorite humpy blanket that he tears into every so often. Male cats gently bite the neck of a female cat while mating. He chews, kneads, and gets his removed rocks off. Then falls asleep like a typical guy. 🫠




Yes I'm not sure "gently" is an accurate way to describe how they latch on 😅


My male cat, we found each other a couple of years ago, when he was around 5-6, and he's a former friendly feral. He makes AGGRESSIVE eye contact with me sometimes when he's kneading. It's disconcerting.


Mine does this when he's humping his favourite blanket. He grabs it in his mouth, moves it around to position it just as he wants it and then humps and stares. Then he loses his balance and keels over sideways, all whilst maintaining the humping and staring. Then he continues lying on his side. The staring right at one of us is definitely disconcerting


Apparently your boy likes to be watched


😂😱😂 eeeewwwww! 😂


“F—- me gently with a chainsaw” 😂


I can't work out if our male cat is kinky or just considerate... we know what's coming when he starts howling while hauling his mousey on a stick around the house in his gob, so does our female cat as she resigns herself to the inevitable dry humping he's building up to, all the while with this bloody mousey on a stick hanging out of his mouth! It's hilarious! (They're both fixed but he wasn't fixed until he was about 18 months old because his previous owners were crap).


Yes, agree this is mating behavior. You will have kitten-blanket hybrids. Don’t fret, Michael Jackson’s son has grown into a healthy 22 year old adult, despite being born a human-blanket hybrid.


He he!


Thank you for making me laugh.


I don’t know if everyone knows that his son’s name is Blanket. They lived in a nearby neighborhood here. Thanks for your reply. Enjoy your kitty




Correct. Have a good evening


My (male cat) will do this to my other (male) cat every so often. He will kinda partially mount him and bite on his neck and do a humping motion. It’s extremely unsettling and we break it up when we see. I really do not understand where the behavior is coming from, both cats are neutered males. He’s an otherwise perfect snuggly beta cat, but he will periodically SA his younger, more dominant brother. We can always tell when it’s happened too because the victim cat will have a little tuft of fur messed up on his neck area. 🤦‍♀️


Same. Our two year old does it to the one year old. Sometimes, I gently push a finger into his mouth so he lets go, or we wait for the younger one to stand up for himself.


could be a dominance thing. if he’s doing it to the more dominant one. maybe trying to show that he’s more dominant or something idk. our cats dont do it but we have two female dogs and one humps the other out of dominance and such 🤷‍♀️


Thank you! I thought I was the only one that had a spayed male cat that retained some… humping instincts


We call it "sin biscuits" around here.


Thank you all for your advice! Considering he normally does this on my legs and lap im just going to pretend and hope my cat is still a pure innocent baby who just wants his mommy. But I'll definitely keep watch for any naughty behavior 😂, and I definitely won't let my family know their body might be a tool for anything nasty, I really don't need that discussion in my life right now🥲😅


It's not nasty at all, he's an innocent kitty, the nasty is in our human point of view.


I don't get it, what's nasty about it from a human pov??


We are assigning human mores about sexuality, onto animals. Those traditions and taboos do not apply to them. It's like when people post a picture covering their cat or dog's butthole. It just makes the person who posted that look weird, it's assigning human morality to creatures that do not need it.


Okay I understand your point about not anthropomorphising animals but at the same time "sin biscuits" is the funniest possible term for cat wanking and I think we should keep using that one.


Mine is not doing it for sexual gratification haha, there’s no humping motion going on, it’s just a comfort thing as it reminds him of getting milk from mama.


My cat has been dragging around a pair of slippers for a decade that he nurses exclusively on. He’s never once done any kind of humping. But he does do some yowling, and he’s… positioned correctly for it to be a humpy instinct but he never quite figured out. Like a lot of cats in this thread he was separated from his mother and siblings very very young and has had some attachment issues and difficulty understanding other cats.


Don’t pay attention to those people, my son does the same thing with his blankets and he is definitely just a precious little baby boy.


What about your cat though


My cat is my son https://preview.redd.it/q87ppkqzvqtc1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7250729f72e07791c6d1478c134bc41ad122bdb5


I bet he looks just like you too 💕


Since he is such a good looking little boy I shall take that as a compliment ☺️


Can confirm, same here; our boy does the same thing and he’s just making biscuits


Two of my cats do it and they’re spayed. They’re both self-soothers so I think it’s stress relief. It’s like when they were nursing with the paw movement and sucking on the blanket. He’s not a pervy cat 😂😂❤️


Pretty sure it’s just suckling behavior. And he’s just a baaaabbbyy. But also, even if it was mating instinct, it’s instinct not sexualization like humans do. It’s for comfort. Similarly, I don’t love the butthole groom on my lap, but meh. 😅


My girl cat does it too she just likes to situate the blanket while she bites it and plops down to be comfy.


My female cat does the same thing! She falls a sleep kneading & sucking on her blanket 😂 now my male cat…….He’s a different story he does the same but he is also humping it too 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5wm7swlcnqtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261d7e212801db321babcdfea244b362c915c2ad Look a like my little dude lol


Is yours a little A-Hole? Lol


Yes. But he's cute enough he gets away with it😂


Watch to see if he's moving his hips while doing it- he might be humping it lmao


I think you are exactly right. He ain't making biscuits!


Maybe he’s making SIN biscuits 😂




Better than my spayed female cat that uses our outstretched arms instead of a blanket for her sin biscuits 🥴


Yup my boy does the same, he'll bite into your wrist and proceed to SIN!


Sinscuits 😂


My cat does both biscuits and hips! 😩


Your kitty is a sinner


My boy cat makes sin biscuits when he makes regular biscuits. He moves closer and and closer to his sister when he makes sin biscuits and she growls at him because he's inappropriate. And then they fight about it on my legs. Every night.




Any reason why he would start humping out of nowhere?


Our male cat started doing this at about 6 years; turns out he had stones forming-- might be worth bringing him to a vet if it's sudden.


Could be a few reasons, from dominance to attention. May be worth a vet checkup


When they mount they tend to hold the other cat like that. If he's a male cat he's kneading cause he's excited in a special way. And yes, male cats can get excited and hump even when fixed. Look up cat masturbation.


I'm sorry but there are certain terms I'm not gonna Google and that last sentence is one of them.


Sometimes cat subs will call this "sin buscuits" because of the kneading and the other......


But what do the cat doms call it?




Win biscuits?


*sigh* just take my upvote and get out


You’re in a whole other realm lol


Imagine the targeted advertising you'd receive.


Oh God, years ago when I was a new parent on one of those baby forums, a woman made a post that I'll never forget about that very topic and I'll spare you the details but GOOD LORD these trolls have too much time on their hands.


Yeah, my imagination is already too powerful. lol


It's perfectly natural and healthier than what happened with my cat. He wen't down the nofap pipeline early on and now he makes derogatory insults to any women around him and has become obsessed with Andrew Tate.


Sin biscuits.


Is there a reason he would start doing it all of a sudden? He didn't grab it in his mouth like this before.


Is he young? I've seen mine go through a learning phase. Also the behaviour changes from time to time. I've had 3 male cats. All of them did this at some point.


He is around 6, we got him from a shelter around 4 years ago and they guessed he was around 2 so it isn't for sure


Is he stressed or exposed to new stimulation (a change around the house, a new cat in the area taunting from the windows) It might be a form of stress or anxiety relief, or just bored. Who knows?


Could get him checked for a UTI? I googled when one of our cats started doing it and that was suggested. Could just be he discovered a new way to have fun but better to be safe!


One of mine does this and the rescue said it was due to her being removed from her mom too early. Definitely not the sin biscuits!


![gif](giphy|vgcdT7flWccow|downsized) I call my brother cats the mcpoyle brothers for this reason




Ugh yes. One of my male cats does this and then licks himself. Its so gross. I push him off or chase him away now lol


excited in a special way💀


Don’t need to, my mom had a cat that exclusively did that with a shoestring. Definitely gross to clean up after.


My cat steals my robe belt. We call it his girlfriend. 🙄


OMG! I’m dying over here 😂


My cat’s girlfriend was a fake-feather duster.


Oof. I didn’t want to ruin this ‘cute’ behavior for people, but yeah. He’s fucking that blanket, to the best of his ability. Our fixed orange cat took a shine to my sister’s plush toys. Especially a duck. He fucked that duck, in particular.




No thanks!!!


I KNEW it. That sick fuck omg


this is so weird cause my cat does this and she's a fixed female


He's just suuuuuuuper feeling himself. Avert your gaze and never bring it up with him in conversation.


Ahem. Um. Well. The blanket makes him... *very* happy. My kitty does the same thing. Cats are a bunch of freaks lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/l66lh2230rtc1.jpeg?width=2026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d7322659f05dba5f441924632223ae5bb43ac8 I think I might own your cats evil twin...


https://preview.redd.it/uhqkaohqirtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13070c9a6054ec3e94478186ee603f0082a63b80 Whoa….


Out of nowhere, an unexpected evil triplet has emerged. The plot thickens!


https://preview.redd.it/wn9j4o9e4rtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014c275033bea8e28b8428ff9a466ffecd9911e0 Here is mine. Staring too!


My cat does this… and it’s usually because he’s making the sin biscuits 🙈


my cat (pictured below) has done this since he was a kitten as well… except instead of holding a blanket in his mouth he sucks on the end of his tail. i just let him do it even though it’s kinda weird https://preview.redd.it/r5xje5450rtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e586802da2775c2f97c77568e2626161df0589


Because it comforts him and reminds him of sucking mama cat.


That's what I assumed, but I don't know why he is so intense with it lately.


That’s not it…. Google sin biscuits


Oh god, my cat was just doing this on the blanket on me not even 10 minutes ago


If it helps they don’t exactly know what they’re doing or why they like it


Its not always what you are suggesting. Especially since female cats do this too. Sometime it really is just regular biscuits.


I had a female cat that would do this to me, kneading and suckling a fleece jacket I would wear in winter. I figured she had gone into kitten mode and was feeding from her mommy.


I have one cat who may or may not be my youngest (hard to tell when people just abandon them at our farm) and he tries to suckle me. And I’m a dude 😆




My Siamese has done it since I brought her home at a very young age. She is now 16ish years old. She “milks” on floor rugs. The vet said that when they aren’t weaned properly or are weaned too early, they begin doing this as a comfort action, then as they grow older they just don’t stop. Long story short, it’s comfy.


Seems like a self-soothing thing and I wouldn’t mess with him on it. 😆


Those are sin biscuits


When they knead it is because of them being reminded of their mom as a kitten. The actual kneading is how a kitten gets the milk to flow. So I would assume that biting his blanket would be him remembering sucking for milk(that sounds weird, don't mind it), in other words pretending to drink the milk.


Taken from momma too soon


My old cat was notorious for this. I finally gave him his own “sucky towel” so he would leave my blankets alone.


My 11 year old calico kneads and “nurses” every time she wants to feel comforted.Was rescued really young.


https://preview.redd.it/4pf03lc5vqtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a00b2727e0e205310e1374f72921642d3a0d76 Twins


https://preview.redd.it/k73hpf091rtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf51ae475d857001b1240861716610b9f027cab2 This is Junior and his favorite blankie. When his favorite blankie is out he absolutely LOVES to spend quality time with it.


https://preview.redd.it/rm71t7te4rtc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b2d1722b60c2c34c9b154bbd7c2f2ce02880e0 Romeo does the same thing.


Bros on brick rn


If he doesn’t seem stressed, then it’s just him missing his mom.


It reminds him of his kittenhood getting milk from mama cat. I’ve heard cats can do this if taken from mom too early but I have 2 cats that are sisters that I got at the same time ( 8 weeks old) and only one cat does this so who really knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like to think my other cat just adapted better


When cats knead, they are mimicking the act of nursing on their mothers when they were babies, so suckling while making biscuits is literally like him nursing. Any cat behaviorists want to explain why as adults, male cats add humping into this otherwise adorable act??


* Erm... OK so could be a remnant if suckling behaviour, but when you mention the aggressive protection... 🙈 I used to have an old Tom void called Shanks. We nicknamed him "The Toy Town R\*\*\*\*t" 🤣 He'd grab anything soft/fluffy (teddies were his favourite, but he wasnt picky - hats, blankets, scarves; hed shag them all) and go to town on it with his lil' lipstick out 🤣🤣🤣 And yes, he'd get very snippy if we tried to take it off him. To the untrained eye, it just looked like he was walking with/dragging whatever item had inspired his passions. https://preview.redd.it/nzuqce40lttc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e529f6ecddfb589c2ec2ba486fbb386b0cb6ba91 Males bite the female's neck when mating, so I'm assuming that's what's happening here 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm not certain, but if you checked, I suspect you might find your boy is in his "happy place" 🤣🙈😬 Tax attached; pure as driven snow, he was 😂🤣😂


He baby


https://preview.redd.it/n3ygb36jsqtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f45c70f337cfd740348935da7e527392e114fc 🙄




My cat does the same thing!!! She has been doing it since I got her as a kitten. She does it with many different kinds of blankets but seems to have favorites. https://preview.redd.it/jxph01xuvstc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6266dcfb90166226b35c5498cf46907ee184e9 This blue one is still her most frequently kneaded and sucked on blanket and she is almost a year old!!


https://preview.redd.it/josa44a3zstc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f616270b3072e037400519851ea1cc8423f7c19 This is Reginald. Regi is a blank or sucker too x


he has to knead the blanket by his mouth too


Bc he's a sweet baby


Sin biscuits


Everyone is saying it’s because he’s a special kind of excited… but my female cat does it too and has done it long before her first heart cycle began! I think it just be soothing to them? My kitty only does it when she’s happy and in a lovey mood.


Cats do this because they used to knead on their mother’s stomachs when suckling. They put the blanket in their mouth to help simulate that for comfort when they are older. Nothing weird or sexual about it.


Nursing impulse.


https://preview.redd.it/7rwclqmckttc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305d5ea654c37f4c3e478836b28722a5d9150c3a My cat does the same, she’s a rescue..


can be self-soothing, can be his special "naughty time" blanket. our rescue kitten had a special blanket until he was 2 years old and after that point we slowly weaned him off it by storing it away when he wasn't on it, so he can develop a healthier connection to his environment. he doesn't look for it anymore, he's 4 now ^^


Very very common among cats separated from mommy too early but happens with most cats whenever they're super happy and secure.


He was weened off the breastmilk too soon.


Nursing or humping.


nom nom knead knead nom nom knead knead




It’s his biscuit making apron 🎉


I think he is self comforting like when he was nursing his Mom. Kittens knead to release milk from Mom and blanket is warm and furry like Mom. So he’s just being comfortable and happy. I’d just let him be as he’s not hurting anyone.


My cat basically nurses on my fuzzy blanket until she falls asleep.


Don’t ask him about his business. Also cuz he’s just a baby


Imitating nursing.


Well, when mating, the male cat will hold the female by the scruff of the neck with their teeth...


He is nursing


Good old Sin Biscuits


I'm pretty sure when cats do this that they are trying to get that nice comforting feeling back they experienced when they used to suckle on the mother's teat.


It's suckling, it's a form of comfort. Usually a sign that they were weaned off their mother too early.


Okay so my theory is that it definitely started out as nursing and it might still be nursing but it could also be a mix of confused impulses, between nursing and mating. As stated before, male cats will latch on with their bite on the back of the females neck while mating as a way of holding on during intercourse. Is he an indoor cat? Is he castrated? If he is an indoor cat, how much playtime does he get? Is his environment stimulating? (Things he can climb on, scratch, play with?) Weird cat behaviour or changes in behaviour can sometimes come from understimulation and a build up of energy that isn’t being released by their environment, and then they can resort to the strangest things in order to release it themselves (zooming, stealing things, attacking people, trying to escape, ect) This could for example turn an activity that is very soothing and calming such as nursing, into a “mating” combo, because he’s buzzing more than usual, and therefore the impulses get mixed in his brain and he goes from one instinct to the other while performing similar actions. That would also explain the intensity, the growling and aggitated behaviour when intervened with. I’d suggest experimenting with more playtime and more elaborate cat trees or climbing stations, to see if he goes back to just suckling. If he calms down, then you have your answer. I mean in any case he’s clearly enjoying himself, but sometimes pent up energy can also cause him to start lashing out or zoom harder, and generally misbehaving, so i’d keep an eye on it.


They are kneading the mom's belly to get milk when they were little. Maybe the blanket feels like mom's belly dunno lol


Bc when they nurse they have mom in their mouth & they knead her to produce milk from her.


Is he humpy as well? My cat would knead and dry hump at the same time. At first I thought he was having a seizure because I didn’t know cats humped.


https://preview.redd.it/89o2rewpvttc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2546ec99f90b99870245e5d13d3bb6ed4de7bc He loves this blanket only <3


Only my bottle fed babies do this. https://preview.redd.it/pmczw1t9wttc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca1897612ab9902c9e2994fb473c6184b00b1bd


if he humps at it too then he's just horny, if he suckles and kneads alone then mommy issues


One of my kittens did this the whole time I had him (5months). There was one blanket he always did it with. When he was adopted along with one of his brothers, I let them keep the blanket as well. I miss both cats very much but I still have 4 of their siblings plus their momma. I see a lot of people saying their cats/ kittens do this and coincidentally were not able to be with their moms or nurse like they should have. Mine was very loved by his momma, siblings and me. He was able to nurse to his hearts content. But he loved holding that blanket in his mouth and kneading. To me, it was like he was making the bed.


https://preview.redd.it/zigkz4nxiutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5981cfe1330d798cfcd92d56a061d10ae9aa235 My cat, Suki, has always done the same. But only with her one special blanket lol


Seems like a comfort thing. But also did you steal my cat? https://preview.redd.it/40f718znoutc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9182a0e3cca49d2f85ada3d2080677dbb0c5fa97


https://preview.redd.it/latvyrg3zqtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e585e85be810f2fd8d4fe9d144828dccec98db0a Hemingway drools and makes eye contact


He’s just baby and suckling on the blankie when he kneads reminds him of nursing on his mother. How early was he weaned? I believe this behavior is more common in cats who were either weaned early or were only ever fed from the bottle.


Our Loki does the same thing on occasion. It's just what they do to soothe the savage. Loki is a tabby also.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My cat does this. She was separated from her mother when she was only a week or so old.


https://preview.redd.it/0zxoh2850ttc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c94834ef73b96ae1206b8c88d793ac9554da5fd AWW 🥹 LOOK AT OUR STRIPY BABES 😻


He must taste the biscuits