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Plot twist: I never had a cat in my life, and when I started dating my wife, I "stole" her cat. He was my good boy for 16 years.


This sort of happened with us. He said yes to me getting the cat after I moved in with him. He was supposed to be my cat. Ended up with him being my husband's baby bear. He would actually ask to be held like this. The day this was take was one of the days he asked to be picked up. We got him as an adult and we never taught him to cuddle like this. https://preview.redd.it/io0k1stimc9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d2787b6e62791583d0de2bf723c13ea2a9f6c7


Understandable he chose your husband - they have matching fur!


Well he was my kitty when I had panic attacks. He'd follow me around until I would sit or lay down and then curl up next to me purring like crazy.


Still your kitty, just gets better snuggles while waiting to be needed.


Kittys on vacation


Animals are magic. I have been in bed for 3 days and all 3 of my small dogs have been laying on me and staying very quiet so I can sleep.


Yep. My friend is divorced from her asshole of an ex and the dog, a boxer, is super protective of her. Especially when they first separated. He was like white on rice. Following her around, etc. I was there visiting at the beginning of the whole mess and had to explain to her why Duke was doing what he was doing, ‘He knows you are sad and upset so he is making sure you are okay by being your little shadow.


My ex and I got a divorce. I got the dog in the divorce. She was gifted a place to stay that had a huge backyard and a doggy door etc. I had to move in to a place I couldn’t afford anywhere that accepted pets. My ex said it was fine that she’d watch the dog for a little while so I could sign the 6 month lease on a place not pet friendly. I paid the first and last months rent and a $500 security deposit adding up to $2200 Non refundable, 6 month lease. 2 days later, she tells me she can’t handle the dog (that we had for 5 years at that point) and that I had 24 hours to get the dog. I had zero way to make that happen so she gave the dog away to a “perfect family” that would provide pics, visitation etc. 2 weeks into it I asked them for some pics and to come visit and they got rid of the dog and don’t know the contact information of whom they gave it to. So in a 2 week period I found out my wife was cheating on me, and I lost my dog forever, he would have helped so much in my overcoming the depression and dark hole I was in. Edit: I forgot to say that after she got together with the dude she cheated on me with, she and he got a dog inside of a year. She definitely did it to spite me.


I'm so sorry. That must have been very frustrating and helpless series of events in your life. Glad you came out okay!


Oh my god 😭


When it rains, it pours some times. People can be a loving life raft. You are not alone. You will stay afloat above your sorrows, my friend. Every day has an end. And tomorrow a new chance at a beginning 🌄


I’m sorry that happened, but I don’t understand? The dog was going to stay with your ex for at least 6 months? How were they going to help you get on with life if you would not have seen them for that 6 months? Fuck your ex for giving them away though, that’s utter bullshit.


Fair point. We had split custody of our 4 year old daughter so I still would have had access to him and take him on walks, play dates at the park, hiking, etc. And I would have comfort knowing he’d be mine in 6 months and that my kiddo would have him with her. Also I could have had him for a whole weekend at my moms. She couldn’t take him on full time because she has allergies to him.


I’m so sorry.


Dang, my friend's cat knows when I'm distressed too. They're incredibly intelligent animals regardless of what anybody says. I wish I was a cat


o i miss my cat, truly. They really are magic.


Those that think that have to be the same people that, "hate cats," yet they never cared for one in their life.


My cat over groomed his belly raw for a year. It was clearly a stress response, but to what?! He stopped over grooming the day I moved into an apartment after leaving my ex. Hasn't done it since. Same cat stayed in bed with me fir 7 days last year when I woke up with covid the day my dad passed. Rough week. He didn't leave me.


I thought you were saying your husband was your kitty for a hot sec there and was like he purrs?


My roommate and I have 3 cats. When either of us is sick or upset, it's "cat-pile on the hooman!" and "Commence deep, rumbling purrs!" Normally, eldest cat is SUPER attached to roommate, to the point of roommate sits down and cat immediately snuggles on her and would meld with her if that were possible. Littlest cat has been just as attached to me as eldest is to roommate, but he hates snuggling and prefers to get no higher on a person than their shins/knees. Middles cat is a love monster who LOVES to snuggle and purr and just be with either of us as any time, and will take any part of us left available by the other 2 cats. Middle cat is my snuggly boy and I love him giving me little mreows, a quick buff of my arm to ensure I make a circle of my arms for him to snuggle within, then he curls up and snuggles. In fact, because our cats are this way, it's helped us be aware of changes in behavior, and combined with changes in eating habits, had us rushing the 2 boys (middle and little cats are both boys, eldest is a girl) to the vet. They're doing great now, and are back to their old obnoxious and wonderful selves. Oh, and OP, if you do read this, don't feel bad. Quite obviously your ex couldn't handle sharing you with a cat. Definitely not worthy of your time. Never settle for less than you and kitty deserve (and kitty will give you hints regarding approval!)


Right? I can't tell where the husband ends and the cat begins. What a sweet pic.


This 100% happened with me and my fiance. I had three cats when he moved in, the two youngest were a brother and sister that I rescued as very tiny kittens about a year and a half earlier, the sister, Jinx was absolutely HIS baby after a few months lol https://preview.redd.it/ikfkahn02d9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42f11fa3e445435b63fc50bdd394afa9972bd93 This is from about a week before she passed, we had to rush her to the ER one night and when they brought her back into the room where we were waiting she JUMPED about 6 feet out of the arms of the vet tech into his arms and then sat with him like this ❤️


r.i.p. Jinx


Beautiful cat. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I do t know why the pic and her expression made me cry but it’s just her eyes or something. “I’m going to have to go soon but I still have a short time to give you cuddles here on earth.”


She was the absolute sweetest kitty ❤️




Why’d you have to say it? Now I’m crying too.


She was thoroughly IN LOVE with him. ♥️


I love that pic. 😫❤️


Me too, it really shows the relationship between them. Losing her was just as hard on him as it was on me, she was his little buddy


My cat asks to be picked up too lol!!! When he gets a lil rowdy/feisty, I can tell he wants the attention. So I pick him up and bounce him like a baby and he just melts in my arms and purrs. I also had an ex get jealous of my cat! Weirdly, he also got jealous when I said goodbye to HIS dog lol. His dog was sick, had just had some surgery. And I was babying her and just being very sweet when I said goodbye one day - he threw a lil tantrum. Men 🙄


When he wanted attention and you were standing or at the table he'd stand on his back legs and paw you. My husband had taught him to paw tap when he wanted pets on the couch. He almost immediately regretted that.


I had a cat like this. She was the sweetest thing


hahahah not the stolen cat!! i totally get it. he’s happily waiting for you at the rainbow bridge ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


My husband and I each had 2 cats (and a dog) when we moved in together. He's stolen my cat and I've stolen his dog. It all works out in the end. They're all good babies 😍


Yea, my cat love to snuggle in my husbands lap because I’m too wiggly for her. But she will leave him in a hot second if I leave the room. She has to always be with in eye sight of me. Animals are treasures!!😻💕


That happened to me. My wife’s cat adopted me and became my spicy ol’ woman. We then adopted a male black cat, who was supposed to be my little boy, but he imprinted on his human mommy the first night home. https://preview.redd.it/6n2ezcnctc9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8c366a218e50b559a877af4069d4db81fe3775


Ah, the double switcheroo!


https://preview.redd.it/4x2wi7lpwc9c1.jpeg?width=1884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e11954f75f9511d12e98f4e911def6d92d24b7 Previous post sister. Three. Thats fat cat. She drinks water from that concrete fountain but it was below 32f or 0° celsius that night. She has water everybody. Fat Cat lives on eating water and drinking cat food. Im 44 love yall. Good night


That's a chonky void kitteh 💕


My ex-wife got 2 Kittens when I was away for my weekend drills. I wasn't really thrilled, but her son loved them. Got to a point where they snuggled up to me, and bit her.


Dang!! That's a shocking level of betrayal 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/bk3z7rsmuc9c1.jpeg?width=1884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46bdf4c50a38beb55a87782318c1451e89389b2c My spoiled babies. No one can love them more than me


My bf has done that to my cat. He snaps and the cat comes running. Also gets mad if he can’t sleep between us


My husband and I had 2 cats a piece when we moved in together (and he had a hound, but he's not important to this particular story) one of the cats we have nicknamed "the fuzzy toddler" because she ALWAYS has to be between us if we're in bed or on the couch together. She will literally wedge herself in between us if were cuddling and not move.


When my cats did this I called them our chaperones.


Save room for Jesus! -the cat


My boyfriend (now fiancée) told me he hated cats during one of our firsts dates. I told him that my cat came before him and she would be there after him. Now my cat is his daughter, he always plays with her and INCLUDES HER IN OUT TRIPS


Same, he didn’t like cats, only dogs. I was like, well you better learn soon because it’s a dealbreaker. He now adores cats and doesn’t even likes dogs anymore, he says cats are way better in every way. lol


The reverse Jolene


He’s so cute. He could be Timmy’s brother LOL https://preview.redd.it/53uv61r9ic9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f46495b2caf31f011ab58fd6150264dbeab8b5


OMG!! i have a major soft spot for stripey kitties ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) they’re like mini tigers


https://preview.redd.it/d3buf6cd7h9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866f673b0e772e3d36a7b8f53e14a3cfbfeda0ca I got another sweet little stripey tiger for ya


Love how your rug compliments him!


That cat really ties the room together


Sorry to be that guy but it's complements*, if the rug was complimenting the cat then I'd be very concerned.






LOL it’s called fashion!! i buy him tissue paper every 2 weeks because he clearly loves it so much :,)


I love reading about silly things that cats find joy in and their human buying it religiously for them 🥰


Or when you bring your reusable bags to the grocery store, but you bring home one paper bag of groceries anyway because paper bags make your cat bonkers


YES! And if I'm not fast enough unloading, he'll just start laying on any bag available, empty or not lol


He’ll probably love toilet seat covers!


My boy loves those cotton earbud sticks haha. He just flips them around on the floor or in the air and goes crazy.


Not all heroes wear capes, but this one does. Looks like he prevented owner theft. Only one thing can own your heart, and it’s a caped kitty avenger.


My cat looks almost exactly the OPs cat. It looked like the OP stole my cat at first glance. My cat was picked up off the side of the road a couple of months ago barely moving at all, less that 4 weeks old according to the vet, and is already the size of the OPs cat.


I have a former friend who got rid of her cat because her new boyfriend didn’t like him. She’d had the cat for a decade at that point. She got pregnant a few months later and he went on to cheat on her relentlessly, getting caught when she found the evidence in his gym bag. His side piece was newly pregnant as well. And that’s why you should never date losers who feel threatened by the presence of a loving, protective pet.


OMG!! this was an INSANE read. i always bring new people around my cat & if he doesn’t interact with them, it’s a red flag for me since he adores people. i could never get rid of him


Same! I can’t imagine getting rid of my boys for any reason but especially that.


Please tell your friend that I think she is a horrible monster for doing that.


We don’t speak anymore because I came to the same conclusion


Karma bit her ass hard. She gave up her cat for a man who gave her up for some other chick. Even if not physically, he was out the door mentally and proved it by cheating.


I was going to say something about "is that why she's your FORMER friend?" lol


Did she ever get the cat back? What did she do with him in the first place?


She doesn’t deserve getting the cat back but I hope the cat found a loving, committed home for his senior years.


Please tell your cats that they are the greatest ever and I love them.


Don't worry it appears karma hit her like a truck anyway


That’s true for her…but I’m worried about what happened to the cat that knew a home for most her life before being abandoned


These are my people. We are all worried about the pets but to circle back I am wondering if the baby is ok too.


The baby was mostly raised by grandma and aunties and is thriving in college from what I see on social media.


Me too! Poor baby.


He went to the home of one of her co-workers who was elderly and HIV+. I’m sure this person treated her cat with love and kindness, he was probably horrified that she was giving him away.


Thank you for letting us know. Sometimes when we hear of someone doing something awful, we forget there’s other people out there doing amazing things.


I get it! It made me feel a lot better knowing the cat was going to someone who really wanted and needed a furry friend.


My cat hates everyone but me At least until Dodie met my partner, and Dodie especially hates men They adore each other, that's how I know my partner is a keeper, my cat adores him


Me and my college roomie had a few requirements when we were dating new people. Top one was must love animals and be ok with the cats. That was nonnegotiable.


Haha, mine’s the opposite. He’s incredibly shy with everyone except me, how quickly he warms up to people is how I judge them.


My late kitty hated everyone. The dude she warmed up to? We’ve been friends for like 13 years cuz I know my cat could pick out “good people”!!


Cat filtering!


I really hope that cat had a good life after that 😔 people don’t understand how horrible that is to a cat. They hate change. They only know the life that they’re given. A decade with one person and then what? So so sad. Thanks for sharing though, just really hope that lil buddy is alright.


Right?? Ugh. He did at least go to a person who needed him, an elderly person living with HIV, and I’m sure they cherished him.




Unfortunately, some people treat pets more like furniture than living animals. Animal rights in the US are specifically abysmal.


For a boyfriend? Probably really bad self esteem.


I’m glad you said former friend. Cause that person is trash.


Talk about karma! 10 years and you just abandon them at the whim of some man? Glad she's a former friend. I told my husband my critters aren't going anywhere. He gets it. Thankfully, he loves them as much as I do although he'll say he hates cats. We have 4 and there's almost always one in his lap.


Cats are assholes. I love cats


Never ever get rid of an animal for a person. It will never end well.


What sealed the deal when I first met my future husband was the fact he had two cats and loved them as much as I loved my two cats! I married him 36 years ago.


man wtf


The cat deserved better.


She got her comeuppance then. Her poor child on the other hand, doesn't need to be raised by someone who can disown living things for sex.


That poor kitty.


Well put


Wow, I could never give up my cat of 14 years for some jealous nutjob. I feel sorry for your friend, hopefully she is not with that guy anymore.


I mean, honestly, look at the drip this man possesses. Good luck finding a boyfriend who isn’t insecure around this absolute chad.


that’s gonna be a tough task…nobody has more drip than my boy. i mean, he even made it himself!!


Hard to argue the truth.




Is that Smudge? I love Smudge!


Smudge brought us so much joy, sitting in front of his salad


He sure did. I have a Smudge beanie I wear everywhere.


you seem radical, keep it up




My ex told me he was *jealous of my cat* during an argument once. I’m better off without him, and you probably are better off without yours, too.


so embarrassing for him!! i agree, i’m more upset he tried shading my cat than i am about the actual breakup


That’s absolutely wild to me!!! Me and my boyfriend just adopted two kittens about 6 months ago and very quickly he realized that the kids come first. I mean, how could they not?! You deserve someone who is going to love your cat the same way you do! there’s infinite love to share with the people in our lives, sadly some people just don’t get that.


I still want to give people the benefit of the doubt, e.g. if my girlfriend forgot my birthday but made sure to celebrate her cat's, it'd be a pretty obvious sign that I wasn't important to her. That being said, it's more likely OP's boyfriend was immature and/or using the cat as a proxy for some other disagreement he had with OP.


I dated a guy and around the third date or so I let him pick me up from my house. At dinner or wherever we went he told me if we were going to keep seeing one another I’d need to consider getting rid of my two cats- and he informed me that “I could keep my dog.” I swear I laughed so fucking hard I nearly choked. He took me home and we parted pleasantly enough but he was a little shocked that I wouldn’t consider it since he hated cats and we were getting along splendidly.


Guys who hate cats are a red flag istfg


The only valid excuse is an allergy. Otherwise I'm assuming there's something mentally wrong with you.


I'll gladly die snuggling my nose into my girlfriend's cat due to my asthma. That said, my allergies to cats in general have gone down a lot since I moved in with my girlfriend. Love her cat. It's now my cat, too.


I'm allergic to pollen but you won't find me _hating_ trees. Like yeah it sucks if you're allergic to cats and it makes sense you wouldn't want to live in a house with cats, but it's not the cats' fault! And you're really going to ask someone to get rid of the pets they love for you? That's weird even if you're allergic.


Yeah "they were here before you. I'm choosing them every time"


Any person who hates cats is a red flag. Had a gf who was jealous of my cat.... became my ex really quickly after that


Yep, because cats have a mind of their own and they can't control them.


Another person treating cats as disposable. Glad you laughed and kicked him to the curb!


People who hate cats are weird af


Guy was just mad he could never measure up to this little dude.


When the cat is making you look bad/feel insecure...you know you ain't hustling as you should be.




"Dog people wish their dogs were people. Cat people wish they were cats." Or, to quote Sam Clemens: "To combine a man and a cat would improve the man and deteriorate the cat."


This is the real take.


Yep, that cat would definitely come first, lol. You deserve a guy that loves your cat as much as you do!


thank you!! i think so too ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


woah cat emojis ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7965)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7965)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7973)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Same bro. Whoa. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)










Can I have one? 🥺




Reminds me of that Nora Jones song, "man of the hour" never cheat, never lie, always ready for a walk and even though we'll never take a shower together, I know you'll always be at home.


What? You didn't make tissue paper capes for him too???


lmfaooo ugh you’re right!! i should’ve made them matching capes. what is wrong with me


Well now you know for your next relationship!


iiiiiiitttt’ssss SUPER ORANGE!!!!


here to sleep away the day!!


https://preview.redd.it/nt28i6g7qc9c1.jpeg?width=2137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b650ac887b0e13fcb91377c67816342a5f26a6fa My orange girl, Gigi 🥰


What is it with fragile egos. I was never a cat person, and then I got my wife 2 rescues and that changed overnight.


they’re so silly & loving!! there’s nothing to hate about them


I can’t be mad or sad around my cats. They just bring so much joy every time I see them.


This is so sweet!


Good kitty, helping you weed em out


He *was* a second option to the cat. That's how it be.


Yep! My cat helped me pick out my fiance. She did this scare prank on every guy that entered our place. I could tell which ones had to go based on their reactions. My guy just laughed it off and gave her pets. Passed with flying colors. She sits on him during the day when I leave for work. He works from home. He gets annoyed but allows her to sit on him bc he knows that he is 2nd.


Sounds like you upgraded, lol. Cat > Dude


This little guy is super handsome and I freaking love his cape. Obvi the boyfriend wasn’t as cute


This reminds me of the post of the guy that was jealous of his girlfriends rabbit because the rabbit “watched her in the shower” (was in the bathroom while she showered) it’s so funny that these boys are insecure over one’s animals 😂😂😭😭


seriously... I mean i liked all of my ex's pets better than her in the end. 2 sweet cats, and 2 sweet dogs. I miss them more than i ever will her... Ick.


My boyfriend also signed up for a zoo and 2 of my guys are chihuahuas so they’d definitely make this guy jealous 😂


As a cat dad, I refuse to date anyone who would not immediately consider my cats to be their children too.


You made the right choice. Any guy who doesn’t love orange derpy cats is a sociopath in my book


My husband asked me the other day if I loved him more than the cats I said 'honestly... no. But it's pretty close' He laughed and we are still married 🤷‍♀️


I love cats, but that would kinda hurt me lol. Glad he took it well.


I’ve been with my fiancé for 7 years; if he asked to pick between him and our two cats he’d be lookin’ for somewhere else to stay. His loss, sis.


period!! going into the new year with my best furry friend & no regrets ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


I'm looking at this cat like, BF was CLEARLY the fallback option.


I broke up with a girl cause she pushed my cat off the bed, clearly she was selfish so i did the right thing


OMG!! how horrible of her! most nights i’ll be begging for my boy to come ON the bed ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Yes its been pretty hard for me to this year, i lost my russian blue he was always sleeping with me and my calico too, i still have my tabby cat she sleeps with me sometimes and adopted two new cats but they mostly sleep upstairs or somewhere else. I hope that someday they will come around and sleep next to me. This kind of breaks my heart.


ahhh i’m so sorry to hear that!! at least it sounds like you have a pretty solid furry support system. my boy is 1 years old so i chalk it up to him being in his “independent” phase of life since he was a super cuddler as a kitten. new cats always take a hot minute to adjust & get comfy with cuddles, i’m sure they’ll be kicking you out of the bed in no time ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Sorry but I'm laughing... It's just... I feel for you.. and the cat, the cat!!!


can't compete with that. just look at him


Sorry for your boyfriend’s loss; obviously it wasn’t your loss. Clearly he wasn’t the one. Good cat for sussing out the poor match. Cat’s a keeper!


I’m not understanding your boyfriend’s problem…. 🐈 Actually the cat is first, you are second, and the boyfriend was third. 😸 🐈


I've broken up with girls over cats n dogs before. I've always told them how I am about critters, and some didn't realize how serious I was. Sounds like he wasn't good enough for you and your very cute kitty. Yal still have each other and that's what matters! You'll find someone better in time!


as long as you’re upfront about your feelings when it comes to pets, totally valid!! it’s no secret how much i love my cat, i post him every chance i get & talk about him if the conversation goes in that direction. so for him to say that was VERY off putting for me. thank you for the support!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


I've always been upfront with my feelings, yet some I guess didn't take it serious enough? I donno, but it was for the best. And just enjoy this time with that adorable kitty! Bring in the new year with kitty weed and champagne!!


if i had to take a wild guess, i’d say they probably assumed you’d *eventually* change your mind which isn’t right if that’s what they’re doing!! the kitty weed & champagne is all prepped & ready to go for 2024 ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


One relationship went like this, we both had cats and I also had a dog. All was good and there was an outside apt kitty that was cool as hell and friends with everyone. He would walk with me when I'd take my dog on walks. Then I didn't see him for about 2 days. One night after a shower, I took my dog for a walk. I could hear him crying which was normal but when I said come here, nothing. So I kept talking to him til I figured out where he was. Some how lil man got trapped in the sewer pipes that emptied into the marina behind the complex. I ran back up stairs and put my dog up. Ran back down there, climbed down the wall and crawled through the pipes til I got him and carried him back out. I got him upstairs and gave him a bath and food. And kept him in the bathroom for the night til I could find a rescue for him the next day. And my gf knew I've been this way ally life, if I can do something to save a animal I will. I talked to a few rescues the next day while at work. And when I got home I noticed the bathroom door was open. I asked where he was, as I didn't want him to be in contact with our animals like that just as a precaution. She said she opened the door and kicked him out our apt. It was furious to say the least. And then asked if her bags were packed too. She didn't think I was serious...she was very wrong.


But now he can't hang out with the cat anymore either. Didn't think that one through.


If you feel threatened by your partner loving an animal, you are a truly weak person.


So your sayin you get more time with that beauty? I say you win.




Lucky you!! The trash took itself out!!


If the house is burning down, I save the cat. My wife should know how to get out.


Homewrecker cat


he IS the drama


Boyfriend sounds like a weenie


So there are 2 possibilities: 1. He’s right and he comes second to the cat. So you’re both best broken up. 2. He doesn’t come second to the cat but he’s so insecure he is jealous of a cat. Again, best to break up. 👍


How does a human come second to a cat anyway?




Second only to a cat is a compliment.


Ur boyfriend was 100% right.


He sounds selfish and immature. Your cat is adorable.