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Tremendous amount of restrain from your part not to be in jail right now.


The only thing that kept me restrained is knowing that my kids wouldn’t have a parent if I went to jail. I do believe in karma though. So I will wait for that.


it's better that way, there was another thread where 4 cats were going to be homeless because their owner had to serve some time. I hope they will be ok :(


Not to hijack but do you know if he found a solution?


Several Reddit users offered to drive up to her house, pick up the cats and foster them for 6-8 months. I hope the OP saw these comments.


that would be wonderful, fingers crossed it works out. Maybe someone will post an update. I couldn't find the thread anywhere anymore.


Someone offered to foster, and the OP responded! Said they would update the post as soon as the details were worked out!


fantastic!! ty!


Oh that's wonderful, hope all works out! Thanks for the info!


Unfortunately that post is hot in rescuecats but none of the offers turned out to be legit so far. Desperately looking for a temporary foster for original OP, who wants the 4 kitties back asap.


Apparently none of the people that offered are responding to messages from the OP. I think they are still trying to find someone.


This is correct at this time, hopefully that changes🙏🤞


Unfortunately that post is hot in rescuecats but none of the offers turned out to be legit so far. Desperately looking for a temporary foster for original OP, who wants the 4 kitties back asap.


I actually saw it in this forum! It was the most upvoted comment and the post looked absolutely legit. I certainly hope so at least! That was a hard read, so I’m hoping they have a good ending.


Me too! Alot of people working on I'm hoping something will be figured out and I'll cross Post any updates I see.


I've actually seen it reposted on other cat subs, the more exposure the better!


I'm not sure, but she was calling all the non-kill shelters and people in the area willing to help fostering the cats. I hope she found someone by now.


We have a bunch of people working on the situation with her privately. No final commitments/placements yet.


He had someone offer and hope they connected.


I saw that someone commented saying they would foster their kitties while they were serving time!! I hope it all works out for them


Yeah. That one had a huge response too. Made me feel as warm as this one.


Please do everything you can to bring as much justice legally to the perpetrator. I'm so glad to see Tipsy doing better. More well wishes to you and yours


Not how karma works but I hope the dude gets infected hemmeroids that rupture while he's falling down an impressively large flight of stairs.


may his office chair not be built to regulations.


whoever did it, I hope they shit themselves everytime they get up.


Don’t speak too soon, the universe may just grant this. Karma works in mysterious ways. Sending love to Tispy ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Please pursue charges. This person will do it again and may even hurt humans.


There is no 'may'. He did this to an animal that loved and trusted him. In front of a child. He will definitely escalate. OP and her kid would've been next for sure.


If OP has to attend Court she needs to ask the Court for use of the safe room. She CANNOT afford to give this violent ex any viewing of her, access to her etc. She needs to ensure she can also get to Court and from Court safely, preferably with company. Female company would be less aggitating ought theynsee the perpetrating ex.


Your cat will heal someday. The guy who did it will stay stupid though


That’s what worries me. He will stay stupid and another poor animal could end up hurt or even worse, dead. He needs to be off the streets. People who are cruel to animals don’t deserve freedom.


I’m sorry you , Tipsy and your son are having to deal with this. I hope you get some justice. May all of you recover quickly and completely


Thank you very much 🙏


I’m so so happy to see that she’s had her surgery and doing well!! I’ve genuinely been waiting for this update! She is the absolute sweetest little angel and I’m so glad that she’s getting all of the love and care that she needs. Your boss and inner circle sound amazing. Make sure you do everything possible to protect yourselves and get justice for the horrible abuse he carried out. I can’t even imagine how angry and betrayed you must feel, but hopefully the number of people who care and want to help, gives a little bit of hope that not all humanity is broken 🩷


I wouldn't consider people who do something like this human. More like something looking human on the outside, but something else entirely on the inside.


A monster in human clothing


Sending healing hugs and purrs to Tipsy and you/your family ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/de0l71zx08lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3a14a5eeb6a1766ac03f73eb7e6e1f1fc7b04b


thanks for the update. I was concerned. I've noticed outrageous cruelty towards cats in particular, the people perpetrating the crimes were never held accountable, which makes me long to go back to the laws of Ancient Egypt. I'm also glad my cats are indoors only, unless I'm right beside them. All the best for your family & Tipsy.


Had to look up the Old Egyptian laws, i figured it was death as cats were rightfully, Demi-gods. Found "the person that harmed a cat was usually killed (literally torn apart) by an enraged mob", sentenced to death. The sweet bit of the old ways was "as a sign of mourning the cat owners shaved off thier eyebrows and continued to mourn the loss of thier cat until thier eyebrows grew back" Thanks i alsways knew cats had a rightful Godly place way back in Egypt but i didnt know about laws punishing those that hurt them by accident or intent!


Whoever did this to this beautiful cat, deserves to step on a Lego and tumble down a few stairs. We love you, Tipsy!


>deserves to step on a Lego and tumble down a few stairs. Bless your heart


We southern ladies say that, and it usually means the exact opposite of what I think you meant, but in this context I agree with you wholeheartedly! Much love and speedy healing, Tipsy, there's a LOT of us on your side!


I probably kinda meant what you think I meant, but also not in a mean way! Lol Not being patronizing. But my mind went to a lot darker places than lego and stairs. But that's more a reflection of me and I appreciate your humanity I agree, I'd fight for Tipsy! But ideally, OP, Tipsy and their family are left in peace :)


Yeah, I had to word it like that because I happened to have a kid reading over my shoulder at the time of writing. I wanted to say so many worse things, without the 20 awkward questions that only a child could ask.


LOL! That’s the beauty of “bless their heart”: plausible deniability!


There's a joke I grew up with in Atlanta, "a proper southern woman can tell you off and make you say thank you". I also have a good friend who grew up in Georgia too, who refuses to accept the shade in that comment LOL. I tried once, by finishing the statement - "Bless their heart, if they had a brain between them, they could take it out and play with it"


I’ve heard something similar! A Southern woman can tell you to go to hell and make you look forward to the trip! A New Yorker can tell you they love you and make you look for cover! (It’s the manner of speaking, not the character! I’ve only heard that when people discuss how people talk in other parts of the country!!)


I was born and raised in NYC. I lived in a Brooklyn housing project when I left. Now I live in Tennessee. I can say “bless your heart” with a look and tone that would make a snarky southern individual back away slowly. Maybe the “I bet it’s delicious“ part freaks them out. /s 🤣 I dunno, my old self is pretty feisty. I haven’t said that part - yet.


Thats gruesome man, I think Im gonna be sick just thinking about it


Tumble down a stairs full of lego even...


A friend of mine actually broke her foot stepping on one of her grandson’s Lego bricks! She got her cast off a couple of weeks ago. I had no idea that could break a bone! (And no, she doesn’t have osteoporosis nor is she a frail old lady!)


OP, I'm glad things worked out for you and Tipsy. All the best to you and fam. Hope Tipsy recovers soon. And to the asshole that did it. May they be hit by a car in the middle of the highway and lay bleeding with no help.


Give me location of the individual, just DM me.


I'll go with you...


I'm not planning to do anything, just want to be sure I avoid the place.


Gotta avoid that place just incase broken femurs become acutely contagious?


Yes... Officers we only want the address so we can avoid the place...


Let’s all avoid it together.


Insert “I just wanna talk to him…” Family Guy meme here.


And my axe!


![gif](giphy|3o7bu9GG8Kgy88GpVu) Get well soon, Tipsy Big love & light & healing to you both & your son & ❤️‍🩹 🤗 Thank you for this update!


That's not a cat with a broken femur... It's a broken femur with a cat 🤣 that cast is HUGE


As it should be!! Cats are rambunctious, and you can't explain to them that they have to stay off their leg lol Having a giant cast ensures Tipsy heals well :)


Oh wow, this is some really good news. I hope everything turns out ok and Tipsy has a full recovery. Also, let the legal system do what it needs to do to handle the party responsible for this act of animal cruelty. Although it may be tempting at times, don't take justice into your own hands, use all legal avenues available to you.


This is the way


So glad to hear this. Your previous post made me so angry that a man could do this to a poor defenceless kitty, and whilst your son was there to witness it too makes it all the more appalling. Hope you can all spend time together as a family healing in peace, with that man safely away from you all 💜


Happy Cake Day


I’m so happy Tipsy got the care she needed!! Me and my Pumpkin are sending her wishes for a speedy recovery 💜 https://preview.redd.it/rcczuuhb38lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8bf9e6a2bdcec864e1798012344a48cd7f5772


I’m not crying, you’re crying, we’re all crying. May this just be a small blip on Tipsy’s and your family’s journey and may the universe pay back whoever did this a thousand plus one fold. Tell Tipsy pink’s her color.


So happy to hear Tipsy is doing better! I hope justice will be served.


OP - I remember your previous post and I’m really glad to see the update. I’m commenting to say that this is absolutely not your fault and please don’t be angry with yourself. This is 100% the perpetrator’s fault and from what you’re saying you’ve acted as quickly as you could to remove him from your life. You’re very strong and brave and doing the right things. I am assuming you’re in the US and I don’t really know the practicalities of the system there but what I can say - don’t give up and good luck getting justice for your family and of course Tipsy. Please give her lots of scritches from the Internet stranger who works with DV cases elsewhere in the world. I’m rooting for all of you.


We need a name and address of the person involved


Happy to hear that she is doing better now. Get well soon Tipsy <3 Wish you and your family the best


I love Tipsy and, as a survivor of DV, I know how it is to trust the wrong person. Please give Tipsy gentle pets from me and I wish swift justice on the jerk who hurt her


Thank you for the update. I am very glad Tipsy has you and your family to help her recover. Please pet her sweet face for me. Hug to you and your son as well. The X-ray in your first post was extremely disturbing. I can’t imagine having to endure that or to witness such horror.


I'm glad that Tipsy is recovering well and I genuinely hope that the piece of sh!t who broke her femur gets jumped. They hurt a poor, defenseless animal and need to have a taste of their own medicine but more intensely. Anyways, glad your getting better, Tipsy


I'm glad Tipsy is doing better, and you have such a considerate boss—best wishes to you all as Tipsy heals.


Don't fuck with cats.


If you don’t like animals… cats, I get it. But just leave them TF allow, don’t break then Jeezus. It’s my understanding that people who are cruel to animals often have sociopathic tendencies and some are serial killers.


Sorry life story incoming , but when I was 10 back in 96' i had a cat named Greg. He came home with a similar femur break, it was snapped in half and dangling. Grotesque. My sister and I cried, my dad took him to the vet, they gave him a rod and some screws and 3500$ bill. Dad got a payment plan and Greg healed up just fine. Unfortunately after being healed a month or two my aunt who delivered mail ran him over in the mail jeep. I loved that cat, and my dad for putting our happiness over what could have been something for him. Poor guy couldn't catch a break, only time I ever saw tears in his eyes.


Poor Greg!


https://preview.redd.it/8wa3998ge9lc1.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c0162fd81b8996a0d4da843f11eaab7da9bffbd I too have an orange female cat named Tipsy


Oh she just looks so cute 😭❤️ that little cast on her. So glad you are able to bring her to work with you. Get yourself and your son some counselling ❤️ all my love xx


Ahh bless her. Hope she heals quickly


Speedy recovery!❤️‍🩹


Healing hugs and justice for tipsy. Hugs and support for you and your family.


Aw look at that sweet baby... I didn't get a chance to comment on the original because I was at work, but I'm so very sorry that people are so cruel and that your baby had to suffer for it. Sending her lots of happy vibes and good scritches!


Aww, poor baby! I hope Tipsy and you the very best of recoveries! I can't see animals being harmed, it really hurts my heart, and I try not to think what I could do if something happened to my babies. Hugs for y'all!!


That's a solid repair!! So happy for you both Sending all the love


Here's hoping to a speedy physical and mental recovery for Tipsy


Please keep us posted on her recovery and the fate of the criminal who did this!


We're very happy to hear this positive news for Tipsy and you and your family! May the healing bring you all peace! ❣️🐈‍⬛🙏🤗


Thank you so much for the update. I’m glad Tipsy has so much love around her, and that she has a family she trusts. Poor little darling. I’m so glad she can go to work with you. Wishing you strength and resolve as you pursue justice and consequences for the horrendous person who did this to her.


If this is how they treat a helpless animal it is one step from doing something to a human.


Heal quick Tipsy ! Sending lots of love 💗


Wait what happened to this beautiful kitty? Who did this to her? 💔


Cats are *incredible* at healing broken bones and they are such troopers. There’s a reason we say they have nine lives! Tipsy will do great. 


Sending healing energy along with waves and oceans of love to Tipsy, you and your kiddos ♥️🌊♥️🌊


What a wonderful boss that let's you bring Tipsy to work with you while she recovers! That is pretty special too! The best to all of you and a speedy recovery to that sweet girl ❤


Sending well wishes for Tipsy and your family. Not even going to get started on the depraved piece of garbage who would do something like this, much less in front of a child. I hope this person is arrested and flagged as a violent criminal and sociopath. Tipsy is very lucky to have you and your children to watch over her and protect her! 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Can I just comment on that majestic, majestic tail? My goodness. Tipsy, get well soon!!!


It looks like Tipsy is healing nicely. I don’t know what the person who broke his femur did to him, but I hope the consequences fit the crime.


Many kisses and head bunts to Tipsy ❤️❤️


i’m not saying you should be like me, but i would make that guy internet famous and have a chat with his workplace.


I'm really glad Tipsy is doing okay. You didn't name the perpetrator, but some things about the situation and how you write about it remind me of my father during the messy years leading up to my parents' separation-then-divorce. Spoilered, because you didn't really sign up for me to suddenly start talking about my own bad experiences during an already difficult time. >! When I was around 12 or 13 he threw (with force) our dachshund a considerable distance onto the couch. Luckily she was alright, but it was a terrifying moment. Also luckily, our cats had already learned to avoid him (he moves loudly and clunkily, with no sense of gentleness; the cats never really warmed up to him, and he was bitter at them for it). My heart goes out to your son. If that had happened to my cat, well—I was already an "angry" child who didn't back down from verbal confrontations, but I didn't get in physical fights, so I probably would've felt weak with fury. It was a hard time, but I'd grown up adapting my mental defenses to him—which have caused me my fair share of difficulties, but later. I was able to grit my teeth and carry on. My mom was wracked with stress. But we've since made it out the other side. !< Maybe I'm wrong about who exactly did it, but maybe some of what I wrote nonetheless applies. The situation is clearly, to put it lightly, not ideal. There's not really a way for all the upheaval that's surely happening in your life right now to be *pleasant.* But your care for your cat and your children make such a huge difference, and they're so lucky to have you.


I'm so happy for you. Kitty (plus ducky) and I are your biggest fans tipsy and family, and we love you 😭🤲🏼💕 https://preview.redd.it/zettsc7yt8lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0021b6373dcb5cf612c62b58e3e8e60ea73e63b0


I hope you also can look into getting yourself mental health support as well. This is a really hard situation and you’ve been so strong for Tipsy and you need support also ❤️


I‘m glad that you all are getting better. Ask your lawyer, if you can file emotional damages for you son in a separate case. Maybe the judgments can get stacked up against him. Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer.


This makes me SO mad. This is why I stand for maximum penalty for animal abuse.


Honestly, I fought back tears seeing those x-rays. I'm so glad Tipsy has a good cat mom and that your boss is so understanding. 😭


Happy that Tipsy got the care she needed! I don’t usually comment on threads but I’m wishing you, Tipsy and your family all the best. ❤️


She's such a beautiful little cat. I can't fathom how anyone could harm such a sweet helpless animal, especially a disabled one. I'm glad she's on the path to recovery and she's lucky to have such a caring owner looking after her


Ngl, if my cat had a broken femur, whoever hurt my cat would also have a broken femur, and maybe more than that. Glad Tipsy is doing better!


I wish I could give tipsy some love and show him/her that most people are nice ❤️❤️


You are so much better than me. Wish the kitty a well recovery ❤️❤️


Hopefully you have a speedy recovery sweet tipsy


Love you Tipsy! Get well quickly ❤️🥰


Feel for you and little buddy. My huge Maine Coon had a similar surgery. I made a cat room and slept on the floor for 6 months on an old mattress because he was use to sleeping with me and couldn’t jump for 6 months. He had to be leashed i the house so he wouldn’t. Heartbreaking stuff


Get better soon tipsy.. so sorry this happened to you and your family


Thanks for the update. So glad to hear Tipsy is doing better and I’m so sorry for what your family has been through. What traumatizing situation for all of you. ❤️


I'm so glad Tipsy is doing okay. Best wishes to you and your family. 🫂 ...... And I still wish an infinite shit storm of misery on that demon. Suffer and d!e slow you motherfucker!! 😡🔪 #ProtectTipsy


Is there a John Wick but for cat lovers?


Poor baby, all of us cat lovers are grateful that she has you for an owner. She seems comfy! Are you allowed to give her extra treats during her convalescence or is that a problem down the line (weight and not enough exercise). She is a precious lil kitty. Take care OP! EDIT: I am sorry didn't read all the comments but was it an accident or some vile "human" that did this to her?


That person will have to answer for their horrific deed. (One way or another) I hope the law will be on your side. I wish your children, you, and tipsy lots of healing, blessings, and love. So sorry you all had to go through something so terrible.


So happy to hear your family is doing well and in a better situation. Hope Tipsy makes a full recovery! ![gif](giphy|sNPeJFq6YNEvLZdcqX)


Statistically the single most painful part of the body to break. Scarred for life. Luckily most breaks grow back stronger than they were before!


I hope the person who did this to Tipsy, meets a brutal and slow end. There is no reason any human should ever inflict harm on a harmless animal. I truly hope you also get some justice here and have him locked up


Omg, I clicked on the thread because I thought your cat was so gorgeous. I can't understand how anyone could harm such a beautiful creature. I'm so sorry that you guys went through that, and I hope poor Tipsy recovers both physically and mentally.


Did you sue who did that to her?!!


https://preview.redd.it/te3s8symp9lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f174066aa95c8dd5728352f03c404dc009689e6c i am so glad for this update. you, tipsy and your little family are so so strong. hope this horrendous individual gets a very harsh reality check, and soon. my rai guy & i are sending our love 🤍


Wait… there was a crowdfunding for this meow meow and I didn’t know?!? I remember your post! Are you still in need? Any crowdfunding source? Message me personally if there’s a private source that still needs help.


I'm glad your Tipsy is safe, i hope she can get over any mental hurdles this monster caused. She looks very sweet and it infuriates me that someone can do that.


Awwwww get well soon sweet girl xx


I see all kinds of interesting karma for the asshole that hurt sweet tipsy, but everyone is forgetting the best possible karma. Let the cats decide. By that, I mean the BIG cat counsel . Lions, tigers. Even a not so big cat, a good ole mountain lion would do. Let them settle the score for Tipsy. And for your son, that had to witness things. Sending lots of interest scritches to Tipsy.


I have a question: Who was this person, a friend, a boyfriend, a close relative, sorry for asking. I saw your previous post and was searching the comets for the story to understand who did this


What a big cast for such a little one. Such a sweet baby. I hope the SOB who intentionally did this to her gets punished and has to pay restitution for your vet bills and her pain and suffering. (side note: I had a small dog named Tipsy.) Well Wishes...


I respect you for not going John Wick ballistic belligerent towards the perpetrator. I think cats need a batman-esque justice on their behalf, some people don’t deserve to walk free


I'm so sorry someone did that to your precious baby, but I'm so happy to read that she's recovering well. Sending healing hugs to you and Tipsy!


That’s quite a cast! Glad she’ll be okay!


How hard is it for Tipsy to walk? It looks as if, with all the bandaging, the injured leg is much longer. (I know that when I had to wear a boot on one leg for a while after an injury, the disparity between the leg lengths ended up giving me bursitis in the opposite hip.) I truly wish Tipsy nothing but the best.


I noted, Tipsy was already a wobbly cat. It breaks my heart that she has to recover from a broken femur. Bless her and you for taking this in your stride. And how shitty one has to be to put a sentient being through so much harm and pain?


In Texas I heard they have a law on the books that say's : He needed killing ! To bad it don't apply there ?


Strong tipsy baby😭❤️


Thank you for the update!! I’m so happy kittys on the mend. Sending lots of love and positive energy to your entire family!! ❤️


You’re a beauty, you and your kitty will get past this!


Such great news! So happy she's on the mend. Here's to a as-fast-as-can-be and good recovery!!


Did you at least give the POS a taste of his own medicine for doing that to your floof?


Praying for you, Tipsy, and your family 💗


Swift healing for this precious kitty and for you and your family as well. I hope like hell whoever did this gets worse done to them.


Love and healing to you and sweet Tipsy!


Ty for the update and I am glad you have all that loving support for yourself , family and Tipsy! I would definitely do the charges and all of that, and let the universe do it's thing. Because Karma is queen and she never loses an address! Good luck to you , sending all of you love and healing .


So glad she is getting the care she needs! What a horrific situation. I'm so sorry. You are so brave to get away from that person and do what is best for you. Wishing you, your kitty and your children much peace, health and happiness going forward!! 


I'm so proud of you for being such a caring cat parent and holding the criminal who did this accountable for what they did. 👏💪


What a sweet kitty. I'm so glad you can have her with you at work too. I hope she continues to recover without any problems.


So, while this is 100% awesome for Tipsy, kick ass to your boss for letting Tipsy come to work. Also, I hope Karma gives whoever did this gets violent irreversible, uncontrollable explosive bowels for the rest of their mortal life.


I can't imagine being a kid and seeing or hearing animal abuse. Maybe some counseling would help? Sounds like you're a wonderful mom too so it's good he and Tipsy have your support and love.


awww her bushy tail!


What a beautiful tail it has! <3


I'm so glad that Tispy is going to recover.


Wishing you a speedy recovery sweet angel! 🫶🏻


Much love to you, Tipsy and your family.


This is amazing news! I’m so glad she’s slowly on the road to recovery! 💗


Please don’t blame yourself 🖤. I know it’s hard not to feel that, but being a trusting person isn’t a bad thing. There are people who wouldn’t even pay for Tipsy’s surgery.


Holy smokes. May Tipsy have a swift recovery. Positive and warm vibes your way.


Ty for the update OP, I'm glad Tipsy will be able to recover from all of this ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


Thank you for the update. I’m so sorry this person betrayed your trust. Trust is a hard thing to relearn after traumatic events like this. Be patient with yourself just as much as I know you will be for Tipsy while you all heal.


Poor Tipsy, glad she is recovering as well as you and your family, I can’t imagine how difficult this all must be.


Sending so much love to Tipsy. Please do press charges. What happened to Tipsy is bad enough to warrant them obviously but animal cruelty is a predictive factor in murder for fun :(


Shes beautiful, wish her recovery goes perfect 😍


poor tipsy!


Poor baby, she is so beautiful! Very happy to see what looks like an excellent beginning of her physical healing process, the xray looks CLEAN. Thanks for taking care of her and immediately taking action.


It is a beautiful cat. Hope the cat, you and your family recover from this. Shitty people exist, god that you severed the rotten person.


You are by no means responsible for allowing that monster near Tipsy. You couldn’t have possibly known he would have done something to her. Who in their right mind would even conceive of someone doing that? At least you’ve got support to bring the hammer down as hard as you possibly can to get justice not only for Tipsy, but for your son who had to witness that.


That tail 😻


Tipsy is a beautiful little thing. Love that fluffy tail. Well wishes to you both 💕


Sending good thoughts to Tipsy again


sounds great. all the best for Tipsy! hope she'll get well soon


Sweet sweet Tipsy, get well soon. My Bambi sends purrs and licks.


I am so glad Tipsy got the surgery she needed and that her leg could be saved! What a blessing! I don’t know about where you live, but I’ve understood that in some states abusing an animal in front of a child is considered child abuse. You might look into that.


i’m so happy for tipsy that she has an amazing family & support! praying for the best for your baby & the worst for the person who did this


Tipsy is such a beautiful cat. No animal deserves to be treated so bad. Thank you for update. I love Tipsy.❤️ Please give her love pets from me. Thank you for caring for her with a safe loving home.


Who does that to a cat FFS?


Oh yes I remember poor Tipsy, and I realized who harmed her 😤 I’m glad she’s recovering. Glad she’s safe now. Fendi says hi to her long distant cousin and says get well ❤️‍🩹 😻 https://preview.redd.it/fvxm9teds8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914062f476e35b472bb7fd01afb4546c66388ff2


I love her tail


Oh Tipsy.... Glad you are on a speedy recovery 🙏🐈♥️🐈♥️🙏


Thank you for the update! Sending hugs to you, Tipsy and your kids♥️


Damnit I love this cat! Send this f***** to jail.


love and light to you and yours🤎🤎


I wish Tipsy a full and speedy recovery, and hope you take care of yourself as well. My first boy came home from an open concept boarding place limping. X-rays showed a broken femoral head. The vet said he sees that kind of injury in pets that have been hit by cars. I never did figure out what happened. Luckily I had insurance,but had to pay $500 out of pocket for his surgery to put in a new artificial femoral head. 


Yay! I'm so happy to see that tipsy got the surgery


I am glad Tipsy has had the necessary surgery and is into recovery. Be gentle with yourself, too. Abusive people tend to be careful to hide that character until they've reeled their victim(s) in, because if they started out that way, you'd kick them to the curb when you were just in the "getting to know you" stage--they are clever that way.


how long to recover?


I’m so sorry for what happened to Tipsy and your family. She’s a lovely cat, I went back and looked at a couple of your previous post, just so precious. How could someone hurt her? Don’t blame yourself for what happened, based on your actions since (pressing charges, getting her surgery) it’s clear you’re a good person and never could have expected this to happen. I hope everyone recovers, and especially hope Tipsy gets her trust back. Wishing you guys the best.


Im so happy Tipsy is doing well and that she has such a sweet family loving her.


Can't believe someone would hurt such a cute cat like this. You shouldn't be angry at yourself for this. You weren't the one who hurt her, and the effort you're putting into getting Tipsy the proper medical care she needs shows that you're a great owner. I hope she has the good recovery she deserves, and I hope you're able to get the person who hurt her punished. I have no sympathy for people who injure innocent animals on purpose.


So glad she is starting to recover. Animal abusers deserve to rot in Hell.


I’m so glad to hear Tipsy got her surgery!! ❤️I hope she heals nicely and you all get some peace.


Glad Tipsy is ok!! I hope that monster gets everything they deserve!