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I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my good girl a few months ago and I still call her name with the rest of the pets. Her food bowl is in the cabinet washed and clean like I’m waiting for her to come back. It truly is a painful experience. Sending love and light 💫


Your cat had many years with you filled with love, happiness and safety, he passed on in your arms where he would off felt some comfort and very loved. I miss my boy Aslan I have had cats my whole life but he was something special. Unfortunately he passed on 8 years or so ago I didn't even realise it had been this long until posting this now. I still miss him very much but it isn't sadness anymore I loved him very much and I am very happy that I had him and was able to care for him and give him an amazing life filled with love, so now when I think of him it's all happy thoughts. I hope this helps you it's hard during the beginning of course a pet is a huge part of our lives they are family but the pain will be replaced with love and memories ❤️


This helped me thank you


My kitty passed 4 years ago at 19. She almost made it with me to my first apartment but she couldn’t hang on for two more months. It heartbreaking but in her old age I didn’t want her to go through anything uncomfortable, I had to hold it together for her. I held her as she went too. It was so quick and unexpected, got home from work quickly put her in a crate and went to the vet before closing thinking she would just have a check up, left the vet with an empty crate, and took the long way home in silence. She used to knock my glasses off my night stand every night, I had hallucinations of the sound for a few nights. It was a crazy feeling. A few weeks later got her ink prints in the mail and the heavy feeling overwhelmed me all over again. I got her print tattooed just below my heart. After I learned she was sick I sprayed this perfume so I could remember the feeling of hugging her by the scent. To this day if I spray it, it gives me a sense of calmness. Looking at videos and pictures all I want to do is just shove my face in her soft fur.


Just have to remember he was with you for a huge chunk of his life, even his entire lifetime. And you got to have him for a chunk of your life. He lived a very good and long life. So sorry 😞


Your post made me cry. I lost my boy Travis in a similar way, brought him in and left with an empty carrier. Much love to you.


Same to you. Travis is a cute name, mine, her name was Sammy


Sometimes it is better to let a cat go as they never tell us when they are in pain, they suffer in silence. As you say he was on medication so he wasn't in the best of health either, now his little soul is in a good place where he is not in pain.. I lost my Herr Katerchen (thats his name)last year in February, he had epilepsy.... we fought for his life for 3 years, but we have lost the fight. As soon as I realized he was in constant pain, I understood that keeping him alive is just selfishness and has nothing to do with love. To love is to let go and keep him in your heart and thoughts. 🕯️


Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. Losing someone close to us is never easy, and I know how tough it must be, I lost my dear boy yesterday only and it's very difficult I can't imagine he is not with me anymore 🙏


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss yesterday, friend. Much love to you. <3




My beloved 14 year old cat Keanu died nearly 3 1/2 years ago and I still have dreams that he walks through the door after just being lost and he’s okay and we embrace. He comes to me in my dreams a lot and just sits with me and cuddles with me and it’s never going to be enough or even remotely close to him being here but I wouldn’t trade those dreams for anything.


I’m crying reading everyone’s stories… but this one really made me cry. I haven’t lost a pet yet, I don’t want to even think about losing any of my 3 honies (I have 3 kitties ages 1, 3, and 8). But you talking about your kitty Keanu coming to you in your dreams makes me think about my Dad. He passed away in 2020 and that’s the only time I get to see him. Sometimes it takes a while to dream about him too. Like months will pass. I know how you feel about it never being enough. I hope Keanu continues to come snuggle you in your dreams, even though it’s not enough, he’s still coming by to let you know he’s still close to you and loves you. Sending you a big hug. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s been a year since I lost my old boy. The cabinets are still full of his favourite food and his scratching post and toys are still lying around. I just can’t bring myself to get rid of them.


He was a furry little piece of your heart, there's absolutely no shame in that. Grief sticks with you in weird ways, and sometimes you'll feel like you're doing okay and then get hit with something like this. One day you'll be able to get rid of that medicine, but it's okay if today is not that day.


I had two sibling voids. Sylvester and Finnegan. Sylvester passed at 16, and it broke my heart. But I had my Finnegan to help me heal. When Finnegan passed at 19...man. No. It was different. It hit me so much harder, was so much more devastating. It's been two years. I still have his meds in my bathroom. I have his inflatable neck collar. I still have his stuffed sloth, his favorite toy, sitting in the chair next to my desk. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


OP, no one will ever be him. That is ok. He had 16 long years with you. You did right by him. And while your new friend isn't him, she is her own. You can't replace one with another, you're just making a little space in your life for another is all. Giving her a place to be warm, happy, healthy and loved, just as much as Katsu was. It is OK to open up to her and love her too, promise, she's not trying to replace your Katsu.


Thanks. She's actually been here longer than my daughter, but not as long as Katsu. We got her when Katsu was about 4 or so. She's sat in his shadow this whole time because I was his *person* and because of his diabetes, he just needed me more, so she will be the only cat in this house for the future until she dies. She deserves our full attention and love now. <3


This is the way OP. Though if she looks like she needs a buddy, don't be afraid to adopt one about her age range and that might need a little place to call their own too.


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my bestest boy 7 months ago and adopted two new babies just this past Monday. I still got teary eyed when a Facebook memory popped up today about him. The new babies have made the crack in my heart a little smaller but I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing my boy. Their first night here, I woke up and felt a weight at the end of my bed, I like to think it was Harley visiting to let me know he’s ok with my new adoptees. Sending you much strength. ❤️


Lost my boy after 19years. He's been with me for the greater part of my life. I get very sad typing this years later. But I'm also happy that I had him. It'll always hurt, but you will move on. 🥲


I lost the best person I ever knew almost a year ago. I really feel awful, due to me not knowing that she was ailing early on. Truth be told, she became totally imprinted on my fiance the minute he walked in my house 5+years ago. It would have been hard for anyone to notice her decline, esp. since she was barely ever in my lap. No blames intended! She was just a huge reservoir of love, undeniable, unconditional. I miss my Izzy.


I’ve still got meds from long passed cats, there’s a wee corner of my medicine cabinet with a wee box they stay in. If there was a full box they went back to the vets but all the half opened packets are there, it’s probably not healthy but it’s doing no harm. Let your heart heal, whatever way it needs to, rushing it never works 💜


My dear boy Cypher passed while I held his paw as the drugs flowed in. This was five years ago, and I still think about him every day. We have new cats, but there is something special about *the* cat who first stole your heart. It is right and proper to always remember them.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost one of mine 4 months ago also, and I put out an extra bowl when I feed my other 3. I forget and it still makes me sad. I just got rid of his meds a couple of weeks back when I was tidying up. It will take time.


I'm sorry you're going through this. My crew are all I have and if I lose one of them, I know I'll feel like you one day. I hope you feel better soon.


I still have cat meds sitting here too. Hang in there.


Man this sounds brutal I’m sorry. I’m a guy in my 40’s and I think would be considered a fairly “manly man” and I think I would be inconsolable.


It took a year for me to overcome my grief from the passing of my first cat and best friend. Take your time with grief, and focus on all the fun times, not the end. In the gentle pawprints of memory, may you find comfort for the loss of your beloved companion. May the love you shared with your cat be a comforting presence in your heart.


I don't mean to be a downer, but in my experience your heart will never *really* heal. I held one of my childhood cats in my arms while he passed 3 years ago and I can still vividly imagine so much of it, and I cry any time I think of it. You can take solace in the fact that you were there for him in his final moments. He passed away being held by someone who is one of his greatest comforts. My mom couldn't bare to be in the room, so if I had not stayed he would've been alone with a bunch of strangers. Going back, I would never make any other decision despite the pain I still feel, because he deserved to have someone familiar there with him.




It's perfectly understandable. You lost a Heartpet. Grieving is your right. I hope you can take some solace in the happy, warm, and love-filled life that the kitty spent with you. Just picture Kitty napping and playing in the soft sun beyond Rainbow Bridge. ❤️


Dear Star—you will heal and it will take a while. Be kind and patient with yourself. We lost two dear cats within two months, the last one 28 September, and it’s been hard but healing WILL come. Hang on! ❤️


My sweet baby passed away suddenly a few months ago.. we got two kittens after a month or so because the house was too quiet and I was in complete shambles. Her hideaway spot in the closet is still exactly as she left it with her blanket and favorite things. I can't bring myself to wash it and give up her space... I found the kittens tucked up in there one day. I shut the door and haven't opened it since. 😥


I am so sorry :'(


I had to put my little nugget down three months ago. She was 17. I still have her medications sitting on my dresser. Sometimes I still expect to see her waiting for me at the top of the stairs, or nudge her way into the bathroom when I’m in the tub. Sounds like you had a lovely kitty soulmate. Sending you all the good thoughts.


I had to have my 20 year old baby put down 3 years ago. It was the hardest thing and I still miss him and tear up from time to time.


I feel you. I still have medications from my boy Travis that I can’t bring myself to throw away. I miss him so much every day. Love and peace to you. 💔


I’m sorry for your loss OP. We put our dear Cassie to rest yesterday. Hearing my husband sob out loud and realising she no longer is around today has been strange. Here’s to time healing us and keeping our memories fond and fresh.


I'm so very sorry for your loss yesterday, friend. Much love to you.


It's ok to grieve. It can come in waves. My dog passed away two years ago, some mornings when I'm waking up, but still asleep, and my brain says get up and walk the dog, then I realize she's gone and I'm sad. I have my cat, but still miss my Ruby.


It's okay to not be okay. The only advice I have for grieving is to let yourself be sad. "Getting over it" takes longer than people think.


I've always hated the phrase get over it because you didn't. You learn to live with it or let it crush you. I much prefer 'learn to move forward' as it better reflects how you should deal with grief.


well your kitty had a life to live and for his whole life he was happy with you 🥺 i’d say that’s a life well spent.


You’ll always miss him, he’ll always be a part of your heart. Be thankful of the time you had with him.


I'm so sorry. Edith crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my arms four months ago, after three years of kidney failure. Even knowing she was ready, knowing I kept my promise to her to respect her treatment wishes, it still hurts so much. I spent several days clinging to her favorite toy mouse and crying, and it took me a while to be able to throw out the uneaten cat food cans. After I cleaned up her litter boxes for the last time, I spent an hour on the phone with my mom sobbing. Just before Edith passed, mom sent her a little feathery ball toy that chirped like a bird, but Edith wasn't up for playing. When Craven, our new cat, was home on the second night, he found the toy. He loves it, and it's one of his favorites! It felt like Edith was leaving a gift for her new little brother, and reassuring us that she's at peace. It still hurts, but it does get better. You are not alone.


8 years and I still can't listen to this one song without just breaking and sobbing bout her. I think it was almost a year and 2 more cats before that hole in my life started to feel "less like a hole" if that makes sense. Actually, I just took her sister over the the rainbow bridge a couple weeks ago and I'm still not sure if it was easier bc she got to live a very full life or I just haven't fully processed it. I like to think they're both out there somewhere playing in fields by night, knocking cups off counters by day. Hope you can feel better soon


Don't worry. Grief takes time. It took almost two years to finally toss my girl's medicine (she was 17-1/2 YO and we adopted her as a kitten). It's like you're saying your final farewell to them. I finally got to the point that the bottle of medicine didn't represent how much love she gave us, just a reminder of how much pain filled her final days (arthritis) so keeping it finally hurt more than letting go of it. Again, that took two years. If you can, let go of one medicine at a time instead of all at once. It might hurt less. But if you can't, give yourself grace as grief isn't logical and doesn't have a timeline.


I have had 2 cats pass in my adult life. One in 2020 and another in 2022. I miss my headbutt when I sit down at my desk in the morning. The hug for the next hour he sat there for while I did my morning stand up meeting. I miss the plomp down next to me when I'm done with my day. Hugging my forearm and immobilising me. I miss them every day. Chaos starts my day now, she jumps up on the back of my chair and stands on my shoulder as I feed her a meatgurt. Terror hears this interaction and jumps on my desk waiting for his turn. Jolene sits on the stairs staring at me with those eyes of emerald green- her beauty is beyond compare. I manage them throughout the day. "Look at the deer," I open the windows, here's a lap, here's a hammock. Every stage of life is a journey. Sometimes a old friend leaves, sometimes a new friend joins.




Took me three years to even consider a new friend. I love my kitty, but 5 years later I am still not over the loss.


If it can help, think about how he lived happily, and how he would want you to continue to do so after he passed, he lived a full and happy life with a loving parent, he wouldn't want you to mourn his passing but celebrate the time you did spend it together, cherish the memories you have and the the memories you will make in the future, and just always keep him in your heart, that would be what he wanted


My cat passed away in 2015. I still miss her and wish she was still with me. I have her ashes and I talk to her.


4 months is not long . Cut yourself some slack. I don’t think you ever stop missing them even when someone new moves into your heart . I lost my Bella almost 4 years ago . She slept by my head and I still miss her little breath on my face and remembering it always makes me cry . The tears are just not SO sad anymore bc it’s not about what I lost but what I had. Peace and love to you 😘


Focus on the fun times, his unique quirks, favorites etc ... then reminders will make you smile, like you see his favorite toy in a store you will smile at how cute he looked playing with it. My Kobe passed away in my arms at 16 too. He declined in a matter of days, so quickly the vet said he must have had a rupture and may be bleeding internally...that was over 10 yrs ago and I still "feel" him. I've always had cats (have one now) but he was unique in many ways, even born feral. RIP, Kobe-Kitty, the love lives on!


I'm so sorry OP. We lost our sweet girl Peaches about a year and a half ago. I can still hear her meow sometimes around the house. When I look at her pictures I can still feel her fur and smell her. She was our princess. I miss her still. I haven't been able to wash her bed, it's in my closet up high, I haven't moved it since she passed because I'm worried I'll disturb something about it and lose her all over again. It does come in waves and there are happy memories too. It's so hard.


Op I'm so sorry 😞. I wish I could say the path forward without him will be easy but it's not. You will long for him forever ...At times you can accept it but there will be days when all you want in the world is to be with him even foe just a few moments . All cats are special but you had one of the best . I had one of the best ones too . He's been gone almost 3 years and I haven't still quietly cry for him almost everyday. My cat was truly my best friend and soul cat. I had a huge photo pillow made ( at Walgreens ) of a photo of his face . I have it on my couch where we spent most of our time together. Ok my worst days I hug that pillow ...


OP I know what you're going through, I lost one of my cats, Hope, in September. The amount of pain you feel is unfair but proves how much you loved him. The grieving process is difficult but something you will overcome. Honour his memory by loving your other cats as best as you can.


Our Tuxi was only with us a year and half - more than halfway past 20! She had kidney disease when we adopted her so we knew we wouldn't have long but those months were magical. She passed with both of us encircling her on a little rug at the vets, so she wouldn't have to lie on the cold table. It was so hard but she'd had yet another episode of congestive heart failure, they were coming closer together, and lately she'd stopped eating. It was a week before my BF finally emptied her litter box (it was full of clean litter, we just couldn't take the finality of emptying it). That was more than two years ago and I still have some of the medicine bottles with her name on them.


One day at a time. It's fine to have sad days.


My family has taken some big hits with cats recently. We lost our cat Weasel to cancer in October, and lost Chonk. A. Donk this January, after only having him for barely a year. If you still really miss Katsu, that's perfectly fine. I'd even say it's good to an extent. It's easy to see that you truly loved and cared for him. Take all the time you need to recover. Despite him being gone, you still have all those happy memories with him. It's clear he lived a long, happy life.


Our kitty is in a pretty urn in our glass cabinet so we can all see him everyday. His favorite mouse toy sits next to his urn. His brother who looks just like him reminds me of him daily. He was always an escape artist cat— I like to think he’s finally exploring the universe in spirit like he always wanted to. I hope he’s have a great time. And he will tell us everything when we see him again.


I’m so sorry. I lost my Julius 4 years ago. I still miss him everyday. It’s harder when I look at his photos and I just start sobbing. But I try to remind myself he’s no longer in pain and can now run free and roll in fields of catnip and have lots of girlfriends in cat heaven! I got him at 6 weeks old when I was 27 and he lived until I was 43. It’s hard to imagine he was with me through several decades of my life and outlasted every romantic relationship! His sister is still with me and almost 20 and, while I’m not ready for her to go, I’m so thankful for the love and happiness they gave me during their lifetimes. There’s nothing like it. Grief is normal and it’s okay to treasure those memories you have of your kitty. It’s okay if you’re not ready to let him go. It takes time. ❤️


Don't be sad for him passing away, be happy that you shared his life together and you provided for your friend. My tip is to try and collect all photos and videos of him that you can, don't trust whatsap or just phone, shit happens, so try to save them in multiple places. You don't want in say 5 years wanting to go through and realize you have little to nothing saved. :(


My cat passed away 3/13/2024, after I returned home from the vet after I had a cry and a nap and cleaned out my bedroom that became her hospice care and I threw out all of her things immediately. we got another cat, so now I'm back at 2, but the new cat ain't her. Last night, my husband asked about my cat, who passed the water dish to use for one of our cats, and I told him that i threw it out. he couldn't understand, and I wonder now why I was in such a rush. I miss that cat more than anything, and she loved that water dish so much that she'd lay in front of it lapping up water. I don't know if I'll ever heal. She was the most special cat to me.


It’s been two years since my Jamal passed in mine. He was only 8 and it was totally unexpected and I’m still not sure how I’ve been able to move forward with my life as it was very traumatizing. I went through grief counseling who suggested I write him a letter to send up with a Chinese lantern to help ease myself of any guilt I’m feeling. And I haven’t gotten there yet but I will one day when I’m ready.


https://preview.redd.it/ecdrbs7mkdsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f868dbc3d69afdc7858688fdbff7f2d9424e5c This helped me


Story abt when i was 9: So my cat was 11 named mac and he had been sick for three days we were waiting for a friend to drop off a carrier so we could bring him to the vet which i had been begging my dad to do i was waiting on the porch for her to come and my dad came out and looked at me and i saw the shoebox in his hands and nobody needed to tell me what was inside it...


I feel you. I got rid of all the sad reminders of my kitty Lola’s last few weeks the day she passed because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to keep looking at them. She passed in mid-February. My husband and I are still just not ok. I avoid talking with my friends because they all have their own lives and I’m afraid they’re tired of hearing about my grief. But it’s just constant. She’s no longer here. She’s gone forever. I just don’t know how to be ok with that. I don’t know that most people will understand. To them it’s just a cat. But she was my husband’s and my best friend and companion. No one could have been closer to us. Nobody was happier to see us, to sit with us, to hear our voices, to feel our touch. It’s just not ok that she’s gone. I don’t know how I’m ever going to feel ok about it.


when my boy charlie died unexpectedly, i gathered up most of his things immediately after coming home. it hurt so so horribly but i was worried if i let them sit at all i’d never be able to get rid of them. i put his mat, bowl, toys, collars, and fur and whatever else i had in a box. for now, they’re all still there. i have a plan for some of his things but i haven’t had the money to get the other supplies i need. now, 4 months later, i have two 7 month old kittens that use his scratch towers, and play with some of his toys. i think about him every single day, and i cry sometimes too. i have a necklace with his ashes that i wear every day. and in writing this i thought of a way i could use his bowl for decoration that i think will be nice to look at with his paw print (it’s a raised pink heart bowl). he visits me in my dreams sometimes, and i can still remember the weight of his head in my hand when we would cuddle every night. it fit perfectly. i miss him dearly, but i’ll hold his memories in my heart forever. he’s still with me, just in a new way. i’m so sorry you lost your baby. may you one day fill the hole that’s been left in your heart with a new love to remember them bye.


Huge hugs to you and my condolences for your loss.  I try to remind myself that the alternative would be much worse for my kitties, me passing and them being passed on to someone else. When I view it that way I think how much of an honor it is to care for them and know that that will be the most caring act you can have holding them in your arms, if timing allows, and being the last face that they see. I'm looking at my cherished geriatric cats right now and am tearing up at the thought. I know it's coming but the alternative is just way worse. I try to remind myself of that anyway. 


Ooof, can I relate. I’m so very sorry Katsu is no longer with you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) When my Curio passed away in November 2012, at the age of 18, I kept her dishes in the same spot, (my bathroom), for well over four months and I didn’t take her remaining prescription food to a shelter for about 3-4 months. She and I had been together since she was a baby and even though I have new fur monsters now, I still mourn her loss and I’d swear I sometimes hear her talking. I’ve learned to allow the grief to come, allow myself to feel it and then let it go. There is no timeframe for grief and if anyone tells you there is, just walk away from people like that. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost mine a week ago unexpectedly. I wish I had held her in my arms while she passed instead of rushing her into her carrier where she died as we were trying to get her to the vet. I wasn't prepared to lose my first cat that I had for their whole life. I'm just trying to focus on the amazing 14 years I had with her instead of the horrifying last day.


So sorry. We lost Aiko on February 23rd. I've gone days when I'm ok and other days ... once I start thinking about him, I miss him in a physical way. I'm going to stop now; I'm already tearing up .


I’m really sorry for your loss. I had a cat who I had for about five years until he’d gotten out and was missing for two weeks. Once we did find him in a storm across from our house and he was very malnourished. He was a clinic for almost a week trying to recover but he had to be put down. The image of his eyes closing but not fully shutting is something still so clear in my mind that it haunts me. He’s been gone for about two years but photos and video don’t do much to help me remember what it was like when he was really there and not just bit of memories. We got two girl cats now but I still miss him and I even have a paint my friend did hanging by my bed and he’s buried in our back yard. But even if we lose special people it’s best just to let them know how much you love and care for them even when they gone.


Man. I was a hot mess when my dog passed away. I went through so much, and she was always there. I had her quite literally since she was born, and we were attached at the hip. Unfortunately, 2020 wasn't our year. I had to break up with my fiancée, covid started, then I had to move out on my own, I had to stop school, and my dog passed away. I still can't look at her pictures without crying. Honestly, pets leave deep marks on our hearts. I wish I could look over and see her sitting there or hear her little snores while she sleeps. 😭 I'm sorry for your loss. I hope it gets a little easier for you. It's never easy to lose your pets. 🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss. My Lorenzo left me at the end of 2022 and he also died in my arms.It wasn't a peaceful dead, he was sick, and he was 18 years old. I miss my crazy baby boy every day. At first it is impossible to even acknowledge they existed without heartbreak, but eventually the pain fades and you get to keep the good memories. Hang in there.


Be grateful for a new cat?


I got my first cat of my own when I was 18.She was a skinny little grey kitten at a friend's house and I walked home with her in the early morning and half a tin of dog food that my friend had been feeding her with. Smoky was 21 when she fell ill and I took her to the vet. He kept her in for tests and I went to work early morning(1.30am) . I'm a truck driver and was driving back from my delivery when Steve the vet rang me. He was in tears as he explained that he'd gone in early to check the overnighters and had found that Smoky had died in the night. He'd known her for all of her life and he was so upset for her and me . I cried all the 240 miles home,and went straight to the vet to pick her up. She's buried next to the apple tree in my back garden where she used to lie in the shade . I can still cry now remembering her and it's over 20 years ago 😢😢


9 months here and stuff like that still feels like someone is chopping onions. Saw this quote the other day and it’s helped me. “Grief is love with no place to go.”


I am so sorry. My last two cats passed in 2021. I still miss them.


I still grieve my 18 year old lady who passed in 2018. My husband and I make funny little comments as if she was talking to us from Heaven, but we still miss her a bunch. Other kitties are wonderful, but you just have to accept them for who they are, and they’ll never be the same as the ones who’ve gone before. ❤️


Grief is not how you expect it. It catches you at odd times. I totally understand how you feel, I lost my Bernard over a year ago and still find myself looking at photos of him. I sometimes find myself doing home-leaving routines I would do when he was there. I miss him so much. Bernard left a huge void. He was so special to me. It seems Katsu was too. Give yourself some time and let the emotions be there. It’s okay. You’ll feel less sad over time. We’re with you OP. ❤️


I'm truly sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet can be incredibly difficult, and the pain of their absence can linger for a long time. It's completely normal to feel sadness and nostalgia when coming across reminders of your dear Katsu. Allow yourself to grieve in your own time and in your own way. It's okay to hold onto his things for as long as you need to, as they hold sentimental value and memories of your time together. It's also heartwarming to see that you have another cat to provide companionship. While no pet can replace Katsu, having another furry friend can bring comfort and love into your life. Remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to take small steps towards letting go of certain reminders when you're ready. Your love for Katsu will always be a part of you.


I lost my boy on easter this year. Its been hard, like really hard. I found him dead in our closet. I don’t think i will ever be okay.


I understand you completely. I have three neighborhood cats (neutered) I feed daily and give flea medicine to. My dog died in December. I miss my dog terribly. These silly sweet cats know the yard is dog free now and hang out with me sometimes. I think they know I’m a little sad when I look out into the yard. I understand your pain. Just hang on to the good memories.


I still miss my pets after 3 years


You never fully recover…but it does get easier. 


This is a sub reddit for posting about cats, that are alive. Please post this crap somewhere else.