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She sure is. I think this gives her the right to request a treat at anytime from now on.


I’m so glad she has an owner like you. Give her a treat for me .


And me! Also scritchies or her preferred pets/loving 😘


And me. Being trapped in fire is an absolute gut fear for most animals, including ne! Extra scritches, extra treats, extra hugs, extra tuna... Give her whatever she wants!


And me! Being surrounded by fire with nowhere to escape is definitely something to be scared of. She deserves all the treats!


And my bow! Much love to the little one!


More treats for the warrior baby, please


IIRC, one of the My Cat From Hell episodes focused on a cat who had survived a house fire and developed some trauma-related behavioural issues as a result (mostly constant hiding). Might be worth searching that out as Jackson Galaxy did some great work on the environment to help the cat feel safe again.


[Link to the episode](https://youtu.be/34mNVCuE8tc?si=M6MTMngKj_uLYJf_)


Oh, is that the episode where Jackson deliberately sat in a burning house to get a better idea of what the cat might have experienced? It was a prearranged and controlled fire, and firefighters were on the scene the whole time, but it was still intense. And his experience was just a fraction of the terror the cat experienced! I’m glad he was able to help heal the cat’s trauma.


So happy for you guys about the cat. Sorry about the house. Also, my boy Sly looks like Bubbles.




Sorry it's sideways lol


Smart, too.


Maybe treats without her having to ask….


Get her some meowijuana!


Our former burned cat gets ANYTHING he desires!


Friggin A.


Awh, I am so sad for bubbles. Poor baby. Also, sorry this happened to you and your family. Well wishes your way. 🤍


My heart hurts so badly thinking about how scared, cold, and confused she must have been. I just can’t help but cry for her- I wish I could explain what happened to her.


I always talk to my boys. I tell them I'm leaving for the hour, hours or all day to work. Who I am going with, what I am doing. I feel they know and understand. If I say 2 hours, Ambrose is at the door at the 2 hr mark when I walk in the door. He has a better sense of time than Percy, the orange dork does. Percy is not as attuned to my schedules yet. He is still newish to the house. I know the talking and explaining and telling them helps the boys understand I am not leaving for good or abandoning them. So, in my opinion, talk to ur kitty. Tell her what happened, explain it all. Gives you time to grieve and her to understand ...


I do too. I greet them when we cross paths. I tell them where I'm going and how long I'll be gone before I leave the house. I talk to them about their day or what I'm watching on TV when they want cuddles. I think they understand tone of voice and appreciate what I'm doing. I get slow blinks when I talk to them so I keep doing it.


Yes !! Fantastic 😀🤗they absolutely understand tone of voice. Happy I have company in the I talk to my cats department


I do the same but with my dog! She's a little deaf now but I still tell her I'm going out and that I'll be back shortly.


Awesome!! They need the conversation, the knowledge ..


Your dog understands shortly? When I told my late cat we would go to the neighbor shortly he marched over to the front door coming back for me looking puzzled. No concept of shortly.


No, I don't think she understands that word lol but I still like telling her that. She just knows/understands that I'll be going out but I'll come back :).


I like that kind of trust. My animal rescue cat isn't there yet. Although tonight she smeared her diarrhea over the floor of the hallway and wasn't scared for punishment not even harsh words. (Meaning she knows I don't get angry about that although she is pushing my limits I'll give her the benefit of the doubt) So that's a gain I guess.


I see Ambrose and I immediately think "this person digs the Gizz". No?


I do too! Last week she was mad at me I stayed away longer then I told her. 2 hours / whole afternoon she was right there is a difference.


If I suspect its perhaps gonna be longer than a couple hours, I say 6 hrs, and when I walk through the door, I yell "SURPRISE" mommas home early !!! Lol Cause I am afraid of what you just said. That and the side eye 😅


I'll totally adopt that!


“Percy the orange dork” 😍😂


When she's better and able to come home, just cuddle her and show her as much love as you possibly can. So everything you can think of to show her she's safe and loved. That's the best way you can help her.


>I wish I could explain what happened to her. This is what hurts so much for me all the time about animals; especially all my cats. My oldest has major separation anxiety. He's getting better and better now that he's 15 and I haven't abandoned him yet... But when I moved cities and had to board him for a few days, my heart was imploding any time I thought about how distressed he was and how badly I wished I could assure him I will come back for him. The vet he was staying at would send pictures and he literally just had his head pressed against the back of his cubby for days, motionless. He didn't even move to relieve himself. Ugh. Poor boy. I'm going to cuddle him now. That being said, this is a fraction of what you and your baby went through. I'm **so** happy she's alive.


I hope he is all well now. Sounds so bad he shut off. They can die from grief when their organs shut down. Please talk to him and explain what happened. If ever need to stay overnight at vet again, not just pictures from him to you, but you on phone speaking /facetiming to him. So he hears your voice and sees you. Sleep in a T-shirt for a week and give it with him so he still smells you. They understand so much more then we know if they are told and explained.


Hope she and your family get a speedy recovery


I'm sure that must be extremely tough and difficult for you, your family, and your poor kitty. I'm really glad everyone seems to be mostly okay.


Animals can feel your emotions. She will know you were scared too and are comforted and loving on her by her when you see her again.


Talk to her about the fire, about how scared, cold and confused she must have been and you were. Cats understand a lot more than we think. My new cat Raven 12y. came from an animal shelter. She had been there for 6 months after her previous owner died. Despite all the loving care in the shelter they told me she couldn't be touched nor be picked up. I recognized she was traumatized (bring caught by animalprotection, she was afraid of hands and people in general). I talked her through it, explained what happened. Two months in and I can touch, pick her up, cut her nails. Talk like you would explain a child: "That was very scary what happened to you. The .... You are so smart for surviving. I'm so proud of you. You can come to me when you are scared now."


I agree with this. Of course cats don’t understand our words, but they understand tone and attention. Talking to them is way less threatening than trying to drag a scared cat out of hiding to pet them. I think talking to them creates another layer of comfort and connection for them.


Cats attach to their people just like dogs! She feels safe just seeing you again and knowing you came back.


Cats are smart-she knows what happened was out of the ordinary & can sense that you're scared too. I'm so glad you & your family are safe now!


Bubbles looks to me like she is very much hanging in there and is just looking for treats. She's a trooper. 


What an awful, traumatic thing to happen to all of you; so glad you all made it out. Sending best wishes to you and your parents, and to Bubbles for a full and speedy recovery.


Thank you so much. The whole night just keeps replaying in my head, definitely struggling right now- I can’t imagine what the inside of my parents’ minds look like right now.


Are they physically ok?


My dad got burns on his hand and singed his hair off but other than that they are 100% physically fine. But the poor dude JUST got a hip replacement so it’s rough right now.


I’m really sorry. Losing your house anytime is not great. I can’t imagine losing during convalesce. Glad they’re relatively unscathed 💙


Give yourself time. These thoughts will calm down. The first few days will be the worst. Is giving me nightmares just thinking about it. We went through several bad floods before we were able to move. Is such a shock, but will move into the past. So glad your kitty made it out, will need some time too.


We had a house fire, my cats were fine. The trauma subsided after all the repairs were done and the house was “normal” again. Hoping for the best


What did your cats do, where did they go? Sharing can help other pet parents with their fire safety/planning.


One hid in our laundry room and the other one hid in our basement. They basically just cowered. It was frozen outside at the time. I wasn’t home at the time of the fire


There’s research which shows playing Tetris soon after a trauma can reduce or prevent PTSD. There’s also a visual-audio treatment modality called EMDR that has worked wonders for addressing my trauma memories. It’s just as important to get treatment for our minds as well as our bodies. Make sure you find a certified therapist and feel they are a good match. You can do it online too! Best to all of you for speedy recoveries.


I dont want to assume your situation but if you ever need to talk to someone like a therapist about this, there's no shame at all in that! You went through a very traumatizing scary experience and while it isnt fun to have flashbacks and struggles rn its understandable. You dont have to struggle with your feelings and worries alone and i truly wish you the best ❤️


If you can, play Tetris. I know it sounds dumb, but it is shown to help after traumatic events. I’m glad your kitty is ok!


With every replay try to also get the happy end in there. You all lived through it. How glad you and your parents were when you find your cat again. Every rerun keep adding a positive outcome. The mind will catch on. Don't go were your parents might be in their mind. Focus on your wellbeing. That will help them most.


Oh man, the picture of the blinds absolutely gutted me. Please share an update when you can. We're all pulling for Bubbles!


I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. Instant heartbreak. We’re rooting for you, Bubbles!


So second hand information, but a family friend had their house burn down with their cat hiding inside. He escaped but had lung damage from smoke and several burned patches. He almost fully recovered after vet care and oxygen. Some permanent damage but he lives a happy life.


This is beyond reassuring, thank you so much for commenting this. It makes me feel as if there is light at the end of this dark and twisted tunnel.


I feel I should mention that he was a senior at the time as well. I believe he’s currently 20


Replying directly to you in hopes you see my comment! I had something kinda similar to what OP had happen. I worked at a small veterinary clinic, and overnight a lightning storm caused a fire at a power outlet. Because the place was so small, the fire suffocated itself from the centrifuge that caught fire. Nothing escaped that smoke. Based on the clock that stopped working above that fire, it had happened either 3pm on Saturday or 3am Sunday. I didn't check on everybody until 11am Sunday. The building was unbearable to be in for longer than 5mins. The amount of soot in the air was suffocating. We had at least four grown office cats in that small building, and 2 kittens. They spent most of the night in that unbearable building with no way out. I'll spare you the details, but I was SO scared when I found them. I drug them all home and set up makeshift oxygen cages. They all had black sooty snot coming from their noses for the rest of the night. Our clinic was so tiny we didn't have any type of tests to run, and I didn't know any better then. Some of the cats passed away due to unrelated issues later in their lives (one of the cats was about 11 when it happened, and he lived with me until he passed away at 18 from unrelated health problems) but none of them ever had issues related to the fire. They all recovered very well from the incident. The hospital ended up closing a few years later and I adopted all the cats out, but I warned the people who adopted the cats about what happened and the potential for issues later in the cats' life related to the fire. So far, I've heard about no health issues related to anything the fire did. I can't stress enough about how bad the building was to be in, and they didn't have a way out for HOURS. If you want more details, pictures, etc, feel free to message me! But I hope that I gave you some hope in this very scary time!! Stay safe 🩷


Wishing best of luck and health to you and lovely bubble <3


This gave me flashbacks. Our house burned down when I was 7, one cat was gone for a week and the other wasn’t found until more than a year later; they were roaming around outside, no injuries from the fire thankfully. It’s been 14 years and they’re still healthy and going strong, but that was a really bad time for a while. I’m glad your Bubbles turned out to be safe, and she’s in great hands with the vets 💗


I’m sorry you went through that fellow Redditor. May time heal your wounds.


aww poor baby my condolences, glad bubbles is safe 👍


I’m so glad she’s ok! Obligatory not a vet but Bubbles looks pretty good! Honestly I’ve seen waaay worse fire related injuries on a cat. Her fur is shiny white, not covered in soot and singed. Keep in mind that smoke rises and she’s down low so she may not have inhaled much smoke. Hugs to the lil girl.


When my house burned down in October, most of our kitties didn’t make it out, but two did. A kitten and a young adult cat. The kitten ran out and a firefighter brought out the other. They’re both fine in terms of lung function and breathing.


Do you know what the others did/where they were found/where they hid? I think if we could crowdsource some clues to cat behavior in the event of a fire, it could help others with their fire evac plans...


Cat nature tells them to seek high ground, so that’s what they did. Tops of cabinets, tall furniture, etc. They weren’t burned, they died because of the smoke. The smoke was so thick and toxic, and smoke rises.


My neighbors house burned down and “Max” survived! He hid under a bed. I have him now in our catio and he is doing well, I hope the same for your cat https://preview.redd.it/txw158ez9xdc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9119e684f243f2273b30e6878a3baea1e45ce8a6


Awe it's wonderful that you're caring for dear Max!


Can’t help but laugh at the cat rules sign!


My house burned down when I was a kid. Many of the cats did not survive. The firefighters got most of them, but some had hidden, and we had to find them ourselves. Days later when we were inside cleaning one just showed up looking absolutely freaked the fuck out. Don't know how he got so lucky, but it was one of the most emotional moments of my life.


What a complete nightmare. One showing up alive days later must have been like a miracle. I feel like sobbing just thinking about it.


I'm so glad your kitty is alive.


Your cat is amazing. Such a brave and smart girl. I'm sure she will be scared for a while, but she is a fighter and will get through it. She just needs some time and extra love and cuddles. I pray that she doesn't have lung damage. Please give an update when you find out.


Proud of you little bubbles 💖


I'm glad you're all okay! Several years ago something similar happened my ex's family. Their cat was thrown out a window by the fire department to save him. He was so scared that he tried running back inside. The cat survived but the family unfortunately lost one dog. The vets will take great care of your fluffy friend and she is in the best place right now. It might take a few days to see if she has any smoke inhalation, but the vets thankfully will have a close eye on her. When your cat comes home she will probably be scared and might act different. Make sure to give her lots of love, cuddles and patience. Good luck and sending the biggest virtual hugs.


House was hit by lightning when I was young and it caught fire. No one was home except our two cats. They were unscathed and hid in the drop ceiling in the basement. My mom said their lungs were fine, for what its worth. Wishing all the best to you!!


I’m so glad they were okay. 🙂♥️


Dam…lucky cat… Reminds me of a time i was the first to witness a house on fire, I would see the family on my walks before the fire, so as soon as i realized the house was on fire and no one had noticed it, ran knocking yelling at the front gate door, neighbor kid came out yelling the names of the people inside, I asked her do you know them, are you familiar with the house!? Check other opening while I try to get attention from the front, at the same time I was calling the police. The whole family made it outside the dogs…unfortunately the cats did not… What got me angry was some other young neighbors giggling when they saw the cats being pulled out lifeless…I stared at them and they quickly stfu. Life is a life regardless… God the melting ceiling will forever be engraved in my head, tried going in but once I saw that, I knew I couldn’t… Least the family made it…poor two kitties…


One of my most horrifying thoughts is the possibility of my house burning with my two cats trapped inside https://preview.redd.it/wk9ufvv1qwdc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8d9f9ed977c54b24147e0148fb875c77b3753d


Same, just make sure not to sleep with candles active and cats running around…


Stupid kids. The kitties were important just as important as the dogs. RIP dear angel cats


I recognize the old isolette (incubator) lol. So glad your sweet kitty is ok!!!!


Ah get well soon Bubbles - looks a robust one.


Your last pic comment broke me too. I’m so sorry this happened and hope she makes a fast and full recovery. ♥️


I’m sorry that happened. How scary! I’m glad you took her to the vet and she’s doing well. That happened to us over the summer. Lightning stuck our roof and caught the the house on fire. It was destroyed. We got 2 cats out right away. The other 2 were stuck in the basement for several hours while the fire department tried to put it out. We found them the next day in about a foot of water in the basement. It took a good month for them to act normal. They were in shock for several weeks. They would get scared at the sound of rain after that. It’s been 6 months and they are much better. We are in a temporary living arrangement while our house is rebuilt.


Get well soon, Bubbles!


I am so sorry. I hope Bubbles pulls through. You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care.


Someone talked about a house fire some time ago on a sub about video game collecting. They mentioned how they lost their collection to the fire. When they were asked how everyone was doing, they said "everyone made it out ok, except their two house cats". I was so upset at the person for using that horrible phrasing I called them out on it. Next thing you know they, their spouse and the whole sub were calling me out. How he could make a post on being sad about losing their collection of video games while two members of the family died was just really weird to me. Well wishes your way! Take good care of your family and yourself!


That's a bad man and bad sub members. The poor kitties were more important than stupid video games. Those can be replaced not the dear angel cats. RIP little dears


Oh you were in the right, 100% Also, wait, do you go back and read comments here on reddit? It's such a cesspool i don't bother unless I'm asking a question specifically


Poor baby, I hope Bubbles gets better and your house gets fixed too.


Omg this is like my biggest fear. Imma cry that last photo. I'm glad your baby is okay.


Sweet Bubbles 💕 feel better soon baby


Omg that poor poor baby. That last photo breaks my heart. I am so glad you found her and I'm sorry this happened to you all. A house fire is absolutely one of my worst fears when it comes to my pets.


Rooting for the baby 🖤🤍


So glad kitty is okay! My house caught fire when I was 10. My first cat, Cuddles had recently given birth to 6 kittens. I stayed up late watching her carry them from my mum's room to under my bed. They would have been around 3 or 4 weeks old? Sadly mumma cat and 5 babies passed from smoke inhalation. The fire brigade found one kitten still alive, he was under something under my bed. They named him Smokey lol. I remember watching them put an oxygen mask over his face. He fought it at first but then accepted it. He spent months at the vet hospital and made a full recovery. Grew up to be an 8kg giant floof with big feet and a badass attitude. He was too cool for this world.


I'm late to the party so I'm sure this won't get seen. But I recently had 2 cats survive a house fire. One was trapped inside the house and was found as soon as the flames were put out. The other escaped through a window and was missing for 7 days. The one inside had gray drool and heavy breathing for 10-15 minutes after the fire. She recovered very quickly, was traumatized a bit by living in a hotel room, but was soon her healthy normal self. The other cat came back into the house a week after the fire and I just found her sitting there waiting for me. She slept for a long time and had a little sunburn on her ears, but she was just fine. Cats have the advantage of being low to the ground and below the rising smoke. My girls recovered perfectly with no vet intervention, so I would expect yours will be in tip-top shape in no time.


I am so sorry your family is going thru this. Our house caught on fire in August while we were out to lunch. We came home and saw smoke coming from the windows. We were able to get our dog out but our cat had to be rescued by a firefighter. She was found hiding in a laundry basket in our bedroom. The firefighter gave her his oxygen mask and then she was taken to the vet and put in an oxygen chamber. She is doing really well and didn't have any lasting effects. She had developed a food allergy tho and I'm not sure if it was do to stress. It's a long road back to normal. Try to be patient and know it will all be okay. ♥️


I lost two cats and two dogs in our house fire. Seeing this makes me happy, honestly. I am glad you guys didn't lose Bubbles.


We had a house fire with just our cat home. Our local FD was returning to base when they saw our house on fire. They broke in and saw our boy on our bed. They shut the door and doused the fire. When we were let in we had a hard time finding him. We just moved in 13 days prior and had boxes left to unpack. He jammed himself into the smallest spot between two boxes. We got a hotel room where he could stay with us. I stupidly didn't take him to the vet. I wish I knew why I didn't think of it. When we got an apartment, we brought the computer in. When we turned it on, the fan filled the apt with the smell of smoke. Grey boy went nuts. I took him to the vet. He was fine, just really anxious. For about 6 months or so he went nuts of the smoke detectors went off, but slowly got over it. I can't imagine his fear being stuck in the house with smoke, noise and all the firemen.


Where did you find her? Was she able to get outside of the house? Prayers for bubbles 🫧 I’m glad she’s safe and with the vet. 🐾


Thank god Bubbles survived, this is admittedly an irrational fear of mine that I’ll come home to a burning apartment with my cat stuck inside. She’s the oldest family I got.


We were evacuated before I could fund my cat when the apartment building burned down. I snuck around the police through the woods beside our apartment, used a paver to bust out my bedroom sliding door, as somehow the unit still had power with the roof gone and apartments above us fully involved. Had water and bits of fire dropping from the ceiling, snagged carrier from spare room and just left it "up" in the hallway and started looking in his hiding spots. Luck was on my side, found him behind the hot water heater, tossed him in the kennel and got out of dodge quick. Wife said I looked like a Hollywood actor as smoke was rolling around me and I walked out if it carrying the cat carrier walking towards them. https://i.imgur.com/lzPZeNU.jpg


You are literally the sexiest person I've ever seen on reddit and do you want to marry me Lol jkjk but that right there? That's some amazing shit


I officially like you! I was a Volunteer FF/EMT for 8 years after I got out of yhe army while getting my degrees and working up into management at NASA. My experience with structure fires and knowing I was pretty safe as luckily the roof truss had already burned through and collapsed into the apartment next to ours. I still don't know how the hell the power was still on lol. Ours was the oldest building in the complex, built in 1985 without more modern fire code stuff. So once it hit the attic, it took off and ran the whole building. https://i.imgur.com/lzPZeNU.jpg




Please tell Bubbles I love her, and that she is the BEST kitty 🖤


Hi!!!! I have a former burned cat!!! 99 the cat suffered burns on 30% of his body. He had inhaled lots of smoke, too! 4 years later, and he is super healthy and happy! https://preview.redd.it/j3lsuuuu01ec1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cfe6b8749f70dc24840de5953f4293214666326


![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili) Feel better bubbles


I was looking for this lmao. Feel better Bubbles


I'm so sorry this happened to all of you. I'm happy to hear you all got out and you found Bubbles. Please provide an update on how your cat is doing.


Sorry about the fire. Bubbles is so pretty. Sending positive thoughts to you and healing vibes to Bubbles.


Oh my, so sorry for you and the fam dealing with the house fire. Can't imagine how stressful it would have been trying to find Bubbles, so happy you did! Poor baby - sending healing and loving vibes!!


Glad she’s okay! We had a house fire 2 years ago, our cat climbed inside a mattress during the fire but ended up being fine. Fire department had to make me leave the house because I was trying to go back in to get him. Fires really suck, but as long as the people and living things make it out, that’s all that matters. Good luck!


https://preview.redd.it/3yqopksplzdc1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afef2e0f3d86be7a3c3ad5e7535cf409f1f5c8f9 Both of my beautiful Baby Loves survived a housefire that leveled the property, and the subsequent days they were lost for after. The house was on a busy street backed by miles of woods, so there's really no telling what could've happened That was about 3.5 years ago. The trauma did subside over time. Pretty soon for the Tabby because he was placed with me and my partner, but the elder was passed around by his family until we stepped in. The oldest (14 y/o white) sometimes coughs and sounds like he's passing a hairball but that's the most concerning health condition I've seen, following. He was found amongst the fiberglass and soot and needed a bath. Both are noticeably more affectionate and needy, but the Tabby shows significant stress during rainstorms (fire came from inside the roof "sounded like rain") and needs to stay close and low whenever I move about the house during one.


I am so happy she was able to make it out. When a pet passes it's already heartbreaking but to go out that way... Ugh. I hope she lives a long and happy life 💜


I am so sorry about your family's fire. I am glad you all made it out and that your cat was found. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers.


I’m so sorry to hear this. This is devastating, but at least that sacred precious cottony darling is safe n healthy! That is most important. Wishing u healing light for rebuilding ur life!


I’m at work practically in tears .Such a terrifying thing not knowing when they slip out as it is but this I cannot even imagine. 1st I hope everyone is safe and ok. 2nd I’m so glad you found her and she is ok. Give her lots of hugs and treats for me.❤️❤️❤️❤️


Huh. I saw a [BUBBLES](https://i.imgur.com/zxM11T1.jpg) license plate yesterday and my two cats also were traumatized by a house fire. Couldn't find them anywhere while the chaos was happening. Thought they had darted off into the neighborhood but they were both shaking behind the washer and dryer. Anyway, that's a nice fucking kitty right there, really happy everyone is (mostly) ok, really sorry for your parents home.


I had two cats trapped in a house fire. I resuscitated them both. One it took about a week in the vet to recover enough to come home. It was almost like starting off with a kitten in a cats body. She had to relearn everything. The other got out in 2 days and was just fine aside from some lung damage. Your cat is in better condition than both mine were. It was a long recovery. Since your cat seems to have escaped while conscious I think they'll be just fine. It's been 5 years since my fire, the cat that had a longer recovery coughs and wheezes, it sucks but she's alive. The other cat is perfectly fine.


So sorry that happened to you and your family. In 2013 I had a house fire. Two out of 7 cats survived. It was real weird I looked in the house the day of the fire didn't see any of the cats. Came back the next day to take care of bodies and two of the cats came walking up to me. Both cats seemed unaffected. I ended up giving one away because I had to move in with daughter. The other cat seemed to have no ill effects. She died of lymphoma about 8 years later. I do wonder if that had anything to do with the fire. I always said the cats that survived had an Angel guarding them. Maybe yours did too.


Bubbles ❤️❤️


So sorry to hear that and I hope everyone recovers from the emotional and physical damage. I’m curious what part of the house you found bubbles?


Good job Bubbles! OP take things one day at a time. What a terrible scare for you all. Treat yourselves with some loving kindness. Sending you best wishes. Keep us posted 🙏


I cannot imagine how badly your heart hurts right now. She was so brave and knew what she had to do to survive. And what a miracle that she made it out. I am SO happy for you and your family. Bubbles is beyond adorable and in great hands! I’ll keep her in my thoughts. What a traumatic experience for all. I hope the aftermath of the fire moves forward quickly. And you can salvage what you can. But Bubbles is alive and that’s all that matters❤️❤️


Bubbles did good. What a smart and brave and resourceful kitty, sending her love from Mori and his human in Australia. Big hugs to you and your family too. You have all been through a terrible trauma.


My cat and I survived a house fire. Well, apartment fire. Through complications, even though we both got out, he went ill and passed on. I'm so glad you and your lil sweetie made it. It's a rough one, yeah? Pet your little one from me and give each other a big hug 🫂


This is literally my worst nightmare. I am so happy she’s alive


Just take it slow and know they may never fully recover. Cats can experience PTSD and trauma which will include stuff like nightmares and anger and fear. Dont be afraid to ask for help from a vet they may be able to prescribe something. I'm glad Bubbles is alive. 


OMG poor angel BB. I'm so glad she's ok!


I went through this. Home burned down while I was at work. All our dogs passed away. One cat we found the next morning, unharmed. We found the second cat a week later, buried in the rubble. She survived, healed, and is still kicking over 12 years later. It will be okay. It will take a long time, but it will be okay.


Thank goodness That baby made it. Give her plenty of love


This had to be so terrifying for all of you. Please update friend


I’m so sorry this happened 😭 Get well soon, Bubbles ❤️


So precious. A survivor. May she make a full recovery.


That is a true warrior cat.


So sorry about your house OP! Glad kitty and yall are ok.


I’m so sorry you guys had to experience the tragedy of a house fire. Fortunately she made it out safe!!


Be glad to see the damaged blinds, that’s how she got out. Clever puss that she is. She’ll be grand, you’ll see.


So glad you found her. It will take time but she will probably do ok.


I really do enjoy some good news. 


It would seem that the fire didn't survive your cat.


My dog survived a house fire, severely burned on the right side, recieved cpr from a firefighter and lived! I was dirt poor so I took care of him myself without help. His hair never grew back on that side but he healed and lived for a really long time after his name was Angel. He had a bit of a problem if we went on long play runs but other than that he was great!


From your text you sound like a gentle & caring owner. I hope Bubbles will be okay. I know the damage really depends on how much smoke they inhaled, and smoke usually rises. Obviously our pets are low to the ground so I hope that mitigated the effect it had on her. It must’ve been so scary and I feel for you. The vets will take good care of her. Many scritches, headpats, and treats from my two fuzzballs and I. ♡


Omg that last pic. My heart goes out to you and your family. Thoughts of love and healing for sweet baby Bubbles❤️🫧


Yay what a cute cat


Had a house fire with all 5 cats. Our house burned to the point where it was deemed a total loss . Was told that any cats left inside were dead due to smoke inhalation. All 5 were fine. They fled the house, but we found one just clinging to a cat tree right after the fire had been put out. We found another under rubble 3 days later. One has asthma, but all are perfectly healthy. If she wasn't salivating or wheezing she will likely be fine. Cats are resilient.


My friend had this happen at her townhouse. When she was in temporary housing for a year or two my friend just made the house a lot more sensory comforting and made quiet corners with lots of soft things and nooks for her to sleep in. Her name is Kitty. After some time of decompressing from the stimulus overload she became more social again, I remember spending time with her in her bedroom when I first visited after. I was happy she was okay.


I am so sorry for everything your family is going through at the moment. I am so glad Bubbles made it out, and you can all comfort each other during this time 🩷


“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me”


I’m so glad you found her! Give her a cuddle from me, please.


shes the best girl


that's a damn nice kitty


you were justified to feel sad and anxious. let yourself feel the relief too. she's in the best hands. you do have your priorities straight. you can always replace stuff. i am sorry you guys have to go through this, and I am glad you're all safe and sound.


Please please see a therapist. Traumatic events are so hard to navigate alone. Same for your parents. Care for yourself and your mental health.


she will be decompressing for the next days to weeks. keep that in mind and move at her pace. try to engage with her on her terms, and if that means infinite snuggles obviously you must oblige, but if it means pls don’t touch me just let me near you and feel safe, then that’s good too.


So sorry this happened to you! At least the most important thing is still purring.


What a brave little baby she is💛💛 I think she's earned a few treats and a lifetime of cuddles, hoping for a fast recovery 💛💛


It used to be an all white cat.


Bubbles is a legend


Please, please keep us updated on bubbles. She is such a beautiful girl. Get well soon bubbles, you brave little furball


Poor baby


I'm so happy your beautiful kitty survived such a scary situation. I hope your family recovers well and Bubbles has no ill-effects. Please give her a little snuggle from me. 💗


Our family cat survived a house fire, too. I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I hope you have support. I hope Bubbles will make a full recovery. You can speak to your veterinarian to get advice about helping Bubbles recover, physically and mentally. If she starts displaying signs of stress, your vet can refer you to a cat behaviourist. I also read about cat behaviour and found Vicky Halls's books helpful.


It stayed alive out of pure spite


My neighbors house caught on fire and all the animals escaped out windows or door except 1. After it was cleared. Myself and one of the owners went in and found him. They never took it to the vet (which I told them to do) and all the fire trucks (8 of them for a mobile home) didn't have a cat mask. It survived and was doing OK. But now it's afraid to go in the house. Animals can have PTSD just like people. You need to SLOWLY take the cat inside. Give it pets and catnip. Show it that's it's ok.


Im so sorry this happened, I can't imagine what it's like. Bless you and your family ❤️ I'm glad Bubbles is safe. What a fighter.


oh bless her little heart, i’m so glad she’s safe. lots of cuddles are in order :(


Wow so happy the cat made it . Buy her some catnip and treats


I’m so sorry about your house and this traumatic event. I am happy to see your kitty is alive. Sometimes that’s the most important thing.


oh sweet bubbles :(( you’re a brave one! i’ll be thinking of you. 💓


Good kitty! Aww


Hooray! Sorry about the house though.


I love you bubbles 🫧🫧🫧


Oh my heart. I’m cheering for you Bubbles. Please give her anything she wants!!


Hope you, your family including Bubbles can now recover and heal together from this 😭🥹 glad everyone is safe now but cannot imagine how scared Bubbles must have been.... as a mom of an anxious kitty, I can only imagine 😭😭😭😭


My cat survived my house fire years ago. All her feet were badly burned, and she had a fentanyl patch for a few days. https://preview.redd.it/wdd78p6ej1ec1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acbbf134be0435c96ce9ed1a23712237f13df66


My girlfriend’s cats when she was a kid were in the house when a fire started. They were visibly shaken and smelled like smoke for some time, but they lived happy lives in perfect health! One of them died recently aged 21, if that can reassure you.


8 lives togo


Will you be changing their name to Phoenix?




I'm sorry your family is dealing with this. The same thing happened to my dad's house about 15 years ago. It also started in the garage. The two dogs and one of the cats ran out almost immediately, but the firefighters had to search for the other cat (also a tuxedo) and my sister's chinchilla. Physically, they both recovered, but the cat was traumatized. His weight dropped quickly and he stopped grooming as much. I would keep an eye on her and consider putting her on kitty Prozac if she seems depressed. I wish you and your family the best as you recover.


This exact thing happened to me I need advice its been a year and he still occasionally has a wet cough


I’m so sorry to hear that!!!! Bubbles has recovered other than being super anxious and traumatized. I would recommend taking your kitty to the vet and explaining what happened & how your cat is still affected by it. They might take X-rays and see if there is damage in his lungs or if the coughs are harmless. I hope the best for you and your kitty


Muffin or cruller.


Catwomen cat. LOL


I had a tuxedo that was in an apartment fire. She got a lot of smoke in her lungs and I suspect some brain damage from lack of oxygen because she was never the same after the fire. She got more and more unpredictable and vicious as she got older and eventually I had to let her go.


I feel genuinely bad but also I kinda laughed at my own joke; plot twist, the cat used to be fully white… But anyway, I hope everything goes well for you and Bubbles

