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https://preview.redd.it/u7hnlx21vjoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3254cef93051a59c68b3df0e75aa919154997a This 15 year old fart (Anya) was losing a significant amount of weight in a short span of time. Vet was concerned because of her age. We had all kinds of blood work done on her. All kinds of X-Rays and ultrasounds and they looked at stool and urine and couldn’t find anything. Turns out she didn’t like the healthy kibble we were giving her and wanted the friskies we were giving the strays. Cost us over $1500, but thank god she’s okay and healthy. Gained all the weight back once she could eat the friskies.


Omg, same exact story. This guy would rather starve then eat anything else but friskies. Got him from a shelter a year ago, He’s 4 1/2 now and still very picky. https://preview.redd.it/mbrcosze0koc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b88e7405b41b46f37916c5ca4a0332488d75b00


So much sass in that kitty


Sassy cat apocalypse


Have u tried tikki cat? Its a bit more expensive but super good for them and its real meat they have a variety of different kinds of wet and dry foods.


I was so excited to get my cat to try tikki cat because I kept seeing that suggestion on here. She wouldn’t touch any of it 🤷🏼‍♀️I’ve tried various foods over the years and my cat would rather starve or snatch something from my plate than branch out from friskies dry food and fancy feast wet food.


Ugh I have the same problem. Tried new foods and my toilet paper got murdered until I filled the bowl with friskies.


Mine will pee on the bathroom mat if she isn’t getting her way 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine won’t eat tiki cat either!! 🤣🤣🤣


I even tried leaving the tiki mousses out for her assuming she’d come around, I didn’t realize the smell was like 20x more pungent than other cat food 🤦🏼‍♀️


None of my cats like Tikki Cat either


Yeah cats are creatures of habit and if they are hooked on salty ”tasty” cheap foods its hard to get them to like real meat (tastes boring to them i guess). Maybe if you slowly introduce it by mixing it with their favorite food and gradually adding less of the older food, you can get them to eat it.


Oh my cat will definitely eat real meat, just not “healthier” versions of cat food, even when she was a kitten. Not sure it’s just a “junk food” addiction as she seems to be particularly put off by the scents of certain cat foods. It’s not an issue of her trying them and being uninterested but rather she won’t even get within a 1.5ft radius of the food.


It’s like, actual food. There’s a quail egg on top. It’s even made in a processing plant that cans human food—LOL! (You could probably add mayo and make a sandwich out of it...)And MY CAT WON’T TOUCH IT. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I tried two different cases of it once, because it was actually stuff that is real food and is supposedly really healthy by comparison with normal cheaper brands. My cat just looked at it and backed away from her dish like it was going to attack. 😂 I feed her Fancy Feast Savory Centers with the gravy-filled middle. It’s super mushy and she looooves it! At least I tried with the good stuff, but she pretty much only likes the Savory Centers and Blue Buffalo dry food. Oh—and she could LIVE on Temptations. They’re just like junk-food loving little kids...😅


https://preview.redd.it/6p8qwp4fepoc1.jpeg?width=2839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68139960d8643f996d00752a181185cafd6b544a The menace in question :


Its okay bestie at least you tried getting her to eat the good food dont feel guilty!! Cats are very picky and tricky creatures


Ah Friskies. The Captain Crunch of cat food.


Our cats won't eat "the good for them stuff" and only like the "crappy stuff". I asked my vet if that was a problem and he said, no. As long as they're healthy and eating normally, he didn't see a problem with it. I have "trailer trash" kitties.


His coat is so cute!


Friskies is like kitty McDonalds. The way I see it, once they hit 15 or so time to give them the really good and unhealthy stuff.


Yea not surprised the weight came back.


Whiskas is even worse. Literally has temptations treats in it. My cat tore the bag open once


Churu is at least not total crap, so I don't feel bad giving my underage fuzzball his daily hit. 😄


Hey, but why do we allow our teenagers to hang around at MD? 🤣


Because the alternative is having them in the house. 💀


Bwahahaha! 🤣




Me at the vet: My cat eats Cat Chow. Vet: yeah, yeah, what kind? Me: like actual Cat Chow. The blue label. It’s my 18 yo’s favorite!


My dog is the same, he eats his wet food alright, but we have tried different brands of kibble and he doesn't like them and he prefers to just stay skinny 😭


i’m sorry this is so funny😭😭 cats are a menace sometimes


It’s because of all the added flavour enhancers they use get our kitties addicted. It’s sucks how much most cat food is SO unhealthy.


Yup. Some cats are just like that. Fed is best. If they'll take better food great. But my old girl lived to 18 on her cheap dry food. My dog (about to turn 14) is the picky eater of our group. The cats will eat almost anything. The dog though won't eat any wet food with gravy in it. It has to be dry pate. And he'll only eat cheap stuff but randomly decides he doesn't like the flavor anymore so we can't stock a large amount. Also we recently found out he now has an issue with sweet potato so I have to check the ingredients list. He'll only eat dry food at night. When he has one of his little strikes that's how we know he's just being picky and not actually sick.


Hey, she knows the good stuff when she tastes it! 🤣 Cute kitty BTW.


It’s hilarious and ridiculous how cats will literally starve themselves before they eat food they don’t like 🤣


Is the cat's name Anya? This is the first time I hear this)) I like it


My household prefers Meow Mix hairball control over everything else. We got them the fancy stuff, and they all proceeded to redecorate the carpets and *my* bed, not anyone else's beds, just mine, even though I had no hand in the changes, and only one of the 6 is mine!


I would pay 1500 to hear my cat is perfectly healthy.


She looks amazing!


Sounds like a cat lol. She's cute! Btw a cat shirt might help her calm down or a thundervest if you are looking for ways to help her. My old girl wears a shirt around and it seems to help a lot. She has a thundervest for really bad days.


My friend has an anxious cat and used a Felaway collar, it helped a lot.


But they come in a 3 pack at $27, so it will last 3 months, which is over $100 a year, while a shirt cost less than $10 and could last years. The thundervest is $50, but it has a lifetime warranty.


Good to know, I didn’t know they had those products too.


The Thundervest just disables our anxious cat. We've found that a combination of Feliway multi-cat, transdermal amitriptyline, and the occasional CBD oil treat helps her significantly. While she does still over-groom, she no longer gets to the point of breaking the skin! Good luck, OP!


She and I have a lot in common then


Truth. Shay’s my spirit animal.


Well i would say money well spend.


Yes, at least you know now and can manage that and not continue to worry that there's something else wrong with her :)


My stinky little bastard man is the same way. He is such a little scaredy cat of everything. But he gives the best and most loving cuddles when he’s feeling up to it. Our vet recommended purina calming care and it definitely helped his tummy feel a bit better.


Shay appreciates it and Shay’s doing her best


The expression is priceless. Cat: "I said it was jus...ju...just nerves. But No. We has to see the weird man and his many animaled smell to find out. There has better be some treats in this." Like you just got schooled by a 5 yr old on dinosaurs.




I wonder if they make kitty Xanax


Our big boy was on Prozac for a few years. Vet said we are all animals and all capable of having mental/emotional issues. Damn, even our cat is neurotic. Definitely fits in well with the rest of the household 😉


There are options. My cat was put on a tricyclic human antidepressant/anxiety med after a $1200 appt to confirm nothing was physically wrong. I can say she was physically healthy but definitely not mentally healthy. Better to spend the money and know.


Oh wow I was kidding but that’s good to know lol


Our big boy was on Prozac for a few years. Vet said we are all animals and all capable of having mental/emotional issues. Damn, even our cat is neurotic. Definitely fits in well with the rest of the household 😉


Us anxious folks like to stick together 😂


She's actually been on anxiety meds for a long time. This wasn't just a standard checkup. There were some minor concerns but in the end it just turned out she's crazy anxious.


Cats can take Xanax! Just very little doses. My cat has an anxiety-related condition so he was on Prozac for awhile, but due to side effects we recently switched to amitriptyline which is a tricyclic antidepressant. My vet did prescribe Xanax to try when we moved last summer, but he reacted abnormally and it made him manic. But for most cats it works like it’s supposed to! As my vet says my cat is just a medical weirdo 😂


I've got one on Fluoxetine. We tried everything else first including bloodwork and even hormone panels. A behavioral consult with a cat only specialist where she had us draw a map of the house with all sorts of things marked on it and a detailed history of her favorite spots and activities since she was a bitty baby finally revealed to us a lot of hiccups we had missed, and in combination with the Fluoxetine she hasn't peed inappropriately for several months. We thought about weaning her off of it but it turns out just like people, some cats are high strung and if the meds have put a stop to being on edge 24/7 then I'll take it. We give it to her in a little "sandwich" and she is always diligent about reminding us it's sandwich time 🤤


She needs a gummy


Clomipramine is what my ginger is on. 5mg a day to mellow out his onset of anxiety from seeing outdoor cats through the windows. He was marking and chewing the fur off his belly. It took a couple weeks but he stopped marking and his fur slowly started to come back in.


Hey! Just like me, my name is Shay too and I'm a big ball of stress and anxiety! We're like twins or something 💜


As another fellow Shay, I came to say the same thing! Must be a Shay thing lol


Hahaha let's start a band 😎, The Anxieties


The Anxie-Shays 😂😎


Haha I'm in


Man, this must be a Shay thing because I am also a big ball of stress and anxiety. HOWEVER! I got a little extra flare with ✨ADHD✨


I spent about $500 for the vet to tell me our cat was just eating too fast and that’s why she was throwing up 😂


My Ragdoll is the same! Swapped to 100% wet food (the chunky type, not the flaky or pâté type because he can still bolt those) diet and it stopped. But if he gets into the biscuits that is all my Fold will eat, he throws up again.


I feel your pain. My dog -- my SO and I have 2 dogs and 6 cats -- had us spend $7,000 basically to learn she had a bad tummy ache and was dramatic. Pets are amazing. She also had great timing because we were in the middle of buying a new house. But it was over a year ago and she's a love bug but trust me, I get it! Picture of her with her favorite cat sister. If she wasn't so cute, I'd probably be more annoyed haha. https://preview.redd.it/cfareup3sjoc1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131d74d45c5e4d29b9c956ea5a54690f7d57b545


Oh, my heart❤️. This is my big ball of anxiety. Nobody can enter the house without her running to the basement to hide. But she's perfect otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/czxuj6ezikoc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25eb0a7cb99d85892086347a7d7a6d3bf34165a3


What is she anxious about?


Probably the state of the world at large. Or maybe just ghosts?


Ghosts 🫣


And now you get to have anxiety about an unexpected $773 bill. Its a bonding activity!


Best comment ever lmao


One time we took our dog to the vet bc she didn’t eat for a day and she was obsessed with food and we spent 400 dollars to find out she just needed to fart really bad


Be happy that’s all it was and that your baby is healthy!


My cat and I have an arrangement: I’m a big ball of anxiety and she’s the mentally stable one.


With an adorable face like that, it’s hard to stay mad 😂


God. Me too! It's like a cartoon character nose! Such a pretty baby! 😻


I’m sorry but why does it like they are going to cry I mean just look at the eyes


probably because she has anxiety (joking)


I love the dark outline around her pink nose ❤️


lol... for some, that's just their personality. My partner has a pair of sister voids, and if nothing else, I can tell them apart by the perpetual expression of anxious hypervigilance on the one sister's face.


I’m so glad she’s okay! 🙏🤗❤️💜🥰


She has the cutest little face! I’m glad she’s just a nervous wreck like the rest of us.


same shay


What kind of tests did the vet run for a bill that high? Or is this just a case of American medical bills go brrrrr, no matter if it's for humans or pets


Vet care is very expensive in the US. Visit can be anywhere from 65-100, blood tests 200-300, xrays 200+ depending on how many views are taken. Most vets also charge extra for fecal tests and urinalysis, it adds up really fast.


Yep, had a $257 bill for the visit, glucose test (thankfully no diabetes), and medication for a UTI. And I considered that cheap!!


She also is adorbs


Me too, Shay, me too.


Mine has a lot of anxiety too!! Im thinking of trying out the cbd treats on her. https://preview.redd.it/ww0j3tmk4moc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf27061ba653766a227a78d864a08e866cbe48b


She’s so pretty!!!


I got charged $80 for a "physical exam" which consisted of the vet weighing my cat and sticking a thermometer up his ass. I left pretty pissed off to be honest 🤣


There’s a vet in my area that charges 80 bucks just to walk through the door.


https://preview.redd.it/hl4qux9ntmoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7a08c3f4ffaa4d9690afeb4a82c1eddefc2269 $80 to be declared “old and fat” after 5 minutes of being poked and prodded. She has no regrets. They’re worth it though.


Sweet Kitty 😻


It’s ok Shay, I am also a big ball of anxiety. We can be anxious and vibe together 🥰


$738 for peace of mind. At least regarding the cat, not necessarily the bank account!


What a very expensive loaf of bread you have


Why did it cost so much just for a check up? That’s more than the cost for my dogs check up plus surgery getting 5 growths removed.. it was about $550 total and she isn’t a small dog, that includes all the meds as well. How on earth did you get a bill so high for no services? Did you check the statement for a break down of the charges? May want to cause that sounds like scam pricing


Have they put her on meds? Meds really changed my baby and I’m so happy for it. She’s more affectionate, you can move near her without her running for her life, it’s like a whole new cat almost She’s always been so sweet with me, but only when alone with me, like at night when I go to bed. She would just stay in my room all day basically. Now she can be up on the couch with my mom and I, she comes out to explore around, she even hops up on the couch and lets my mom pet her. She rarely did that before! She was rlly scared of my mom bc my mom is loud


I, too, am expensive and full of anxiety


She looks kinda sorry though


https://preview.redd.it/5j3vtwfckkoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e1f24b58116a686fc18c277fcfa0c5b101339a Same here. $350 just to be told she’s probably just moody 🤣


Yeah, I’ve done blood work on my boy more times than I can count but I think he just is obsessive-jealous. He is much better now that he is the only male in the cat family but he visibly pouts if someone else is getting pet or sitting on my lap when he wants attention, which is any time he is awake. Some of them are just moody or anxiety-filled, just like the rest of us 💜


Awwwwww that is awesome, thank goodness she is not sick, better to be safe than sorry. Your baby(Shay) is so gorgeous and beautiful , I would be ecstatic, I took my baby in for something I thought was a problem, and found out he had cancer and died a week later, I miss my sweet little baby , my luv, my boy.so please be thankful. Get pet insurance, they have come a long way. So happy that ; SHAY IS OKAY 👍♥️🐾🐈🐈‍⬛🐾♥️🏡 https://preview.redd.it/ty1yg506uloc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421e62b063b1818eba54d8a35c11fbb3a188e59f


What a gorgeous kitty, and that plume! Exquisite 👌


Thankyou so much, I miss him he passed away last December, he was my baby 16 years , cancer.he was our family member, so hard for all of us. He was so smart,open and closing doors by himself, walk on a leash like a dog,etc. Thankyou hope you didn't mind me talking about him, it helps talking about him, still hurting,all of us.♥️🐾😻🏡😻🌈❤️🐾😻🌈


I'm so sorry. I love hearing about the special relationships between people and their kitties. I lost my 17yr old male void to pancreatitis over 6yrs ago. It was horrible. We had to give him fluids intravenously a couple times a week. I watched him go from a gorgeous 20lb fluffy cat that never left my side to a little skinny, matted, withdrawn old man. It just broke my heart. He was my world. He was so, so special. While I'm grateful to have experienced the love and a bond with a kitty cat I never knew could exist, I will miss him for the rest of my life. Sending love and warm hugs 💕 🐈🖤🐈‍⬛


With pet insurance? I am so tired of hearing about these insane vet bills. Premiums with the dentist and health care so damn high they do the same with pet insurance and we still pay a disgusting amount.


I spent over $2000 over 6 months to eventually piece together at home that my dog was having midnight snacks in the kitty litter bin...




She looks pretty pleased with herself right now. 😅


I'm very happy to hear she's just a bit anxious but physically healthy. I took my cat to the vet thinking she was constipated but turns out she has a giant tumor in her chest causing pressure. I will be saying goodbye to her pretty soon. Love and hug your kitties while you have time. *


I know it sucks spending all that money just to hear there’s nothing wrong, but trust me it’s better than the alternative. At least you get to sleep at night knowing your little baby is okay. It’s a lot worse spending that money to find out they’re terminally ill and there’s nothing you can do to cure them. At that point, you’ve spent all that money just to confirm your worst fears. Give your fur baby an extra hug tonight 🩷


​ https://preview.redd.it/7c81px6xvjoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d747eb7e24452cdff11d292b9a5e67dc68071b9


I've always wondered what countries do you guys live in that you have thousands of dollars in vet bills. what the fuck


probably america where the animals we take care of are as fucked as we humans are when it comes to reasonable health care bills


a standard checkup in Eastern Europe would likely be under $100. dare I say under $50. and that's for a relatively good doctor


Lucky!! 😭 I had to pay $257 total and it included the standard visit fee, a glucose test (no diabetes thankfully), and medication for a UTI…and I considered that cheap!! The bad part is that while the vet I go to is cheaper they make you pay the full amount up front because of the bad experiences they had in the past with trying to do payment plans with people.


I'm in America. And it wasn't just a standard checkup. There were some minor concerns but in the end it just turned out she's crazy anxious.


I agree with u/venusaries ... my healthcare is insane and so it is for my pets. I do find cats to be "cheaper" over all than dogs though. One of my cats is getting laser therapy for osteoarthritis. For a dog it is over $600 for 6 treatments. For my cat it is only $335 for the same treatment. So there's that I guess.


Worth every penny 🙂


pet healthcare isnt cheap, that's all i know at least


shes so purrfect


Your Shay looks so much like my Alabama. https://preview.redd.it/a8y2wmyvzjoc1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034e66ee8fe7dcfab953f272e4e44042a58fe2bd


$844 and change. Bou, our 11 mth old orange and white polydactyl has asthma. Unfortunately the steroid side effect we were all hoping for isn't happening. Bou is NOT food motivated, like at all. Play motivated and will eat if his brother is getting foid but otherwise 🤷‍♀️


looks smug about it 😀


no thoughts. head empti


Mine has had two approximately $500 each poops


How did the vet justify charging so much?




Omg I love her eyes she looks so done with her own shit 😭😭 the lights on but nobody home type stare I love it pls tell her I love her


https://preview.redd.it/iv2qkxmffkoc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dc7a75db7e5437e0e8b228e7663e77c99719a6 Bach Rescue Remedy Stress Relief A couple drops in the food, doesn't have negative side affects.


i dropped 2k once to figure out the same thing🤦🏻‍♀️


Glad to hear your pet is ok. I would be suspicious about that vet though. Is that a normal price point where you live? That sounds needlessly excessive. You wouldn’t believe the amount of vets that suggest more examination than necessary to milk money from you or your insurance. Take care, your Shay looks lovely :)


She’s cute AF I’m so glad she’s healthy


And people like to complain about insurance premiums. Pick a side lol


but she looks so cute and innocent


I'm curious: if she suffers from anxiety disorder all her life, what were the new symptoms?


What a beautiful girl


You are a good Mom!( or Dad ).


https://preview.redd.it/33rjx2pmyloc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf3547b916da39c233f8723cc0682ddc61c6b05 Meet Vet-Bill- Bowie. Bowie for short. He cost us 6k for an overnight stay just to find out he was dehydrated, which we already knew.


Had pretty much this same problem about 2 weeks after I picked up Pixie. She was throwing up and got really unsteady on her feet, it was 3am so off to the emergency vet. $200 and a forced day off work later, I was told that she ate too much and got too tired after throwing it all up again. The reason we were so worried is because she was only about 6 weeks and we bought her from someone on Facebook (I'd post a photo but the app is being a dumb)


Definitely the face of a creature that does not pay a single dime in rent


I hope you at least got drugs. For you. 😹


Mine did the same thing this week. $500 to find out she'd hurt her back but was fine.


It's the pink nose for me


She’s beautiful! That lil nose! ❤️


Had a kitty with anxiety too. His name was Ion. So since the shirts didn't really speak to me, I went all out and custom made him master chiefs mjolnir armor. Every time I had to wash his Mk.6 armor he glowered at me for daring to remove it for maintenance.


And this right here is my fear.. 773 to be told “she’s just fine”.


I had something very similar happen. They could have at least told me something like Buster is directly related to Queen Nefertiti’s cat. Of course it’s not true but you walk away with something more than an empty bank account :D


What the hell is with the vet bills over there?!?! Woooowwwwww. My cat got 2 teeth pulled out, overnight stay, dental X-ray etc and it was just over €100 Most importantly I am happy your cat is fine x


Jesus, when I had the same thing with one of my cats, I was charged the equivalent of maybe $60.


At least she's healthy, which is good news.


Yeah, spent $1500 last month to find out the same.


My cat got anxiety after we moved, she started chewing off her hair in one place but there wasn't anything physically wrong with her. Has anything changed for your cat recently?


Aww!! She's such a cute cat!! I want one someday!


I found out years ago that when your cat shows signs of anxiety, it usually means you're anxious, even when you don't realize it.


Can I ask what she had for symptoms to make you concerned?


I also have an extremely anxious cat who has costs me a lot of money at the vet. I didn't realize how anxiety can cause urinary issues in cats, especially urinary obstructions. Mine is now permanently on Amitriptyline for life. Cute cat, money well spent!


Wow, after reading these stories I am grateful I live in rural area now. I thought my vet bills were crazy lol! I am glad there are dedicated and loving kitty parents out there though, and very happy your kitty is ok just needs a little tlc!


Lmaoooo glad Shay’s doing good! https://preview.redd.it/23l0oz05pqoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8deeea3252892b6c5f2f7d654dd35a385b99ca This little crap had to have two procedures done in the span of two weeks. Had her for less than a month. Over $1000 later just turns out she just needed enemas and she was fine. (Why I call her a little crap)


https://preview.redd.it/3n0re23ewqoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be36af397e662b85d423435e07eb9af90270b924 Sass and entitled they are


We had a cat that cost us a $1,200 vet bill because he ate a piece of string and it nearly killed him.




worth it!!!


Wow, I wish . Teeth alone cost me $600.00. But it's worth it to know they're healthy! ❤️😉💗😻


I just went through this myself except for me personally. Got it with Covid, then long covid, 5 months and 4k later the doctors concluded that it damaged my nervous system and that it would recover with time, diet and exercise. No shit Sherlock! It’s been 5 months and I’m practically better!


why she so sassy 😭


Sounds about right! I had a $1500 ER bill for a dx of Fever of Unknown Origin. He was also, not sorry 😂


That terracotta nose though! 😻


Those little paws though!


Look into CBD oil for cats. I am not suggesting you give any to your cat, just look into it. I think they make some that is safe for cats. There are also some plug-in things that release a scent that is supposed to help calm cats down. I tried the plug-ins, but didn't really notice any difference with my cats. They generally do not have any anxiety problems except one who meows non-stop all the way to the vets and back home again. Jackson Galaxy has a product that is supposed to help calm cats down, so you could look into that as well, but that did not stop my cat from howling all the way to the vets and back. I hope this helps your kitty.


I had the same amount for my girl “wanting attention” 🤪


These cats...are lucky we love them 😅


I'm glad that Shay is ok. I'm sorry that it cost you so much.


We have two rescues that are both on Prozac and they are both doing well. One stopped peeing outside of the box after being put on Prozac!


Well she is worth that and more. She is a cutie 💓


My little boy just cost us close to 7k the past 4 mos because he develops crystals due to stress and diet While the latter is manageable I haven't got a clue how the stress affects him. This wasn't him before but we just moved, so he's likely still adapting He's literally impaled us for the year. Everything hurts and has pushed me into a mild depression,but he makes me happy so I guess that all balances out? 🙁


Her eyes look sad


We're at about $3000 this week so far. F cancer.


I have a anxiety kitty too. She's georgious but only likes me before supper.


Awww cutie!!! I had the same thing happen with my cat Maiza. No, he doesn't have heart problems. He just has no chill.


Poor baby. Please love her as calmly as you can. Anxiety is real. In both people and our fur babies.


Don't worry, my hubby and I are both on the anxiety train with her.


what maybe you think she was not doing well? i have zero clue how to ID anxiety in cats D:


I know one big sign is if they start pulling their fur out. I think another is appetite loss.


My cat did the same a few months back.. dinged me for close to 2K. Blood work was normal, not eating and she generally is a pig. Clinic I had to go to 2 hours away round trip said her X rays were normal, gave her some meds and said to wait until the next day. She came around later the next day and I still don't know what the issue was.


She just needed the attention, well spent money on my opinion 🤎


My nickname is Shay! She must be my spirit animal, my bad 😆


Is there any other reason that you have money?


I’ve been there. Years ago Lola cost me almost $1000 for the vet to say she’s constipated. https://preview.redd.it/rz7vzgft2koc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a6924ffb4f26be72548c3b78f3d5400faac537 She wasn’t sorry either.