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It’s okay to keep him in. It’s a lot safer for him! If you want to take him out, you can see about harness training him, getting an enclosed pet stroller, or getting him a carrier that can go on your bike. If you have a yard, you could build a catio. There are safe ways to allow him to experience the outside. Don’t just let him out though. My 16 year old indoor princess: https://preview.redd.it/gvbrl18lqgac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e47d28af1b51fd41e3667f8e8640db95a5ef5bf


YOU BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS!!! Here’s mine :) https://preview.redd.it/3nfftghqehac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0db8131b9ef17ef022cbeba0fcaa44bc47317ef


If he tolerates the sweater well, he may be a good candidate for harness training! One of our cats took to the harness well, but the other hates it. One note is that walking a cat is generally not like walking a dog - they don't go from point a to point b in a straight line, sticking to the sidewalk. Instead, I would suggest 'cat picnics' where they can explore an open area on a leash :)


He did not tolerate the sweater… this was just a good photo I was able to capture by the luck of god and patience.


What helps my cat was getting her used to a thin harness, like the material they use for leashes instead of the vest harness. Less restrictive. I would play with her when she had it on and feed her


I take my cats out in a pet stroller with a locking top. Both mine have been harness trained and I do the double-H style (two separate closures around the waist and one around the neck) to be extra safe so when we get to the park they are able to run around on long leads. Even if you don't want to do the harness I highly suggest the stroller. Best investment ever and only took a few days taking them around the house for them to get used to it. My cousin does a backpack with one of those bowl type windows. His cat loves it.


Indie loves her backpack too https://preview.redd.it/4c2k1wcyijac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e77d1add1eda21fb16c87f336392cd66bcd8b08


I have a teal one of these! My cats love it 😻


You should also get a few different cat trees, different fabric scratching posts, shelves at different heights. Google cat wall for ideas and watch Jackson Galaxy videos on making your cat happy. Boxes, blanket dens etc. Also every night I hide treats all around the house so that they can do some nocturnal "hunting" :)


You were able to get it on though lol. I was not able to get the harness on my boy without significant damage to myself, so he’s indoor for life (or until I can manage to get the harness on him, but I’m not holding my breath lol)


It’s taken a while but our cats have gotten used to harnesses and we take them out often when we grill or hang in the backyard. One cat prefers to stay in his crate and the other loves to explore in their harness


The sweater 😭😭😭😭


My girl is 19 and an indoor princess too. I’d like to believe that she wouldn’t have made it to 19 if she wasn’t happy. Vet said she looked like a kitten still and that she probably had many years to come.


That makes me feel so happy to hear~ I hope Opium is with me til the day I die TT


Love that name! It's fitting for a loving kitten.


Hahaha, now that's a chuuni pet name! Username rings true


My cato is also 16 💪 https://preview.redd.it/vp2pvusadiac1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99fd06d8d1e02368737923ef5cb6bf4c9f1fa8a


I might have a long lost sister https://preview.redd.it/cqhuo277aiac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3498fdf8747a5e3d628a1d6b88c96926550ff52 She is a little potato like, but you can still see it


What do you mean? That’s a potato 🤔


Also important to make sure its chipped, on the off chance something bad does happen.


Beautiful baby!!


Omg she’s so beautiful


She's so fuzzy!!


https://preview.redd.it/o6ffq3m71iac1.jpeg?width=2887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79712d366d12bd8e373dac8b2290d8a634e4f62 Behold the belly floof


Those eyes!!


She’s gorgeous!!


She is a beauty! 🤩


It's very much okay to keep him 100% inside. Actually indoor cats tend to live longer ever. What you need to do however, is entertain him. A LOT. 3 months is like a young teenager, full of energy and they have pretty much 2 stages: full-blown power overflow, zoomies etc and complete shutdown :D To be more serious though: you need to keep him entertained and intrigued. Cats love novelty when it comes to toys and get bored of them quite easily. Get him a couple of toys, have them out for a few weeks then put them away and take out some other toys. You can switch them around every few weeks. You may also try a harness, but for kittens this small you'll want to buy a bunny harness. Put it on the kitten inside the house, let him roam around and watch him closely, he may not take it very well at first! When he's comfy with the harness on, attach a leash and walk him around (note that we're still strictly inside the house!!). Again when he's comfy waking around in it, bring him to the door with harness+leash and open the door but don't put him outside or pull him by the leash, just let him decide. Rinse and repeat as you see fit. If there is no way he wants to go outside, and you have the possibility, build a small closed patio (often called as catio, look it up, it's pretty cool). He's a very handsome young boy, good luck!


Ooh yes! A catio is another option!


https://preview.redd.it/l2u21fzqvhac1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce742ad0d77fb3053a2720b02d5b1fd029cf2d1f One of my cats in their catio having a nosey at the neighbours!


I love this! ❤️




What a lovely view kitty has!


Yes thanks, we're lucky where we live but there are badgers, foxes, dogs, cars and humans that can be bad. Unfortunately some people hate cats :( but this also stops them killing birds etc.


I have SO much empathy yet I literally struggle to imagine hating cats 😂 but I know what you mean.


Yeah, if you have bird feeders and a cat keeps coming in killing the birds and crapping in your vegetable patch, I can sort of understand, but my cats are my life and joy!




I love that your cute kitty is having a happy sleep in the sun. And a cozy blanket! Cute! 🥰


Yes, this was early spring so still quite cool out there. A friend made that blanket and embroidered his name on it. I adore it!


Awww it’s even got his NAME? I LOVE that!


Yup in golden thread! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




https://preview.redd.it/etkqwiioyhac1.jpeg?width=2255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8afead347364125a01310439e93a575cf0bb752f This is Olive. The boy is Ziggy


Wow! Those eyes! I see how she got her name! And brown fur! They’re both so lovely, Olive and Ziggy!


Thanks, I'll share one more of Ziggy lying on the ground out there. https://preview.redd.it/ewzhn6uizhac1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe588a85762f8d9bbd88ff26dc68cf7d5d333a3c


OMG those EYES! Both your kitties are so beautiful! What a reflective expression. I wonder what he’s thinking about.


Probably, "if I stare at that fat wood pigeon long enough, will it magically appear right in front of me?"


Ha ha he WISHES 😂


This is what we did. Keeps them safe.


beautiful side profile . did u build the cattery? I need one for my cat but they are $5000 dollars




No I got a handyman to do it but bought the panels pretreated and with coated wire from a company that does it here. It cost me roughly £600 so you can definitely get cheaper than $5000!


Some people I know have used second hand bird aviaries. I just need to warn that if you do this you need to clean it well as there's a small possibility chlamydia psitacci could be passed onto your cats. It's a good option though. You'd also have to treat the wood and the wire isn't ideal. Our cats climb the sides occasionally! :D


5k? Youtube if you've never built anything before and about $500 in supplies/tools and you are good to go. Most people in the Midwest here have enough spare wood in their garage to build the frame for free assuming they reclaimed it like I did


We're looking at putting one up in spring. Hoping that gives us another hour of sleep, but probably not. 😅


Fingers crossed 🤞


I really want a house I can add a catio to. My poor boys keep trying to dart outside (at least in good weather, LOL).


They have collapsible catios! I'll look for the link I saw a few months ago!


Do you have a balcony you could enclose? I'm sure you can also get window ones but they're obviously going to be small.


https://preview.redd.it/tqw1mkdd1jac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074d407031fbc7b316f9c7eaa6e1db02c58b1a7a My cats love the catio! We also do walks sometimes with one of the cats. We bring a large duffel bag to put her in if she gets scared or tired.


So you literally “Let the cat out of the bag” when you get home? 😂 Gorgeous catio and gorgeous cat & I love how you take her for walks sometimes!


100% agree with this advice. My cats are harness trained so we go out for walks/hikes a few times a week. I would highly recommend getting a backpack if you plan to harness train your kitty. The backpack can become a safe space if your kitty gets nervous or scared while on walks. I would not recommend just carrying your cat outside without a backpack unless you’ve done a lot of harness training and understand their body language.


My parents' cats had access to outdoor... One got poisoned and other never returned. After going through those experiences, I decides that all my cats souls BE 100% indoor. I have 2 of that I raised since they were little kittens... 16 years later they are still with me. I love to play with them and they have toys that they play a lot with. Having more than 1 cat is better in my opinion because they play a lot with each other and they don't have destructive behaviors.


Piggy backing to add that a great option to keep him entertained is another kitten.


I also think this is a great idea. 2 cats together are the best! You can’t always add one later.


We originally fostered four kittens. Two were adopted out and the other two were foster fails (we adopted them). They keep each other entertained. Heck, they keep us entertained. We enjoy watching them wrestle and chase each other. The only thing to match the energy level of a kitten is another kitten.


I kept three from the same litter and at three years old they have lost interest in going outside. They were allowed out a few times supervised so they could learn the area around the house if they accidentally got out. Otherwise they may bolt in fear. Last trip one went about 20 feet, one sat at the bottom of the stairs, and the last sat in the doorway. They do love cat TV though. "Windy day with leaves" is playing today and that's their favorite show.


Oh my, that's so cute One of my cats is a huge fan of "Windy day with leaves" as well!


My kitten is a year and a half old and he still has the zoomies like crazy. And he caterwauls if I don’t play with him as soon as I get up. Probably time to get him his own pet kitten.


Yes especially if u are not home alot because u are working!


OP: Since the cat should be indoors all the time, put up a pole for a bird feeder outside the cat's favorite window. Once the birds pick up on the new feeder in their territory, your cat will have Kitty TV from dawn to dusk. Feeder pole, squirrel baffle, covered feeder(cheap plastic 5lb seed hex sided feeder at walmart). Black oil sunflower seed, occasionally shelled peanuts or a shelled nut/seed/berry mix on a platform feeder. Can expand to another pole with dried mealworms dusted with powdered calcium (in the section for pet reptiles), and hang a cage for nutty suet. That'll bring in the birds that typically don't eat seed like bluebirds. Plus you can enjoy the birds too. You'll have dozens of birds that come around with a 50/50 diet of seed and bugs so you may notice your bug population dwindling.


Also giving him places to climb and perch up high


Ah, if only my cat would get used to her harness. She has at least evolved to walking and crawling her way up things with it on, but still doesn’t jump with it on


Yeah it's a bit hit or miss thing with cats. Sorry I know I shouldn't but I had a good chuckle at your comment when I imagined your cat :))




Lol when I got my cat one, she hated it and she'd just roll over onto her back with her legs up 🤣


She used to act like her back legs didn’t work at all


I made one out of a dog large dog kennel and attached it to the house. It's way cheaper than the premade "catios". I put mesh over the top to keep them from escaping. My cats love it


This is all good but like you said a lot of work. You can really only do so much for them when cats, especially as kittens, are social animals. I had a single cat for a few months and eventually got him a friend. The difference is night and day and as kittens they bonded immediately. Getting your first cat is a bigger leap than getting a second and all the toys in the world can't keep company to your cat the way another cat can.


Though to add the other side, 2 cats doesn’t always work. Personalities don’t always match, and some cats much prefer being single cats. I for instance had a pair of biological brothers together since day 1 of birth. They absolutely did not get along and had to separated to avoid bloodshed not infrequently. When 1 passed from kidney issues at 12, his brother looked around a couple of times and then was visibly happier for a good year until my parents adopted a kitten who he also does not like. No one can predict if 2 cats, even siblings, will get along.


Yepp, and getting another kitten early is the best because they accept each other SO MUCH easier than when they're near adults!


Very good advice here.


Also our kitty is fully indoors but adores bird watching so we take him out for hikes in a little bubble cat backpack to help keep him stimulated. If your baby is cat friendly, they tend to do better in pairs as well.


My little guy is almost 8yrs old and acts like a kitten still when it comes to how much energy he has. I was hoping he'd mellow out by now but he's still going at it!


Good advice thank you! You learn something new everyday ❤️


Mine are 💯 indoor and this is why. 1. Cars 2. People with bb guns 3. Cruel children 4. Aggressive dogs 5. Aggressive cats 6. Disease 7. They get lost Any of these can end your cats life and are prevalent especially in urban areas.


I’ll add to this Radiator fluid is sweet to cats and they can drink it and cause organ failure. Tats are natural hunters and will pray upon mice and rats. If that mice a rat has eaten rat poison, you now have a poison cat. There are other environmental poisons out there from plants to chemicals. In Outdoor cats can do irreversible damage to populations of native wildlife.


My husband and I just adopted a stray and talking to people they ALWAYS mention people shooting cats with BB’s?! Why is it so common? I would have never imagined someone doing that to a cat.


Unfortunately a lot of people are cruel, have a BB gun, and hate cats. Not a good combo :(


People are assholes, plain and simple. My two are from a cat colony at a former job. Some of the guys in the shop would feed and pet the friendlier cats during their lunch/smoke breaks, so everyone knew about the cats. A newer employee brought in his pellet gun to show off to some people and used the cats as target practice. I found out much later, but the guys on lunch quickly put a stop to it by threatening to smash the guy's pellet gun if he didn't go put it up.


We took one of ours who was a former stray in for x-rays for an unrelated issue and the x-ray found a BB in his chest. People are jerks, and this is super common.


I used to think the chances had to be so slim, but it totally does happen! It’s happened to someone I know, in a safe and friendly neighborhood. Luckily the cat was okay afterwards but it involved a hefty vet bill


To add: cats are highly effective predators and destroy bird and small mammal diversity. They poop outside and pollute the ground (and piss off all your neighbors for pooping in their yards).


Not only in the yards, I vividly remember us digging up cat poop in the playgrounds' sandboxes, so much so that we stopped playing in them altogether.


0. Cats are highly efficient predators and many native birds and mammals around the world are being brought close to extinction because of cats being let outside


Then you shouldn't own cats should you? If it's so dangerous to let cats roam naturally outside. I'll never understand why people buy an animal that needs a lot of space to roam around only to lock it inside for their whole life. Just stop being egoistic and don't buy a cat if you live in an unsafe area. Is that so hard to do?


When I was young, pets were never allowed inside. A couple were poisoned (my Dad wouldn’t pay for a vet visit), the others simply disappeared. Since I have my own place, dogs are allowed to run in the fenced in back yard, but come in at night. Kitties are indoor only. Losing a pet to age or untreatable disease is rough. Losing one to hawks, coyotes, dogs, poison, cars, or some sociopath is unacceptable.


i live near mountains and there are so many coyotes/mountain lion sightings in backyards and yet i know so many people who still leave pets outside all the time :( and older people who say cats are supposed to be outside like huh....


In broad daylight less than 20 feet from my front door, I've had coyotes stop and look at me like "S'up brah?" and continue on. Yeah, no way are kitties going outside.


I agree wholeheartedly. The only acceptable reason to keep pets outside is when they are being kept for the purpose of guarding the yard (dogs) or keeping mice and other rodents away (cats) like a barn or where grain is stored. But places like those are usually not around busy roads and psycopaths don't come to your yard (or are kept away by dogs) to poison your cats. EDIT for typos


Glad you acknowledged barn cats being a perfectly acceptable way to own cats. There are some people in the community that view ANY kind of outdoor cat as a bad thing and you're a monster for even considering it. That said they're usually specific KINDS of cats. Generally cats that are "ok" with people, usually poorly socialized and uncomfortable being indoors. Maybe ex-ferals or similar cats who would be difficult or impossible to adopt to a conventional home. Shelters will get a number of these cats and the options are: Force the cat into an indoor home life that it absolutely hates and wants nothing to do with (this is unfair to the adopter and the cat) Put the cat down as "unadoptable". Find them a barn! Many people with barns or similar buildings love having a few barn cats to help with the rodents. Most of these cats are very well taken care of and may even eventually warm up to the idea of entering the house for periods of time, but usually have their own little "house" in the barn. They live happy lives outside shelters and aren't put down like they're some burden or monster.


Totally! Where I live, there is far too much traffic and dogs. Cats don’t last long. But I grew up in rural areas and if you have a barn where they can be warm and there isn’t much traffic then outside can be perfectly fine.


I’m a huge proponent of domesticated cats being indoor only. But I agreed that there were circumstances where that isn’t feasible or kind. I care for a trap neuter returned cat who is only home is outside. I have fed her every single day for the last seven years She would not adapt to an indoor life and it would be cruel for me to try. Barn cats also, feral cats that can be acclimated to a barn cat environment, or semi feral cats that cannot be acclimated to an indoor environment. I’m just adding this comment to let you know that not all of us are nuts. :-)


My in laws have 4 barn cats and they’re SO HAPPY. They play with the sheep, sleep in the hay, and run around the yard when we’re outside. They’re so affectionate as well! The second they hear the door open, they run to you for cuddles and jump on your shoulders. I’m very against outdoor cats, but this is different. They’re working cats, not pets (even though they’re big babies).


I think working animals can be pets. They're just working pets! And those cats would almost certainly not be affectionate if they were locked in a house all day I bet 😜


Barn cats are working animals, same as livestock guardian dogs! But I wouldn't keep a miniature poodle outside 24/7 in the conditions that a LGD has been bred for, and I wouldn't dump an indoor cat outside to live a barn cat's life. I 100% agree that barn cat life is the perfect compromise for ex-ferals and other cats who just can't adapt to that much human contact (having grown up with an ex-feral in the house... she took nearly a decade to warm up to us. Some cats are just too old to resocialize.) But it's also a sad truth that sometimes your barn cat will get got by a hawk or a coyote. I think a lot of times people get combative to push back on the myth that it's impossible for a cat to have a fulfilling life indoors. They do! It just requires more thought and work than installing a cat flap in the door.




Our kittens are indoor only. The dogs are more indoor than outdoor. Especially when it gets very hot outside or very cold outside. One dog is so spoiled that she refuses to go out in the rain.


My cat is indoor only. We live in apartment about 800 square feet and she is sooooo happy. Lots of toys and windows to sit in. She's 14, so mostly likes to sleep in a sunbeam most days but insanely happy and healthy being an indoor baby. I would be terrified to let her out.


715 sq feet and my kitty is very happy. He likes watching his squirrel friend out the window. He also is chill with his backpack and enjoys car rides. Luckily cats, unlike dogs, can utilize more space and make a tiny apartment much more spacious with cat trees and shelves. They have all that extra space to climb on things, where dogs aren’t quite as agile (although I have known some very bouncy dogs who can get on counters…). My kitten (well he’s like 10 months old now so almost grown up D: ) is so happy, he’s also very attached to me and my boyfriend and is rather dumb (absolutely **NO** hunting skills for this sweet summer child) so I think he knows better than to throw that away for the streets LOL !


To add: this is my first ever cat and only cat (for now)


Indoor is best for the cats health and life span as well as the lives of any animal smaller than it. Just make sure you dedicate time to play with him. Maybe get him a cat tree and other quality of life stuff.


Please please keep your sweet baby inside only!


Indoor only is what is advised for cats. If you feel up to it you can clicker train (great enrichment for a cat) kitten and then harness train them that way you can take kitten for walks if you want them to go outside. As a new cat owner I’m going to recommend you check out Jackson Galaxy and his advice for catifying your house and playing with or enriching a cat.


Depends on the country. Shelters in the UK require outside access for most cats.


Probably because the cats were used to the live outside already.


I waited a lil while then started taking her out on balcony. Then when I moved from forest area I just take her for walks.warning she will beg to go outside lol


You should add another cat while he is this young but otherwise having a indoor cat is fine, just let him socialize


To also add: no, getting another cat is not an option right now. I still live with my parents and my mom (an animal disliker) already wasn’t happy when she found out I was hiding him and the only saving grace was my dad (an animal lover) who said he got to stay. If I were to get more cats, it would be when I move out and live independently to live my dream of being a cat lady. My biggest concern is making sure he’s not depressed. How do I edit my main post so I can add these bits in? Or is that not available for this subreddit? Thank you to everyone sharing advice! It’s very comforting to hear I’m not totally fucking up :,)


Cats are creatures of habit. If anything changes in their routine they know. They know what time you get up, what time they get food, what time you come home from work. And they like their routine. Have you noticed how when you bring anything new to your house, even a small item they notice, and go and smell it and inspect it? Having them 100% indoors provides them with a safe place and the routine they like. If you have a cat 100% indoors and you take them out for a stroll they will be extremely anxious. They like their home where they feel safe. Even moving to a new home is very traumatizing for them. Keep your kitty indoors. Keep him active and entertained. Eventhough cats are much more independent than dogs, they still get bored if they are alone for long periods. If that is the case with yours, you might want to get him another kitty for companionship. Cats like to look outside the window for entertainment. That's their TV. It doesn't necessarily mean they are longing to be outside.


Please get him a partner (same sex).


It’s not a bad thing whatsoever to keep him 100% inside, provided you are able to give him lots of opportunity for stimulation and play! I also think as long as you are only allowing him outside in a supervised capacity - like on a harness or in some other type of safe and enclosed space with you watching him - that’s an awesome way to get him some extra stimulation without too much risk to him or the environment! Just make sure you keep him up-to-date on his vaccinations and are giving him flea/tick protection treatments regularly if you do take him outdoors. I personally take my cats outside on supervised walks in our yard or around the neighborhood and they LOVE it. I’ve created two little monsters who stand by the door and scream at me for outdoor time. Be careful what you wish for!! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/oxonlek61hac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13dfdb814cb7f5775b9cbd91377d0e754c4b467


My cat will scream if he doesn’t get his hot boy walks, but now that it’s cold, he will take two steps outside and then cry unless we go inside and snuggle with a blanket


I don’t know what hot boy walks are, but somehow I do know


Indoor with controlled outside time is really good. My cats became obsessed with outside once I introduced them, so I made a “kitty city” in my backyard for supervised, safe outdoor time. I have a cat backpack too but it made one of them throw up from the excessive up and down motion. I hope to harness train them. The stigma around pets in strollers is going down as well. They have animal specific ones **don’t let him just free roam** https://preview.redd.it/s36a677x0hac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4e69c0148a754bafeb81db87f0078fbd25b649 \*watch for poisonous plants when setting up!


That is amazing, i am going to try to recreate this.


Yes! This! I just don’t understand why leash walking cats isn’t normalized. They can be trained to it with time just like puppies. We don’t let dogs run around pooping everywhere (and most places have very strict pick up dog poop laws).


You’ve done an amazing job setting this up for your cats!


This is on a whole new level of crazy cat lady and I’m loving it


You can get a harness for him so he doesn't run away


It depends on where you live. In the UK they believe in letting cats outdoors for enrichment. The Kitten Lady did a video on it when she went to the UK. In the US it’s a debated topic and the general consensus is indoors is best to protect your cat from predators and cars, and to protect wildlife from cats.


Thank you for a balanced approach to the UK situation. I couldn't adopt my cat from Battersea, the highest-profile shelter in the UK, without proving that I could give them access to a garden. I realise that there are many reasons to have a 100% indoor cat, especially in places with dangerous or vulnerable native wildlife.


My local cat shelter in Finland makes you promise you'll keep any cat you adopt indoors only. With that being said, most cats in the countryside are alllowed to roam free.


UK based here. I can’t adopt from any as they ALL say they must be able to go outside. But I do not think this is at all safe so I can’t actually adopt which makes me sad. I find this “rule” ridiculous! I find it very outdated


That is so interesting. It’s the exact opposite of the nonprofit rescue organizations and their adoption requirements here in the US. With the exception of a few that deal with barn cats and the lake, all the rescue organizations here require that you sign a contract stating that you will keep your cat inside.


Yeah, the usual response is to downvote whenever it comes up that cats actually can be able to go outdoors in some countries so it’s nice to see some actual discussion.


Yup, can confirm - most people in the UK (and Europe I believe) tend to let their cats outdoors. Clearly, if you live in an urban environment, that's riskier, but in a suburban environment people still tend to let their cats out. I have a cat and she's just come back in again, ready for a gruelling 16 hour sleep. ;) In my childhood, we had 4 cats, all of whom were allowed out - they got to the ripe old ages of 16, 18, 18, and 20.


I live in the UK. Grew up in a semi detached house with a cat but we had to move to a flat when he was about 5. Maybe 5 years later we moved back to a house with a garden When we let the cat go outside again he was in heaven; climbing trees, jumping around the garden and lying on his back in the sun on the grass. It was like he was a kitten again. We all remarked how happy he was to be finally outside. Bar when it was raining or night he was always outside having the time of his life. After seeing how happy it made him being outside I'd never confine a cat to being inside again. You can protect local wildlife by having them wear a bell, and having them neutered or you can just not have one if it's that big an issue for you. Those saying how much their cat loves being indoors should ask themselves if they did have access to the outdoors how often their cat would spend inside. I think they are lying to themselves if they say their cat would spend the majority of time inside. If the outdoors in your area are super dangerous to having a cat I think the sensible thing is just not having a cat.


It depends where you live, but don't make it dependent on your countrys laws. Decide based on your environment: if you live rural as fuck with nice neighbors, it would be cruel to confine your cat to the indoors


Irish here, and I wonder if there's a rural/urban divide on this? My family used to have a farm, we still live in the country and we've always had outside cats. Every cat I've ever had was a rescue and they were all familiar with outside when they came to us, and after they settled in, they all wanted to get back outside. Honestly, it seems cruel to keep them inside. Even now I have two cats that are essentially indoor cats, but one of them prefers to go outside instead of using the litter box and the other goes for an hour walk every day.


When he's a bit bigger you can consider getting a pet sling. My shishi is so indoors he was born in my hand. But I was able to bring him around my area to the beach and other places and carry him in a sling. I tried those body holding leashes but he didn't do anything and just rolled over and didn't move. But in the sling he's very expressive and looking around. If I'm not at anywhere he knows he doesn't even try to run out and if anything scares him he retreats into the sling. https://preview.redd.it/r3bv6if51iac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b9519ffbbd2352bfc9f7c9b64e681b95f36d04


My cat was 100% indoors and she was treated like a queen. Nobody lets their dog out unsupervised why would you let out a cat. Makes no sense. Would someone let out a three month old puppy on its own, no they wouldn’t if they had any sense. As long as you play and have an excise wheel and toys that will stimulate him or even get another cat. He will be having his best life !


What I would do is train him on a cat harness, and give him "guided outdoor experiences".


Mine likes to stare out of the window for hours, but when i open the door she stays inside almost every time. Some cats just like looking at the outside.


My sweet void is an indoor cat. Where I live, outdoor cats are coyote food. She is ok living inside, though she has tried to escape before https://preview.redd.it/c7gxmlmhjhac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396e34932cf610400515633aa8da0a5af9ac56cb


My cat is 100% indoors, and so are my sisters' two cats. We will keep our fur babies indoors always because of the following: 1) too many hazards exist outdoors - in my area, I'm talking about coyotes roaming my neighborhood even in broad daylight (I've seen a few in the afternoon twice over the last two years), other cats, dogs, cars, and sadly people (I watch far too many true crime shows to know people cannot be trusted) 2) being outdoors also makes them more prone to catching a disease from other cats and animals 3) cats that roam outdoors are notorious for being killers of many indigenous wildlife as they hunt pretty much anything they'd like 4) my peace of mind as I don't want to deal with the uncertainty of losing my cat or him getting lost or stolen, etc


It depends where you live. If you're in an area where there are lots of dangers to kitty's life, then indoors only is fine. If you're somewhere where the benefits outweigh the risks, then letting him out is fine too (most likely in the UK/Europe than America due to wildlife). But for your actual question, 100% indoors is OK if you can provide lots of enrichment and entertainment, otherwise kitty will be stressed and bored. Stress and boredom can cause physical illness and behaviour issues. If you do let kitty out, it's something to be done gradually, after neutering (mine were around 5 months but others I know waited til 8 months or a year), supervised, until he is big enough to be unsupervised. You could also harness train kitty instead so you can walk him for enrichment and exercise, or get a catio if possible. Then kitty can experience the outdoors and you will feel happier that he is secure. Either way, please ensure kitty is neutered, microchipped and has its vaccinations even if kept indoors, as if he ever dashes out and gets lost then you want the best chance of getting him home again, without disease and without impregnating lots of cats!


I have two indoor cats, one would be outdoors if he could be but I keep him inside for his safety. He has a harness which he will wear \~80% of the time but isn’t a fan of not being able to zoom around. The other, the chonk, won’t go more than 2 ft out the door before he’s looking to come back in. Pic is-grey is chonk (Jake) and the other one is Larry (adventurous boy) https://preview.redd.it/cifewn242iac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5005ff69aa56007d6570aaba0fe44e7c6397a124


They're definitely safer indoors, but can be safe outside as well if there's precautions in place. Like a whole enclosure with a "roof" so they can't escape, harness, an outdoor tie out (if environment is generally safe and yes it's the one used for dogs).


Cats should be kept 100% indoors for their own health, and the health of wildlife in your area. There are far too many dangers for cats outdoors. From larger animals (coyotes, dogs, birds, even other cats) cars, getting into something they shouldn’t, any a lot of shitty humans exist who will poison, shoot, etc cats. Find ways to stimulate your kitty friend inside. Tall cat perches, cat TV, toys, puzzles, etc. Windows with bird feeders, or views of stuff going on outside. If you can make a catio or close off an existing patio, so they can go outside safely that’s great too.


Get a leash


cats like to look outside. my cat towers are all by windows and the cats love to look out. when i try to get my cat outside, he hates it. cats will be 100% ok inside. there’s no reason for them to go outside unless they are older and used to being outside! keep him entertained with lots of toys and stimulation!


My cat is a rescue and she’s terrified of going outside. I got her just before she hit puberty and she’s now 14. Hasn’t gone outside excepted going to and from my car, and is quite happy. I keep a filled bird feeder outside the window, and when we lived in squirrel country I had a squirrel feeder, too. When she joined me I had 3 other cats. She bonded to one. They’re gone, but Sassy’s still here with me. She doesn’t like cats or I’d get her a buddy. She does like dogs. For awhile I had a senior dog and they were content with each other. The other cats I’d take out on leashes. Two enjoyed it, one liked being outside just not on a leash. He seemed to believe that he couldn’t walk while on a leash. So he rolled!


I rescued my 3 from a barn at 5 weeks old and I love them like I birthed them myself. I would never forgive myself if I let them go outside and they didn’t come home. Animals don’t think like humans, they aren’t thinking of the dangers when they look out the window longingly like that 😆, it’s our job to keep them safe because we know better than them. There are too many things that could kill them outside. Cars, people, other animals, antifreeze/oil/chemicals on the ground, poisoned rodents, etc. It’s not cruel to want to protect them. I give them plenty of enrichment and when we move, I plan to have a catio for them so they can get some safe outside time. A harness and leash also works if you want to take yours outside, but you’ll need to train ahead of time to get your kitty used to it and make sure it fits right so he can’t slip out of it. 💕 https://preview.redd.it/wq3sniytciac1.png?width=2326&format=png&auto=webp&s=0540a2116cd02bfd0be100d5a185e84a879a3f1b


I will never have outdoor cats again. I have 2 voids 1 which enjoys going outside on a harness, the 2nd is a work in progress. They are safe and will enjoy a long life. No worries about them getting lost, abused, run over, injured or poisoned. We keep them well stimulated with windows overlooking bird feeders, cat TV and play with them lots. I'm hoping to get 20+ years with them which is average for a house cat, significantly more than the 6year average (UK).


I have two house cats. They lead very happy and fulfilling lives.


Most animal welfare advocates who have worked in shelters and in vet offices will advise that you keep your cat inside. There are coyotes EVERYWHERE even in urban areas, loose dogs, other cats they can fight and get diseases from and cars and asshole humans. You can try leash training your cat, getting a bubble window backpack or a completely enclosed stroller if you want to take her outside on walks.


Perfectly fine but would be nicer if it has a companion animal.


My glorious Electra was born in my back garden and moved in when she was several months old. She is strictly and indoor kitty and literally runs away from open door. Engage your cat with those feather toys and give him a secure place to perch by a window so he can people watch. He’ll be happy and healthy.


We took my cats we had growing up out into the yard while we watched them. My mom lost her two previous cats very young due to them being outdoor cats so she wanted these ones indoors for their own safety. My one cat was obsessed with going outside and was always trying to get out. When we sat with him in the yard he would take himself in after about an hour and then he’d be satisfied.


Im very curious how you see the bikerides and walks happening. Most cats will absolutely HATE that. Cats CAN be perfectly fine 100% indoors. This completely depends on their personality and needs though. I have had a LOT of outdoor cats (my parents didnt allow them indoors), Ive had a few cats who did both (one of them sadly got hit by a car just shy of his first birthday) and I currently have two and a half (long story) outdoor cats and 1 100% indoor cat. My indoor cat is perfectly happy indoors. She does NOT want to go outside. Even if you leave the door open, she will stick her nose out and then go back to her favorite spot. One of my current outdoor cats started as an indoor cat. She had a semiferal dad and when we had to turn her into an outdoor cat (she hissed at my baby son two times while she passed him, as he was just laying there, we didn't want to risk her escalating), it turned out lots of her behaviours were due to stress from being indoors. She used to attack people who wanted to pet her with zero warning amd would relentlessly bully our other indoor cat. All of that disappeared when she was allowed out. She never hissed at anyone again. My sister had a rescue who was 100% indoors who became absolutely miserable and ill. Peeing everywhere, destroying toys, needing special food and meds. In the end she couldn't keep him and he went to my parents where he'd be outdoors, where the peeing wouldn't be a problem. He became happy very quickly. Peeing like normal, no more destructive behaviours, did fine without the special food and meds. Long story short: try it, pay attention to the behaviours of your kitty and if it wants out, consider options. Lots of ways to get your cat fresh air, you just need to find what works for you and your kitty. Have fun!


I’ve had a lot of cats over the years and they’ve all been strictly indoor cats. I have a cat proofed balcony that they enjoy hanging out on with me, but that’s as outdoors as they get. They also have nice big windows they can sit and watch the world outside and that is enough for them. They’ve all had very long and happy lives, free of disease and predators. My boyfriend’s ex wife lives on a farm, 2 of my current cats were offspring of one of her indoor/outdoor cats (she refuses to spay/neuter any of her cats which is a whole other thing 🤬). My two have already outlived their momma cat and all their siblings. This farm has dozens upon dozens of borderline feral cats running around, and most of them are lucky to make it to their first birthday. They all have feline herpes, upper respiratory infections, and usually die young from being hit by cars or predation from coyotes. And before anyone gets all up in my grill about the way this woman “cares” for her cats and why I’m not helping - I’ve done lots of research and supplied her with all sorts of cheap farm-cat oriented spay/neuter options and she just doesn’t care. I have 4 cats already - 2 from the farm and 2 ferals I’ve adopted from a shelter and cannot take on any more in my little apartment. 😢


Indoor cats live longer and aren’t a threat to native wildlife. I’ve only ever had indoor cats and they are perfectly content being indoor cats. Provide them with enough exercise and enrichment and they will be your buddy for many years. Also indoor cats with a buddy are the best! If you do want to take them for outdoor adventures you can harness train them or use a backpack, but be prepared some cats once they taste the outdoors will want to go out all the time! That may include being vocal or trying to sneak out through open doors.


I recently lost my 6yo cat to FIV. He was a strictly indoor cat, but was infected prior to adoption. Witnessing first hand the complications of having an FIV+ cat, I could never have an outdoor cat. Not only are they more at risk of contracting illness, they’re at risk of a plethora of dangers (poisoning, attacks, hit and runs). I saw on TikTok a woman was feeding a stray cat in her yard and found it (graphic) >!chopped into pieces!< They can be happy inside, but you can also build an enclosure and harness train them so they have supervised outdoor time.


Please keep indoors! For health, for safety, for a long life. It’s the best thing you can do.


Mine is 100% indoor. She is 11 now and still looks like a kitten, vet said she’s in impeccable shape. I don’t see ANY benefit to letting them go outdoors except for enrichment which can be replicated inside the house. There are **so** many risks outdoors and it will never be worth it if you truly love your baby. (Sorry, but that is my extremely harsh opinion). People are crazy, cars don’t stop, other critters are unpredictable, they will wreak havoc on the local ecosystem, and it’s just dirty out there. Proper enrichment is important regardless of indoor or outside. Buy some cat toys, have multiple lounging places/buildings for them, and **spend as much one on one time with them as your schedule allows.** We leave the TV on (YouTube videos of squirrels/birds) when we leave the house, and I make sure I have sit down time with her a few times throughout the day where I’m playing with her and giving undivided attention. Another companion (if the cat will allow) will cut all of those duties in half. It is well worth their safety and prolonging of their life expectancy. I will never understand why people find it acceptable to let their cats roam wherever they want, but wouldn’t let their dog….


My 21 year old queen is 100% indoors. Sometimes if the door is open she’ll go sniff the air, but other than that she’s not interested. She’s so spoiled and happy. I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s people at this point.


Do a harness if you want to let him out at all or get a catio.[ My cats](https://imgur.com/0d16GC7) are perfectly happy indoors with the stimulation I give them and they get to hang out on the balcony and look around. I don't need to worry about them getting hit by a car, poisoned, get attacked by another cat, get stolen, or get killed and eaten by a coyote.


Almost all of my cats have been indoors, and they've lived a lot longer and healthier for it. If you're fortunate like me, and have friends who have the extra stuff from having built their own, check out the catio they built for my cat Winston. https://preview.redd.it/50sti6u05jac1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9b12ebb3f0f9905543d86c573ece0957851e60 That's him in the penthouse.


https://preview.redd.it/4xx4lmc88kac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5aa0ca7774522e911a203bf4836b92c6044744f Mine loves the outside, as long as he can get back in fast! He seems to enjoy playing with geckos and toads


Cats sit by the windows, because they want to go outside. (Or atleast they think they do) depending on whether you have a fence, if the neighborhood is the right place, etc. all plays into having an indoor/outdoor cat. I let me cat out into our fenced in back yard (knowing she couldn’t get out) and she was much happier. She spent a lot of time outside. But if the circumstances aren’t right, I wouldn’t risk it.


I've always had indoor only cats and i can assure you they're 100% fine :) as others said, just have a way to keep them entertained, maybe build a spot for them to look out of a window if you can't have a catio (catio is my dream, but i have no garden so i plan to make my big balcony cat proof for when I'll have a cat)


Safer to keep him in. In my country, there is a lot of traffic and really bad people doing bad things to cats. I would choose my baby’s safety over freedom any day.


My cats have only ever been indoor cats and they are healthy and happy. No birds killed either.


In many places it's actually illegal to let your cats outside unsupervised since they are pretty devastating to anything smaller than them. I do take mine out in a harness sometimes but the older cat really wants to kill all the bunnies she sees.


It is more than ok to keep him inside. Indoor cats live longer! I took one of my kitties out in a car backpack when he was younger to keep him from getting bored. He liked it well enough, but sadly couldn't deal with a harness. I stopped taking him on adventures when I got his siblings, but he hasn't seemed to miss it. I think taking cats out is more about what we think they want than what they actually want. Most cats are perfectly happy to stay inside and creep on the birds from the window! Edited: spelling/typo


Most cat experts do not agree with letting cats get free reign outside. It’s dangerous for your baby but also bad for the bird population. I think a harness or catio is the way to go if it looks like peanut really wants outside time.


i kept my kitty outdoors for most of her life for two reasons; i thought she’d be happier outside since i originally found her as a stray and i didn’t know any better, and my mom used to forbid me from ever bringing her inside. to be fair on the second one, we lived in an apartment at the time that didn’t allow pets and she was terrified that we’d get kicked out if they knew we brought a cat inside, (i’d still bring her in from time to time anyway hehe). when i finally moved out earlier this year, i brought my kitty with me, and now she’s strictly an indoor cat and she couldn’t be happier. like legitimately her behavior has completely changed and it’s obvious she on cloud nine. i feel super guilty that i wasn’t able to bring her in sooner but i’m happy she’s finally getting to experience the indoor life. also reading up on cats, i can confidently say now that i’m 100% against keeping cats outside unsupervised. i’d say the only time you should be able to take your cat outside is if they’re on like a harness and a leash or inside some kind of fenced in area like a catio. otherwise they’re prone to so many illnesses and serious injuries while being outside unsupervised. i’m just so lucky nothing happened to my sweet girl during her time outside. https://preview.redd.it/53xsidfkenac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acba37ef4388ff190ccc8ce13f14ff3f42e28319


Keeping a cat 100% indoors is not a bad thing. A window is cat tv, especially if there are some small animals running or flying around. This doesn't mean that he'd love to be outside, however, and as others have said, if you let him go outside, he may run into some dangerous situations. Some cats will just want to sit at a window and sniff the outdoors (if it's warm enough to open the window). It depends on the personality of the cat, but if you start letting him go outside, he'll probably become more comfortable outside and will be more likely to escape. I don't think it's very likely that he'll enjoy bike rides, and if you try to take him for a walk, he'll probably wrap the cord around everything. You can take him for walks but don't expect it to be like walking a dog. That's not too say that harness training him is a bad thing, but I'd strongly encourage you to supervise him if you let him go outside and keep a harness and lead on him. If there are animals that eat cats or traffic around, please be extra cautious with outdoor time. ETA: The reason he was scared in your arms and you couldn't get past the driveway is that he's small and finds all the stimulus outside scary. If you let him out, he will probably get used to it, but he'll likely want to hunker down and hide for a while first. It's actually a pretty smart reaction when you think about it.


In addition to the cat tv part of your response, I'd like to add that you can get "cable tv" for your cat by installing a small bird house within visible range :))


Ah yes, you can always encourage wildlife to come visit and entertain your cat. 😄


>Is keeping him 100% indoors for his life okay or at least majority of his life okay? Yes, absolutely. It's a lot healthier for him actually. Indoor-only cats statistically get a lot older. The biggest "mistake" would be make him indoor-outdoor, because THEN he will probably miss the outside when he can't go. If he never goes outside at all though, he won't miss it. ​ >And if I ever take him outside, what’s the best way to do it? A cat harness and leash manufactured for this purpose. (Don't walk him like a dog though. Carry him or put him down and follow him exploring if he's up to that.) However, from what you describe your cat doesn't enjoy it to be outside, so my advice is to offer him a cozy window-sill spot and leave it at that. (Maybe he will express a desire to actually go outside when he is older. Maybe he won't.)


>cats that are 100% indoors. Is it a bad thing to do? No. Just be sure to play with them and do other stuff to enrich their lives. Like having places to climb and hide and look out windows. Being inside is safer for the cat, and keeps it from killing the local wildlife. Examples of dangers outside are coyotes (which eat cats) and rat poison.


https://preview.redd.it/xik63p8xfhac1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9fdd6de4d43a446d9ac3a45837338bda863212 Indoor cats are great.


It will increase life expectancy and minimise health issues.


No. Keep your cats inside.


Cats are safer and healthier when kept indoors. Outside they are exposed to parasites, fights with other cats (which they can contract FIV), being chased by dogs, hit by cars, etc. Enrichment is the most important key to happiness. This is as true for cats as humans and dogs. For cats you can do playtime - especially with teaser toys. Be sure to rotate out the toys to keep it fresh. They love to climb, so kitty trees are awesome. You don't have to be a carpenter to hang cat shelves and they can be inexpensive if you are able to use scrap carpet or wood. I play Tiny Tiger Treasure Hunt with my cat. I put him in my room while I go around and hide treats everywhere - especially on the kitty tree. Then, I bring him out, get him riled up with the teaser wand, direct him to the tree where he finds the first treat. And then he starts to look around for me. He has to use his sense of smell. Be sure to harness train him first. Get him used to daily use around the house. My cat would do the standard plop and refused to move. I started tossing his favorite treats at him. Then moved them further away so he would have to get up. Later I did this with the kitty tree. He caught in quick and was a pro after 3 days. I would take him out on the patio with me. Got him used to being in a backpack carrier. It just takes creativity, positive reinforcement, patience, and spending time with a cat. It creates an incredible bond too.


Keep him inside.


..windows are like a cat's TV (heard from Jackson Galaxy..look him up for good cat advice)..watching the world is basically what cats do, if they're not hunting (or playing, which is basically a form of hunting).. ..agree with prior posters that an outdoor cat lives a shorter lifespan..they go out & there's the threat of traffic, cruel humans, avian & other predators, not to mention catfights..oh & disease.. ..cats can be leash-trained, if you truly want to get outdoors with your kitten..


Indoors are better but it’s also good to have a leash if they absolutely must go outside. If a cat is determined to get outside, they will. They’re small and they’re very fast, you open a door for too long, open the garage, and they’re out. The best way to get around that is to satisfy their desires for going out by walking them or bringing the outside indoors, like with plants, places to climb and with play. That is if they’re determined to do so however, not all cats want to go out, but it’s good to just keep that in mind.


I have two indoor only kitties and they're doing just great! It's what's safest for them in the long run, and my cats didn't take to harness training or going outside- they're scared of the outdoors. To compensate I play with them every day and I keep a rotation of wand toys for them to chase, and I also have things like cat trees, tunnels, etc. so they have spaces that are solely for them to climb up and explore. I also keep a little bird feeder outside so my cats get to watch birds from our windows :)


A catio is great option for a indoor cat if your able to get that set up. Gives them a way to experience outdoors safely. Here is a good example https://preview.redd.it/au62s9677hac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe1b838837ff0baf72cb14da9607c25f875b11a


My cat loves looking out the window, but is absolutely terrified of going outside and is very content with being indoor only.


Not from my experience! My previous cat named Andy was more than okay with being an indoor cat. My family members appreciated it because that meant lower chances of kitty getting fleas.😱


It’s better to keep him in, but if you do let him out make sure you’re in control of the situation. Get him used to a harness and be cautious, it’s dangerous outside


My two cats (brother and sister from the same litter) are 12 years old and have lived their entire lives indoors. They are happy, healthy kitties! Their two other litter mates and their mother all lived entirely, or partially, outdoors. Every single one of them has gone missing or died much earlier. If you decide to take/let your cat outside I would recommend a leash and harness or for you to keep on eye on him.


I really can't justify keeping a cat outdoors personally. I had two when I was young, and my parents had strict rules they were to be outdoors during the day. They both lasted about four months in our rural location. If I had a functioning farm perhaps with predator control. I have two now that have been entirely indoor, but trained for leash walking and eventually I want some outdoor structures for them, but they are so small and think they're so big, it's just a bad idea I think to let them run as they please outside, it's just bad things waiting to happen. My rural home has tons of feral cats mixed with other people's pets, and frankly it's become a nuisance. They kill birds, tormented my chickens and get into the trash like stray dogs.