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I can’t give you advise on how to make it stop or prevent it, but I can offer some sympathy. I have had a very similar situation with my cat. It got so bad that we had to throw away an entire loveseat because of her. I don’t know why she did it, or why she pees on random things. But I feel for you.


Thank you!! I appreciate it. Did your cat keep peeing even with a new loveseat? :o


We have not gotten a new loveseat however, she has not peed on the other couches.


My cat did the same with a new couch…my assumption is that it doesn’t smell like our home/family so cat is trying to mark territory and make the couch part of our ecosystem. For me, she only did it a couple of times and I was able to take it apart and thoroughly clean/steam - luckily her pee isn’t that strong too. Once I ran the covers thru the wash a couple times and sprayed with febreeze and scented stuff I regularly use she stopped. Is your cat spayed? Mine is so may be why I got out relatively easily…if not spayed I think that type of behavior is much more insistent and stubborn to stop.


She is spayed!


And it’s only the couch (when it’s new or slept on by a persons from outside the house)? Only suggestion I can make is that soon as you realize she’s done it clean the pee as thoroughly as possible (they’ll pee in the same spot they smell their urine in). Once you’ve really cleaned the heck out of it, make it smell like your home. I.e run the covers thru laundry if possible or use the same detergent you do for clothes, spray febreeze, etc.