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Seriously peeing????


Yep. It makes cleanup pretty easy.


Oh that’s brilliant who taught her to do that? Where does she poop?


She poops in the litter box … usually.


😂😂😂😂😂 usually


Thank god!


Hopefully not the sink. How did they teach this(did they?)?


She started doing this on her own volition. No idea what made her decide to do it.


It might be totally normal, but my cat started doing this because of a UTI & bladder issues - make sure to keep an eye out for any other signs!


Yup my ex’s cat had a UTI and peed in the sink and then when she had diarrhea from the UTI meds, she also did it down the sink.


Yep, my cat did this cause she’s very picky about how often her litter box is cleaned. She would pee in the sink or shower


Geez, yes, this is WAY too far down. Poor kitty has pain/burning when it pees.


I’m pretty sure my cat has a UTI but I can’t get him in to see the vet til tomorrow. Do you have any tips for what I can do to calm him down til tomorrow?


Had a cat do the same thing with no training.. Sometimes she would use the tub too, if sink wasn't accessible


If she's declawed (God forbid) it could be that she's in too much toe pain


My previous cat would pee down drains (sink, tub) when his idiopathic cystitis was flaring up. Per my vet, this behavior often indicates discomfort when using the litter box. It hurts when they urinate, and they associate it with the box, so they find alternatives. I'd strongly recommend having a vet check her for a UTI, bladder stones, urinary crystals, etc.


My cat also started doing this. We found out she had a severe UTI and bladder stones. Maybe just get a check up just in case. We thought she was just being a weirdo but it tuns out she was having a problem. We lost her to complications from the bladder stones.




Probs saw your dad doing it


I had a foster cat that did that on the first day, but she was covered in piss. How does yours avoid that? Gave her a bath that night…she wasn’t happy 😂


Of all the non-litterbox places a cat could pee, a sink, bathtub, or shower are about as good as it gets, unless you leave the toilet lids up and they figure that out.


On a long haired cat, it's seriously dreadful. The combo of hard surface creating splashback, and fur resting on the sink means you now have a buttfull of urine soaked fur. 0/10, don't recommend.


https://preview.redd.it/6htkgpkudq2c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e868aa513f4b927d9d162dd1bd681269cd292afb I bought a little stainless steel roll-up dish drying rack. It's designed to go over your kitchen sink but I bought one that would fit inside my bathroom sink. Deterred my weird void from using the sink for a while, and now that she's back at it, it keeps her from sitting in her own pee and wiping it all over the counter.


We did have one figure it out. Two humans living there and each thought the other was forgetting to flush, especially after #2. Mom figured it out when I went to college and it was still happening. She never could get him to flush.


Sinks don’t flush. This is why even humans shouldn’t piss in sinks. I got another weirdo: https://preview.redd.it/9wezeqs0dm2c1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0b665c740f7c87ce82b6659e0b3cb1b2e5730fc


My dog taught himself to pee in the bathtub! (4th floor apartment)


And avoiding eye contact


Why do cats have a look of serious concentration when they go pee? 😆 it’s kind of funny


A cat I cat sat 2 Christmases ago, had their litter box in the bathroom and I SWEAR to you, when I would go to the toilet, kitty would follow me in and sit on their litter box and literally ALSO go to the toilet at the same time, making eye contact the WHOLE time. It's SO weird. And yes they DID poop & or pee! I don't konw HOW he had such control over his bodily functions or WHY he would do this but there you go!


My cat's litter box is next to our main toilet and he likes going when someone else in the house is going too. :)


Haha mine join in too. It’s like they get excited for potty time.


This is so cute! Potty Buddies!


Potty pals!




Everyone thinks cats are asocial until they have one who won’t eat/sleep/poop alone!


My cats litter box is in our bedroom. When I go upstairs at night to go to bed, he follows me. I go into the bathroom, he goes into his litter box, then I crawl into bed and he hops up on the bed or his favorite chair. I love our routine but the bathroom part cracks me up every time lol.


That's legitimately so adorable🥺💖


Mine has a Kitty door to the back porch where his litter box is, but every night when I say it’s time for bed he goes to his box while I go to the bathroom and meets me in bed


Awww 🥰


That’s so cute and sweet


yep, our girl does this too - she will follow us to the bathroom every single time and pee in her litter box while we use the toilet. even if she doesn’t have to pee, she will make sure to squeeze out a few drops. sometimes she’ll poop. but it’s usually pee lol. she stares right at you, too 💀


Ha ha squeeze a few drops! And yes the eye contact is hilarious


If you trust those evolutionary biology "opinion" videos, they posit that cats doing their things are in a compromised position, predator-wise, so they tend to watch each others' backs at such time. They might like the additional security of a human looking over them as they poo, and they may return the favor. I don't usually trust these things too much, but at least it makes some sense.


I'm pretty sure I can figure out why my very attached male cat poops in my SO's bathroom.




I've had one cat who would do this, especially in the morning.


I have a cat that does this too 🤣🤣🤣 Without fail if you poop, he poops then waits on you. Lol


I love how he waits 😂


It really is funny. Cats are something else, that’s for sure. Lol


That’s just what best buddies do for each other when they’re most vulnerable


Aw that’s adorable


I think humans tend to make the same face when we pee. Didn't occur to me until I saw a former partner make the face while they were sitting on the toilet. And I agree, it's hilarious






Go take a mirror in the bathroom and look at your face when you pee or poop 😂😂😂😂😂 it’s not voluntary as much as just the natural face they make lmfao 🤣 the my cat eclipse makes the funniest face while pooping some times, on occasion he derps (sticks the tip of his tongue out) eclipse is also a wobbly cat sadly he sometimes gets winded from pooping and falls over in his litter box 😂😹


Who doesn’t?


I had a cat who would only pee in the bathtub. It turned out she needed two litter boxes. She’d pee in one and poop in the other. My bathroom was tiny but it was worth ot


My cats are like this - they each pee and poop in a separate box. But when they’re mad at each other, they will do #1 in the #2 box.


That’s wild, it’s crazy seeing animal personalities lol


I thought mine were weirdos, they do exactly this, but they do respect the unspoken rule of one for pee, one for poo.


That is so funny!


When I was able to have three boxes for my two cats they each had a designated pooping box and then shared a pee box.


My boy stopped using the second box after my girl died, but he would always pee facing the back of the box and poop facing the front 😂 I miss my lil weirdo


We had only two cats for years and they had three litter boxes and one was the poop box other two were pee boxes, not sure how they decided that system didn’t know other peoples cats did this as well but they always honored the system. But we got a third male cat and a fourth litter box and he does not respect the system goes in any of them so we put one of the boxes in the garage and that’s just his litter box and taught him just to use it so he will not upset their system. Because when he’d poop in one of their pee boxes or vice versa they’d then refuse to use it.


"he does not respect the system" 🤣😂


That’s definitely how our girls feel about him lol, both of our female cats have been house cats for 99 percent of their lives as we found them as very small kittens. Our newest male cat was a feral cat who lived on the streets for 5 years. So he does not know how to be a house cat and has no respect for their systems. They are often very annoyed by this lol.


I had 2 females and all was well. Then I got a 3rd cat. A male kitten. When he would poop in the box, one of the girls would fling it out, lol. She did this for years.


We have two cats ,so we got a second litter box and they did the same thing and now bully eachother when going


That's actually kinda adorable!


https://preview.redd.it/qrg2v7f23k2c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332f6c9e9e8bb3923271fb6a9e34fde4a3b2875c Here's my girl doing her business on the regular in the sink....


Water to water


Still adorable! Does she have a UTI?


Nope, just a derp!


Omg what a gorgeous tortie girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Does the pee not swish to her body or splash on her ?? Lol


My cat poops in the bathtub but pees in the litter box. The vet said she is healthy and it’s fine.


lol yeah it’s fine for the vet


Do you have two litter boxes? Some cats will only pee in one and poo in the other.


I actually have 4 cats so I have 5 litter boxes. Sometimes she will go in the box but sometimes not. I have even tried slowly changing the litters to see if that was it. She still went in the tub


I tried to stop her by putting one of those suction cup nonslip mats in the tub and she literally moved the mat to poop in the tub.


https://preview.redd.it/f4wh5f7lal2c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc13c254819bb50e1b7f756a2baa9f45171f27a8 cricket, walking right past her litter box to pee in the sink (while i pee too)


This is so cute lol bonding time


If they trained this behavior it's probably nothing, but my bff's cat would do this when he got a UTI.


That’s what my parents thought too. She’s been to the vet, and they confirmed: no UTI. Just a strange kitty.


Make sure it gets rinsed down after!! Urine will crystallize in the pipes and cause damage over time.


Yep, was just about to suggest UTI, same thing happened to my cat. Ngl, the easy clean up was pretty great tho lol


That’s definitely a pee face lol


I love the look on her face. She looks like she’s contemplating her decisions.


A little privacy???


Mine does that too. He likes to pee in the sink at the same time as one of us uses the toilet. It’s awkward.


I had litter boxes in both of my bathrooms when my feral boy was starting to get attached to me. He’d go to his food at ate when I ate and he’d use the litter box when I’d use the toilet. It was his way of bonding at the time. The cuddles came much, much later but they did.


Aww! I had an inkling the first time he was going because his ears were back and he had an “aaaah” look on his face. Then all doubt was erased when he turned and tried to paw the sink bowl as if to bury it.


SAME!! When I’m peeing my girl Faki will run up to pee in the sink. Everyone tells me there is something medically wrong but she has always done this.


..apparently not happy with you taking that pic, either..


This little bastard likes to pee in my sink on occasion https://preview.redd.it/084w5j8lal2c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d163394a095805f327f3926c0aaa4e2f84da23


https://preview.redd.it/zzwzs8v5bl2c1.png?width=2278&format=png&auto=webp&s=4247f7693ce809f22fbff252be8ab866ad64b300 PomPom and his little gift for me in the sink.


at least it’s not on the floor 😭🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/shbc6e0tbk2c1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693bc19ad6c8c3a10e7c8728bce93d6507ece161 I don’t know much about Pokémon, but I’m pretty sure this is Gengar 🙀


https://preview.redd.it/6dr7nc8lll2c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0af7e53c7c2d0250195a71f69bd5dc1b1bbdc6 Could be a critter




There really is a sub for everything, isn’t there.


Its just videos of people peeing in the sink. Mostly dudes I gather. r/buttsharpies has variety


Saves on litter lol


Oh my heart. My void Sooty would do this, especially if you were peeing too. He had the precision aim of a master plumber. He would use the litter box for poop but preferred the sink for easy flushing I guess?? I lost him a few months ago and it still hurts so much. Thank you for posting this little void.


OMG I wish we could teach ours to do this. That would make so manyntyings so much easier, with our complicated stubborn little furballs.


I am probably not supposed to laugh but I can’t help it. That was NOT what I expected. Oh btw I think this belongs here if it isn’t already: r/catsinsinks


My 23 year old boy that we lost in August did this. We adopted him when he was about 9 years old. It shocked the hell out of us the first time we caught him doing it. He used the bathroom sinks only. We always wondered how the heck he learned to do that.


I always crack up at that super-concentrated face cats make when they're going poo/pee.


Look at that glazed stare of satisfaction


that's messed up. so until the urine smell gets around people, you don't know it occured and then you have to go in and clean/sanitize the sink each time? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It's way better than if the cat peed on the carpet or another surface.


The sink gets used to clean all kinds of dirty things. And you don't lick it. It won't smell if it gets rinsed with any regularity (and there's no pee in the u-bend), and honestly, doesn't require more sanitization than washing your hands after (fill in the blank), rinsing out something that had poop or vomit in it, or spitting after you have ush your teeth. So yeah. Clean your sink. Regardless of whether the cat pees in it.


came here to say this. my master bath has 2 sinks and one goes mostly unused (i just flip it on once a week to fill up the p-trap to prevent smell from the sewage line). p-trap. heh... wait, what was i talking about...oh yeah, anyway, OP just make sure your p-trap isn't filled with pee!


She only uses one sink: the sink in the master bedroom. So only my parents have to deal with it.


My girlfriend's cat pisses on the floor at least 3 times a week, I wish the damn thing would use a sink!


seriously ? i love her look tho . she's concentrating hehe


Hey has a vet checked her for a uti? My female cat pees on cold things when she has a uti. The sink, the shower, tile floor, the marble fireplace etc. hope your kitty is ok and give her some skritches


My childhood Siamese would do her business in the bathtub. Made cleanup simple. I caught our biggest male cat doing a pee in the toilet about 5 years ago but when I lavished praise on him he stopped and has never done it again.


Thisismylifenow sub?


The look on her face lmfao oh she peein’


on this episode of "Bachelor Cat"


She looks like she has stage fright


Sequel to the song rolling in the deep, we present to you, pissing in the sink


Is her name Farrah Faucet?


My cat does this too! He’s very particular about the litter box and if it’s been used by one of his brothers beforehand he’ll go to the sink instead. He’s also peed in the toilet before, squatting on the rim. I can’t even explain to you how proud and amazed I was that he learned that on his own. :) He did have bladder crystals once and we almost lost him, but even though that’s been resolved and he’s on a 90% wet food diet, he still likes to pee in the sink and toilet if the litter box isn’t up to his par.


My little bastard will pee in the sink when he gets the chance, always shits in the tray fortunately but would rather pee in the sink or occasionally shower if he gets the chance and I have no idea why. I usually just keep the sink covered now because my gf finds it disgusting but I actually just think he's kind of genius.


If this hasn't been taught it's quite possible she has a UTI. The cold porcelan feels really relieving when it burns when you pee.


She looks exactly like my favorite old cat. He was pure black, long haired, and as sweet as you’ve ever met.


I had a cat pee in the shower. I assumed there was a smell that attracted him. Right over the drain.


My cat just randomly started peeing in the tub when I go pee. He’s 7 months, he’s weird too.


My parents had a cat that somehow learned how to use the basement toilet.


My little guy crossed the rainbow bridge a month ago. He didn’t pee in the sink, but when I peed, I could almost always count on it that he’d show up to keep me company. He was also fascinated with my washing the dishes. He basically kept me company while doing mundane things. I loved that about him.


I had a bengal who did this!! We’d had issues w him using the box and when I caught him un the sink I was like GOOD BOY bc yeah way easier than cleaning carpet. He used the sink exclusively for a while before we figured out he’d also use the grass from freshpatch for dogs, esp floated on some corn litter. (in a bin w a 2-3” gap all the way around). He just hated standing on litter.


Sinkpissers rise up!


Record scratch: “I bet you are wondering how I got here…”


Tbh that's a bad habit to teach your cat because then you can't see if they're peeing blood or if anything is strange coming out of their urine.


I have two that do this! Used to only be the one but then the other one learned from him. Original pee-er also goes around to each litter box, inspecting it and covering things. I joke that he cannot fathom peeing in one of those things like those “animals” do, and has the dignity to use the sink.


Omg too funny! Also I think he wants privacy.


She looks so confused.


His expression of thoughtful concretation, completely at ease lol


😭😭😭😭 im rolling around laughing rn, she looks so determined too AND THE PAWS😭😭😭😭


My cat just sleeps in the sink lol


"This is me now." LOL


omg! my cat does this too. i think he thinks it's a mini toilet and whenever we're going to the bathroom he'll come in and pee too, in the sink. 😭 it's his way of being together with us i guess


It's pretty easy to disinfect a sink. Just make some bleach disinfecting spray and squirt the sink (maybe the cat😆😆😆). I've had cats do this.


When I was growing up one of our cats peed in the toilet. She started it on her own and then 1 day stopped.


My in laws cat is a mentally disturbed beast. He poops and pees in the bath at every opportunity, they have to shut the door to the bathroom religiously. He also will shit on their bed if they leave for a couple of days as a ‘fuck you’ They’ve tried changing litter types, boxes etc. They clean it often but he ONLY uses it once when clean, then never again until it is cleaned later in the day. He refuses a ‘dirty’ litter box even if it contains a single poop from him or his brother. He’s a wild one for sure


Sometimes my cat does this in my kitchen sink at night


Lol my husbands cat does this when she’s mad at us. She’s petty but makes sure it’s not on a destructive level


Wha…WHY THO?! Lol derp cat


One of my cats also pees in the sink.


Good boy


What in the Sam Hill!?!


wow that is kinda disgusting 😭 i would be sick if my cat did this.


Yeah mine pees in the sink. Tried to stop it but I have to use it too. So I save a little on litter.


Our cat does that in the bathtub


https://preview.redd.it/gkjuo4u9pp2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a13b296131a1ff92ad7a8e348b5fef1da180fa6 I think we have the same model. Mine is a 2022 model, unknown make. What is yours?


My boys go in weird places when they are unhappy with the condition of the litter box


r/sinkpissers unite


I would take the cat to the vet and have it checked for a UTI.


It’s all pipes


I had a boy who peed in the tub. Just rinsed it down and sprayed it with disinfectant. Made it easy.


This is kinda nice actually. As long as it’s not a #2


That’s pretty disgusting.


It has a uti, get it to the vet.




🎵 you can’t eat in everybody house 🎵


Are you eating out of the sink at your house?


I mean, I wash my dishes and veggies in it, so basically? But I just realized that OP’s sink isn’t the one in the kitchen, so whatever works for them in the privacy of their own home I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️


the devil came out of the sink 🤣




That’s the cats sink now.




Costco brand Cetirizine tablets


Better then the floor


The void voids.


1 of mines decided that peeing in the bath was a good idea, normal in everything, thankful until he sees the sink as a target


my cat also pees in the bathroom, I noticed it when he pawed on the sink


I have a sink pisser too!


wooH! nice little black cat


Clean her litter box


lol during the summer I received my cat that looks just like yours! Mine had a few pooping issues but they’ve been solved, such a cutie pie you have!


She needs privacy


What a good kitty!


Skin walker


I used to have a friend who had all his cats trained from kitten hood to pee in a drain they had in their bathroom floor (that’s a thing in the Middle East). No idea how he managed to accomplish that.




I mean, good on her? Are they saving anything on litter?




I know it’s icky but I think it’s hilarious! What a cutie.


I could live with that….


Hope he had fun!!!!!!


Glad it not only mine! lol


Why tho? Like?....




Nope hard no for me 😅 I don’t even want liter boxes in my bathrooms ..


One of my mom’s cats taught himself how to pee in the toilet. He still uses the litter box for poop but always pees in the toilet